Hello...i need help here PLEASE :]

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Hello...i need help here PLEASE :]

Post by Jamie » Fri Mar 14, 2008 7:04 am

hi everyone...

well...everyone who is reading this...hehe

i am a 21/f who just had a baby [well almost 5 months ago] and just started the No S Diet...i was on it a week before [messing up] because i just bought new food for the month and i have been a ravenous monster for the last 2 days now...ugh!!!!!! :/

i lost like 6 pounds within that week and am SO thrilled :]

Ugh...i guess i just need some words of encouragement...please? anyone...lol

also, i soooo want to buy the book but don't have a credit card, or debit card...i guess i can't get it :[

thanks for reading!!!!!!

P.S. on my myspace page i posted a bulletin about how i was losing weight, and then people asked me what i was doing and i told them...the No S Diet lol & then they did, and said they were going to try it!!! :] i figured i would spread the word about this awesome 'diet'

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Jammin' Jan
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Post by Jammin' Jan » Fri Mar 14, 2008 11:58 am

Hi Jamie,

Welcome to No-S! And congratulations on your new baby!

Even without buying the book, the homepage for the No-S Diet is very helpful. A while back, I printed out a copy to give to a friend and it came out to about 20 pages. Not book-length, but lots of good reading!

Glad to hear about your weight loss. Don't get discouraged about "failures". Think of them as practice runs, learn from your mistakes, and move on. We all stop and start, fail and succeed. All you really have to do is begin one more time than you stop and you will come out okay. It takes time and patience.

Keep posting on the board. We're here for you! :D

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Post by freegirlnow » Fri Mar 14, 2008 2:34 pm

Hi Jamie,

Yes! Congrats on the new addition! Wow! 6 lbs is an incredible weight loss! Please do not think of it as 'messing up"...you know, this is life, you are not trying to set a world's record as per our leaders own words. As Jammin Jan says, "lots of good reading " to be had right here on site. I have been No S-ing for 3 weeks today and do not have the book in my hands yet either. The main thing is keeping it simple, it is those small consistent successes that are the catalyst for changing old habits. Keep up the great work!
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Post by reinhard » Fri Mar 14, 2008 6:12 pm


Welcome and congratulations!

I have a 9 month old and a three month old, so I can sympathize with the difficulties of "dieting" through all that chaos -- though of course, it's much harder for mommy.

Generally speaking, I advise people to soldier on through stressful situations (chaotic times need more order, not less!), but childbirth and the immediate aftermath are a different order of stress. You're operating beyond maximum capacity already -- you need to realize that there's only so much you can do and not expect more. In practical no-s terms, that means:

1) don't let slip ups get you down. Some are inevitable -- just bounce right back

2) Do not expect quick, dramatic results. Simply "not gaining" is plenty under the circumstances. Focus on building the habits that will keep you from gaining now, and help you lose when baby becomes (slightly) less demanding. Set low expectations and you'll either be pleasantly surprise if you do wind up losing quickly or minimally disappointed if you don't.

3) if you find you aren't able to pull of the whole thing as written, consider a partial or modified version, at least for now. Maybe you need 4 meals a day (1 extra for baby) a day instead of 3. No matter how good you are about points #1 and #2 above, messing up is frustrating, and it's better to re-frame the rules a bit, lower the bar just a notch, to set yourself up for success.

Hope this or something else here helps (and let us know),


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Post by MerryKat » Fri Mar 14, 2008 6:58 pm

Congrats on your baby - remember your body is still recovering from your pregnancy and so are your emotions, so take time to love and pamper yourself, starting with No S.

Don't stress too much about not having the book, most of us here have done wonderfully with the amazing info on this site.

The big thing is to not give up, if you fall of the wagon, get up and jump back on without beating yourself up.
Hugs from Sunny South Africa
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Post by swimfit » Fri Mar 14, 2008 7:01 pm

Hi Jaime,
Welcome an congrats on your new baby!

I have ordered from Amazon before and did a mail in order. when you go to check out there is an option for that, you can print it out and mail them a check, it's pretty self explanatory on the website as you go through the ordering process. I seldom use credit cards and this was a good option for me.

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Post by Jamie » Fri Mar 14, 2008 11:50 pm


thank you so much for your responses!!! :D & thank you for the congrats on my baby!!!! :)

today has been good...i ate in a 'sane' manner! eheh even though [with a baby] i am nowhere near sane in everyday life! :lol:

I like what you said Reinhard about low expectations! hehe...i always thought that would set me up for disaster, when in reality it will probably be the thing that helps me to succeed! 8)

swimfit~~okay great...because i REALLY want this book...

i mean i have read the ENTIRE site on the No S Diet and i am just [[[thrilled]]] to find something like this!! something that a young 'insane' mom can work with :shock: :lol:

****will you please tell me of your success with the No S Diet?? I love hearing inspiring success stories...

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Post by joasia » Sat Mar 15, 2008 7:59 pm

This way of eating is very easy to follow in that there is: no measuring, weighing, counting, calculating for hours in the store, reading, writing down (unless you want to), obsessing, cooking separate meals for the family, feeling like a freak in restaurants/dinner parties, explaining to people, eating awful tasting tiny portioned chemical filled Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem, etc. meals, "can't wait until it is over" mentality (because it is never over)

and it is a big one.....

You still are changing your eating habits. And that is hard. The mental stuff of overeating is hard. Emotional eating, saying no to big slices of cake. It is doable and it is all about your inner dialog. If you are determined to change you will. I have found that weight is an incredibly difficult thing to deal with. NO S gives you a shot at succeeding without going insane.
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Post by wosnes » Sun Mar 16, 2008 2:39 pm

The book is also available in bookstores.

Congrats on your new baby.
"That which we persist in doing becomes easier for us to do. Not that the nature of the thing itself has changed but our power to do it is increased." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Post by Hunter Gatherer » Tue Mar 18, 2008 11:48 am

Welcome to No-S and welcome to your baby too!

We all have bad days, but for improvement you only need more good days than bad, not perfection. Perfection only makes things go faster. And even if you mess up all month there are still two days a week that you succeeded (you can't fail on an S-day after all).
"You've been reading about arctic explorers," I accused him. "If a man's starving he'll eat anything, but when he's just ordinarily hungry he doesn't want to clutter up his stomach with a lot of candy."
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Post by bonnieUK » Tue Mar 18, 2008 1:05 pm

Hi Jamie!

Congratulations on the baby, and I'd just like to echoe what has been said already, go easy on yourself! I wouldn't know from personal experience (not embarked on the motherhood adventure yet!), but pregnancy takes a lot of your body's resources and you'll probably still be replacing those - also I think there is an "old wives" type notion that it takes at least a further 9 months for your body to return to normal, which seems logical. I'm sure No S will also help you establish sensible eating habits for your child when weaned too :)

p.s. and please ignore those silly magazines in which some self absorbed celebrity goes on about getting their figure back soon after having a baby, we could all perform such superhuman feats if we had unlimited finances, a nanny, a personal chef and hours with a personal trainer each day, but we are real people who live in the real world (and thank goodness for that!) :D

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Post by FarmerHal » Mon Mar 24, 2008 5:49 pm

Welcome, Jamie!

Congrats on your baby. I have 2 kiddos myself, one just turned 4 and the other is 1.5yrs. SO needless to say, I'm BUSY! LOL

Read the main noS page, it has all you need to know to start (which I did for 15 months before the book arrived).

Lemme tell ya, I started with my 2nd baby was 4 months old and I really struggled some days. I don't know if you breastfeed, but that made things difficult too, as sometimes she ate more than other days and then I would be ravenous! I ended up setting 4 meals for myself until dd weaned.... well, she's not <ahem> weaned yet LOL but she just nurses once at night and I don't think she gets much anymore, so I don't need the higher calories.
Even still, if you bottle feed, you're still up at night for feedings and running here and there with the baby. The first 2-3 years are non stop!
Feed yourself well with good veggies, fruits, whole grains and protein so that your body can help you keep up with your little one.

Helps me a lot to post on my daily checkin and check out the posts on the general discussion page.

If you have a bad bad habit like I did of grazing all day long and especially turning to food when I got/get stressed, then it may take a while to form new habits, stick to your meals and not be tempted to graze. I still have my bad days (week even!) and relapse but each time I get back on track, it's easier.

You wanted to hear success stories.... I've been following nosdiet for 15 months now. I have had a couple of perfect months but mostly each month I have one or two (or more!! LOL) trip ups where I eat because of my emotions (my own biggest weakness!). Even still, I have gone from 242lbs start weight to 216.5. A size 22 to a size 18. I would love love to get to a size 14 and 180lbs, I could totally be happy wiht that. Anyway, if I can do it, anyone can. I was a total food addict. I self-medicated with it. I still do, but it's easier every day on track.

Something as simple as this diet, you'd think every human would be able to figure it out, but I'm so grateful that Reinhard wrote it down for us to all see. It's changed my life.

Some things I have to tell myself: Hunger is just a feeling, it won't kill me, it's not an emergency. If it's not meal time, treat hunger like a toddler- "it's simply not time to eat!" and repeat (which you'll find yourself doing soon enough! LOL One side note, getting enough fruit and veggies with your meals- even a salad, keeps the hunger down inbetween meals for me. I've been having an apple at b'fast also, along with whatever else is on my plate.

Look forward to hearing from you!
{FarmerHal} ...previously Shamrockmommy...
Vanilla NoS... Making good habits.
Restart 12/2015, size 22
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