I'm new around here...

No Snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Except on Days that start with S. Too simple for you? Simple is why it works. Look here for questions, introductions, support, success stories.

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I'm new around here...

Post by camburger » Sun Mar 16, 2008 4:26 pm

Hello everyone,

I'm new to both the no s diet and the boards so I just want to introduce myself. I'm a recent college grad from Louisiana and I've always struggled with my weight. I came upon the no s diet quite by accident just a few days ago. I was at barnes and noble with my bf and I usually wander around the diet books section while he's off looking for some obscure philosophy book...

Well, I saw a book there I hadn't seen before, and the cover design was so bare-bones amidst all the colorful, overly-wordy covers of other books around it. I read the back and I was intrigued, it seemed like such a simple concept. I didn't buy it, of course, because I had to see what people said about it on Amazon first.

12 great reviews was sufficient enough, so I went back the next day and bought it. This was Thursday. I completed the book and my first n day on Friday. It probably wasn't a good time to start the diet, right before two s days. So, needless to say I've been going kinda crazy this weekend. Even so, I already feel less guilt about it because I know it's going to be okay. For the first time in a very long time, I feel like I can totally do this. I've always done what Reinhard calls "accounting" diets, and it's very true, they can't be maintained. I've done WW about 3 times which I gave up years ago. Even though I went from 175 to 135 (I was 16 yrs old!) with WW, I gained it back and then some because I was so tired of counting all the time! So much conscious brainspace was wasted thinking about points! Even in the past two months I tried to track calories on an excel spreadsheet. It worked for about 6 weeks but I just couldn't do it anymore. I joined a gym a year ago but stopped going because I just couldn't stand waking up early and sitting through morning traffic.

But I've come a long way from weighing in at 190 lbs the summer after high school graduation. Almost 6 years later, I've managed to get down to 155, through various intentional and unintenional means, and more or less maintained it for a good two years. Also, in the past 6 months, I've become an active pedometer user. I aim for 10,000 steps a day, this has been a great tool for weight maintenance. I encourage you all to get one, they are great!

Yet, a 23 yr old female at 5'5", I'm still overweight. I'm tired of rolling the boulder up the mountain. I'm hoping the no s diet will give me that final push so I can be a healthy weight forever and never have to waste another brain cell with accursed "accounting" diets.

Thank you for listening. I hope to keep you posted on my progress and I would love it if you would introduce yourself and tell me your success story. Have a happy s day!

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Post by kccc » Sun Mar 16, 2008 5:38 pm

Welcome, Camburger!

I wrote the review by "Mom, Ph.D" on the site. I first lost weight about your age (when I was on track to become overweight like most of my family) and kept it off for years through an "armed truce" with food - that, plus LOTS of exercise.

After having a child in my 40's, I was hit by a triple-whammy in terms of weight: baby-weight, lower metabolism, and NO time to exercise at my old levels. Took me a while to get most of the weight off. I did do Weight Watchers...twice. I can lose on it, but it takes more attention than I can manage to maintain on it!

No-S is the way to go as far as I'm concerned. Even if I'm maintaining, not losing, that's a "win" - because I can do it fairly effortlessly (as long as I follow the rules precisely) and because I feel like I've finally "made peace" with food. For the first time in my life, I think, I genuinely enjoy what I eat. I think THAT change is the most important of all to me.

Good luck on your journey!

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Post by camburger » Mon Mar 17, 2008 2:30 am

Thank you, KCCC. I look forward to making my peace with food, also. Tomorrow starts my first full N week and I'm a bit nervous, but I know I can do it. I'm really excited and optimistic, I know this is different and it's going to work this time.

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Post by MerryKat » Mon Mar 17, 2008 1:49 pm

Welcome to No S.

This is a wonderful plan that fits into life and works so well (when you apply it). Take each day step at a time and see how you go.
Hugs from Sunny South Africa
Vanilla No S with no Sugar due to Health issues - 11 yrs No S - September 2016 (some good, some bad (my own doing) but always the right thing for me!)

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Post by reinhard » Mon Mar 17, 2008 2:41 pm

welcome, camburger!

It sounds like you've got the (moderate, sustainable) exercise part of the equation down, which is huge. I, too, am a big fan of walking (have you see the urban ranger site?). Although I don't use a pedometer myself (I'm lucky that my job is close enough to walk and that's sufficient motivation to do it), from what I've read studies have repeatedly shown that it's an effective motivator.

No-s is consciously optimized for long term maintenance, as well as being effective (though slow) for promoting weight loss. I think if you bear this long term perspective in mind and aren't impatient to see striking, immediate results, you'll be very satisfied -- with your state of mind as well as the state of your body. Please keep us updated and feel free to ask questions or for help if you run into trouble.



P.S. I'm into obscure philosophy books myself. Some of them even have something to say about diet:

http://everydaysystems.com/bb/viewtopic ... phon#17988

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Post by Jaxhil » Mon Mar 17, 2008 3:26 pm

Welcome, camburger!

You'll find lots of encouragement here, and of course relief from the insanity of endless counting and obsession :p

I loved how you put it:

"I'm tired of rolling the boulder up the mountain."

Very apt! Me too. Looking forward to hearing your progress!

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Post by chiquitabanana » Mon Mar 17, 2008 4:00 pm

You are in the right place. You will love no s ing and the freedom and peace of mind that it gives you. I can so relate to your ww experience. Those points will drive anyone absolutely bananas if they follow it for a while. It is just not natural. What is natural is eating a platefull of healthy delicious foods of your choice at each meal time.
Heath starts in our heart and mind.

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Post by camburger » Mon Mar 17, 2008 11:46 pm

Thank you all so much!

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Post by Mavilu » Tue Mar 18, 2008 12:12 am

Welcome, camburger!.
I too did the WW and became frazzled at all the counting, I ended up eating the same few things all the time, if only because I memorized how many points they were and I didn't need to stress it before breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Not good.

Eating the NoS Diet way is wonderful because it re-connects you with all that is good and enjoyable about food with none of the bad stuff.
Good luck on your first week!, remeber: slow and easy wins the race.

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Post by Hunter Gatherer » Thu Mar 20, 2008 1:46 am

Welcome to No-S!

If you haven't already, check out the daily check-ins. They are great for encouragement. Even though they do involve some accounting, they don't have to, and I found it helpful as a set of training wheels when I was first starting.

Since you ask for success stories: I've been doing No-S since 2006 and I've lost about 35 pounds. I've had to take in some of my clothes to keep them from falling off!
"You've been reading about arctic explorers," I accused him. "If a man's starving he'll eat anything, but when he's just ordinarily hungry he doesn't want to clutter up his stomach with a lot of candy."
Dashiell Hammett

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