Alene's Check-in

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by automatedeating » Sat Mar 07, 2020 2:55 pm

Hope you have a great weekend!
I'm sure you had an exciting week at work with everyone talking about coronavirus. I'm so grateful that, despite the severity of this particular "cold" virus, that children are generally not at high risk. But I wonder if perhaps your group of special needs kids is probably at higher risk than other children? So many special needs children have gut dysbiosis/autoimmunity, etc.
At my work they are encouraging us to give our final exams online, etc. No mandate as of yet.

I think Orange Theory was a fun inspirational thing for you to do for a while. It's nice to mix things up in our exercise routines.
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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Sat Mar 14, 2020 2:07 pm

Auto, yes, it has been a crazy week wondering what was going to happen with school closures. As you did, we got the news yesterday about closing for 6 weeks. I'm not sure what that's going to look like for early childhood and special ed. OSPI put out more guidelines last night, so we shall see. Sounds like we are still doing IEP meetings and maybe doing some specialized instruction?? It was all very confusing. I'll wait to hear from my principal.

Yes, I think Orange Theory showed me what I can do, that I can push myself. That I have mental toughness when I want to conjure it up! ;)

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Sat Mar 14, 2020 2:19 pm

Saturday, March 10th, 2020

Exercise: 30M cardio/weights dvd
Steps: 8,671

Happy weekend! Life is feeling a bit surreal right now with the school closure and all that is going on. I may be doing some things for work these next 6 weeks, but nothing like the usual schedule. I'm planning to use the time to do more yoga, exercise, walking, time outside, meditation. I'm also going to work on going through and getting rid of things for our upcoming move. The house is coming along well. We have the plumbing and electrical in, and they're getting ready to do the windows and siding shortly.

This weekend we're going to my niece's 13th birthday party. I need to go to Barnes & Noble and get her present this morning before they decide to close down!! The libraries are closed, so I don't know what's going to happen with restaurants and other businesses. I'll do a little shopping and then home to do some cleaning, laundry, etc. Tomorrow we'll be stopping by to see our grandson on the way to the party. He is getting so fun! He's reaching and grabbing toys now, and is able to turn over from back to tummy. He is the sweetest, cutest little love!

We'll spend a little time hanging out at the new house, mostly just because it's fun to be there. I'll get in a good walk and maybe some core work or weights today. I'm getting back in the flow with my exercise routine at home. It feels really good, and I am much more consistent at getting in my steps as well as workouts again.

I realized this morning just how important staying in tune and connected to myself is. Feeling numbed out is a recipe for mindless eating. I'm going to focus a lot more on this during my time away from work. Wishing everyone a great Saturday!

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Sun Mar 15, 2020 1:42 pm

Sunday, March 15th, 2020

Exercise: 70M hike
Steps: 12,839

Yesterday was a nice day. I got some groceries and puttered around the house. We went out to our new house and took the neighbors through for a tour. I got in a nice workout, and make a good dinner of pork tenderloin with potatoes and veggies. I've been loving the Yasso Greek yogurt bars for an evening treat. My daily eating pattern includes an afternoon snack and an evening treat. With my history of binge eating I am finding that my body and mind do best with that. Not enacting a feeling of scarcity with food, that I "can't have it," except for 3 meals a day. I'm doing what is best for me, and it feels really good and really "normal." My weight is gently coming down and I'm going to just call this my new normal. Establishing a regular eating pattern is really key for me feeling stable with food.

This outbreak is a scary time. I feel lonely already. Going to the store and trying not to get too close to anyone. Wiping down anything that you touched while out. This may prove to be a long 6 weeks. But I think there will be some mixed blessings there. More family time. More time outdoors. More time for reading and exercising and doing self care. I'm going to try and think about things I can do to show kindness to other people who may need help or encouragement during this time.

Today we're supposed to go visiting family. I'm still thinking about whether it's a good idea. To be decided in the next few hours. I'm going to go get some kitty litter if I can find it! I just realized I forgot it yesterday and that is something that I will need for sure! Wishing all a good day.
Last edited by alene1 on Mon Mar 16, 2020 2:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by automatedeating » Sun Mar 15, 2020 8:29 pm

Good luck finding kitty litter!! Our town is out of it....
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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Mon Mar 16, 2020 2:12 pm

Monday, March 16th, 2020

Exercise: 75M walk
Steps: 11,502

Yesterday was a really nice day. I got my groceries, and Auto, they had kitty litter! I took a drive to a nearby little town that had a Starbucks drive-thru, got my nitro cold brew, and then went to find a new park to explore. I found a really wonderful one on a lake that had some great hiking trails. There were actually a lot of people there, so I felt comfortable walking by myself. I took about a 3 mile loop, and really enjoyed it. We went out to our new house for a while just for fun, and saw the sunset on the water. Home for dinner and some reading. It was a good day.

Yesterday I found out my teaching assistant might have the virus. She is displaying all the symptoms. She got tested yesterday and we'll know on Tuesday afternoon hopefully. Well, we shall just buckle up the seatbelt and see where things go this week. One step at a time. I'm not sure if I'll be able to get the test unless I display symptoms. I may just have to wait the 14 days if she's positive.

Eating has been very peaceful and enjoyable. I'm falling into my routine and schedule and it's very calming for me. My body and mind are happy. I am loving getting more consistent with my exercise again.

I'm not sure what today holds. I think I will work on an IEP for one of my students that is due next week. We may just do it by phone. Definitely getting outside for a walk, and doing a weights workouts. I'm planning on some meditation today, and a short morning yoga session. That's about all from here for now.
Last edited by alene1 on Tue Mar 17, 2020 11:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by automatedeating » Mon Mar 16, 2020 2:52 pm

Sounds like you and I have similar plans for our forced isolations!

I hope your co-worker is fine, and that you and she both have robust immune systems that will tidily handle the virus if you are exposed. I know it can be stressful but I know you will handle it with your wonderful grace.
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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Tue Mar 17, 2020 11:26 pm

Auto, my co-worker's test came back negative! I'm so very glad for a number of reasons. Thank you for the vote of confidence. I've been quite anxious and woke up in the middle of the night in a sweat. My fear is for my Mom. She is 80 and I just want her come through this safe and sound. She lives very near where the initial outbreak happened. I need to let go and trust. It will do no one any good for me to spend the next however many weeks or months being stressed and anxious.
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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Tue Mar 17, 2020 11:37 pm

Tuesday, March 17th, 2020

Exercise: 30M Buns & Thighs Walk
Steps: tracker didn't track

Happy St. Patrick's Day! A different day than we've ever had before. No thoughts of green beer or celebrating with a Guinness this year. Someone posted a meme about not worrying this year about wearing green because no one will touch you. ;) I have been feeling quite a bit of anxiety and doom and gloom, but I absolutely do not want to spend the next weeks/months in that state. I want to live in hope. That we will move through in the best way that we can. Thinking not just of myself, but of others and how I can lift them up during this difficult time.

Yesterday I did some stress eating in the afternoon. I did come right back to my regular eating pattern, and that is my plan each day if I have difficulty. Just continuing along, being patient and consistent, and treating myself with kindness and compassion. I'm doing the best I can each day.

I am loving the time and energy to move more. I didn't really feel like doing a workout today, but I am committed to doing the things that I know will help me feel better and more positive. It's good for the body and good for the soul. I love Jessica Smith, who does a lot of the dvd's that I own. She is so positive and encouraging. Her focus is on health and fitness, which I love.

Yesterday I took a really nice walk on a trail 45 minutes or so away. I'm enjoying taking drives. Today I needed to run some errands, so I did that earlier in the day. Then home to do some chores and my workout. We're heading out to the new house shortly. I'm hopeful that I will sleep better tonight.
Last edited by alene1 on Wed Mar 18, 2020 4:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by lpearlmom » Wed Mar 18, 2020 5:17 am

So glad her test wss negative. Tough times but im so impressed by the way many ppl have stepped up to help others. As mr rodgers says “look for the helpers” .
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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Wed Mar 18, 2020 4:35 pm

Linda, I agree. I'm looking for the positive people to help me keep my spirits up and then pass it on to others!

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Wed Mar 18, 2020 4:41 pm

Wednesday, March 18th, 2020


It's another beautiful day today. I've been hanging out on my phone and computer too long this morning. I'm ready for some movement and getting some things done. I'm making sure to make myself a to-do list each day, and am creating a daily routine to have some structure and normalcy. It's helping.

Today I'll be doing a strength workout of some kind I think, and probably a walk too once it warms up. I want to share more about something else that I'm doing while home, but will do that in a day or too. I'm thankful to have this time and to put it to good use. Only when you slow down can you start to hear what you really need. The busyness and running keep me numbed out and living in the "tackling the most important thing," so often.

Wishing a good day to all.

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by automatedeating » Wed Mar 18, 2020 6:16 pm

Although I know that in some ways this time is more stressful, in other ways it may be the collective rest our entire nation needs..... kind of a strange way to look at it, but I don't think I'm alone in feeling that this time away from constant activity and obligations is good for me!
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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Thu Mar 26, 2020 3:59 pm

I know what you mean about our society needing a collective rest. There is SO much busyness and running around all the time, and that really can't be good for us. I think many are rediscovering things they used to love to do before all of this, as well as new things like taking walks outside and just hanging with the family more. We're kinda settling into a new temporary normal here.

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Sun Mar 29, 2020 2:47 pm

Sunday, March 29th, 2020

Exercise: 5.5M hike
Steps: 16,226

B: Special K Protein w/banana and almond milk, turkey sausage
L: LC wrap w/turkey & cream cheese, apple w/PB
S: Misc.impulsive, unplanned snacks
D: Chicken parm, broccoli

Happy Sunday! I've decided to do a bit more with this journal, and post my meals as well. My meal pattern is 3 meals and 1 snack. My dinner meal includes what I call, a closer, which is a little sweet treat. I'm not restricting what I can eat on any given day, but just following my meal pattern. I naturally have a little something at the end of dinner, and any special treats naturally fall on the weekends. At least they did until now! With my husband off work that might change a little. But we're pretty much eating at home, so there won't be a lot of that going on anyway.

Today we're planning to get out for a good walk. I'm not sure where yet. Other than that I don't have a ton on my to-do list. Some laundry, and I think I'm going to start doing some de-cluttering too. Maybe some yoga and reading. Tomorrow I need to get to it with my working from home. Our directions thus far have been very vague in my district, but starting tomorrow things will be ramping up. I have no idea what that will look like for preschool though. Wishing everyone a good day in these strange times.

I'm going to use this space to talk about my impulsive, emotion-driven eating, so that I can get to the root of what is driving it. I really dislike the word "binge," so I'm going to use the words impulsive, unplanned, emotion-driven, or false-belief driven eating. As I've been doing more work in this area I am realizing that a lot of this eating is driven by false beliefs. I need to change the underlying beliefs and have strategies that become my new normal when I get these urges to eat in this way. I'll highlight the eating occasion above and then work on deciphering it here below.

False Beliefs: The day of eating had gone very well until I got home from our hike. I had a typical snack for that time of day. I told myself that I didn't need any more food, or maybe didn't deserve to have more. I also was thinking that my husband would wonder why I was eating such a big snack. That feeling of not being allowed or deserving to have my body's needs satisfied, because I am currently overweight. There's a lot of shame there of eating a big snack. I think overall overweight people often have a sense that they don't really deserve to eat until they get thin. Or thinking that people are wondering why they're overeating when they are already overweight. Shouldn't they be doing something about that??? I think shame is the big driver here.

New Belief: My body deserves to be nourished and cared for. I took a 5.5 mile hike which was 2.5 hours of activity. Of course my body was extra hungry and needed more fuel. I trust my body and will listen to it rather than the false beliefs that I have been carrying around with me. I will stay in the present, with the truth.
Last edited by alene1 on Tue Mar 31, 2020 3:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by automatedeating » Sun Mar 29, 2020 6:49 pm

Have a great walk, and good idea about the decluttering! Except I overdo it when I declutter, and now the boys are both asking me about toys that I've gotten rid of (since they are so bored with all this home time).
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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Tue Mar 31, 2020 3:21 pm

Monday, March 30th, 2020

Exercise: 30M cardio/weights dvd
Steps: 5,427

B: Special K Protein, almond milk, turkey sausage
L: LC tortilla w/ham and Swiss, satsuma
S: RX bar, handful mixed nuts, Light & Fit yogurt
D: Salad w/chicken, orange pepper, red onion, cucumber, sliced almonds, ranch, Yasso bar

The day went well. I didn't get in a lot of activity though. I worked for a good part of the day, got a few groceries, and then did a workout before dinner. I had a big salad! Too big because I added too much shredded cabbage. I finished it anyway out of a feeling of obligation. ;) Wasn't hungry for the Yasso bar but had it anyway because I really like that little treat at night. It's a frozen Greek yogurt bar and 100 calories.

I think my body prefers to eat the majority of its calories from breakfast to afternoon. I get hungry for dinner, but I'm realizing I don't need a big dinner at all. I'm getting enough nourishment during the day and a smaller dinner will do just fine. Will keep that in mind going forward.

I really want to work on getting in at least 8,000 steps a day. I was sitting at my computer a good chunk of the day yesterday. I will have to get up and go outside and just walk around a bit now and again to get in some steps. My workout alone isn't going to do it, and it's important not to be sitting too much for my health.

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Tue Mar 31, 2020 3:27 pm

Tuesday, March 31st, 2020

Exercise: Cardio & weights dvd 30M
Steps: 9,220

B: Oatmeal, turkey sausage, slice Swiss cheese
L: LC wrap w/turkey, cream cheese, apple w/PB
S: banana walnut breakfast cookie, string cheese
D: Chicken and veggie fried rice, mini PB Perfect bar

It's a beautiful morning out. I hope the weather sticks around!! Today I will be working from home a fair amount, getting in a good workout, and making sure to get my steps in.

I haven't talked about my weight here much at all. I have been maintaining within a pound or two for quite a while. What happens is that my weight starts to move down slowly as I am eating regular meals and snacks. Then I have an episode of unplanned, emotional eating, and my weight bumps up a couple pounds. It starts moving down again as my eating normalizes, and then I have another episode. So, I am realizing that the only way that I will continue to lose weight and get down to my healthy weight is through minimizing and finally stopping these episodes. So I am going to put my big focus on that, and putting my energy on that area. The rest of my eating and the structure I am following now feels really good to my mind and body. I'm working on strategies to use in the moment, and now it's just a matter of being able to find the pause and use the strategies. Also, being able to identify the false belief that is driving it. I am hoping and expecting that I will be able to release these extra pounds gradually during this process of re-learning and healing.
Last edited by alene1 on Wed Apr 01, 2020 3:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Tue Mar 31, 2020 3:28 pm

Auto, too funny about the decluttering! I am like that too. I sometimes wish I hadn't gotten rid of something afterwards. :lol:

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by automatedeating » Tue Mar 31, 2020 4:05 pm

You seem to be in a nice groove. Good goals with the steps. I try to do some moving/stepping each hour. My fitbit helps with this, too.
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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Wed Apr 01, 2020 3:36 pm

Auto, I took two walking breaks during the day and I hit my goal! Didn't take long and it was very good to get outside. I'm using an older Fitbit so it doesn't remind me once an hour. I have a Charge 2 also that I might start wearing for that reminder.

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Wed Apr 01, 2020 3:43 pm

Wednesday, April 1st, 2020

Exercise: cardio dvd 30M
Steps: 9,639

B: oatmeal, turkey sausage, Swiss cheese
L: LC wrap w/tuna, apple w/PB
S: RX bar, string cheese
D: Steak, baked potato, salad, Yasso bar

Yesterday was a good day. I got some things done for work, got in my workout, and got in my steps. I also Facetimed with my daughter and learned to do some knitting! She sent me a kit in the mail since we were talking about feeling bored and having extra time. It's a pretty darn green yarn, fairly thick, with some big wooden needles. I'm going to keep doing some practicing today. I'm sure it will become more natural-feeling after a while!

Today I'm going to try and structure my day a bit more. I spent more time than I wanted to on things like social media and some game apps I put on my phone. They're fun and a great distraction from real life, but can be a big time suck. Here's to a good day, and I have to say I am so glad to turn the page on my calendar and start a new month.
Last edited by alene1 on Thu Apr 02, 2020 2:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by automatedeating » Wed Apr 01, 2020 4:34 pm

Happy April! It is such a pretty-named month. :-)

I have relatively good structure to my day, but still find myself feeling a bit frustrated (unexpectedly). Like this morning, I had a delightful long walk with the dogs but just felt irritated with both of them by the time I got home. Kind of inexplicable. And here I sit, with the day in front of me, feeling grumpy about the videos and practice quizzes I need to make for my students. Grrr. Sometimes I feel like my emotions run the show around here!

Um. Sorry. This is your thread not mine. Hijack alert! :mrgreen: :roll: :lol: 8)
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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by lpearlmom » Thu Apr 02, 2020 2:35 pm

So cool that you’re taking up knitting and love that it’s a hobby your daughter is sharing with you. This whole crisis has brought my mom & I even closer. I call her at least once a day and have been helping her find things to at home like free online museum & historic tours, free operas and plays.

Oh tonight the National Theater is showing a play: ... jRWP5i1iYs

Good idea on getting more structure in your day. I’m trying to do that as well but hasn’t been easy. Stay safe!
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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Thu Apr 02, 2020 2:51 pm

Auto, I hadn't thought of it before, but April is a really pretty-sounding name! Give yourself grace on the grumpy mood. We are all in a very weird space right now, and topsy-turvy emotions are to be expected. You can hijack any time! :)

Linda, it is very special to me that I am sharing the knitting with my daughter. We had a lot of laughs with her trying to teach me on Facetime! It's a tough time to create structure with your new pup! But it will probably really help with all that is going on.

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Thu Apr 02, 2020 2:57 pm

Thursday, April 2nd, 2020

Exercise: cardio & UB interval workout (35M) + 1 small walk
Steps: 7,931

B: oatmeal, turkey sausage, Swiss cheese
L: LC wrap w/turkey/cream cheese, apple w/PB
S: banana walnut breakfast cookie, string cheese
D: chicken stir fry w/rice, Perfect bar

I had a good day yesterday. I got a fair amount done for work, but I need to be more focused today for sure!! I need to get my progress reports all done by tomorrow at 4, and also finish up all my calls to parents. I took two short walks yesterday to get in my steps. My husband is part owner in a landscaping company, and we live at the house at the nursery. So we have quite a bit of space that I can walk. It's very pretty, and it smells so good right now with the pine trees in the rain as I walk. I've gotten my steps in both of the last days with two short walks each day and my workout.

Realizing that I need to use less fat in my dinner meal. When I was low-carbing I was very liberal with the butter/oil/salad dressing, and that habit kind of stuck with me. I'm going to aim for one carb serving at dinner, and I'm going to watch the amount of fat I use. I've been basically maintaining this week, and I think that little tweak will make a difference over time.

Well, time to get to it! Hope everyone has a great Thursday.

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Fri Apr 03, 2020 2:40 pm

Friday, April 3rd, 2020

Exercise: none
Steps: 4,059

B: oatmeal, turkey sausage, mixed nuts
L: LC wrap w/ham & Swiss, apple w/PB
S: oatmeal raisin breakfast cookie, string cheese, square dark chocolate
D: cheeseburger, fries, square dark chocolate

Yesterday was a pretty good day overall. I got in my workout plus a short walk around home. I got my groceries for the week, and getting out was nice. Lots of anxiety around being at the grocery store.

Yesterday our stay at home order got extended until May 4th. It's hard to believe we have at least another month of being at home. My first thought is that I am missing this beautiful sweet time of watching my grandson grow and change. I miss him so much. It makes me so sad that I can't see him and I am missing this time we can't get back. I'm also grateful that he is home and safe. I need to focus on that.

I got these cards with pictures on the front that you can color in and send to people. I also got some new gel pens since mine are at work and I can't get into the building. I'm going to color my first card this morning and send it off to my DIL, whose birthday is on Monday. I think I will send my GS a little outfit from Amazon and maybe a book. That will cheer me up!

I need to get more work done today. I am having such a strong aversion to doing my progress reports! I will have to find a way to get myself to do them with some kind of reward. lol Meeting this morning with the other teachers too. Wishing all a good Friday. We're getting takeout tonight. It's our big event of the week! :)

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Sat Apr 04, 2020 2:21 pm

Saturday, April 4th, 2020

Exercise: 30M cardio dvd
Steps: 7,030

B: oatmeal, turkey sausage, Swiss cheese
L: open-faced turkey sandwich, apple w/PB
S: Misc. snacks - Big time avoidance eating
D: pork chop, 1/3 sweet potato, green beans, sauteed cabbage

I had a major snack-fest yesterday afternoon. I have been procrastinating on those progress reports like crazy. I don't know why I have had such an aversion to doing them. My husband was gone out to the property and I was supposed to be working on them. I played games on my phone and snacked and numbed out instead. I finally got my head in the right space and finished them up. What a relief! But I know that about myself, that I am a procrastinater-snacker. I will have to work on solutions for that.

Yesterday was good overall. I got a fair amount of work done, and learned more about how we're going to provide learning going forward. It's going to be a lot of work with trying to hit all of my students' individual goals. I guess we are all just going to do the very best we can. I'm creating a Youtube channel so I can do some videos. We get access to our building for half an hour next week so I will get books to read to the kids, their files, materials, etc. We'll be doing a weekly packet as well that the teachers put together each week. I will definitely be a busy gal during this time! But, we want the kids to learn as much as possible from home as they can. I am doubting that we will go back to school this year, but I really, really hope we do! Even if it was just for the last month. Just taking it one step at a time.

I feel good about the last week's eating. I only had one impulsive/unplanned eating occasion. Even though I had heavier eating days due to going out to a meal, I stayed with my regular meal and snack times. Getting things stabilized and in a routine has been very good for me. One step at a time! I exercised 6/7 of the last days, so that is great. Yesterday we got take out. Probably not the best day of the week to not exercise since I took in more calories/sodium than usual. Live and learn!

Today I'm going to do the usual weekend tasks. Laundry, tidying extra bedroom, some cleaning. The sun is coming out, and hoping for a beautiful day.
Last edited by alene1 on Sun Apr 05, 2020 3:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by automatedeating » Sat Apr 04, 2020 2:55 pm

I got these cards with pictures on the front that you can color in and send to people. I also got some new gel pens since mine are at work and I can't get into the building. I'm going to color my first card this morning and send it off to my DIL, whose birthday is on Monday.
Love this!
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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Sun Apr 05, 2020 3:16 pm

Auto, it was really fun doing the card. So nice to be using my creativity and figuring out which colors together would be pleasing to the eye but not too busy. I got a 120 pack of gel markers! :lol: There are some really pretty sparkly ones that I like best, and they look really nice on the card. I'm excited to see how my DIL likes it.

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Sun Apr 05, 2020 3:28 pm

Sunday, April 5th, 2020

Exercise: 55M walk
Steps: 9,826

B: oatmeal, Swiss cheese, turkey sausage
L: open faced turkey sandwich, apple w/PB
S: 10 almonds
D: 2 glasses champagne during virtual happy hour, 2 egg omelet w/cheese, 2 sl. bacon, veggie mix

Ladies, just being real here. I am really feeling uncomfortable in my body right now. I'm at that weight where I say to myself that I have to do something that is actually going to lead to sustained weight loss. I have about 45 lbs. to lose to get back to where I would love to be, and where I was in 2015 when I hit my goal weight. I've been maintaining within a 2-3 pound range for quite a while. I resist the counting of calories because it keeps me in my head and out of my heart and body. But a structured way of eating that keeps my calories at a certain level is what I need to actually lose weight. At least in the past that is the only way I have been able to do it. I'm going to start tracking on Noom again. I've been doing the daily assignments all along, so it's just adding that piece back in. Time to bite the bullet. It's the least-dislikeable thing I can do that will help me actually start losing weight instead of maintaining. So back to it I go.

I got all my progress reports done yesterday!! Yay! That is a monkey off my back. After spring break we will start providing online learning and packets for our classes. Our teacher team will be working together on that, and we will provide instruction for our students' IEP goals separately. It should be very interesting trying to do that. I'm guessing this is going to be our model for the rest of the year.

Today not too much going on. I'm going to make a card for my sister's birthday, do some knitting, a walk, maybe an additional workout, fold laundry. I'm doing a virtual happy hour with some friends tonight. That should be a fun time. Okay, off to get going on my day.
Last edited by alene1 on Mon Apr 06, 2020 2:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by automatedeating » Sun Apr 05, 2020 6:03 pm

Fold laundry! Thanks for the reminder! I have a load waiting right now. :-)
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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by lpearlmom » Sun Apr 05, 2020 7:00 pm

“It's the least-dislikeable thing I can do that will help me actually start losing weight instead of maintaining.”

That’s what it comes down to isn’t it? I do Intermittent fasting for the same reason. Totally understand about not feeling comfortable in your body. Im there right now too. It’s funny how 5 lbs or so can make such a difference in how i feel about my body.

Anyways, you got this.
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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Mon Apr 06, 2020 2:26 pm

Auto, no problem! I did get it done plus ran another load. :)

Linda, I was thinking about this this morning. I think my time doing intuitive eating gave me some false beliefs about tracking food. I'm working on recognizing the false beliefs that have been holding me back and keeping me stuck.

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Mon Apr 06, 2020 2:37 pm

Monday, April 6th, 2020

Exercise: 45M walk
Steps: 7,136

B: oatmeal, turkey sausage, Swiss cheese
L: open-faced turkey sandwich, apple w/PB
S: RX bar, 10 almonds
D: spaghetti meat sauce w/zucchini, parmesan, roll w/butter, Yasso bar

Yesterday was a really good day. The sun was out and it was beautiful. I finished the birthday card for my sister, and will get that in the mail. I took a really nice walk out at the new house while my husband was doing some dirt work with the tractor. It was very peaceful. There's a road adjoining ours that dead-ends. It goes right along the water, and the road is low. There are trees and a tree swing and little boat house along the shore. It's so peaceful walking along it. Very quiet and let's me pretend for a few minutes that all is right in the world.

Eating went really well too. I am creating a new belief around tracking my food, and I think that will be a great boost for me. It does feel really good to know how much I'm eating, and be able to tweak that amount if my weight isn't moving downward. Much more rational and objective. It can be a great tool for me. I'm really liking the feeling of doing the whole Noom program as well. Not just the parts I like. :) It really is a quick and efficient tool for tracking food.

Today will be a workout, probably a walk, some knitting, a little cleaning. This week is our official spring break, so I'm not sure if I'm going to be doing any work for school. We shall see. I might just do some dreaming and brainstorming about how I want to provide learning for the kids. I'm not sure how specific our direction will be from admins. I imagine we'll have a lot of leeway to do our own thing, just like in the classroom. I'm going to pick out a card for my aunt who lives in NH to color for next. She could use some encouragement. I hope everyone enjoys their Monday.
Last edited by alene1 on Tue Apr 07, 2020 6:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by automatedeating » Mon Apr 06, 2020 2:46 pm

I just love these cards you are making!

I remember you were happy with Noom previously; makes sense for you to stick with that system that made you feel good about yourself.
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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Tue Apr 07, 2020 6:16 pm

Thanks Auto! I'm having a lot of fun with the cards. Very good point about Noom. Feeling good.

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Tue Apr 07, 2020 6:16 pm

Tuesday, April 7th, 2020

Exercise: 35M cardio/strength workout
Steps: 7,531

B: oatmeal, turkey sausage, Swiss cheese
L: open-faced turkey sandwich, apple w/PB
S: RX bar, 10 almonds
S: Power Crunch bar
D: omelet w/veggies, cheese, bacon, Yasso bar

I had a close call before dinner. I waited too long to do my workout and then I was hungry and it was almost dinner time. My husband was out working at the property, and it was the perfect potential storm for me to do un-planned eating. I did have a bar, but I was pretty hungry. The great part was that I logged it in my Noom app, adjusted my dinner a little bit, and had the energy to do my workout. I ended the day just a bit above my calorie level, and the scale was down .2 Wednesday morning. I call that a victory!!

All good here today. Yesterday went well, but not as many steps as I would have liked. Hubby gave blood yesterday, and we had to drive an hour or so to get there. We took a short walk before the appointment. Not too much going on. Except for the big announcement about schools being distance learning the rest of the school year. I kind of figured it was coming, but it's still very sad. Confusing too as we try and figure out the best way to teach at this time.

Today I get to go into my classroom for half an hour to get things. I'm going to clean out my desk area so I have more room for those things. I need to get a file box to put my files in too. After that I think I'll go for a little drive. I feel the need to get out and a way for a while. Maybe try and find some water I can sit and look at. I'm going to get in a strength workout sometime today too.

Oh! My weight is down a pound this morning, so that was very encouraging! I was a little hungry in the night, so I thought I might see a drop. Didn't sleep very well thinking about work and about figuring everything out.

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Wed Apr 08, 2020 3:02 pm

Wednesday, April 8th, 2020

Exercise: 45M strength dvd
Steps: 5,991

B: oatmeal, turkey sausage, Swiss cheese
L: open-faced tuna sandwich, carrots w/almond butter
S: Misc. snacks - unplanned, numbed out eating
D: lemon chicken, rice, broccoli, Yasso bar

I felt really numb and down on Wednesday. I think that going to my classroom and the tears coming opened me up to my feelings and I have been teary off and on ever since. I just felt numb yesterday. I had a bunch of snacks in the later afternoon at home. I think that I'm depressed. I'm going to make a point of doing some things on Thursday to feel better. To let the positive back in.

Yesterday was a good day, but also emotional. We had a little bit of time to go into our classrooms and get supplies and things that we're going to need for distance learning. I stepped into my classroom, looked around, and the tears came. I'm so sad I won't see my kids again this school year. Some are going on to kindergarten, so I may never get the chance to see them again. I wasn't expecting that reaction. I was really happy to get my materials, but as I looked around at things prepped for the new week, it was just so sad. But we all just need to keep moving forward and learn to really thrive in the new normal, and do the best we can to teach the kids with the tools we have.

Today I need to plan my meals and groceries for tomorrow's shopping trip, unload all my teaching stuff from the car, and create a good space to keep everything. Plus a workout, and definitely some time outside.
Last edited by alene1 on Thu Apr 09, 2020 1:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by automatedeating » Wed Apr 08, 2020 4:12 pm

Ah, Alene, that's tough and emotional about your classroom and the students and all the sadness. But I'm glad you let some of those tears out.
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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Thu Apr 09, 2020 1:53 pm

Thanks Auto. I think I just need to let myself cry today. Not just about school, but about everything. I'm so sad I can't see my beautiful, sweet grandson. He is growing so fast and is almost able to army crawl. I'm just so sad that I'm missing it and I can't hold him in my arms. I don't know when I'll get to see him again, and it's just breaking my heart. Life is just so different with so many unknowns. I'm also struggling with feeling like I shouldn't be sad and should appreciate all the blessings I have, and being able to stay home. I absolutely do. But I am sad. I miss people. I miss connection. I know this will pass. There are a few people in my life that I know distantly, online. They are so positive and full of light, even amidst difficult circumstances due to their health. Thinking about them is really inspiring. It does help.

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Thu Apr 09, 2020 2:15 pm

Thursday, April 9th, 2020


B: oatmeal, turkey sausage, Swiss cheese

Today I'm going to take some time to take a long walk somewhere and get to some water. I need it. Realizing that I am depressed, probably temporarily. Those two things help me the most, and will help me get my perspective back. Also just letting myself cry, if I can. I'm off to do my weekly grocery shopping and need to get my oil changed too. I might just walk while they're changing it instead of sitting in the waiting room.

I hope everyone has a good day.

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by lpearlmom » Thu Apr 09, 2020 3:51 pm

Big hugs Alene. This is such a stressful time. I think you can feel both grateful and sad at the same time. You sound like an amazing teacher and grandmother.

This too shall pass. 💜
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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by automatedeating » Fri Apr 10, 2020 3:20 pm

I think you can feel both grateful and sad at the same time.
So beautiful and true.
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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Mon Apr 13, 2020 2:43 pm

Monday, April 13th, 2020

Exercise: 35M strength workout
Steps: 4,956

B: RX bar, string cheese
L: salad w/chicken, red onion, cucumber, jack cheese, slice bacon,homemade Italian
S: apple, light yogurt, mixed nuts
D: hamburger patty, green beans, slice lemon pound cake w/ice cream

We had a fun weekend. Spent a fair amount of time at the property, got in some walks, and yesterday I tried a couple new recipes. I haven't really tried any new recipes since I've been living here at this house with my husband. It's basically a place to lay our heads, and the kitchen doesn't have my cooking or baking pans, ingredients, etc. All of that is in storage. But I decided to try some new things since it was Easter, and my husband was out working at the new house all afternoon on the landscaping. I made a chicken pot pie, a salad, and a glazed lemon pound cake. It was all yummy, but very rich!! We both ate more than usual, and both felt overstuffed. But it was fun bringing everything out to the house. We ate out on our new deck, which right now is just covered with boards. lol DH was very appreciative, and it made for a special Easter, especially with the sun setting and such a nice evening.

Back to it today. I really enjoyed our break, and I know things are going to get busy and ramp up with work this week. I have a Zoom meeting this morning with my teaching team. I'm going to get in a strength workout, and I'm aiming for 8,500+ steps each day.

Yesterday I got rid of a bunch of processed foods that I had. I'm going to focus on more whole, real foods, and less processed foods. I ordered a book call 100 Days of Real Food, and it looks like it will be really good. Not legalistic, but just continuing to move more and more in that direction. I'm excited to read it. Hope everyone has a nice day!

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Tue Apr 14, 2020 1:53 pm

Tuesday, April 14th, 2020

Exercise: 80M walk
Steps: 13,662

B: oatmeal, turkey sausage, Swiss cheese, mixed nuts
L: slice chicken pot pie, apple w/PB
S: RX bar, string cheese
D: sausage, 1/2 sweet potato, green beans, Yasso bar

Another beautiful day! I was having the funniest dream today with a bunch of my life components all mixed together! Funny how our minds do that, and pull things out of the hat that you haven't thought of for a while.

This morning I get to be in my classroom for two hours. It will be so nice not to be rushed. Then home to work on an IEP I'm doing on Thursday and other misc. things. We had a team meeting yesterday and got some things ironed out, so I'm ready to start moving forward on our first week of instruction next week. It feels good to have a loose plan! I'm excited to Zoom on Thursday with one of my families and see my student. She's a little spitfire and gets really shy when her mama is around. I'm looking forward to it.

I enjoyed my workout yesterday, and got a good bit accomplished. I got my work space more organized and tidy, which felt great. More today! Tonight we'll go over to the new house. I want to check out all the concrete blocks that got delivered. My hubby and his business partner are going to build a short wall on the garage side of the house to support the dirt above that will be a pathway along the side of the house. My hubby has been very busy out there working on the landscape. He enjoys it a lot.

I'm reading a really good book called Beautiful You. It's a daily reading with journaling. Really good. My focus in nourishing my body and my spirit, listening more to my body and my heart about what I need. This slowing down of life is good for that. You can't hear from your heart when there is so much noise and busyness. I did my yoga yesterday too. Wishing everyone a nice day ahead.

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Wed Apr 15, 2020 2:38 pm

Wednesday, April 15th, 2020

Exercise: 20M weights
Steps: 2,070

B: oatmeal, Swiss cheese, turkey sausage
L: open-faced tuna sandwich, apple w/PB
S: RX bar, string cheese, Perfect bar
D: omelet w/bacon, cheddar, slice toast w/jam & butter, Yasso bar

Yesterday was a good day. I took a nice long walk, got a fair bit done for work, and felt good about my eating. My weight is slowly moving down again. The key now is to avoid the afternoon unplanned, impulsive eating driven by boredom, stress, or lack of structure. I'm really trying to tune into myself and what I feel like doing at those times. I'm taking coloring and knitting breaks, and that is really nice and helpful for me.

I have an IEP meeting tomorrow, so I'll be getting that done today. Also doing some more work on getting the student's materials in their bags for pickup on Monday. My hubby is working on a concrete wall on the side of the new house, so I'll be going to check that out late afternoon. Workout today will be weights.

Got my stimulus check deposited today. That will go straight into our new house account!!
Last edited by alene1 on Thu Apr 16, 2020 1:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by automatedeating » Wed Apr 15, 2020 2:54 pm

Sounds like an all-around really balanced and nice day! And congrats on the stimulus check!
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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Thu Apr 16, 2020 1:35 pm

Yes, I'm really trying to find my balance. Some days better than others! :)

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Thu Apr 16, 2020 1:38 pm

Thursday, April 16th, 2020

Exercise: none
Steps: 3,554

B: oatmeal, turkey sausage, Swiss cheese
L: 1/2 turkey sandwich, sweet potato chips
S: RX bar, iced latte w/1 raw sugar
D: cheeseburger, fries (our weekly take-out night)

Yesterday was a pretty okay day. I couldn't believe my step total!!! I can't remember the last time I stepped so little. I was sitting at my desk most of the day, so it makes sense, I guess. I was extra hungry in the afternoon and had an extra bar. But at least it was just one extra thing that didn't lead to more.

Yesterday I made a YouTube channel and made my first video for my students. I think this might be fun. I'm going to find a good space in my teaching room for a backdrop. I have lots to do today. Two meetings and paperwork to complete, plus some grocery shopping at some point. I may put it off till tomorrow. We'll see.

I felt very down and depressed yesterday after the press conference. I had really hoped that on May 4th we could start opening things up a little and get construction back to work. We are so anxious to get the house going again. But also all the small businesses that are not going to be able to hang on if this continues for a long time. It's just all so scary and sad. Not to mention wanting to see my grandson and hold him. My heart just hurts when I think of him, what I'm missing and that he might not know me the next time we see each other. I know I'll feel better, it's just hard to hear. I really, really hope our curve will keep going down well and we can open up gradually before too long.

I am so thankful for all my blessings. These are hard times, but so much harder for so many people. Today we have another beautiful day of sunshine! I hope everyone has a really good day.
Last edited by alene1 on Fri Apr 17, 2020 2:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by automatedeating » Thu Apr 16, 2020 2:16 pm

Great idea/work with the YouTube channel! That is fantastic, and will be a fun, but challenging project.

And I'm also discouraged about the continued stay-home order. For me directly it doesn't have a huge effect, since my work and the kids work is definitely all online through June anyway, and they definitely aren't going to let my kids get back to sports for awhile anyway, but my heart hurts for the small businesses. My heart hurts for the people that live alone. My heart hurts for the moms with young children that have no parks, playdates, or friends to see. My heart hurts for YOU, and your house and your grandson. I feel enormously grateful and have a touch of "survivor" guilt for being spared the worst consequences of locking down the economy. But like you said, it's sunny!! Can you imagine if we were in one of those 50 day 33 degrees and raining stretches? Ugh!!! I have officially switched out to my spring/fall workout clothes. Orange outfit, green outfit, blue outfit. :-)
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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by DMJ75 » Fri Apr 17, 2020 1:25 am

I totally agree with you automated.
I feel the same way!

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Fri Apr 17, 2020 2:05 pm

Auto, I'm excited about doing videos. I had one parent yesterday who said her daughter was so excited to see the video. When she was watching it she started crying though, because she missed school so much. :( I called her yesterday and talked with her a while, which was very nice for all. I got some pictures and audio messages back from them. It was really nice. I'm glad for your family that this hasn't been too hard a transition. Crossing all my fingers and toes that things continue to move in the right direction.

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Fri Apr 17, 2020 2:08 pm

Friday, April 17th, 2020


B: oatmeal, Swiss cheese, turkey sausage
L: open-faced turkey sandwich, apple w/PB

Busy, busy yesterday with meetings! Another day with very few steps! Now I see how hard it must be for people with desk jobs to get their steps in. I will do better today. It's not good for me to be so inactive, and not my MO. Lots to do today for work. We need to create a continuous education plan for each of our students, which involves a conversation with each family. Other than that I need to get some groceries, and exercise. Better get to it!

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by lpearlmom » Sat Apr 18, 2020 8:36 pm

So sad but sweet about your student crying. My kids are not at the age where they miss their teachers but they do miss their friends. Tough times. That must be hard to be so inactive all of the sudden. I follow a blogger that walks six miles a day mostly in her house so sometimes i just do laps around the house while listening to podcasts or audible.

Good luck with the grocery shopping. I get almost everything delivered these days!
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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Thu Apr 23, 2020 3:01 pm

Linda, you must mean Kayla Cox. Love her!! She is so reasonable and practical. She is a person that has helped me to let go of perfectionism.

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Thu Apr 23, 2020 3:08 pm

Thursday, April 23rd, 2020

Exercise: 30M walk + mini walk
Steps: 9,706

Been busy, busy, busy with school! But, I feel so much better and I'm getting a handle on things. We did our first pick-up of packets yesterday. It was great to see the kids who came along with their parents. I dropped a few off at students' homes, as their parents weren't able to make it. I still have lots of paperwork to do, but I'm making teaching and connecting with students the priority, and I'll get it all done as soon as I can! Tomorrow I'm going to do Zoom meetings with my classes. Call me crazy! lol It's quite certain to be chaos at first, but we'll figure it out. I hope! :lol: The kids will be really happy to see each other.

I've been getting in some workouts. Still working on getting my step count up consistently. Eating has been pretty good. I've been consistent this week with my meal and snack pattern, and no binges! So that is fantastic. I am weighing less often, and that has actually been awesome! I don't have to start the day with that number and thinking about it all day. But I feel like I'm making good choices and not deceiving myself about food choices or portions. I'm in a good spot. I was really happy yesterday that it went well, because it was kind of chaotic and a very different schedule for the day, both of which can often set me off. I did have a pretty darn carby dinner, but oh well.

Lots to do today, but I'm excited about my work! I'm in charge of our week 4 lesson for our preschool teachers, and I'm excited about it. Have a good day all.

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Fri Apr 24, 2020 2:13 pm

Friday, April 24th, 2020

Exercise: none
Steps: 3,710

Yesterday was a really good day. I got a good bit done, made a video for the kids, went grocery shopping. Starting to get in a flow with work. I'm excited to do my Zooms today with the kids, and get my lesson planned for our teachers. I got in a nice walk out at the new house last night. Eating has been really good. I haven't eaten impulsively/compulsively for a week, which is the longest stretch I have gone for a long time. That is really encouraging to me. I'm being more thoughtful about how much food I really need at my meals. Last night I had a sweet potato on my plate, and decided I would eat half and see how I felt. It would still have tasted good, but I realized that half filled me up well and left me feeling comfortable. On Wednesday I was craving something salty, feeling angsty. We had some leftover Saltines from a recipe I made on Easter. They've been sitting on the microwave and haven't been thinking about them at all. But they came to mind when I thought about what I could have. I got them out, and my usual MO is to either have none, or to eat a bunch. It's like with the first cracker I'm deciding that eating crackers means I'm choosing to have a binge. It's that black and white thinking. Well, this time I had a cracker, thought about the fact that I could choose to binge, or I could just have some and stop when I felt like stopping. I ended up having 4 and putting the box away. It felt really good! It feels like I am making progress, making peace with food, and learning to have a different relationship with it. All very good things.

Our governor is making an announcement today about opening up construction slowly. We have our fingers crossed that they can get going on our house again!!!! That would be so awesome. Off to get going on my day. Happy Friday all. Oh, weight has moved down since I weighed last Friday. Will continue to weigh here and there, but not daily. I feel much more peaceful about things that way.
Last edited by alene1 on Sat Apr 25, 2020 2:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by automatedeating » Sat Apr 25, 2020 2:30 am

It's like with the first cracker I'm deciding that eating crackers means I'm choosing to have a binge. It's that black and white thinking. Well, this time I had a cracker, thought about the fact that I could choose to binge, or I could just have some and stop when I felt like stopping. I ended up having 4 and putting the box away. It felt really good! It feels like I am making progress, making peace with food, and learning to have a different relationship with it. All very good things.
This is so fantastic!
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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Sat Apr 25, 2020 2:48 pm

Thanks Auto! It's so encouraging. It's a slow process, but I need to stay the course. I'm getting there!

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Sat Apr 25, 2020 3:05 pm

April 25th, 2020

Exercise: 85M walk
Steps: 14,124

Yesterday was a pretty good day overall. I got quite a bit done for work, did my two Zoom meetings, and some errands. My Zoom calls weren't too hectic. It was just hard to hear everyone well with their little voices. :) We went out for our weekly take-out night. We drove out to a cute little town about an hour away from home that has gourmet burgers. Super yum, but I definitely had a very big meal. I think next time I might get their smaller burger. So good though!!

It's a rainy day around here. I'm going to do a quick shop this morning and then I'll be doing cleaning and organizing, working out at some point. That's all for now!

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Sun Apr 26, 2020 3:14 pm

Sunday, April 26th, 2020

Exercise: none
Steps: 3,351

The sun is out this morning and that is such a nice thing! Yesterday my hubby and I went on a nice long walk. I'm happy with my steps! We went out to the new house and hung out a bit, sat by the water, and did some dreaming about what we want to do with our landscape. I made some calls to families yesterday that went really well. It's so nice when families are engaged in their child's learning.

I had another really good moment yesterday with my eating. We got teriyaki chicken for dinner, and as I was eating it I hit about halfway through and decided to pause and see how I felt. I decided I felt very good and satisfied and wanted to save the rest for lunch. It felt so good to make a mindful decision about that. When I eat out that was pretty much always the green light to go for it. The black and white, "if I'm eating this is must mean I'm "off" the plan and it's my opportunity to eat as much as I want." So, such a good and new feeling for me. Yay!

Today I'm going to work on getting my teaching materials well organized, and get ready and organized for my new work week. Making a to-do list today will help me tomorrow morning to get right to it! I"m going to take a walk at some point today. Happy Sunday all!
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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by lpearlmom » Sun Apr 26, 2020 3:41 pm

Sounds like you’re doing great. So exciting about your new house and great job with listening to your satiety cues. 💜
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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by automatedeating » Sat May 02, 2020 7:04 pm

I am just wrapping up my work this morning - I like to end my time with a to-do list so I know what is top priority the next time I sit down. I wonder if that's strange or if other people wrap-up with a to-do list rather than start with one. :-)
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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by lpearlmom » Sun May 03, 2020 2:57 pm

I think that’s smart actually!
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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Tue May 12, 2020 10:54 pm

Auto, I find it helpful too to make a fresh to-do list after I'm done working so I am ready to jump in and tackle things when I get back to it.

Thanks Linda!

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Tue May 12, 2020 11:05 pm

I didn't realize that I had been gone so long. I just haven't felt like writing lately. I think I've been a bit depressed with this new lifestyle we are currently living. Overall I think I'm doing pretty well, but it's just hard sometimes. No way around it.

Linda has inspired me, along with an upcoming trip, to really focus in on my first short term goal. I need some fire under me to focus and do what I need and want to do consistently. I have a trip coming up on June 24th, which I desperately hope will still be happening. I'm going to assume it will, as we are staying in an Air B & B. We shall see though! It's going to be warm, and I just plain want to feel better in my clothes, and out of them! ;) I've been treading water for quite some time and I'm ready to get this weight loss party started. I have stabilized emotionally quite a bit, and with continued focus on that side of the equation, I believe that I can make good progress.

I have set a slightly aggressive goal for the first phase of my weight loss. It will be a bit over 2 lbs. per week to hit my goal on June 24th. After that I will slow down the rate. I feel that I have the umph and motivation to go a little harder right now. My weight right now is approximately 193 lbs. My goal for Phase 1 is 180. My final goal is 145. I have 4 habits that will be tracked daily, and will form the foundation for my healthy living protocol. I have been doing some of the pretty regularly already. But of course, the hardest and most effective one is the one I find the most difficult. Eating within a calorie budget and tracking daily. Here they are:

1,600-1,699 calories
Exercise 30+ minutes each day
8,000+ daily steps
Morning yoga practice, 2 inspiring readings, and my affirmations

I'm looking forward to being back and to writing and reading with my peeps. :)

Tuesday, May 12th, 2020

C: 1,648
E: Tred & Shred (30M)
S: 8,377
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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Wed May 13, 2020 2:04 pm

Wednesday, May 13th, 2020

Yesterday went really well. It felt so good to have a solid plan and to be honoring it. I had to take a few laps around our driveway last night to hit my 8,000 steps. :) I had a productive day at work too. We get to be in our rooms for 3 hours on Tuesdays, and it was so nice to be in my classroom to work. I'm so much more productive there.

We went out to the house last night and they're almost done with the siding. Yay! Next up will be painting. We're doing a sage green and pretty sure we'll do white trim to match the windows. We're going to do a deep blue called salty dog for the door. The timber framing will be a pecan stain. We're just trying to narrow down which green. It's so hard to tell what will look good on a whole house just using a sample. If I have time I'm going to run to the paint store and get a few pints and some white poster board so we can paint them and see how they look out at the house in the sunlight. Exciting!

I got in a nice workout and used my Fitbit to get my workout stats. That was the first time I've done that. I know it's not quite accurate for calorie burn but it will be fun to compare different workouts and see which burn more.

Today will be working from home on family phone calls and paperwork. I'll get in a walk or cardio workout sometime in the day. I might pop out for an early morning walk because this afternoon will be busy. I have a friend coming to the new house to get some scrap wood to use for craft projects. Feeling good today. Feeling excited and happy. Good day to all!

W: 193.2
C: 1,787
E: Cardio Core (30M)
S: 10,579
MP: yes
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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by lpearlmom » Wed May 13, 2020 2:19 pm

Sometimes i need a little break from posting too, but glad to see you back! It is a stressful time and it’s extra hard just not knowing when it’ll end. I think having a goal to focus on right now might help. I really hope your trip works out. I feel like an air b&b should be okay especially if you just sanitize everything when you get there.

Looking forward to hearing how things go for you! You got this!
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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by pinkhippie » Wed May 13, 2020 2:56 pm

Hi Alene! Thank you for coming and saying hi!

I have followed along in your journal a bit as well.

Sounds like you have a good plan! When I want consistent faster weight loss, I find that calorie tracking is what really works for me. But I think it can fit really well into the framework and strictures of No S. It's especially nice with No s because you are only logging 3 meals, not meals, snacks, etc...

That is so great that you were able to get those 8k steps in! Your house sounds like it will be so pretty! That is very exciting.

Have a wonderful day!

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Thu May 14, 2020 1:54 pm

Thanks for the encouragement Linda! I think you're right about having a goal to focus on right now. So far, so good!

Pinkhippie, thanks for coming by. I have found the same thing, that tracking brings consistent weight loss. I'm eating a lot of the same meals, so it's pretty quick to track, and really makes a difference when I consider adding an "extra." We are super excited about the house. I will have to post a pic here sometime soon.

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Thu May 14, 2020 1:59 pm

Thursday, May 14th, 2020

I was very happy when I got on the scale this morning and saw my loss. 12 more to go! :) Yesterday was a good day. Did our paint samples and found the green we want. Now down to the trim. I'm going to run up to the paint store and get a few more samples to try. We're meeting our builder out at the house this morning to go over some final details for colors, etc.

Work was okay yesterday. Still mentally fighting about getting all my paperwork done. I am going to have it finished by Sunday night, come hell or high water! I want to start the new week with a clean slate and be able to focus on doing more videos and more specific work for each student's goals.

Okay, better get to it.

W: 192
C: 2,268
E: Weights (36M)
S: 7,601
MP: yes
Last edited by alene1 on Fri May 15, 2020 1:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by pinkhippie » Thu May 14, 2020 3:20 pm

Congrats on the loss! That is such a good feeling.

I know you are a teacher, but what age group do you teach? Good luck getting your paperwork done!

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by automatedeating » Thu May 14, 2020 5:48 pm

I'm a little late on this party, but that blue door - oh I LOVE that!
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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Fri May 15, 2020 1:50 pm

Pinkhippie, I teach special education preschool. Students are 3-5. That paperwork is the a monkey on my back. Yesterday they told us we need to do progress reports for the end of the year. :roll: Big sigh. Many parents don't want to work on goals and don't pick up their packets or respond to messages. I guess we just document everything and put down what happened. All this paperwork just steals away teaching and connecting time with kids. But yesterday I did a Zoom call with each of my classes and it was so much fun to see their little faces. :)

Auto, I think I'm going to love the blue door too. I love the name since we're by the salt water. :)

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Fri May 15, 2020 2:04 pm

Friday, May 15th, 2020

Yesterday was a pretty good day. I had a good weights workout, connected with the kids and families. No real time for paperwork though. We went out to the house and met the builder and went over final details before he orders all the interior materials. We finally settled on our paint colors. Sage with white trim, and the blue door. We were wanting a warmer trim color, but couldn't really feel 100% on any of our top choices. We figure we can always paint the trim later if it bothers us. We have a pecan-stained timber framing in the front and back and thought a warmer color would go better. We'll see. White is always a safe bet, and will be bright and cheery on the gloomy days.

Last night I was just plain hungry and wanting a yummy snack to settle down and watch a movie with. I ended up having a bag of popcorn with butter. Scale was up a little today, but not too bad. I think the important thing is continuing to log my food and weigh myself daily even if I eat outside of my desired parameters. Continuing to move forward, keep going, be steadfast, patient, and don't switch what I'm doing. There will be days that I eat more or exercise less than I want to. The way I see it is that if I shoot for the stars (180 by June 24th,) I will still be a lot closer than if I didn't! I'm not going to starve myself, as that will lead to bingeing. I will work with my body and do the very best I can, one day at a time.

One of the things I have planned into my "plan," is our weekly takeout meal. That is tonight, and I am keeping my cals as close as I can to my goal. They'll be a bit over, but that's to be expected. I'm going to enjoy our meal without guilt. We're going to a little town on the water for halibut and chips that we love. They've been closed but just opened up for take-out. We'll find a nice bench by the water. The sun is supposed to be out today, so we're hoping for a nice evening.

I get to see my grandson today! Just a quick little visit. I'm going to have a picnic lunch and coffee with my mom in the park today. I'm looking very forward to it. Just about to color my hair, and then get to work on work. Paperwork, here I come! I will have to squeeze in 30 minutes of walking today for my exercise. I may break it up into 10 minute segments. Happy Friday all!

W: 192.6
E: 70M of walking
S: 12,645
C: 2,031
MP: yes
Last edited by alene1 on Sat May 16, 2020 1:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by pinkhippie » Fri May 15, 2020 3:34 pm

Oh wow! Special Ed preschool! I was a preschool teacher in my other life, (in my twenties and early thirties) and later I was a substitute teacher and did some subbing in special ed pre k and special ed elementary. Then I went on to be a coach in a program that teaches physical fitness to Pre K students for about a year. So, I have some experience with teaching that age group and know how draining, exhausting, and amazingly rewarding it can be. Do you like where you work for the most part? I know the paperwork is such a pain! I hope you get it done soon.

Sounds like a really nice day yesterday and like your plan is good. I agree that it really makes a difference to log and weigh. It seems to increase awareness and it prevents perfectionistic all or nothing thinking if you log everything and weigh every day regardless of if you ate over your calorie goal or weigh more than you want to. It does for me at least. :)

Enjoy your visit and your takeout meal! Happy Friday! :)

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by lpearlmom » Sat May 16, 2020 5:20 am

Sounds like youve got a good realistic outlook. It’s so tricky and can really mess with our heads if we try to push too much i think. So great you get to see your grandson finally Enjoy your picnic!
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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Sat May 16, 2020 2:00 pm

Pinkhippie, it is very rewarding and many days. Especially when you see their growth, or when they come in and give you a big hug. :) I do really like where I work. I have a great team of teachers that are very supportive. It does help me a lot too to track my food and weigh daily, no matter what. It helps me not go into denial mentality. La la la! I don't know how much I ate or what the scale says. ;) Ignorance feels like bliss till your pants don't fit!! :?

Linda, thanks. I know for me extreme measures just don't work and trigger binge eating. The moderate, slow and steady is best for my state of mind. Being patient is the really hard part. I often jump ship when I have some rough days and think the problem is the plan. But no, the problem is that I didn't jump right back on and keep working at it. That is my plan now. You would think I was older and wiser enough to know myself well. I do. I just seem to forget!

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Sat May 16, 2020 2:06 pm

Saturday, May 16th, 2020

Good morning. It's a bit dreary and sprinkly this morning. I have a lot I plan to do this weekend at home. Laundry, some cleaning, tidying my extra bedroom where I work out and do my teaching. Lots of paperwork! I am going to use my timer to do increments of work, increments of home chores, and increments of time to do things I enjoy, like reading, playing the game on my phone, knitting, or coloring. I want to come out of this weekend feeling like I have made a big dent in my paperwork so I don't wake up at night in a sweat! lol Not really happening, but time will fly and I don't want to be stuck doing a bunch at the end.

I had such a nice day yesterday. Mom and I had a good visit at the park and then did some walking. I saw my little sweetie grandson for an hour, and then met my husband for our takeout and a walk afterwards. It was delicious! I had quite a weight bump this morning from all the sodium. Hoping that comes down tomorrow. That's about all the news from here.

W: 194.2 (big bump from the take-out last night)
E: 60M walking
S: 7,004
C: 1,893
MP: yes
Last edited by alene1 on Sun May 17, 2020 3:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by pinkhippie » Sat May 16, 2020 5:18 pm

Thats great that you have such a supportive team! I think that can make all the difference sometimes.

hahah ignorance is total bliss until your pants don't fit! That is exactly what happened to me this last time around.

It sounds like you had lovely day! I always get a big sodium weight bump from eating out too but it goes away if I stay focused and don't get discouraged.

Sounds like a good plan to get the paperwork done, in small chunks. Good luck, I hope you have a productive weekend!

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Sun May 17, 2020 3:31 pm

Sunday, May 17th, 2020

The sun is out this morning, and that is so nice! It really does brighten the mood. Yesterday was a fun day. We decided on a whim to go down to the Portland, OR area to a few peony farms. They were just beautiful! So well manicured and just full of color. We got a few plants for our new yard. One is a beautiful ivory flower with a yellow center, and the other is a vibrant reddish coral. It will be fun to plant them and have the memory of our trip down there. We walked quite a bit at the gardens. Eating was good as we just brought some healthy snacks. Calories were over though as I didn't tabulate them ahead of time. As I look through my days, my calorie level is the sticking point for sure. I can manage the one take-out meal a week, but the other days are going to have to be on target to see a loss. Otherwise I will just idle in the maintenance zone.

Today I'll be grocery shopping, cleaning, doing laundry, and definitely should do a bit of school work. We may end up having my husband's son and partner out to the property, so we'll see how much time I have. I will probably be taking a walk for my exercise today. We got up late today so I better get to it.

W: 193.2
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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by pinkhippie » Sun May 17, 2020 11:19 pm

Oh my goodness that is SO pretty! I had no idea peony farms were a thing! Thank you for posting those.

Hope you had a great end to your weekend!

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by lpearlmom » Mon May 18, 2020 5:59 am

How gorgeous! Peonies are my favorite flower. I wish i knew how to attach a photo So i could share a puppy pic.
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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Wed May 20, 2020 1:54 pm

Pinkhippie, I didn't know either! But my husband has a landscaping business so I'm learning a lot about plants, trees, and flowers! :)

Linda, it's super easy to post a pic. I didn't know how either till I figured it out for these pics. Down below where you type your message it says, "Options," and "Attachments." Just click on attachments and it will let your browse your computer to attach a pic.

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Wed May 20, 2020 2:05 pm

May 20th, 2020

I'm going to keep plugging away on my healthy habits, but I'm finding it's not helpful to post all the details here. If I have a rough day I just don't want to come and post. So, back to a more free-flowing format.

Things are going okay. I'm really sad that work is what it is right now. I spend all my time doing paperwork and making parent phone calls. So little time for actual teaching or really meaningful connection with the kids. Especially with special ed, it's all about covering our butts and documenting everything. I'll try not to keep complaining about this, but it really sucks. Four and a half more weeks to go.

Today I'll be making parent phone calls, writing an IEP, and doing paperwork. Tomorrow I'm going to do some packet drop-offs to homes. That will be the highlight of my week. I also have my class Zoom calls on Thursday. I have an IEP meeting as well.

Things are coming along on the house. They're out putting the septic system in this week. The front yard is all torn up right now. We've been doing a lot of dreaming about our landscaping. We ordered some dahlias last night. We're also putting in a little pumpkin patch for our new little grandson. Fun!

I got in 9,000 steps yesterday, but without any formal exercise. I did take a short walk around the property here. I went into school yesterday to prep packets so I was moving a lot between buildings. I will have to be more mindful about getting steps today because I'll be doing a lot of sitting.

My step-son got use a Hello Fresh box for Mother's day, which is coming today. I've never done any of these delivery services. It should be fun to try them out. I guess that's all for now. I hope everyone has a great day. I'm trying to do an attitude adjustment. :wink:

I'm part of an online group that is studying a new book coming out. The first question they asked us is what are two things we want more of in our lives. My answer was more peace, and more health/vibrancy. I really don't want to spend the rest of my life thinking about my eating and weight so much. I really, really don't. I want joy and peace and living life fully. Growing and learning and experiencing lots of things. Not a life spent on one note of the keyboard.

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by lpearlmom » Wed May 20, 2020 2:38 pm

Sorry about your teaching situation. You’re allowed to complain, it just shows how much you care about your students! I think just posting when you feel like it is good. Sometimes it feels good to get it down on “paper” when im having a bad time but other times I just want to keep it to myself.

Im so excited about your house and love the idea of a little pumpkin patch—how fun!

I love your goal about not wanting dieting to rule your life anymore. I found that when my nos habits were really strong, i was able to let go of a lot of my food thoughts. And if i just focused on my habits and not the number on the scale so much i was able to let go of my weight related thoughts to a large extent too. These days Im wayto focused om the scale but hope to get back to better balance at some point.

Anyway, sounds like things are going pretty well overall. Enjoy your gift. We do Sunbasket and love it! In the past weve done Plated which we loved too. I e heard really good things about hello fresh so let us know how you like It.
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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by pinkhippie » Wed May 20, 2020 7:10 pm

I really don't want to spend the rest of my life thinking about my eating and weight so much. I really, really don't. I want joy and peace and living life fully. Growing and learning and experiencing lots of things. Not a life spent on one note of the keyboard.

Agree agree agree. I think that is why so many of us end up at No S. It seems like a way to just stop obsessing. Creating healthy sustainable habits seems like the only way for lasting change that doesn't require constant thinking and overthinking.

Sorry work is tough right now. Please complain all you want! This is your journal. :) I am familiar with the woes about the special ed paperwork. One of my best friends is a transition counselor for special ed and she spends all her time now writing IEP's, doing paperwork, calling parents, and doing zoom meetings with her team.

I am excited for your house! I love the idea of a pumpkin patch for your grandson! How cool! Also 9,000 steps is quite an accomplishment.

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Fri May 22, 2020 2:14 pm

Linda, our first Hello Fresh meal was delicious! It was a pan-fried pork chop with a rub and a yummy sauce, along with mashed yukon gold potatoes and these really delicious green beans. They were super fresh and tasty. Definitely a hit with the hubby! I'm considering doing some meals each week once we're done with the gift week.

Pinkhippie, I think you're right about No-S. We just want to eat normally and focus on life! So hard to do, but I think we can over time if we don't give into the urge to go on a "diet." Your friend's life sounds a lot like mine!

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Fri May 22, 2020 2:23 pm

Friday, May 22nd, 2020

It's Friday! Yay! Only 4 more weeks of school. It's so funny, but as much as I want to be done, I'm also sad that I won't be in touch with my kids and families over the summer. Now that I can see the finish line, I realize that I will get this paperwork all done, and I want to finish strong and have as much fun as I can with the kids these last 4 weeks. Yesterday I got to see one of my students when I dropped off their packet at their house. It was he cutest thing. His mom brought him out on the porch, and he just stood there looking at me for the longest time. He must have been trying to process why his teacher was at this house. lol He was almost non-verbal when he first came to us, and now he's saying some sentences! So exciting to see. He had grown in just these few months since I've seen him. Once he got over the shock he was talking to me, showing me his tricycle, and looking up at me with a grin as we stood out in his front yard. I talked with mom for a while too. I just wanted to scoop him up in a big hug. It was so nice. Made my day.

I did do a little bit of stress eating yesterday, but it was very mild and delayed. I had thoughts of going to the store when I was out running errands. My IEP meeting went well, but it was long and involved and I had been nervous about it. The pent up stress got me thinking about food, as that has traditionally been the way I have released stress. I was actually able to pause and ask myself what my options were. I didn't go to the store, and I let some of the stress release over time instead of feeling like I had to feel better RIGHT NOW. Had a small snack when I got home that I wasn't really hungry for, but SO much better than it could have been, so I will call that a victory.

Today will be paperwork all morning, and then going to see Mom and my sis in the afternoon to play some games and have coffee. Tonight I'll come home and make my next Hello Fresh meal. We usually do our take-out night on Fridays, but we have two more meals to use. Kinda bummed because it's so nice to look forward to that, but we'll probably go out tomorrow night instead.

Feeling good, feeling excited for the day ahead. I don't have any calls or other commitments so I plan to dig right into paperwork and get a lot done. Have a great Friday all.

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by lpearlmom » Fri May 22, 2020 4:07 pm

So glad you enjoyed your meal. I really like knowing I’ve got planned meals for a few meals a week.

You and hippy have really got me thinking about the importance of having peace with food. I was going to write my thoughts here but was getting to long so moved it to my own space. 😊
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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by pinkhippie » Fri May 22, 2020 4:26 pm

Yes its hard not to give into that diet urge! yes, your description reminded me of my friend. She is always stressing out because of her zoom meetings and her IEP's.

Awww that is so wonderful that you got to see a student! I bet that felt amazing.

Sounds like you did so good with your stress! Sometimes that is what we need to do, just let it wash over us and feel the feelings. I find it hard to do but it really seems to help.

Enjoy your Friday!

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Sun May 24, 2020 2:51 pm

Linda, I hope you find the path to peace with your eating. I think simple is definitely better.

Pinkhippie, only 4 more weeks!! :)

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Sun May 24, 2020 3:08 pm

Sunday, May 24th, 2020

Yesterday was a good day. We got to visit my daughter and SIL and take a walk, as well as see our grandson and my son and DIL. Oh, I had such an ache though because we couldn't hold him, and he also cried on and off when he looked at us because he is so used to only seeing mom and dad. :( It's just so hard because it shouldn't be this way. Just thinking about what it would have been like if we had been seeing him every week as we were before. I just hope he gets comfortable with us over time and when we can get close to him and play with him/hold him. I'm so thankful we are all healthy, but oh is this hard!

We got teriyaki went to the house and ate on our picnic table. I watered our fruit trees and the pumpkins we're going to plant. We have apples, pears, plums, and cherries. We're going to have more fruit than we know what to do with in a few years! My hubby did some tractor work, moving a big pile of soil left by the septic system diggers and then we spent time down by the fire. It's so peaceful looking out at the water and enjoying the warmth and crackle of the fire. It just doesn't get old. I felt really peaceful and relaxed last night. It's good for me.

We took a good 75 minute walk with the kids, and that felt great. I felt good about my eating. I had about half my teriyaki and felt very full. Weight is moving in the right direction.

Today will be grocery shopping, meal planning, and tidying up. I also need to clean the bathroom today or tomorrow. I'll probably do some work tomorrow for school. We're going to plant our pumpkins today or tomorrow, and some dahlias that we got. Should be a really nice couple days.

Steps: 14,859
Exercise: 75M walk

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by pinkhippie » Sun May 24, 2020 5:07 pm

That walk sounds great! Good for you for being able to listen to your body and eat the amount you needed even though it wasn't the amount served. That can be tough to do.

Im sorry about your grandson. :( That is so hard! I miss my family too. At least if you keep seeing them, I think your grandson will be comfortable with you and when you can play with him again, you will be a familiar face. I am sorry if I missed it earlier. How old is your grandson?

It sounds like a wonderful day overall and a nice relaxing weekend to come. :)

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Tue May 26, 2020 1:47 pm

Pinkhippie, He'll be 7 months on the 2nd. Yes, hoping it will all be fine. He's already standing up in his crib. Little rascal! I'm sure he'll be an early walker.

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Tue May 26, 2020 1:59 pm

May 26th, 2020

We had a really nice weekend. We got our pumpkins planted, along with some zucchini and yellow squash. We put a few rows of dahlias in too. We went out and got some coffee yesterday, which we haven't done in a long time on a weekend. We used to get up and go out to coffee weekend mornings and reconnect after a busy week. I really do miss that. Hopefully over time we'll feel comfortable doing that again. Our county just moved into phase 2, so our restaurants can open at 50% capacity, etc. We're not going out anytime soon.

The Hello Fresh meals were really yummy, but they're taken their toll on my weight, as well as the couple meals we ate out last week. Back to my usual way of eating I go! I need to get a few things at the grocery store today.

This morning we're doing packet pickup for the students. Then home to do family phone calls and get going on my paperwork again. I need to really buckle down and get all of this done. I may do packet drop off for all the students the last week of school so I can give them a little goodbye gift and their memory books.

It's a bit gloomy out there this morning but this week the weather should be really nice. Happy Tuesday all!

Exercise: none
Steps: 6,741

B: oatmeal, Swiss cheese, turkey sausage, coffee w/cream
L: PB & H, carrots
S: nitro cold brew w/sweet cream, misc. snacks
D: hamburger patty, broccoli, Yasso bar
Last edited by alene1 on Wed May 27, 2020 1:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by pinkhippie » Tue May 26, 2020 5:57 pm

Aww your grandson is just a little guy, I can see how he would be a little confused.

That sounds nice to drop off a gift for your students and their memory books. My daughter's 5th-grade teacher dropped off gift bags and certificates for all her 5th graders. I was amazed and impressed! It definitely meant a lot to me as a parent that she took the time to do that.

Our restaurants are still at 30% capacity and we also are not going out anytime soon. Of course in our area and our county, in particular, cases have started rising again so I am extra motivated to hold off.

Happy Tuesday!

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Wed May 27, 2020 1:35 pm

Pinkhippie, you're so right. Of course he's confused and I'm sure once we can spend more time with him it's going to be okay. It's just so hard when you love that little one so much and want that relationship! How sweet of your daughter's teacher to do that. It means so much to the kids too. At least we can all have a little closure and a sweet moment to end the school year.

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Wed May 27, 2020 1:41 pm

Wednesday, May 27th, 2020

I have an early start this morning since I'm going into school to work for several hours. I was procrastinating big time on my paperwork yesterday, and felt numbed out and definitely trying to avoid it. Did some major snacking in the afternoon. Yuck. I did wait till 8:30 to eat dinner since I wasn't hungry. One of my triggers for stress/emotional eating is putting off work I don't want to do. If I feel overwhelmed or behind I just want to pretend it doesn't exist!! :? I finally got in the flow later in the day and got a lot done. Feeling connected and in touch with myself and my emotions goes a long way in helping me to be productive, face the stuff I don't feel like doing, and make better choices than eating to get relief. Today is a new day.

Exercise: 30M walk
Steps: 9,258
Last edited by alene1 on Thu May 28, 2020 2:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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