Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by cedar » Mon Jul 01, 2019 4:00 am

I've come back to post again regularly.

I've been following a mostly 3 meal a day, No snack No seconds routine. I did a 500cal x 3 meals =1500cal daily for a while after reading a book (The 500 Plan i think it was..lost weight but was a little too low on cals I think so couldn't stick to it, before that I joined weight watchers (which I'm still paying for :oops:) thankfully I got a half price deal so it's not much but still..come on!
I've re-read "Dieting- a dry drunk" Becky L Jackson, and a new book she just released and have finally admitted honestly to myself that I have an eating addiction..(its still hard to even write that). I am acting as if I do anyway and dealing with that by having an abstinence bottom line which is 3 meals a day, no seconds (eating 1 decent plate of food with no seconds or add ons, I can include sweets in the meal but I have to pre-plan it..no random add ons. I've come back here to have a place to record my food and have a clear record of where I'm at.

I might be boring and just check in each day, I might not comment on other people's posts I'm not being rude just focused on my abstinence. My whole life I've been obsessed with food. When I would be invited to friends houses I just wanted to see what food they had in the pantry. I've been trying my whole married life to be a 'normal' eater like my husband but then thing is I'm not a normal eater, never was probably never will be.

This is not about weight. I am leaving that up to nature. I will eat my 3 meals a day O in between 1 day at a time and allow my body to be whatever it is as a result of that. I will do my best to love and accept the body nature intended for me. Hence 3 0 1. 30 is 30min walk (minimum)

a day for my health and to exercise my dog. The book is related to the 12 step overeaters anonymous..which is very spiritual/religious I find. Becky L Jackson just said interpret that however feels comfortable, I replace God/ Higher Power with Nature..I'm not religious and find it uncomfortable but Nature sits well with me.

Ha..I was only supposed to log on quickly but have managed an essay as usual 😂😂.

Monday 1st July-
Breakfast = Bowl of cornflakes, sliced banana and light milk. Black tea.

Lunch- Chicken avocado lettuce on a buttered roll, with some coleslaw salad on the side. A sliced apple in 2 tbsp yogurt.

Dinner- will be likely very similar to lunch as we are going out and will be back at Dinner time, not much time to cook. We have a roast chicken still in the fridge.

I did have a Chai latte mid morning with the boys (school hols) but only drank half I found it too sweet and milky. I've given up coffee as I was drinking way to much of it and not getting proper sleep after night shift, I feel much better but still trying to find an enjoyable hot drink when we go to cafes besides hot chocolates...?

Good to be back posting.

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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by lpearlmom » Mon Jul 01, 2019 5:31 am

Wb! Looks like you’re off to a good start!
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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by Allisonmeg » Mon Jul 01, 2019 10:18 am

Great plan! I'm checking out the books you mentioned. I have an Almondmilk decaf latte with 2 splendas daily if you want to give that a try!

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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by automatedeating » Mon Jul 01, 2019 2:10 pm

Hi Cedar! I love your approach to things and how you laid it all out.
That book sounds intriguing to me! I am so fascinated right now about how food addiction parallels alcohol dependence so that book you described is definitely one I'm interested in looking at.
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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by cedar » Tue Jul 02, 2019 10:49 am

Thanks ladies.

Yes I am finding the books really interesting and helpful. Rawcookie inspired me to check them out last year.

Bfast-Grainy toast with butter and poached eggs. Dandelion "coffee" with soy milk. ( Soy Dandelion latte)

Lunch- Chicken, avocado and coleslaw salad, with a buttered roll. Choc chip cookie and small square of chocolate.

Dinner- baked vegetables with beef mince and a small scoop of pasta other half of the plate filled with salad and broccoli.
Soy Dandelion Latte after dinner.

45 min walk with gorgeous girl 🐕, and 10 mins of strength/exercise video.

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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by automatedeating » Tue Jul 02, 2019 2:47 pm

What kind of dog is Gorgeous Girl? :-)
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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by cedar » Wed Jul 03, 2019 6:02 am

Hey Auto, GG is a bit of a mystery combo..Staffy x bull Arab x ??
She is 5 mths old and full of love and energy!

Wednesday 3rd July.
Bfast - Bowl of Muesli with sliced apple and yogurt. Dandelion and Chicory "coffee" black.

Mid morning Dandelion Soy latte.

Lunch- Sweet chilli chicken salad wrap. And had a bite or 2 of a lemon tart plus English Breakfast Tea at the local bakery.

Dinner- 1/2 plate of kale salad and the rest of the plate filled with a wwatchers beef hot pot ready meal (it's been in the freezer for ages..surprisingly good!), a slice of buttered bread and a square of chocolate.
It's a "use everything up before grocery shopping tomorrow" dinner 😀

This morning a 40min walk with 🐕GG (and just then a run around the yard chasing our calf off the good lawn!!) plan to do a 4min arm video and 7 min tummy at some stage. I've discovered Lucy Wyndham-Reed's free YouTube videos. They're great, can do short videos of 3 minutes or she has 20- 30 minute walking videos. I try to mute the sound once I get the idea of the moves as she talks a lot about fat burning etc.. which is fine but I just want some movement for health and to focus on my abstinence.

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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by automatedeating » Wed Jul 03, 2019 1:33 pm

I looked up bull Arab and apparently that is a dog breed I'd never heard of! Big Australian pig hunting dog. :-)
Sounds like your pup will enjoy every moment of exercise she gets! And hopefully you'll enjoy it with her!
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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by cedar » Thu Jul 04, 2019 7:31 am

I hadn't heard of them either until we moved up to Queensland (a northern state). I never really wanted one because of that description but when we met her she was lovely and has a placid nature, and I love staffy's so it was a nice mix. We took her to the beach today for the first time as the vet gave us the go ahead yesterday (she's up to date with her immunisations)..wow she loooved it! She ran and played with ALL the dogs and has collapsed on her bed and has hardly moved since we got home 🐕👍🏻. Haha..it was so good, the boys loved it too.

Bfast - Corn flakes with banana and milk, a tsp of peanut butter. Dandelion soy latte

Lunch- Chicken, cheese and tomato toasty with a side of kale salad. 2 squares of chocolate. Tea

Dinner- Butter chicken with rice broccoli and naan bread.
Soy Dandelion latte.

40 + min walk run play at the beach.
20min Lucy total body workout.

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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by cedar » Fri Jul 05, 2019 2:15 pm

No formal walk today but lots of cleaning and work last night is 8 hrs of constant walking/ movement 14000-17000 steps.

Bfast. Corn flakes, banana and milk.

Lunch. Tuna avo and cheese on toast, kale salad and lettuce on side. Choc chip cookie.

Dinner. Friends for dinner. I resisted the pre-dinner nibbles. Red wine. Gin. 1/4 Steak, chicken skewer 1/2 sausage. Salad, potato salad and beetroot salad all fit on the plate. Dessert cheesecake, cup of tea with dash milk.
Great night with fun friends.

Busy day today, not enough sleep today after night shift but I'm not back at work until Tuesday so all good.


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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by automatedeating » Fri Jul 05, 2019 3:56 pm

Hope you get rested up this weekend!
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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by cedar » Sat Jul 06, 2019 10:03 pm

Yesterday Saturday, after a glorious sleep, was a pretty good day. For Breakfast Lunch and Dinner I had 1 plate each filled with leftovers from Friday night, a combo of steak or chicken with 3 salads I mixed and matched and added some baguette on too. No eating between meals and said no to the cake my sister in law brought over for afternoon tea.
We took Gorgeous Girl to the beach for a big run and she had a ball, and so did we watching her!

Today still raining which is annoying, I'll try get out for a walk with 🐕 at some stage.

I'll check in tonight with my 3 meals.
I woke up this morning and noticed after a while that I wasn't thinking about my weight or food or how dissatisfied I am with my body. This 3 meals a day and no eating in between NO MATTER WHAT free's up my mind, says no to the addiction voices in my head that are still there but I am getting better at recognising them as addiction voices not ME, I feel much more at peace. 🤗

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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by automatedeating » Sun Jul 07, 2019 1:56 am

Cedar - you sound really at peace right now. I love that!
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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by cedar » Sun Jul 07, 2019 8:18 am

Thanks Auto 🤗.

Sunday 7th July.
Bfast - Bowl of Muesli milk apple and banana. Dandelion tea with Soy.

Lunch- coleslaw salad, tuna, slice of cheese plus some buttered baguette and potato crisps. 1/4 mandarin. Cup of Tea

Dinner- Curried Sausage and lentil stew. Zucchini Broccoli and Rice. 2 squares of chocolate and a marshmallow biscuit..yum.

30 min walk with GG..yay it stopped raining and the sun shone for a little while! Otherwise I spent the day washing linen, washing the dog cleaning and watching Brooklyn 99 with the kids. Hubby and I argued this morning and it just put a dampener on the day..😣.

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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by cedar » Mon Jul 08, 2019 7:38 am

Monday 8th July. 55.7kgs 162cm. BMI 21.6.

First thing at 7.30am a 35min (11km) bike ride home after dropping my car to the mechanic. Was a great ride with some big hills and it was a shock at how un-bike-fit I've become!! Tomorrow I've got to ride back and pick it up..$800 later woowee😏. Anyway, needs to be done, we are selling the car so need to get a few things fixed up.

8.30am Bfast- Muesli with desiccated coconut and sliced apple.
Cup of tea

1pm Lunch- salad, 1/2 mandarin, sliced carrot with dip and 2 slices of grain toast tuna and cheese on top.

Mid afternoon Soy Dandelion latte.

Dinner- will be (6.30pm) Baked Chicken with soy and Sweet chili sauce, rice, broccoli, sweet potato. I have made a salad also will see if I feel like some.. Marshmallow choc biscuit, and a square or 2 of chocolate.

40 min walk with GG and the kids, weeding the garden and scrubbing the showers! And hanging lots of washing on the line as its finally a sunny day!

I felt good today after little sleep last night, I think because my husband and I argued yesterday I had a lot going around in my head but mainly it was because I was snoring! I woke my husband up and I ended up sleeping in my sons bed and he went into our bed. Then I kept waking myself up, I do have a sore throat and maybe a sinus infection but if it keeps up maybe I'll have to see a doctor because we all need our sleep!! Hmmm..no good.

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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by automatedeating » Mon Jul 08, 2019 2:43 pm

Oh, sorry to hear about the argument with your husband. I hope things are resolved a bit better between the two of you now.
And bummer about the snoring and musical beds! Moving around and sleeping in different places is kind of common around my place, lol. For a whole variety of reasons.
I love that you are getting back into the biking. So your family is going down to 1 car? That sounds commendable, I will love to hear more. We have only had one car for the past week, and it is has been irritating. I like my freedom! I don't like planning with Sexy about vehicle use, but I suppose we'd get better at it over time.
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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by cedar » Tue Jul 09, 2019 7:40 am

Hey Auto,
No we are selling my car and upgrading..its just getting to that age where things are starting to break down so thought we better get onto it now. We couldn't be with just 1 car unfortunately, it would be great if we could though money wise!

Bike Ride to pick up car- 35mins.
Walk 20mins.

Bfast. Muesli, apple, coconut and yogurt.
Lunch- salad and chicken wrap at the bakery. Cup of tea
Dinner- will be bacon and eggs and salad..got home late about to cook now.

Took the kids and dog to beach today, then to the skate park then bakery for lunch. Good day, everyone is happy and tired.

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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by automatedeating » Tue Jul 09, 2019 3:31 pm

Sounds like a great day!
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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by cedar » Wed Jul 10, 2019 11:08 am

Thanks Auto, it was!

Wednesday 10th July. 55.6kgs.

Bfast= 2 poached eggs on 3 slices toast, mandarin and Dandelion tea. Lots of butter on toast!
(note to self..Muesli or cereal satisfies me more than eggs and toast..I felt I could have just kept eating and eating the toast this morning and I always want more than 1-2 slices at breakfast..however for lunch 2 slices of toast or bread is fine?) Plus I don't like having bread for both breakfast and lunch.

Lunch= chicken, salad, sweet chili wrap, 3 bites of apple pie. Cup of tea.

Dinner=lots of salad and coleslaw, topped with vegetable and chorizo sausage pasta sauce and a spoon full of spiral pasta. 2 squares of chocolate.

I technically failed today by adding onto my meals after the plate was complete.

25mins formal movement (lucy's YouTube videos).

I worked last night so slept from about 8.30/9am until 12ish. I then took the boys to run some errands and we went out for lunch at the local shops, nice. A friend came over with her son and her dog so our puppy could meet her dog for the first time now she's immunised, they played non stop! They had an absolute ball running and playing and jumping..such joy watching them. GG is very tired tonight! Dogs are the best, it's so good having a dog again. She reminds me to keep things simple and have fun🐕💕💕💕👍🏻 pure love!

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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by automatedeating » Wed Jul 10, 2019 3:52 pm

You sing to my heart when you talk about GG. :-)
So happy that your family has a dog again.
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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by cedar » Thu Jul 11, 2019 10:35 am

I love that you volunteer at the dog shelter Auto, that's so cool.

Bfast- Bowl of Muesli, sliced apple, desiccated coconut and Greek yogurt. Dandelion Soy Tea.

Lunch- baked potato with beef mince, sour cream and sprinkling of cheese. Small skim hot chocolate.

Dinner- Steak, chips, broccoli and salad. Square of chocolate and 2 marshmallow biscuits. Tumeric tea.

20 min walk with GG + lots of walking around doing the groceries and shopping for clothes for my son who's had a massive growth spurt and literally had 2 pairs of pants that fit him! Mowed the lawn and tidied up driveway.

Today was busy busy but I got things done that needed doing, so I'm pleased. I'm working tonight, I have a head cold and really shouldn't be going into work but always get the guilts calling in sick. I'll wear a mask and stay a distance from people. It's been quieter at night shift lately, so that's why I decided to go in (not as much interaction with residents).

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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by cedar » Fri Jul 12, 2019 7:57 am

Bfast - 2x slices grainy w'meal bread. One with a slice of harvati cheese, the other with banana and peanut butter. Dandelion tea, dash of soy.

I've decided if I have bread for Breakfast then none for lunch, it's not that it's bad I think it can just crowd out other things. Plus it has to be decent bread like the heavy wholegrain one, it's very satisfying.

Lunch- steamed potato with coleslaw, tuna, a sprinkle of cheese and tsp chobani Greek yogurt. 1/2 apple.

Dinner- will be baked potato with a mince and vegetable sauce on top, some parmesan cheese. Some chocolate will feature too I'm sure.

Walk at the beach with kids and dog, this is my happy place lately and today was such a stunningly beautiful day, clear blue sky even wore shorts and a tshirt. I worked last night so slept this morning then headed out for a couple hours this afternoon to get us all some fresh air. As it was more a stroll I will do a 15-20min Lucy video also.

Work tonight, then it's the weekend 💃. I'm sad the school holidays are over I love hanging out with my boys..and not rushing in the mornings making school lunches etc.. Term 3 already! Another crazy quick year.

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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by lpearlmom » Sun Jul 14, 2019 6:00 am

I grew up on the beach in LA and it’s the only thing i miss about living there. It brings me so much peace. Enjoy!
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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by cedar » Sun Jul 14, 2019 11:34 am

Thanks Linda, wow growing up in LA. Glad you have happy memories of the beach. We have moved to a different state and the beach is still a bit of a novelty I guess, well the beach PLUS beautiful sunny weather!

Bfast-Saturday 2× slices grainy wholemeal toast, banana and peanut butter on one, avocado and cheese on the other. Herb tea

Lunch- coleslaw salad plus mince and potato leftovers from dinner, a mandarin. Cup of tea.

Dinner- chicken and veg pie, plus kaleslaw salad. Chocolate chip cookie and 2 squares of chocolate. Soy Dandelion latte.

30 min walk with Gorgeous girl and 14min Arm and waist exercise video.

Sunday Bfast- 2 slices grainy wholemeal toast with tuna cheese and kaleslaw salad. Cup of tea.

40min walk run with Gorgeous girl. 7 min leg and 4 min arm video. Lots of walking and cleaning up around the garden today.

Lunch- yummy Burger, Fries and milkshake out with the family. So filling and delicious.

Dinner- A small pear and a bowl of cereal. Cup of Tea.

We have decided to sell our little 7 month old calf, her lovely mum died a few weeks ago and she is mooing a lot and just unhappy. We either need to get another cow to keep her company or find a new home. I put her on Gumtree last night and had a lovely little family call up straight away to say they'd love to meet her, they've been looking for ages and they want her as a house cow/pet. She will always have them as company and they also have 2 little baby calves and other animals so sounds like she'd be very happy there. She is such a sweet thing, it's hard to let her go, but meeting this little family we knew it was best for her. He came today to try to get her on the trailer but she got very skittish and after an hour or more it just didn't happen..so he will try again tomorrow with just me (hubby and boys will be at work and school) so we will see. I'm feeling a bit sad tonight and anxious for her, she's never known travelling on a trailer!
All in all it was a beautiful Sunday.

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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by lpearlmom » Sun Jul 14, 2019 6:38 pm

Oooh that sounds tough but definitely the right thing for her. Big *hugs*
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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by cedar » Mon Jul 15, 2019 10:45 am

Thanks Linda..😊

Well the saga continues with our calf, 3 hours today of trying to get her in!! She was so close so many times and we even had her in the trailer at one stage and we were so excited then she busted out of it..then broke out of the stable..ahhhhhh we will give it another go tomorrow and if it doesn't work the buyer will get some professionals to come. Maybe she's not meant to go, its upsetting to see her so freaked out, but after spending time with the buyers today and the little girls were so lovely with her I know she'll be happy..she just has to get there!

Bfast- 2 x slices buttered grainy wholemeal toast with scrambled eggs and cheese. Banana.

A lovely long stroll on the beach with some friends and our dogs this morning after school drop off. GG had a ball!

Lunch- a big Asian salad. Chocolate and a cup of tea.

Dinner- green chicken curry with rice and vegies. A sliced apple on yogurt. Chocolate.

No formal exercise today, the 3 hours of trying to coax a calf into a trailer changed all my plans!! Anyway, I got a lot of sun and gentle movement.
Work tonight.

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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by cedar » Tue Jul 16, 2019 10:31 am

Ahhh..gorgeous calf is in her new home and is already settling in with the other calves and animals. I'm happy and sad, she is a special creature.

Bfast - 2 slices grainy toast with ham cheese tomato, soy Dandelion latte. Spoon of nutella.

Walk at the beach with GG..was beautiful but I was so tired after working the night should have gone straight to bed.

Lunch- coleslaw salad, tuna. Some crackers with hummus and a choc chip cookie.

27minute Lucy video. (Legs and full body).

Dinner- half the plate filled with salads, 1/2 cup pasta. Scoop of beef mince and vegetable bake. 2 square dark lindt choc.

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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by cedar » Thu Jul 18, 2019 8:17 am

55.4kgs 18th July.

Yesterday 17th July
bfast= 2 slices buttered grainy toast with scrambled eggs. Apple. Dandelion soy latte.

Lunch- left over mince pasta and salad. Dark choc. Cuppa

Dinner- chicken snitzle, coleslaw salad plus green salad plus steamed potato sweet potato carrots and broccoli. Hot chocolate.

30min walk with gorgeous girl, 10min lucy exercise video.

Bfast- Muesli sliced apple and peanut butter. Dandelion tea, no milk.

25min walk with Gorgeous girl.

Lunch- leftover steamed potato/ veg with tuna and cheese on top, rest of the plate filled with salad. Cuppa

Dinner- chicken and sweet corn soup. Egg bacon pie and salad. Chocolate.

Last night of work tonight, 4 night shifts in a row then 4 nights off. My Dad is visiting this weekend which will be nice.
The new owner of our calf sent a photo today of her with the gorgeous little calfs all hanging out, and lots of lovely long grass for her to eat. I'm happy for her and sad also, I miss looking out the window from the kitchen and seeing what shes up to.. good thing Gorgeous girl is full of puppy energy and love. Animals rule.

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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by lpearlmom » Thu Jul 18, 2019 12:39 pm

Oh Im so glad she made it safely to her new home and is doing well. You did the right thing eventhough I know you miss her. 💜
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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by automatedeating » Fri Jul 19, 2019 2:04 pm

Animals do rule!! I have been having all kind of epiphanies in my counseling sessions recently about animals and how they have been a source of unconditional love for me. They also model "just living" and not worrying about things. When I am with them, I feel peace beyond almost any other circumstance.

On my way home from school in elementary days, there was a calf and a goat (Alfred and Patricia, I named them) in a field. This was unusual; I was raised in the suburbs and pined for the country. Anyway, I would feed them bread and talk with them and put up with those fence shocks to get through the fence to them and just cuddle. They were there for a couple years and I loved them every day. They helped me get through some emotionally tough times!

Also, you've been exercising lots! All those walks, and the videos, plus you are moving your entire time at work! For some reason I feel like your posts this time around are more.... happy? energetic? I can't quite put my finger on it. Are you in a better place mentally now than you were in your last thread or am I confused or mis-remembering or something?

Your "vibe" is so joyful these days (and I don't mean to gloss over the sadness of not having the calf anymore...but I know we can have a deep-seated joy even when we are shedding tears...)
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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by cedar » Sat Jul 20, 2019 7:02 am

Thanks Linda and Auto.

Maybe I am in a better place mentally Auto, I definitely feel more relaxed about life in general..I'll have to read my old thread sometime. I think reading that book about eating addiction just clicked for me..it makes so much sense when I look back on my life and see that all the struggle with diets, overeating, restricting and bingeing wasn't because I was a weak willed or lazy bad person..I have an eating addiction and I've been fighting some demons internally for all these years. I'm not sure if it's TRUE or not, but certainly living as if it is true makes me feel better. The book talks about addiction voices..and I am learning to hear them and recognise that they aren't ME..so I can ignore them. I feel like a big weight is off my shoulders to be honest, and I can just do the best I can. AND having the cows and dog has definitely brought me peace..if things were hard just going and hanging out with the cows would bring me back to what's really important..reminding myself that I can only control certain things and let the rest go, so I certainly relate to your experience with Alfred and Patricia 🐐🐮.

Friday just a quick 20 min walk.

Bfast scrambled eggs on toast. Cuppa.

Lunch-potato tuna cheese melt with salad.

Dinner- pasta with bacon tomato sauce, salad glass of red.

Saturday today. Walk and play at the beach with GG🐕.

Bfast. Scrambled eggs on toast, slice of cheese.

Lunch. Chicken and veg pie, cup of tea.

Dinner- will be dinner out at the pub..maybe a steak. And likely a glass of red wine.

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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by automatedeating » Sat Jul 20, 2019 2:30 pm

Thanks for explaining this, Cedar. :-) Understanding addiction and starting to ignore our self-talk is pretty powerful. I'm trying, but it is slow going!

You moved at the end of your last thread, is that correct? Maybe also you just love your new place and find this lifestyle a great fit? For some reason I remember being a bit worried about the move for your family - I have no idea why I felt that way - but it appears it was an awesome change for you all. I tend to project my own issues onto other people, apparently. :roll:
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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by cedar » Mon Jul 22, 2019 4:38 am

Thanks for your concern Auto :D .
Yes we made a big move up north a couple of years ago..new jobs, new schools etc..its all been for the absolute best and so happy we did it. Ofcourse a lot of anx at the time though.

Bfast - ham cheese tomato on 2 slices toast. Banana and cup of Dandelion tea.

Late lunch early dinner- 2 sausages, salad bread roll. A few crackers and dip. Carrot cake for dessert cup of tea. 2 small glasses white wine.

Monday 55.3kgs
Bfast. 2 eggs on 2 buttered toast. Soy Dandelion latte.

Lunch. Kale salad with tuna. Carrot and hummus, slice of carrot cake. Herbal tea.

Dinner- Will be..Tikka masala chicken with vegies and rice. A small piece of Naan bread. Chocolate. Cuppa.

Movement- lots of cleaning washing vacuuming mopping today getting organised for the week.
About to take GG for 30min walk, and likely an exercise video for at least 10mins.

What a great day sorting things out, catching up with washing, tax, car roadworthy, doing some menu planning for dinners this week..feeling on top of things.
My Dad left today after staying for a few days, I'm not sure if I did the right thing but I opened up to him about how I feel about his wife...a long story but basically she's a pretty intense personality and he seems totally oblivious to her effect on people. He was criticizing my Mum because she doesn't want to associate with her and I just kind of snapped and said "I'm in no way defending Mum (because when they all met Mum was really rude and acted like a child) but there are 2 sides to the story and Ann (not real name) was quite intense and overbearing and you have to see how she is" and it all came out from there..we left on a good note but he has a 5 hour drive home so I hope he doesn't overthink it all and take massive offense. I will call him tonight to touch base and tell him I love him, he really is a kind Man. I'm fortunate to have a kind Dad and a kind Husband in my life...hmmm family!
Last edited by cedar on Tue Jul 23, 2019 11:20 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by automatedeating » Mon Jul 22, 2019 2:22 pm

Yes, family! :-)
I think the long drive, if anything, will be a great opportunity for him to sort through what you said and come to see if from the calmest place he has.

And congrats on a productive day getting ready for the week. I know that must feel awesome.
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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by cedar » Tue Jul 23, 2019 11:30 am

It's all good with my Dad..we spoke and it all feels nice between us. One positive of mum and dad divorcing is growing closer to my Dad, we were never close at all and we have a nice relationship now on the whole.

Hungry Day today..think I'm heading to that time of month.

Bfast- 2 slices toast, 3 eggs 1/2 banana. Tea

45 min walk/hike with GG up a mountain. It's tough, lots of stairs..

Lunch. Large kale salad with tuna, crackers and hummus. Lamington, soy milk.

Dinner. My spin on Pasta Carbonara with rocket and broccoli. Chocolate..a lot more than I normally have😏.

Work tonight and for the next 2 nights, it's my short week 😊. The weather is absolutely stunning, if it's still this good we are planning to head to the beach Friday afternoon for fish and chips. I normally take a bottle of bubbles and we get oysters and meet my sister in law and her kids there..life is good.

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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by JJW » Tue Jul 23, 2019 12:39 pm

So glad it’s all good with your Dad! And your Friday plans sound like so much fun! It’s always nice to have something to look forward to on the weekend!!

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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by automatedeating » Tue Jul 23, 2019 3:31 pm

I'm with JJW about your Friday plans being wonderful!

Sunny weather and the beach are a balm for our souls. Ahhhhh.

Good news about the good convo with your dad, and so nice about your increased closeness with him!
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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by cedar » Wed Jul 24, 2019 8:46 am

Thankyou both 😊😊.

I'm hungry and finding I need more to get full, it's the week before that time of month so at least I know it won't go on for too long.

Bfast- 3 slices toast butter and 2 eggs. Dandelion latte.

Lunch- boiled potato with tuna and cheese, coleslaw salad. 2 chocolate chip cookies and a banana.

Dinner- curried mince and lentils on steamed veg (potato corn broccoli carrot)1/2 slice bread and 3 squares dark chocolate.

A quick 20 min walk with GG this morning before heading to bed. Work again tonight so I'll sort the boys out and head to bed for another hour or so.👍🏻😊

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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by cedar » Thu Jul 25, 2019 11:43 am

Hmmm.. ate a lot today.

Bfast- Muesli apple and coconut with light milk. 1/2 banana. Dandelion tea

Lunch- 2 1/2 slices grain toast, tuna and cheese. Coleslaw and rocket salad. Crisps. Cup of tea.
Here's where I failed Nutella by the spoon..quite a few spoons after lunch..hmm haven't 'failed' for a while.PMS and tiredness BUT I pulled myself together and took GGirl for a 20min walk. I'm proud because I could have let it spiral into an all out binge. I reminded myself how awful it feels to eat like that and a walk always makes me feel better.

Dinner- pumpkin soup, kale salad and tuna, slice of harvati cheese. Chobani Greek yogurt with strawberries and blueberries.

Last night shift tonight until next week. Looking forward to oysters and champagne tomorrow at the beach 😊.

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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by cedar » Mon Jul 29, 2019 9:49 am

Oh i forgot I haven't posted for a while..

I can't really remember my exact meals Friday Saturday Sunday, Friday night we went to the beach for dinner and had champagne, oysters, grilled salmon and hot chips which was a lovely way to end the week.
I have basically stuck to 3 meals a day no snacking at all, Saturday I do remember having extra dessert but you know what it's that time of the month today so that explains all!

Today Monday 29th July

Bfast- Muesli apple coconut and milk. Tea

Lunch- 2x toast with tuna, cheese, hummus and rocket. 2x tim tam biscuits Dandelion tea.

Dinner- bacon and vegetable tomato sauce on pasta with steamed broccoli and cauliflower plus salad. Dark chocolate and some soy milk.

45min exercise walk video. 15min walk with GG, and garden work carting brick pavers. Lots of washing and cleaning today to get organized for the week, I have 4 night shifts this week.

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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by cedar » Tue Jul 30, 2019 4:42 am

Bfast- muesli yogurt berries coconut Dandelion tea. Thick slice of toast with peanut butter.

Lunch- garden salad with tuna. 1/2 a wholegrain wrap with hummus. 1/2 lamington. Cuppa

Dinner- will be- lentil and beef mince bolognese on steamed cauliflower broccoli pasta and salad.

20min walk with GG hopefully after I drop boys to soccer training..

I've been reading about structured eating and eating more regularly to prevent and treat bingeing.. it's been worrying me how hungry I've been lately so I thought maybe I should eat at my night shift. I took yogurt and berries to work last night but I couldn't eat it..it just feels wrong to eat 1) in the middle of the night and 2) outside my regular 3 meals. So I took some soy milk to work also and had that ( I'm not a fan of cows milk on its own) and ate the yogurt for Breakfast..I also added in a piece of toast. I love the simplicity of 3 meals a day, I can be flexible in WHAT I eat but I'm in such a habit now of 3 meals I don't want to undo my routine. I need to re-read some Becy L Jackson and not get steered away..I even started listening to a podcast about intuitive eating!! But thankfully I've had enough experience with that to know IT DOESN'T WORK..ITS A NICE FANTASY BUT I JYST END UP SPENDING MY WHOLE TIME QUESTIONING AM I HUNGRY AM I FULL WHAT DO I FEEL LIKE..it opens up the path to the addiction voices to run the show.


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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by automatedeating » Tue Jul 30, 2019 2:29 pm

Maybe you are extra hungry right now because of extra activity? And I think your solution of adding in some caloric beverages could work well as a stop-gap for hunger. And your meals look delightfully nourishing, but I wonder if by the end of the day you are not meeting your caloric needs?

Here would be some ideas based on your yesterday's menu to increase the density of your meals if it is true that you are needing more calories:

*high-fat yogurt/high protein too if that's available in your stores
*extra peanut butter
*lots of mayo in the tuna, add some guacamole or nuts to that tuna salad?
*add cheese to the broccoli, again guacamole or nuts in this salad could help
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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by Soprano » Wed Jul 31, 2019 5:32 am

The best thing I took from IE was to eat food you really want and enjoy and stop when you are satisfied. Both of these fit nicely with nos.

Not essential to make nos work but worth looking at from time to time :)

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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by lpearlmom » Wed Jul 31, 2019 5:38 am

Ive been so hungry between meals too and think im going to have to load my plates a bit more. I listen to IE podcasts all the time because of love the body acceptance part of it but yes IE is a nice fantasy that has never worked for me either.

I wish there was a NoS podcast!!!! Maybe we should start one?
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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by cedar » Wed Jul 31, 2019 11:25 am

Thanks lovelies!

Auto, yummy and smart suggestions 👌.

Soprano, I agree..I did learn to let go of 'good and bad foods' with IE and to tune into what I actually enjoy eating. Good lessons learned😀.

Linda..yes a No S podcast would be amazing!!!! 😊😊

Bfast- yogurt apple slices and cinnamon. Peanut butter on toast. Dandelion tea

Lunch- tuna on salad with extra dressing. Hummus and pita bread some crisps and an oreo biscuit and tea.

Dinner- chicken baked with soy and sweet chilli sauce, rice, roast pumpkin and steamed veg. Lamington and Dandelion tea.

40min walk at beach with my GGirl🐕💕💕, 20min exercise video.

Feel satisfied and full today.

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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by cedar » Thu Aug 01, 2019 9:22 am

Bfast- fried eggs on buttered toast. Orange.

Lunch- kale salad with tuna, toasted pitas wrap with hummus and cheese. Piece of dark choc and cuppa.

Dinner- pumpkin soup, egg bacon pie. Coconut yogurt with blueberries. Piece of choc.

35min walk with GGirl, she was FULL of beans today!! 💕💕💕

I had the best sleep today, I'm wondering if it has anything to do me not having any Tea at work. I had a normal caffeine tea at 10pm on the way to work then at work about 4am I made a Dandelion tea instead...am I really that sensitive to caffeine? I used to drink 3-4 cups of coffee a day.. when I gave up caffeine for a month I slept so well but I've been having 1-2 cups of Tea most days lately and my sleep hasn't been great in the days anyway. I do miss coffee I have to say😏. Anyway I'll just keep an eye on it..

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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by automatedeating » Fri Aug 02, 2019 1:46 am

You noticed an improvement in sleep when you quit coffee? How long did that take to notice, do you think? I am sleeping fairly well but I always wonder if coffee is affecting me more than I realize. I definitely don't have trouble falling asleep, but I wonder if it could be affecting my sleep quality. My 23 and me DNA results suggested that I am pretty sensitive to caffeine. Hmmmm.
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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by cedar » Fri Oct 18, 2019 10:58 pm

Auto, probably the latest reply you've ever received but yes I notice a big difference in sleep quality with no coffee, I drink tea but usually only 1-2 cups. I'm sorry for the slackness. I've not felt up to opening myself up and couldn't really explain myself so I've been lurking a little but not commenting. I hope you are well!

Warning..I talk of Low Carb High Fat eating here, I'm not intending to preach here. I am the first to admit one size does not fit all and everyone is different. Please don't read if you are triggered by "diet talk". I'm using this as a safe place to let it out im not trying to convert anyone!! 😘😘

Ok I've had a total change of mind with my nutrition and beliefs about addictions etc.. I really love this forum but I seem to contradict myself as soon as I publicly commit to something???!!! So ive stayed quiet and have been afraid to open up about my change of mind, even though no one knows me on here and everyone is only supportive and encouraging.
Long story short (and a familiar story I must say) I went right off the rails..I started getting into Intuitive Eating and read Caroline Doona's book " The F#@k it diet" I love her and the book is fantastic..I ate all all all the things, I felt good I completely changed my mind about being addicted to food and believed that actually, maybe being on a diet of some sort since the age of 11 has probably resulted in me just being plain hungry mentally and or physically. I gained weight, about 4kgs. I thought I could "eat myself to the other side" as Caroline writes and get over my obsession with food and weight and body image but you know what..I don't like being heavier. I don't, and I think that's ok. Especially when I still felt so "hungry" even after consuming a lot of all foods for months. So I found myself looking up Christine Cronau, an Australian Low Carb High Fat nutritionist here who talks about eating more saturated fat and lowering carbs she is Keto, and Dr Eric Westman's work too, he's fantastic. We'll let's just say I feel amazing. I am not preaching here, everyone is different but I do feel good. I've lost a few kilos and my body shape is changing. My rosacea is clearing and I feel like fat is my friend, I can feel my body really soaking it up and using it and repairing my body. Aches and pains are easing.
Everyone is different. I am the first to admit that I would see the word Keto and roll my eyes but I must say I just feel different. I feel fed and balanced mentally and physically.
I'm basicly eating 2-3 meals most days, I don't fear food. I eat to real satiety and really go for it without being afraid of weight gain. Lots of eggs, butter, cream, meat, greens, yogurt with coconut oil, some 90% dark chocolate, a few berries if I want (but keeping fruit really low). I feel everything ive read has combined in my mind and I am actually eating intuitively and really tuning into my body needs. I actually have no carb or sugar cravings, if I do on the odd occasion then I eat more good fat and Im good to go. I feel that my body will continue to repair, Christine talks a lot about starvation stress after so many years of low fat eating and not giving the body what it really needs..just real food.
So here I am. I'm currently keeping carbs at 20gms a day and focusing on fat and protein.

Breakfast- tea with 2tsp double cream, scrambled eggs and bacon with butter on top. A few almonds.

I'm usually not hungry for lunch, I might have a cup of tea with cream and say a pickle with cheese at about 3, or some yogurt with coconut oil. Some days I'm hungry and I eat more.

Dinner is a meat and greens combo. Last night I baked chicken wings with olive oil butter salt and chilli flakes until brown and crispy, paired with a green beans and a salad of lettuce feta cheese, avocado, tomato and lemon juice and Olive oil. Dandelion tea and dark chocolate for dessert. I made pasta for the boys and hubby to have with the meal, they love their carbs.

I m not sure why I felt the need to share this morning but it's nice to write on here again.😘 now I'm going to hire a steam cleaner and clean my couch, and take my dog to the beach before it rains.

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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by Soprano » Sat Oct 19, 2019 6:29 am

I'm really glad you shared that, so pleased you are feeling well in your new of eating.

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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by April » Sat Oct 19, 2019 11:15 am

Hello Cedar, I just read your opening post on this thread. I applaud your honesty to put it all out there, that took bravery. I know you will find much support in your journey here. Thank you so much for sharing, you never know who may read your entries and find it helps them in their own journey.

"Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.”
- Martin Luther King, Jr.

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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by automatedeating » Sat Oct 19, 2019 1:52 pm

Good morning Cedar! Thank you so much for sharing - it's nice to not be alone in these experiences.

I am right there with you, babe. When I finally tightened up the carbs (summer 2018), I lost 20 pounds, regulated my postprandial blood sugars, brought my blood pressure down from hypertensive to normal, and my joints stopped hurting which meant I started running! I don't count carbs, but I think I'm in the 50 - 75 g/day. I think a similar thing that sustains you and me is being motivated by how our bodies are gobbling up nutrients and thanking us.

For me, this has been a long process, beginning by moderating my eating times (NoS), then, then removing most processed foods, then removing most grains/starches, now I'm at an "add" point of frying up liver a couple times a week. :-) I've decided that my body deserves such a superfood of nutrition on a regular basis.

BTW, just as an encouragement, no one really has to know you eat "low carb", since so many people dismiss it. Instead, they just see me eating real food. At any kind of a get-together, I just do my best to pick the real foods that aren't starchy. And my S Days I am looser and eat fun stuff. If anyone asks about how I've lost weight, I always say "I've moderated my carbs". Shockingly, they never really ask ANY follow-up questions.

Oh, and another thing - about coffee. I felt so good this week that I only had 1 cup/day (of regular). 2 has been making me hyper and talk/teach too fast.

One LAST thing (can you tell I think it's amay-may to have a kindred spirit on the forum...?) Salt your food! If you aren't eating processed foods and you reduce carbs, you might get TOO low of blood pressure!! I also have started having a cup of bone broth most days of the week.

oh sheesh, did I talk so much that now you are never wanting to come back on the thread? :mrgreen:

I'm coming back to add one thing - changing the way we eat is a big deal, and it takes time, and it's normal to have times when we aren't as proactive. And it's normal to have times when we question our newfound knowledge. That's all. :-)
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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by cedar » Sun Oct 20, 2019 1:37 am

Oh wow, Thank you so much lovely ladies. It's just such a lovely place to come back to here in No S land👍😍. I really appreciate the replies.

Auto, no way could you ever say too much and put me off. You have been a real inspiration to me, your eating and commitment to your health has been a real lesson and I thank you. I'm afraid to state it "out loud" but here goes.. I feel like I've discovered an amazing secret..FAT..all these years I felt such a struggle with food, I felt so hungry and hangry and weird with food, I felt like there was something wrong with me because I couldn't stick to diets and I ended up just repeating the same pattern of over and under eating, thinking way too much about food and my body, feeling like I've been doing all the "right things" yet slowly gaining weight and losing my confidence. And it's more gaining in the wrong places but still being a "healthy BMI" so you kind of feel guilty to complain but still very unhappy. I never believed insulin resistance could be related to me but I have had a definite wake up call for sure, because I've had to take my carbs lower than I thought to achieve the magic no hungry feeling..

I have even tried Low Carb in the past and it has worked. I actually remember when we went to Switzerland to visit my husbands family I was having real issues eating gluten digestion wise, so I naturally just ate low carb while I was away avoiding bread padta etc (apart from special desserts) and I actually came home slimmer than ever, and we were eating well but I was hungry and felt I couldn't sustain it..but now i think not eating low enough carbs and high enough fat and protein to bring on ketosis (where the magic seems to be happening) was the reason why I couldn't sustain it.

Interesting..Im a pear shape and normally I lose weight from my face and chest first, but I've noticed the weight has gone from my bottom half and waist this time and thankfully left my small chest alone😂🤣. Don't get me wrong I haven't turned into a supermodel overnight!!! but I feel like it's really working from the inside out and my mood and mind is balanced. I'm not HUNGRY all the time and I just feel I'm on the right track.

You are right Auto, it's easy to discreetly just eat the real food and avoid the carbs when out , and eating enough fat in the day seems to make it easy to not have to eat much if there isn't much to choose from. And thankyou, yes i am generous with salt.

I'm probably in the honeymoon phase but I admit that I have been wrong about carbs for me. I've been denying it, but anytime I've reduced carbs I've lost weight easily. I've just never felt like I could sustain it until now. 🤞🤞🤞

Last night we went out I had a steak with ceaser salad, and a vodka soda fresh lime.
I had a bit of Greek yogurt in the afternoon with a slice of cheese and a pickle. We got absolutely drenched at the beach walking GG which was quite fun actually! Even though the boys whinged they were laughing!

This morning I wasn't hungry until 10.30 so I took GG to the beach again (its a gorgeous sunny day today) then came home and had eggs cooked in butter, with some ham and a cup of tea with 1tsp cream. I'm now going to steam clean our couch! Exciting times🤣😂.

I've just gone blahhh again, hopefully all makes sense!

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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by cedar » Mon Oct 21, 2019 9:28 am

The boys had a pupil free day today so we had bacon and eggs together for breakfast.
Lunch a bit of cheese, ham, pickle, some yogurt with coconut oil and a cup of dandelion tea. 90% chocolate 1 square

Dinner baked chicken drumsticks with zucchini onion lots of butter and some cucumber tomato slices on the side. A couple bites of a Low Carb bar and cup of tea with cream.

Work tonight, I could very easily stay at home instead!!

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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by automatedeating » Mon Oct 21, 2019 1:38 pm

Hope work goes well! Your energy always amazes me!
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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by cedar » Tue Oct 22, 2019 10:32 am

Thanks Auto. I've talked to work about coming off night shifts next year, I now have to put it in writing. I think I'll go back to casual and if that doesn't give me enough work then I'll look into doing agency work which pays we'll and I can pick and choose shifts that suit. Work has a very negative vibe at the moment, a lot of whingeing and bad attitudes which is why night shift appeals to me so much I can avoid most of that. I know nights aren't the best health wise though ive done my time i think. My husband really wants me to be on the same pattern as he is and my youngest boy is old enough to catch the bus to school a few days a week so hopefully it all works out without me letting work down.

Breakfast- 3 eggs cooked in butter, dandelion tea with cream.

Slept 6 hours today which is great, Woke up at 3pm so no lunch.

Dinner- Lasagna made with zucchini instead of the pasta, and sour cream and cheese instead of the white sauce. Salad on the side and dark 90% chocolate for dessert. Yummy.
Dark chocolate. A short walk and play with kids and dog💕💕💕.

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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by automatedeating » Tue Oct 22, 2019 1:48 pm

I would love to see you get away from night shifts! I teach the physiology and damage that night shift causes over time. That said, some people appear much more resilient to it than others - and I kind of think you're one of those people. :lol:

And also, I've got to look up this word "whingeing" - you've used it twice recently. I get that it means "whiney" but I'm trying to guess how you pronounce it. OK, I got it now. The g is hard. Great Brit/Australian word! :lol:
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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by Soprano » Tue Oct 22, 2019 4:10 pm

Only the last g is hard :)

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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by ladybird30 » Wed Oct 23, 2019 4:16 am

The middle g of whingeing is the same as the j in just. (Aussie speaker here)
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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by cedar » Wed Oct 23, 2019 10:57 am

Love the input👍, yes whingeing is like whining.

Yes I'm sure night shift has negative impacts, I do think I've done the best I can, getting some sun and fresh air most days after my sleep has helped I think. I think other people have more of an issue than I have with it, when I mention I work nights it's always a shock reaction and then they tell me how bad it is (only out of love and concern) but I think a positive attitude helps, and I love the shift. We have a good supportive team at night, we all help each other out and it's so different from the day shifts where they all walk in in the morning cranky and stressed..it's why I've stuck with it so long i think, plus it's worked for our family for the time. My husband really doesn't like me working nights and is often worried about me so I don't think that's good and I don't want him to feel that way.

Today I slept for 6.5 hours, so good. My manager has been so supportive of me changing from night shift to casual days next year, and even offered me first preference to pick up a regular shift pattern as she really appreciates that I'm a "great worker". I'm chuffed! I'm looking forward to a change and being flexible, I think I'm stuck in a rut even though i love the shift, work is like groundhog day at times so its good to get out of my comfort zone again, it will be good for me.

Today breakfast poached eggs with butter and salt and a chai latte with cream. Almonds and macadamia nuts.

No lunch, a cup of tea with cream when I woke up at 4.

Dinner Salmon with zucchini, broccoli and onion cooked in butter. 90% dark choc, dandelion tea. Some more nuts. Not very active today but I hardly sat down at work last night it was one of those shifts.

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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by cedar » Fri Oct 25, 2019 6:23 am

Yay it's Friday! 4 nights off until my next shift, work was a bit hectic this week. I wish I tracked my steps out of curiosity, I felt like I hardly sat down on my shifts this week.

Yesterday eggs and ham cooked in butter. Chai tea with cream and a Low Carb choc bar.

Lunch was a pickle, cheese slice and some macadamia nuts.

Dinner. Lamb chops, sausage and a green salad with avocado.
Black tea at work, and I take a few pieces of rock salt to have through the night, very enjoyable.

Today. Eggs fried with butter, avocado and a slice of salami. Some blueberries and double cream, chai tea. I was hungry this morning.

No lunch today. A big walk at the beach with my GG🐕🐕🐕, she's such a delight. Full of love energy and mischief!

Dinner will be chicken thighs and veg. I bought some 99% dark Lindt chocolate I'm curious to try for dessert. Likely a cup of tea with cream.

Feeling fantastic.

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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by automatedeating » Fri Oct 25, 2019 2:20 pm

Happy weekend!! You SOUND fantastic, too! :-)
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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by cedar » Tue Oct 29, 2019 6:37 am

Thanks Auto.

I was disappointed with our weekend in a way because my husband spent both Saturday and Sunday working (helping family all day Sunday). He was cranky Sunday night and so was I, he needs to rest and we need him! The boys miss him. Anyway we had a bit of a 'discussion' 😂 and he agrees, I think Sunday's are our day and we should really stick to that, but I also want to work on not just living for the weekend. They go so quickly anyway and I always feel a bit low at the end. Want to 'enjoy the present moment' more.

I picked up an extra shift last night (work was desperate), the extra money will be handy but I'm sure another full night sleep in the sleep bank would have been better for me. I wrote down some notes about going into work with a different attitude. Write down what I need to do and focus on them rather than the unhelpful thoughts going around in my head. I felt good. Writing things down helps me so much, my anxious thinking and tiredness from night shift can cause me to find simple things to feel soo overwhelming. I did a list for this week also at home, dinner washing kids schedules etc. Its helpful.

BFast- eggs with some thick bacon, topped with butter. Chai tea with cream, some walnuts and a few blueberries with cream.

No lunch yet I slept until 3pm, I'll probably just eat dinner or might have a slice of cheese.

Dinner will be- Beef "Lasagna", made with pumpkin and zucchini instead of the pasta sheets. Likely some dark choc and a cup of tea.

I tried some of my clothes on today to try come up with an outfit for a 40th dinner we have soon. I haven't lost much weight on the scale but I can definitely feel and see a difference in how my clothes fit. I still feel so good eating wise, balanced and calm and the worry or concern i feel with eating and food doesnt seem to be there. I love the food I'm eating and it is so satiating I don't have that 'always looking for more feeling. I eat alot and well, I eat until I naturally stop, there is no loud mind chatter about 'Oh you should stop now I just trust my body. I think after all the years of doing intuitive eating I can see that the food I was eating never gave me the real satiety that I needed so j then felt I was an emotional eater ( I was full but wanted more) . This feels like real intuitive eating and it's quite fascinating to experience. I need to eat humble pie, ive been sooooo resistant to hearing anyone talk about carbohydrates not being helpful and essential. I've had arguments with people about it, and here I am seeing clearly t h at for me it's true they don't serve me. Everyone is different, my husband is a good example. He is lean and eats lots of carbs, and he naturally stops eating without thought and doesn't eat again until he's truly hungry. I can see for me they just cause me to want more more more. It explains so much.

Just my rambling thoughts and observations. Must go cook dinner👍

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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by automatedeating » Tue Oct 29, 2019 3:27 pm

It is so true that everyone has a different metabolism, and having government guidelines that suggest the healthiest diet is the same one for all people bothers me. We are all different! Plus, most naturally lean people are the same people that can tolerate many more carbohydrates......those are usually not the people that are getting metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and heart disease. So naturally lean people can eat the government guidelines and thrive; the rest of us (which is far more of us, genetically) suffer from those guidelines. And to get massively political, people of color are far less likely to thrive on the government nutritional guidelines and to develop chronic diseases of carbohydrate intolerance much earlier.
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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by cedar » Sat Nov 02, 2019 6:17 am

True Auto!

Quick Check in. Basicly my meals are pretty similar apart from dinner.

Eggs and bacon for breakfast.
Lunch is usually not much, a tea with cream and a nibble of cheese and pickle and some kind of protein, slice of Turkey or ham perhaps. Today I had some cucumber slices with pate, and some Swiss cheese and almonds.

Dinner tonight will be German sausages with sauerkraut.

On Saturday we do a Park Run as a family, my youngest was tired (so was I actually) so we walked with the dog while my husband and eldest ran. It was good, but i have to say I missed running and the feel good factor afterwards so next week I'll run no matter what i feel. My youngest is having a sleep over at a friend's tonight, so we might just watch a movie together with my eldest. I'm going to really enjoy a nice lazy evening. Still feeling great food wise. It's been 6 weeks since I've been eating LCHF and I honestly can't imaging ever stopping. Carb cravings are pretty much non- existent, I love the food I'm eating so much. I'm satisfied and never feel any guilt or anxiousnes about what I'm eating. It's an amazing feeling. And it's great having my clothes fit nicely too👍.

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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by automatedeating » Sat Nov 02, 2019 2:00 pm

These Park Runs are everywhere! At first I just thought they were in England, but now I'm seeing they are all over! How neat for your family (and GG!)
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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by cedar » Mon Nov 04, 2019 10:36 am

Yes they're everywhere! We gave the boys a choice either swimming lessons or park run and they chose the run. Its great, friendly and relaxed.

Today was a real chore day, getting things organised for the week ahead as I have another 4 night shift week. I have a few days off next week and I can really feel I need it.. you know how you just reach a point where you need a break?
I bought the original Atkins book online, it's very interesting reading it actually and to see the very politically incorrect things that's written, a sign if the times (70's). "She was pretty but she was fat" for example...
Anyway I've decided to do phase 1 for a week for a few reasons. I want to experiment and see what my rosacea does without dark chocolate and i also just want to experiment with it to see how I feel. It's basicly unlimited protein and fat - meat eggs butter limited greens and limited cream, cheese. No nuts, no dark choc, no berries. I've made some sugar free jelly to have which is lovely with a drizzle of cream. I'm feeling fine so far.

Today breakfast- bacon and eggs, tea 1tsp cream.

Lunch- tuna sour cream and vinegar on green rickety leaves, and a slice of cheese and slice of avocado. Chai dandelion tea.

Dinner, beef mince Bolognese sauce on lettuce, with fetta cucumbers and parmesan cheese. Tea with cream, and jelly and small drizzle of cream.

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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by automatedeating » Mon Nov 04, 2019 3:01 pm

Hurrah for experimenters. :-) I look forward to your insights.

Good luck with your busy week.
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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by cedar » Sat Nov 09, 2019 2:18 am


The experiment is going really well, I'm pretty sure that it's the dark chocolate that's flaring up my rosacea as it cleared right up within a few days of avoiding it. I'm fine about that because I was worried it was cream or eggs which would have been devastating!! I feel good, I can tell such a difference with my hunger levels while being protein and fat focused, I just feel steady. I have also lost 1kg.
I'm tired today but I have had a really busy week, I even added in another shift and did a double as they were desperate so I can actually feel that more today than after the shift. Also its HOT. I just mowed the lawn and irs a real stinker!

We did a Park Run this morning, I ran my slowest time today but I still ran! Hubby and the boys did really well.

Tonight we are going to a 40th, my sister in-law' s. It will be lovely she didn't want a party so we are being picked up in a limousine and heading out to a beautiful restaurant that's Asian focused.. so yum!! I'm aiming to have a lie down at some stage so I can last the night!
Hope everyone is well.

Food is pretty much the same theme..

Breakfast eggs and bacon. Tea with cream

Lunch if I have any is cheese, salami pickle or sauerkraut, or some sliced cucumbers tomato.

Dinner last night was sausages salad and mustard. Sugar free jelly and cream for dessert.

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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by cedar » Sun Nov 10, 2019 5:08 am

Last night was so fun. Great company beautiful food and really good cocktails too. I had more alcohol than I've had in a long time but I actually feel ok today. I did the best I could food wise and just avoided the obvious carbs like the rice and bread etc..The food was incredibly beautiful, fresh and delicious. I am noticing that I'm 'hungry' today, just can't seem to get full or satisfied probably due to alcohol, tiredness and extra carbohydrates last night.

Breakfast- eggs and sliced beef. Tea with cream

Lunch- lettuce with cheese, salami, pickle, Olive oil. Sugar free jelly and cream. Walnuts and some greek yogurt. Dandelion tea with cream.

Dinner..I'm not sure yet. Its hot so i might make some tuna salad to have with boiled eggs.. chicken and rice for the family.

We did some yard work this morning but it's too hot now so we are just hanging out inside watching the tennis. A friend asked us over to her house for a drink this afternoon but I've said no due to severe laziness!!! Ha, it's nice not going anywhere for a day.

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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by cedar » Fri Nov 15, 2019 11:17 am

I'm deeply saddened today as my eldest son's high school teacher was killed in a car accident in his way to school this morning. My son is devastated, he was one of his favourite teachers and only ever spoke highly of him. My son chose a class specifically next year because he would be teaching it. I'm so heartbroken for the teachers wife and 10mth old baby... and ofcourse I'm just so sad for my son who has never had to face death before. It's just such a shock for everyone in the community. This teacher was a true gem and he taught my son more in 1 term than he learnt in 1.5 years in his other school. One of those rare teachers who really made a difference in so many kids lives.. he wrote us a letter when J first started with him to say how impressed he was with our son and he highly recommended him to continue on in his class with him in the following years, J was so looking forward to next year.

On the bright side we have some of our dearest friends staying with us at the moment and we are really enjoying having them here. I've got some time off work and I'm soaking it up.

Food wise ( I feel silly even talking about it now but this is a "diet" forum) all good, I'm being a bit looser as we are eating out a lot with our friends and drinking alcohol, but I'm naturally going for protein and fat and minimal carbs as best I can without being too rigid. Spent time at the beach today and took GG🐕 and had a lovely time.. until we came home to the shocking news. My son had the day off to spend with our friends so he didn't find out until this afternoon.. 💔💔💔

Life is precious and it's a real reminder of what and who is truly important.
Lots of love to all xx

Take care

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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by automatedeating » Fri Nov 15, 2019 1:50 pm

This is so heavy - to see our child suffering grief without being able to fix the wound..... that must be so hard for you. Sigh. This world can be so painful. Thanks for sharing, though, and I'm glad you have friends visiting and some time off from work.
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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by Soprano » Fri Nov 15, 2019 3:24 pm

So sorry to read about your son's teacher.

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Re: Cedar 3 0 1 + 30 min

Post by cedar » Sun Nov 17, 2019 10:43 am

Thankyou both for your input. I hope it wasn't too much to share on here, it's just a place I could 'talk' without bringing people down in my real life I guess. I'm just trying to be there for my son, letting him feel what he feels without putting my feelings onto him.

Today no breakfast, just black coffee..I'm back on the coffee and it's delish!

Lunch, salad and leftover lamb. Lindt chocolate and tea.

Dinner, chicken and salad and hot chips. Way too much drinking this weekend with my friend. It's fun but my body can't handle it!!! They leave tomorrow. It's been beautiful having them here.

Back to reality tomorrow...

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