Filling the "need" for a new fad diet ...

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Filling the "need" for a new fad diet ...

Post by ClickBeetle » Mon Aug 15, 2005 5:37 am

Article from the Washington Post describes a number of new diets. I'd have laughed my head off, if it weren't such a sad and unhealthy circumstance for so many frustrated people. ... index.html
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Post by Prodigalsun » Mon Aug 15, 2005 2:21 pm

See, this is what I'm talking about:
Put it all together, and the advice can seem like a muddle. Nutritionists and fitness experts still stress a good way to keep weight off is to eat less and exercise more. Many point to recent government dietary guidelines, which emphasize fruits, vegetables and whole grains -- and watching calories.

"There'll always be some weird thing about eating four grapes before you go to bed, or drinking a special tea, or buying this little bean from El Salvador," said fitness guru Richard Simmons, who struggled with a series of fad diets as a portly youngster.

"If you watch your portions and you have a good attitude and you work out every day you'll live longer, feel better and look terrific," he said.
They all say this, but for fat people (myself included) it might as well be giberish. Of course, it's about moderation. There is no diet out there except No S that puts rules around moderation. Reinhard, finish up that book proposal, 'cause if what that article says is true and they'res a lull in the diet world, the time is right to strike!

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Post by peetie » Mon Aug 15, 2005 2:35 pm

I had an interesting experience in the book store this week-end. In addition to a couple other stops I make there (including the heavy intellectual stuff, ofcourse!!!!), I always stop and look at the diet books to see what's new. And I usually found a couple that tweaked my interest enough, that I would either buy it on the spot, or come back another time cause I HAD to have it.

This time it all looked like such a bunch of hooey! I felt kinda sad walking away empty's just nothing there could hold a candle to NoS in any way, shape or form! It was kind of like a big chunk of my entertainment is now MUST get that book out there so I can have atleast one I know I can pour over!!!


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Post by Jammin' Jan » Mon Aug 15, 2005 4:16 pm

Peetie, I know what you're saying! There's just nothing interesting in the diet section anymore. So now I've shifted my interest to cookbooks. There's a lot more to look at there.

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Post by cvmom » Tue Aug 16, 2005 3:31 pm


If I had all the money that I've wasted on Diet Books, (Starting with the Beverly Hills Diet, remember that one? Fruit for like a month???), well, let's just say I'd be a lot richer in the pocket book. In fact, the last diet book I bought was in April, just before stumbling on Reinhard's site. It is called You Are What You Eat. I bought it in England and it is by a nutritionist that advocates raw food. :shock: Like I could stick to a Raw Foods Diet....


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Post by peetie » Tue Aug 16, 2005 3:34 pm

Jan and Dru,
We should all get together one day and do a giant diet book burning! Kinda like burning your bra in the 60's. Only this makes a lot more sense to me!


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Aug 16, 2005 5:54 pm

Ha ha!!! Hey Prunella!
I could add a bunch of those to your diet funeral pyre if my Mom would let me in her library...
She must have two shelves of books devoted to baloney diets she has tried and gone off of....
Have a nice book burning! :lol:
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Post by Kevin » Tue Aug 16, 2005 8:14 pm

Have a nice book burning!
Darn. Now I'll have to cross that off my list "Phrases I thought I'd never hear." :0)
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Post by cvmom » Tue Aug 16, 2005 10:24 pm


We're going to smash up some "rock n' roll" albums later. :lol:


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Aug 17, 2005 12:49 am

Ha! Kevin you are funny!!!!
You know that those diet books don't count as a real book!!! LOL...
They are the work of the devil anyway.... :evil:
Burning them would be awesome!!!!! :lol:
(But forget about burning those rock and roll records Dru!!! I'm keeping my collection of heathen music! LOL....)
Look how little they have actually helped the people who wasted a good twenty bucks and a whole mess of willpower...

I have to get this one from my Mom's collection.. It's a load of hooey, like Peetie says... Adele Puhn's "5 day Miracle Diet"... It must be about 6 years old now? I don't think Mom stuck with that one...
I just remember the catch phrase on the book cover about "not needing Willpower" with that one... I hate it already!!! We need to own responsibility for our choices, not give credit to some hokey diet which does the work for us... NOS just makes the work easier, but it doesn't take away the credit.. And it increases our ability to harness our Will!!!
Where's my matches and that miracle book!!!!!! :twisted:

Peace and Love and BBQ'd diet books,
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Post by denisems » Wed Aug 17, 2005 2:56 am

:evil: Diet books are the work of the devil? That's hysterical. I know. Let's get all our diet books (trust me, I've lost count) and yell "No S" at them at the top of our lungs. They'll burn on their own without the help of lighter fluid and matches. You saw what holy water did in "The Exorcist." I could literally throw at you all right now the shouldas, wouldas, and couldas, but I'm going to try not to regret the gazillions of dollars I've spent on diet books, programs, supplements, etc. It's a new era, and I can't wait to feel full, at last. Ciao, Denise :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by snazzybabe » Wed Aug 17, 2005 3:59 am

A lot of people want a quick fix weight loss solution so that's why diet books do so well. Even if you follow a low-carb diet like me you still have to watch you don't over-eat and make sure you exercise.
Eat in moderation and exercise that's all we really need to know. If we have 3 filling meals we don't need to snack.

My boss was told by his doctor to limit his sugar consumption. He has been doing this for about 6 months and lost 8 kilos just by doing that. (He still ate bread, pasta, rice just not biscuits, sugary snacks etc).

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Post by reinhard » Wed Aug 17, 2005 1:42 pm

Instead of burning, try the "Diet Book Diet" (works with exercise books, too): resolve to carry around in a backpack wherever you go any diet books you buy until you hit your target weight. Guaranteed to fix at least one problem: either you'll lose weight or stop spending money.

Warning: the no s diet book, a wee little thing, is not going to be very effective in this capacity.

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NoS Town Crier....

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Aug 17, 2005 2:45 pm

As a licensed massage therapist, Reinhard, I must point out a big flaw in this plan... I can tell you that carrying around lots of (bad) diet books in a backpack will, *indeed*, become a "pain in the neck"!!!!
But that was cute! And it would burn loads of calories! :wink:

Now what about selling stuff now, not just in two years when your book proposal goes through....
Heck, if a person wants to carry around the NOS diet with them *right now* they can buy a NOS tee shirt at cafepress, which is so light that it won't even feel like anything!!! Or hey, how about a pin! Then you can walk around and "convert the diet masses" (and I mean "masses" lol...)
Years ago I actually considered, and paid for, being a independent rep for "Herbalife"... If anyone's interested in that tale, let me know, but for now I'm just talking about marketing...
The eating on that is totally unbalanced, and it mainly relied on "herbal suppliments" (ie heart attack inducing stimulants....) but heck, they did have some very good marketing tools.... One of which was to just walk around with a pin from Herbalife which simply read
"I lost weight, ask me how..."
The idea was to have people strike up a conversation with you....
For that one person walking around the mall, who is looking for a solution, you will be making yourself visible...
Reinhard... Start wearing your NOS shirt to work and a pin saying "I lost weight....Ask me how..." then "Buy my diet book... It's only the size of a pin!".... LOL....

By the way, is it possible to get the NOS logo, on a "baby doll" type tee shirt at that site? I personally look horrendous in plain teeshirts, but wish to get one in a more feminine design...

I'll have to look into that!.....
Have a great day!
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Post by cvmom » Wed Aug 17, 2005 4:14 pm

I'd like a pair of sweatpants. With a big NO S planted on my butt. Forget Juicy Couture. How about No S couture?

Deb, prior to backpacking around Europe in my early 20's I worked at the Cheesecake Factory as a Bakery Girl. Well, I finished up work and got on a plane. My parents met me over in Spain about a month later. Imagine their surprise when I'd lost like 15 pounds in a month!!! Lugging around an enormous back pack and not eating cheesecake every day sure did wonders for the figure. :D

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Aug 17, 2005 4:29 pm

Hey Dru!
Oh my God.. Bakery girl at cheesecake factory????
That would be definite suicide for me!!!
LOL..... :lol:

I hate working with food at this point, as I have had plenty of jobs in the food industry over my life... Waitressing at catering halls during the 80's, assistant manager of a fish and chips place in the 90's, where I had to personally cut and weigh 40 lbs of fish every morning, (I needed to burn all my clothes when I left *that* one!) working at a restaurant, with fried food and junk during the late 90's.... Starbucks, during going to Swedish Institute of NY... I hate food jobs now!!!!

But if I was around cheesecake all the time, I am sure I would be able to
"make room for dessert", as cheesecake is one of my very favorite ones...

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Post by peetie » Wed Aug 17, 2005 4:30 pm

CV mom, you worked at the Cheesecake Factory? You are my HERO!!!!! I frequent that place atleast once a week....but now only on week-ends.


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Aug 17, 2005 4:38 pm

Oh and I like your idea about putting a NOS logo on the butt, but not on mine!!! LOL.....
That would constitute a "billboard ad".....
Maybe once I get to my goal!

Still, it seems highly irreverant of Reinhard as we would all be sitting on his elegant plan!
How demeaning! LOL..... :lol:

Hey if we did put NOS on our butts we could do it with this lettering...
Reinhard, check this out...

NO-AS-S Diet :P

Okay, I for one, would wear this!!!!! LOL.....
Imagine the stares and questions!! :D
Have a nice one Juicy Dru....
Peace, Love and Billboard Advertisements,
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Post by Blondie » Wed Aug 17, 2005 4:41 pm

Lol, when I was 17 I worked at a joint called the Chocolate Chippery and the rule was that we could eat anything we wanted the whole time we were there...well, part of my job was to scoop the cookie dough onto trays for baking. Yeah. I know, raw cookie dough, yum. I ate so much cookie dough on that first day that I can't even look at the stuff, even now.

On the other hand, I've worked in restaurants and bars (including bartending at a brewpub) and somehow I haven't lost my taste for beer...;)

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Post by cvmom » Wed Aug 17, 2005 4:50 pm

Yes, working in the food service industry is crazy for people like us. I worked at countless places throughout my years in college. I even worked at Pritikin Longevity Center!!! You would think I'd of lost weight there but nooooooo. That's where I learned to like a lot of veggie cuisine though.

Mandy: I ate my fair share of cookie dough at Cheesecake Factory. I can't stomach the stuff now.

Now I run my own food service. It's called cooking three meals a day for my family. It's a bit like a short order restaurant since everyone wants something different. I'm trying to solve that problem now. :)

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Post by carolejo » Thu Aug 18, 2005 7:58 am

I did two temporary summer jobs in Germany between my degrees. The first one wasn't too bad as I was working in a factory packing dried fruits and nuts. The second one was a bit much though, it was in a cold store in Summer for the Lebkuchen factory (German christmas gingerbread cookies!)

Again, we were allowed to eat as much as we liked. These companies sure have the psychology of this all worked out, huh? I'll bet if you weren't allowed to eat the goods, people still would be tempted to sneak a little every now and then and overall would probably eat much much more, whereas if you can gorge on the stuff endlessly, it quickly loses it's appeal (in most cases, anyhow! I never got sick of the fruits and nuts *grin*).


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Post by Jammin' Jan » Thu Aug 18, 2005 10:54 am

As long as we're talking about food service jobs...I worked at Long John Silver's in Spokane (hubby cut fish and I mixed slaw when we opened in the mornings); at the now-defunct Zantigo taco in Milwaukee, and at Lee's Famous Fried Chicken in Blacksburg, VA. Fun jobs, all of them! I saved eating their food for lunch or dinner breaks, but there was always that endless cup of Coke or Dr. Pepper in my hand. Don and I were in college when we were working at Long John's, and we were so poor, that on the nights we worked to close, I would gather up all the unsold food and bring it home with us. I got really good at recycling leftover fish, chicken, chowder, and corn that year.

Good grief, I'm glad those years are behind us!

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Post by doulachic » Thu Aug 18, 2005 3:32 pm

My first job was at Wendy's...mmmm....frostys and french fries! i've also worked in an elementry school cafeteria...interesting and disturbing experience...
about the diet books, hey what DO we do with them??? I usually donate to our local library, but i'm not sure if i want to donate those...i may be contributing to someone else's diet failure...? i guess they will continue to collect dust on my shelf until the bonfire is lit...hey, does anyone ever find themselves tempted to "peek" into one of those books?? Maybe i should shuffle them off to the dump...hhhmmm.... :wink:

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Post by carolejo » Thu Aug 18, 2005 4:02 pm

stick 'em all in the dumpster, where they belong. Don't donate them to the library - that kind of feels like hanging around outside a school and giving away free cigarettes!! *grin*


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Post by cvmom » Thu Aug 18, 2005 4:30 pm


I have given some of them to the Goodwill and have felt guilty. That is funny that you had the same thought. Why perpetuate the misery?

I'm going to put mine in the recycle bin from now on.


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Post by Jammin' Jan » Thu Aug 18, 2005 4:37 pm

People are going to read these books no matter what, but if you donate them to library, then they can read for free, thus (1) not wasting their on money on this junk, and (2) not contribute to the book profits or encouraging another printing.

Why not print off some No-S business cards on sticker labels and stick them to the inside cover of every diet book you donate to the library?

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Post by navin » Thu Aug 18, 2005 4:48 pm

stick 'em all in the dumpster, where they belong.
A lot of hard effort went into creating those books, and you advocate simply throwing them away? They really ought to be put to good use.

They should go in the recycle bin instead. :D

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Post by carolejo » Thu Aug 18, 2005 5:14 pm


Right, Recycling it is then.

Although I quite like the plan of donating them to the library with NoS stickers added.


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Aug 18, 2005 7:54 pm

A Revolution is in order it seems!!!!!
Stick it to the Diet "Man"!!!!!!!!!

And stuff it in the dumpster,,,,,,,for recycling...
(Navin!!! LOL...)

Let's put NOS stickers all over the planet!!!!
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Post by doulachic » Thu Aug 18, 2005 9:09 pm

carolejo..cigarettes in front of a school..! Too funny! I have seen quite a few diet books in our library (i'm even guilty of checking some out...pre-no-s..of course!). maybe i will donate them, with the NO-S stickers!! Until Reinhard gets his book out that is...then i will buy a bunch of copies of the No-S book and donate them to the library to enlighten others... :lol:

too bad we can't return the books to the store and say "hey! these darn things didn't work, i want my money back!!" :twisted: Yeah, that'll be the day!

"When you are in a jam, a good friend will bring a loaf of bread and peanut butter..."

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