Learning to Savor

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

Moderators: Soprano, automatedeating

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Learning to Savor

Post by savor » Wed Jan 10, 2018 2:29 am

So here I am, starting up my own check-in thread.

No idea if I'll keep with it, but journaling about a subject tends to lead to success for me: I think it keeps topics top-of-mind and, over time, lets me both amuse myself and learn from my past as I read through old posts and spot trends.

Here is my no-S manifsto:
  • Past performance does not predict future results. Don't look back.
    Self-control is a depletable resource. Habit trumps will power; use "if-then" thinking.
    Building a healthy body now will enable me to enjoy life longer. Wait for that second marshmallow.
    Focusing on failure does not lead to success, but to excess. An orange at 10am is not an excuse for a Whopper at 10pm.
I do not intend to use this forum to flagellate myself for red days, but to look at the process of habit creation. I need to lose weight. I would like to be thinner, prettier and taller. However, I want to learn to think of healthy habits like putting money into a retirement account. The longer I can put off diabetes, arthritis, and general aches and pains, the more "healthy days" I've saved. My goal with a check-in is to reflect on what I'm doing to support Future-Me.

That said, I bought an entirely new wardrobe when I started a new job last May, and I've since gained 15 pounds. I will not buy a new spring and summer wardrobe. I will fit into those clothes again this year!

And... that pretty much sums me up... philosophical flights of fancy interspersed with pragmatic one-liners.

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Post by savor » Wed Jan 10, 2018 2:41 am

I started using HabitCal. It's old school, but it's simple and I like that. Since the first of the year, I've had 6 GREEN days, 2 YELLOW, and 1 RED. I am also down 4.2 pounds, but I don't think that rate of weightloss is sustainable--I always drop like that the first week I do something new, then bounce back the next week. Probably something to do with water, because I am quite certain I have not burned 14,700 more calories than I've eaten over the past week. :)

We'll see how this goes. My initial goal in this is to lose 50 pounts over the course of this year, but I want to sit with the habit creation for a bit and see how I feel before I set any real goals. I am concerned that lack of success may cause me to lose interest.

I did some reading of the check-in threads yesterday, and I very much liked the format of one (Kathleen's maybe?) that had the whole month in one post that was edited regularly. I'm going to give it a go, and report on all 3 of my desired habits, even though spending has nothing to do with No-S, except that it starts with S. :wink: My "S-days" for that one will have to be different, though because it's not practical not to spend anything 5 days out of the week. My goal is 2 or 3; I've never tracked that before, so I dont't really know what is practical. Spending is purchasing a good or a service: it does not include paying bills or donations when the hat is passed at a couple groups I go to.

I decided to post myweight: it's a diet forum; no one will be surprised that I'm obese. I think it will be interesting to scroll through in a few months.

1-01-18: Starting Weight: 173.3

1-09-18: 169.4
No-S: Green
No-Spend: S-Day
Exercise: Green

Today was a GREEN day, and a tough one at that. I had to go out to lunch with the team (not optional) and we went to an Asian restaurant. I DO NOT like Asian food. I realize that means I don't like what the majority of the world eats, but so be it. So I got something to be polite but I really didn't care for it so I didn't finish it. I wanted an orange later in the afternoon, but I didn't have one. I had a cup of tea instead.

Then I went to the gym after work because I figured eating at 5:30 would be a fast track to a late night snack. I bought gas and cat food, and did 30 minutes on the exercise bike.

1-10-18: 169.1
No-S: Green
No-Spend: Green
Exercise: Green

As long as my orange fits on my plate, I can eat it after I am done with my pasta, right? I say yes. The temptation to binge on oranges is about nil.

1-11-18: 168.7
No-S: Green
No-Spend: Green
Exercise: S-Day

I didn't eat enough for lunch today because I was squeezed for time. And I had a commitment after work, so I didn't eat supper until after 8:30pm. But I didn't snack or eat too much for dinner...although I ate it very very fast. :)

1-12-18: 168.5
No-S: Green
No-Spend: S-Day
Exercise: Green

Learned from yesterday. Today I went straight from work to a free concert--that happened to be held in a huge mall. I knew I would either have to eat dinner out, or wait until 9pm to eat. So I planned ahead a bit and ate a bigger lunch: a cup of homemade stew, a salad, a piece of bread and applesauce. It all fit on one medium plate, but it's one thing more than I'd normally eat for lunch. It worked; I was not hungry until after the concert when I was on my way home. For supper, I'll just skip sides with my pasta, because I'm still not starving hungry.

I did buy a soda and some Bath & Body Works (75% off Sale!) to donate to a non-profit I support. Had money budgeted for both those things, so it's an exempt day for No-Spend. And I walked the mall for about an hour before the concert, so that's Exercise even though I didn't do a specific routine. Success! I give myself two points for planning ahead.

1-13-18: 168.7
No-S: S-Day
No-Spend: S-Day
No-Sloth: Green

I decided exercise needs to be no-Sloth to fit in with the theme. I didn't weigh myself until afternoon, so no surprise with that. Did some snacking today that I wasn't thrilled about, but having a peanut butter cookie and a sliver of cake was fabulous as I was at a friend's for lunch. Spending was just the grocery story. yay me! Got a week's worth of meals prepped a:the fridge.

1-14-18: 167.6
No-S: S-Day
No-Spend: Green
No-Sloth: Green

A full two weeks in with only 1 fail day, and no really egregious S-Days, has netted me a loss of 5.7 pounds. I have no idea how much money I'm saving, but would guess somewhere upwards of $50, because I've beens spending about $150 eating out the last few months.

1-15-18: 167.1
No-S: Green
No-Spend: Green
Exercise: S-Day

I'm really learning to enjoy plating my food. I prep all my food for the week on weekends (this is not diet-related, but simple laziness) and I used to eat it out of the tupperware. Putting it on a plate seems festive and for some reason, the food seems more filling and the meal seems "over" when the plate is empty.

I'm also enjoying watching the numbers on the scale. I can't imagine this rate of steady weight loss will continue. I expect a hormonal interruption within the next 10 days. Hopefully, it will not lead to chocolate.

1-16-18: 166.6
No-S: Green
No-Spend: S-Day
Exercise: Green

The cat had to go to the vet yesterday. I could have gotten gas and stopped at Kinko's to print some signs, which would have enabled me to have a no-Spend tomorrow. But combining errands in sub-zero weather with a cat in the car is impractical and taking him hom in between would have meant more gas, not less. Also, it's going to be 30 degrees warmer tomorrow. I'm willing to defer gas and errands for a warmer day for the price of adding an S day to my spending schedule.

1-16-18: 165.8
No-S: Green
No-Spend: Green
Exercise: Green

All-green day. I should have stopped for gas, but I was too lazy. I can do it tomorrow. :) Still liking the progress on the scale, but I'm down 7.5 pounds and not noticing ANY difference in the fit of my pants... which makes me wonder if this is all water weight and if I'll gain it all back some day soon. But I'm only 2.5 weeks into the habit formation and I'm feeling good about that. Have only had one moment of wanting to stop by my coworker's candy dish, and successfully resisted.

1-18-2018: 166.3
No-Spend: S-Day
No-Sloth: S-Day

Blaming the weight gain on hormones, should drop in a couple days based on past experience. Not sure if I can count No-S as green today, but I will. I skipped lunch because I was too busy at work, and I don't feel well & I'm too tired to eat dinner. So I'm going to bed. It wasn't an intentional skipping-meals thing, I just don't feel well. But I didn't over eat, so I'm counting it as green. And there is literally no way I could exercise; I can barely walk, so giving myself an S-Day full of grace on that one.

Also an S-Day for No-Spend, because I really needed to get gas & do my printing. And as long as I was having an S-Day, I went to the grocery store so I don't have to go this weekend. And Target to buy tape to hang the signs. Maybe I'll actually have a no-Spend Saturday; that hasn't happened in a while. But I doubt it; I need water softener salt and I was too tired to do one more thing today.

1-19-18: 164.1
No-S: Green
No-Spend: Green
No-Sloth: S-Day

Feeling better. The weight went down again, but I think the drop is artificial; I'll be back up tomorrow. Volunteered after work today, so no workout in the cards for me today. Honestly, when I leave for work at 6:10 and get home at nearly 9, even 14 minutes is more than I can manage. I'm wiped out.

No-Spend day again today; I'm getting the hang of that. Nearly failed on No-S; I was offered a cookie at the volunteer event and my mind said "weekend" and I nearly ate it. But then I remembered it's Friday, not Saturday. :) I'm not really missing sweets as much as I thought I would. I have some frozen berries so I may make shortcake tomorrow for a treat.

1-20-2018: ?? Forgot to weigh myself.
No-S: S-Day
No-Spend: S-Day
No-Sloth: Green

1-21-2018: 165.8
No-S: S-Day
No-Spend: Green
No-Sloth: S-Day

1-22-2018: 164.8
No-S: Green
No-Spend: Green
No-Sloth: S-Day

1-23-2018: 164.5
No-S: Green
No-Spend: Red
No-Sloth: b]Green[/b]

Catching up with posting after the weekend; I updated my habitcal, but not my thread. My S-days were very nice. Got a good amount of exercise at my volunteer gig. Had a planned dinner out Saturday... I actually split a burger/fries with someone, because no point in pigging out just 'cause. And I had a small bite of the shared cheesecake instead of ordering my own. Sunday I made delicious shortcake, but otherwise kept it in check.

So my weight went up, but not astoundingly so. Hoping to be back at or below the 164.1 again tomorrow.

Today my failure was No-Spend. It was a terrible horible no good very bad day at work, so I bought 2 diet sodas. But that was it. Stayed away from the candy dish. And will make a decent dinner here in a bit. And I already posted green for no-sloth, so I better go do it.

I'm out of grocery money, so the next 10 days will be overly carby and lacking in veggies, but I will maintain the 3-plates/day.

1-24-18: 164.1
No-S: Green
No-Spend: S-Day
Exercise: Green

Two caveats today: .
1) I ate crackers this morning. Before breakfast. Because I was too nauseated to eat. Technically, they would have fit on a plate next to the small bowl of oatmeal. There was a break in between them, though. BUT...I figured if I skipped the oatmeal I would have ended up snacking at 10am. I could call it an S-Day, but I don't want to look back & think it was a special day. So I'm calling it green; breakfast just had an intermission. I hate nausea; it's such an icky feeling. My only thought is that it was a reaction to a medication I take. I missed a couple days so the side effects do tend to come back without consistent timing on that med.
2) I didn't really NEED to have an S-Day for No-Spend. But I chose to in advance, and the $.80 I spent was budgeted. So it's yellow.

Nice to see that I landed right at the weight I hoped for yesterday. Tonight... I will hope that I weigh 163.1 tomorrow! We'll see how hoping goes.

Not banking on it though. Supper was a grilled cheese sandwich and chips with an orange. Hello, sodium!

1-25-18: 164.5
No-S: Green
No-Spend: Green
No-Sloth: S-Day

Disappointed in the numbers on the scale this morning ... this is when I normally get discouraged and give up. Initial progress, followed by lack of results. On the other hand, I'm still on track to lose 50 pounds this year. And I'm celebrating 21 days of good habits! No-S on weekdays and moderate S days on weekends. So that's something. And I am down over 8 pounds this month, which is nothing to scoff at.

Grilled cheese again for supper tonight, but it's too late and I'm too tired to add any sides. G'night.

1-26-18: 164.5
No-S: Green
No-Spend: Yellow
No-Sloth: Green

1-27-18: 162.5
No-S: Yellow
No-Spend: Green
No-Sloth: Yellow

Didn't leave my house on Saturday. Did some chores, did my February meal plan, napped, went to bed early. My S-Day treat was homemade cornbread with homemade cherry preserves. I didn't eat a full 3 meals either, because I didn't do much all day. But it was an ok day.

1-28-18: 162.5
No-S: Yellow
No-Spend: Yellow
No-Sloth: Green

Went for a hike with a friend, so bought a soda, and paid for parking. But a pretty cheap day out. I like that I have friends who don't demand expensive food-laden activities. Didn't eat until 4pm today, just because I was otherwise occupied. Had a bowl of Rice & Beans, and more cornbread with cherry preserves. Probably not more than I eat on a normal day, but it wasn't 3 plated meals, so it's still a yellow S-Day.

1-29-18: 163.6
No-S: Green
No-Spend: Yellow
No-Sloth: Yellow

Planned & budgeted final food spend of the month. When I'm down to six bucks, what can't I live without? Diet Coke of course. "Hi, my name is Savor, and I'm an addict." Otherwise, all is well. Mondays are always an S-day for No-Sloth.

Total of 9.7 pounds lost in my first four weeks on the program. That's 20% of the way to my goal. It's not slow... 2 pounds a week is solid progress... but it sure feels slow!

1-31-18: 160.5
No-S: Green
No-Spend: Yellow
No-Sloth: Yellow
Last edited by savor on Sat Feb 03, 2018 3:19 am, edited 29 times in total.

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Post by ladybird30 » Thu Jan 11, 2018 1:28 am

Hi Savor - if you define success as sticking to 3 meals a day, or whatever permanent change you think is achievable for you, then you can be successful from day 1.
Three meals a day - not too little not too much, but just right

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Post by savor » Thu Jan 11, 2018 1:39 am

That's a good point, Ladybird. By that metric, I'm doing ok so far! I just don't want to get bored if I don't see changes in the scale or the way I feel. This habit thing is hard for me!

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Post by milliem » Thu Jan 11, 2018 9:09 pm

I often 'virtual plate' savor, as not everything technically goes on one plate together. So I might have soup, a roll and some fruit but don't empty it all out onto the same plate! :) For me, as long as all the food is in front of me when I sit down and it's not some crazy mound of food that wouldn't fit on a plate I'm good.

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Post by oolala53 » Sat Jan 13, 2018 4:39 pm

"Savor" is one of my favorite words about eating.

I love your allusion to the "second marshmallow,"; I'm assuming here it's a metaphor!

Posting is definitely not a requirement. If it helps, terrific. Some of us are voyeurs, but it's not your job to make us happy!

Enjoy every bite!
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

There is no S better than Vanilla No S (mods now as a senior citizen)

Posts: 12
Joined: Mon Jan 01, 2018 7:27 pm

Post by savor » Tue Jan 16, 2018 4:00 am

@oolala53, the second marshmallow is from the famous study about self regulation. Waiting for the second marshmallow predicts better life outcomes. ;)

The Stanford marshmallow experiment[1] was a series of studies on delayed gratification in the late 1960s and early 1970s led by psychologist Walter Mischel, then a professor at Stanford University. In these studies, a child was offered a choice between one small reward provided immediately or two small rewards (i.e., a larger later reward) if they waited for a short period, approximately 15 minutes, during which the tester left the room and then returned. (The reward was sometimes a marshmallow, but often a cookie or a pretzel.) In follow-up studies, the researchers found that children who were able to wait longer for the preferred rewards tended to have better life outcomes, as measured by SAT scores,[2] educational attainment,[3] body mass index (BMI),[4] and other life measures.[5]

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Post by oolala53 » Sun Jan 21, 2018 4:49 pm

I knew about the marshmallow test. That was the metaphor I meant, though I guess the better term is allusion. That example is brought up in so many books/articles I've read on willpower. I think I even saw it on film in a training or in class at work. As an adult, I want to believe I would have been on the kids who held out for marshmallow 2, though I think I would have had a better chance if it had been done with money for me. I have willpower there.

Those marshmallow 2 people do have the advantage that they don't feel as much tension over NOT having the target item, whatever it is, I believe. And they found the diversion tactics came to them rather naturally. Marshmallow 1 people may have to work at it more, including soldiering on before the trend helps overcome the noise. When I realized it was this or overeat forever, I saw that I was going to have to say NO many times when I actually wanted to eat. Nothing else was going to save me. NO one can promise YOU any particular ease or results. There are just patterns. I may not be able to pull off accumulating wealth, fame, or even social connections but I can darn well "fast" between decently-sized meals most days of the week. If I need it easier than that, my odds are NOT good. And I'm welcome to keep looking for anything else that might solve things better while I live the lifestyle. That's up to me and no reflection on No S.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

There is no S better than Vanilla No S (mods now as a senior citizen)

Posts: 12
Joined: Mon Jan 01, 2018 7:27 pm

Post by savor » Tue Jan 23, 2018 11:45 pm

oolala53 wrote: <SNIP>

Those marshmallow 2 people do have the advantage that they don't feel as much tension over NOT having the target item, whatever it is, I believe. And they found the diversion tactics came to them rather naturally. Marshmallow 1 people may have to work at it more, including soldiering on before the trend helps overcome the noise. When I realized it was this or overeat forever, I saw that I was going to have to say NO many times when I actually wanted to eat. Nothing else was going to save me. NO one can promise YOU any particular ease or results. There are just patterns. I may not be able to pull off accumulating wealth, fame, or even social connections but I can darn well "fast" between decently-sized meals most days of the week. If I need it easier than that, my odds are NOT good. And I'm welcome to keep looking for anything else that might solve things better while I live the lifestyle. That's up to me and no reflection on No S.
Yes, this is me. I am a marshmallow 1 person all the way. I want what I want when it's there, not to wait for more. That may be one reason No-Spend is also good for me. I don't NEED to get whatever I want all the time as soon as I want it.

[Unrelated note, this forum is awful for a phone. I can read people's threads, but commenting requires sitting at the computer. So I read way more than I post comments]

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Post by automatedeating » Wed Jan 24, 2018 3:34 am

I agree, Savor. I notice that my loyal times to the forum tend to be when I have predictable times on my laptop. I don't even bother on my phone.

I was a fairly consistent poster until 3 years ago when I became an admin at my job and my workload exploded. And now it's finally winding down, and I'm able to be a regular poster again. Life seasons.
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
3/18-25.6; 8/18-24.5; 10/18-23.8;
3/19-22.1; 10/19-21.8
6/20-22.5; 7/20-23.0; 9/20-23.6
4/21 - 25.2

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Location: San Diego, CA USA

Post by oolala53 » Sat Jan 27, 2018 9:36 pm

MOST people are marshmallow 1. Otherwise, we'd all be accomplished athletes, scientists, performing musicians, etc., and we'd watch a lot less TV sports, dance, and singing because we'd probably be DOING rather than living vicariously.

So let's be judicious about the 2-marshmallow pursuits. We can't all be on the Oprah show!
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

There is no S better than Vanilla No S (mods now as a senior citizen)

Posts: 12
Joined: Mon Jan 01, 2018 7:27 pm


Post by savor » Sat Feb 03, 2018 3:33 am

It's February--month two of the year long challenge. My goals for the month:

SNAP challenge: Grocery spending at $118, including Diet Coke. (I also have $45 in Eating Out, to allow for a few special occasions)
No-S: Perfect adherence
No-Spend: 4 days each week (16 for the month)
No-Sloth: 4 days each week (16 for the month)
Weight: 155 by the end of the month (1.75 pounds/week)

2-1-18: 161.8
No-S: Green
No-Spend: Green
No-Sloth: Yellow

Still here. Still plugging away. But getting bored & distracted. Frozen pizza tonight.

2-2-18: 161.3
No-S: Green
No-Spend: Yellow
No-Sloth: Red

I should have worked out today. But I didn't. Mark it and move on. I'm not sure why some days I have such an aversion to exercise. I could have found time, but I didn't. I find myself doing the "I'll work out more tomorrow" bargaining. Maybe I need to pre-plan my S-Days for No-Sloth, so it's really a habit, not an item on the to-do list.

Had a networking meeting this morning, so bought breakfast. Then I couldn't find my lunch. Don't know if I left in the car or if someone took it. It's well below zero, so I'm not looking in the car. I'll look tomorrow...if it's there, it will be frozen and fine. But yeah, I walked down to the cafeteria all set to buy nachos for lunch. But they had some weird tailgating thing going on, so I ate the oatmeal I still had in the fridge. One point for frugality there.

Got gas and a pack of soda today. Tomorrow will be the big spend day. I was going to make a Costco run.... but I don't think I want to go to Costco the day before the superbowl. I'll wait a week. Aldi will be fine for groceries.

2-3-2018: 160.5
No-S: Yellow
No-Spend: Yellow
No-Sloth: Yellow

2-4-2018: 162.6
No-S: Yellow
No-Spend: Yellow
No-Sloth: Yellow

Weight loss seems to be stalling. Dunno why, but likely the preponderance of grain-based carbs last week, and fewer green veggies.

I'm enjoying my weekend anyway.

2-5-2018: 162.00
No-S: Green
No-Spend: Green
No-Sloth: Yellow

Struggling with a daily checkin. Struggling with motivation. It's not like I want to binge or give up on No-S. That actually seems to be the easiest. But No-Sloth is killing me. I keep giving myself yellow days, but I really need to plan ahead for when I will work out, and keep myself more accountable for making the time. Maybe I should come up with my own 14-minute routine and make it a DAILY habit. Shovelglove doesn't necesarily work with my physical limitations....but something.

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