Ariel's Experiment

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Ariel King
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Ariel's Experiment

Post by Ariel King » Mon Jul 11, 2005 7:54 pm

Ok, I'm finally biting the bullet. I've been doing NoS, informally, for a few weeks now, but I think it's time to get serious and start tracking things so I can really see what effect this is having on my life/body. Unfortunately my goals for this are fairly vague: I have absolutely no idea what to expect from my weight, since I'm also doing shovelglove and therefore probably adding dense muscle mass. And I almost never weigh myself because the number (a) has a dangerous power over my emotional state, and (b) is unpredictable and doesn't mean much to me.

SO... what I'd really like to see is some size reductions, primarily in the thigh area. But even taking measurements seems so nebulous and imprecise. For those who track progress this way, how do you make sure you put the tape measure in the same place, and pull it to the same tightness, every time?

From the experience I've had so far, I think my biggest issue with NoS is related to my chosen exercise time. I do shovelglove right after getting home from work, before dinner. This is really the only possible time for me, as exercise doesn't feel good right after a full meal and there's no way I could make myself do it in the morning before work (NOT a morning person). So, the problem I have is that I virtually always end up hungry when I get home; I have a hard time eating enough at lunch to prevent this. And I really need to eat, just a tiny bit, before I can exercise. Doing SG on an empty stomach feels even worse than doing it on a full one. It doesn't take much food -- something like 5 saltines and a few sips of milk is sufficient to quiet my tummy enough so I can work out. Anyway, I'm still working on how to incorporate this issue into the NoS rules. Suggestions?

Man, this is getting long. The number of personal logs here is multiplying rapidly, which is a GOOD thing, but if no one makes it in here to read this one, I will not be offended. :) I just wanted to start tracking things here so as to have some idea what effect NoS will have on my life. Hence the "experiment" term. :wink:

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Post by sibyl » Mon Jul 11, 2005 8:07 pm

I read it!

If a few crackers and a glass of milk help you exercise, I'm sure it could easily be made part of the 'dinner plate' - just have your milk with exercise, and water with the actual dinner.

That's better than not exercising at all. I completely agree about the not-a-morning person thing. I just never seem to have time in the evening to exercise - though with it only being 14 min, I'm sure its more of a mental block at this point than anything else.

Good luck!
"I have no idea what you're talking about, so here's a bunny with a pancake on its head".

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Post by Ariel King » Mon Jul 11, 2005 8:21 pm

Thanks Sibyl!! I'm honored to have a reply so quickly. And I agree with your idea of incorporating my "snack" into the virtual dinner plate. That's probably how I'll go about it from now on.

NoS has already enabled me to discover some amazing things about myself. Not too long ago I was having ice cream after dinner more than half the time, and I could not imagine giving it up. Ice cream is my biggest weakness by far. But these days I am eating nothing after dinner, and it's not that hard. Ok, some days are harder than others (Friday night in particular -- that's another issue. I might start making my S days be 6 pm Friday to 6 pm Sunday.)

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Jul 11, 2005 8:41 pm

Hi Ariel! Good luck with your "experiment"!!!
I just got home now.... My new boss is a wanker...
Just had to say that :P
Anyway.. So glad to hear you are still Shovelgloving!!!
As far as the crackers, just be consistent... If you know that every day you really need that afternoon "mini meal" make it regular and just don't bend those rules too much... This is your pre-workout "meal"... It's helping you maintain your glucose levels I imagine. I'd avoid changing your number of meals from day to day and just stick with a regular thing, keeping in mind, that you be ultra strict regarding not snacking at any other time, and maybe have a little less at lunch too, unless you are having very light lunches... If you can combat your daily ice cream habit, and not have seconds that's pretty great on it's own... If you plan on everyday, having your "saltines and milk" meal, it's not really a snack, so you've got that one down too...
Some people can exercise when they are really empty... I'm not one of those.... I don't workout immediately after eating, but usually I like to have a meal within an hour before exercise... Otherwise I just feel yuckky!
Well off to make some din din!
Good to have you here girl! :D
8) Deb

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Post by Ariel King » Mon Jul 11, 2005 8:50 pm

Hi Deb! I knew I could count on you :D And as usual your advice is right on. Sorry the new boss sucks rocks. I remember you posting about her before... sorry. :evil:

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Post by reinhard » Tue Jul 12, 2005 2:04 pm

Hi Ariel, sorry for my delay getting here. Sibyl's virtual plate advice is good. I mean in the best of all possible worlds, one wouldn't resort to this, but who lives there? I think the trick to successful virtual plating is leaving an exaggerated space on the plate. That way you don' t have the nagging suspicion you are cheating. If it's regular and budgeted for, it's legitimate.

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Post by Ariel King » Tue Jul 12, 2005 2:21 pm

Thanks Reinhard!

I'm calling yesterday Day 1, and it was a success!

B: cup of yogurt, 1 large cup of coffee with a few Tbsp of CoffeeMate. This is what I ALWAYS have for breakfast, so I probably won't bother to list it again.

L: 2 pieces of leftover pizza, nectarine, water

pre-workout nibble: 4 Ritz crackers with very small pieces of cheese

D: Some funny stuff involved here, b/c we had crab legs, which aren't really conducive to fitting on a plate. But I think if you took out all the meat I ate in total, it would have fit on half a plate. Also had 1.5 ears of corn and a small salad. If cut off the cob, I'm sure the corn would have fit on the plate as well. The salad was in a separate bowl. Anyway, most of my dinners aren't that hard to analyze for their NoS-ness!

The important thing is that I had a few very weak moments of wanting snacks after dinner, but I didn't. That alone makes the day a success.

Shovelglove: check. I can do over 100 squats now!! (though I have to take a break in the middle) I'm getting some major calluses on my left hand, and to a lesser degree on the right. I kinda like them though, makes me feel tough :wink:

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Post by ClickBeetle » Tue Jul 12, 2005 5:26 pm

Wow, Ariel, if you are getting callouses on the outside just think how your muscles are shaping up, on the inside!
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Post by Ariel King » Tue Jul 12, 2005 6:18 pm

Thanks Betsy! I think you're right... my muscles have responded well to SG. My thigh muscles are starting to feel like rocks. (Now if only my inner thighs would stop feeling [and looking] like white bread dough... :roll: )

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Jul 12, 2005 11:29 pm

You are the weighted squats queen!!!!!!!
What you are doing is great.. just keep it up... Your resting metabolism will dramatically change by keeping those quads working and developed...
That is a major muscle group you are hitting...
Be thee proud!!!
As for the adductors... These are rarely exercised enough... You could always just get a small soccer ball and practice isometric "squeezes" of that ball between your knees... Or maybe get a resistance band and figure out how you can attach it to a doorknob.. Then, hook your toe into the other end and simply try to stretch the band by bringing your extended leg over the other one, or simply from the side to your midline...
Then again, you can really get creative and challenge your boyfriend to a "leg wrestling" match... That should hit them good!
I'm so proud of you Ariel of the Awesome Quads!!!!!! :D
8) Deb

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Post by Ariel King » Wed Jul 13, 2005 2:28 pm

Thanks Deb!!! I guess my squats are a little bit weighted, since I do hold the SG while doing them. I don't just hold it actually, but try to do sort of a "curl" movement with it on each squat. Just so my arms aren't slacking during squat time! Hmm... too bad the inner thigh muscles are so hard to get at. You have some good ideas though. We have a soccer ball so maybe I'll give that a shot.

Anyway - yesterday (Tues) was a success.

B: usual
L: 1.5 PB&H sandwiches, nectarine, water
pre-workout: a couple handfuls of Goldfish crackers
D: 1 bowl leftover tuna casserole, 1 larger bowl salad, water
SG: check.

The after-dinner cravings hit me hard again, plus I actually got hungry later in the evening, so it was a real struggle, but I prevailed. I hope this part gets easier soon!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Jul 13, 2005 2:51 pm

That's a rough one, and as I remember in the last Yahoo group, there are many people who feel that it's necessary to have a small fruit/veg cutups "meal" somewhere around post dinner... Then they weaned themselves off it after their appetite naturally decreased...
When do you have dinner? Can you possibly make dinner just a tiny bit later and then fill up with loads of water or something after?
If there is a TV on, expect the "snacking" impulse to appear... Even if I've had a generous dinner, and am not in the least bit hungry, if I start watching some tv show, it's just a trigger for mindless stuffing of my face...
If you're really truly hungry, maybe this means you need to fortify your existing meals somehow... Everyone swears by a little protein and fresh fruit/veggies, to help feel more satisfied, but, I guess you'll have to consider your own personal factors... Have you always had an evening appetite? Maybe it's mostly mental, and habit based? Don't know..
Check out these ideas and see if any resonate with you! :wink:
Congratulations on a successful day!!!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by Ariel King » Wed Jul 13, 2005 3:37 pm

Hi Deb,

Some very good points here. Hmm... we usually eat dinner pretty late actually. We usually don't get home from work till at least 6:30, and after exercising/showering/doing a few random chores it's usually 7:30 when we start preparing dinner. At that point when we eat depends on whether we're actually cooking or just having leftovers. So I don't think the timing of the meal is too early. Although it's ridiculous how fast I get hungry sometimes - last night we finished eating around 8 I think, and I was slightly hungry by 10! I have a feeling this was just because dinner was not quite big enough. I usually drink milk with it and last night had water.

As for the non-hunger snacking urge, that is all mental I think. It is definitely a habit for me to eat after dinner - usually ice cream or a bowl of cereal. Just call me carb junkie! :roll: And I do often watch TV in the evenings. Last night I was actually trying to use it as a distraction from my stomach - maybe that was counterproductive though. I think from now on I'll try to focus more on getting enough protein (and just enough food in general) at dinner to prevent the hunger thing. As for the psychological urge to snack, I think I'll probably just have to grit my teeth and bear it until the habit dies. Though it might help to keep drinking water after dinner. I wish I knew of a nicely flavored, calorie-free drink that DOESN'T have fake sweetener in it - that would be so much more interesting than plain water.

Thanks again Deb!!

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Post by gwendo » Thu Jul 14, 2005 3:46 am


Maybe you meant a packaged drink, but I love plain iced tea, brewed very strong, with lemon and/or lime slices. Also, there's a brand that my grocery store just started selling, called Sweetleaf, I think, that comes in an "unsweetened with lemon and lime flavor." Not quite as good as homemade, but close, and contains no sugar nor artificial sweeteners.

I also enjoy high-quality carbonated water (like San Pellegrino or Gerolsteiner) with lemon, or with a splash of cranberry juice cocktail. Remember, a little sugar is okay on NoS.

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Post by Ariel King » Thu Jul 14, 2005 2:30 pm

Thanks Gwendo! Those are some good ideas. I'm usually too lazy to brew my own tea (or maybe it isn't as hard as I think), but that Sweetleaf brand sounds intriguing. Is it a pre-brewed tea that you can find with other drinks in the store? Also, do you drink tea in the evening? (I'm a little concerned about the caffeine before bed.)

Anyway, day 3 (Wed.) was a success.

B: usual
L: 3 pieces leftover pizza (but one was quite small), nectarine, water
pre-workout: 1 slice mozzarella (just 60 calories!) and 3 saltines
D: homemade grilled teriyaki pork/vegetable skewers, fried rice, water, white wine
SG: check - did 50 fenceposts each way! I'm actually a little sore today, which almost never happens anymore.

Just for curiosity I measured myself this morning. It will be interesting to see if these change at all after a month or two of NoS. Since I don't trust myself to consistently find the same "midpoint" of my thighs every time, I measured them at the very top and the very bottom (just above the knee). Here are the ones I'm interested in:

thighs: 24" at top, 16" at bottom
waist: 28"
hips: 39"

I still don't think I want to put my weight into the picture, since I'm probably more muscular now than I've ever been.

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Post by Ariel King » Fri Jul 15, 2005 2:35 pm

Day 4 (Thu) was a success. I did have a bit of a problem with extreme hunger, as posted elsewhere, but I'll work on that.

B: usual
L: can of minestrone soup, nectarine, about 5 Triscuits w/hummus, water
pre-workout: small number of saltines and cheese
D: leftover pork/veg teriyaki and fried rice, milk

SG: check, though it was a pretty weak workout compared to my usual.

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Post by Blondie » Fri Jul 15, 2005 4:11 pm

One of the best pieces of advice I've gotten re: exercise is that a bad workout is better than a good couch-sit. Good job, keep it up!

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Post by cvmom » Fri Jul 15, 2005 4:14 pm


That is so funny that you write "ususal" in the colomn for breakfast. I do and eat the same thing. I add flax oil to my yogurt in the morning. It is very healthy and has good fat that stays with me awhile. (It is also good for the skin, hormones, etc) I also add about 1/2 of All Bran and whatever fresh fruit is around.

I was thinking about your food diary and if you just tweaked it with the more fiber I'll bet you won't get as hungry. For example: although the hummus has fiber, maybe eat that with fresh vegetables and whole grain bread. (There is some good flat Swedish bread that has a lot of fiber).

Also, for your chinese food you could use brown rice.

Just thinking....
Glad to hear you are doing well.


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Post by Ariel King » Fri Jul 15, 2005 4:41 pm

Thanks Mandy and Dru! Dru, your yogurt sounds much healthier than mine with those additions. Surely more filling as well. How much flax oil do you add and can you taste it?

You're quite right that I need to switch to more whole-grain things to stay full longer. I'm going to look for WW things at the grocery store this weekend. As for the rice, I wouldn't mind switching to brown, but my silly husband doesn't care for it. :roll: So dinner will likely continue to include refined carbs, but breakfast and lunch are fully under my control.

Just for fun, here's a pic of us on Halloween 2001:

Can you guess what characters we were dressed as?

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Post by JWL » Fri Jul 15, 2005 8:28 pm

Buttercup and Wesley from The Princess Bride?

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Post by Ariel King » Fri Jul 15, 2005 9:37 pm

DING DING DING DING BINGO!! Give that man a prize. :wink:

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Jul 15, 2005 10:57 pm

Hey Ariel! That is such a sweet photo!!! You are a doll!
You certainly look like a lovely refined young lady!
I love the costumes :D
Were your peals real? LOL...
8) Deb

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Post by cvmom » Sat Jul 16, 2005 1:25 am

Ariel King wrote: How much flax oil do you add and can you taste it?
Just about one tablespoon. And, no, I can't taste it. I may be used to it though.

By the way, you are a lovely Buttercup!!! What a beautiful smile.


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Jul 16, 2005 1:55 am

Hey Ariel and Dru! Dru good idea for the flax seed oil in the yogurt... I agree that flax seed oid isn't really a strong taste.. Another way to sneak it in is to mix it into your salad dressing or soups...
I personally like the whole flax seeds on salads since it adds a nice crunchy texture to it...
8) Deb

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Post by Ariel King » Mon Jul 18, 2005 3:59 pm

Thanks Deb and Dru!! *blush* You guys are sweet. (I don't think those pearls were real, but can't remember for sure.) Hope you had a good weekend. I just wanted to post that Friday (day 5) was a success.

B: usual
L: apple, 2 frozen prefab burritos w/american cheese on top
D: baked ziti dish, corn on the cob, small salad

Enjoyed my first S weekend, did not binge on anything. I guess today is day 8? It's so nice to be able to count S-days :)

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Post by Ariel King » Mon Jul 18, 2005 4:56 pm

Ok, just wanted to note this for the record. I had a ww bagel with 2 slices of cheese for breakfast this morning, at the usual time (9:30) instead of yogurt, and am just now (almost 1 pm) starting to get hungry. This is definitely later than usual. GOOD! I should note that the bagel & cheese has more calories than the yogurt, but since it's breakfast I think it's worth it... ?

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Jul 18, 2005 7:10 pm

Yay Ariel! Good to hear it! (For the record... :lol: )
How about half a bagel with cheese and half your yogurt?
As far as I'm concerned, one should not go through the day uncomfortably hungry... When your body is ready to adjust to less food, it will tell you all on its own.. Meanwhile, a few extra calories will not do you in, so don't let your hunger foil your general plan, which is to stick with it, not cave in one day when you are having a hissy fit from being starving and then decide to wolf down a bag of Doritos...
Hope you're having a nice afternoon!
8) Deb

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Post by cvmom » Mon Jul 18, 2005 9:38 pm


I dare you to eat two scrambled eggs tommorrow morning with that bagel. I'll bet you keep that hunger at bay even longer.

I'm so proud of you for trying something different.



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Post by Ariel King » Tue Jul 19, 2005 3:27 pm

Dru, I'd love to try that, but honestly the idea of cooking anything in the morning before I go to work is just bizarre to me. I'm such an anti-morning person that I keep my pre-work routine as bare bones as possible. If only I could afford a personal chef... :P

Hi Deb! I may give that a try too... but I'd be tempted to eat the whole yogurt, knowing me.

Anway, Monday (day Eight) was a success.

B: bagel w/cheese, coffee
L: Greek salad, 1.5 breadsticks
D: leftover baked ziti, cornbread, milk
SG: check.

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Post by cvmom » Tue Jul 19, 2005 6:27 pm


I am guessing that you don't have kids. :lol:

I am not a morning person either. But I have been forced to become one. And cook 3 meals a day :!: (Plus get kids to school on time which is a fait accompli in itself).

I always say that if I won the Lottery one of the first things I'd do is hire a personal cook. My grandmother (may she rest in peace) had one and I remember every time I'd walk into her home I'd immediately be served a cold drink and usually was offered a sandwich. So, I know how awesome it would be.

Oh well...time to go make lunch for the boys.... Dru

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Post by Ariel King » Tue Jul 19, 2005 7:17 pm

Bingo, Dru. We have no kids yet, but probably will start working on that in the next year or two. (And yes, once I have kids I know my lifestyle will change dramatically. I'm enjoying my non-morning-personhood while I can. eek!) A little background might be helpful here: I'm 28, married, and DH and I both work full time as programmers. The geek factor is heavy in our household. :wink:

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Post by cvmom » Wed Jul 20, 2005 3:36 am

I love geeks and happen to be married to one. :D

Before you have a baby read as many books as you can and sleep in as much as you can. Life will change beyond what you even imagine. But, I'm sure you already have been told.

I had my first one when I was 29. Then another at 33. I would have had more if I'd started younger but I was so tired and vowed to myself that I wouldn't be changing diapers at 40. Plus my husband couldn't cope with being ignored too long. Unfortunately that tends to happen too.

So, here's to you enjoying your freedom and your cold breakfasts.


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Post by reinhard » Wed Jul 20, 2005 2:16 pm

Ariel, congratulations on your run of successes. Sorry I haven't popped in sooner. It's pretty amazing how quickly hunger starts to respond to retraining with these new habits, isn't it? If you're like me, it will simply cease to be an issue after a while. The only temptations that ever pierce my defenses now are social ones.

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Post by Ariel King » Wed Jul 20, 2005 2:30 pm

Thanks Dru. I will definitely take your advice to heart. I try to never take my childless freedom for granted these days.

Hi Reinhard! Thanks for dropping in. No apologies needed; these personal logs are multiplying so fast I can't imagine how you could possibly keep up with them (esp. with a child at home, speaking of kids). Anyway, I appreciate your encouraging words about hunger retraining. I REALLY hope my appetite ends up as well trained as yours. There was a good sign yesterday, though: For the first time, I didn't have to have a snack before exercising!!! I was a little hungry, but not so much that I couldn't work out. And after working out, I had a shower and spent a non-trivial length of time making dinner, still without being unbearably hungry!! It could just be a fluke, but I'm hoping it is the start of something very good.

So, yesterday was a rousing success.

B: bagel, 2 slices cheese, coffee
L: tuna salad sandwich (not homemade, leftover from catered meeting) on which I added 1 slice Swiss and some spinach (brought from home with plans to make my own sandwich, but didn't have to); water
D: Zucchini carbonara from the NoS recipe thread! YUM! 2nd time we've had it; this time I added sundried tomatoes, spinach and basil. Delish. oh, and a glass of milk.

SG: check. Very good workout even though I didn't eat beforehand.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Jul 20, 2005 11:56 pm

Yay Buttercup!!!!
8) Deb

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Post by Ariel King » Thu Jul 21, 2005 3:48 pm

Thanks Deb :)

Yesterday (Day 10) was a 90% success. My FIL was in town and we went out to dinner with him, and what I ate probably would not have fit on a regular-size plate; it came on a restaurant platter of course, and I had a couple pieces of bread with it. But I had no dessert, soda or appetizer, so I think I did pretty well. Also skipped SG since we were spending the evening with my FIL.

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Post by JWL » Thu Jul 21, 2005 7:31 pm

Hi Ariel,

Several years ago, when I was first educating myself about nutrition and fitness, I got into Covert Bailey's writing, the "Fit or Fat" series. They're quite good.

One thing he said is that hunger and exercise are correlated; if you exercise and feel hungry during or immediately after it means your body's metabolism isn't used to exercise and is sort of in "freak out" mode. Eventually, as you become more accustomed to exercise, the opposite effect starts to happen; exercise has the effect of squelching the hunger pangs. Not quite sure if it makes sense, but that's what he wrote....

Also, I've noticed that caffeine is an appetite suppresant in addition to being a stimulant. A cup of tea or coffee when those hunger pangs start go a long way in my realty....

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Post by Ariel King » Fri Jul 22, 2005 3:33 pm

Thanks James! I actually have one of the Fit or Fat books. I don't remember reading the statements you mentioned, but possibly it's just not in the particular book I have. I'll go back and look. Anyway, it makes sense, and I really hope that will hold true for me.

Unfortunately I haven't managed to exercise the last 2 days. Wed. we spent the evening with my FIL as I mentioned, but I'm not sure I would have been able to do it anyway because I'm a bit sick. Same goes for yesterday. A little background on what I mean by "sick": I have a chronic disease called IBD (inflammatory bowel disease). IBD is the general term, but there are two types of it - ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. I have the former, so only my large intestine (colon) is affected. Anyway, it flares up from time to time and gives me pain, fatigue and other symptoms not mentionable in polite company (it is an intestinal disease after all). So I've been having some abdominal pain the last couple days and will probably take a break from SG until it quiets down.

Anyway, aside from these issues, yesterday (day 11) was a success.

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Post by Ariel King » Mon Jul 25, 2005 9:52 pm

Friday (day 12) was a 90% success. I did have some Coke with dinner, because we got it at a drive-thru on the way out of town, and ... well, I don't actually have much of a reason for not ordering water. But I drink "liquid candy" so rarely that I don't consider this to be much of a setback. Plus, I was allowing myself some slack due to the IBD pain I was dealing with. Excuses... :roll:

Good news is that the pain stopped over the weekend. I'm fine today except for being very tired, which is not unusual for me. Planning to get back into SG today after missing it 3 days last week.

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Post by Ariel King » Tue Jul 26, 2005 2:21 pm

Monday (day 15) was a success. No funny stuff to speak of. SG: check, though it was a less-than-stellar workout.

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Post by sibyl » Tue Jul 26, 2005 2:54 pm

Hey, good job with the exercising.
I haven't been doing nearly enough myself - I'm always 'too tired' or 'too busy' or whatever.
So you missed a couple of days - now you're back into it. Yay!
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Post by Blondie » Tue Jul 26, 2005 5:34 pm

Hey Ariel, glad you seem to be feeling better. Believe me I know how frustrating chronic, flaring/remitting, inflammatory conditions like UC can be. :cry: Hang in there!


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Post by Ariel King » Tue Jul 26, 2005 6:15 pm

Thanks Sibyl and Mandy!! Mandy, you're quite right in calling these things frustrating. I'm just lucky my UC is fairly mild, and I'm able to exercise and carry on a normal life. A lot of people are debilitated by IBD, so I try to count my blessings on that front.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Jul 26, 2005 9:35 pm

Hey Ariel! :wink:
I saw some lady walking around the club today and she looked like something was really wrong.. So I asked her if she was okay? She told me that she suffers from Ulcerative Colitis.... She told me that it's painful, and exhausting, and that for a very long time she just had a huge amount of bleeding... Sounded horrific...
So sorry you have to deal with such a crummy condition...
Not to be like a "one note song" but have you ever considered going for accupuncture? If you feel like talking about this on my email, feel free to write sometime :)
Love ya girly!!!
I was doing weighted squats today, with a 40 lb barbell, and thought of you!!!
8) Deb

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Post by Ariel King » Wed Jul 27, 2005 4:19 pm

Thanks Deb. You are such a sweetie. I have actually considered acupuncture; I would be willing to try anything, conventional or otherwise, to see if it helps. My main obstacle to acupunture is having no idea how to find a qualified practitioner. Maybe I'll drop you an email about this and see if you have any advice about the Knoxville area.

Yesterday (day 16) was a success.

SG: check. Decent workout, but I did have to have a small snack beforehand (didn't on Monday!). As usual, the snack would easily have fit on a plate with my lunch, or breakfast, so I feel ok about it.

I tried to pay attention to the particulars of my workout yesterday, and here it is as best I remember - all numbers are totals:

hoist sack: 25 (these are still hell)
shovels: 100
fenceposts: 100
squats: 75
levers: 40
churns: 40 (tough!)

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Post by snazzybabe » Thu Jul 28, 2005 4:19 am

Do you modify your diet to deal with UC?

"Some people whose symptoms are triggered by certain foods are able to control the symptoms by avoiding foods that upset their intestines, like highly seasoned foods, raw fruits and vegetables, or milk sugar (lactose)".

Also, I asked someone also about your condition, this is their reply:
Suggest to your friend she gets a copy of my 'bible' The Protein Power Life Plan By Drs Mike and Mary Eades. Try your library or Amazon - I haven't seen this particular book in bookstores here (its not the original "Protein Power" book).

The slightly longer version still is that a whole range of intestinal and bowel problems stem from the lectins in grains, corn and beans. So dropping those (as you do with low carb) plus - if her condition is a longstanding and serious one - going on the gut rehab program the Eades suggest, would be a good idea.

Just incase its of interest to you. It can't be nice dealing with that condition.

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Post by Ariel King » Thu Jul 28, 2005 5:35 pm

Hi snazzybabe. I currently am not modifying my diet to treat the UC, but I have tried that in the past, without success. Last fall I tried something called the SCD (Specific Carbohydrate Diet). The only carbs allowed on that diet were those found in vegetables, fruits, and honey. Absolutely no grains, beans, potatoes, or dairy products (except yogurt that I made at home to be sure it was 100% lactose-free). I also avoided all raw fruits and vegetables. So this diet sounds very similar to the Protein Power one you mentioned. Anyway, I stayed strictly on the diet for 12 days, and was very disappointed to find that it did not help at all (I was in a pretty severe flare at that point). I would have given it more time, but the diet was frankly torture. It was incredibly difficult, from both a "pleasure" and a practical standpoint. Plus I lost weight rather quickly and was constantly hungry and weak. Under the combined pressure of all these things, I gave up after 12 days and got some Taco Bell.

Anyway, I do appreciate your suggestion. I would love to be able to control my IBD with diet, but so far I have not found any particular foods that obviously make my symptoms better or worse. :cry:

Anyway, yesterday (day 17) was 85% success. I cut myself some slack in small ways because the gut pains and fatigue were back, and I didn't feel up to enduring much hunger at the same time. On a good note, the NoS way does feel like a well-entrenched habit at this point. I'm keenly aware of when I break the rules in small ways, and it doesn't feel quite normal. It actually feels easier, mentally, to NOT have snacks and sweets than to have them. So I don't fear a return to the old ways of mindless eating.

I also had to skip SG yesterday. I actually missed it. I never ever ever thought I'd say that about any type of exercise!!!

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Post by snazzybabe » Fri Jul 29, 2005 1:49 am

Sorry you have to live with such a painful condition.
I had a look at the SCD and it does eliminate a lot of food. Perhaps if you had given it longer than 12 days it may have helped because your condition probably needs atleast 3 months to see some results. If you were really hungry doing it I think it was because you didn't eat enough. You are allowed meat and eggs and they are always quite filling.

I hope that with NoS you can find some relief or if not try SCD again but longer. If your condition is un-treated is there are possibility that it could become cancerous?

Okay, I'll stop being a MUM. Only you know what is best for you. Sorry if I sound too forward.

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Post by Ariel King » Fri Jul 29, 2005 2:49 pm

Hi SB. Yes, IBD can eventually increase the risk of colon cancer, but it depends on how much of the colon is affected and the number of years. Not to worry though, mine is being treated right now with medications, and it is much better than it was last fall. As for the diet, there's a chance it might help if I kept it up for 3 months, but honestly I don't think I could do it for that long. I'm not sure you realize just how incredibly difficult it is. Especially for me, since I really don't like to eat much meat. The hardest part, actually, is that it eliminates virtually 100% of "convenience" foods. Maybe if I didn't have a job and could spend hours every day making everything from scratch, I could do it. But I think you should try it yourself for a month and see what you think - it's easier said than done! :wink: Thanks again for your concern.

Yesterday, day 18, was a success. No funny stuff, and not even a snack before SG! Did have kind of a big lunch though (2 whole PBJ sandwiches). I'm just happy I had enough energy to do SG.

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Post by snazzybabe » Sun Jul 31, 2005 1:33 am

Hi Ariel,
Glad the medication is helping you.
Regarding trying the diet myself, I have been doing something similar which is low-carb. It is pretty easy for me to keep with it, I only fall down when I am stressing out about something or feeling emotional and then I turn to food for comfort. I will be back to the low-carb tomorrow because its the only way of eating that makes me feel good.
Like I said I'm glad that your condition is being sorted out and you don't have to resort to the SCD for some relief.

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Post by Ariel King » Mon Aug 01, 2005 7:19 pm

Glad the low-carb thing is working for you, Snazzy.

Day 19 (Friday) was a success. We had a company picnic lunch, with dangerous things like ice cream bars and cotton candy, but I managed to abstain. The only funny stuff was a half-cup of pink lemonade, but considering that pre-NoS I would have had at least one helping of each dessert offered, and this time I had zero, I consider this a full success.

Also did a wimpy SG routine Friday. Hoping to do better this week.

Today is actually day 22 for me, if I choose to count the days of less-than-100% success... Most people have been starting the 21-count over when they make the least slip-up, but I feel like the habit is pretty well established for me despite a few bits of funny stuff along the way. Just the fact that those things are "funny stuff" now instead of utterly normal is a step in the right direction.

(edited bc I realized Friday was actually day 19)
Last edited by Ariel King on Mon Aug 01, 2005 9:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by ClickBeetle » Mon Aug 01, 2005 7:59 pm

I'm with you, Ariel. It's such a vast improvement over "status quo" that I figure you deserve lots of credit, rather than a feeling of falling short. Congrats on 21 "pretty much terrific" days!! As far as I'm concerned you need to make an appearance over in the 21 Club!!
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Post by Jammin' Jan » Mon Aug 01, 2005 8:46 pm

I agree with you, Ariel. "Funny stuff" is really proof that No-S has become your normal way of eating. Good job! :D

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Aug 01, 2005 10:20 pm

You totally rock Ariel!!! Nice evasion of sweet temptations!
I too had a bit of funny stuff today, because I was working an outdoor event in very hot weather and doing continous chair massage for about 4 hours...Yowsa! That was exhausting... When the waiter asked if I wanted a drink, I didn't stop to ask if it had sugar, I just guzzled it down... I also had a hot dog and a plum for lunch, but not on a plate, and at the end of the event I had half of a Snapple lemonade... I also had about a half gallon of water...
I totally agree with Jan and Clicky...
You are making great changes! Pat yourself on the back~
(sorry I'm too tired to do it myself right now!)
8) Deb

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Post by Ariel King » Tue Aug 02, 2005 8:55 pm

Thanks Betsy, Jan and Deb! I would have checked in here earlier today, but couldn't get to the site for some reason. Anyway, yesterday (day 22) was a success. I guess I'll go post in the 21 club now... :)

Good SG workout yesterday. I got in my 100 squats, after failing to hit that number for several workouts in a row. And didn't have to eat beforehand! I hope this becomes the norm!

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Post by Kevin » Sun Aug 07, 2005 8:56 pm

Are you squatting with or without weights? How's it working out for you?
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Post by Ariel King » Mon Aug 08, 2005 5:39 pm

Hi Kevin. I'm squatting with just the weight of the shovelglove, which I hold in both hands, horizontally across my body, while doing curl-like movements with the hand holding the heavy end. Hope that made sense. The squatting is going pretty well. I don't manage to get 100 in every workout, but on a good day I can do them in 3 sets: 50 first, then 30, then 20 (with other movements in between to rest my legs).

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Post by Kevin » Mon Aug 08, 2005 7:07 pm

I'm doing them completely unweighted, fast, working backto 100 at a set, but I can usually only do one set. Once you get past 50, it feels like running hard uphill.

Really fit folks that do these regularly can do 300-500 at a clip. Yikes!
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Post by JWL » Wed Aug 10, 2005 3:57 am

Wow, I'm impressed with everyone's squattage! When I first started (just plain hindu squats, no sledge) I could only do about 15. I've added one per day, and I'm up to 41 as of today. I do allow myself to rest when needed, today I did 25, then 10, then 6. I'm hoping to keep this pace up (adding one per day) until I get to 100 sometime in mid-Oct, and then reevaluate.

These exercises rock my world, along with shovelglove! I have strong legs, but then I better because the last time I weighed myself I was just over 350 lbs..... a year ago or so.

You're absolutely correct, Kevin; when I finish my set I'm seriously winded. These exercises rule!

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Post by carolejo » Wed Aug 10, 2005 10:09 am

One of my friends has recently lost a lot of weight and yet was totally surprised at how strong he was! I pointed out that beforehand he'd been carrying around an extra 100 lb in weight, so that was really like doing everything whilst wearing a huge backpack! No wonder he was that strong!

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Post by Ariel King » Wed Aug 10, 2005 4:54 pm

Freakwitch - I've been wondering why it was so easy for me to work up to 100 squats, and I have some ideas. I have a couple natural advantages: 1) hefty thigh muscles that have always been a little disproportionate to the rest of my body; and 2) a small upper body (hence less deadweight for my legs to lift). I think these traits probably make squatting easier for women, in general, than for men. Just think about your upper body weight relative to your weight as a whole, and be impressed with how much harder your legs are working on each squat!! :D I have no doubt you'll get to 100 - as you simultaneously lose upper-body mass and strengthen your legs, it should get easier and easier.

Anyway, squats do rule. I'm seriously winded as well after each set of 50, when I manage to do that many in a row.

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Post by JWL » Mon Aug 15, 2005 7:10 pm

Hi Ariel! I thought of you today.... the city of Portland shows free films in Congress Square periodically during the summer. Tonight, they're gonna show... THE PRINCESS BRIDE!

Yeah! I have a date with one of my best lady-friends to go watch it after we have dinner. It's her favorite movie, and definitely one of mine.

Anyway, I thought of you, wanted to say so....


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Post by Prodigalsun » Mon Aug 15, 2005 8:02 pm

You realize, if you go, Freak, you will be committing one of the classic blunders, the second most serious is never get involved in a land war in asia, and the first...never go in against a sicilian when death is on the line!!!

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Squats - this is scary

Post by Kevin » Mon Aug 15, 2005 9:17 pm

I did a set of 100 the other night (count backwards, it's easier). My 14-year-old, athletic daughter laughed at me.

She says she gets bored at about 200...
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Post by Ariel King » Mon Aug 15, 2005 9:51 pm

Hey FW!! Is that an outdoor showing you're going to? Sounds like a blast! Have a great time!

Way to go Kevin! I'll try the counting backwards thing. And your daughter has my eternal respect now (though, admittedly, she has less weight to lift; see the "natural advantage" thing I mentioned earlier).

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Post by JWL » Tue Aug 16, 2005 4:41 am

Yeah, Ariel, it's an outdoor setup thingy they do in Congress Square, set up a screen and a PA system. It was fun! I hadn't seen the film in a while, but it was great (as always).

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