No S "mods" (add yours!)

No Snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Except on Days that start with S. Too simple for you? Simple is why it works. Look here for questions, introductions, support, success stories.

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Post by Sharpie » Thu Dec 30, 2010 5:33 am

Very interesting to see what people have/are doing to modify the basis to fit their individual needs. The plates I happen to use, and have been using for years are already just 9" across, so I think I'm good there! I can see the strong temptation to start making adjustments way too soon as well... but maybe I'll count my plates as just a status quo for me rather than a mod, so I'm still kosher with Vanilla No S. ;)
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Post by Blithe Morning » Thu Dec 30, 2010 2:57 pm

As I go into the new year, I'm adding a mod. Instead of S days, I'm doing 5 S events a week. This allows a little more flexibility in my plan. I think five may actually be a little high, but it's about what I would have on a weekend. On plain vanilla No S Wednesday nights were always tough because I was ready for a small sweet by then. And I never really did get over the Wild S Days.

The trick will be to track them properly.

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Post by Nicest of the Damned » Tue Jan 04, 2011 7:19 pm

Sharpie wrote:Very interesting to see what people have/are doing to modify the basis to fit their individual needs. The plates I happen to use, and have been using for years are already just 9" across, so I think I'm good there! I can see the strong temptation to start making adjustments way too soon as well... but maybe I'll count my plates as just a status quo for me rather than a mod, so I'm still kosher with Vanilla No S. ;)
I would count anything you were already doing before you started No S as not being a mod. Before I started No S, meals in our house were already served buffet-style, with the food in the kitchen, rather than in serving plates on the table. We did this because it means there are fewer dishes to clean up, but I learned from Brian Wansink's Mindless Eating that it also helps against overeating. If I didn't already do it, I'd consider adding it as the Buffet Mod. But it's not a mod for me, because it's already a well-established habit.

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Post by wosnes » Wed Jan 05, 2011 1:42 am

Nicest of the Damned wrote:
I would count anything you were already doing before you started No S as not being a mod. Before I started No S, meals in our house were already served buffet-style, with the food in the kitchen, rather than in serving plates on the table. We did this because it means there are fewer dishes to clean up, but I learned from Brian Wansink's Mindless Eating that it also helps against overeating. If I didn't already do it, I'd consider adding it as the Buffet Mod. But it's not a mod for me, because it's already a well-established habit.
I agree. Someone, and it might be Nicest, wrote about a mod where half the plate was vegetables, the other half would be divided between starch and meat. I'd already been doing that for 5 or more years, and I don't consider it a modification at all.
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Follow ups?

Post by Samurai Redux » Sat Jan 08, 2011 5:47 pm

I'm curious as to how many who have added mods that allow for exceptions, e.g. sweets on No S days, unlimited portions, extra meals, have lost weight and kept it off? In other words have you had more or less success with weight loss after having added your mods for exceptions?
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Post by wosnes » Sat Jan 08, 2011 8:08 pm

I allow myself one S daily, but that doesn't mean I take one daily. It's an option. It's really about the same number of S's as when I kept them to weekends and other special days -- just spread out over the course of the week. I've noticed no difference in my weight. I do watch the portions, though.
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Post by Blithe Morning » Wed Jan 12, 2011 6:42 pm

So far, changing S days to a set number of "S opportunities" throughout the week has worked pretty well. Yesterday, the director came in with sweets from the local candy store that makes knee buckingly good candy. She gave me TWO truffles! This being Tuesday I had all 5 S opportunities available to me and decided yes, it was worth it. So I ate one truffle, because two of those truffles is too much. The other one is sitting in my desk drawer.

Now I have 4 S opportunities left for this week.

I decided to eschew the donuts the same director brought in for her birthday today because they aren't THAT good.

Since I've pretty much decided to give up snacking, that just leaves me seconds and sweets. Since the habit is pretty firm in me, I feel funny eating seconds during week. I still try to reserve them for the weekend but no longer count it a fail if I don't.

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"One bite" exemption

Post by rodmitch » Fri Mar 04, 2011 11:25 pm

I'm sort of surprised I couldn't find this idea searching the forum and especially in this thread. I've been thinking about the idea of a "one bite" exemption on No-S days.

I was scooping some ice cream for one of our kids—I usually skip dessert on No-S days—but I had a bite. One little lump of rocky road.

I was transferring some bulk nuts into a storage container—the nuts are mostly snacks for our kids (and me on S days)—but I had a few, maybe 5 or 6 nuts: one bite.

Someone brought some little muffins in to the office today. Small but super sweet. I usually just pass on these work treats but since I've been thinking about the one-bite exemption I figured I'd try it. One bite—about half a mini-muffin (the top-half, of course!). Nice little treat!

This obviously needs a limit—you can't just have one bite after another—so how about "one bite until the next meal"? Seems like a reasonable, non-abusive mod to me. Not a snack. Not a 100-calorie pack. One bite.

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Post by hootski » Fri Mar 18, 2011 3:22 pm

I'm only on Day 2 of the No S Diet, but I can already see I need to apply a mod as others have: Friday night is an S-evening. As I was going about my day I couldn't stop thinking about how challenging tonight was going to be considering it's usually the night we start enjoying some snacks later in the evening. Would I really be able to resist? If I lived alone, yes...but I don't!

I think not applying this mod would be a recipe for failure, then guilt, then wanting to disappear from the forum. That's not what I want.

Sundays are not a big snack/treat day for us, and since I don't really need to lose weight, I think it will work fabulously overall. :D

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Post by hecarte » Fri May 20, 2011 12:26 pm

I'm very new too to No S, but I'm thinking this week that I will start my S days on a Friday evening and carry it through to Sunday lunchtime.

I have also decided to add in an afternoon 'snack' at about 4pm only on days when I am at work or university. The snack will be either fresh fruit, nuts or peanut butter/grape syrup or tahini/grape syrup on wholegrain crisp bread.

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Post by Nicest of the Damned » Fri May 20, 2011 6:20 pm

hecarte wrote:I'm very new too to No S, but I'm thinking this week that I will start my S days on a Friday evening and carry it through to Sunday lunchtime.
I've done this since I started No S. No S doesn't officially define when a day starts or ends. I adopted the Jewish definition, rather than the civil one.

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Post by Nicest of the Damned » Wed Aug 03, 2011 2:13 pm

The 30 Minute Rule: After one eating event, at least 30 minutes must pass before you can have anything else to eat. An "eating event" is a meal, or a snack on an S day. Desserts on an S day are part of a meal, not a separate eating event. Also known as the "you just ate, you don't need to be eating again" rule.

The idea is that your stomach takes 20 minutes to register being full, so let it decide if it's full before eating anything else. It's 30 instead of 20 just because half an hour is a neater increment of time.

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Post by reinhard » Tue Aug 16, 2011 11:15 pm

No Solitary Snacking -- even on S-days

I'm experimenting with this one right now. Not so much to get more "results" (I'm happy where I am now) but because I don't actually enjoy this kind of eating and it's all too easy to fall into if you have permission.

I also think it might be very helpful for others here, so I'm curious how onerous it proves to be. So far, pretty easy. I'm on vacation now, so plenty of S-days to test it out on.

Pros: You're not giving up something you really enjoy -- you're giving up a nervous tick. It's some extra effort, but no real deprivation. It avoids all social awkwardness. If someone invites you to snack on an S-day, you can graciously oblige. No "hey, I thought you were allowed to have snacks on S-days!" You have a mechanism to resist those solitary binges that seem to give so many (especially new) no-essers a hard time. If worse comes to worst, I'm sure there's someone you can convince to snack with you -- but I doubt you'll want to go this far most times (too embarrassing).

Cons: it is an extra rule, and a rule on "rule free" days at that. It might be very worth it, but it still is at least a bit of a con.


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Post by bjalda » Wed Aug 17, 2011 5:17 am

I think that that's a great idea, I also thought of it when I found myself kind of miserable lying alone on the bed, having only ice cream for company.
But it might be too early for me to implement it now.. I am only 6-7 weeks or so into the Vanilla S system, and it hasn't been entirely green yet.
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Post by SpiritSong » Wed Aug 17, 2011 1:48 pm

I think it sounds like a great idea too. I don't think this would change too much for me since my snacking on Friday (my Saturday) is with my co-workers (Breakfast Day), and my snacking on Sunday is generally done with my husband.

I would have to see how I feel if DH is out on a Sunday, which means I am both home alone and not allowed to snack. It could lead to additional (distracting) walking workouts! :D

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Post by Nicest of the Damned » Wed Aug 17, 2011 4:45 pm

reinhard wrote:No Solitary Snacking -- even on S-days

I'm experimenting with this one right now. Not so much to get more "results" (I'm happy where I am now) but because I don't actually enjoy this kind of eating and it's all too easy to fall into if you have permission.

I also think it might be very helpful for others here, so I'm curious how onerous it proves to be. So far, pretty easy. I'm on vacation now, so plenty of S-days to test it out on.
One of the good things about the Sitting and NEP mods, which I discovered shortly after starting them, is that they make eating in secret much harder if there's someone else in the house (which there often is, for me). You can't just stand in the kitchen and grab a few bites of something when no one is looking. You have to put it on a plate and sit down to eat it. That makes it much more likely that Nicest Husband will notice that I'm eating something.

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Post by reinhard » Mon Aug 22, 2011 3:23 pm

Yes, Nicest, I just re-read your description of these mods on the last page and it's very similar. Maybe I'll do a write up describing this whole "family" of mods.

So far (a week in) I'm really surprised at how much unsatisfying crap eating this has cut out and how easy it's been to comply with.

This is the first "mod" (besides intelligent dietary defaults, which aren't really mods) I think I might take up myself.


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Post by bjalda » Sat Aug 27, 2011 9:41 am

I decided to stick with the No Solitary Snacking mod for a little while.. and now I have got a question: Do you still have the sweets and seconds "freedom" on S days or do you actually follow the N-Day rules unless there is someone to enjoy sweets, seconds and snacks with you?
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Post by reinhard » Tue Sep 06, 2011 1:47 am

Hi bjalda,

The only S which requires company (according to this mod) is snacking.

So if I have a solo S-day meal (a hypothetical scenario with my omnipresent attention-demanding children) I can have seconds and sweets.

I'm finding it's getting easier and is actually sort of soothing. No more decisions about whether or not to take a bite of this or that.


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Post by NoelFigart » Tue Sep 06, 2011 4:08 pm

reinhard wrote:No Solitary Snacking -- even on S-days
I like this one. I'm adding it.
My blog I talk about being a freelance writer, working out and cooking mostly. The language is not always drawing room fashion. Just sayin'.

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Post by Sixty » Wed Sep 14, 2011 8:58 am

reinhard wrote:No Solitary Snacking -- even on S-days
How exactly does this rule work? If I decide I want to snack on a cookie on Saturday morning, does it mean I have to hunt down an audience: 'Excuse me, sir, could you please watch as I eat this cookie?', or does it mean I am free to munch away as long as another person is in the vicinity?

Or put another way, what would represent a violation of this rule? Seems like a good subject for a podcast ....

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Post by reinhard » Thu Sep 15, 2011 3:14 pm

Yes, that's how it would work.

Cookie with meal (as dessert) -- no audience required.

Cookie between meals (as snack) -- gotta have a partner/witness.

Note that it doesn't STOP you from having that cookie. Just from unthinkingly wolfing it and a dozen more down. It's a speed bump that cuts down on automatic eating that isn't really all that pleasurable anyway.

What defines a partner/witness? Some kind of communication/invitation that a snack is happening. For me, it usually works in reverse: my daughters want a snack and I will join them. The fact that I'm in Dad-mode as well as in public is an additional bolster to virtue.

Since this is "bonus" on top of what I'm doing for vanilla no-s, I don't worry about too great precision. But so far I haven't had to do a whole lot of head scratching. And I won't give myself a habitcal red if I screw up (though I have been noting the couple of times so far I stretched things in evernote).


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Post by Sixty » Sat Oct 15, 2011 7:23 am

reinhard wrote:No Solitary Snacking -- even on S-days
This mod finally brought my S days under control. How would you incorporate it into the No S Diet rule of thumb if you decided it was worthy of inclusion?
Maybe: "No Snacks No Sweets No Seconds Except on days that start with S - and No Solitary Snacking, ever"
Still under 20 words, although the rhythm is not quite the same!

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Post by reinhard » Mon Oct 17, 2011 8:04 pm

This mod finally brought my S days under control.
I'm so happy to hear this!
How would you incorporate it into the No S Diet rule of thumb if you decided it was worthy of inclusion?
It's still just a mod, although a very helpful one, I think, so I'll leave the basic, vanilla, formula as is.

I just recorded a podcast episode (my first in over a year!) on this mod, so stay tuned for more.


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Post by Sixty » Wed Oct 19, 2011 4:17 am

reinhard wrote:... I just recorded a podcast episode (my first in over a year!) on this mod ....
Excellent, I've really enjoyed your other podcasts, and look forward to this one with special interest. I hope you are able to post it ASAP. :-)
And congratulations on overcoming what appeared to be a mild case of 'speaker's block'.

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Post by bjalda » Sat Oct 29, 2011 7:34 pm

Oh.. I am also looking forward to it! Interesting mod, I really like the "philosophy" behind it.
This is a good rule, even just to think about. It shows how disordered our eating has become. People who drink alone are called alcoholics. I don't think eating alone is much better.
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Post by reinhard » Sun Oct 30, 2011 1:52 am

sorry for the delay, the audio quality was dreadful, even by my low standards. I'll rerecord and post shortly.

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Post by reinhard » Thu Nov 10, 2011 8:39 pm

That was a long "shortly," but here it is:

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The "goûter"

Post by Hiram » Thu Nov 24, 2011 2:55 pm

I follow the No S diet religiously, but with one addition (and a very pleasant one it is). There's a diet called the Chrono diet, that was developed by French medical doctor Delabos. It's ridiculously complicated, and I wouldn't even mention it but for this one terrific aspect: the 4 pm "goûter", a (shudder! run and hide!) snack that can consist of unsalted nuts, dried fruit, two glasses of unsweetened fruit juice or... 30 grams of dark chocolate. This helps to not overeat at dinner. I find I put less and less on that one plate I can have since eating the 4 pm "goûter". Also, chocolate, it appears, is really a health food, containing more anti-oxidants than oranges and kiwifruits, and lots of other good stuff besides. I choose 82 percent cocoa organic chocolate, fair trade preferably; if the sugar content is higher than a few percent, the "goûter" will of course defeat the purpose.

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Post by totljenn » Fri Jun 08, 2012 5:23 pm

I have definitely modified the No-S-Diet. I had to because my stomach can't handle a lot of food in the morning. I have something protein hardy in the morning, like oatmeal or a protein shake, that lasts me about an hour then I have fruit, if I'm still hungry I will have some cottage cheese or greek yogurt. Lunch is when I allow for lots of carbs or bad decisions, i.e. burger and a salad or a big burrito. Usually if I eat a rich lunch then I am good until dinner but if I'm not I reach for fruit and cottage cheese or greek yogurt. I will also a have a cup of green tea at several points in the day as a type of appetite suppressant and an energy boost that forces me to do other things than ruminate on food. Dinner I try to have meat and veggies, low to now carbs and because of my work schedule I usually eat around 8pm and that way I wont snack late at night. Late night snacking is a huge weakness for me! I do have a couple glasses of wine in the evening so that takes care of my sugar cravings too. If I have to snack late I make it fruit or cottage cheese or greek you see a pattern here? I found a snack that works for me and has only the neccessary ingredients to keep me moving. I modeled this modified approach from this EXTREME diet I found online where your big reward was a sweet potato once a week, how crazy is that? Anyhow I hope these qualify as modifications and No-S'ing!!!

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Post by Rachelocity » Mon Jul 23, 2012 2:01 am

I was reminiscing about *stuff my mom said* and one of her (many) schtick was to offer us kids fruit or carrots if we said we wanted a snack. If we declined, hoping for something that the magical tree-dwelling elves had made, she'd say "If you were really hungry, you'd take the fruit". So I am tweaking my plan to include fruit or veggies as the only okay snacks on N-Days. This way, if I get hungry as I am making dinner, I can nosh on some red pepper strips and just put less into the stirfry.

My rationale: I was so gung ho on No Snacking that I was over-thinking the rule and it started feeling like restricting behaviour. This is antithetical to what I plan to accomplish with the No-S P&P.

And that's my other mod: I am calling this a Policy and Procedure and ditching the D-word for ever and ever, amen! Yup, diets and I are officially divorced and I am committing to Best Practice Eating (Which for me is No S)
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Post by Alonso » Mon Jul 23, 2012 2:39 pm

Yes, its interesting topic! By the way, I found some info on this subject here:[/url]

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Post by humbotsconnie » Sun Aug 19, 2012 5:14 pm

I am new to the No S diet, but it sounds great! I only started Friday but I have made two mods, I like numbers so I did some calculations and this is what I got.

Mod 1 : on the weekdays each meal I try not to eat more then 650 calorie
Mod 2 : on S days try not to eat more then 2700 calories

Why: Each pound of fat is 3,500
My body needs 2,750 calories each day so I don't gain weight or lose weight (10 times my body weight)
if I can cut my daily 3500 calories out of my week (mon-fri) that = 650 calorie per meals.

I know the point of the diet is not to count calories and I'm really not it is more of a guild lines for me. I don't really count more the just consider, example, I can fit 2 slices of pizza (800 cal) on a plate or I can fit one slice and 6 chicken wings (675 cal) I will go for the second. If I have not idea, I will go for what I want more. Like I said guild lines.

I have a lot of weight to lose so wish me luck

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Post by HoeHanna » Sat Jan 19, 2013 8:57 pm

Rachelocity: I Like the P&P diet word does play with my head, too many expectation, etc.... I also
Humbotsconnie: Good luck, I have a lot to lose also and try to keep the meals to a maximum of around 500 calories. You're right on the math and this is what I have to do. I don't really count calories much just so many years of dieting that I know what's what. No excuses, that's my personal new mantra.
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Post by Jibaholic » Sat Feb 23, 2013 4:55 pm

I read through the whole thread - pretty interesting stuff.

I like Reinhard's No Solitary Snacking mod.

It's interesting that many mods create a slippery slope towards getting off No-S. One of the things about creating habits is that they rely on "bright clear lines" between what is permitted and what is forbidden. Many mods make those lines fuzzy.

Here's my mod.

FOF - fast on Fridays. I'll start with an 18 hour fast, skipping breakfast. I'd love to eventually get up to a 24 hour fast, going from dinner on Thursday to dinner on Friday. I've read the intermittent fasting websites and I think that fasting on a regular basis has good health and spiritual benefits. But for now, I'm sticking to vanilla No-S.

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Post by Shortformyweight » Thu Mar 28, 2013 6:46 pm

Today is the start of week 2 on No S. I have one modification and one modification only, and that is when I get a craving for something sweet, I have been chewing a piece of sugar free gum instead. I hate chewing gum, but it prevents me from going to the receptionists desk where there is always a bowl of mini-candy bars. So far, so good.

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Post by oolala53 » Fri Sep 06, 2013 12:11 am

A recommendation from the book "The French Don't Diet Plan" says to plan on seconds. Sounds like it doesn't fit No S, but what it means is that in the beginning when you put a serving on your plate, put a little less than you think you need, as if you could have seconds if you need them. Then eat very slowly, savoring each bite, making the meal last at least 20 minutes. Then sit for at least 5 minutes. It's likely you'll feel you've actually had enough.

And dessert ONLY if you aren't actually full.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
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Post by oolala53 » Mon Sep 16, 2013 3:50 am

I am 43 months in. I hope I'm not repeating myself, but a mod I occasionally use is eating only either freggies as salad with a couple of tablespoons of dressing or vegetable soup plus a piece of fruit if I reach a meal time and am not actually hungry. This has happened more as the years have gone on, even though I am still eating similar meals, meaning I'm not eating more food that would keep from getting hungry for the next meal.

Another mod is that I allow myself to have one or two 16-hour fasts a week, though as of now, I don't plan for them. I wait until I'm actually not hungry for a meal and decide I'll skip the freggy option.

I really don't recommend these mods for a few YEARS, honestly, if you consider yourself a compulsive eater who has failed at a lot of dieting. It's just too dangerous to not be able to depend on regular, real meals.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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2 yrs flux 6/20 22

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Post by Username » Fri Jan 03, 2014 7:04 pm

I apply the vanilla No S rules to alcohol:

No Snacks - I don't drink except during a meal
No Sweets - I don't drink 7&7, vodka tonics, etc.
No Seconds - Only one drink per meal
Except (sometimes) on days that start with S: I drink whatever I want, in whatever quantity I want, as long as I'm not an idiot

This could also be a variation of Glass Ceiling

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Post by Lorelei » Fri Jun 05, 2015 4:25 pm

I am back to No-S-ing after a few years of giving intuitive eating a try (didn't work for me). I followed vanilla No-S my first time around, and have decided that this time I need to make some mods due to my Binge Eating Disorder.

My mods are as follows:
1) I focus on regular meals without snacking on both N and S days. I know from previous stints with No-S that it is very very difficult for me to snack without it turning into a slippery slope of all-day permasnacking. Sticking to regular meals works best for my particular situation.

2) I allow sweets on the usual S days - Saturdays, Sundays, Special days, but allow them on Social occasions as well. During the year my coworkers and I plan several events such as cookie swaps, a holiday treat day, summer picnics, walks to the local ice cream shop, etc. Instead of opting out of desserty things on these occasions, I give myself the option to have some ice cream or a slice of cake or whatever. I know that feelings of deprivation can trigger binges for me, and I don't think that an occasional weekday treat (I'm talking about 1-2 times a month tops) is going to do any harm. Having this extra "S" makes No-S much more do-able for me.

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Post by reinhard » Thu Jun 11, 2015 1:20 pm

Username -- I like your mod / application of no S to drinking! Very sensible and elegant.

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Post by alicerabbit » Thu Oct 15, 2015 9:50 am

I used to do just Vanilla No-S but I found that mid-week I'd end up having a fail because I find it hard to go without something sweet for 5 days. I also don't care much for snacking or having seconds - one plate is enough for me at meals, but I do like sweets. So I have changed the S-Days to fit in with my sweet tooth.

Instead of having 2 S-days (Saturday and Sunday), I have 3 S-evenings (Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday after 5pm).

It works well so I can have seconds or dessert after dinner if I want. I don't usually have seconds but I do like to enjoy a dessert on these evenings.

It works really well for me. I 'm not sure if I am losing more or less weight than when I did Vanilla No-S but that doesn't bother me too much.
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Post by oolala53 » Thu Oct 15, 2015 1:44 pm

How long have you been at it, alice? Have you ever opted not to have the sweet (since it's not actually required on S days to have an S)?
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
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Post by alicerabbit » Thu Oct 15, 2015 7:47 pm

oolala53 wrote:How long have you been at it, alice? Have you ever opted not to have the sweet (since it's not actually required on S days to have an S)?
Oolala, I have been doing the tweak for only about a month now, but I have been doing Vanilla on and off for a couple of years. I always seem to come back to No-S.

I don't always have a sweet on both Saturday and Sunday (sometimes just on Sunday), but I always will on Wednesday. So 2/3 days or 3/3 days I will.
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Post by SugarFreebie » Thu Feb 11, 2016 4:41 am

Just starting out on No S but it makes SO much sense, even in the context of chronic illness. Learning and applying the vanilla version before I even think about progressing to marble or Neapolitan; seems to me that a lot of the tutti-frutti versions that I've been reading about above would actually defeat the purpose. I have a TERRIBLE evening bingeing habit to defeat; have not had an evening snack at all this week since I started but rather a couple of late third meals. Blood sugars so far have stayed stable, which is my priority #1. Why mess w/ success?
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Post by SugarFreebie » Thu Feb 18, 2016 5:27 am

Having serious hunger problems tonight; still having major issues w/ meal timing. Will probably have to do the 4 meal thing; looking both here and in book for advice. Will report back.
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Post by SugarFreebie » Thu Feb 18, 2016 5:27 am

Having serious hunger problems tonight; still having major issues w/ meal timing. Will probably have to do the 4 meal thing; looking both here and in book for advice. Will report back.
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Post by SugarFreebie » Thu Feb 18, 2016 5:30 am

Having serious hunger problems tonight; still having major issues w/ meal timing. Will probably have to do the 4 meal thing; looking both here and in book for advice. Will report back.
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No S Mods (Post Yours!)

Post by losingforgood » Thu Feb 25, 2016 1:12 am

I do not do vanilla No S. I like my soups and I like to eat my salads in a bowl. That said, here are my mods:

1. a Meal= one HELPING of each food in my meal.
2. Meal size is dependant on what my activity level is on that day, and the types of foods that are in my meal. I try to keep it balanced and very nutrient-dense.
3. Number of meals= 3-4, again depending on activity level. Weight days, and days t that I have a house cleaning (one of the 2 customers that I have), I will tend to be physically hungry for a 4th meal. Sometimes I don't have time for a fourth, so I'll have the fourth the next day. Anything more than 4 meals for me, would be considered a "snack", so I don't go there on my N days. Also, 4 meals is NOT typical. It's only as needed.
4. My S weekend starts at Friday night dinner time. I don't typically eat like it's an S day on Friday nights, but I DO want to allow for the occasions when I go out with friends on a Friday night. I don't want to have to follow the N rules at that time if I choose not to. The S weekend ends with Sunday night dinner.

With these mods in mind, I can so see how this way of eating can be sustained for life. I find that I'm not going over board with the varying meal sizes on my N days. I'm only eating until no longer physically hungry. It takes me plenty of food to actually feel full or stuffed, so if I use the feeling of just no longer being physically hungry as my gauge on meal size, rather than waiting to feel at all stuffed, I do fine.
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Post by Red » Fri Apr 01, 2016 11:12 pm

Newst mod for me... no S - STACKING.

I know the book covers that a little, but found myself starting to go in that direction - NOT to my benefit.


I still am learning to live in between 3 meals without wailing and moaning too loudly. LOL
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Post by oolala53 » Sat Jun 18, 2016 11:14 pm

One mod I am ALMOST ready to commit to, with the same exception language as original is a fourth S: no Standing (while eating). This dovetails with snacking because it puts the double kaibosh on nibbliing on any food while cooking or arranging the plate before sitting down. Another slippery slope avoided.
Last edited by oolala53 on Wed Jul 13, 2016 4:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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Post by bunsofaluminum » Wed Jul 13, 2016 4:27 am

This morning a mod that I am doing occurred to me: Eating a piece of fruit or two real soon after getting up...right around 6 AM, and then breakfast somewhere in the 7:30-8:30 time slot.

Because I eat dinner really early, when I get up at 6:00 in the morning my stomach is utterly empty but I don't want to eat that early and have to wait that long for lunch, so I have a piece of fruit, then go for a walk or whatever, then by 8:00ish, I feel really hungry and eat breakfast. This isn't an everyday thing, but it does help a lot not to have my full meal too early.

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Post by healthyskillz » Thu Aug 24, 2017 11:42 am

My mods are:

My weekends start Friday at 5pm but also end Sunday at 5. It's just more natural for me and my husband.

I eat mostly plant-based and allow myself fruit for dessert every N day. I don't put it on my single plate bc i eat mostly vegetables and practically no oil for dinner and therefore tend to eat low cal meals (not as a diet perse but bc i just really dislike meat). If i would add the fruit to the plate I wouldn't get enough calories so that's why i allow that second serving of 100% fruit. This works really well for me.
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F/30-ish. BED recovered. Mod: pre-dinner fruit.

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Post by oolala53 » Sun Sep 10, 2017 3:22 pm

I had forgotten my mod of July! This is pretty fast for me to have a new one, but it's saving modern packaged snack foods for S days and only in company and with other food, which is a mod I already have for sweets.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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Post by jenji » Tue Oct 10, 2017 6:36 pm

I am going into my second week, so take my mods with a big grain of salt:
1- I am eating an apple here and there between meals during fall apple season. I love Cortlands.
2 - If I am really hungry and perseverating on it, I drink a small glass (maybe 3 oz,from an espresso cup) of plain kefir, which is like liquid yogurt. It does quiet hunger, and it's good for digestion, without being tempting in any way.
I'm a 53-year-old mom and non-profit CEO
I am 5' 7.5"
Began No S at 184#, BMI 28.4 - 9/25/2017
Current weight: 181#, BMI 27.9, 12/19/2022

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Post by gingerlily » Fri Oct 13, 2017 6:59 am

I am new to No-S and am trying to keep it pretty vanilla, but have allowed myself a small extra meal, if desperately hungry, on my 24 hour shifts. For example, this morning I was at work at 1am, having been there since 8:30 the previous morning, and knew I had at least an hour before the possibility of a rest break. Sometimes I don't get a rest break at all. I had a banana and peanut butter this morning to get me through.

This also helps me during the day, as when I am off during the day after my 24 hour shift I have a tendency to overeat because I am not only sleep deprived but think "I deserve this, I will treat myself!" Using food as a reward is something I am working hard not to do any more...
In general I love vanilla No-S but it can be a challenge for those on awkward shifts! Anyone else got other tips for managing shifts?

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Post by oolala53 » Fri Oct 13, 2017 12:42 pm

A 24-hour shift merits a mod in my book. Are you a doctor?
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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Post by jenji » Fri Oct 13, 2017 7:22 pm

gingerlily wrote:I am new to No-S and am trying to keep it pretty vanilla, but have allowed myself a small extra meal, if desperately hungry, on my 24 hour shifts. For example, this morning I was at work at 1am, having been there since 8:30 the previous morning, and knew I had at least an hour before the possibility of a rest break. Sometimes I don't get a rest break at all. I had a banana and peanut butter this morning to get me through.

This also helps me during the day, as when I am off during the day after my 24 hour shift I have a tendency to overeat because I am not only sleep deprived but think "I deserve this, I will treat myself!" Using food as a reward is something I am working hard not to do any more...
In general I love vanilla No-S but it can be a challenge for those on awkward shifts! Anyone else got other tips for managing shifts?
I just had a flashback to when I used to do overnight shifts on the suicide hotline, and I ate the worst combos of sugar and salt and caffeine to make it through. I was young and slim then, although I didn't do my growing body any favors with that.

Nowadays, if I had to work overnights, I think I would try to do extreme self-care. Not so much sticking to the diet closely on those days, as seeing that I need to engage all my resources to help my body get through sleep deprivation without becoming ill. So, I would add in some very healthy snacks only on those night shifts, raw veggies and plain whole milk yogurt and nuts and fruit. I would try to frame it in my mind as an urgent need to protect my body, not another deprivation. And protecting my body would include not feeding it poison - no sugar, no factory-made food, little salt. I did some of this while going to school full-time with an infant, and I lost a lot of weight and mostly avoided illnesses that year despite sleep deprivation.
I'm a 53-year-old mom and non-profit CEO
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Current weight: 181#, BMI 27.9, 12/19/2022

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Post by gingerlily » Fri Oct 13, 2017 8:35 pm

Yes I am a doctor. I like your approach to think of self care. I am much better than I used to be at recognising that self care includes resting when I am exhausted and generally trying to listen to my body and go gently on myself when I have nights/24hr shifts. I used to see needing to sleep as a weakness, which is daft as I would often tell patients how important sleep is for physical and mental health. I find I only really crave fatty, sugary foods when I need sleep. NoS has actually really helped in this regard as now I can recognise the difference between true 'I need a good meal' hunger and permasnacking 'I fancy chocolate' hunger better than I used to.

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some started another thread on this

Post by oolala53 » Sun Nov 12, 2017 6:52 pm

Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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Post by lin47 » Sun Nov 12, 2017 11:16 pm

NoelFigart wrote:
reinhard wrote:No Solitary Snacking -- even on S-days
I like this one. I'm adding it.

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Post by Soprano » Sat Mar 10, 2018 7:49 am

I only joined yesterday and haven't read all the mod posts, so apologies if this is a repeat...

No Starvation so if I've got meal sizes wrong or been unexpectedly delayed in having a meal and I am genuinely really hungry I will have a small snack, preferably healthy stuff :D

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Post by Octavia » Wed Mar 28, 2018 10:08 am

I’ve been doing Vanilla since I started No S in December 2017, but like you minkalue, I feel bad when I snack and graze on S days. And yet, the freedom/permission to do that is part of the safety valve for me. So...I’m wondering whether to try a mod of only allowing fruit/veg as snacks on S days. That way I can enjoy the freedom of grabbing a grape or two when I pass the fruit bowl, having an apple mid afternoon, munching on a carrot before dinner. So I won’t ruin my appetite, but I still can experience the pleasant ‘grabby’ feeling of snacking...!

Another alternative I’ve considered is to ban sweet snacks. But crisps and peanuts can still ruin my appetite, so not sure that would could be a first step though, away from the dreaded ‘randomness that leads to excess!’ (The words of Reinhard, I think!)

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Post by Marina » Wed Mar 28, 2018 1:43 pm

My mod is that i'm allowed to have a small portion of nuts around 4 pm if i feel i might become hypoglycemic. I take medication for pre-diabetes and hypoglycemia sometimes happens when i end up having a smaller lunch than i should (it's not always easy to know how much will be enough to tide me over until dinner).

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Post by healthyskillz » Fri May 11, 2018 9:55 am

"Not giving up = winning!" //
F/30-ish. BED recovered. Mod: pre-dinner fruit.

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New to No S

Post by St3v3k » Fri Dec 14, 2018 8:30 pm

Hi all. Like Reinhard, I am an engineer / programmer, with an interest in simple systems. (Everyone knows "The Kiss Method" right? KISS = Keep It Simple Stupid.) Unlike Reinhard, I usually end up making things far too complicated, or KAHNplicated, as I like to say (My last name is Kahn). I also love wordplay, and so when I came across this site I instantly went into complicated wordplay mode. My mods:
1. I call it the Simple S diet, and the first rule is KISS.
2. Instead of "Don't be an idiot" I say "Dont be Stupid" (just so there is an S there 🤓)
3. Ok, the only real mod is this: No Splurges. Really, what I mean is no binges, because binge eating is a big issue for me (and many others). There are foods that I simply can't eat in moderation. The only way to deal with those is abstinence. If I avoid sweets (my trigger foods) I avoid binges. Fortunately this is another simple, bright line that is easy to follow once you accept it. I am sure I will stray (hey another S word) occasionally, but I can't afford to do that every weekend. So I plan to only allow sweets on "Special" days, not every weekend day. I actually started this a few weeks before Halloween and managed not to have any sweets that day, and I am down about 5lbs since then. I think I've had 3 or 4 desserts in that time.
I am still absorbing all of this and thinking it thru, but I very much appreciate what I have found here, thanks to all

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Post by ladybird30 » Sat Dec 15, 2018 10:47 pm

Welcome St3v3k - you are not the only maths/science person on this forum. Your no sweets except on special days sounds like it is working well for you.
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Post by freeandeasy » Fri Dec 28, 2018 5:55 am

Wow, how amazing to see a thread that is ten years old!

I've been figuring out where alcohol fits into my plan. It's got extra calories I don't need, and it reduces my willpower. Plus, as I get older it just doesn't agree with me so much anymore. It's become a habit that doesn't serve me so well, but I haven't wanted to give it up entirely.

So I created this mod:
No Snacks, No Sweets, No Seconds, No Spirits, except on days that start with S.

I was pretty happy to get it to fit nicely into the No S diet with the lettering and all. I've been doing this for a few weeks and it's been working well for me. I get a cider (or 2) on the weekends, and during the week I leave it alone. And like sweets, I get to look forward to it, which is more satisfying than having it every day.

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