Linda's daily check-in

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Post by lpearlmom » Tue Jul 10, 2018 3:26 am

Hi worth! Great that you’ll be joining me in September!

Today was okay. Weight is up and I overdid it a bit. Not that it was so much food but that I just got a little overfull. Maybe this is as good as it gets. Maybe I should stop weighing so often. But last time I gave up the scale I blew up to 210 lbs. 🤦ðŸ¼â€â™€ï¸

155.2 lbs

Break-fast (5pm): cherries, pb & banana smoothie
Dinner: 2 pieces of pizza, kale salad
Dessert: fudgsicle

Exercise: 12 min circuit: lunges, push-ups, jumping jacks
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Post by Soprano » Tue Jul 10, 2018 5:32 am

I generally don't drink Mon - Thursday except on hols but we are having such good weather a cool beer after work has been tempting!

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Post by 3squaremeals » Tue Jul 10, 2018 12:29 pm

I know what you mean about the scale. It's hard to find a balance. I find weighing does keep me on track but weighing too often discourages me as well. Although I am currently trying to not weigh as I'm trying to work on my relationship with food and my binge eating issues before I worry too much about the weight loss side of things.

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Post by worth it » Wed Jul 11, 2018 12:47 am

I hear you (all) on the scale “dilemma†of to weigh or not to weigh. While I currently don’t, I’ll admit it’s still nerve-racking sometimes not to weigh myself. There have been days where I’ve even had the scale out and had one foot on it.... and then stop. I guess the trade off of not knowing my weight versus the excitement (either good or bad) I get from the number on the scale is worth it for now. Not sure if it always will be, but I agree that it’s a difficult decision either way.

Maybe it’s just comforting still track but just know that you are taking a little time off from trying to get that number down? No answers, just hoping you can find some peace around this for now.

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Post by Whosonfirst » Wed Jul 11, 2018 1:27 am

lpearlmom wrote:Hi worth! Great that you’ll be joining me in September!

Today was okay. Weight is up and I overdid it a bit. Not that it was so much food but that I just got a little overfull. Maybe this is as good as it gets. Maybe I should stop weighing so often. But last time I gave up the scale I blew up to 210 lbs. 🤦ðŸ¼â€â™€ï¸

155.2 lbs

Break-fast (5pm): cherries, pb & banana smoothie
Dinner: 2 pieces of pizza, kale salad
Dessert: fudgsicle

Exercise: 12 min circuit: lunges, push-ups, jumping jacks
You're obviously doing something right with your continued success. Nice work on the 12-minute circuit. Everyone should do what's in their comfort zone with scales. I haven't been on mine in about 3 weeks, but it's usually more like once a week.
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Post by lpearlmom » Wed Jul 11, 2018 6:02 am

Thanks all. I think I’ll keep weighing for now. When I get to maintenance I can ease up a bit.

The weight loss has been tough. I feel like I have to fight so hard for every single pound and sometimes I feel like I just want to be skinny already. Part of the problem is I’m constantly changing my fasting protocol in attempt to get the scale moving.

The nice part of NoS is you do pretty much the same thing every day so there’s no need to be constantly thinking about how to tweak things. I guess that tells me I should just pick a protocol and stick with it. Something to consider.

Today was fine. I was barely hungry but ate a little bit anyway. No alcohol again—yay! Tomorrow I have a happy hour event so will drink but no more than 3 and I must remember to eat something first.

155 lbs

Break-fast (4pm): a couple bites of shrimp, sf tea latte
Dinner: Shrimp salad, roasted potatoes
Dessert: vegan fruit muffin
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Post by Soprano » Wed Jul 11, 2018 6:49 am

Your impatience is understandable. I'm surprised at my own patience with nos and find I want to explore IF only for other health benefits though loss will be a bonus.

Switching probably isn't working, you might be better sticking to a plan for a month then reassessing.

Have you thought about how you will eat when you get to goal?

For me I never intend eating any different to nos and this will always be my default whatever I try with fasting

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Post by lpearlmom » Thu Jul 12, 2018 4:30 am

Hi soprano. I think you’re right so I wrote down a schedule and am going to try to stick it out for at least 4 weeks. Well after my two vacations that are coming up of course. I’ll do my best to keep to at least 18:6 on those days.

My plan for maintenance, if I ever get there, will be 19:5.

I overdid it today a bit but at least I’m feeling better. I had tons of energy and my mood was better. I had a margarita and then started on a sangria but I realized I didn’t really enjoy the feeling of being typsy. Am I turning into a non-drinker? Or maybe I just need to stick to wine? I think I just am enjoying feeling clear-headed & having stable moods. Alcohol is a depressant right? That can’t be good for me. Anyway, we shall see.

155 lbs

Break-fast (4:30 pm): chips & salsa, margarita
Dinner: 2 veggie tacos, guacamole, 1/2 sangria
Dessert: 3 pieces chocolate; handful of yogurt pretzels; large horchata

Exercise: 30 mins treadmill walk/run
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Post by Soprano » Thu Jul 12, 2018 5:07 am

Sounds like a good plan :)

I think as I've got older I'm less bothered by alcohol, don't get me wrong I do still enjoy a drink and sometimes go too far but I would rather wake with a clear head these days.

Good luck with the plan, I'm inclined to think that our bodies like a bit of routine. From what I've read on fasting Facebook pages some people have alternative months of losing and staying the same.

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Post by lpearlmom » Fri Jul 13, 2018 5:51 am

Thx soprano! I think you’re right about the routine. Here’s my plan from now till August 21st:

1) 22/2–weekdays; 21/3-weekends; Tues-30/2
2) no alcohol m-th
3) no desserts m-f
4) exercise according to my mud-run schedule.
5) keep m-f to 2 plates (appetizer plus dinner); sat, sun—3 plates (app, main , dessert )

I can’t promise I won’t weigh before the 21st but I wait till that date to re-evaluate my plan. As long as I’m still averaging .5 lb/week, I’ll stay with my plan. Of course all bets are off when I’m on vacation. Then I’ll aim to fast for at least 16 hrs/day.

Today was good. I’m trying to eat around the same time each day. There’s something comforting about a routine and I’ve really been all over the place. I’m aiming to eat from 5-7 pm. I like to fix a little plate of munchies I can have while I cook dinner. Boy did my appetite Correction kick in though. I could only eat a tiny bit of my main course. I hope that continues. The only downside is no food really excites me anymore. It’s bizarre.

155.6 🤦ðŸ¼â€â™€ï¸

Break-fast (4:30 pm): small plate of olives, pickles, nuts
Dinner: fattoush salad, hummus (ate about 1/3rd)
Dessert: couple slices watermelon

No alcohol—yay!
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Post by Soprano » Fri Jul 13, 2018 6:20 am

Good luck with the plan, sounds good.

Well done no alcohol, I had a cold beer last night! The weather has been so unusually good in the UK it just felt right :)

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Post by lpearlmom » Fri Jul 13, 2018 3:38 pm

Nothing wrong with that Soprano! For me it has been turning into a daily habit and I wanted to make sure I could go somedays without.

Even after a light week my weight is still stubbornly stuck at 155.6 lbs. must be the increased HcG. Tomorrow ill be going to San Francisco and I’ll be eating breakfast and dinner so really no fasting. I’m hoping that this will actually help move the scale along. We’ll see!
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Post by Soprano » Fri Jul 13, 2018 9:49 pm

Yes it's good to make sure it's not a daily habit.

Hopefully the change will shake things up for you, just keep plugging away it will go :)

Safe journey

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Post by lpearlmom » Tue Jul 17, 2018 5:48 am

Thx Soprano!

Well we got back from our trip to see family in California and I just have so many emotions going through me that I thought I was going to have a panic attack while we were driving home.

Just so many triggers for me on this trip. On the one hand, it’s really nice that my sister and I are mending our relationship, on the other hand, she’s still the same perfect sister who I could never measure up to. Seriously her life is like magazine perfect and it’s hard not to compare ones own life.

Then my cousins were talking non stop about my 93 year old aunts health issues and that triggered so many fears about health and dying and other unpleasant things.

So on the way home panicked about everything—money, college, my kids futures , my moms health, DH, and redocorating my house.

But then I got home and went swimming in our beautiful pool with my wonderful daughter and realized I need to cut myself a little slack. I don’t need to be perfect to be happy and everyone has problems. This is just life.

Saturday I didn’t really fast at all and yesterday I had a 5 hr window. Today I decided to just have breakfast and then fast till tomorrow evening. Btw my weight is down a bit. Maybe the day off was good.

153.2 lbs

Breakfast (9am): 1 carrot muffin, handful of cashews
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Post by Soprano » Tue Jul 17, 2018 9:22 am

Panic attacks are horrible, especially when driving!

I bet your sister's life isn't as perfect as it seems.

It's your life , live it and enjoy it, perfection is not a prerequisite to happiness....

Well done on the loss :)

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Post by eschano » Tue Jul 17, 2018 4:15 pm

Nothing like family to trigger some issues. I bet your sister is not as perfect as you perceive her to be and from all I can tell over the years of you posting - I’d love to hang out with YOU in the real world (though would be tough given the ocean between) as you are fun, kind, and reflected. Glad you are getting on better now.
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Post by worth it » Tue Jul 17, 2018 9:30 pm

Hi Linda,

Just wanted to send some positive vibes! Hopefully some distance and a few days away from the "perfection" will get you back in your normal, positive, mental state. Perfection is so boring anyway! :D

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Post by lpearlmom » Thu Jul 19, 2018 6:34 am

Thanks everyone so much for the sweet and encouraging comments! You guys are right, perfection doesn’t equal happiness and it’s really not fun being around.

I sometimes wonder what she’s trying to prove with all this constant need for perfection. Some parts of her life , I really admire but mostly it all looks a bit exhausting. One thing that I thought was really strange was as o was leaving she insisted I see her blueprints for the remodel on their house. I think it really bugged her that our house might have been nicer than hers. Just makes me realize how insecure she must be.

Also, my daughter commented that she found it really annoying that her cousins were like little adults. She said normally there’s this kind of unspoken kinship you have with other kids but with them everything felt sort of stiff and formal. I know it’s because my sister puts so much pressure on them to be well mannered and perfect.

Actually when I’m there in the moment of everything, it’s all very overwhelming and intimidating but now that I look back on it, it’s sort of a bizarre lifestyle they lead. I much prefer our relaxed , comfortable family life that we’ve created. Not to say that I can’t take away anything positive from being there. It did inspire me to watch less tv, get more family photos up and help the girls decorate their rooms. I’ll happily leave the rest behind.

Today was good except I think I’m trying to diet in my window and it’s backfiring on me. I think my attempt to combine nos rules with IF is too much restriction. I’ve been trying to do no sweets and to keep to two plates but after I closed my window today, all I could think about were the Reese’s pieces cups I denied myself so I ended up reopening my window and having a few. I closed my window again but still wanted to eat.

Clearly I under ate in my window and need to go back to just sort of eating intuitively in my 2 hr window with something sweet (but small) at the end of my window if I really want it. Usually it’s just a protein bar I’m wanting so nothing crazy. I will of course stick to unprocessed Whole Foods and keep an eye on the carbs. Sorry I know this is all very opposite nos.

152 lbs

Break-fast (4 pm): smoothie,
Dinner: tilapia, sautéed veggies
Dessert: protein bar
2nd dessert: 5 mini Reese’s cups

No alcohol for 3 days—woot!

No exercise but yesterday did 30 mins on treadmill.
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Post by eschano » Thu Jul 19, 2018 7:59 am

I would much prefer a relaxed family life too and it is much healthier. Seems like you are doing really well since I left!
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Post by lpearlmom » Thu Jul 19, 2018 2:54 pm

Thanks eschano! Me too! Yes, I’ve managed to drop about another 20 lbs since you left but it’s been very slow going!
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Post by eschano » Thu Jul 19, 2018 3:18 pm

Still beats me gaining 25lbs 😉
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Post by lpearlmom » Fri Jul 20, 2018 6:31 am

Yes but I didn’t just recently give birth (twice). ☺ï¸

I’m struggling a bit. Just wanting to eat outside my window which I normally never even consider and also wanting to eat more sweets than usual. Maybe I just need a long window tomorrow instead of trying to fight this.

Hopefully I won’t gain any weight back. It’s a constant struggle, isn’t it? I realized that I’m only 10 lbs away from being a “normal†BMI. Whatever that means. Of course I’m actually statistically currently in the healthiest range so maybe I shouldn’t be too much in a hurry to lose more.

152.2 lbs

Break-fast (4pm): olives, nuts, hummus, veggies
Dinner: 1 veggie taco, Kombucha
Dessert: 2 1/2 protein bars, 1 mini Reese’s pb cup

Exercise: 15 min circuit training.
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Post by Soprano » Fri Jul 20, 2018 4:20 pm

Why not try 3 small meals a day for a week, perhaps your body is going through some hormonal adjustment and needs a little more, when you then return to IF it might kickstart it in to losing again?

You've done so well and the end is in sight, try and relax into it, easier said than done I know

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Post by lpearlmom » Sat Jul 21, 2018 5:41 am

Hi Soprano— Not a bad idea but I’m going on vacation next week so think I’ll try something like that then. For now I’m hanging in there although did an extra long window tonight which I think I needed.

I definitely ate more than I usually do but my ability to overeat has greatly diminished. The amount I ate was still fairly reasonable. I did allow myself some wine but only drank like a half of glass. Not a bad day but I’m afraid to weigh tomorrow.

We invited our neighbors over for dinner tomorrow which is a little crazy considering we’re leaving for vacation Sunday night but everything is pretty much under control. We have all of our passports up to date at the very least!


Break-fast (4pm): several pieces of sushi, 1/2 smoothie bowl, few bites of hummus, aloe Vera drink
Dinner; 3/4 falafel sandwich, 1/2 glass wine, several bites of cake whipped cream , 4 mango candies
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Post by lpearlmom » Sun Jul 22, 2018 7:51 am

Oh boy two nights of heavy eating right before vacation does not seem like the best plan. I might just fast all day tomorrow or eat very light. We leave for the airport tomorrow night for a red eye flight Monday. So excited!

On the plus side my hairdresser was incredulous about how small I was looking and she just saw me 5 weeks ago. Hopefully I didn’t put it alll back on tonight.


Break-fast (6 pm): 3 glasses wine, couple pieces brisket, couscous salad, 5 latkes.
Dessert: large piece of icebox cake

Exercise: 30 min circuit-running, lunges, sit-up, squats
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Post by Soprano » Sun Jul 22, 2018 6:46 pm

Have a fabulous holiday 😀

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Post by worth it » Sun Jul 22, 2018 10:00 pm

Hi Linda,

I just stopped you to wish you a great trip! I predict there will be lots of fun, family and relaxation! And I doubt you will even “sweat†the IF stuff if you go outside the norm a little. 😀

That’s what vacation is all about! Have a blast!

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Post by eschano » Mon Jul 23, 2018 12:10 am

Well done on the exercise and have a fabulous holiday!
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Post by automatedeating » Thu Jul 26, 2018 2:13 am

I think my post must have missed your heading out, but I'm very excited for you! Hope you have a wonderful time!!!! :-)
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
3/18-25.6; 8/18-24.5; 10/18-23.8;
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Post by lpearlmom » Mon Jul 30, 2018 3:16 am

Thanks all for the well wishes! It’s the last day of our holiday and it’s been amazing. I’ve eaten and drank ALOT, but also really upped my activity level. Still I’m pretty sure I’m up 5-10 lbs. I haven’t been fasting much. Maybe 12-16 hrs a day at the most but hopefully whatever I put on will come off fairly quickly.

This week is going to be insane. I have to drive my daughter to school on Tuesday and my mom is also coming from LA that day as well. She’s recovering from carpal tunnel syndrome surgery and we’re suppose to be helping her out. I’m going to be hit hard with reality. 🤦ðŸ¼â€â™€ï¸

Okay time to sleep!


Breakfast (11:15) omelette, croissant, 2 pieces bacon, yogurt, pina colada
Snack: several bites of waffle with Nutella (they serve this by the pool everyday at 4pm).
Cocktails (every night at 7:15): mojito, salmon roll
Dinner: 1.5 rolls w butter, crab soup, grouper w sauce, 2-3 glasses wine
Dessert: small piece chocolate cake

Exercise: lots of walking
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Post by lpearlmom » Wed Aug 01, 2018 5:24 am

Got in late last night. Had so much fun and we’re treated like royalty. The good news is I maintained my weight but the bad news is I totally overdid it today. I was triggered by my moms visit as well as seeing a picture of myself in a bathing suit. Ugh, I know it’s totslly superficial but I’d love to think I looked good in a picture of me in a bathing suit. That would feel pretty great. That is my new totally superficial goal for next summer. ☺ï¸


Break-fast (2pm): cauliflower tacos, chips & guac, chai
Snack: cookie & boba
Dinner: a shrimp taco
Dessert: 1/2 cookie

So much sugar !
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Post by eschano » Wed Aug 01, 2018 6:41 am

Glad you had a good time Linda! Tell me about triggering mums 😉
I don’t know anyone who loves the way they look in a bathing suit including all my skinny friends who look like they strutted out of a swimsuit magazine haha
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Post by Octavia » Wed Aug 01, 2018 9:17 am

Hiya Linda, just popping by to say hello. Swimsuit pics! Ugh! Well to be honest, I don’t like seeing myself in many photos these days...and I have definitely started to think twice before buying fashion magazines. I always thought I was too ‘evolved’ to be affected by those model photos, but now I think I’ve been very naive, and I am totally affected by them, probably more deeply than I will ever know! I do have a theory though, that looking good in a cozzie is more to do with skin tone and styling than size and shape! have to buy the perfect cozzie for you... you have to exfoliate and moisturise etc etc....add cool shades and lipstick, diamanté flip flops....and you will look amazing. Of course I never actually get round to doing any of this. 😂

Glad your holiday went well....hope the upcoming challenges go well, and you manage to keep some of that holiday glow.

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Post by Soprano » Wed Aug 01, 2018 11:30 am

Great to have you back, fantastic that you came back with no gain :)

Onwards and upwards, bet you lose well when you get back in the groove

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Post by automatedeating » Thu Aug 02, 2018 2:07 am

Welcome back!! Glad to hear your trip was wonderful and that you were treated like "royalty". That sounds divine!
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8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
3/18-25.6; 8/18-24.5; 10/18-23.8;
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Post by lpearlmom » Thu Aug 02, 2018 6:02 am

Thanks all! I guess you guys are right about I nobody really liking pics of themselves in a bathing suit. I think in the beginning of my weight loss journey, I just wanted to feel normal and to get out of plus sized clothing. Now that that has happened I’m like hey I also want to look good.

It’s also hard for me to come to terms with the fact that I’ve lost 55 lbs and still have more to go. How did I let myself get to that point and how was I in such total denial about it? When I see pictures of myself when I was at my heaviest, I can’t believe DH stayed with me. Then when I saw these recent pics, I felt like I was once again fatter than I thought I was. Ugh, I just want to get to a point where I m definitely thin. Where there’s no uncertainty about it so I never have to see a pic of myself and feel caught of guard.

Lots of crazy thinking I know but there you have it.

154.4 lbs

Break-fast (2pm): smoothie bowl, nectarine
Dinner: 3 Thai beef lettuce wraps, a shrimp taco
Dessert: nf yogurt, granola bar, 1 joe joe

Exercise: circuit training & walking ~45 mins
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Post by eschano » Thu Aug 02, 2018 6:55 am

Linda first off massive congratulations to your sustained weight loss. Of course he stayed with you - you’re awesome and he is lucky no matter your size. What a lovely relationship to be in!
As for feeling that you look great, I have no advice. I know that there were times in my life, especially as a teenager/early twentysomething where I rocked a bathing suit but I was never thin and always bigger than my skinny friends so I always felt massive. In fact when I was tiny for my curvy figure I felt bigger than when I was 25lbs heavier than that. So I decided it is all in my head and to concentrate on how I feel over how I perceive myself to look like. Not sure any of this is of any help though but just thinking that mirrors lie.
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Post by lpearlmom » Sat Aug 04, 2018 12:39 am

Thank you eschano! A lot of it is definitely in my head. The fact that I’m able to like any pictures of myself is definitely an improvement over the many years I spent avoiding the camera at all costs.

I did something I’m not totally sure about. I signed up for a 100 day ADF challenge with some one on one support and it wasn’t free. Not outrageous either but still not sure if it’s worth it. We shall see.

My schedule starting Monday will be as follows:

Sunday: 18:6 (try to finish around 5 or 6 pm)
Monday: fast all day
Tuesday: 46-48:2
Wednesday: 18:6
Thursday: fast
Friday: 46-48:2
Saturday: 18:6

It’s a bit intense but I feel ready for it and it definitely won’t be permanent. I do like that I get some days with longer windows. We shall see. The only problem is that I seem to be having a bit of the last day till my diet syndrome and eating more than usual. I didn’t even bother to weigh today. This should be interesting. Mainly I just really think I’m not going to lose much more weight unless I really do something to give things a big push in the right direction.

Break-fast (2pm): medium iced chai
Snack: chips and 1/2 avocado, couple slices meat
Dinner: 1/2 shrimp burrito, chips & salsa, margarita
Dessert: large horchata, couple bites of cake

I need to lay of all the sugary drinks.

Exercise: 20 min walk, 12 min circuit
Last edited by lpearlmom on Sat Aug 04, 2018 4:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by automatedeating » Sat Aug 04, 2018 1:59 am

Hi Linda! I have been reading a lot of the low-carb and IF stuff recently, and many of the low-carbers said that they had to adopt some serious IF to get down to their ideal weight, so although it probably isn't a joyride, you are most likely on the right track. (All that said, I know you aren't low-carb, but the two camps do have many points of convergence.)

Easy for me to say, but I'll admit I'm not yet ready to do IF seriously. But you surely inspire me!!!

Good luck! And putting a little money down always helps compliance, haha!
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Post by lpearlmom » Sun Aug 05, 2018 4:44 am

I’m nervous but excited. I’m a little annoyed because the woman leading this sent me my calorie goals and I had to explain to her that I do not count calories. I don’t think she really understands the science behind IF but that’s okay. Im mainly doing it for the motivation and social support.

That’s true auto, a lot of IF do keto or low carb. I actually try to some low carb days but lately it hasn’t been going so well. My windows have been really long and Ive been eating too much junk. Partly it’s in anticipation of my new schedule and the fact that my mom is visiting. I feel like she has judgements about my eating that most of my family doesn’t have so ironically, it’s making me want to eat more.

She leaves tomorrow and hopefully my eating will calm down a bit too.

Break-fast (2pm): brisket, tofu, advocado, sf chai
Dinner: low carb chips & guacamole, couple bites of grilled cheese, horchata

Weird eating day. Been ignoring appetite Correction big time.
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Post by lpearlmom » Mon Aug 06, 2018 12:45 am

I ate a lot today but a little healthier. Realized I’m pmsing so that explains a lot. Haven’t weighed in a couple days. I’m guessing it’s not good.

Tomorrow begins the first day of my 100 day challenge so I’ll weigh & take pics. It’s going to be a bit tough doing this 48 hr fast since my fasts have gotten pretty short lately. I’m confident I’ll power through though.


Break-fast (1pm): salad, cucumber cups with spicy tuna, couple pieces chocolate
Dinner: squash noodles w/ beef ragu, glass of wine
Dessert: tea w milk, couple pieces chocolate, handful of dots
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Post by automatedeating » Mon Aug 06, 2018 1:55 pm

You CAN do this! I'm excited for you!

I have noticed that if there is a buffet, and there are options I would normally choose for myself (for example, leaving out the tortilla and just making a big salad), if there are people that I fear are noticing my choices I will TAKE the tortilla (or whatever it was that I wouldn't normally have taken). It's like the OPPOSITE of what you'd think I'd do when people are watching. I guess I fear people thinking I'm on a diet or eating differently than others. So....all that to say I understand how having your mom around might make you -- ironically -- make poorer food choices for yourself.
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Post by lpearlmom » Tue Aug 07, 2018 2:59 am

Exactly auto.

Today has been tough. Just super hungry but sticking it out. Grocery shopping and making dinner were the toughest parts. I put a little half n half in my tea to help. Once I wake up tomorrow, I fine. It’ll get easier I’m sure.

26 hrs into 48 hr fast
152.8 lbs (hoping to get in the 140s this week even if it’s only for a minute).

Tea w/ a little half n half

Exercise: 30 min circuit training.
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Post by worth it » Tue Aug 07, 2018 4:46 am

Hi Linda,

Just caught up on your thread.

OK! So, I read over your new IF schedule and it seems challenging, but doable, especially because I know you’ve had some extended fasts in the recent past. As auto (and you) say, “you got this!â€

I know that when I’m sometimes hungry at night, all I need to do is wait until the morning because I never feel hungry that next day (and it’s typically a breeze to make it to my normal eating window). So fingers crossed that the rest of the evening goes easier than expected. By the way, I also just learned the grocery store lesson. I typically go grocery shopping during my fasted state knowing that I’ll get to eat in just a few hours. However, I recently went once after my window closed, and found myself “starving†when I got home. No clue if it was psychological, but I’m never doing that again! Lol! 😜

Anyway, I am very curious to know how this goes for you- hopefully it will help you get to your goals faster! Go Linda!! ðŸ’ðŸ»ðŸ¤—😎

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Post by automatedeating » Tue Aug 07, 2018 3:21 pm

And if your grocery shopping includes Costco -- watch out for all those damn samples! :lol:
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Post by lpearlmom » Wed Aug 08, 2018 5:37 am

Thanks worth! Yes once I get through the evening, I’m usually fine till the next dinnertime. I think I can do the schedule too but definitely won’t be a permanent thing. Just really need to get the ol scale moving again. Feels like it’s taking me forever to reach my goal weight and it has been a few years but I guess most people would have regained it all by now so I really can’t complain.

Auto: it’s funny but all those years on NoS, really trained me to not even consider Costco samples. My kids and my mom on the other hand, live for them. ☺ï¸

Well I made it but it was quite challenging! I felt hungry and weak and had a lot of brain fog. Also I hosted a meeting at my house today and made a bunch of food for everyone. I didn’t touch a thing but it was nice to have available once I broke my fast. It was hard to stop eating once I started but I forced myself to stop so my brain could catch up with my stomach. Overall I didn’t overdo it (I don’t think). So looking forward to my relaxed schedule tomorrow. Then back to an all day fast on Thursday. Hopefully it won’t be quite so difficult.

151.8 lbs (it’ll probably go up a bit tomorrow. )

Break-fast (2:30): berries w cream. Salad, nuts, pretzels, cheese n crackers, couple pieces of chocolate covered fruit. Sf chai
Dinner: 2 sweet potato tacos,
Dessert: small yogurt, 1/2 protein bar, glass milk

My baby starts 8th grade tomorrow!
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Post by automatedeating » Wed Aug 08, 2018 1:59 pm

Great work finishing the fast!
And wow -- just wow -- about your youngest. Not to mention that I'm always shocked by how EARLY school starts in Arizona!
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Post by lpearlmom » Sun Aug 12, 2018 6:46 am

I know it’s crazy! She’s also taking math at the HS which is all just a bit much for me.

Not really sure how things are going. I completed another full day fast on Thursday but just went about 38 hrs I think. It was actually nice to have a smoothie after my workout yesterday for a change. Today we had a big bbq so I really didn’t fast at all. I didn’t eat much till 5 pm but wanted to taste the food as I made it so had a few bites.

We hired a bartender and she kept the drinks coming so I drank a lot but never really felt very typsy. At least I didn’t do anything stupid.

I’m not sure about this current fasting schedule. Seems like I might just keep losing and gaining the same 2 lbs but I’ll give it a chance. Also , the coach stresses calories and it’s bringing back the old diet mentality that I hate. We’ll see. I just feel like I’m never going to break through this 150 barrier.

Hanging in there though.
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Post by lpearlmom » Tue Aug 14, 2018 3:39 am

Omygosh,,, I couldn’t face another full day of fasting so I’m back to the daily fast and if I only lose a pound a month, so be it! I’ve come so far and need to just take a minute and be grateful for that.

Now I’m just going to stick with one meal a day and eating as healthy as I can. *phew* I’m exhausting sometimes!

155.4 lbs

Break-fast: nuts, fruit, pickles
Dinner: eggplant harissa bowl with couscous, rum punch (leftover).
Dessert: protein bar

Exercise: 20 min walk with dogs, quick dip in the pool.

It feels great to be back in my normal routine. ☺ï¸
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Post by automatedeating » Tue Aug 14, 2018 1:19 pm

It's all good. Life is constant adjustments, and for most of us on these boards, figuring out what and when we should eat is just one of the many adjustments that we are constantly experimenting/tinkering with. We are tinkerers! :-)

Your coach would have driven me bonkers.
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Post by lpearlmom » Wed Aug 15, 2018 2:57 am

THanks for being so understanding auto.

Definitely feeling low today. My weight is up and I’m just feeling like no matter what I do, I’m not going to lose these last 20 lbs. At least not without doing something drastic. There’s a woman in one of my Fasting Facebook groups that is super fit and down to 117 lbs (she’s 5’2â€). But she does keto, is sugar free, has a daily 2 hr window, weighs & measures all her food and counts calories. Oh she also works out intensely 5x/week.

Am I ever going to do all this? Unlikely. I don’t even have the desire to try all that nonesense. At the same time, I definitely don’t feel happy with my current weight. I think part of the issue is I’m putting extra pressure on myself because so many people know I fast. I feel like they’re wondering why I’m not skinny yet. And then lastly, having my sister back in my life puts extra pressure on me to be thin.

*sigh* I will get out of this funk. I binged today for the first time in years. 🤦ðŸ¼â€â™€ï¸
I’m not mad at myself though. I did it pretty purposefully.

Maybe I should put the scale away....

156.4 🤦ðŸ¼â€â™€ï¸

Break-fast (3:30): watermelon, piece of banana bread, nuts, pickles
Dinner: 3 veggie tacos
Dessert: piece of banana bread
*chocolate binge 😊

Exercise: 12 min circuit
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Post by TexArk » Wed Aug 15, 2018 10:37 am

My advice for what it is worth (I am now 71 and for 50+ years I have battled weight and body image):

Work on stabilizing where you are and consider that a victory. Your bmi is really in the normal range, right? I would say to you to get comfortable where you are and hold a steady weight for awhile. If you are eating and working out in a way that you can continue for life while not obsessing, then if you really need to drop down to a lesser weight your body will do it. I have spent way too much of my life trying to get and stay down at a size that I never was really meant to be (working at it like the lady you described). I could hold it no more than a year, usually less and then WHAM, that's when the regain and more would happen. Now I am eating the way I know I can for the rest of my life, and BTW this month I dropped a couple of pounds after staying the same FOREVER as in months and months.

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Post by lpearlmom » Wed Aug 15, 2018 1:01 pm

Thank you Tex! I’m about 10 lbs away from a normal BMI (I’m short) but I’m in sizes 8s & 10s so May have lost more inches than pounds which happens on IF. Either way my poor body has given up a lot of weight and I should give it a chance to stabilize here for awhile, you’re right. I will come up with a sustainable maintenance plan and stick to that for awhile. I also want to take a break from weighing. It’s making me crazy. Maybe monthly weigh-ins for awhile.

Really appreciate the advice. 💜
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Post by worth it » Wed Aug 15, 2018 3:04 pm


I just wanted to come by and send (MANY) virtual hugs!

While this may sound weird, I believe you have just set another great example for all of us to "just be ourselves"... I think that's exactly what you've done and continue to do by listening to your own body and forge your own path with your IF journey (and previously with your No S journey). It sounded like your "coach" was not necessarily a match for style and it sometimes takes a lot of courage to ignore that voice of authority, and go your own way.

I also like the idea of stabilizing for awhile. It's actually been in my thoughts for the past few days for my own journey...

At the end of the day, you can't go wrong by just doing you!

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Post by clarinetgal » Wed Aug 15, 2018 6:45 pm

Hi, Linda! I can certainly relate to your post. I, too, need to lose weight, but I don’t want to make major sacrifices to do it. I’ve gone through several elimination diets for a variety of reasons, and while they helped me lose weight, I was miserable when I was on them. Even for exercising, i’m not in the mood to do super intense workouts anymore. I’m 5 weeks in to an 8 week program that involves heavier weight lifting and HIIT. I’m at the point where I just don’t want to do that program anymore, and I want to return to the less intense workouts that I liked much better (like Country Heat). I really hope you find a good balance that works for you.
Committing to a fresh start, with 3-4 plates and no snacking.

1/2018 Current BMI: 31.8
2/2018 BMI: 31.5
4/1/2018 BMI 31.5

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Post by TexArk » Wed Aug 15, 2018 7:51 pm

I know there is much individuality when it comes to stepping on the scale.

For some, weighing in causes a reaction that leads to hopelessness on one hand or celebration on the other and then a food binge or reward. However, for me, and this is just my personal experience, I find that I need to weigh more regularly in maintenance or when I am at my goal weight than any other time. I cannot tell by how I feel or how my clothes fit whether I am gaining or not, and I can be in big time denial if I don't just automatically step on the scale. That way I can back off a little on S Days or watch my plate sizes or density on N Days and also make sure I am not taking little bites and tastes here and there.

I consider myself to be maintaining right now and if the scale ticks up I want to know it before it becomes a problem. Seriously, I can put on 10 lbs. in a hurry and not realize it. The scale just keeps me honest.

Something to think about.

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Post by automatedeating » Thu Aug 16, 2018 2:13 am

Hi Linda! Hugs from us all.

It is tough and I'm sorry about your frustrations. It must be very discouraging to be working so hard on your eating habits and to not see your body respond. Scary, too.

But after reading others' encouragement and posts to you, I like the idea of letting yourself enjoy where you are at (it's that enjoying the journey thing that eschano brought up a couple days ago) and letting your body stabilize for awhile.

Please take care. And continue to take care of yourself.

Also, for what it's worth, a size 8 or 10 sounds really wonderful! You've come so far.
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Post by lpearlmom » Thu Aug 16, 2018 2:16 am

Thanks you guys! Feeling much better today. Going to just coast for a bit. 22/2 (ish) during the week and 19/5 during the weekend. I’m going to focus on watching my sugar and trying to keep it to 3 plates during the week.

Tex: If I was in maintenance I’d probably weigh daily too. I just need a break from the scale and actually am pretty good at guessing my weight. I just want to focus on feeling good for a bit.


Break-fast (4:30pm): small bowl of nuts, pickles
Dinner: 2 ribs, salad, Kombucha/wine
Dessert: bowl of strawberries & cream, protein bar

Exercise: 30 mins circuit training
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Post by lpearlmom » Fri Aug 17, 2018 3:24 am

Omgosh... today was weird. I think I’m going through some weird hormonal stuff. Finally got my period two weeks late and just did not feel like getting out of bed this morning. My back hurt, I felt dizzy and I was just blah. Didn’t feel like interacting with the outside world.

Yesterday I had this epiphany that if I just gave up sugar all my woes would go away. I bought the book I quit Sugar and threw out the last of the chocolate cake. But upon closer inspection, the book allows stevia and brown rice syrup. Isn’t brown rice syrup just fancy sugar with arsenic? Now I didn’t know if I could trust this author at all. Confused.

I took my girls out to dinner at our favorite vegan restaurant and we went next door to the vegan dessert place as usual. I love the banana ice cream but resisted and just got an iced chai. Well I realized that had sugar in it so when I got home I went into wth mode and had some banana bread with rum punch. Hmmmm maybe this whole no sugar thing is backfiring on me. Will I really be better off without it or is moderation always best?

Idk, focusing on the what part of eating seems to make me a little crazy. Can I just stop thinkimg about this food/weight/body stuff for a bit?
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Post by automatedeating » Fri Aug 17, 2018 4:55 pm

Maybe for August just giving up alcohol will be enough of a challenge! You could save the giving up sugar for a different month! :-)

But, on this topic, I think I have pretty much given up sugar except for S Days. I have a little fruit, but not like I used to. LOL, I just spent ten minutes staring at the wall and thinking about if I have sugar in my diet (other than my S's/fails, haha). That got me thinking about my main food craving -- potatoes in any form. :roll:
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Post by lpearlmom » Sat Aug 18, 2018 2:52 pm

Hi auto: I’m not giving up alcohol till September because we have a vacation coming up. So awesome you’ve cut sugar so drastically. I actually would choose fries over dessert any day but I think too many restrictions just backfire on me sometimes.

I’ve been emailing my “coach†and she’s actually been super encouraging. She’s going to work with me doing a daily window instead of ADF and we’re not going to focus on calories.

Also, I found this woman’s blog that does OMAD and she’s really inspiring. She’s lost 80 lbs and is just super chill about the whole thing. She doesn’t count calories, or macros or anything else. She puts a bit of half and half in her coffee and takes every Sunday off. She said she doesn’t listen to experts but tries to do what’s going to be sustainable for her. She also does a weekly average of her weight and just makes sure that’s slowly coming down.

She’s a lot younger than me so not dealing with the same hormonal issues but I feel like if she can do it, so can I. I’m going to try her relaxed approach and see if that works better. She also talks about the importance of taking up hobbies and other interests. I realized I’m making IF into my hobby which leads to overthinking and overtweaking. Not good. Part of the problem is I’m feeling really burnt out on the political stuff but don’t want to let my friends down so trying to continue regardless. Plus it’s really important. Sigh.

Maybe I will take up decorating or work on some writing projects.

Yesterday I ate a lot even though I wasn’t hungry. I know it’s because I was frustrated and unsure of what I was doing. Hopefully, now that I’m feeling more focused, today will go better.
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Post by automatedeating » Sat Aug 18, 2018 7:12 pm

Oops, I knew that Sept. is your planned dry month. That's what I meant to type! I've already had 2 fails for my August dry month, darn it.

OMAD -- onward mothers alternate day? :-) What does that stand for? But good to hear that you and your health coach are working out a good agreement re: her supporting you and keeping out any talk of the "c" word!

NoS and my systems are definitely a hobby in my life. Is that bad? I guess I can see how overthinking/overtweaking can get us in trouble, but generally my philosophy is -- do I enjoy it? -- if the answer is yes, it's a good hobby. Well, if my hobby was murdering people I guess that wouldn't be good. So, do I enjoy it and does it not hurt me or others. :lol:
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Post by lpearlmom » Sun Aug 19, 2018 3:22 pm

No worries auto! I just realized I have a margarita postcard party in September so that’ll be a very challenging day for me. I haven’t decided how to handle that just yet. Two slip ups is still a lot of progress btw.

Omad is one meal a day which is a very confusing term to me. Does this mean just one plate or an appetizer, main course and dessert? Does it mean seconds? To other people it’s just a 30-60 min eating window a day and I’ve decided that’s what I’m going to do. I’m not going to worry about amount or macros or anything like that right now. I’m also going to give myself Sundays off. I will see how that goes for awhile but I really just need to pick something and be consistent with it for awhile.

I think my inconsistency is what’s really driving me crazy. It’s hard to know what works and what doesn’t if you don’t give it some time to work (or not work). With that much fasting appetite Correction should get really strong and with no forbidden foods my binging should subside. The day off should help with boredom as well as any metabolism issues and I may even allow a bit of cream in my tea if I’m really wanting it.

155.2 lbs

Break-fast (5 pm): 4 small street tacos, hummus w/ crackers, ww toast with avocado, hummus and tomatoes, glass of wine/ Kombucha
Dessert: plain yogurt with mango, nuts and honey +5. s
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Post by automatedeating » Sun Aug 19, 2018 3:31 pm

Sunday off sounds perfect! An S Day!

I have been contemplating that a super key for all of us is to figure out how much time each week we need to be free of any restriction whatsoever. Is it 2 days like Vanilla NoS? Is it one day? Is it two afternoons? I think many of us on this forum for years realize that 2 complete free days is too much -- either due to our history, our stature (shorties like you and me!), or our particular sugar addictions or trigger foods. But it's all a journey, and the two free days is a great start. Anyway, you've said all this before lots of times -- that NoS gave you the original structure you needed to then spread your wings with IF.

Also -- just a note of encouragement -- I was just watching a video by Fung and part of the beauty of fasting is that you CAN vary it and play with it. I think you are doing amazing and honestly (from an outsider perspective), I truly don't see anything worrying about how you change your window and IF patterns. Seems kind of natural, in a way. But I know it bothers you, so if you can find something you really want to stick with long-term, I would be cheering for you about that too.
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Post by lpearlmom » Mon Aug 20, 2018 5:27 am

Auto: yeah I think when I was changing things up every 3-4 weeks or so it made sense and didn’t bug me. It’s the changing my mind every 3 days that is unsettling. I need to give things time to work or not work before deciding if I want to continue on that path. Also, I agree that we each need to figure out how many limits we each need and how much freedom we can handle.

On that note, I definitely did not handle today’s freedom too well. I think it’s just a general response to my frustration over my lack of progress. Next Sunday I want to think about how I want to feel at the end of the day. Do I want to say “boy, I ate some delicious & satisfying meals/snacks in just the right amounts so that I feel full but not stuffed� Or do I want to say “I grazed all day on nothing special in particular just because I could and now I feel sick to my stomach “ ?

I really do eat just because I can way too often which is ridiculous because technically I can eat anything, anytime. These are all just arbitrary rules made up to help me reach my weight and food issue goals. So I guess when I throw out all the rules, I just stop caring about my well being too? That’s a bit ridiculous really. If I don’t put myself first who will? Am I just waiting for someone else to save me. No, I need to care about myself and that includes not eating just because I can. I need to eat in a way that will leave me feeling good about myself and satisfied at the end of the day.

Okay clearly I need to learn about self-care and making my needs a priority. I’m not so good at that and I think sometimes ppl take advantage.

Well I guess today wasn’t a total bust if I was able to gain some insight into myself. Actually it was a nice day, I took my girls to get manicures and then to see Crazy, Rich , Asians. It was really good. (I read the trilogy). And my girls did not fight once! That’s a good day. Poor DH has been working his butt off though. He came home when I was asleep last night and left before I got up. :/

156 😞

Breakfast (9am): bagel w cream cheese
Snack: popcorn and jr mints, large sf chai
Snack: handful nuts and picking at food while I made dinner
Dinner: grilled chicken, Greek salad, hummus, rum punch
Dessert: large froyo, handful chocolates

Yikes, I’m looking forward to fasting tomorrow that’s for sure.
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Post by automatedeating » Mon Aug 20, 2018 2:53 pm

Here's to a great N day!

I'll check out that trilogy! And girls not fighting?! Yay!!!
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Post by lpearlmom » Tue Aug 21, 2018 4:37 am

Thx auto! Felt soooo good to fast today! I really like how the one hour window assures I’ll be hungry enough to enjoy my meals and get proper satiety signals. It really makes things simple too. Dinner and maybe a small dessert then done. Rinse, repeat.

I did allow a little half and half in my tea after 2pm but it did seem to make me really hungry so not sure if that’s a keeper. It’ll definitely be the first to go if I’m not making progress. I got some exercise today too so that’s awesome.

Physically feeling good but things a bit rocky on the home front. The girls made up for their not fighting yesterday and got in a big fight over the bathroom sink (so cliche I know). I yelled at them to stop and sent them to their rooms. I then went to clean the kitchen to calm down and DH comes in all mad at ME for mot handling the situation appropriately and for letting it upset me. *sigh*. I really didn’t think I did anything wrong. Seemed like normal parenting stuff. Oh well...

158.2 😢

Break-fast (6pm): poached shrimp in tomato sauce over quinoa with spinach, glass wine.
Dessert: plain yogurt w/ nuts and figs; RX bar

Exercise : 25 min dog walk and 25 min jog/run/walk on track (more jogging than walking).
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Post by automatedeating » Tue Aug 21, 2018 4:03 pm

Hey you went running! That is great!

When my husband tells me I didn't handle our kids' issues properly, I totally lose it. It is a complete trigger for me. I'll be mad at him, I'll be hating myself, I'll be despondent. It must touch on my absolute most sensitive places, based on my emotional responses. So I empathize. Sorry. :-(
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Post by lpearlmom » Wed Aug 22, 2018 5:08 am

Thanks auto! Yeah I don’t mind running in short spurts. I signed up for a 5 mile mud run in March so am trying to get in shape for that. It’s fun to have a goal but I need to start pushing myself a bit harder if I really want to be ready for this.

DH haven’t talked about the fight. Sometimes we just let stuff go. I think that’s okay.

More drama with my girls. This time with school. I checked my oldest’s grades this morning and she’s failing both chemistry and math. I asked her about it and she burst into tears. She’d been afraid to tell me and it’s been stressing her out. Well she spoke to the teacher today and she’s going to work out something with her to get her grades back up. Also the teacher cried in class today because apparently everyone is doing poorly in her class. A lot of red flags and think I may need to talk to the admin.

My youngest daughter forgot her hw and phone at school and was super upset. She’s my straight A/type A kid. She also thinks she has ADD and keeps bugging me to get her tested but it’s $850. Ugh.

Today went well food wise except I was so hungry during my fast. I’m guessing it’s the dang cream in my coffee. Was hoping to keep that but after doing a clean fast for so long, I really notice a difference.

156 lbs

Break-fast (5pm): 3 salmon croquettes, salad, toast with avocado
Dessert: vegan muffin, nectarine

Exercise: dog walk 25 mins, 24 sit-ups, 30 sec plank
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Post by lpearlmom » Thu Aug 23, 2018 4:59 am

Good day—no drama, no eating issues, lots of exercise.

I’m still putting half & half in my “coffee†but it still seems to be making me hungry so it must be spiking my insulin. Maybe I’ll try whipping cream.

154.2 lbs

Break-fast (5 pm): 3 chickpea and eggplant tacos, refined beans, glass of wine/Kombucha
Dessert: nectarine, granola bar, handful of chocolate chips

Exercise: ran 1.5 miles interspersed with sit-ups and 45 sec planks (every 2 laps); walked for 1 1/2 hrs.

My friend wanted to walk on the track at the gym so I went early and got some running in first. Boy am I going to be sore tomorrow.
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Post by automatedeating » Thu Aug 23, 2018 1:42 pm

Sounds like a delightful day, and so much exericise! Plus with a friend -- nice.

I have regular whole milk in my coffee and sometimes I am certain it makes me hungry! But I stubbornly keep with it. I have this idea that it's a nice source of Vitamin D, even though the amount is probably so low. :roll:
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Post by worth it » Thu Aug 23, 2018 11:43 pm

Hi Linda,

I'm super impressed with your exercise over the past few days. #1- I'm envious of runners but can't run myself (triggers a skeletal issue I have) and #2 I'm not so hot at planks since I had abdominal surgery years ago... but come to think of it, I'm actually not sure about that anymore- you may have just inspired to me try one during my workouts tomorrow!

I hear you on the half and half in the coffee. I sometimes feel as though I'm missing out on it now that I drink it black...


I've also been meaning to ask if the girls are getting along better these days... I sure hope so. Sigh. That's such hard parenting stuff!

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Post by ladybird30 » Fri Aug 24, 2018 1:39 am

wow, Linda, that's getting serious about exercise.
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Post by lpearlmom » Fri Aug 24, 2018 4:53 am

Thanks you guys re: exercise ! When I’m not in an exercise groove, it’s so hard to get motivated but once I’m in it, I can’t imagine not exercising in a regular basis. It does feel good and I’m determined to do this mudrun in March.

Auto: I know, I really like having something in my fake coffee. Then I looked at the chickory chai tea I was drinking and realized it has 7 grams of carbs! That’ll definitely make you hungry! So today I bought a beverage with just 5 calories and 1 g of carbs. I also got whipping cream since it’s mostly pure fat and fat doesn’t spike your insulin therefore it shouldn’t make me hungry. We shall see.

Worth: today the girls were getting along really well. They’re either hugging each other or yelling at each other. There’s not a lot of in between with them. Thanks for asking.

I’m worried about DH though as he’s been working way too much lately. He worked all night doing surgery and then started rounds at 5am. He didn’t get gone till about 6pm tonight. Had dinner and showered and then promptly called back to work. It’s almost 10pm and he still hasn’t slept. :/ I hope he gets home soon.

153.2 lbs

Breakfast (5pm): plate of tater tots, piece of fish, 2 tortillas with guacamole
Dessert: carmelized berries and cream (low carb & really good)

Rest day.
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Post by automatedeating » Fri Aug 24, 2018 2:28 pm

Everything in your post sounds like it's going well except for that crazy schedule your husband has! Don't they have laws or something now to prevent doctors from working so many many many hours? Poor guy. I can see why you'd be worried, plus I think this helps explain why he doesn't take care of himself health-wise. The first thing to take care of would be sleep, and without that.....I doubt many of us could be motivated to eat right or much of anything else.

Oh, and about your "fake" coffee, as you put it. :) Is that because regular coffee was giving your heartburn? BTW, your heartburn is so much better now isn't it? Yay for that!
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Post by worth it » Sat Aug 25, 2018 12:06 am

Hi Linda,

I second (or third?) the thoughts about your husband working all of those crazy hours-WTH!

Since I am in human resources, the first thing I think about is the FLSA employment laws which govern working hours. However since your husband is a doctor and likely not paid by the hour, I really have no if the FLSA applies in his case, since I’ve never done HR for employees in the medical field. Legal or not, I know it’s sure not good for your husband or your family. Sorry and I hope the crazy hours end soon.

Also, I just wanted to say thank you for stopping by my thread earlier. You really made me feel a lot better and helped remind me that we can all exist respectfully on this board.😉

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Post by lpearlmom » Sat Aug 25, 2018 3:53 am

Luckily DH got home around 10;30 pm and was able to sleep all night. He was on call for two different hospitals so was a bit more busy than normal. I know it seems crazy but not all that unusual. I just feel like he’s getting too old for these all nighters. Oh well he’s in good spirits so all is well for now.

I had kind of a low grade crappy day for no good reason. Just one of those days where everyone was cutting me off in traffic and getting on my nerves as I went throughout my day. Then I went to pick up Chinese food and when I got home, I realized they gave me somebody else’s order. It sucks not getting exactly what you want when you only eat one meal a day but I really did not want to drive all the way back so I just ate it. Ugh. Tomorrow nights dinner better be awesome.

I’m also a little annoyed because my weight and measurements are a little bit up from lasts month. But to be fair I did weigh myself after a 30 hour fast last month and it’s hard to be accurate with measurements. I feel like I’m in a pretty good groove right now and am pretty sure I’ll reach my goals as long as I’m consistent.

Boy I’m a whiner. â˜ºï¸ On the plus side, the new drink combo did not make me hungry.

I’m doing a new thing with a 7 day running average of my weight. I think this will help to keep a perspective on things.

155.5 lbs

Break-fast (6pm) ; 2 small plates of Chinese food
Dessert: plain yogurt with figs and nut clusters, couple bites of pudding.

Exercise: 15 mins—sit ups, push ups, squats
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Post by Soprano » Sat Aug 25, 2018 10:58 am

Sorry to hear you had a bad day. Your story of the Chinese meal reminded me of when we were younger we ordered Indian takeaway. Hubby went to pick it up, got there and they appeared to have lost the order! He rang to let me know and I don't know why but I just asked where he was to which he replied with the name of a different local takeaway!. He had to go and collect the original order then go back and get the new one he had just placed :)

Hope you have a great weekend

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Post by automatedeating » Sat Aug 25, 2018 11:32 pm

Also sorry to hear about your general crap-ola day.

But hey - it's an S day now!!
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Post by worth it » Sun Aug 26, 2018 1:01 am


I know how you feel. Even before No S and IF, I would always get frustrated by my food order being messed up, especially at restaurants. I even have gotten that way when I’ve made a meal that didn’t turn out as expected. Who knows why, but it is REALLY dissatisfying. ðŸ˜

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Post by lpearlmom » Sun Aug 26, 2018 6:59 am

That’s too funny Soprano! I wish I went back. Next time.

Thank you auto!

Me too worth. I just really hate wasting a meal on bad food. I rather just not eat!

Today was much better. I worked out, then did some cooking and ran errands. Our neighbor invited us to dinner so I went with my oldest daughter since DH had to work. We had a really nice time and the meal was delicious.

I had a longer than normal window but that’s okay. One thing I noticed is I tend to pick at food after a social situation. It helps me unpack my feelings I think. Being social s stressful sometimes. I tend to go over everything in my head from the evening.

Oh I went to target and bought a 2 piece bathing suit! I haven’t worn one since.. college? It’s a full coverage one but still! I have a lot of work to do but I can start to see some definition in my muscles. Maybe 2 more years?

Tomorrow is my day off from IF. Some things I want to have are bagels, chai latte, chips and dip and popcorn. A lot of carbs! ☺ï¸

155.6 lbs

Breakfast (6pm): 2 pieces of lasagna , bread, salad, 2 glasses, 1 rum punch
Dessert: a couple cookies, couple bites of pudding, couple pieces of chocolate, 1 rum punch

Exercise: 30 mins run/sprint, bicycle sit ups, squats
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Post by Whosonfirst » Sun Aug 26, 2018 1:09 pm

You're doing really well Linda, what are bicycle situps? I'm imagining doing upside down(on the floor) bicycles while trying to sit up. Sounds really difficult.
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Post by automatedeating » Sun Aug 26, 2018 2:31 pm

Maybe bicycle situps are when Linda rides her bike around the pool in her new 2 piece, then jumps on her yoga mat and does some situps, then repeats. :lol:

Linda said:
One thing I noticed is I tend to pick at food after a social situation. It helps me unpack my feelings I think. Being social is stressful sometimes. I tend to go over everything in my head from the evening.
OMGosh I think this is a perfect analogy for social anxiety. We pick at the food as we pick pick pick at our behavior. Argh, how frustrating!!! But I totally get this. In my case, being social is stressful almost every time. :roll:
Sometimes I wonder -- do you think people that lived 1000 years ago had social anxiety? Is it a modern affliction or maybe even ancient people felt nervous around their own species? Note that I never have it around animals. Ahh, that must be why I wanted to be a vet when I was little! :P [/quote]
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Post by lpearlmom » Mon Aug 27, 2018 5:16 am

Lol you guys are funny! So technically I think they’re called bicycle crunches. You just kind of put your elbow to the opposite knee while you kick the other leg out and then switch continuously in a bicycle type motion. ☺ï¸

Omygosh I do not do well without boundaries. I took the day off from fasting and just grazed throughout the day. I also ingested ridiculous amounts of caffeine and will probably be up all night and get reflux. (Auto: I forgot to answer you before but yes I drink fake coffee because it gives me reflux.) I do so much better with zero caffeine yet I miss caffeine! So will I give up my feast days? Nope, I need to release the valve once a week. Will I ever learn to be less idiotic about them? Probably not!

At least I did have a non-food event from 1-5 so was forced to not snack for a bit.

Other than that, my day was good. The girls were angelic and I actually got to see dh’s face in the light of day. I’m a bit pissed off that my weight is creeping up but I’m feeling pretty good about how I look due to the increased exercise I think. Tomorrow I’m supposed to run 2 miles. It’s gonna be more like a run, jog , walk thing but I’ll do my best.

155.6 lbs

Breakfast (9:30am): bagel with lox and cream cheese, plus 1/2 bagel, mocha
Lunch: an extra large sf chai, handful of chips, bite of lasagna, couple of nuts
Dinner: small bowl southwest pasta salad , another sf chai (I know!) ,( plus picking at food while I made the pasta. ) , rum punch

Exercise: couple laps in the pool

I’m nervous about my sober September challenge. I’ve got a vacation plus a couple of social events. Did anyone hear about the new recommendations on zero alcohol intake? How depressing! I don’t think I can quit for good.

Update: Okay when I actually read the studies it’s like you might live six months less with moderate drinking. Of course more than moderate drinking is a problem but I still think a few glasses of wine a week is fine. The problem is my tolerance has gotten way to high so that’s where the 30day detox comes in. I’m feeling motivated to do it now but going to start on the 3rd right when I get back from vacation. Gotta be realistic!
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Post by automatedeating » Mon Aug 27, 2018 2:15 pm

I'm with you on the Dry September!

And I haven't read those studies yet but my guess is those are observational studies that are probably filled with confounding variables. I take them with a grain of salt. That said, it might end up being true that Dry doesn't deprive us of health benefits, lol. I used to actually worry that that might be the case!!!!
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Post by worth it » Tue Aug 28, 2018 1:17 am

Linda, I’m with you too! ( I literally just wrote about that on my thread).

I guess I just think of the European culture i.e. the French that drink moderately and on a daily basis ...what about them- they seem ok? LOL! Anyway, perhaps I’m just being grouchy because I do love my wine! :twisted:

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Post by lpearlmom » Wed Aug 29, 2018 5:00 am

Yup I think moderate is where it’s at and if I lose six month when I’m 95 so be it. Besides our moderate eating will off-set any possible cons. ;)

So I had a little moment of frustration today but gave myself a pep talk and my heads back in the game. Just so frustrated that my weight seems to be creeping up despite my sticking to IF. Yesterday I ran 2 miles, fasted 23 hrs and ate a small low carb meal yet my weight was up. I know things don’t work out that linear but just feeling frustrated.

I decided to come up with a plan that I could see doing long-term and try that for awhile. All I can do is all I can realistically do and the rest is up to my body. I can not force it to be any smaller than it wants to be. Believe me I’ve tried.

This will probably change tomorrow but here’s what I came up with for now:

M,W,F-24/1 , low carb
T/Th-20/4 whole foods, low sugar
Sat/sun-19/5 whatever
Plus one day/month off completely.
Continue to train for my mud run.

That feels very doable to me, but don’t hold your breath!

156 😞

Break-fast: smoothie
Dinner: turkey patty, quinoa
Dessert; 3 mochis, 3 mango candies
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Post by worth it » Wed Aug 29, 2018 6:43 pm


Can I just say how glad I am to have you on this forum!?

It’s great to have your information as a frame of reference too. I know that you said you have difficulty on S days (so did I) and it’s cool to see how you’re using that information going forward with your new “planâ€. Looks totally moderate to me and I hope that it’s going to give you the boost you need going forward. 😀

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Post by lpearlmom » Thu Aug 30, 2018 4:19 am

Aww thanks! I’m so glad you’re on here too. It really feels great to have someone get what I’m going through and so often we seem to be on the same page. Really cool. 💜

Today went well except for the fact that I seem to have injured my back. I ran two miles today and was feeling great till I reach down to load the dishwasher. My back seized up. Bummer, I was finally starting to get in a good workout groove. Well the fasting should help with the inflammation. Maybe I’ll even try an EF to speed up the healing if it’s not better soon.

My weight is still up a few pounds but the funny thing is, I’m suddenly getting more compliments than ever. I think things are just looking toner or something. It’s nice but confusing. I did read that when you first start working out you can gain a few pounds from inflammation and water retention. Who knows but I’ll just keep on keeping on. I’m super excited to do 19/5 tomorrow. That means I can have an afternoon smoothie!

156 lbs 😞

Breakfast (5 pm): vegetable tart, green salad, 1/2 glass wine, handful chips with sour cream.
Dessert: rx bar, kiwi, 3 nut clusters

Exercise: ran 2 miles, walked 20 mins
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Post by Soprano » Thu Aug 30, 2018 6:49 am

Sorry to hear about your back, hope you soon recover :)

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Post by lpearlmom » Fri Aug 31, 2018 4:38 am

Thanks soprano. Not much improved yet.

Rough day today. Back pain, nausea, and a lot of fighting with my 13 year old. Omg, this is not a fun age. I remember it with my oldest. Can I go run away for a few years? Please!

We’re going away for the weekend and I’m not even looking forward to it. It’s with DHs family and his over sensitive vegan sister can be a pain. Plus, being trapped in a car with two teens for 6 hrs is not my idea of fun. Hopefully things will turn around and we will have a good time anyway. We shall see. Ugh.

On the plus side, I had a whoosh and was down 5 lbs today. I’m taking my running average though so that hadn’t actually changed. I guess that’s good. Keeps the highs and lows in check.

153.6 lbs (average 156.6)

Breakfast (2pm); smoothie, vegan fruit muffin, nectarine (was hungry!)
Dinner: spinach salad, 1/4 of pita
Dessert: plain yogurt w fruit and nuts
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Post by Soprano » Fri Aug 31, 2018 5:26 am

Sorry to hear you are still in pain and about the teenage fighting!

Hope you have a good trip, sometimes the ones we don't look forward to are the best :)

Great news re the 5lbs. Hold the faith

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Post by Octavia » Fri Aug 31, 2018 2:48 pm

‘Over sensitive vegan sister’ - I can picture her very clearly - good luck with your challenges, Linda! :wink: I’m not a great one for going away at weekends, family trips etc. I’d rather stay at home where I have a bit more control. But sometimes these trips turn out more fun than you think. Hope it goes well anyway!

All this exercise is inspiring me to get back to mine, too. I haven’t done much over the summer, except for a few long walks. Now it’s getting cooler here in the UK, I want to start running again. Maybe your previous weight gain was to do with the increased muscle? If you can see the difference yourself, then there must be more muscle there. But that’s fantastic, that a 5lb loss has shown up! Hurrah.

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Post by lpearlmom » Sat Sep 01, 2018 2:17 pm

Thanks Soprano! It’s a lot better today. Yay! Hopefully I’ll be able to workout on Tuesday. I think I need to be better about stretching.

Octavia: well the SIL is actually being fine but my MIL is driving me crazy. She drives everyone crazy but I’m the only one that ever calls her out on stuff and then I look like a massive jerk. I’m not good at letting things roll off my back I guess. On a happier note, I hope you get back into exercising. It feels so good to get fit again. I still have a long way to go. My running is super slow and I can’t go for very long but it’s a start!

So we didn’t get to Big Bear till about 7:30 and I hadn’t eaten yet. So we had a big meal and my mil & I promptly got into a fight. She was asking me about a primary election in my district that just took place. I’ve known the candidate since she’s been running, I’ve worked in the campaign, I know ppl that work for her and most importantly I just voted in the election. Yet my mil insisted that this woman had an opposition even though I told her several times that she ran unopposed. I even texted my friend that worked counting ballots on election night but I could tell my mil didn’t believe me.

I know any normal person would let it go but she does this to everyone all the time and I was just done. I mean I get that it’s good to be a healthy skeptic but at some point it’s just downright insulting. So I couldn’t let it go till I knew she actually believed me so I pulled up the results from the county recorder and showed her but I was furious at this point and she was all feeling attacked I guess. Omg, I need to just let this stuff slide or I’m going to make myself crazy. My sister in laws husband says he avoids conversations with her and gives brief answers when she asks him questions. Everyone seems to be able to handle her better than me.

Okay done. I’m going to go try to have fun if it kills me!

153.6 (7:30pm): crudités, nuts, Indian food , lots of wine
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Post by lpearlmom » Sun Sep 02, 2018 6:19 am

Okay we’re actually having fun today. My mil are fine. It seems like every trip we have a big blow out then everything is fine again. I guess there’s just a lot of tension between us. I know she means well.

We went on a short hike and then to lunch. I had a very short fast today but that’s okay. It’s interesting listening to my sister and brother in law talk about being vegan. They really seem to believe it’s going to save them from all diseases and that they’ll live to be 120. I respect their choices but it feels like they’re just afraid of dying. It also starts to feel like a blame the victim game. Everyone that gets a disease could have avoided it if they just ate right? I call BS.

I think I eat pretty healthy but maybe I could eat less animal products? Should I try being vegan again? It’s confusing because there’s so much conflicting info out there when it comes to nutrition. And there’s nothing worse than someone who feels righteous because of their chosen eating style. Just barf.


Break-fast (12:30 pm): edamame, poke nachos
Snack: cashews, rum punch
Dinner: veggie pasta salad, corn, asparagus, wine
Dessert: 2 cookies

Exercise: 45 min easy hike

I decided to start Sober September tomorrow even though I’m still on vacation. I’m just not getting anything positive from drinking anymore. Plenty of negatives though—heartburn, sleepless nights , brain mush , extra calories.... the list goes on. I found this really good coconut water that is a pretty pink color so I’m going to substitute that for alcohol. You can even put a little lime and maybe some diet sprite and a splash of grenadine to fancy it up. I’m excited. I’ll see if this kinda resets my tolerance and I can enjoy drinking moderately after this. If not maybe it’ll just be a once in a great while kind of a thing. Anyway I got the nomo app that counts your sober days. I’m lpear on it if anyone wants to be my accountability partner.

Oh and I think I’m switching my eating window to daytime for DH. He wants to skip dinner instead of breakfast so I’m going to join him. He better actually go through with it.
:twisted: SW: 210 lbs
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Post by Octavia » Sun Sep 02, 2018 3:25 pm

...I think you’re a saint for enduring such provocation, people just contradicting you on stuff you know is true! I’m sure I would have become enraged. My MIL was a bit similar - a ‘contrary Mary’ would be a kind way of describing her! Anyway, glad to hear you’ve had some fun, too.

There is so much contradiction surrounding diet! Ultra-sensible writers like Gillian Riley are very down on wheat, as well as the obvious sugar. But until my own doctor tells me to cut out wheat, I’m sceptical. Yet it’s possible that our GPs are biased, or simply not nutritional experts. So who do we believe?

When my DD was a baby, I had breast cancer, and had to have various treatments for a period of time. I used to see a fantastic oncologist who was an expert with women’s health. When I asked her what the latest advice was for avoiding cancer, all she could tell me was ‘don’t become obese, don’t become an alcoholic, and eat a varied diet.’ Her sobering words made me realise how we can’t avoid the risk of serious illness entirely.

So.... I’m pretty sceptical about special diets -meat free, dairy free, wheat free. My feeling is that many of us are suffering a lot of stress, but would rather fiddle around with our diets than leave our horrid jobs/partners etc.! I try not to judge, but I do strongly suspect some sort of neurotic element with these righteous folk.

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Post by automatedeating » Sun Sep 02, 2018 6:11 pm

Moderation in all things, right? Your in-laws don't sound very moderate at all. :lol:

But super glad you are having fun with everybody now!

I'm with you for the Stone-Sober September! I am keeping track on the "September Challenge Thread". I lost weight when I kept to the first 18 days of August! So it could help you get off your weight plateau, although I know we are both doing for plenty of other reasons. Oh, and I am feeling more and more sure that alcohol needs to be an "S" for me. I'd allow S events Fri/Sat/Sun nights, and date night (on weeks that it falls on a Non-S Day). That would give me 3-4 dry days/week, which seems reasonably moderate. Not certain this will be my plan, but it's the one I keep finding most attractive long-term.
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
3/18-25.6; 8/18-24.5; 10/18-23.8;
3/19-22.1; 10/19-21.8
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Post by lpearlmom » Mon Sep 03, 2018 3:28 am

Oh wow, Octavia I didn’t know you had breast cancer. Sounds like a very difficult time especially with a baby to tend too. Glad you got through it okay. Makes sense what your oncologist said as sobering as it sounds. I think we can all agree on less processed foods and sugar and more fruits and veggies. Other than that, it’s anyone’s guess. Maybe most agree on not too much red meat? But not the Paleo folks I guess...

Thanks auto! SIL is being super chill now and we’re bonding over her mom driving us all nuts. I could feel another fight coming on tonight but removed myself from the situation instead. I’m trying.

I don’t know if I’ll lose weight with the no booze challenge but mostly I just want to see if I can reset my tolerance. It’s just effecting me so differently. There’s very little enjoyment involved now and more done from habit but my goal is to be more moderate ultimately.

Funny story but my sil has lost a lot of weight too (from going vegan). When I complimented her she was concerned that she’s losing too much weight. In my head I was thinking well you don’t look that skinny. Then I suddenly started wondering if she was skinnier than me or not. When she was out I peaked at her Jean size and it said 28 on the waist. Well I definitely thought that was smaller than I wore so was kinda bummed. Then I had the urge to try them on so when she was at the store I snuck into her room and tried them on thinking they’d be way too small. Well they fit & loosely at that. I was happy but also realized that I was being a little (or a lot) crazy and obsessive. I would never admit this to most ppl but everyone here already knows I’m a bit nuts so there it is. ☺ï¸

Today was fun. We went on a boat tour and walked around the little shop area. Going home tomorrow. Back to reality!

I was pretty snacky today but nothing too crazy.

Break-fast (1:30): smoothie bowl, few bites of poke bowl
Snack: watermelon, triscuits, rice cake
Dinner: salad, creole stew, watermelon, lots of coconut water

I’m so super proud of myself for not drinking tonight. I was offered wine several times but stuck to my coconut water. I know I’m going to feel so much better after a month of this. I can do this. Coconut water will get me through!
:twisted: SW: 210 lbs
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Post by Octavia » Mon Sep 03, 2018 11:57 am

OMG the jeans story! :lol: But I too would have been super-curious to see a waist size of 28 on those jeans! If you hadn’t tried them on, you would still be fretting about it, so it’s good you indulged your curiosity! And an anecdote for our archives, I think. (We should start a Hall of Fame thread!)

Yes, it was a scary time when I had b.c. and a baby - but the demands of the baby kept me in a manic routine which somehow helped. I couldn’t go under the duvet or rest up much, and I think that was good. It’s over 15 years ago now and seems like a distant memory! Which is fantastic! I was very lucky.

Have been checking out 6 miles to supper - I love that lady! Very No S-compatible, I think. She’s all about habits and sustainability. Making me wonder what else I can do to get weight loss happening again.

Have a great day, Linda.

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Post by automatedeating » Mon Sep 03, 2018 2:39 pm

Bwahahahahaha! I love it!!!! I totally would have wanted to do that - you are hilarious!

Like Octavia said, we should start a thread -- we could even make the topic "jeans". Imogen just said she found some pre-pregnancy skinny jeans in her closet she's determined to fit back into. And I still LOVE the story about jw having her pants FALL DOWN while she was walking one day. My original signature on NoS was "size 10 jeans getting tight!"

And congrats on no alcohol! I made it last night, too. And my husband has joined me which I think is huge for helping me. Last month he didn't and it is pretty hard to resist when it is right there and he's partaking. Also we are motivated to save $$ by not buying alcohol, so I'm hopeful for a green month on this habit.
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
3/18-25.6; 8/18-24.5; 10/18-23.8;
3/19-22.1; 10/19-21.8
6/20-22.5; 7/20-23.0; 9/20-23.6
4/21 - 25.2

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