Linda's daily check-in

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Post by lpearlmom » Sat Apr 14, 2018 4:48 pm

Hi worth!

Yes I do not think ADF is for me! If I lived alone maybe but I enjoy my family dinner time too much to give that up so often. I think I will continue with the once/weekly 42 hr fasts on Monday’s though. I usually eat a bit more on the weekends so it always feels good to have that break from digestion.

We really are on the same page though. I was thinking that I’m trying to hard and should go back to my original 5 hour window. I’m constantly trying to tweak the process instead of just relaxing into it and seeing where I land. Maybe re-evaluate in six months. Stay of the scale and get on with my life. Sounds good but realistically I probably won’t do this. It’s just not in my nature but I do think I need to relax a bit about the whole thing. Either way I’m still enjoying it more than not.

Good luck with your ever-evolving journey!
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Post by worth it » Sat Apr 14, 2018 10:35 pm

Ha! Ha!

I loved how you said: "Stay off the scale and get on with my life. Sounds good but realistically I probably won’t do this. It’s just not in my nature but I do think I need to relax a bit about the whole thing."

I love your self awareness...

Anyway, here's to hoping that relaxing a little will help to further your journey.

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Post by lpearlmom » Thu Apr 19, 2018 3:23 am

Hehe thanks worth!

Things are crazy right now. Our very red district has a special election coming up and the polls show that we actually may have a chance of winning this. So lots of canvassing, phone banking etc. Then to top it off I decided to throw a big party for my 50th bday!

I’m not sure what I was thinking. I don’t like being the center of attention and entertaining stresses me out even though we’ve definitely done our share of it. I’m so worried that nobody will show up that I just keep inviting random ppl. I’ve even invited ppl I’ve never met or only msg once. I’m crazy. In fact if you are reading this and would like to come, please do! 😆

My sister is coming and she stresses me out. I feel like I have to prove myself to her so puts on extra pressure. Oh why didn’t I settle for a nice dinner out?..

So much to do!

At least my weight finally dropped a bit. I think it’s because I added in a could of low carb days. I also have been exercising a bit more. I know exercise isn’t suppose to be much of a factor in weight loss but I think everyone is different. I tend to lose weight with cardio. I didn’t want it to be a forced chore though but lately I’ve been craving it so hopefully this will continue. Yesterday I actually ran for a bit. Who am I ?


Break-fast (5pm): 4 small pieces of homemade white pizza with asparagus and ricotta, large sf chai
Dessert: 7 small coconut cookies w/ glass of milk.

Exercise: 25 min walk w/ doggies

Ps this was not a low carb day! Also I’m trying to keep my body guessing with various windows anywhere from 1-5 hr with a 30 hr fast thrown in there now and then!
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Post by oolala53 » Thu Apr 19, 2018 4:28 am

Where are you, again? And when is the party? Be careful what you offer! Some of us are not THAT far away, and you are near some other visitable spots...

Boy, if the election goes your way, that would seem pretty auspicious or at least gratifying. You might have to have another party then. At least you wouldn't be the center of attention.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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Post by lpearlmom » Thu Apr 19, 2018 4:41 am

Hehe Oolala ! I’m in Peoria, Az May 12th @6:30pm. Just a hop away from Sedona! *tempt*

Yes it would be amazing if we won. I think if we win Tuesday this party will be partly a celebration for both. I’ve invited mostly my activist friends. Embarrassingly enough, I didn’t have much of a social life before this. I also put up with more than I should have with some of those friendships. I’m so done with mean spirited people so some of those pre-trump friendships dropped off due to me seeing the light.

Anyway the invitation stands. ;)
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Post by ironchef » Fri Apr 20, 2018 8:06 am

Linda I’m not around much these days, but I’ve been thinking often of you when I’ve read updates on the Arizona 8th. Just making it so competitive is an amazing achievement! And all of the work and network building are going to be so helpful for getting people engaged and turning out in November. Very best wishes for Tuesday, and for a wonderful birthday too!

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Post by lpearlmom » Mon Apr 23, 2018 5:24 pm

Hi Iron! It’s so great to hear from you and I’m impressed you know about this election. You are right, either way it’s a win. We. are making so much progress. I went canvassing on Saturday in a lower income neighborhood and was really impressed how many people already knew about the special election. I hope we can at least make it a close race. We’ve all worked so hard.

We had our neighbors over for dinner last night and I drank way too much wine. I had trouble sleeping and now am not able to be very productive today. Why do I keep thinking overdoing it is a good idea ? 2-3 drinks really needs to be my max. DH kept bringing out more wine though. I’m really worried about him because he’s been having severe backache. He’s just not taking care of his health lately and I don’t know how to motivate him. I wish we could be on the same page again. *sigh*
:twisted: SW: 210 lbs
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Post by worth it » Tue Apr 24, 2018 11:46 pm

Hi Linda,

Lots of awesome stuff going on with you!

First of all, happy upcoming birthday! Some of my favorite people are born this time of year (my dad and my son), so my mom must be right about all that zodiac song stuff- lol! My dad lives in Tucson and if for some random reason I’m around at that time, I’d come! 🙂 Sounds like you are also staring a fabulous new decade and I wish you all the best!!!

Secondly, it wonderful to hear that all of your efforts personally and politically are paying off. There’s nothing more attractive than a person who Is passionate about their beliefs and there’s no doubt in my mind that’s why you’ve attracted so many people to you lately. Now, if you could only hire an event planner to take over the party preparations so that you could just relax and enjoy the amazing the way, I do that stuff all the time. I have these moments where parties/get togethers sound great, so I invite everyone, only to be anxious about doing it the very next day. Sigh. It’ll all work itself out in the end.

Finally, I hear you about DH. I tried to get mine to do IF especially for his aches and pains (he played a lot of competitive sports into college). He did it for a week or two and stopped. Would’ve been so encouraging to have that partner along-side me, but oh well. I guess it’s their own choice. Sigh.

Either way- keep it going! I enjoy your posts so much- they help me on my own journey. Thanks!

p.s. congrats on the scale movement- I know you’ve really been working on it- nice to see progress, no?

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Post by lpearlmom » Fri Apr 27, 2018 4:14 am

Hi Worth! I didn’t realize your Dad lived in Tucson. Definitely let me know if you’re ever this way and we can meet for a coffee or something. Would be fun! Yes seeing the scale move even a little is so encouraging. Thanks for your kind words as always. 😄

So much going on. We had the election and Hiral lost but only by something like 5%. Incredible for our district. The last election the R won by 37%. Since this was a special election, we will have another chance in November. We shall see but I’m suddenly feeling seriously burnt out. Our teachers are on strike this week and we had a huge March at the capitol today. Over 75k ppl showed up all wearing red. The pictures from the helicopters are pretty amazing.

It was hot though and a fair amount of walking so I’m really tired. Also I’m starting to feel overwhelmed by the constant social interaction. I’m really an introvert at heart and so much of this is out of my comfort zone. That’s okay but when you interact with a large group of people on such a regular basis, there’s bound to be personally clashes. Lately there’s been a couple ppl that seem to have a mean girl side to them and I’m just ready for some space.

One thing I get a hard time for is the fact that my daughter goes to a charter school. Activists hate charter schools and tend to lump them all together. My daughter absolutely loves her school though. It’s a small arts school with an amazing group of students and teachers. It’s very diverse and they’re so accepting of everyone. Boys wear dresses to proms and nobody blinks an eye. Today this woman that previously sent me animal videos because I posted a picture of my dinner with meat in it (she’s hardcore vegan), cornered me at the March and started giving me a hard time about my daughters school. *sigh*

After today, I decided I needed a break & im off Facebook for a month. I’m also not doing any activist stuff for a month and am going to try to ignore politics till then as well. Well unless Mueller gets fired because I’m hosting the protest. I’m even thinking of not hosting my Indivisible meetings anymore. I don’t know.

I’m just feeling so exposed I guess. I open my home up to ppl, feed them and they sometimes still treat me badly. I kind of just want to focus on being a Precinct Committee Person for my neighborhood and spending time with those people whom I’ve enjoyed getting to know. I’ll see how I feel about it all after the break but it really feels good to disconnect from the constant noise.

On the plus side DH’s back is feeling much better and he’s starting to be better about watching his carbs. Now if I could just get him to start exercising again. Also, I already have like 33 ppl coming to the party—woot! I think it’ll be fun but will definitely be a lot of work! I did hire 2 helpers that will help with pouring drinks and serving food so that’ll be good. My neighbor and DH are doing the food and I’m sure my mom and sister will help with clean-up.

Okay, you guys are probably going to see me here much more now that I’m not feeling like I have to check Facebook every 5 seconds. What a relief!

156.2 lbs

Break-fast (5pm): sautéed onion & cheese sandwich on low-carb bread. Bowl of ciopinno , wine/kombucha cooler.
Dessert: perfect protein bar

Exercise : 4 miles in 90+ degrees
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Post by lpearlmom » Sat Apr 28, 2018 5:22 am

Today was a fun day. I went out to lunch with a few friends for one of their bdays. Was nice to be with positive, uplifting people. I feel a little badly complaining to them about other people. It’s a bad habit I have but I think it helps me process my frustrations.

There’s so much to do for my bday party. 😱

I’m down another pound but probably will be back up tomorrow. The low-carb 1 hr. window really seems to get the scale moving though.

155.6 lbs

Break-fast (1:45 pm): tuna tartare, Asian chicken salad
Dessert: a couple bites of pineapple rum cake, large sf iced blended chai
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Post by Octavia » Sat Apr 28, 2018 10:25 am

Good luck with your party preparations Linda!

I’m also a terrible one for complaining about other people... I never mean to bitch: often I’m just trying to understand why people do what they do, and why I have a hard time dealing with it! Oh well. If people do annoying stuff, they surely deserve to be talked about....😂😂😂 (that person who sent you videos and dares to judge your daughter’s school is MORE than annoying! How dare she! 😡)

Constant interaction, even with inspiring people, is exhausting. I hope you get chance to look after yourself a bit. Have a great weekend!

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Post by worth it » Sat Apr 28, 2018 9:26 pm

Introvert power! From one introvert to another, I totally get how you are feeling. It’ll be great to take a break from all the drama for a little while. Will give you some time to do some more party planning (Thank goodness you will have some help!).

Oh, I just wanted to say that “complaining†is completely normal! I do it all the time... we ALL do it, and sounds like you just needed a little session to get some stuff out. If you were complaining about the vegan activist lady who cornered you, then by all means keep on complaining! Lol! 😂

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Post by lpearlmom » Sun Apr 29, 2018 4:06 am

Thanks Octavia & worth! I did text my friend to apologize for my complaining. And she said not to worry that she totally gets it and she appreciates that I’m a generally upbeat person.

I ended up blocking the crazy vegan lady from my Facebook group. Life is too short to put up with miserable people. If I run into her again, I’m ignoring her.

Yes, the break is doing me good. Today I took my daughter shopping and then we went to a food trucks festival. It was a lot of fun but I ate way more sugar than I usually do and I feel lightheaded & kind of ick. Looking forward to getting back on track tomorrow.

156.4 lbs

Break-fast (2pm): large smoothie, couple nuts & bites of beef jerky
Dinner: mini-bean tostada, shared samples, piece of pizza, tuna hand roll, 2 margaritas
dessert: chocolate sorbet, mini-cake, iced chai

A lot of food! ☺ï¸
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Post by Merrygoround » Tue May 01, 2018 1:10 am

Just dropping in to say hi! I haven’t read all 33 pages of this thread, just the last 2or3. Reading about your adventures in fasting has been fascinating.

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Post by lpearlmom » Tue May 01, 2018 4:05 am

Thanks Merry! Yeah it’s a lot of writing I know! I’ve only been doing Intermittent Fasting for the last 6 months or so. The rest is my long and involved NoS journey.

My kids are still off of school due to the teacher strike. I’m really stressed out because this may really mess up our summer vacation plans. We’re suppose to go to Dominican Republic the Monday after school let’s out. If they have to add on extra days, we may not be able to go. Ugh, what a mess.

I also have a ridiculous amount of stuff to do. My youngest bdays party is this Saturday & mine is the following Saturday. My oldest daughter's is on the 9th but she just wants to go to dinner. Stilll I need to get their presents, clean my house, get decorations for both parties, but a new outfit. It’ll get done somehow.

Took my daughter to lunch today so skipped dinner. Didn’t weigh.


Break-fast (11:30 am): chopped salad w/ salmon, cup of curry soup, sf chai

Chai is my weakness but it’s just empty calories. It also gives me reflux sometimes. Oh well maybe I can at least switch to a small if I’m not ready to give it up completely. At least I stopped getting it daily.
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Post by ladybird30 » Wed May 02, 2018 12:53 am

lpearlmom wrote:
Chai is my weakness but it’s just empty calories. It also gives me reflux sometimes. Oh well maybe I can at least switch to a small if I’m not ready to give it up completely. At least I stopped getting it daily.
Lots of small steps adds up to big progress.
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Post by lpearlmom » Wed May 02, 2018 5:10 am

Definitely ladybird!

Up 2 lbs and I was really hungry today. This weight loss stuff is definitely a lot of two steps forward one step back. I’ll get there.

157.8 lbs

Break-fast (4:30 pm): plate w macadamia nuts, olives, pickles, raspberries
Dinner: green Chile chicken w/ Mexican corn, glass wine
Dessert: protein bar, kind bar , 2 glasses milk

Exercise: walked dogs 25 mins ðŸ•
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Post by lpearlmom » Thu May 03, 2018 4:33 am

Ugh, up a total of 4 lbs. now. Really hungry today and ate a lot. Dang it, I wanted to buy a cute dress for my bday. I may have to wait till next week. Oh well I know by now weight loss is not linear. I just want to look cute for my party.

Break-fast (7pm): French onion burger, spinach salad w/ blue cheese & pecans
Dessert: bowl of ice cream, 4 small cookies ðŸª
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Post by oolala53 » Thu May 03, 2018 1:39 pm

I don’t think you’ll be able to help but to look cute. :)
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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Post by Merrygoround » Fri May 04, 2018 12:08 am

Hey, Linda! I did an accidental fast last night!

I had made soup to eat after Aikido, but when I got home I didn’t fancy it. It had been a hard class and I just looked at the soup pan and thought ...nah....

So I had a cup of tea and a shower and looked at it again. Nah....

So I chatted to my husband for a bit and went to bed!

This morning I did a short run, and was really ready for my breakfast.
Now it is lunch time and that soup is looking sooo good! One big bowl of potato and lentil soup coming up.

The thing is the world did not come to an end because I chose(me! Chose!) to miss a meal. I have not binged, or died of starvation or anything. I just didn’t fancy my supper. So I ate lunch at 12.30 yesterday and breakfast today at 8am, so that is what? 19 hours give or take? This is quite a startling concept. Not hungry, don’t eat! Wow!

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Post by Dalia negra » Fri May 04, 2018 4:59 am

Congratulations Linda and Merrygoround!

I would love to fast, but my time has not yet come, I have very little with No S and I just focus on strengthening the habit. But I do not rule out trying it over time, I know it has many benefits.

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Post by lpearlmom » Fri May 04, 2018 5:06 am

Woot—how awesome is that?! Isn’t it amazing to realize you are perfectly fine skipping a meal and in fact it feels pretty darn good? Great job listening to your body.

Today was busy. I spent a good part of the day cleaning out my kitchen drawers and pantry cupboards. I got rid of SO much stuff and it feels so good opening my cupboards and seeing everything clean & organized. I wish it would just stay that way forever.

I e been wanting to fast for a full day a couple times a week but I miss the ritual of dinner time too much. But I had the idea today to just eat 500 calories or less a couple times a week instead. That’s what some ppl do when they fast every other day. They eat 3 meals a day though on their non-fasting days but I’d still do my normal 18-23 hr fast on those days. Well it’s pretty hard to keep it under 500 calories. Once I start eating I just want to keep eating but I did keep it lighter than normal.

Break-fast (6:30pm): 4 cauliflower lettuce wraps, 2 kombucha wine coolers.
Dessert: small apple
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Post by lpearlmom » Fri May 04, 2018 5:10 am

Dalia: I did nos for over 2 years before starting fasting. I think focusing on nos habits first is smart!
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Post by lpearlmom » Sat May 05, 2018 4:04 am

Boy did I make up for last night. We took my oldest daughter out for her bday to a really nice Italian place. I ate a lot plus I nibbles when I came home. I stuck to my fast though so that’s all that really matters.

I got my nails done and then my hair today. I love my hair dresser but she keeps suggesting I need Botox or laser facials. It’s not really my speed but it makes me feel a little insecure. I just have trouble being that vain. I rather spend my money/time on other things I guess.

157.2 lbs
Break-fast (6pm): Cesear Salad, calamari, squid ink pasta with shrimp, 2 glasses sangria
Dessert: 3 shared desserts between the 4 of us
Snack: several small coconut cookies, a couple chips w guacamole
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Post by lpearlmom » Sat May 05, 2018 4:15 am

Oolala: btw, forgot to say thank you for your kind comment! Still need to go shopping!
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Post by Dalia negra » Sat May 05, 2018 6:35 am

lpearlmom wrote:Dalia: I did nos for over 2 years before starting fasting. I think focusing on nos habits first is smart!

Thank you very much!!!!! I will continue like this and eventually I hope to get where you are. Have a lovely weekend :D

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Post by Merrygoround » Sun May 06, 2018 12:13 am

My hairdresser makes little comments about ‘those little hairs one gets as one ages’! I go home and frantically yank at everything I can see with tweezers! Husband says ‘what little hairs?’ Bless the man.

There is only so much money. Experiences v facials? I think those little hairs are my answer!

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Post by lpearlmom » Mon May 07, 2018 5:30 am

What is with these hairdressers geesh! She’s pretty obsessed about being young so I’m going to just assume it’s her issue and not mine. I told my DH about the Botox and he said “ewwwâ€. Besides it’s not entirely without risks. I was reading that it actually can re-wire your brain. No thanks.

Dang I ate SO much these last few days celebrating both my daughters bdays. Maybe it’s a bit of a rebound effect from being overly restrictive. That 500calorie idea was a terrible one. It’s funny but that doesn’t happen to me if I do a complete fast for a whole day instead. I’m going to try and fast Tuesday and Thursday this week. I don’t even want to get near the scale tomorrow. I’ll be glad when bday season is over.
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Post by lpearlmom » Tue May 08, 2018 5:13 am

Was my birthday today but didn’t do anything interesting. Too much to do for the big bday bash this weekend. My family did make me dinner and kind of cleaned up. It’s okay. I make such a big deal about everyone elses bdays that I’m inevitably let down by the lack of fuss on mine.

I did receive some amazing bday wishes from friends. I feel fortunate to have ppl that care about me. Also my mil sent me a ridiculously expensive purse (Christian Loubotin). So generous of her but I don’t really care for it so am exchanging it tomorrow.

I was only up a couple lbs after my wild weekend so not too bad. Hopefully it’ll come off by Saturday. Tomorrow I have to go find a bday outfit. Shopping anxiety! 😱

Break-fast (6pm): 3 small grilled veggie tostadas with avocado, glass wine
Dessert: protein bar, watermelon with plain Greek yogurt
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Post by Merrygoround » Tue May 08, 2018 8:34 am

There’s one thing about it, at least all the birthdays come together. It would be worse if they were spread out....ours are July, August, September, October, big breath in November, then Christmas. It never seems to end! So every month has an extra special day.

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Post by oolala53 » Tue May 08, 2018 9:57 pm

Happy Birthday! Celebrate in your mind as long as you can. :wink:

There is a cosmetic company that has very aggressive sales people out in front of their stores handing out samples. If you take one, they start in on upgrades. On Saturday- I can't even remember what I was doing in what I call the Sodom and Gomorrah of shopping-one of the guys, when I did step forward to take the sample, said "Oh let me show you something for around your eyes." I said, "What are you trying to say?" and walked off. 8) If I didn't have to pay for it until it had proven itself for six months, I'd try it.

And I don't claim I wouldn't have "some work" done, as they say. More surface stuff than surgery. I did a lot of sunning when I was a teen. I don't know if it would be prophylactic or not.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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Post by Merry » Wed May 09, 2018 5:56 am

lpearlmom wrote:Was my birthday today
Happy Belated Birthday!
Homeschool Mom and No S returnee as of 11-30-15.
2 years and counting on No-S.
29 lbs. down, 34 to go. Slow and steady wins the race.
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Post by lpearlmom » Wed May 09, 2018 6:07 am

Merry: it’s really exhausting having them all at once but you’re right at least it’s over at once too.

Oolala: yeah I might do some deep facial stuff (not Botox though) but it’s just annoying having someone tell you that you should. I shun all free samples at the mall. Those ppl are bossy. I think I’m going to steal your line for my hairdresser next time.

I took the purse back today and got a nice Kate spade. I had money leftover but still managed to spent a lot of my own money. I bought 3 dresses, a pair of shoes, a pair of earrings, a ring, 3 bras and some Spanx. Boy does that add up at Nordstrom. 😱

Was a pretty good experience overall. I fit into mostly mediums and size 10s. I didn’t want to throw up at the sight of myself in a full length mirror so that was nice. Quite a different experience from when I was wearing 2x. Still my goal is size smalls or a size 6. I’ll get there but I think I really need to start exercising. I just feel so much better when I do and would be great to get a little muscle tone back.

I also found I was wearing the wrong bra size. At Nordstrom they pull you into the dressing room, strip you down and give you a proper measuring. I was wearing a 38D and she put me in a 34DDD. ☺ï¸

Thank you for the bday wishes Merry & oolala!

Break-fast (5pm) : couple bites of salmon, 1/4 avocado
Dinner: CHipotle chicken salad

Exercise: shopping for 4 hrs 😱
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Post by oolala53 » Wed May 09, 2018 3:56 pm

I remember buying a fancy bra (to wear a fancy dress for a wedding) not long after I got out of high school. I can't remember why in heaven's name a girl friend (whom I still know) came into the dressing room with the sales woman and me, but when the salesperson was shifting my tatas around in the bra, I was doing all I could to act like this happened every day and my friend was shaking (suppressing laughter) in an extremely unsupportive way! As you see, I never forgot it. But I did look nice in the dress. I bet you are going to look hot, hot, hot, in one of those dresses, though you might not recognize it.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
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Post by Merrygoround » Wed May 09, 2018 6:13 pm clothes! Fun!

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Post by ladybird30 » Thu May 10, 2018 12:22 am

lpearlmom wrote:
Exercise: shopping for 4 hrs 😱
That's stamina!!
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Post by lpearlmom » Thu May 10, 2018 3:37 am

Hehe ladybird I felt a little princess-like complaining about being tired from shopping. ☺ï¸

That’s funny oolala. I definitely appreciate getting fitted properly. I think I look pretty good. I just wish my middle pooch would go away. 20 more pounds. I’ll be getting hair & make-up done too. Geesh haven’t made this much of a fuss since my wedding.

Today was my oldest daughter’s bday so we woke her up at 6am and took her to get donuts. We also went out for dinner and had cake when we got home. We gave her a record player and a Beatles record. She was so excited. I love that she’s excited about music.


Break-fast (5pm): large bbq chicken salad, two glasses ðŸ·
Dessert: tiny piece of ice cream cake, slice of watermelon ðŸ‰
Last edited by lpearlmom on Thu May 10, 2018 1:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Merry » Thu May 10, 2018 5:34 am

oolala53 wrote:I remember buying a fancy bra (to wear a fancy dress for a wedding) not long after I got out of high school. I can't remember why in heaven's name a girl friend (whom I still know) came into the dressing room with the sales woman and me, but when the salesperson was shifting my tatas around in the bra, I was doing all I could to act like this happened every day and my friend was shaking (suppressing laughter) in an extremely unsupportive way! As you see, I never forgot it. But I did look nice in the dress. I bet you are going to look hot, hot, hot, in one of those dresses, though you might not recognize it.
Okay, I have ALWAYS wanted to go to a fancy store and get properly sized...but I draw the line there! I think I no longer want to go, LOL!
Homeschool Mom and No S returnee as of 11-30-15.
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Post by lpearlmom » Thu May 10, 2018 1:18 pm

Hehe Merry. Just so you know, she had me keep my bra on. It was all very professional and I highly recommend it.
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Post by oolala53 » Thu May 10, 2018 10:01 pm

A record? And a record player? is that a thing- again? It sounds like a gift I would have gotten in junior high! Oh, how I listened to them over and over.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
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Post by Merrygoround » Thu May 10, 2018 11:04 pm

Round things! That play music! That you can actually touch! Ohhh I do hope they are coming back again.

And here is a confession.....we still have our record player....and records...

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Post by Merry » Fri May 11, 2018 4:40 am

lpearlmom wrote:Hehe Merry. Just so you know, she had me keep my bra on. It was all very professional and I highly recommend it.
Homeschool Mom and No S returnee as of 11-30-15.
2 years and counting on No-S.
29 lbs. down, 34 to go. Slow and steady wins the race.
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Post by worth it » Sat May 12, 2018 2:27 am

Hi Linda,

Just dropping by to wish you a VERY Happy Birthday and I hope your party goes even better than you hoped!

Congrats on all your progress too!!

So happy for you!!

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Post by lpearlmom » Mon May 14, 2018 5:30 am

I love the whole vinyl record revival too. It’s pretty cool.

Thanks for the bday wishes. Omg, the party turned out over the top amazing. So many people came, the house looked beautiful, everyone was so kind and I even felt really good about how I looked especially after getting my hair and makeup done. It’s astonishing what a difference makeup done right can make. Wish I could figure out how to do it properly.

Honestly though it’s just all a bit overwhelming to have so many people celebrating my birthday with me. I have guilt & anxiety today. I think I’m having a bit of bday party let down today. Probably being a little hungover doesn’t help either.

The downside of things going well as it heightens my fear of loss. I’m so afraid it’s all going to just go away suddenly. I’m also a bit worried about how much we’ve been spending. I feel like I’ve just been hemorrhaging money these past several days. Nervous about balancing the checkbook. Why does life have to be so complicated?

I’m also having guilt over the fact that our friends did all the cooking. They did this amazing multi-course and in retrospect I wish I had discouraged them. They really didn’t get to enjoy the party much. Ugh, I never should have agreed to asking them. I don’t know how to repay someone for such a huge act of kindness. I’m one of those people always making sure things are even between me and other ppl. I never want others to think I’m taking advantage of them. This is a hard thing to cope with.

Tomorrow will be better. I’m really thinking of cutting back on m6 drinking though. It just doesn’t seem to have many pros anymore for me. Lots of cons. Well I’m going to try not drinking till our trip on June 4th and see how that goes.
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Post by oolala53 » Mon May 14, 2018 6:00 am

That all sounds great! Well, not your let-down and worries. :cry:

Haven't you enjoyed doing the "work" for other people sometimes? They probably felt really good making the contribution; that WAS their having fun at the party, I bet.

And now back to regular life. :)
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
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Post by ladybird30 » Tue May 15, 2018 12:36 am

Glad to hear you had a good party, and happy belated birthday wishes.
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Post by lpearlmom » Tue May 15, 2018 4:59 am

Thanks lady! Feeling much better today. Brought our friends a thank you gift and they said how much fun they had cooking. I could tell there was no resentment so I think we’re good.

My no alcohol idea only lasted one day. There’s was leftover sangria that needed to be drunk. Oh well. Appetite Correction has really kicked in. I got full super fast & just not as interested in food as I used to be. I used to think about food, cooking and restaurants a goodly amount of time. Now it’s mostly when I get hungry. It’s definitely more balanced.

154 lbs.

Break-fast (6:15pm): a slice of tritip, hummus , couple bites of pasta, salad, glass of sangria

Exercise: walk dogs 25 mins
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Post by Dalia negra » Tue May 15, 2018 5:09 am

Linda, on Saturday I fasted without intending to. I ate too much cake at noon and then I felt very heavy, so I decided not to have dinner. I felt really good and I do not rule out doing it from time to time, especially in days S :wink:

By the way, happy birthday with delay! :D

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Post by Merrygoround » Thu May 17, 2018 6:49 pm

I had been told so many times that missing a meal was The. Worst. Thing. You. Could. Do. Ever! Particularly BREAKFAST,

Coming here has been an eye opener for me in so many ways. :D Here we are missing meals when we are not hungry. Who would have thunk it!

:D :shock: :D :shock: :D :lol:

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Post by lpearlmom » Fri May 18, 2018 4:45 am

Yay Dalia!

Merry: that’s one of the many myths we’ve been sold. Missing a meal or two is one of the best things one can do for their health imo. Mentally it’s pretty freeing not to care so much about food anymore as well. It also saves me a lot of time.

Today was kind of cool. I got a phone call from one the leader of all the Indivisible groups today to tell me about all the cool changes they’re making. She also told me about a training they’re having in Portland, OR for group leaders like myself. So I’m going with my co-leader in the middle of June and I’m SO excited!

I don’t know if anyone really gets why I’m so excited but I think it’s because of the fact that I’ve never really had a career. My involvement in politics is the first thing that I’ve done in a long time that doesn’t involve domestic life & it feels so great to be taken seriously. Just going on a trip without my family for a conference feels really cool! I guess it makes me feel more independent or grown up or something. Plus it’s portland and they’ve got great food. â˜ºï¸ I feel a little badly for DH as it’s Father’s Day weekend and he’s on call but he’s being super supportive.

Today was the first day in a couple days where I felt my normal amount of hunger. Wonder where my weight will be tomorrow. It’s definitely going down though. If only I could get a regular exercise routine going.

153.6 lbs

Break-fast (4:30): hummus w/ veggies, nuts, glass wine
Dinner: Moroccan meatballs w/ yogurt sauce, salad
Dessert: Greek yogurt w/ raspberries
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Post by lpearlmom » Thu May 24, 2018 5:26 am

I’m still trucking along here. Weight staying at about 153. My goal is 135 so a ways to go but I’m feeling pretty good. I fit into a size 8 pants and that makes me happy but other times I feel like I’ve got a long way to go. I did however have a positive experience bathing suit shopping which is a miracle in and of itself! So I’m getting there.

I struggled a little bit today though. I wanted to do a carb filled 1 hr window but it turned into a 3 hr carb filled window. Hoping the scale is kind tomorrow. I’ve got some trips coming up so will just be happy to maintain this month.

In two weeks we’re going to punta Cana and I couldn’t be more excited! I just want to lay on the ðŸ–, read a 📚 and sip a tropical cocktail 🹠! I’m going to try to keep a 5-8 hr window but we’ll see how it goes.

Break-fast (4:30 pm): sf ice blended tea latte, nuts, pickles, olives
Dinner: vegetable tart, roasted carrots, glass of wine
Dessert: smallish bowl of ice cream, cookie

Exercise: walk dogs 25 mins
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Post by lpearlmom » Sun May 27, 2018 4:33 am

Fun day just relaxing at home. It’s so much better when DH isn’t at work. We cooked and hung out while my oldest daughter studied for her finals. I feel badly for her. She came into my room the other night in tears because she said her grades weren’t good. I thought she was going to tell me she had D’s & F’s. Well she had A’s & B’s. I guess she’s under a lot of pressure to get into college. Hopefully she can bring her grades up a bit with her finals. Jeez I barely graduated HS but that’s another story.

I’m not losing weight right now I’m feeling pretty good. I think I’m finally at a weight where I’m not feeling desperate to lose more. I’d like to get to my goal but it’s nice to also feel good where I’m at.

I’m reading a really good book called The Bad Food Bible which debunks a lot of food myths. I’m not through it yet but I think it’s basically concluding that a Mediterranean diet is best. Whole foods heavy on veggies, fruits, whole grains and fish with moderate dairy & occasional meat & sugary foods. I think I can get on board with that. Both my daughters recently decided to be pescatarian so I think I’ll join them and only eat meat when we go out to eat.

Can’t wait for our trip!

153.8 lbs

Break-fast (2pm): chips, salsa & carne asada (Trader Joe’s sample)
Dinner: sushi, salad, 2 glasses wine
Dessert: couple pieces chocolate, sugar free chai , few bites of pasta salad
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Post by Merrygoround » Sun May 27, 2018 9:54 pm

The bad food bible sounds interesting. I shall look out for it at the library.

I also read something on the bbc website about how the key to health was more fruit and veg. This is hardly a surprise.....except maybe to the zero carb folk. (That was me in a past life :oops: ) maybe instead of restricting stuff we should increase the fruit and veg. Sort of crowd out the biscuits. As in ‘I can have what I want on an s day but only after eating a salad and 2 pieces of fruit’.

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Post by lpearlmom » Mon May 28, 2018 3:17 am

I do think it’s better to focus on what to eat rather than what not to eat. I love so many foods that I can get excited about pretty much anything.

I’m struggling a bit today. My weight is up two pounds and although I know it’s probably just normal fluctuations or from the soy sauce from sushi last night but it’s still slightly annoying. So much for being okay with my current weight. Well it’s a work on progress.

I was aiming for a 3 hour window but it turned into a six hr window with lots of snacking. Oh well. Tomorrow is another day. We’re going to our neighbors bbq so going to shoot for a 3 hr window and allow for sweets.

155.8 🤦ðŸ¼â€â™€ï¸

Break-fast (1pm): corn dip, lentil salad w/ crackers, chicken salad, fruit, yogurt, smoothie and glass of wine.

I think thatâ™s it. ☺ï¸
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Post by lpearlmom » Wed May 30, 2018 6:01 am

Ugh up 4 lbs today. It’s a little discouraging because I really didn’t go that crazy. I had 5-6 hr windows with more carbs & sugar than normal but I didn’t stuff myself silly or anything. Anyway I’m sure it’s just water weight and will sort itself out by the end of the week.

I definitely need to stick to a shorter window though. I think I’ll do 1 hr window with no sugar except for Saturday’s. Saturdays I’ll have a 5 hr window with whatever I want to eat. I need at least one day/week to let loose a bit but two days is too much. I’m sure I can have a bit more leeway when I’m in maintenance.

Everything is good on the home front. We had dinner at our neighbors on Monday and it’s still in the getting to know you stage so can be awkward at times. I’m more friends with the husband but I like the wife as well. It’s nice to have a male friend again. It’s been a long time since I’ve had a relationship with a man with zero sexual interest on either part. It’s weird but refreshing.

I’m a little stressed about finances but honestly that’s just the norm for me. 🤷â€â™€ï¸
157.4 lbs 🤦ðŸ¼â€â™€ï¸

Break-fast (5:30): shrimp with roasted veggies, slaw , avocado & crema, glass wine
Dessert: protein bar, plain yogurt, fruit

I actually really like the 1 hr window. It means I don’t pick while I’m cooking and I enjoy my food that much more.
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Post by TexArk » Wed May 30, 2018 11:27 am

Aren't those "out of the blue" gains irritating!! I also show a pickup of 4 lbs. for no real reason. I don't know how often you weigh, but this is one of the reasons that I weigh every day, record it, and move on from there. If it freaked me out and caused me to take drastic measures I wouldn't do it. But I don't have an automatic internal checker so I need the external reality check. And as you said, the gain will sort itself out because it is water weight or solids that will be passing soon. ha ha

I am glad the eating window/IF is working for you. I did that for awhile but I can't now because of some medication that requires food. However, No snacking and eating an early dinner help me extend the normal evening fast from 6 p.m. until 9 a.m. or so.

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Post by lpearlmom » Thu May 31, 2018 5:05 am

Yeah it’s a drag Tex! A 15 hr daily fast is great. I know meds make it hard for people. Some ppl just have a small amount of avocado since fat doesn’t really break the fast. (Fat doesn’t effect insulin much).

So I’m down a pound. It’s a start. I did a one hour window again. It wasn’t too bad but I was super hungry and ate quite a bit. Maybe a longer window is better. I’ll see how the week pans out.

Break-fast (6pm): balsamic chicken , pesto quinoa, roasted veggies, glass wine
Dessert: plain yogurt, 2 protein bars
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Post by clarinetgal » Thu May 31, 2018 4:19 pm

I’m just popping in to say hi! I’m glad you’ve been able to get to know your neighbors! One of my friends is the man I sit next to in band. He is old enough to be my father, so there is absolutely no sexual interest at all. He and I just get along really well.
Take care!
Committing to a fresh start, with 3-4 plates and no snacking.

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Post by lpearlmom » Fri Jun 01, 2018 5:59 am

Thanks for stopping by Heather! I agree it is nice.

Feeling a little under the weather today an ended up breaking my fast early because I was feeling lightheaded. I need to better by Monday for our trip. Ugh!

I think the one hour window is too short. It just backfired on me. I think I’m going to stick with 22/2 during the week and 21/3 on the weekends. I’ll keep sweets to the weekends. I think I need to pick something and stick with it awhile. I’m just all over the place these days. It’s a little unsettling. Going to stick with it for a month and if I’m not losing at least .5 lbs/ week, I’ll make another change.

155.6 lbs

Break-fast (2:30pm): olives, cashews, smoothie, chai latte
Dinner: few pieces of homemade pizza, glass wine
Dessert: larabar, glass of milk
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Post by lpearlmom » Sun Jun 03, 2018 3:13 pm

Really rough couple of days. I came down with Strep and as we were getting ready to leave for our vacation, we discovered DHs passport is expired. I spent all day yesterday on the phone and we had to delay our trip to end of a July. We were suppose to leave tomorrow and I’m pretty bummed out about the whole thing. Not only do I have to wait a month and a half, but we had to pay quite a hefty fee on an already expensive trip. 🤦ðŸ¼â€â™€ï¸

I’m trying to just move on from it. What’s done is done but it’s not easy. DH feels horrible but neither of us thought to check it do I can’t really blame him. My mom was coming to watch the house so she’s still going to come. We’ll have to figure out some inexpensive stuff to do while she’s here. Maybe we can go to the movies or drive to Sedona for the day. *deep breath* Stuff happens.

My weight is still up a bit. A lot of ppl in my fasting group have been talking about eating till 80% full but that makes me feel too much like I’m on a diet or worse like I’m doing intuitive eating again. I think I might go back to plates in my window. Yes I’ve been going plateless... thx for putting up with my non-nos ways. ☺ï¸


156.4 lbs
Break-fast (2pm): smoothie
Lunch: 4 perogies , smoothie
Dinner: chips, salsa, chicken salad, tortilla soup, 2 sangrias
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Post by Soprano » Sun Jun 03, 2018 5:54 pm

Sorry to hear about your delayed holiday. You've come such a long way and learnt so much I'm sure you'll figure the eating out and not be overwhelmed by it.

Enjoy your time with your mum :)

Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.

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Post by Larkspur » Mon Jun 04, 2018 2:37 pm

Sedona sounds so great. I grew up in Cottonwood, on a small acreage on the river. We used to pick berries on Oak Creek.

I am sorry your trip got delayed! That is a drag! But the silver lining is you are unlikely to still have strep.

Enjoy your time with your mom.

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Post by Merrygoround » Mon Jun 04, 2018 7:04 pm

Oh no! Your trip! Oh you poor thing. Passports! Off to check mine now!

Enjoy the time with your mum.

Incidentally I discovered a friend of mine was doing the intermittent fasting thing, but sadly with only limited success. She said Jimmy Moore was doing it ( Jimmy Moore was a person from my low carb diet days) and was really into it.....BUT he was still quite overweight, so it wasn’t maybe working for him. I told my friend about no s and she is looking into it. I do hope it works for you, and to be honest I am interested. It may have possibilities for my trip, I can fast when traveling and feast when I turn up at peoples houses etc.

Right, putting down computer and finding passport.

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Post by lpearlmom » Wed Jun 06, 2018 1:34 pm

Thanks soprano for the kind words!

Thanks larks! Very cool about picking berries at oak reek. It’s a love,y spot!

Hi merry! Some ppl have instant success with IF and lose all their weight without much tweaking. Other ppl like myself have to tweak a lot and really be patient. I did have a lot of success with NoS but these last 20 lbs I’ve taken off would never have come off without the addition of IF. Also many ppl think they’re not being successful with if but don’t realize they’ve lost inches but not pounds.

I’d have to know her eating window length and how long she stuck it out before trying to assess why it wasn’t “working†for her. It’s definitely not a quick fix. Some ppl say they didn’t see any lose till around the six month mark. I’m very familiar with Jimmy Moore. He may not be skinny but he’s a far cry from his original 300+ lbs self. And he doesn’t practice IF daily but is into these longer 7-21 day fasts from my understanding. Hopefully NoS will be a better fit for your friend though.

Had another long window with lots of (healthy) food yesterday. It’s hard to have a short window with visitors and the kids being home all day. I’m going to try to do a shorter window today though. I’ll just be happy to maintain this month.

Break-fast (4:00): couple pieces sushi, few bites of hummus w crackers, watermelon, 1/2 smoothie
Dinner: Bosl of cioppino, slice of bread
Dessert: two perfect bars w milk
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Post by automatedeating » Sun Jun 10, 2018 2:01 am

Such a bummer about your trip! But glad for you to have it to look forward to, still.
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8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
3/18-25.6; 8/18-24.5; 10/18-23.8;
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Post by lpearlmom » Sun Jun 10, 2018 3:52 am

Thanks, auto! My daughter ended up getting sick yesterday with a stomach thing. This trip definitely was not meant to happen.

I managed to get in a 24 hr fast yesterday and it felt SO good. Today I was down 3 lbs. I’m still up 3 lbs but that’s okay. My new plan is to alternate 19:5 with 24:1. We’ll see how that goes.

My mom leaves tomorrow. I always have mixed feelings about her leaving. I love having her but my introverted self can only handle house guests for so long. Still she’s getting older and I’m grateful for any time together.

Break-fast (2pm): toast w/avocado & tomato, 1-2 cookie
Snack: sf chai, pineapple
Dinner: cauliflower crust veggie pizza, chips and guacamole
Dessert: piece of chocolate, glass milk

Exercise: walk dogs 25 mins
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Post by lpearlmom » Mon Jun 11, 2018 1:37 am

Ugh, we went to Cheesecake Factory for dinner and instead of getting my usual ahi tuna salad, I ordered battered fish tacos and it was way too heavy. I guess that’s a good reminder that I don’t do well with fried foods.

156 lbs

Break-fast (3pm): handful nuts
Dinner: piece of bread, fish tacos, several French fries, glass wine
Dessert: 1/2 piece of carrot cake, mai tai

Hoping for a 24 hr fast tomorrow.
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Post by Merrygoround » Mon Jun 11, 2018 8:50 pm

Well I am delighted to report my passport is fine! So that is a relief. 3 weeks until I fly!

Can you recommend a good website to read about IF because I am considering it for my trip. I won’t always have much control over food, and then there are the parties etc. plus traveling around visiting relatives, who will have killed the proverbial fatted calf. And I thought throwing a few fasts in there, particularly when traveling around, might help keep things under control.

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Post by lpearlmom » Tue Jun 12, 2018 5:03 am

Yay! IF is great for vacation.

I like Gin Stephens approach. She wrote Delay, don’t deny: ... B01N4JHL1P

I love anything by Dr. Jason Fung. He’s got books , you tube videos and a blog: ... se-weight/

For a simpler explanation/approach try Bert Herring:

Today was good. My weight is going back down and I’m so thrilled. Not expecting to lose any weight this month but that’s okay. I did a 24 hr fast and it felt great. I really enjoy alternating between a longer fast & a short one.

I took the girls to the gym with me and we had a nice time. I’m really loving this age at least for now. ☺ï¸

154.8 lbs
Break-fast (6:40pm): blackened cod, corn salsa, guac & chips, glass wine
Dessert: tiny bowl of homemade chocolate ice cream (omg SO good! )

Exercise: 20 mins treadmill, 10 mins sit ups & weights.
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Post by lpearlmom » Wed Jun 13, 2018 4:44 am

Crazy busy day and expect another one tomorrow.

154.8 lbs
Break-fast (1:30 pm): chips, dip, Piña Colada, small piece of cake, bite of ice cream.
Dinner: piece of pizza, kale salad, 1/2 glass wine

Little crazy with the carbs today. ☺ï¸
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Post by lpearlmom » Fri Jun 15, 2018 6:21 am

Ugh, ate too much today. I was trying to alternate between 19/5 and 24/1 but the longer window just isn’t working for me. Today’s window turned into a 7 hr graze fest.

I think it was partly spurred in by a picture I saw of myself. I was wearing a size 8 dress that I felt so good in but I looked bigger than I thought I was. Disappointing that I still have work to do I guess.

I’ll get there but done with messing around. Going to stick to 23:1 unless social situations make it impossible. I’m going to Portland, OR with my group co-leader this weekend. I’m guessing 23:1 will be tough but will do my best.

Break-fast (2pm): Smoothie, chips & dip, fruit, crackers , avocado, 3 pb cups
Dinner: veggie quesadilla
Dessert: tiny bowl of ice cream
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Post by Merrygoround » Fri Jun 15, 2018 6:47 pm

Thank you for the IF information.

Good luck with 23:1.

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Post by lpearlmom » Sat Jun 16, 2018 6:24 am

In Portland for a conference with a friend. She said to me “so you’re mom is thin & so is your sister, do you take after your Dad or something?†I’m just stunned. Im a size 8 or 10 not huge and was just starting to feel good about my body. I’m trying not to let the comment get to me but wow. Hit me where it hurts.... :(

Break-fast (7pm): oysters, bread, clams in broth, 2 glasses of wine, armaretto sour ,
Dessert: hot fudge sundae, glass of wine

A lot of food.
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Post by ladybird30 » Sun Jun 17, 2018 4:52 am

Ouch indeed.
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Post by Soprano » Sun Jun 17, 2018 6:06 am

lpearlmom wrote:In Portland for a conference with a friend. She said to me “so you’re mom is thin & so is your sister, do you take after your Dad or something?†I’m just stunned. Im a size 8 or 10 not huge and was just starting to feel good about my body. I’m trying not to let the comment get to me but wow. Hit me where it hurts.... :(

Break-fast (7pm): oysters, bread, clams in broth, 2 glasses of wine, armaretto sour ,
Dessert: hot fudge sundae, glass of wine

A lot of food.
Oh no how thoughtless of her. She may not be referring to your current weight just the fact that you had to work at getting to it?

Don't let it derail you, you have done a fabulous job and are an inspiration to many here! Hugs

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Post by worth it » Sun Jun 17, 2018 5:39 pm

Dang, that was harsh!

By the way, I’m a 10 right now and feeling like a goddess after being a tight 14 for a long time (LOL!). I would’ve felt the same way after that comment.

Either way, I still think you are a goddess! 😠I’d kill to be an 8!

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Post by Larkspur » Sun Jun 17, 2018 5:57 pm

Was it in a body-habitus discussion? Maybe reacting to the work you have to put in versus those who seem to have it easier? I think you are wise to choose letting go of it when you are feeling so good in your skin :)
Last edited by Larkspur on Mon Jun 18, 2018 2:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Merrygoround » Sun Jun 17, 2018 7:00 pm

Goodness. Not a nice comment at all.

Just a question, what size is she? Is this just jealousy? I lost a thin friend after my major weight loss. Maybe I wasn’t making her look good anymore.....There were a few barbed comments about the weight loss as I actually started losing weight and keeping it off, and then she drifted out of my life.

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Post by lpearlmom » Wed Jun 20, 2018 6:18 am

Thanks you guys. We did end up talking about it. She said it was about the unfairness of the struggle some of us have vs those that don’t. But dang she really couldn’t have worded that worse. Nobody wants to compared like that to their skinny sister. It still stings a bit but I’m getting past it. She felt horrible that I felt so badly and then I was a little embarrassed for creating a conflict.

It’s hard being vulnerable especially since she’s a fairly new friend. Hopefully we can move past this especially since she’s my co-leader. Sometimes I long for the days when I had no social life....

Merry: shes only about 15 lbs heavier than me and she didn’t know me when I was super heavy so I don’t think it’s jealousy. I just think she doesn’t think before she speaks sometimes. But I know losing a lot of weight can cause problems with friends and family. They’re often uncomfortable with the new you. Ts not uncommon for couples to divorce shortly after one of them as weight loss surgery.

Good day today. My weight is up but I was able to keep it to a one hour window. That feels best for some reason although it probably sounds super restrictive. I’m going to try it for awhile because my weight is stalled.

157 :/
Break-fast (5 pm) : salmon , couscous, spinach , wine/kombucha
Dessert: berries, cashews, protein bar
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Post by automatedeating » Fri Jun 22, 2018 4:00 pm

Overall was the conference in Portland fun? Those are my stomping grounds -- grew up in the area.

Also, do you just drink water in the mornings or do you put cream in your coffee even if it's outside the window? Sorry if that's a silly question.
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
3/18-25.6; 8/18-24.5; 10/18-23.8;
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Post by lpearlmom » Sat Jun 23, 2018 12:27 pm

Yes was definitely a great trip! Amazing food & I met a lot of really cool people.

Not a dumb question at all. It’s one of the most discussed topics in the IF fb group actually. So our group really pushes the Clean Fast because anything other than black coffee/tea or sparkling water can potentially spike insulin which is what you’re trying to avoid during the fast. So that means no flavored, artificial or natural, anything and no milk or sugar substitutes.

Dr Fung isn’t as strict. They alllow things like flavored waters and even a splash of cream if you really need it although he agrees it’s better without. Cream is better than milk because it has a higher fat content and fat doesn’t spike insulin (that’s why I a keto diiet works similar to fasting ).

Yesterday was pretty good although somehow I got myself in charge of a protest on Sunday. We’re protesting in front of a local child detention enter. I’m a little nervous.

I’m also worried about my dh’s health. He’s gained back the weight he lost after his heart attack and I’m worried he’s headed in that direction again. It’s really hard to talk to him about it but I think I need to try. Too much is at stake.

155 lbs

Break-fast (7pm): a lot of Indian food, 2 glasses of wine
Dessert: frozen yogurt

Exercise: 1 hr walking, swim in the pool
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Post by ladybird30 » Sun Jun 24, 2018 1:48 am

lpearlmom wrote:
Yesterday was pretty good although somehow I got myself in charge of a protest on Sunday. We’re protesting in front of a local child detention enter. I’m a little nervous.
You've become so brave (or perhaps you were always brave). Good luck with DH.
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Post by lpearlmom » Mon Jun 25, 2018 5:59 am

Thank you so much lady. ☺ï¸

Well today I had to get a whole lot braver! The word on the protest got out quickly today and I ended up doing three on air interviews and two phone interviews. Jeez I was so nervous but I think I did pretty well actually. The ion,y one that threw me off was the last one. He was a little more intense and so dang handsome that I got slightly flustered but wow I feel pretty proud of myself.

Crazy, crazy whirlwind of a day. About 80-100 ppl showed up. I’m going to need a couple days of calm , quiet and boring to balance that out.

I took monthly measurements and weight and I’ve lost zero. Actually I’ve gained two pounds. I’m a bit frustrated. I just want to be thin already or maybe I’ll just never get there. Ugh. So tired of the struggle....

Break-fast (5pm): 1 veggie taco, 1 margarita

Light day after 3 days of eating a lot in short windows.
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Post by Soprano » Mon Jun 25, 2018 7:54 am

Well done on the interview :)

Maybe relax and not see it as a struggle?

I'm partway through a very interesting book you might find useful The diet myth by Tim Spector

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Post by lpearlmom » Tue Jun 26, 2018 4:12 am

Thank you soprano! I wish I could relax into it. That’s the trick isn’t it? I’ll check out that book. Thank you.

It’s kind of funny but just as I was starting to feel like things were going well, DH got a phone call from his boss about some changes happening and I went into full blown financial stress mode. Oh if only I could go back in time and do things differently. It’ll be okay. Somehow.

154 lbs.

Break-fast (4:30): nuts, fruit, glass of wine
Dinner: salmon niscoise salad
Dessert: perfect protein bar, glass milk
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Post by lpearlmom » Wed Jun 27, 2018 6:19 am

Pretty good but busy day. I went to my LD mtg and everyone was talking about me being on the news. (Well not everyone). I still can’t believe I found the courage to do something so completely out of my comfort zone. It’s crazy how we’re really so much more capable than we think we are.

I just wish I had some proof that it happened. All the online stuff about the protest doesn’t show my interview, just the protestors. I wish I had had DH take a picture of me being interviewed. Ah well.

My weight was actually down a bit today. It’s ridiculous how happy it makes me. I know I let the scale dictate my mood way too much but not weighing doesn’t work for me either.

153.4 lbs
I’m about 29 hours into a 42 hour fast. I’m doing this in support of the current immigration crisis. So zero calories for me. I find it so mentally tough to not eat for an entire day. I do feel super alert but I don’t think I could ever do ADF on a regular basis. Once in awhile is doable.
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Post by lpearlmom » Fri Jun 29, 2018 3:38 am

I thought about doing another 40+ hour fast till tomorrow but I decided to just do a really short fast instead. My weight finally seems to be on a down trend again (slightly) so want to take advantage of the momentum. It seems to stall for a month or two followed by a month with a slight downward trend. I guess persistence is the only way through.

If I can see 140 anything again, I think I may cry. I know it’s on,y a number but it signifies a weight range I was in before all the weight gain8ng madness began. I’m getting closer.

152.4 lbs

Break-fast (4:30): tofu binh mah salad with avocado and pistachios, small bowl of cherries & blueberries

Cheat: chai tea with a little milk (no sweetener). I allowed this today after my window closed although technically it’s not a “clean†fast according to my IF group. Dr Fung is a little more lenient so I don’t worry about it too much.

Exercise: none. Just can’t seem to get into a good exercise habit. Oh well.
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Post by lpearlmom » Sat Jun 30, 2018 6:44 am

Was a good day although my 13 year seems so ready to be mad at me lately. I think it’s partky hormones and partly being out of school. She does better on some sort of a regular schedule.

We went to the movies and then to a Food truck Friday thing. They didn’t have any wine and I really look forward to my nightly glass so almost kept my window open longer so I could have wine when I got home but decided against. I’m getting pretty good at these short window.

I’m now realizing it’s much better to not decide ahead of tine how long your windows going to be which is what I have been doing for the last 8 months. The problem with that is I would just eat because I could till my window was over. Now I’m learning to eat till I’m ready to fast again. Preferably shorter rather than longer but it will vary. It may be 8 hrs one day and 30 mins the next. 8 hrs would be the max and I’d like to shoot for under 3 hrs.

Tonight I ate a smallish meal & realized I could eat more but that I was actually fine closing my window afterwards so I did. I just hope I don’t tank my metabolism but it does feel good to be so in control.

151.4 lbs (so close to 149! )

Break-fast (7pm): chicken, slaw, corn on the cob, Arnold Palmer
Dessert: couple bites ice cream
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Post by Allisonmeg » Sat Jun 30, 2018 1:00 pm

I'm so excited for your weight! 149 is all I want to see too. I've watched for months how smooth and steadily you've moved down...WOW you're so close now!

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Post by automatedeating » Sat Jun 30, 2018 11:28 pm

Your thread is like a blazing comet of energy, Linda! You have enough energy to power the whole website. :-) Love you!

Ok, next question -- tell me about the fear (and rebuttal) to "tanking" your metabolism.... I've wondered about that happening to me if I reduce intake by too much.

And btw, can I say how weird it is that it is your YOUNGEST that is the new teenage angst in your house? It's been 5 years since I "met" you, and our babies are growing up!!
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
3/18-25.6; 8/18-24.5; 10/18-23.8;
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Post by worth it » Sun Jul 01, 2018 1:31 pm

Hi Linda,

I just wanted to stop by and say that I think you are doing wonderful! I’m cheering for your 140’s!

As far as tanking your metabolism, I wanted to offer some words of comfort. First and foremost, I’m certain that fasting actually increases your body’s ability to burn its own fat for energy based on research and personal experience. Is this the exact definition of metabolism, I dunno, but I know that taking in less energy will require your body to pull more from its own energy stores.

Secondly, I notice on series of days where I eat only one meal a day, or even a series of days where my food is not as nutritious, I am famished and am waiting for my window to open on a subsequent day.... so I EAT... and don’t worry about it. I sometimes think this kind of hunger actually supports my metabolism (no proof, but I like to imagine it does).

Finally, regardless of the weight changes, I know fasting has improved your life in many other ways.

You probably know all of this and may have even experienced it yourself, but I just wanted to offer some support that you are doing the right thing for your body, no matter how things “shake outâ€. I think maybe it’s the control part of it that probably feels a little “diet-like†(and icky) which you will continue to work on... can’t change all these years of dieting in 1 year! 😜

Anyway, just know that I continue to be cheering for you!

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Post by lpearlmom » Mon Jul 02, 2018 2:19 pm

Thx so much Allison! It’s been painfully slow at times, but I’m getting there. My ultimate goal is 135 but anything 140 would be amazing for now.

Auto: I know it’s crazy my girls are both teens now & even crazier we’ve “known†each other for 5 yrs! Speaks well to NoS and this board that so many of us have stuck around for so long. Also, thank you for the compliment! Things are so bad in America right now that I feel like I have to do everything I can to help make things a little better. It’s either that or move...

As far as metabolism goes, Worth is right that this isn’t as much of a worry as with a typical low calorie diet since IF seems to be protective of ones metabolism. When you do IF, you become a fat burner instead of a sugar burner. So if you eat less or not at all instead of lowering your metabolism to make up for the deficit, your body just uses your fat for extra energy.

I have heard some concerns about the ppl that do like 23:1 every single day and how your body can eventually adapt to that but like worth I tend to have some days with short windows and a small amount of food and other days with the opposite. So I guess I don’t really need to worry as long as I continue that pattern.

Here’s an interesting article talking about the Biggest Loser Study and how IF can help you avoid that. I wonder if NOS is protective as well since you’re fasting between meals.

Thanks worth for the reminder! I re-read some articles and felt better. I’m hoping when I reach my goal weight I can just relax into it a little more and not stress over all the little details. Doubtful but one can hope. ☺ï¸

Saturday I went to the nationwide protest against separating families at the borders and it was good but emotional. That night we went to a dinner theater and I went a little crazy with dessert and drinks. Felt ick in the morning. Alcohol just seems to effect me so differently these days. I don’t really get that nice little buzzed feeling anymore. I seem to go right into feeling like I overdid it and that’s not a great feeling. Then I feel blah in the morning. Yet I continue to drink hoping I’ll get those good feelings again. Maybe I need to detox for a bit?

Last night my neighbor had a canvassing dinner meeting. I didn’t over do it but I came home and really wanted some figs so I re-opened my window which is something I rarely do, but oh well. Today I’m doing an all day fast till tomorrow afternoon.

151.8 lbs
Break-fast (5:30 pm): turkey burger, salad, bean salad, baked beans, watermelon, 1 glass of wine
Dessert: plain yogurt w/ figs and nuts, perfect protein bar with glass of milk

A lot of food!
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Post by lpearlmom » Tue Jul 03, 2018 3:33 am

Ugh I’m not enjoying this all day fast. I don’t know how ppl do ADF. I probably would have ditched it except I posted about it on my fasting group and a bunch of ppl got on board. It’d feel weird not to finish now. I’ll get through it.
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Post by lpearlmom » Sat Jul 07, 2018 3:19 am

Okay I don’t think I’ll do another extended fast for awhile. I just really don’t enjoy them and then I end up having longer windows the following days.

I think some menopausal stuff is going on with me. I was supposed to get my period yesterday and had really bad cramps but it never came. Today I feel like I’ve come down with the flu or something although not sure if it’s related. Also my weight I up 5 lbs. ugh. I’m sure it’s just water weight, right ?


Break-fast (4:30): couple handfuls cashews, raspberries on ricotta, smoothie
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Post by Soprano » Sat Jul 07, 2018 8:20 am

From what I've heard and read menopause really messes weight loss up.

But afterwards things settle down. I have relatives that really put weight on during those years but lost it later.

I figure if I can manage not to put any on that's a win so am going to be happy with slow losses.

You've done well with your losses so far and I understand you want to reach your goal. I also believe you will but perhaps not as quick as you would like :)

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Post by lpearlmom » Sun Jul 08, 2018 6:12 am

Thx Soprano! I do need to keep it all in perspective. To be losing any weight right now is probably not the norm.

I felt better this morning then got really tired around 2pm and took like a 3 hr nap. So weird I never nap. I’m feeling better now but my stomach feels a bit messed up. Fun times!

I just really wanted food today so decided to have an extra long window. Definitely ate more than usual but some days are just like that.

I did something a little crazy and committed to a mud run obstacle course thing with a couple of friends of mine. I’m so out of shape so will definitely need to do some intense training. Luckily it’s not till March. I’m pretty excited about it but nervous too since one of my friend is in super good shape already. I think the fear of not embarrassing myself will motivate me plenty though. Now if only I could feel better so I could start training. Hopefully by Monday.

Break-fast (12:30): 2 pieces toast w cream cheese, handful of cashews. Tea
Snack: more cashews, tea with milk and honey
Dinner: blackened cod w/ garlic aioli and corn relish
Dessert: plain yogurt w/ raspberries and agave

2 days without wine—woot!
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Post by Soprano » Sun Jul 08, 2018 9:47 am

Hope you are feeling better soon, good luck with the mud run :)

Plenty of time to train and build it gradualyl, it might give you just what you need to shift those last few pounds

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Post by worth it » Mon Jul 09, 2018 3:21 am

Hi Linda,

Just stopped by to say hi! Looks like all is going relatively well. It’s funny, I opened my window early yesterday and ate a lot over the course of 7 hours. I was also EXHAUSTED and was in and out of naps. However today sounded better for you, so that’s a good thing. AND I hear ya on the wine... been two days over here too!

p.s. you are so brave to do the mud run!! I’ll cheer you on from the sidelines! 🙃

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Post by lpearlmom » Mon Jul 09, 2018 2:46 pm

Thanks Soprano! Yeah, I know many ppl don’t lose any weight with increased exercised but I usually do fo some reason. I think it just puts me into the right mindset for eating reasonably. We shall see. I really appreciate all your support.

Worth: it’s funny how we tend to be on the same page with stuff. Yesterday was better though. I did a long fast with a short window and my body feels so much better.

3rd day without drinking. I’m happy about this. I’ve been a glass a wine with dinner person for awhile with more on nights out. I think it’s been more out of habit really and I’m re-evaluating what I really enjoy. I’m not sure that I really enjoy it at all anymore but I definitely don’t want to drink every day. I was reading that having days off is really important and that if your tolerance is going up, like mine seems to be doing, doing a 30 day reset can be really helpful. I cannot think of 30 days in the future where this will be possible, sad I know, but I’m going to string as many non-drinking days together as I can.
I’m also not going to go above 3 drinks, preferably 2, at any one time.

Clean days:
July 6-10 (July 11th happy hour )
July 12-13 (July 14-15 vacation)
July 16-22 (July 23-30 vacation)
July 31-August 10 (Aug 11 party)
Aug 12-Aug 30 (aug 31-sept 2 vacation)
September 3rd-October 3rd—30 day detox—finally!

After that I’ll keep Mon-Thursday clean days.

Break-fast(6pm): Chinese chicken salad with avocado
Dessert: perfect protein bar, glass of milk

Feeling much better today so going to start training.
:twisted: SW: 210 lbs
CW: 172

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Post by worth it » Tue Jul 10, 2018 2:23 am

Hi Linda,

I just stopped by to check out your "reset" in September.

I'm embarrassed since I don't think I have 30 days I can put together where they're will be no alcohol-WOW. Anyway, I'll be back from vacation on September 9, so I will join you then for the remainder of the month. Also, I like your rule about not going over 3 drinks at least for the time where you are drinking. I think I'll try an envoke this and see how it goes.

Thanks for suggesting!

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