
No Snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Except on Days that start with S. Too simple for you? Simple is why it works. Look here for questions, introductions, support, success stories.

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Post by queenmom » Sat Apr 05, 2008 4:10 pm

I am so excited about this diet. I just read the article in Woman's World and boy did it hit home. I was all ready to sign up for WW with my mom and sister, but I want to try this first. I am a little nervous about not seeing results fast enough because, you know, summer is almost here and there is the whole beach thing with my kids just about every weekend. But I am so sick of obsessing about food it totally consumes my life and I have to admit I am not a happy person which overflows into my family life as well. I am definitely a catalyst for for the mood set in my house. As for the results issue, I have a good feeling it will work for me, because my problem has always been about bingeing any kind of food. There is no trigger food for me unless I have been told I cannot have it, then it is all I obsess about. I know I can stick to 3 meals a day if I do not have to count calories. On Saturdays I can actually have popcorn with out feeling guilty as this is our movie night with the kids, and Sundays I can actually plan a yummy dessert for after supper. All this and no bingeing because I won't have to compensate with extra helpings. I really feel like this plan will finally help me to be the person, wife, mother I really want to be, instead of the bitter, angry person I am now because I am not enjoying life. I have read these boards and know I will be able to glean great advice from all you pros. Hopefully this will set me free from my food prison.

Wish me luck :)

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Post by wosnes » Sat Apr 05, 2008 4:29 pm

Welcome aboard!

Depending on what you weigh and how much you have to lose and how you've been eating as compared to having 3 sensible meals daily, your weight loss might be slower than you'd like. But the good news is that once you've reached your goal, you don't have to do anything differently. It's not something you're "on" until you lose the weight and then go "off." It's just good habits for a lifetime.

Slow and steady wins the race.
"That which we persist in doing becomes easier for us to do. Not that the nature of the thing itself has changed but our power to do it is increased." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

"You are what you eat -- so don't be Fast, Easy, Cheap or Fake."

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Post by blueskighs » Sat Apr 05, 2008 6:33 pm


Welcome! I have only been doing NO S diet since march 24 but have had a complete illumination experience with food.

It is wonderful.

Yes yes yes give it a try before WW ... and ENJOY!

I think this is really the big deal about No S it really allows us to lay down our weapons and make peace with food!

It is wonderful.

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Post by tracey » Sat Apr 05, 2008 8:22 pm

When you diet, you are immediately setting yourself up to fail because you are looking forward to when you get OFF the diet.

Like wosnes said, this isn't a diet. There isn't a time to go OFF the "diet", it's habit building and once a habit is built it's something that is a part of you.

Now, that said, I'm new to this and just finished week three, I've had two successful weeks and one not successful. The second week was the one that wasn't successful in terms of No-S, but I didn't hate myself for it like I would have if this were a traditional diet. I didn't give up because I'd already ruined it I just kept on moving and that's the key.

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Post by Dory » Sat Apr 05, 2008 9:30 pm

I'm a newbie here too. I've joined Weight Watchers about 10 times over about 20 years. I've lost weight and always gained it back and then some.
I like the idea of losing the weight and not having to learn how to eat like a normal person after the "diet" is over. You just learn how to eat normally and that's it. I'm willing to give anything a try at this point.

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Post by blueskighs » Sat Apr 05, 2008 9:41 pm


it sounds like you are doing great!



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Post by angieb42 » Sat Apr 05, 2008 10:03 pm

I am new too, bought womans world like usual and read the article. I have a hard time sticking to diet plans but this one really sounds easy. i lost 23 pounds last year then i quit smoking well the 23 pounds are back now. I really don't like it so i want to get rid of it for good. Let see how it goes.
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Post by queenmom » Sun Apr 06, 2008 12:34 pm

Thanks for all the replies and encouragement. It seems that quite a few people are trying this way of eating thanks to the Women's World article. Good luck to all of you and i will continue to post my results and look forward to reading yours. This is obviously my second morning, but i feel great- it is 8:30 and i am not hungry yet, so i will wait to get hunger pains before eating. I also think i will only weigh myself on Friday's, right before my Nos days. Thanks Again!!!

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Post by wosnes » Sun Apr 06, 2008 12:41 pm

Queenmom -- it might not be such a good idea to wait until you're hungry to eat breakfast. More important to build the habit of eating a good breakfast every morning -- at about the same time daily if you can.
"That which we persist in doing becomes easier for us to do. Not that the nature of the thing itself has changed but our power to do it is increased." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

"You are what you eat -- so don't be Fast, Easy, Cheap or Fake."

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Post by reinhard » Sun Apr 06, 2008 1:52 pm


First off, welcome!

Secondly, don't think about results at all. Think about behavior. Think about building good habits. Eating without either gluttony or guilt is a great good in itself -- and it will bring lasting results. But if you worry too much about results up front it'll throw you off track.

Hunger is not a reliable guide to eating. It's like an animal. You want to train your hunger to coincide with meal times, not have your hunger tell you what to do. That's like the lion leading the tamer. So don't wait with breakfast until you're hungry. Have your three meals, with as much pomp and circumstance as you can muster, with as much regularity as you can manage, and hunger will soon learn when it's time to make its appearance.


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Post by queenmom » Sun Apr 06, 2008 9:32 pm

Well, I have to say, I never thought anyone would encourage eating when not hungry. It makes me feel like I am breaking some rule and actually following my bad habits that have gotten me to the place I am now. However, I realize that training your body when to expect food is probably a good idea, which will probably discourage overeating and indulgence. I did wait to eat this a.m. until i was hungry and i felt good about eating my breakfast and i wasn't hungry until 2:30 so that was lunch. I was planning on having a later dinner, as well ,because i know I won't be hungry now until much later. i think this will be okay for me to eat this way on the weekends because i won't be apt to munch at night. During the week, because of work, eating will be much more structured. This brings me to my next question-Baseball season has started- i have 3 boys involved so i have 4 nights of baseball and no time to prepare dinner. Will 4 nights of fast food sabatoge this way of eating- I know nothing is really off limits, but seriously McDonalds is a staple around this time. Any suggestions?

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Post by kccc » Sun Apr 06, 2008 10:31 pm


McD's is not great, but technically okay. If you are still cutting out snacks, etc. that you used to eat (and you used to eat McD's anyway), you're still improving.

With that said, some brainstorming (take what you can use and let the rest go by)...

Are you at home at all before games?
Can you pre-pack dinner? Healthy snacks to hold the kids until you get home for a late dinner?

I have a bunch of "fast family dinner ideas" if that will help.

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Post by Amyliz » Sun Apr 06, 2008 11:11 pm

Welcome Queenmom, and other Women's world readers-

I HIGHLY recommend reading the book. Its a quick read, very entertaining, convincing and answers TONS of questions about the diet that the article doesn't cover.
I read the book, but picked up the Article in WW this week to see how it compares to the whole book. its really just a summary, so if you have an extra $14, check out the book and it will give you a strong base to start on.

I've only been doing no-s for a week and i think it was the best week of my life. I didn't snack once, and saturday I had REAL ice cream without feeling guilty. I haven't had real ice cream in years.
i've been a 'healthy' eater for a long time, but i did snack at work. This week, when i felt like snacking i realized how many times i reached for the snacks as a stress reliever. Sadly , the TO DO list was still there no matter what i ate - its been a huge relief to just face the stress and not rationalize all the snacking.

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Post by NoelFigart » Sun Apr 06, 2008 11:32 pm

queenmom wrote: I know nothing is really off limits, but seriously McDonalds is a staple around this time. Any suggestions?
You're right. McDonald's is technically just fine.

But, have you ever considered the wonders of the crock pot? There's some recipes there.

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Post by queenmom » Sun Apr 06, 2008 11:50 pm

You know, crockpot dinners are a good idea. But saying that, I know myself, and coming home from a stressful day at work and having to prepare a meal for the crockpot the next day or even having to wake up early to prepare that evenings meal probably won't work. I think maybe Iwill try it once a week and slowly incorporate the meals so i don't get overwhelmed and give up. Thanks for the link NoelFigart, those are all great ideas and a good place to start. I am probably going to buy the book because as you said AmyLiz more of my questions will probably be answered. And KCCC any meal ideas you have that are fast and don't require a lot of ingredients would be very helpful. Thanks ALL!!!!! :D

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Post by kccc » Mon Apr 07, 2008 1:18 am

-Grilled cheese sandwiches
-"Tower of tortillas" (search - I've posted the recipe, such as it is, before)
- Black bean soup (saute an onion in olive oil, add 3 cans black beans, 1 of diced tomatoes, 1 of tomato sauce, 1 Tblsp chili powder. Simmer 15 minutes. Blend - I use an immersion blender - until a good consistency. Serve with grated cheese and taco chips, if desired.)
- Pasta - tortellini, spaghetti, mac-n-cheese... lots of options
-Quiche (make it crustless - it's faster - and serve with bread
- Baked fish - ready in 10 minutes. A favorite sauce (brush on in last minute of cooking): equal parts apricot jam and dijon mustard, thinned with a tiny bit of soy sauce.

And there's more ideas from a lot of folks on the thread Noel linked too.

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Post by blueskighs » Mon Apr 07, 2008 3:39 am

I can't say enough good things about Glad and Ziplioc steam bags ... just did mixed greens in them myself tonight ...
fresh spinach, kale, and chard rinsed and deveined :lol:
steamed four minutes in microwave with a teaspoon of good olive oil a squeeze of fresh lemon juice and sea salt ... quick and easy ... you can do ANY veggies in this bag ....

make a pot of beans on the weekends and freeze individual portiosn then you make the steam veggies and throw in some nuts you have a great QUICK Uber healthy delicious meal .. also could add fruit, whole grean bread, corn tortillas, the variety is endless with beans and steamed veggies,

I don't have kids but had some on the block over one night gave them pinto beans with veggies broccoli carrot and redonion steamed in a bag threw it all in a bowl for each gave them salsa and tortillas and they loved it ... could not get enough!

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I'm New. I Just Read The Article In The Magazine

Post by newme01 » Mon Apr 07, 2008 3:46 pm

Hi all. I'm a "Newbie". I'm also really excited about this plan. It sounds like it just up my alley. I can't wait to begin. Hopefully I'll get good results. :D

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Post by Jamiebf » Mon Apr 07, 2008 3:59 pm

Hi Everyone, I am one week in and find all the posts really encouraging. I am not very good at getting around the site but I am learning. The first week was not as hard as I thought it would be. I run a very busy restaurant for my parents in upstate NY and I am a picker. I love a fry here and there which ends up being 1000 fries in a day. I also make all the homemade ice cream and bake the hot cinnamon bread for our place. So today is the first day I have to make the ice cream since I started this plan. I am determind not to snack on all the great stuff we put in that ice cream. I found it is easier knowing if I want ice cream I can have it on Saturday. Thank again everyone for the great info.

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Post by queenmom » Mon Apr 07, 2008 9:00 pm

Good Luck you guys- This is my first week and everyone has given me such great advice and encouragement already- i know you will find this to be the same for you. Keep us posted with your results.

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Post by NoelFigart » Mon Apr 07, 2008 9:25 pm

Oh, queenmom, one other idea about having quick to make food around:

I sometimes freeze meals ahead -- soups, marinara sauce, lasagnas, etc. when I'm going to have a busy week and know I'm not going to want to cook when I get home. It's also not unusual for me to prepare a double batch of something and freeze the extra meal.

I learned about it from Once a Month Cooking sites, but I don't go nearly that far with it.

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