Gave up last week due to 6 pound weight gain... any ideas?

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Gave up last week due to 6 pound weight gain... any ideas?

Post by Nossuzy » Mon Apr 28, 2008 9:25 pm

I was right on track and doing well, but my pants kept feeling tighter and tighter instead of looser so I weighed myself and had gained about 5 pounds!!! I panicked and quit No-S ing.

My meals were pretty healthy, it's not like I was eating high fat garbage for every meal. My first few s weekends were a tiny bit crazy, but couldn't have been that bad!!

My pants had gotten so tight I almost couldn't wear them anymore!

Not what someone likes to feel when they are trying to lose weight.

Help please. I just can't diet anymore and I was really hoping this was the answer.

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Post by CatholicCajun » Mon Apr 28, 2008 9:28 pm

Maybe water gain? It's so frustrating, knowing you did good and the scale slaps it back at you. Maybe take a hard look at your meals, are they too big? Could they be healthier? Are there only 3 on a No S day? I am sure there are more veteran people on this board, maybe Reinhard himself can give you much more valuable information than I can. God BLess, and don'g give up.
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Post by Mavilu » Mon Apr 28, 2008 9:45 pm

I think I've gained some weight, as well, you started short time ago, right?, maybe your initial meal choices have been bombastic?, I spent a good chunk of last month having quesadillas and other very rich meals because being free to eat them again sent me into a bit of a frenzy, even if everything was under the rules at all times.

I wonder if some of us go all out in our meal choices in the beginning and gain some weight initially?.
No matter now I know that you can go a bit crazy with the rich meals, but not overboard.

A valuable lesson, that.
I hope you find your answer soon.

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Post by Nossuzy » Mon Apr 28, 2008 10:21 pm

Well, I ate stuff I wanted, like tacos but made them with 93/7 ground beef, used light sour cream, etc. Had some hamburgers on the grill, etc, but also tried to get the fruits and veggies in also.

I ONLY ate my 3 plates per day. I did fill them up, but didn't layer on the food or anything.

Isn't that the point of this diet though to be able to eat whatever you want as long as it fits on your plate and no sweets or seconds? I thought that was what made this not a "diet". I definitely didn't go crazy during the week but yet ate what I was craving but more of a "light" version.
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Post by Jesseco » Mon Apr 28, 2008 10:27 pm

I was used to eating very low-fat meals with no white flour, rice and almost no white potatoes, so switching to this diet I'm sure has "upped" my daily calories EXCEPT for the fact that I've given up my two daily (healthy) snacks!

I've decided not to go overboard on the junk non-dessert food just because I "can". But I like not being quite as obsessive.

I told my husband I'd eat "junk" at a fast food place once a month and he can pick the place. Yesterday he picked Burger King. I had a whopper (no mayo though), 1/2 pack of onion rings, a piece of cookie-dough pie, and coffee with splenda & cream. My husband was very pleased!!!!!

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Post by Nossuzy » Mon Apr 28, 2008 10:32 pm

I wasn't eating fries or any fast food really except on my S days. maybe taco bell once in a while but I was getting the fresco tacos which are pretty lo cal.
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Post by FarmerHal » Mon Apr 28, 2008 11:48 pm

Fast food has so many hidden chemicals in it. Not only sodium, but preservatives such as sodium nitrate and MSG (it has more than 11 legal trade names that it can hide as) which all will make you retain water, gain weight, among other side-effects.

Also if you eat processed stuff, like hamburger helper, extra salt, etc, you will retain water.

My body is very sensitive to these things and I will gain weight in the weeks that are very busy and we turn to fast food to get by. Yes, it is still one plate that is Not piled up, but it still has a TON of chemicals in it and I bloat up.

Also, how are your hormones? I've had a clothes-fitting issue where my pants have gotten tighter and after a physical, have found that my uterus is very large (we are investigaingt he cause now).

So try not to be too frustrated, but also try to nourish your body, feed yourself well. These, of course are not no-s rules, but it really helps to eat plenty of veggies, decent portions of protein and good carbs (whole grains, etc).

Are you drinking enough water? Have you had a good physical with bloodwork.

The first weeks when I started noSing, ti was hard for me to truely not overload my plate, or load my plate correctly but then eat not-so-good for me foods.

Hope this helps- having a hard time organizing my thoughs with a 20mo old on my lap :)
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Post by irish » Tue Apr 29, 2008 12:11 am

You certainly have my sympathy - I would feel very frustrated, too. But keep at it and do drink LOTS of water - it really helps. Hopefully the next time you weigh it will be much, much better. Don't give up. I really think this is the answer.

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Post by blueskighs » Tue Apr 29, 2008 12:45 am

Don't give up. I really think this is the answer.
it is so hard for us to know exactly why this might have happened, but I do agree, I can understand it would be discouraging.

however, I do agre with irish, i think this really is the answer. so as she said ... don't give up,

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Post by Jamiebf » Tue Apr 29, 2008 3:48 am

Hi Susy,
I am so happy to see you out here chatting. There are so many reasons one can gain, we all know that. I just have to say to myself, what else can I stick to, nothing. This really isn't like a diet. We can learn these new habits. We just have to fix our brains. The years of dieting have made us all crazy :P So Hang in there and just take it one day at a time. Make really healthy food choices when you can, enjoy your s days and enjoy food again.

Stay in touch, lots of hugs :)

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Post by angelka71 » Tue Apr 29, 2008 4:19 am

I'd feel discouraged too but you can look at this as a learning experiance. Take a close look at the meals you were having. Just from reading your post, I'm thinking that the fast food may be part of the problem. I made a promise to myself that only fast food on the week end and then only occasionally. Our meals are much healthier and low cal when we just eat at home.

Just go ahead and believe that your weight gain is just water weight and stick with it. I'm sure you'll start seeing a loss in no time.

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Post by Dawn » Tue Apr 29, 2008 5:16 am

First things first. This plan is the same as any other weight loss plan in that the way you lose is calories spent vs. calories consumed. The No-S only gives you guidelines that make this hard task something manageable.

I think you need to consider the fact that you have been eating too many calories. I thought I was doing sooo good on my N days and totally blamed my crazy S days for why the weight wasn't coming off. I also felt I was getting a lot more exercise than I used to be getting so what was the problem?? When I really looked at it I did see that I could cut back on my N day meals a bit, exercise a bit more and try a lot harder to get my S days under control. I am now after nearly 3 months starting to lose. For some people just cutting the snacks or sweets is enough, for me it was not.

I think you should take a deep breath and resolve to get to the bottom of this mystery and not let it end your dream of getting this part of your life under control once and for all. I think you should start right back up tomorrow AM and this time really look at what you are eating and scale back the portions if you think you can or perhaps swap out for lower cal things. Whatever you can do without going crazy. You might be surprised at how you can cut back and not really miss it if you do it right. I have 1/2 cup of Fiber One cereal for breakfast with fruit and it really holds me until lunch time. It's all about finding your formula, it's not going to just go and find you!

Good luck and don't give up. You could be a real inspiration for others that are struggling like you.

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Post by babyprrr » Tue Apr 29, 2008 8:58 am

I have also gained weight on NoS for a period of time ( most of the time I lose or maintain which works fine for me!). Looking back, this was because I was eating the same portion meals as my housemates ( who are all taller and more well-built). My weekends were quite crazy, and I was also consuming a fair bit of alcohol throughout the week. Add to that, I wasn't doing any exercise.

Perhaps you could add in a bit of exercise? Are there any hidden calories you could be consuming? Such as high-calorie drinks, too much fruit juice, frappuccinos, sugary coffees like mocha, etc?

Portion-wise, I've learnt that what's a normal and 'ok' portion for one might not be for another. I'm 5'4" and built very slightly, and I gain weight if I eat 'normal' sized portions. Plus, portion sizes today especially in restaurants and fast food places, are not really 'normal' but probably too large.

Another thing is I've found that after a few months on NoS, I'm getting satisfied by smaller portions, without consciously cutting down. For example, I had quite a large portion of cereal yesterday to reward myself for my morning run, and that filled me up until about 3 pm, and even then I only felt like eating a very small lunch. So you might find that if u keep going , ur portions will subconsciously get smaller.

Anyhow, you've done really well with sticking to the basics. Don't lose hope!!

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Post by Buffalo Gal » Tue Apr 29, 2008 12:46 pm


Gaining weight sucks especially when you think you have finally found a way to lose weight without too much effort. I felt frustrated AND I felt like my clothes were getting tighter (check out "who's kidding who").

For me...I was piling the food onto the plate. You know you can fit 3 bacon cheese burgers on a plate and fill in the hole with french fries and that is within the "plate" rule. It's not very healthy (I did not do this by the way).

I had to get real honest with myself. It was not easy but I am glad I did.

Nothing worth having is without effort but it does not have to drive you crazy either. Make 3 meals. Walk a little. Run if you can.

The support on this forum is unbelievable!

Hang in there :wink:
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Post by wosnes » Tue Apr 29, 2008 12:49 pm

Buffalo Gal wrote:Suzy,

Gaining weight sucks especially when you think you have finally found a way to lose weight without too much effort. I felt frustrated AND I felt like my clothes were getting tighter (check out "who's kidding who").

For me...I was piling the food onto the plate. You know you can fit 3 bacon cheese burgers on a plate and fill in the hole with french fries and that is within the "plate" rule. It's not very healthy (I did not do this by the way).

I had to get real honest with myself. It was not easy but I am glad I did.
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Post by Beckycan » Tue Apr 29, 2008 1:11 pm

Sounds like some great advice! I'm a newbie so I don't have much to add.

Just wanted to comment about piling the plate. Yesterday I made spaghetti and meatballs and steamed broccoli for lunch. My luncheon size plates were all in the dishwasher, so I used a regular dinner plate. I got normal sized servings, knowing dinner would be rather late last night. (There was still lots of empty spaces on my plate.) When I finished eating--and it was a delicious meal--I had this panicky sort of thought about needing seconds and how my plate wasn't really full so I should have some more. I was actually able to stay seated and sip on my water and did not go back and get seconds. (I've stopped putting serving bowls on the table so seconds require more conscious effort to get up and go to the stove.)

My point, I could have had alot of spaghetti and still only called it one plateful. Maybe you need to switch to a smaller plate.

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Post by carla70 » Tue Apr 29, 2008 1:24 pm

Don't give up, I too had posted that I had gained and everything felt tight.. still does. But I am not giving up. I am paying more attention to my plate, in looking back I feel I had one plate but probably two helpings on it. This week has been much better with portion control.. not perfect every meal but every day is better. I will start walking when it stops snowing and raining almost every day. I have been also drinking lots of water. The scale still does not show me losing (in fact gained) but I am not going to be discouraged by that. I will continue to watch portions and start exercising.

It is as said many times on here, habit.. and old habits die hard.

Good luck to you and hang in there, lots of very good advice on thie boards.

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Post by Nossuzy » Tue Apr 29, 2008 1:47 pm

The fast food was probably only once a week otherwise I ate home cooked meals the entire time.

I did have a couple of drinks a night, that could be it maybe. Otherwise to be gaining that amount of weight wouldn't I have to be eating like 3,000 calories over what I would need to maintain? There is no way I was doing that. Even when I had a little more fattening of meals.

so frustrated!
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Post by NoelFigart » Tue Apr 29, 2008 1:53 pm

Suzy, something crossed my mind.

Have you been eating an excessively low-calorie diet before trying No S?

When I used to be a diet counselor, the diet we used was about 900 calories a day for women. When we had someone achieve goal, part of the program was a transition "re-feed" over several weeks so that could get used to eating more gradually. Maintenance was still something like 1500 calories a day *shudder* No wonder my metabolism got screwed up!

IF you've been on a very low calorie diet and are now eating more healthily, you might very well pack on a few pounds (not all of it fat. I promise if this is the case, you're also replacing the glycogen stores in your muscles, and that weighs a lot).

Also, what kind of exercise are you doing?

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Post by reinhard » Tue Apr 29, 2008 1:57 pm


I'm sorry to hear this. That's certainly frustrating. But if you were able to adhere to the literal rules, I think you still made progress you can build on, even if the scale isn't cooperating just yet. If nothing else, you've built habits which provide a solid platform for further efforts.

Some things to keep in mind:

1.There is no magic here. You lose weight on no-s because it's a shortcut to calorie restriction. If you somehow aren't eating less calories, then you won't lose weight. But on No-s it should be very obvious whether you are doing this. It should visually jump out at you. Do you feel like it is obvious? If so, what is the culprit? A very slight tweak or even just awareness of what is going on might be all you need to whittle this excess down to size. If you think you've identified the problem or potential candidates, post them here and we'll be happy to provide specific suggestions. If you don't see the culprit, I'm a little baffled. Maybe it's a fluke of the scale. They do happen.

2. Time is your friend. If you keep forcing yourself to see excess in 3 single plate meals instead of letting it sneak by you in lots of invisible little increments, the friction of that spectacle will usually gradually reduce that excess, without further conscious intervention.

3. If despite all these nice sounding ideas you don't see the excess, you might want to try one of several (admittedly annoying) things: 1) figure out whether you really are gaining weight by weighing yourself regularly and tracking the moving average and 2) figure out whether you are overeating by counting calories for a typical day of meals. Hopefully the results of this should make sense (either you are NOT gaining weight and NOT overeating, or you ARE gaining weight and ARE overeating). If the results do not make sense, then you'll probably have to do more tedious analysis. But I suspect they will. They have to if you do it carefully enough unless there's some kind of evil miracle going on. Assuming you find you are really gaining weight and overeating, try to identify some foods that are pushing you over the edge that you think you could do without on a regular basis, and swap them out for something less caloric/more healthy. I did a podcast on "intelligent dietary defaults" a while back (there's also a section about this in the book) that might be helpful in coming up with such personalized swaps:

Best of luck! Hope something here helps.


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Post by Nossuzy » Tue Apr 29, 2008 2:24 pm

Thanks guys for the help. Reinhard, can you look at this?

1.) My plate size is a normal dinner plate. I filled it up, but I wouldn't say it was to excess. I didn't layer the food on, made sure it all fit nicely. Sometimes didn't even finish. But I noticed if I didn't fill my plate I would get hungry again. Thinking about buying salad plates to use instead?

2.) I did have 2 drinks a night pretty regularly, maybe a few more on the weekends which I am going to stop because I can do without it. Maybe once in awhile on the weekend.

3.) I was already swapping for more healthy choices of the things I was hungry for. But wasn't totally denying myself either, because, this isn't supposed to be a diet!

4.) S days (only had 4 until I quit) felt kind of crazy to me, but according to other posts, this wasn't the biggest deal, it would work itself out.

Any help is appreciated!
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Post by Dawn » Tue Apr 29, 2008 2:35 pm

Trying to figure how many calories you are over eating, or might me over eating will drive you crazy. What was really getting to me when I first started but still wasn't losing weight was the HUGE difference between what I was doing before and what I was now doing. I would think of all the many, many snacks and sweets etc that I would eat, so how the hell could I not be just melting away with this vastly smaller intake??? Trying to figure out the details was just pissing me off. I think I was afraid if I cut back too much it would seem too much like all the other plans and I think if I did it too soon it might have. But once the habit was in place cutting back without going crazy ended up being a lot easier than I thought. And then by not so strange coincidence I started to lose weight!

So I think you can see by what we have all been saying is that you are not alone. And no one thinks you are weak or too dumb to see what you are doing. For some of us it's just not that obvious until you really examine it with a clear and calm mind.

I just got the book Mindless Eating by Brian Wansink and I have only read a small portion and am finding it so fascinating. The experiments that he is involved in really show how we are wired a certain way and how easily we are manipulated. All of us, not just the feeble minded drones that we of course are not! I know me and I am a tricky little booger, I need all the tips, ideas and positive mind games to out smart me.

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Post by blueskighs » Tue Apr 29, 2008 2:41 pm

But once the habit was in place cutting back without going crazy ended up being a lot easier than I thought. And then by not so strange coincidence I started to lose weight

thank you for sharing this ... I am at the point I know I need to reduce my portions a bit ... I am doing it very slowly :) like maybe 2 meals a week!

But I find myself looking at my plate, going GEEZ THIS HAS GOT TO BE TOO MUCH FOOD, where in the first days it looked reasonable. Like last night I had left overs, I was afraid it was NOT going to be ENOUGH ... it was more than enough ... hahahahhaha.... so that is my next hurdle. But I am not going to rush it ... I would rather slow down weight loss and stay on habit than push myself somewhere before I am ready to go.

I suppose this is why I love No S, there are these few simple rules and we get to learn and integrate in our own time and in our owny way,

anyway, thanks for sharing, it gives me hope!

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Post by Jaymiz » Tue Apr 29, 2008 4:42 pm

blueskighs wrote:...last night I had left overs, I was afraid it was NOT going to be ENOUGH ... it was more than enough ... hahahahhaha.... so that is my next hurdle. But I am not going to rush it ... I would rather slow down weight loss and stay on habit than push myself somewhere before I am ready to go.
Technically, our stomachs are the size of our clenched fist. So we only truly NEED enough food to fill that space! Most of us eat more than we *need* on a day-to-day, meal-to-meal basis. So, it doesn't surprise me much that what you thought would be too much, was actually *more than* enough. LOL. ;)

Mind you, I still struggle with being OKAY with the fact that my body really NEEDS so little food to survive. :-? (The 'No S' Life)
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Post by Nichole » Tue Apr 29, 2008 4:52 pm

Jaymiz wrote: Technically, our stomachs are the size of our clenched fist.
That is shocking EVERY TIME I hear it!
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Post by wosnes » Tue Apr 29, 2008 5:12 pm

Nichole wrote:
Jaymiz wrote: Technically, our stomachs are the size of our clenched fist.
That is shocking EVERY TIME I hear it!
Yea, but it's designed to hold about a quart of food normally.
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Post by fkwan » Tue Apr 29, 2008 5:12 pm

I agree with everything folks have already said.

Have you ever been at or near your "ideal" weight? You might want to go to one of those calculator sites and see what the numbers are for it, i.e., for my ideal weight it's 1000 calories with NO exercise. Then just for a while you might want to do the calorie thing and write everything down to get an idea of where the dense calorie stuff might be lurking and see if you can trim that down (eliminate, or smaller portions).

This should help. Also what Reinhard said; it generally takes a month for this to work, as it does with any diet.

I'm rooting for ya!


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Post by rose » Tue Apr 29, 2008 5:29 pm

When you say you quit No-S, what does that mean?
Does it mean you are following another diet now?
Or are you eating whatever you want whenever you like?
Just curious.

EDIT: well maybe not just curious. It's just that NoS is so logical I just can't understand how one can "quit" it. Adding tweaks, additional restrictions, combining it with nutritional guidelines, that's possible, and I guess most people do that occasionally. Then either the tweaks become a permanent, effortless way of life, or they get tedious and people drop them.
But going back to Seconds, Sweets, and Snacks on N-days? No Way.
(giving up S-days? No Way :lol: )
EDIT (again!) despite the smiley giving up S-days would be a serious matter for me since it would mean risking binges.
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Post by Nossuzy » Tue Apr 29, 2008 5:58 pm

I started counting my stupid points again, which is automatically engrained in my head and is my default setting. LOL.

But then I remember how much I hate it.

I don't know. I just don't want to gain weight either.
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Post by rose » Tue Apr 29, 2008 6:13 pm

Nossuzy wrote:I started counting my stupid points again, which is automatically engrained in my head and is my default setting. LOL.

But then I remember how much I hate it.

I don't know. I just don't want to gain weight either.
Well you can still count points and follow noS if you want. Just make sure to avoid Sweets, snacks and seconds on N-days. Then you can spend some points on Sweets on S-days if you want, and possibly allow yourself a points-free S day a week.
Perhaps abruptly stopping point-counting induced some anxiety that made you eat more than previously. Anyway it's ok to mix NoS with other methods, whether it's only for a transition period, or whether it lasts longer.
After a while you (will probably) get a more accurate idea of what kind of N-day meal will satisfy your hunger while fitting within the "points" without having to count each time.
Just make sure that you allow yourself enough points that any weight loss will be very gradual. Quick weight-loss and too many restrictions are the safest way to yoyoing.
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Post by Nichole » Tue Apr 29, 2008 6:28 pm

rose wrote:
Nossuzy wrote:I started counting my stupid points again, which is automatically engrained in my head and is my default setting. LOL.

But then I remember how much I hate it.

I don't know. I just don't want to gain weight either.
Well you can still count points and follow noS if you want. Just make sure to avoid Sweets, snacks and seconds on N-days. Then you can spend some points on Sweets on S-days if you want, and possibly allow yourself a points-free S day a week.
Perhaps abruptly stopping point-counting induced some anxiety that made you eat more than previously. Anyway it's ok to mix NoS with other methods, whether it's only for a transition period, or whether it lasts longer.
After a while you (will probably) get a more accurate idea of what kind of N-day meal will satisfy your hunger while fitting within the "points" without having to count each time.
Just make sure that you allow yourself enough points that any weight loss will be very gradual. Quick weight-loss and too many restrictions are the safest way to yoyoing.
With only three meals, I suppose counting points would be relatively easy. And like Rose said, it will give you a better idea of what you're eating. Wouldn't want to do it for the rest of my life, but after a while you might intuitively know what works without counting points... I'm not sure since I've never done W.W.
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Post by blueskighs » Tue Apr 29, 2008 7:32 pm


I was below my ideal weight ... 107 and I had to eat skads of food :D I have never been much of a calorie counter so don't know all that but I wasn't eating sweets at all... so you can imagine if you are not eating sweets over a period of time ... and eating reasonably otherwise ... oh yes and moving your body ...

skads of food :D that being said people have always commented on how much I eat ... you are going to eat ALL THAT!

my aunt told me she lived on tab and crackers or something hideous like that one summer to lose weight ... I couldn't imagine. Sometimes I wonder if refusing to starve myself has kept my metabolism up, I don't know.

My husband is often amazed with how much I eat. That is why I have always thought if I could just stop my binging then I WOULD reach a reasonable weight and maintain. I don't know we'll see. But that is why I love NO S I am not binging anymore ...

yay yay yay ... i don't think i could exist, think straight or enjoy life at all on 1000 calories a day. But that's just me. Also I the amount of muscle effects your metabolism, so if you have muscle your weight will be higher, you can eat more and you will actually be smaller. And it is possible that cardio is catabolic ... therefore the obesity epidemic could be related as much to the cardio revolution as to snacking... WHO REALLY KNOWS FOR SURE....

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Post by Beckycan » Tue Apr 29, 2008 7:39 pm

I def. think dieting wrecks our metabolisms -- My daughter amazes me sometimes with what she eats and she stays 120 #. (She's 5'7" tall.)

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Post by Mavilu » Tue Apr 29, 2008 10:21 pm

Beckycan wrote:I def. think dieting wrecks our metabolisms -- My daughter amazes me sometimes with what she eats and she stays 120 #. (She's 5'7" tall.)

I dieted only three time before in my entire life and the longest time I did was for 8 weeks and succesfully (Discovery Health Chanel National Body Challenge), the other two, EDiets and WeightWatchers, and all that in the last five years, because before that I had no reason to diet and I'm the other one that gained weight.
I don't want to sound rude or offend everyone, but the reason we gain weight when we are healthy individuals is how we conduct ourselves, all the other "reasons" are just excuses.
I gained weight because I ate too much, too rich within my three plates.

That said, Nossusy, like someone said here, maybe you want to check with the doctor, because there are a handful of medical reasons and medicines that will make you gain weight.
I just hadd my physical and I don't take medicines, so I know... but you?

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Post by Nossuzy » Tue Apr 29, 2008 10:57 pm

No, I am sure it's just me. I have wanted to think it was my thyroid, or some other medical reason a bunch of times, but I just like to eat too much. :)

I really didn't think i was eating too much, I was following No-S really religously actually and my portions really didn't seem too big to me. It was alot less than normal too with the one plate and no sweets or snacks.

I'm sure my metabolism is really screwed up too from years of dieting.

I'm sure there is no way I could have actually gained 6 pounds of pure fat in 2 weeks. I would have to be eating a zillion calories a day.

But feeling like I gained that much really scared me that this diet is not working. I need to see some sort of results to know I am doing it right!
"Whew, glad I knew about beets. They would have killed me for sure."

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Post by Mavilu » Tue Apr 29, 2008 11:09 pm

Nossuzy wrote: But feeling like I gained that much really scared me that this diet is not working. I need to see some sort of results to know I am doing it right!
Ain't that the truth, chica; I panicked when I realized that I had obviously gotten bigger, I thought that I was living in an alternate universe or something "eat less, gain more!!".
And I really thought I would see some changes, since I've been doing this for three months, more or less.
Very discouraged, but I'm not giving up and I'm happy to see that neither are you!.

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Post by blueskighs » Wed Apr 30, 2008 1:29 am

I don't want to sound rude or offend everyone, but the reason we gain weight when we are healthy individuals is how we conduct ourselves, all the other "reasons" are just excuses.

I find this to be absolutely true for me... I was kind of like ... I am eating so much why am I not even fatter! :D
in fact when I look back at what I used to eat I AM AMAZED ... I simply there is no way I could eat now what I used to eat when I was heavier,
that being said ... there is still much room for improvement on my plates and I am very grateful for NO S,

Blueskighs Where I blog daily about my No S journey

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Post by Mavilu » Wed Apr 30, 2008 11:42 pm

blueskighs wrote: Mavilu,

I find this to be absolutely true for me...
Yes, it just like Reinhard says
But I want an excuse, not a solution!
It sounds crazy, but a lot of people think like this. They'd prefer to stay fat and blame McDonalds or refined carbohydrates or hydrogenated vegetable oil or their lousy genes or anyone and anything but themselves. I'm not saying these things aren't factors, but they are not the decisive factor. The decisive factor is just that: human decision.

Don't be afraid of responsibility. Responsibility can be liberating. If it's your fault, then chances are you can fix it. If it's not your fault, then you probably can't. Would you really prefer that a problem be insoluble than have to work to fix it? And yes, thinking makes it so.

Health aside, I'm amazed at how many people prefer to trade their sense of free will and human dignity for carte blanche to fail. It's like Esau selling his divine birthright for a mess of pottage, choosing to be a slave because it is easier than being free. If you're one of those, keep searching, this diet isn't for you.
It bears repeating and repeating.

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Post by davestarbuck » Sat May 03, 2008 1:19 pm

Throw out the damn scale...

Cut to size,file to fit, paint to match...

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