Afternoon tea with milk.

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Afternoon tea with milk.

Post by centrino » Thu Jun 28, 2018 4:27 am

Hi. I’m still experimenting with the best lunch meal (I tend to eat same thing at breakfast and lunch most days to decrease food-related stress). I wanted to find a lunch that would take me 4-5 hours till the family dinner without having a sugar crash or craving (I have some degree of insulin resistance, and believe 3 meals a day with no snacks can help it).

I can very easily go 5-6 hours after my early morning breakfast of peanutbutter oatmeal. I have seen my worst time 4 pm onwards, that’s when I can’t control, sometimes physical hunger, sometimes mental, sometimes stress/emotional eating. I increased fat and protein at lunch which seemed to help with physical hunger, but the mental one is still out of control. I was thinking if I could take a break around 4pm and have a nice cup of tea (with milk of course to make it filling, I can’t stomach plain tea) before starting making dinner (we usually have dinner anytime between 6-7.30 pm, time often varies as husband doesn’t come home exactly at same time every day). I feed my kids dinner around 5 pm and cook between 4-6 pm and these are the hardest to control times. Any suggestions how to manage that? Does tea with milk work well with anyone? I feel like cheating when I say Ill try tea with milk to avoid afternoon snacking. (Unfortunately my afternoon snacks sometimes turn into binges, I feel guilty for eating, try to restrict and end up bingeing 😞

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Post by Soprano » Thu Jun 28, 2018 5:21 am

Tea with milk is a great idea, I use it to keep me going though I am starting to try different teas some of which I find palatable without.

Drinks are fine in between meals. I added in a no starving mod at the beginning so if I feel so hungry I'm likely to overeat I might have a controlled snack say a few nuts but this is rare and certainly not daily.

Be patient you do learn to live with the hunger

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Post by ladybird30 » Thu Jun 28, 2018 5:30 am

Centrino - is it food you need or a bit of time to have a break and relax? If it's the latter and you give yourself permission to do this, it may help with the urge to dive into the food.
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Post by centrino » Fri Jun 29, 2018 9:12 am

Soprano wrote:
Be patient you do learn to live with the hunger

I do get impatient quickly. I understand it takes time for the body to get adjusted to a whole new way of eating, rather “regular eatingâ€. It’s gotten used to restriction, bingeing, dieting, bingeing, rinse and repeat.

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Post by centrino » Fri Jun 29, 2018 9:18 am

ladybird30 wrote:Centrino - is it food you need or a bit of time to have a break and relax? If it's the latter and you give yourself permission to do this, it may help with the urge to dive into the food.
Coming from a long history of dieting and bingeing, honestly I sometimes cannot differentiate between a need to eat or a need to relax. 😞

That’s why I’m so interesting in NoS. To feel normal about eating again. To learn how normal people eat.

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Post by TexArk » Fri Jun 29, 2018 10:21 am

Centrino, late afternoon is my most difficult time too. I know it is especially hard because it puts you in the kitchen preparing food. When I am having one of those days, I drink coffee, tea, or sparkling water and chew gum like crazy. I don't think a little milk in your tea is a problem, if it is taking care of the "I have to eat" going on in your head. If I were not having to prepare food, I would head out the door in nice weather and take a walk or sit and "ride the urge." You have already hit on the most important thing and that is the reaction you make after a slight giving in. I have played all sorts of mind games too. "This will just be my supper" pops up now and then.

You are doing great just recognizing and naming the problem. Let's get through this afternoon and finish out the week.

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Post by centrino » Fri Jun 29, 2018 4:40 pm

So today I let myself have a cup of tea with milk while feeding my kids dinner. That helped me to control nibbling on their food and I ate a normal (okay, a large one!) at night. But I wasn’t cooking today. Let’s see how things go on nights that I cook too.

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Post by no peek » Thu Jul 05, 2018 4:09 pm

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    Post by oolala53 » Fri Jul 06, 2018 5:09 am

    I can't tell you how many people have problems with mid-to-late afternoon desires. I used decaf coffee with creamer for a long time, and sometimes still do. It might even have been allowed, but it kept me from going on to chewing, and for me, chewing is a whole new ball game that goes from food to food to food. I never had more than two drinks and usually only one.

    Just think of it as a step in adjusting to your new habit.
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    Post by zaman » Sat Aug 04, 2018 11:02 am

    I drink tea whenever I want it, weight watchers points calculator sometimes that's I'm feeling peckish
    Last edited by zaman on Sun Sep 30, 2018 5:57 pm, edited 2 times in total.


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