Linda's daily check-in

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Post by lpearlmom » Wed Aug 02, 2017 5:48 am

Yeah check it out bluebell. It's pretty good but ignore the diet advice (lots of snacking).

Well dropped my daughter off & cried all the way home (25 mins). Part of what was hard is that it's a different school than the rest of her friends and it's downtown on a busy street. Just felt weird dropping her off in this strange place but she texted me at lunch and said everything was good.

It's an Art school and I get the sense that she feels very comfortable there already. I'm guessing there's a lot of quirky, creative, progressive types there. I think it'll be a good experience. The classes only have 9-15 kids in ea class. Pretty cool.

My weight is up, up Up but at least I had 2 Green Day's.

Soooo tired. Gnight.
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Post by automatedeating » Wed Aug 02, 2017 9:47 pm

I love those delaying tactics! I think I might steal those ideas! Or buy the book... :)

High schooler. Wow. Seems like just yesterday she was 10 and still cuddling in bed with you. Maybe she still does? :)
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Post by lpearlmom » Fri Aug 04, 2017 4:01 pm

Yeah it's great book! Just ignore the food/eating section. He mainly seems to think giving up "processed foods" will cause the extra weight to come off and he encourages snacking on fruit all day long. ... bc?ie=UTF8


Ugh, having a bad day and it's only 8:30 in the morning. I weighed myself and my weight is still up (-34.2 lbs). I can't help but feel a little hopeless. Is this the start of me gaining all the weight back? My hunger is up and food just smells extra good & tempting these days. Is this my body's way of trying to regain everything? Is this why so many weight loss attempt's fail? Ugh, okay trying to pull myself out of this funk. I did get my period yesterday (finally) but my weight is still up. Maybe just give it another day. Plus I ate salty food last night (we ate out). It just feels so unfair some how. Why is this so hard?

Plus, my youngest daughter (12) saw her schedule online and it doesn't look like she's in advanced English this year. I don't understand because she got straight As and tested at a college reading level. I'm guessing it was because she didn't do well on her state tests (although she usually does) but this seems so unfair. Shouldn't it only matter if she can handle the course load? Clearly she can as proved over the last few years.

Lastly, this is stupid but I hate my hair right now. My hairdresser cut it SUPER short and I feel masculine and old and ugh.....

Okay time to go exercise and dig myself out of this hole. Sorry for rant.
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Post by splandrea » Fri Aug 04, 2017 5:29 pm

The part about your hair is not stupid. The same thing happened to me and I feel so gross! Hang in there, it will grow! =)
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Post by lpearlmom » Sat Aug 05, 2017 6:31 am

Thank you splandrea! Sometimes I like it but often I don't. People have weird reactions to it as well. Some people acknowledge my hair cut but don't say it looks nice like just ignore it if you're not going to at least be polite. I saw my friend I hadn't seen in awhile and she said "do you like your hair?" I was thinking why, should I not like it? Odd. I saw a picture of me the other day when I had a short bob and I was 15 lbs thinner. I just want that person back. I sound pathetic I know. I'll get past it.

On the upside, I emailed the principal about my youngest daughter & he called me back this evening. He told me there had been a glitch in the computer & everyone got the wrong schedules. Turns out she is in the high ELA class. *phew* I was not looking forward to that fight. Also, my oldest is loving high school. It's such a good fit for her. I'm very happy for her.

Also, we decided to go to Cancun for my 50th bday next year and I'm pretty excited about that. Everything is going pretty well except for the body/hair dept. I should be able to rise above such meaningless things. Oh well. [/url]
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Post by lpearlmom » Fri Aug 11, 2017 5:49 am

Okay the haircut is already looking a bit better but I'm beyond frustrated with the scale. I've had a green week and have been eating pretty light but the scale is stuck at -35 lbs ( my lowest is -50lbs). That's has got to be some kind of hormonal or water rention thing, right?

We're going to Las Vegas in November with our friend whose wife is gorgeous. I'm being shallow but I really want to be -50 lbs by then. I just think I will feel so much more confident.

Other than that things are good. The girls are thriving in school and I'm completely entrenched in my political groups. Crazy time in history. I hope our democracy survives. I hope the human race survives actually. *sigh*. Easier to worry about a number on the scale actually.

Break: smoothie
Lunch: small salad, banana, nectarine, plum, ðŸ‡
Dinner; fish tacos, chips, beans, 1/2 glass wine ðŸ·

Exercise: short walk with ðŸ¶.
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Post by automatedeating » Fri Aug 11, 2017 5:15 pm

New haircuts always require some getting used to! :)
How are you doing all those little emojis? Nice touch.
And so sorry about that stupid scale. I feel your pain.
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Post by oolala53 » Sun Aug 13, 2017 4:08 am

I feel a little scared for you. What if you do all the "right" things and the weight doesn't come off at the speed you'd like? I hope you can find some satisfaction from the discipline and some vitality from the combo of eating moderately and moving. I always feel sexier when I'm eating moderately and even a little lightly a few days a week.

Not that I'm doing that now. Who knows if I would be better at it if I knew I had a sexual outlet? And I don't mean an electric outlet. :shock: :wink:
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
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Post by lpearlmom » Sat Aug 19, 2017 3:52 am

Still here & still struggling. My body is hanging on to this new weight with dear life. No idea why as my eating continues to be very light. But yes I'm going to need a non-weight related goal or I'm going to drive myself crazy. Time to rethink things.

Everything else is going well though. Kids, marriage, friends etc. Oh and Tuesday Trump is coming to Phoenix even though the mayor asked him not to come. I'm very nervous but plan to be outside protesting. Hopefully things will remain peaceful. ðŸ™

Auto: my iPad was stolen so having to do everything on my 📱 So using emojis on my 🔑 board. I'll replace it st some â˜ï¸ .
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Post by Merry » Sat Aug 19, 2017 5:07 am

lpearlmom wrote:Still here & still struggling. My body is hanging on to this new weight with dear life. No idea why as my eating continues to be very light. But yes I'm going to need a non-weight related goal or I'm going to drive myself crazy. Time to rethink things.

Everything else is going well though. Kids, marriage, friends etc.
I'm sorry--that's really frustrating.

The bolded is pretty great though--the important things in life, right?

(((Hugs))) Hang in there! You went a whole year just with habits without losing as I recall...maybe you can look back to some of the goals you had then that kept you going for this time?
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Post by oolala53 » Sat Aug 19, 2017 4:48 pm

I know I'm a broken record but the non-scale motivations have always been what sustained me. I don't want to offer un-guaranteed hope, but my drops in weight almost always happened well into periods of lighter eating, not right up front. I enjoyed the lighter eating, too. That's the only reason I found out the weight loss followed, but it wasn't the motivation. The body will sometimes push back after awhile, even though it's enjoyable just because that's often what it does, or so I think. I just can't torture myself with thinking there's a magic formula to make it all carefree, short of moving to France or Italy. That's not out of the question, but not for weight loss!

I think you're brave to go to protest. Who knows who is going to show up and with what justifications for their behavior? But the odds are good it will be safe for most.

Of course you've seen the Tina Fey skit from SNL on eating cake. (She did it on an S day. )
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Post by lpearlmom » Sun Aug 20, 2017 4:37 pm

Thanks Merry. That's good advice. I remember focusing on the fact that I was sticking to something (I have commitment issues) and that I could visually see I wasn't overeating anymore. It also felt great not to constantly obsess over food. I guess I've taken that for granted till as of late that is.

Oolala: I appreciate the "broken record" because it's true. I wish I didn't need to be reminded of it so often. Honestly, the hardest thing about this recent weight gain (about 5-7 lbs) is that I'm embarrassed to see people that gushed over my weight loss. But honestly, it's one of those things that people will follow my lead on. If I'm confident & not making a big deal about it, nobody else will either. In fact, they may not even notice.

So after a couple weeks of stressing out and trying to figure out how to get this weight off (plus some) I realized that this kind of thinking is how I used to live, and it's making me miserable. Do I really deserve to be miserable just because I put on a few pounds? I don't think so. What I decided is I just need to get back to NoS and be honest about sticking to it. If I'm honest, I've been skipping meals but not sticking to NoS which really just ends up making me a bit crazy.

I realized it's been six years since I've even read the Nos book so I dusted that off (pulled it out of my kindle archives) and gave it a quick re-read. Wow, does it make a whole lot of commonsense and I remember why I was attracted to this diet in the first place. The parts about strictness making it easier in the long run and focusing on habit not scale (I know you've been saying this forever oolala :oops: ) finally came together in a way that makes sense.

All I can do is focus on what I can control. The scale is a fickle beast so it's not that. The habits are clearly definable and within my control so I can focus on that. I eventually want to try for 90 green days with the expectation that I will slip up a lot before reaching that goal. I'm going to make sure I do my job with sticking to NoS and let go of the rest. It doesn't mean I'll stop wanting to be thinner but I need to stop trying to control it. I'll put my energy towards sticking to the rules and hope my body does it's part.

And this is where I'd usually say that if the scale doesn't cooperate, I'll tweak things but honestly that sends me into a bit of a panic. I hear diet & restriction and it puts me into Sunday Night Before a New Diet Binge mode. This is all I'm willing to do right now and I need to be honest about it.

I'm willing to...

1. eat on 3 small plates,
2. eat healthy fairly light meals,
3. do a minimal amount of exercise (at least 1 sit-up & 1 30 sec HIIT
4. eat freggies w/ each meal
5. drink a large bottle of water each day
6. Be VERY strict with my NoS rules

I'm not yet willing to....

1. Skip breakfast
2. Include fasting days
3. Force myself to long intense exercise periods
4. cut out all alcohol
5. Drink my tea black

It doesn't mean I might not be wanting to do those things later on. I never thought I'd be ready to add freggies to every meal or go to smaller plates but now it's a no brainer. I force tweaks when I'm not ready, it will just backfire on me.

Anyway so that's where I'm at, ready to take this NoS thing a bit more serious i guess. That may sound weird considering how long I've been doing it but I guess I've always kind of regarded NoS as kind of something Reinhard got lucky by stumbling upon. I didn't realize how well thought out it really is. I guess that's kind of insulting to Reinhard but figured it was more something he intuitively discovered. Having the solid reasons for each idea, does help me though.

As far as going to the protest on Monday, I feel like I can't stay home. Maybe it's a bit reckless of me but I can't help thinking about all the people that have to be brave everyday just because of the color of their skin or the accent of their voice. Surely I can be brave for one day.

Okay wish me luck!
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Post by oolala53 » Sun Aug 20, 2017 4:52 pm

Seeing what you're willing to do and not do is so...crisp! Right along the concept of bright lines, and I don't mean the big online diet program.
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Post by Bluebell » Sun Aug 20, 2017 7:14 pm

Hi Ipearlmom, I have been following your check in, I didn't feel I had anything really helpful to say, but I am so pleased that you seem to have found a way to work through your recent struggles.
Regarding the few pounds weight gain, I think you're right on the money when you say that others won't care, or even notice. When I've had a little panic about the numbers on the scale, I always ask myself 'Is anyone going to know apart from me?' Of course the answer is no, and the knowledge of that helps me relax again. Which in turn allows me to give NoS my full attention.
I think your lists are clear and concise, and will give you a workable framework. Refocusing on the basics sounds like such a solid plan. Good luck over the next few weeks and months, I know you can do this!
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Post by lpearlmom » Mon Aug 21, 2017 4:58 am

Thanks for the support you guys!

Today was pretty good although I did overdo it at dinner. I just feel so lethargic when I overeat. I'm looking forward to getting back on track tomorrow.

Break: 2 pieces of toast, 2 veggie sausages, herbal coffee
Lunch: double veggie burger on sandwich thin w/ avocado
Snack: boba, 4 figs
Dinner: pastrami sandwich, chips
Dessert: 3 lollipops

Still trying to figure out these dang S days.
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Post by oolala53 » Mon Aug 21, 2017 5:20 am

Curious. Were you hungry for dinner?
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Post by lpearlmom » Mon Aug 21, 2017 5:28 am

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Post by ironchef » Tue Aug 22, 2017 1:32 am

Just catching up on your thread, love your well thought out ideas after re-reading the book. Could be time for me to re-read too! Pulling for you over here in Oz!
As far as going to the protest on Monday, I feel like I can't stay home. Maybe it's a bit reckless of me but I can't help thinking about all the people that have to be brave everyday just because of the color of their skin or the accent of their voice. Surely I can be brave for one day.
This is beautiful, Linda. To paraphrase Christy Moore, only the very safe can decide to stay home and eat cake. Jokes and satire are fine for entertainment, but getting out on the street, supporting candidates and getting out the vote, which you are doing, are the real means of peaceful change. Very best wishes for Tuesday.

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Post by lpearlmom » Tue Aug 22, 2017 4:30 am

Thank you Iron! I'm getting a little more nervous but we're going as a group so I'm sure it'll be okay.

Green Day!! I was very strict w the rules and it felt great. I even got other people to be my tasters when making dinner.

Break: smoothie
Lunch: vegan Brussel sprout Cesear salad, iced chai
Dinner: chickpea curry w quinoa, plain yogurt w/ fruit, tea

Exercise: biked 4 1/2 miles; walked dogs 15 mins.
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Post by oolala53 » Wed Aug 23, 2017 5:14 am

I'm not sure going as a group would protect anyone. But the odds are with any one person attending.

I didn't read any news on it, but I hope it stayed peaceful. Just read a chilling article on how anti-Nazi German protesters actually helped make them more powerful. And the comments afterward proved the author's point.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
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Post by lpearlmom » Wed Aug 23, 2017 6:29 am

I'm home safe & sound! Was a great experience although I heard they pepper sprayed the crowd after we left. Not sure why. Everyone was very peaceful except a few Trump supported who were trying to start a fight.

To see all those ppl there was very uplifting. I'm exhausted & feel very good about my decision to go.

Another Green Day too. Woot!

Break: smoothie
Lunch: oatmeal w fruit & nuts, chai
Dinner: falafel sandwich & lentil soup.

Exercise: 5 mile bike 🚴; walked all over for protest. Exhausted.

Decided to try default meals. Smoothie for breakfast & I actually like Reinhardt optimized oatmeal lunch idea so trying it. My default for going out for dinner & lunch will be salads. I'll save the richer food for S days.
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Post by ironchef » Wed Aug 23, 2017 6:30 am

Linda, hope all went well.

oolala, first rule of internet articles (or Youtube videos for that matter) - don't read the comments :)

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Post by lpearlmom » Wed Aug 23, 2017 6:33 am

Thx iron! Was a tremendous turn out ! I agree about comments. Either way I'll continue to protest.
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Post by ironchef » Wed Aug 23, 2017 8:51 am

oops, must have been posting at the same time :)

So good to hear!

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Post by oolala53 » Thu Aug 24, 2017 6:04 am

I can't believe I never thought of having default N day dining out meals. I think soup-ish things could be options in winter, such as we have.
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Age 69
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Post by Merry » Thu Aug 24, 2017 5:49 pm

I'm finally back online--loved your thoughts posted after re-reading the book! Good for you!
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Post by lpearlmom » Sat Aug 26, 2017 2:34 am

yah, I hate sitting in restaurant trying to decide if I should get something heavier just because I'm out or eat my normal lighter N day way. On an S day, it's a no-brainer. I want N days to be an no brainer too.

Btw, Oolala just wanted to tell we don't protest to try to change people's minds so much, but to help motivate people to get active in politics. This harvard study shows that this is effective actually: ... you-think/

(Luckily, there were no KKK groups there.)

Thanks Merry! Glad you're back. Btw, I love your new tag line.

Today was good. A full week of green days--woot! That feels pretty good. I didn't weigh myself this week so was able to just focus on how it feels good to eat moderately and to keep my commitment. I'm going to try weighing myself just once a month. I haven't been able to go that long without weighing in the recent past but I realize it's easier to do when I'm having green days. When I'm struggling sometimes it's a good reality check as I tend to imagine things are worse (or better if I'm in denial mode) than they really are.

I also like how Reinhard points out that being ridiculously strict with a rule can be kind of fun. It's like a game and feels good to be so clear about something. That's what I did this week. I took the rules very literally which worked well for me.

I was also able to get up early a few days this week and go bike riding w/ my dh. So hard to get up but dang does it feel good to start the day off that way. I'm feeling pretty good.

Break: Smoothie
Lunch: kale and quinoa salad, large sf chai
dinner: bowl of enchilada soup, bean chips w/ guac, small bowl of muesli and fruit,, glass of wine

(looks like a lot of food but was little bits on a small plate. I put my bowls on my small plate. )
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Post by Bluebell » Sat Aug 26, 2017 6:56 pm

Congratulations on a green week, and for hanging on in there through the tough times. Onwards! :)
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Post by lpearlmom » Sun Aug 27, 2017 4:00 am

Thanks Bluebell!

Today was pretty good. My only rules for today was to have some planned treats and not to eat to the point of feeling sick. Sounds like a low bar but it helps me to stay at least somewhat mindful. Knowing I have some planned treats makes snacking randomly less desirable.

I had a very mellow day. My younger daughter is at a sleepover and my older daughter was exhausted from a sleepover last night. I mostly watched tv while doing a text bank for a local candidate.

I saw that the white supremacy rally in san fran was cancelled because they were afraid of counter-protesting. Woot!

Break: 4 Palmiers, coffee
lunch:1/2 turkey & avo sandwich, bbq chips
snack: 2 lolipops, chai, other 1/2 sandwich
dinner: bowl of enchilada soup, chips
dessert: pecan bar, glass of milk

A lot of food, yes but I don't feel sick.

Tomorrow's planned treats--froyo, popcorn, boba.
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Post by lpearlmom » Mon Aug 28, 2017 2:45 am

Okay, today I feel sick. Blech...I feel so lethargic and my heads hurt.

It's amazing how much better I feel on the days I get a morning ride in and stick to my three meals. It's like night and day. I did manage to stop myself at one point when I was eating chips and guacamole. I told myself "you know you don't need to keep eating, you can just call it a night." It was kind of a relief. I do a lot of eating because I can and wanting to get all my treats in. I need to remind myself I can have more treats the following weekend.

Looking forward to having an N day!

2 veggie sausages, muesli w/ fruit, bite of muffin, 1/2 cookie
cookie, part of soft pretzel, large chai
chipotle salad w/ chicken, chips and guac, margarita
3 lollipops
Last edited by lpearlmom on Mon Aug 28, 2017 5:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ironchef » Mon Aug 28, 2017 3:54 am

Good on you for being aware and stopping when it wasn't pleasurable anymore! I often have the same weird thinking on a Sunday night "gotta get my treats", even after 5 years of having the weekend roll around every week :)

I often have an odd headache in the evenings at the end of S days, which I think could be sugar?

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Post by Merry » Mon Aug 28, 2017 4:19 am

I have that "gotta get my treats in" thing too. Hoping someday I'll overcome that! Sometimes I can say, "I'll see xyz treat again" and that will work...other times I don't do so well though!
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Post by lpearlmom » Tue Aug 29, 2017 3:20 am

Thanks Merry & Iron! Good to know I'm not alone. I really need to figure out how to enjoy my treats more on S days.

Today was good but I felt SO hungry. Mondays are always tough after a day of gorging.

Breakfast: date & banana smoothie, "coffee"
Lunch: TJ chicken & noodle salad, apple
Dinner: two beet burgers, sweet pot fries, 3 figs, glass wine

exercise: 15 min walk, evening swim
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Post by lpearlmom » Wed Aug 30, 2017 4:00 am

Green Day!

Break: smoothie
lunch: several pieces sushi, miso soup, sf chai
Dinner: pesto chicken, cauliflower mash, salad, fruit and yogurt, wine

Exercise: bike 6.7 miles
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Post by ironchef » Thu Aug 31, 2017 2:04 am

Nice work Linda! Lots of exercise this week :)

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Post by lpearlmom » Fri Sep 01, 2017 2:00 pm

+3 lbs aaaaarrrghhh!

Weighed myself to get a monthly weight. Still up despite exercise and Green Day's. :/ I know, I know....patience. 😒

(Thx iron for encouragement.)
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Post by oolala53 » Fri Sep 01, 2017 11:01 pm

Well, it probably means you're more likely to go down than up.

I have a theory that heat makes the body want to hold on to all the water it can. Probably cockeyed, since it releases sweat that gets dried off so fast we don't know it. But unless I am eating very lightly, I don't get the effect on my feet where the metatarsals show, which we equate with thinness. My feet even seem to swell more, even in our driest heat.

Oh, to live in a time and place where none of this had meaning!
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Post by lpearlmom » Sat Sep 02, 2017 4:08 am

Well, I'm going to cling to that possibility for now. It's still in the triple digits. Ugh.

Well, I ended up having a red day but nothing drastic. We took the girls out for a nice dinner and ended up sharing some appetizers. I tried to tell myself it was virtual plating but I ate a whole plate of food on top of that and then of course helped myself to a couple of bites of dessert.

It's pretty laughable at how many different plans I've tried for my S days but yes, I'm trying another one. I just want to be able to enjoy some treats without feeling ill. That should be possible, no?

My S plan is to be very strict with my three meals and allow 3 extra small plates of food on top of that at mid-morning, mid-afternoon and 1 at dessert. No picking or snacking outside of that. Going out to dinner I can relax any rules because I actually tend to nagivate eating well at restaurants.

I've decided to award myself with a green day if I stick to this plan on S days, but if I fail it's a yellow not a red. That'll be the difference. Okay, we'll see. So far nothing has stuck for S days.

Oh I've been having a lot of stress. I stupidly agreed to be the co-chair for two activists groups and I really have regretted taking on the 2nd position. The first group is an Indivisible group I started and I really enjoy it. The 2nd one is a Stronger Together group and it is pretty thankless.

I finally had enough and told my co-chair I wanted to reduce my duties. She seemed annoyed or maybe just confused in her email and my stress rose. My stomach was in knots for days and I felt like I just needed to end it. Well, my co-chair was not easy to break up with. I tried to explain it but she took it as an attack on her when it really wasn't anything she had done.

Ugh, she called me today and just want to re-hash everything. The whole thing felt just so uncomfortable and I have so much guilt about the whole thing. Not for leaving but for doing it so suddenly and not very eloquently. I feel like this lady hates me now and she's really very sweet. The thing is the activist world in AZ is pretty small. It's really not smart to burn any bridges. Ah well, I thought I'd avoided all this stuff but not having a proper job. Guess not.

Break: smoothie, fruit, "coffee"
Lunch: large salad, 4 pieces of sushi, large sf chai
Dinner: split eggplant dip and baked goat cheese; large caesar salad w/ salmon, couple bites toffee pudding, glass of wine, cocktail

exercise: 25 min walk

looks more like an S day. Oh well. I think I'm going to have to cut back on my drinks at some point.
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Post by oolala53 » Sat Sep 02, 2017 10:40 pm

I was a volunteer usher for a prestigious theater in town (one which has a waiting list of 500 people for ushers.) I had got on the team when there was a different team captain and a woman inherited the spot. I did have a few screwups and it was during the time I was teaching advanced students and was extremely overwhelmed. She called and left messages over and over to get in touch with her. Then she wanted to rake me over the coals over and over. I know she wanted me to say that it would never happen again, but how could I say that in all honesty? The screw ups weren't on purpose. I did apologize over and over. Finally, I said, you know, I've apologized several times and I'm don't know what you want. I can't change the past. It seems I'm not meeting your standard for the volunteer team. I'm willing to part ways." She went back and started complaining about my behavior again! For some reason, she didn't want it to come to that. But she finally relented. Honestly, I was so busy at that time and I don't care what reputation that theater has, some of those shows were boring. Not that I won't consider trying to get on a different team when I retire. I hear the Shakespeare plays, which the theater complex was founded for, are the least popular. I'd be interested in those. Though we have to be there 90 minutes early, and then we spend most of the time sitting around.

Anyway, you've probably done all you can now.
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Post by lpearlmom » Sun Sep 03, 2017 4:37 am

Yeah, sometimes interacting with other humans is so painfully awkward. I thought about sending her an email after our conversation because she took so much of what I said the wrong way, but then I thought I should probably just end it. Can I just avoid everyone besides my family? Or maybe just a small break then.

I did stick to my S day plan, but still feel ick. Too many carbs, I think. Plus, was a very lazy day. I basically did nothing other than the bills. Hopefully tomorrow will be a little more productive.

Break: museli and fruit
snack: bagel w/ cream cheese
lunch: small bag of baked chips w/ s. cream, Large sf chai
dinner: avocado toast w/ salmon; 2 deviled eggs
dessert: 2 lollipops and a 1/2 glass of wine.
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Post by oolala53 » Sun Sep 03, 2017 4:25 pm

I think I know now why people become hermits, though one of my friends calls it being reclusive. He admits he doesn't get much satisfaction from interacting on personal basis with many people. The fascinating thing to me is that he feels very little regret or guilt or anything over it. An interesting thing is that he has said he doesn't know what he'll do when his mother dies because he is closest to her of anyone. But he insists he can't retire, yet,his mother is now in a facility because she can't live on her own. He has also admitted that he could work anywhere, but he is hundreds of miles from her. I know she would really like to see him more. I don't mean he should have moved in to take care of her, but just to live near enough to visit a few times a week. I wonder if it will occur to him after she's gone.
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Post by lpearlmom » Mon Sep 04, 2017 5:14 am

Yeah, I sometimes think it'd be easier not to have friends but I think about how that'l probably leave me all alone at some point. I usually do really well at the beginning of friendships. Then the honeymoon stage ends. I guess my expectation are too high. It's all good. I just need to step back for a bit sometimes.

Went off my plan a bit today. Not too bad. I still think it's a pretty good plan. I feel icky though. Lethargic and chubby. Of course I had to run into an old friend at the movies tonight who lost a bunch of weight and looks great. She also went on about her daughter (same age as my oldest) how she barely gets any sleep because she's in all these AP classes plus doing plays. That was fun!

Breakfast: Breakfast sandwich , fruit, "coffee"
snack: fruit, handful of nuts
Lunch: cheese and veggie melted sandwich
snack: piece of banana bread
Dinner: lentil soup, salad
snack/dessert: popcorn, glass of wine, 2 lollipops

Feels like my whole day was centered around food.

exercise: bike ride--7 miles; quick swim
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Post by oolala53 » Wed Sep 06, 2017 1:13 pm

I'm asking a few longtimers if they remember someone who posted about the website Eat Like a Normal Person. I thought there was a thread named for it, but my eyes are crossing looking for it. I avoided the site for a long time because I thought it would be too much like IE. It's not that bad but the freedom and joy she promises up front I can imagine would set some people up. No one can predict how easy something will be for someone else. Anyway, I won't get into a critique of it here. Do you remember reading a post about it?

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Post by gingerpie » Wed Sep 06, 2017 3:32 pm

Here's the link. I remember the original post but I don't remember where it was. ... al-person/

I like some of what she has to to say but I doubt if it's for everyone.

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Post by oolala53 » Thu Sep 07, 2017 6:14 am

I wanted to write to the person who commented. She probably called her thread something else.

I did take a look at the site and it did actually reignite the sense of the price paid for unreined in overdoing it, especially of junk food. I think you don't eat much junk food, but I had fallen back into ingesting a lot of bread, Cheezits, Cheetos, and sweets, to name a few things. It's helped me the last couple of days and I feel determined to keep the week sane. I need to get over the hump.

What I didn't like is that she promised such ecstasy and instant release. It just reminds me of diet books. She gets a ton of traffic and I'm sure people get all excited, but then what? What happens three months, six months, a year from now? If you imply that people won't fail, or have a strategy for it, it's too easy for them to give up. Not that she won't have her successes. When a ton of people try something, it's going to work for someone. I got other stuff, but it's not as if you invited an analysis!
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Post by Whosonfirst » Thu Sep 07, 2017 12:43 pm

Linda, I like your signature line tracking GD's in a row. I think the same way, but need to get my butt in gear. Trace
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Eat like a normal person

Post by Larkspur » Thu Sep 07, 2017 8:35 pm

I wonder if it was me--? I've read that site, and I thought there was a lot of sense in it. But then I'm probably putting myself in an echo chamber :) I've been drawn to the no-diet approach since Jane Brody described how she lost 35 pounds a million years ago doing what was basically No-S, only with a little bit of a sweet daily instead of S days. Of course back then fat was the villain.

To be honest, the best luck I've had with weight loss was Five Factor, which is clean eating 6 days with a cheat day, five meals a day. I'm a convert of three meals (normal A1C! hallelujiah!) but I'm trying to get back to clean eating, because I feel better on it and let's face it, at 51, I'm not likely to lose weight otherwise.

I suspect the ecstasy comes from the dramatic relief people feel when they don't have to diet anymore, don't you think? I always go through a bit of that when I find something I think it finally going to solve the problem. Maybe the real victory I can point to after 25 years of being overweight (thank you, first child!) is that I pretty much avoided the "and then some" problem. Although now that the Meno Fairy has arrived, we'll see if that holds true.

As we NoSers are aware, there is quite a bit of alarming evidence that sharp calorie restriction contributes to weight gain over time. So the better you are at disciplining and corralling yourself, the worse your problem will ultimately be? Bummer, man.

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Post by lpearlmom » Fri Sep 08, 2017 12:39 am

Thanks whose! I haven't been doing so great this week either. :/

Oolala, I do remember that website. It's interesting for sure but I found it a little confusing. There's not a whole lot of direction and not sure how much scientific sense it makes. So yeah I agree with you.

Yeah, I don't eat junk food unless it's at a party or something. My mom was a hippie and into healthy eating so nothing like that was allowed. I think my tastes buds just adapted to it. Of course, overeating is a whole different story. I feel a little lighter today although I'm still not weighing. A lot of the bloat seems to be gone. I'm pretty sure this recent weight gain is hormone related. Or maybe it's because I've been eating more carbs lately?

Of course, just as I was starting to feel a bit better about my body, DH told me that in order to improve my reflux I should start losing lots and lots of weight. Wow, he makes it sounds like I'm 500 pounds. On top of that he never compliments my appearance. Not even when I was 120 pounds and 25 years old and had men falling at my feet. I know he loves me but not sure he finds me attractive. Maybe he just fell in love with my amazing personality. Why doesn't that feel like enough? I'm feeling a lot of pain right now and not sure how to get past it.

Haven't really been sticking to NoS these last couple of days but not overdoing it either. Been getting up early a few times a week and riding my bike with DH. That always feels great. I've also been doing the Nike app iron recommended. Well okay I did it twice but it's good. Definitely left me sore the next day and my daughter even joined me on one of those days so I'll likely continue with it.

Break: bagel w/ cream cheese; 2 veggie sausages
lunch: baked potato w/ cheese and s. cream, small bowl of quinoa salad
dinner: tba
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Post by Merry » Fri Sep 08, 2017 3:25 am

Maybe I didn't look at the right page on the site to get much out of it. I was on the one where she kept saying she was going to say what the secret was about binging--and the lead-up hype kept going on and on. It reminded me of a snake-oil type of site. I just find that annoying! (and then her "reason" didn't really resonate with me, but I was having trouble "trusting" the site at that point because of how it read...)
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Post by Merry » Fri Sep 08, 2017 3:31 am

lpearlmom wrote:On top of that he never compliments my appearance. Not even when I was 120 pounds and 25 years old and had men falling at my feet. I know he loves me but not sure he finds me attractive. Maybe he just fell in love with my amazing personality. Why doesn't that feel like enough? I'm feeling a lot of pain right now and not sure how to get past it.
(((Hugs))) I think it's normal to want to be told we're pretty. I also think some guys just don't think about saying/communicating in certain ways and may need instruction! That he has never made comments leads me to think it hasn't occurred to him to say he finds you beautiful out loud, rather than that he doesn't think you're attractive. (Now I have Billy Joel's Tell her About it running through my head, LOL!)
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Post by oolala53 » Fri Sep 08, 2017 4:49 am

Hmm, that's tough. Our biology conditions us to want to feel desired, partly for procreation and for acceptance into the group, which means survival.

I wonder if there's anything he'd really like to hear from you, something he'd like to be approved of for.

How important is it for you to avoid the GERD symptoms? What could you give up? Were the symptoms worse when you were heavier? Do you carry the weight around your waist? I've read it's abdominal fat that is correlated with the problem. Not that you can target that but it sounds like it's not a vanity issue anymore.

Then again, I put up with a lot of discomfort to overeat for a long time and still do sometimes now. Oy vey.
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Post by lpearlmom » Fri Sep 08, 2017 4:08 pm

Thanks Merry & Oolala. We talked a long time last night and we're okay now. It sounds like he's just really worried about my health because of the issues he sees with obese people in his practice.

Ugh, I'm so sad. To lose 40 lbs and it's still not enough. I guess the reality is I need to lose more weight. But we all know that's easier said then done and then I have to figure out how to maintain it. My whole life I've been struggling with this. It never ends.

Oolala: I do carry my weight in the middle. I'm an apple girl all the way. It would be worth it. I'm tired of all the medication I have to take, having to sleep on a wedge pillow, carrying tums everywhere I go and it would wonderful to enjoy a cup of coffee again. I just don't really know if I can lose any more weight no matter how motivated I am.

I will stick to NoS but try smaller portions, lighter food, less beverages, more exercises I guess. Ugh.
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Post by Larkspur » Fri Sep 08, 2017 11:14 pm

I'm glad you and your DH were able to talk about it. It is frustrating if you focus on it, and when you're having GERD it's hard not to focus. You have kept off a big chunk of weight which few people accomplish, so that's fabulous right there. I don't know if it's possible or helpful to shift focus but *I* see you as responsible and attentive to your health habits.

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Post by oolala53 » Fri Sep 08, 2017 11:26 pm

Tough lessons. The websites I looked at say that dropping 10% makes a big difference. You dropped a LOT more than that! But to some degree, health problems are pernicious.

So, does he know you'd like to be admired for your appearance sometimes?
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
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Post by automatedeating » Sat Sep 09, 2017 1:04 am

Hello apple from your apple friend. I've been working out in front of mirrors and man am I hot-looking from the back. Turn to the side and -- oolala!!!! Haha not the real oolala of course.
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
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Post by lpearlmom » Sat Sep 09, 2017 3:39 am

Thanks Larkspur. I guess trying to lose weight for health reasons is better than focusing on my appearance.

Oolala: So I didn't have reflux before I lost the weight. It started after I got my gallbladder out. Btw, apparently losing a chunk of weight, being a woman and being over 40s all increase your chances of your gallbladder out. I'm not really sure why I have reflux. I had an endoscopy and all looked fine. Other reasons ruled out too so losing weight is the next thing I'm suppose to try. If it doesn't work, we can rule it out. But should be tried before anything as drastic as surgery.

My DH knows how I feel. This has been an issue for many, many years. My therapists says we have just different love languages. I just try to remember his many other good qualities--he helps me with the kids and around the house, he never forgets bdays, valentines day etc, we have a lot of fun together, he's loyal, and he's always there for me when I'm feeling down. He's a good husband. Just stubborn as all out.

Auto: that side view is just so lovely right?

So today, I just tried to keep things a bit lighter. *shrug*

+1.3 lbs

Break: nf , plain yogurt w/ berries nf "latte"
Lunch: sugar free chai, small plate of crudites w/ hummus
Dinner: small piece of zucchini noodle lasagna, spaghetti squash, 2 small apples, 1/2 glass wine

Exercise: 15 min nike app exercises
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Post by gingerpie » Sat Sep 09, 2017 5:34 pm

-he helps me with the kids and around the house, he never forgets bdays, valentines day etc, we have a lot of fun together, he's loyal, and he's always there for me when I'm feeling down.

I'm not sure he can get much more clear than what he's been. It's too bad that you have been having trouble "hearing" it as that can make for some seriously icky feelings.
Ugh, I'm so sad. To lose 40 lbs and it's still not enough.
It is hard when we work hard, do what we have to do and yet somehow still come up lacking. I don't really have any words of wisdom other than empathy. I sometimes feel the same way . . . lost some weight, changed eating habits, exercise habits, heck, even household management habits and yet there's always another problem to solve or hurdle to cross. There are definitely days that I think it's all just unfair. Honestly, I've never come up with a great way to deal with those days other than to remind myself that had I not made those changes things probably would be much worse and (perhaps more importantly) that those days pass and better ones roll around.

I hope you find your energy soon. I'll be rooting for you.
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Post by lpearlmom » Mon Sep 11, 2017 3:54 am

Thanks ginger! It would also be great if dh could muster up a compliment now and then but marriage is all about compromise right ? Honestly it only comes up a couple times a year.

Yeah it's hard coming to terms with coming up short. I think I've been in denial about my true size though. I'm really good at that. Really most of my life I was at most 5-10 lbs over my desired weight but never overweight. It's only been these last 10 years or so that I've gotten to the obese range. It seems unfathomable I could have actually been some 80 lbs overweight. Crazy how we can deceive ourselves.

Anyway, my mom took me to Sedona for the weekend while dh watched the kids and we had a really nice time. My mom doesn't eat a lot so it wasn't hard keeping things reasonable.

Break: egg white spinach omelet , chai
Lunch: veg patty on sandwich thin, couple bites of turkey sandwich
Dinner: few bites of beef jerky, small piece of veg lasagna, glass wine
Dessert: small piece of fudge, lollipop

PS Sorry about the un-NoS like quotation. Just trying to get motivated!
Last edited by lpearlmom on Mon Sep 11, 2017 12:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ironchef » Mon Sep 11, 2017 4:00 am

Linda, much sympathy from me! My husband doesn't seem to notice my appearance, in fact when I lost weight on No S he only commented because his female family members mentioned it to him! But the upside is that when I was late in my second pregnancy, and felt huge and awful and my legs were like sausages and had varicose veins all over them, he didn't notice that either. Perhaps sometimes they just have an image of us (as an attractive person they love) and then they don't need to notice the current specifics?

The only thing I have found is that if I compliment him on his appearance, he will be prompted to return the favor. So, if we're heading out for the night and I say "you look great, I really like that blue jacket on you", he'll then say "Thanks, you look really nice too". I know that sounds like I'm fishing for compliments, but I think he really just doesn't think of it until he's reminded.

I'm glad you had a nice weekend with your mom, sounds like a lovely break.

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Post by ironchef » Mon Sep 11, 2017 6:52 am

Forgot to say, yay that you are using the NTC app. I've been enjoying it so far, and it is so varied it really looks like something for everyone. Even if I can only squeeze in 7 minutes, there seems to be something worthwhile.

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Post by lpearlmom » Tue Sep 12, 2017 3:52 am

Thanks for sharing iron. Sounds exactly like my DH. 😊 I guess some men are just like that. He's really not focused on appearances in general so hey I guess it makes sense. I think it's just hard when I'm feeling insecure but maybe I shouldn't rely on other ppl to make myself feel better.

Today was good. Had some hunger but worked through it.

Break: smoothie, "coffee"
Lunch : veg patty on sandwich thin, baked chips, cup of miso soup, nf chai
Dinner: steak, cauliflower mash, salad, glass wine

Exercise: 35 min bike ride; 25 min walk w/ dogs
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Post by lpearlmom » Wed Sep 13, 2017 3:28 am

Didn't sleep well last night because of my reflux. It was probably from too much caffeine (chai) with a glass of wine on top of it. Of course I had another chai today. I'm not good at deprivation. I did skip the wine. Felt very hungry today. Not feeling very confident in my ability to lose any more weight but all I can do is keep trying.

Break: cantaloupe w/ no plain yogurt "coffee
Lunch: taco salad no shell, sf chai
Dinner: skinnytaste Santa Fe salad, apple

Exercise: 7 min Nike app.
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Post by ironchef » Thu Sep 14, 2017 4:42 am

Sorry to hear you had a bad night. I now and again have a bad night with heartburn, it really is so painful, on top of the lost sleep!

Good on you for keeping up with the NTC, even though you were poorly slept. It's much harder to get motivated for exercise when you are tired.

Keep putting one foot in front of the other! Confidence might come and go, but you can keep heading in the right direction.

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Post by lpearlmom » Thu Sep 14, 2017 4:55 am

Thanks iron! I slept well last night luckily & dh & I woke up early to ride bikes. I was in a serious funk though today bordering on depression so gave myself the day off from house stuff & NoS. I basically watched movies, cried a bit & did some journaling. I snacked a bit but kept everything light & healthy. I think the pressure to lose weight is getting to me. My gf suggested I take weight loss drugs. Do I really seem that hopeless?

I think I just need to change my mindset. It's not about deprivation. It's about ultimately feeling better right ?

Break: smoothie
Lunch: veg patty, kimchi, fruit, baked chips
Snack: a couple rice cakes w nf cottage cheese
Dinner: bowl of vegan pumpkin chili w avocado & bean chips, glass wine
Dessert: several vegan power balls.

Exercise: biked 5-6 miles (fast)
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Post by ironchef » Thu Sep 14, 2017 6:45 am

Sorry you had a tough day, and really glad you still got your riding in. Sounds like giving yourself a day off was a good move.

Absolutely helps to shift the focus away from deprivation, because if I focus on feelings of missing out I usually am only one step away from justifying a blow out (YOLO!). Ultimately you are trying to feel better all the time, including pain free sleep. And that's the opposite of deprivation.

Hope tomorrow is better!

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Post by lpearlmom » Fri Sep 15, 2017 4:59 am

Thanks iron! Seems my dark mood as lifted. *phew*. At least I'm learning what I need to do to help me out of those moments. DH admitted he's gained a bit of weight back too so maybe some of this is him projecting ?

Anyway, the good news is that he's motivated to get back into biking with me. I really enjoy when we work out together. It'll work out. All I can do, is try my best. The thing about trying to lose weight is you can put 100% into it, do everything right and still come up short. Sometimes you just can't fight biology. That's why focusing on getting in shape (whatever that means) is usually a better idea. But if I'm honest I want to lose weight too. For my health issues and just because I feel like it holds me back sometimes. *shrug*

Break: smoothie
Lunch: vegan burger patty, rice cake w/ no cottage cheese, sf chai
Dinner: skinytaste taco salad, glass wine

Exercise: 25 min walk w ðŸ¶, 15 min Nike app
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Post by lpearlmom » Sat Sep 16, 2017 5:01 am

Oh dear, my body is so messed up. I got my period today and its two weeks early. That explains the moods. I'm wondering if this is more signs of peri menopause?

A bit of a red day but not too bad. I was re-reading Skinny girl which is a little weird but what struck me was how she'll order what she really wants but then just eat half of it. I'm sure that seems really obvious to most ppl but it just kind of hit me that oh yeah I don't have to eat everything just cuz it's on my plate. So at lunch today I left some of my food on my plate and it was pretty freeing. Weird, I know.

I'm starting to change my attitude about this whole thing. You know how some ppl have these really difficult things in their lives but instead of letting it defeat them, they rise above it and their weakness becomes their strength? Maybe I can do that with my weight issues somehow.

Actually I took a yoga class today and at first was nervous about looking in the big ol mirror but I actually thought I looked pretty good. That was a bit of a relief. It's not the end of the world being a few pounds overweight okay more like 20-30 lbs but still. I'm so tired... had trouble sleeping then woke up at 5:30 am to go bike riding.

Break: smoothie, banana
Lunch: 1 chicken kabob, roasted veggies, fruit, sf chai
Dinner: several pieces of sushi, small salad, glass wine
Red: I made cookies w: my daughter and may have sampled the batter and/ or a bite of a cookie, I also had part of a granola bar after dinner

Exercise: 🚴 7 miles hard, walked 50 mins, 1 hr yoga class
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Post by ironchef » Sun Sep 17, 2017 12:35 am

Wow, a big exercise day, go you! I love yoga, would love to back to classes one day.

Really glad you're feeling better, have a lovely weekend!

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Post by lpearlmom » Sun Sep 17, 2017 4:04 am

Yeah, I didn't really plan it that way but it was good. Of course I made up for it today by being extra lazy.

I ate more than an N day but not too crazy.

Break: toast w/ cashew butter
Snack: granola bar
Lunch: turkey sandwich
Snack: skinny micro popcorn 🿠; 2 cookies w/ milk
Dinner: 3 street tacos
Dessert: 2 lollipops; granola bar

No weight loss...stubborn body. 😱
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Post by lpearlmom » Mon Sep 18, 2017 4:14 am

Well despite my best intentions, I went a little overboard. Still not as bad as a lot of my past S days.

Break: smoothie, two eggs, cheese bread
Lunch: 1/2 avocado, couple handfuls sweet potato crackers, sm. bag baked cheetos, sf chai
dinner: curry, chicken salad, a few pizza pieces cauliflower pizza, spagetthi squash
Dessert: 2 lolipops

exercise: biked 7 miles (40 mins)
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Post by lpearlmom » Tue Sep 19, 2017 4:31 am

Crappy day! Went to the dentist and found out I need a bunch of work done. Of course, my insurance has run out so I have to pay out of pocket. The dentist said it's from the acid reflux so yeah I really need to get this under control!

Then I got rear ended. Everyone is fine but now I get to deal with insurances, repair shops and car rentals. Ugh!

Okay, whine fest over. Things will get better.

Break: oatmeal w/ fruit
Lunch: sf iced blended, fruit
Dinner: squash, vegan patty on sandwich thin, grapes
Dessert: tea, lollipop

Red day but I feel like I'm having to give up so much--caffeine, wine etc..
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Post by ironchef » Tue Sep 19, 2017 6:48 am

Oh no! Glad everyone is ok, but what a downer.

Hope you are feeling better!

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Post by Larkspur » Tue Sep 19, 2017 11:51 am

Sorry about the crappy day. Thank God nobody's hurt.

I was thinking of you as I read this one: ... 143005.htm

I feel like your diet is already plant based, so that may not help much. I read a book on reflux because of a perpetually red throat. I think I have the silent kind-- no pain. I couldn't tolerate acid blockers and I'm not sure about long term use of those. In the book I read the GI dr was really into avoiding acid food and drink, period. I thought the suggestion of alkalinized water was interesting.

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Post by oolala53 » Tue Sep 19, 2017 2:55 pm

Glad no one was hurt in the bump. (I did it TO someone last spring. SO embarrassing.)

I was at a meeting for my Indian philosophy class and I had asked the teacher about how to face that there are so many injustices and problems in the world. He looked at me and said, "Yes, there is injustice. If you are waiting for the world to be just for you to be happy..." and kind of shook his head. It's occurring to me that can be true of absolutely any condition. It doesn't mean we have to be singing and dancing when there are problems, but that we keep touch with what he calls a backdrop of peace. I'm continually learning to access it, though it's lost to me a lot of the time at work. (He pretty much lives there. ) Don't want to bogart your thread so might add on mine.

Out of curiosity, do you ever do any bodyweight or weightlifting exercises? I've been doing some on my minimum 4-minute (look out, World!) N day workouts. No Popeye muscles yet but I do feel stronger.

Thinking you look pretty good is progress! It's mostly an inside job, only tangentially related to your body. I like my body better now than 30 years ago when I had a lot more muscle and no sagging skin. But I was never thin, so I don't have that to whip myself with. But I think it's related to accepting that I'm doing all I'm willing to as of right now, so any "hits" of disappointment in my reflection just have to be ridden out.

I think mirrors are up there with gun powder and the single combustion engine as scourges of "progress." :lol:
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Post by lpearlmom » Wed Sep 20, 2017 4:17 am

Thanks iron! Doing much better today!

Thanks Larks. That is interesting. I was actually a vegan when I first started having symptoms so I don't know if that would help me or not. I do think giving up caffeine, reducing my alcohol intake and losing weight will help. I hope, I hope, I hope! It scares me being on these meds so long. Plus all the other bad stuff that comes along with it.

As far as the alkaline water goes, I do feel like it helps me but it may be psychological. DH insists that there's no scientific way it could work. (I still drink it, just in case.)

Oolala, you're right. We can't wait around for everything to be perfect in order to be happy. DH is better at taking everything in stride than me but I'm learning. I realize there's so many stressful situations that I've been through. At the time it seemed like the end of the world but I always come out the other side just fine.

I've done weightlifting on an off in the past. Not right now though. It does really help build a positive body image though, huh?

Anyway, the insurance company called and the woman's insurance accepted liability. Woot! She said it almost never happens this easily or quickly so I'm grateful for that at least. The woman that hit me was super nice and apologetic so I guess she just fessed up. I guess theres still good ppl in the world. Yay!

Break: smoothie, banana
lunch: vegan patty, apple, grapes, rice cake
Dinner: grilled swordfish, roasted brussel sprouts, bite of gnocchi ,
Red: granola bar (after dinner oops)

Exercise: rode 9 miles/1 hr. We did part of it in the dirt so it took a lot longer. Was always more challenging but fun!
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Post by ironchef » Wed Sep 20, 2017 4:30 am

Great news on the insurance!

When I struggle with heartburn I can almost always trace it to too many coffees during the day, or to alcohol. My dad also found as he aged he couldn't digest coffee. 😢At least tea seems to be ok.

For some reason I cannot tolerate most beers anymore - used to be fine, now can barely make it to the end of one glass before I have the beginnings of heartburn pain. I got used to not drinking while pregnant and nursing, so I'm not that disappointed to cut down.

If this keeps going I will have no vices left!! 😋

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Post by oolala53 » Wed Sep 20, 2017 11:47 am

Oh, Ironchef, I bet we could find you something...
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Post by lpearlmom » Wed Sep 20, 2017 3:53 pm

I know, I can't have coffee and gave it up awhile ago but was still having chai teas a few times a week. I think I need to give that up too. I can't drink beer either and nothing with fizz period. I can tolerate some wine/hard liquor but need to give up my nightly glass of wine w/ dinner.

It is possible I can add some of this back in if I lose enough weight. Been too nervous to weigh myself. It's just been so discouraging. I'm going to go off of my jeans for now.
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Post by ironchef » Thu Sep 21, 2017 3:13 am

Oh, don't worry, I'll come up with something oolala!

Linda, I'm the same with fizz, although of course I don't get that many chances to check with nice champagne, perhaps more experiments are needed :D. It's a real shame, because I love a gin and tonic on a warm summer afternoon, sigh. I gave up ordering chai as I'm not sure if the spices they add are part of what mucks up my tummy, so I just get ordinary tea with a little milk.

Anyway, fingers crossed that the lazy scales catch up with all your hard work!

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Post by lpearlmom » Fri Sep 22, 2017 3:40 am

Thanks iron! Yeah, no caffeinated tea seems to sit well with me but I did find this good chicory type coffee/tea drink. I've avoided caffeine and alcohol for the last couple of days and it does seem to be helpful. We'll see.

A bit of a red day. I just really wanted something sweet after dinner. Oh well.

Break: smoothie
Lunch: vegan patty on sandwich thin, small yogurt, fig bar, banana
Dinner: small piece tortilla casserole w/ guacamole, cantaloupe
Red: 1 small soy ice cream sandwich; 1 piece of chocolate

Exercise: biked 22 miles
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Post by Merry » Fri Sep 22, 2017 5:13 am

lpearlmom wrote: Exercise: biked 22 miles
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Post by lpearlmom » Sat Sep 23, 2017 3:50 am

Merry: wasn't all at once. I rode w/ DH in the morning & then w/ my friend later that day. Wish I could do that everyday.

Pretty good day. The car rental place didn't have the car I reserved & I somehow ended up w/ a convertible BMW. Pretty fun! Tomorrow I have to get up early for a walk for the homeless I'm doing with the girls then I have to drop off my daughter at a bday party, go to an event I'm hosting for my activist group and then dh & I are going to dinner w/ some friends. Busy day! 😬

Break: toast w cream cheese
Lunch: chicken & orzo soup, small Greek salad, sf blueberry ice blended (my weakness).
Dinner: slice of tri-tip, small piece of quiche, 1 potato pancake w/ applesauce (Costco dinner), glass of ðŸ·.

Exercise: 25 min dog walk
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Post by lpearlmom » Mon Sep 25, 2017 2:46 am

Saturday was busy but fun. I ended up drinking way too much and woke up with a hangover. I'm too old for this nonesense. :/

Today I ate way too much and a lot of junky food. Still haven't weighed myself but was able to button up some jeans I previously wasn't unable to button. Also, my friend said I look lighter. Who knows? Looking forward to my N days.

Break: couple of pancakes, veg sausage, 1/2 muffin, sf ice blended
Lunch: large fries
Snack: med bag of kettle corn, 1/2 muffin, couple handfuls of nuts
Dinner: chipotle veggie salad, chips

Exercise: none
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Post by Merry » Mon Sep 25, 2017 4:31 am

I love being able to comfortably button pants. Way to go, Linda!
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Post by ironchef » Mon Sep 25, 2017 10:03 am

Agree Merry, it's so nice to fit into things comfortably, especially if they are old faves!

Really good to hear you are looking forward to N days, Linda - I think that's a real turning point when we realise that we actually prefer moderate eating.

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Post by lpearlmom » Tue Sep 26, 2017 5:19 am

Well to say they "fit comfortably" might be a bit of a stretch but they at least button. I bought them at my last lowest weight and they were even a bit snug then. I thought they'd stretch like jeans usually did but they didn't. I would have gotten rid of them but they were expensive and I do love them. Now they're a handy measuring device.

God, it's so weird to me how my moods cycle throughout the day. I woke up in a bit of a funk and progressively got worse but somehow am going to bed happy as a clam. Everything turned around once I started cooking. Something about being so ultra-focused on a task just lifted my mood. Plus the stew I was making came out beautifully.

Little bit of a red day but if I'm honest I kind of allowed for it by keeping dinner a little lighter.

Break: smoothie (almond milk, dates, pb2)
Lunch: boca patty on sandwich thin, bag of skinny pop, "coffee'
Dinner: bowl of Moroccan stew, small glass wine
REd: piece of pumpkin granola bark , glass milk

exercise: 25 min walk w/ doggies, 7 min NTC yoga workout
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Post by ironchef » Wed Sep 27, 2017 12:43 am

Glad you swung up later in the day! Isn't it amazing how immersion in a creative task can lift you up :-)

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Post by Lilybug » Wed Sep 27, 2017 6:18 am

The Moroccan stew sounds delicious. Your meals look so moderate. I love how you post them. Even when you have a red day or s day.

The pumpkin granola bark would be endangered in my house!
:shock: :lol:

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Post by oolala53 » Wed Sep 27, 2017 1:09 pm

Where did you get the recipe for the Moroccan stew? tx
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Post by lpearlmom » Wed Sep 27, 2017 5:36 pm

Thank you Iron! I do wish my moods were a little more stable but it's good to remember they're temporary.

Thanks Lily! My meals were huge in the beginning but have slowly gotten smaller. I like writing everything down, it helps to make them feel contained. The bark is good! (Trader Joes)

Oolala, it's from a cookbook called First Mess. I did find the recipe online for you: ... -crackers/

Was really good and easy to make if you don't mind a bit of chopping.

Home sick today. Resting and watching Jane Austen movies. :oops:
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Post by lpearlmom » Thu Sep 28, 2017 4:14 am

Ugh, I really went hog wild today. Why can't I be one of those people that loses their appetite when they get sick? I think I started the day eating for comfort and then just kept going. Oh well, it's a S day. Going to try not to worry about it.

I'm stressing a little about something stupid I did over the weekend. DH and I went to dinner with two other couples and somehow (after a few glasses of wine) I decided to invite them to our big trip to the Dominican Republic next June for my 50th bday party. It sounds like they're actually taking it seriously and are already looking into booking tickets.

I like them a lot but not sure I want to spend a whole week with them during our family vacation. Plus they're both younger than me and ones is much skinnier than me. I know this sounds shallow but I don't want to be stressing how I look compared to them in my swimsuit. I want to relax and enjoy myself. Yet another reason to lose weight I guess. Or maybe just get an attitude adjustment.

Break: toast w/ cream cheese
lunch: vegan patty, bowl of soup
snack: couple handfuls of veggie chips, piece of pumpkin bark, iced blended
snack: handful veggie chips
Dinner: couple pieces veggie pizza, guac
Dessert: 2 soy ice cream sandwiches

Oy! And on top of it, I've given myself heartburn. :/ Let's hope tomorrow is better.
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Post by oolala53 » Thu Sep 28, 2017 5:04 am

Yikes, what wine will do! I can barely take anyone for three days, never mind a week. And when you turn half a century! :wink:

Not sure you can get rid of those body thoughts. The culture is so strong on it! They sure come up for me, but I try to let them pass or answer them back.

Maybe more wine at the pool then... :shock:
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Post by Lilybug » Thu Sep 28, 2017 10:25 am

Argh! Wine is so inviting! Lol

Personally, I would find a way to uninvite if I really didn't want them to go.

Maybe something like " I'm so sorry! My husband/mom/kid reminded me that it's a family vacation. Can we do it on the next trip and make it a friends trip?"

But that's me. I'm a bit antisocial, at least I want to be able to leave social situations whenever I want to.

Otherwise, as Ooolala said, more wine at the poolðŸ˜

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Post by lpearlmom » Fri Sep 29, 2017 3:10 am

Ugh I know! I got a little too loose! Well the one friend said they can probably only afford to go for 3-4 days. That's a long way to go for only a couple days. I could maybe suggest we all go somewhere closer/cheaper another time. We'll see.

Still feeling under the weather but plowed ahead and got stuff done around the house anyway. Haven't weighed yet...

Break: smoothie
Lunch : couple rice cakes w/ cottage cheese, watermelon, aloe Vera drink
Dinner; bowl of ginger carrot soup, toast, nf Plain yogurt, banana

Exercise: 25 min dog walk
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Post by oolala53 » Fri Sep 29, 2017 3:13 am

I humbly suggest you do not weigh until you have several compliant days. Of course, you could still be disappointed. Then the test will be if the resentment eating starts.

Oh, if someone could give us a drug that made us forget our whole history with this issue!
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Post by automatedeating » Fri Sep 29, 2017 1:36 pm

I vote to uninvite them. :)
I'm also in the antisocial camp with Lilybug, haha

So sorry you haven't been feeling well. I also am one of those people that likes to eat when I'm sick. On the bright side, I guess that means I haven't ever been deathly ill or anything like that!
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Post by ironchef » Mon Oct 02, 2017 4:19 am

Why not go back to them and say "hey, I've thought it over and it might be easier and more fun to do xyz". And then suggest a trip that is cheaper / shorter / closer to home to do as a couple's holiday?

You never know, they might be relieved that they are not "disappointing" you if they don't make it to your 50th.

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Post by lpearlmom » Mon Oct 02, 2017 4:49 am

I've decided to just let it be for now. We'll see what happens. I can't believe it but I'm still sick. I'm finding it impossible to just rest though. Last night our neighbors had invited us to dinner & I just couldn't bring myself to cancel. We had a great time but it really took a lot out of me. Today I had to run some errands but am going to really try to rest tomorrow.

The problem with not weighing for awhile is that then weighing becomes a big deal. I was really going back & forth on it but decided to do it since it's the beginning of the month. when it's been awhile I have to ease into it so I started out holding a couple big books & all my clothes and shoes. Then I slowly remove things one by one stepping back on the scale each time. It's pretty crazy behavior I know but it works somehow. Well even with the big dinner last night I was still down a couple pounds so I feel pretty good about that. Even though I haven't had a lot of Green Days lately, I've definitely eaten lighter & upped my exercise so I'll just keep doing what I'm doing but try to increase my greenage.

Today wasn't too bad eating wise but looking forward to my N days.

Break: 4 🥞, veg sausage
Lunch: 1/4 🚋 🦃 sandwich, 🎃 smoothie
Dinner: chipotle 🗠salad 🥗
Dessert: 3 sees ðŸ­
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Post by lpearlmom » Tue Oct 03, 2017 2:46 am

Well my weight is back up a couple pounds today. 😱 What is the point ? God, trying to lose weight sucks.

No lectures please. I'll figure it out.

Break: smoothie, piece of turkey bacon
Lunch: vegan patty w: avocado & turkey 🦃 🥓, ðŸ‡
Dinner: zucchini gratin, stuffed ðŸ†, white bean salad, ðŸ·

Still not feeling great so no exercise. Will be happy when it back to normal.
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Post by oolala53 » Tue Oct 03, 2017 12:16 pm

Saw your post about OO. If it stopped your bingeing, did you then permasnack? You said you gained 70 lbs. Also, when you said you could have any food around, did you mean just allow it in a way you hadn't? That you could eat it if it was around without too much concern or thinking you shouldn't?

Not to bring up old wounds, but when did you start dieting? Because you said when you were younger, you were much thinner. Did that come naturally?

I sometimes wish I had found No S sooner, but I agree that I probably wouldn't have been ready. OA was not far off when I went to it- it didn't have all the restriction on sugar and flour- but I thought they were crazy to eat just three meals a day. I just wish it had been the default. In a way, it was in my house. Even though there were snacks, such as a scoop of ice cream every night after having a dessert at dinner, if I had just kept to the servings sizes of our meals and had not snuck sweets, I would have been okay. But I believed I needed to be the thin of a model and to eat less and more diet-y and all the rest and here I am. Oh, our sad stories. It's like we lost a fortune and spend so much effort to make the money back.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
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1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

There is no S better than Vanilla No S (mods now as a senior citizen)

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