A couple new hammer exercises

Take a sledgehammer and wrap an old sweater around it. This is your "shovelglove." Every week day morning, set a timer for 14 minutes. Use the shovelglove to perform shoveling, butter churning, and wood chopping motions until the timer goes off. Stop. Rest on weekends and holidays. Baffled? Intrigued? Charmed? Discuss here.
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A couple new hammer exercises

Post by Mike23 » Thu Apr 05, 2007 5:28 am

I happened to be looking through some videos on YouTube and saw this DVD preview that had several hammer exercises at the beginning. I'm not exactly sure what he's doing in the first one since his back is to the camera but the other ones are easy enough to follow. Feel free to come up with novel names should you decide to employ these movements.


Good luck.--Mike

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Post by reinhard » Thu Apr 05, 2007 12:24 pm

Cool! I think I'm going to add an "other sledgehammer exercises routines" section to the home page. People have been posting enough good stuff recently that I think we have critical mass.

One thing I've noticed about a lot of "external" sledgehammer movements: they seem a little dangerous if you have just a tiny lapse of attention or your hands slips a bit. A lot of one handed very balancy moves. I'm sure this is great for aspiring street fighters, but perhaps not so great when you're composing an email to send to your boss in your head. Also, no sweater :-). You laugh, but having given myself a few love taps over the years, I can vouch that it makes a difference.


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New move: "Wave The Flag "

Post by Sixty » Thu Apr 05, 2007 1:24 pm

Cool! I think I'm going to add an "other sledgehammer exercises routines" section to the home page. People have been posting enough good stuff recently that I think we have critical mass.
Ok, this inspires me to mention an exercise described to me by a friend who started shovelgloving a few weeks ago. He calls it "Wave the Flag":

With the head of the shovelglove pointing towards the ceiling, grasp the lower part of the handle with your left hand, and the upper part with your right hand (very much like "tuck the bales"). Now lean the head of the shovelglove slightly away from you at an angle, and slowly sway it to the left and right, like you are waving a flag. Seems to give the arms, chest and torso a pretty good workout.


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Post by Mike23 » Fri Apr 06, 2007 2:56 pm

I think an "additional movements" page would be a great idea. I tried to get the ball rolling with a previous post:

I'm sure if you did a "calling all new movements" posting we would get the ones I may have missed plus new ones, like "waving the flag".

Looking forward to seeing it someday whenever your schedule allows.

Have a good weekend.--Mike

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Post by reinhard » Mon Apr 09, 2007 2:31 pm

I'm really sorry these planned updates to the site have been taking so long... I've just had an overwhelming amount of work to do the last few months and it's just hard to get the solid hour or so that it would take to do them right. But while I'm slow, I am persistent... I will get them done eventually.

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another argument for a wiki

Post by nascif » Thu Apr 19, 2007 3:06 am


Sorry for bringing it up again, but this is yet another example of why a wiki or some other form of collaborative system would be better than a forum - it would allow the community to build up the shared knowledge of the shovelglove system without overloading you.

I would like to suggest that you take a look at Google Groups. I just created one for an unrelated community and it is great! It has all the benefits of a wiki - users can create and update web pages - plus a mailing list, a place to upload files, and security settings that would allow only members to read and making changes. That last feature solves the biggest problem I found so far with public wikis, which require constant "gardening".

Finally, you wouldn't have the burden of maintaining the server. It is a mixed blessing - perhaps you want to have full control.

You could send invitations to all the current members of this forum and configure the site to only allow changes from registered members.


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Post by reinhard » Fri Apr 20, 2007 12:58 pm

Thanks for bringing it up again... I'll certainly give it a look in May. We use wikki's internally at work, so I'm familiar with them from a user perspective.

I am a little skeptical that it will save time... it might be a great feature, but I'm sure, unless I let it degenerate into complete chaos, that it will take far more of my time than it frees up.

The user account thing is a big issue... I really don't want to have to ask people to create multiple user accounts for this site. I'm sure there is a way to share the phpbb accounts, but I'm also pretty sure that's going to take a fair amount of time to figure out and debug, and might be fragile across upgrades.

Anyway, thanks for the nudge. At the very least, I'll mess around with it a bit. Maybe I'll even release a quickie test version to see if people go for it before investing too much energy. As for the remote hosting with google groups etc... that means the ad revenue would be remote too. It's not much, but it more or less covers expenses now, and I'd hate to give that up.

What I sort of see doing instead of a wikki is integrating the phpbb with the rest of the site, so that each page will have a dedicated discussion thread, sort of like what I do for the podcast transcripts, except maybe the first 10 posts would be right there on the front page instead of hiding behind a link. I think that would make the site feel more interactive while keeping a decent level of control for me and the complexity level for users down (just one login, just one interaction style).


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