Blueskighs Check-In

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Post by BeingGreen » Fri Nov 07, 2008 5:13 pm


I have thought about you many times this week, wondering if you were okay. I'm so sorry that something happened to hurt your feelings and make you feel unwelcome on these boards.

Although I'm a relative newcomer to NoS, you were DEFINITELY one of the main reasons I joined on. Clearly you had put love, energy, and passion into your NoS blog and messages on these bulletin boards. I looked forward to your insights every time I logged on. You offered everyone who joined kind and welcoming words.

We will all miss you terribly, but respect your decision to leave and wish you all the best on your personal NoS journey.


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Nov 07, 2008 6:44 pm

Hi Blue, before things get all twisted and completely out of control, I just wanted to tell you that I was the person who privately messaged Reinhard to take a look at the thread last week, because I felt that you were really getting personal with the things you said to Bright Angel.
I don't know either of you personally, but I have been part of this group since 2005 and it has always been a very peaceful place.
I see you are upset that you feel now you are not welcome.
That is certainly not the case.
I am not the moderator or leader of this group, Reinhard is.
I didn't feel right chiming in on that thread at the time, although I really felt that the comments you made to Bright Angel could be potentially very hurtful to her. I would do the same exact thing for you if I felt that someone was picking on you on the boards. Forgive me for going the private message route, and not just saying something on that thread. I didn't want to add fuel to any fire and frankly I don't like that kind of confrontational approach these days, because, I just feel it is better handled in a quiet way, off the boards.
But now seeing your reaction and your hurt feelings by it all, I wanted to apologise for hurting them.
I felt it unfair that Bright Angel be made to feel like she is an outsider and unwelcome.
Reinhard is a much better diplomat than I am, and so I decided to leave it to him to mention that it would be nice if the fighting on the boards would stop.
So if you want to be angry at anyone, please don't be angry with Reinhard, be angry at me. He was just trying to mediate here, as I felt it wasn't really my responsibility or place to speak up.
Anyway.. again, sorry your feelings were hurt.
I hope you reconsider leaving the boards as you would be missed.
Respect and Love
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Post by reinhard » Fri Nov 07, 2008 8:47 pm

Dear blue,

Thank you for posting here again to let us know how you're doing -- we've been emailing privately but as you can see I wasn't the only one worried about you.

Again, I'm terribly, terribly sorry that I hurt you with my intervention. I really didn't mean to. Yes, I was alerted to the fact that something was going on in a PM -- which I actually think is a good use of PMs (don't be mad at dear, honest Deb). And then I felt I had to act quickly, before the situation got worse. That's why my response was rushed. I was less even handed than I should have been BECAUSE I value your contributions to the board and nos blogosphere so highly -- I was overcompensating. I thought it would seem more impartial, not less. This was dumb, really dumb. And if I hadn't also been so overtired I don't think it would have happened. But it certainly wasn't from intentional meanness or disregard for your incredibly generous and helpful contributions -- please believe me.

Though I hate to think my clumsy post was the proximate cause, I understand your wanting to take a break from the boards and blog, maybe even a permanent one. It's a been big investment of time and energy. It's certainly not something I or anyone here has the right to expect. But please believe that we really do appreciate what you've invested so far -- and will be overjoyed if you ever decide to join us again, even if only in a reduced capacity.

Heartfelt best wishes, whatever you decide,


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Post by resting52 » Sat Nov 08, 2008 1:19 am

Dear Blue,

I just shocked that you might be gone.

Your insight, wisdom, continual encouragement have been such a major support to me. You made NoS look absolutely beautiful with your food creations on your blog-always a joy to look at.

I'm assuming from the other posts that this had to do with ba and her continual opinions on the many failures and inadequacies of NoS and how basically it doesn't work. I'm so glad that you have argued (in the positive Socratic term) for NoS principles (usually quoting the book) and how well it has worked for you.

I pray all the best for you and will keep hoping for your return.


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Post by Kathleen » Sat Nov 08, 2008 1:55 pm

I'm missed the controversy, but I wanted to thank you for your early encouragement of me and for your philosophy of both "perfect compliance" and keeping the N Days green without worrying about the S Days. It seems to me that there is a high failure rate for people but only because they aren't really allowing their body "unconditional permission to eat" on S Days. You've been a groundbreaker in carefully and thoroughly explaining "Keep the N Days green over time". I'm not sure if I got my tag line from your thread, but I think I probably did: 'Take care of the N Days, and the S Days take care of themselves."

I also appreciate your thoughtful response to my decision tohave only one S Day per week, which I very quickly realized was a mistake. That was the only time since the very beginning that I was in much danger of going off this diet. Two S Days per week are necessary for me to be able to get through five days of restricitng, although restricting is getting easier and easier.

Good luck to you. I think the most wonderful thing about this diet is that it has the potential to eventually require as much thought as brushing your teeth in the morning, and you've pointed the way.


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Post by howfunisthat » Sat Nov 08, 2008 2:11 pm


I haven't been around here as much lately..sickness, I've apparently missed quite a bit.

I don't know what happened but I do know that I miss you! Your encouragement & wisdom has been such wonderful part of this journey for me and for so many people. Obviously you need to do what's right for you, but please know that it just won't be the same around here without you. You'll never know how much you have impacted the people here....I know your encouragement has meant a great deal to me & I do hope you'll be back....I hope you know your presence here has been a delight.

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Post by connorcream » Sat Nov 08, 2008 2:28 pm

I too shall miss your insights and beautiful pictures. Thank you for the time it took putting those together. I hope you might reconsider at some point your decision to leave. There are many people who would be helped by your posts.
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Post by BrightAngel » Sat Nov 08, 2008 11:34 pm

I, also, hope you reconsider your decision.
The No S forum has been helpful to you, and you've been helpful to it.
It would be unfortunate to allow temporary negative feelings
to interfere with what has essentially been a positive experience for you and others.

For the record,
(1) I did not PM any complaint against you to Reinhard or to anyone else;
(2) I have very positive feelings about Reinhard and the No S Diet.
While I see one of the basic strengths of the Plan
as the Plan's adaptability to different people based on individual differences,
I enjoy watching Vanilla No S work in your life and in the lives of others.

Whatever your decision, I wish you continued success.
BrightAngel - (Dr. Collins)
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Post by blueskighs » Tue Nov 11, 2008 1:29 am

Hey guys,

I just wanted to say OH MY GOSH, thank you so much for your posts. I am so moved and grateful. I really don’t have the words to express the feelings in my heart.

Habitualrunner your post brought tears to my eyes thank you.

Resting you have become a dear friend to my heart and your presence brings me peace.

Kathleen, from the moment you got on the boards you have brought new and greatuly useful information and I think gotten us all to think.

Janie your seizing of the No S priniciples has been beautiful to behold.

Connorcream, often keeping it short and sweet, does not mean that your posts are not deep and meaningful. What a great spirit you have.

Bright Angel, thank you for your generous and conciliatory post. I certainly hope that you are able to find a way to make the NO S precepts work for you and experience the great freedom that comes with them. And I do want to assure you, I didn’t realize until I read your post that I did not ever even consider that you were one of the people who sent a private message. You have been honorable in our disagreements and I have always recognized and respected that. And certainly even now have a greater appreciation for it.

There are two outstanding issues that would keep me away from the boards:

The first is just sheer time. I have considered shortening my daily check-in posts, moving my “daily commentaries†to my blog and posting pics on my blog only one day a week, since the posting, prepping and taking of pics is the most time consumiung. This is a paradigm that might allow me to hang in there but keep my time commitments more appropriate considering the other commitments I have in my life right now.

The second is this issue of private messaging. I wrote Reinhard privately and let him know that I don’t believe an environment where people are encouraged to “report†on one another through private messaging is psychologically or emotionally healthy. I believe in any community of individuals where open expression is supported, conflict will emerge. The point being not to discourage, squelch or be threatened by conflict but to facilitate the healthy exchange that it can foster. I emphatically believe that an environment of “openness†is the foundation for this kind of communication. For this reason, on principle, I cannot in good conscious participate in my heart in an environment where “behind the scenes maneuvering†is encouraged.

On the other hand, I respectfully give way to Reinhard to run his boards in whatever way that he sees fits. If he sees the possible ill effects of private messaging, which I believe we have all just witnessed, outweigh the negatives, I bow out with full respect. On the other hand, if he might consider alternatives to promote a more open exchange I would be interested in that.

I can say from personal experience it does not feel good to be “blind sided†by “behind the scenes influences†no matter how well meaning their intentions might be and would have greatly appreciated the opportunity to at the least, respond in kind.

I am aware there are people on the boards who have been on the boards for a long time. However, one of the positive lessons that I did take with my from my twelve step experience is the idea that “the newcomer is the most important person in the room.†They are the life blood of any organization and it is paramount for the growth of any organization to make the newcomers feel welcome and as important a part of the group as anyone who has participated for a long period of time.

Anyway these are just some of my thoughts of where I am at at the end of this tumultuous but somewhat invigorating emotional roller coaster ride.

Whatever determination Reinhard makes about the private messaging, I love the people on these boards, I love the No S diet and you can all rest assured the NO S Diet has been proven to work even under emotional duress! My food and weight are maintaining fabulously and I am a “whole new person†using these boards to learn how to communicate, share, and express all of the ideas, emotions and passions I kept “stuffed down†with food.

So thank you ALL for you’re help and support in our mutual growth and healing,
Blueskighs Where I blog daily about my No S journey

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Post by BrightAngel » Tue Nov 11, 2008 2:43 am


I hope you continue to post when you find the time.

I found your Private Messaging issue interesting,
and started a Thread in the main Forum
where I hope people will post any concerns they might have on that topic
BrightAngel - (Dr. Collins)
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Post by kccc » Tue Nov 11, 2008 1:42 pm


I am so very glad to hear from you and see you here. :)



PS - Understand about time. I'm working on that balance myself.

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Post by reinhard » Tue Nov 11, 2008 8:22 pm


Thanks so much for joining us again!

I totally hear you on the time issue. I myself have had to come up with rules to limit my board time (making posting a single, N-daily task, and impossible an upper "Blimit" of four bulletin board checks per day). It's really just like any other everyday system -- you have to throttle your enthusiasm into something sustainable over the long haul. I'd love to spend hours a day on this board, but I know if I want to keep this up for years to come I've got to limit it to 20 minutes or so.

I'll take a look at Bright Angel's PM discussion and weigh in there... my feeling is that they're not actually a problem (my reaction was the problem), but I'd like to do whatever I reasonably can to make you feel comfortable.


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Post by connorcream » Tue Nov 11, 2008 11:15 pm

Glad to see your post. The PM question is a thorny one. But your insights are always appreciated.
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Post by BeingGreen » Wed Nov 12, 2008 1:09 am

So glad to see your post, Blue! I was also happy to hear that NoS stood you in good stead especially during a stressful, emotional event. Bravo!

I have never been a part of a "virtual" community like this before, so it is all new to me. It's amazing to find how much I feel like I'm getting to know others on the boards, and care about them, even though we've never met in person. Time and emotion are definitely an issue here. I can see how setting limits for myself would be a good idea too.

In the meantime, I hope the PM issue gets resolved so that you feel comfortable enough to stay.

Welcome home :D

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Post by blueskighs » Wed Nov 12, 2008 2:43 am

Doop doop doop tee doo! :wink:

First of all, want to thank Reinhard for his patience and kindness in "reconciling" me with the boards. Thank you Reinhard.

KCCC, Connorcream and Habitualrunner,

thank you for stopping by and yes ... welcoming me home :oops: it is amazing how we can grow attached to one another's presence here on these boards. Hmmmmmmm....

private messaging, loved many of the response on the thread BA started on the main boards ... calm, cool, sensible, reasonable ... think I will just leave it all said with that :D

time to move on.

All right .... where was I?

Day 222 10/31 NWS DAY


Day 223 11/1


Day 224 11/2


Day 225 11/3


Day 226 11/4


Day 227 11/5


Day 228 11/6


Day 229 11/7


Day 230 11/8
Day 231 11/9
Day 232 11/10


Day 233 11/11


Let's see right now I am planning Thanksgiving Day as an NWS day. I think it's going to be the only one I take in November. I think I'll take 3 in December - Christmas Eve Day, Christmas Day, New Year's Eve Day ... that sounds like great potential for very happy holidays ...

newest post at my blog ... BEST WEEKEND EVER! ... at ,

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Post by howfunisthat » Wed Nov 12, 2008 3:24 am


I'm so very glad to see you back! I missed just seemed as if part of our world was off-kilter without you.

I'm glad you're here...I really am....

Welcome back....janie
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Post by resting52 » Wed Nov 12, 2008 11:53 pm

Yippee for the Return of the Blue!

I loved your new blog message about the best weekend ever. I was reading something Deb said on some thread about it taking her about 6 months to settle into more reasonable weekends. And here YOU'VE DONE IT!!

It would be interesting to go back and find old NoSers and see if they hit wiser weekends about the same time.

Maybe I'll have a new habitcal called WW-not for Weight Watchers but for Wiser Weekends.

Resting :lol:

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Post by connorcream » Thu Nov 13, 2008 2:21 am

It does seem like nos is back to the way it should be. welcome blueskighs.
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Post by Kathleen » Thu Nov 13, 2008 2:50 am


I keep on thinking that the real measure of this diet's success is that it goes on autopilot, like brushing my teeth. I keep on resolving that it is time for it to go on autopilot.

Well, it's not. When it is, I've come to believe, it will happen naturally, with fewer and fewer posts.

I am so glad you are back. It's nice to have someone who is ahead of you in this weight loss game which almost everyone loses --

This diet seems like the way to go, and I am very committed to it, but it also helps to share my thoughts with others and get feedback -- It helps me to have you here.



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Post by blueskighs » Thu Nov 13, 2008 4:29 am


it is interesting that I think it takes a little while to work through prior food deprivation, discovering how and what we really like to treat ourself with and probably "trusting" ourselves that we are really going to keep treating ourselves and that we can handle it. I am in the eighth month ... so, it has taken awhile but been a very "organic" process. I don't expect every weekend to be "perfect" but it does feel good to feel like I am getting the hang of it!


Connorcream, thank you too, for being such a thoughtful presence on these boards!


I think it goes more and more on autopilot, more days are autopilot, but then there are ones, funny little things creep in ... I think what has happened is that when I see people eating sweets/ treats on N days its kind of "jarring" and I think "How odd" :shock:

Day 234

New blog post ... ANXIETY ...

Blueskighs Where I blog daily about my No S journey

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Post by funfuture » Thu Nov 13, 2008 7:08 am

Welcome back from me too, Blue. Nice to have you "home". :D

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Post by kccc » Thu Nov 13, 2008 12:54 pm

Blue, I smile every time I see you back.

Loved your "Anxiety" post - really insightful, and really resonated. Best wishes to your loved one.

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Post by blueskighs » Fri Nov 14, 2008 5:29 am


thank you :)


thank you for the good wishes, looks like they are doing well, little yay!

Day 235

new post on my blog ... Hexagram 62: Limitation ... at ... somehow I managed to screw up the fonts on all my earlier posts, Sigh. They are huge. :D

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Post by resting52 » Fri Nov 14, 2008 12:47 pm

Your Anxiety blog was right on the mark and just what I needed to

Glad to hear things are okay with your loved one.


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Post by blueskighs » Sat Nov 15, 2008 8:01 am


thank you!

glad the weekend is here! YAY!

Day 236


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Post by blueskighs » Sat Nov 15, 2008 9:08 pm

Day 237


New post at my blog ... NOTHING YOU CAN'T COMFORTABLY DO WITHOUT ... at

Everyone have a wonderful weekend ... we are having a SKORCHER here in Southern California, the Santa Anas are HOT! We're all walking around like it is mid-July and simply AWFUL for those caught in the smoke and the flames of the fires!

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Post by blueskighs » Mon Nov 17, 2008 1:50 am

Day 238


Another good S weekend, YAY!
Enjoying coffees chocolate and the other usual suspects,

Blueskighs Where I blog daily about my No S journey

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Post by blueskighs » Tue Nov 18, 2008 1:41 am

Day 239


really looking forward to an NWS day for Thanksgiving. We are planning "the works" turkey, gravy, dressing, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, greens and homemade pumpkin pie. YUM YUM! This is probably the first time in my adult life I am looking forward to Thanksgiving with such pleasure knowing that I can ENJOY it all absolutely guilt free!

New post at my blog ... CONSISTENCY IS THE KEY TO RESULTS ...

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Post by resting52 » Tue Nov 18, 2008 3:54 am

Hey Blue,

I know that one rant we, at least most of us, seem to have, is about our weekend days. You Very kindly just keep beating the same drum.

I thinks I may finally be able to hear the beat.

ndaygreen !
ndaygreen !
ndaygreen ! I


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Post by blueskighs » Wed Nov 19, 2008 3:24 am

just keep beating the same drum.

that would be me :D beating the same drum! I guess I am kind of like that. I REALLY like to keep things as simple as possile in this complicated world we live in and ANYTHING that helps me do that I cling to ...

so ...


very simple indeed
, I like it!

Day 240


one day when I was walking I thought how long will I count? 365? 730? 1000? such a nice, even, round number ...

new post at my blog ... TOO LITTLE, TOO MUCH ...

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Post by Kathleen » Wed Nov 19, 2008 3:45 am

I'm back on track! Slow weight loss but only green days since September 11th.

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Post by blueskighs » Thu Nov 20, 2008 4:55 am


that is great news and CONGRATULATIONS on all that GREEN!

Day 241


Decided will take Thanksgiving Day and the Monday after oops didn't realize that is December ..... hmm... well I'll take that day off anyway since my husband is on vacation and have 4 NWS days in December. Checked my habitcal and that will keep me at average 2 a month since I started mid march ... June and August I did not take any ...

new post at my blog ... "THE MODERATION REVOLUTION" ... at

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Post by resting52 » Thu Nov 20, 2008 1:45 pm

What a smart post on moderation. Was thinking about it this morning as I walked. On WW we were given so many points per day-period. Although we could "Eat Your Activity Points" we were kind of discouraged from doing so in order to lose weight faster. Or maybe I just encouraged myself not to eat them.

After counting so many non-constructive things, I think it is wonderful to count these constructive (building the habits day by day) NoS days. You could be fashioning your own bracelet like HowFunIsThat. All greens and yellows with a gold bead for every non red month.


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Post by blueskighs » Fri Nov 21, 2008 2:31 am

we were kind of discouraged from doing so in order to lose weight faster.
in the beginning I thought there is NO WAY I will take NWS days ... why I will never lose weight ... but now I honestly couldn't live without them :D in a way it is nice to lose weight more slowly, people don't seem to notice so much ... since I have gained and lost SO MANY TIMES I am thrilled to not get any "you lost weight"s they just kind of look at me ... or say "you look good" rather hear THAT any day :wink:

the weird thing is this time I feel like i have lost the weight "honestly" ... no sneaky diet rules or forbidden foods, just straight up eating ... :D am I making ANY SENSE at all?

glad you are here!

Day 242


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Post by resting52 » Fri Nov 21, 2008 1:35 pm

Hey Blue,

"the weird thing is this time I feel like i have lost the weight "honestly" ... no sneaky diet rules or forbidden foods, just straight up eating ... :D am I making ANY SENSE at all?"-Blue

Of course you are making sense! And, you are getting compliments, AND you feel good, AND you got a trainer and got in shape!!!! How wonderful is all of that?

Have you had folks ask you how you did it?

You could hand them the book and say, "Grow up!" but that would be counterproductive. It would be perceived as a put down instead of as a call to freedom and "honest" weight loss.


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Post by blueskighs » Sat Nov 22, 2008 9:09 pm


no one has asked me how I have done it yet. I just mostly get compliments that I look really good. BUT when they ask .. :D

YES, growing up DOES feel fantastic! Might ponder on how to "frame that" in an inviting way ... hmmmmmmmm.... something to mull on.

Day 243


have posted EIGHT MONTHS RESULTS at my blog ... ...

do you guys remember my six month angst? wow and now i am just plugging along, this is so wonderful!

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Post by blueskighs » Sun Nov 23, 2008 4:26 am

DAY 244


... beautiful and fun S day ... YAY!
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Post by blueskighs » Mon Nov 24, 2008 2:58 am

Day 245


today i had my N day breakfast .... mixed grains and scrambled eggs ... it was what I was "craving" YUMMY ... my caramel machiato, turkey meatloaf from JIMBOS more YUMMY, kale,chard and spinach sauteed with garlic and red pepper flakes (we learned the red pepper flakes in greens from italy and this particular mix of greens is our fave) YES another Caramel Macchiato and dark chocolate bar ... an apple,

amazing thing my blood sugar numbers are getting more back to what they used to be, I am eating apples for past week and a half cause they are in season .... wondering if they are what is driving down my blood sugar ... WHO KNOWS ...

as far as I am concerned it has been a Fabu S day,

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Post by resting52 » Mon Nov 24, 2008 2:17 pm

a Fabu S day

Now that is just so cute!

Here's to many FabuS Days to follow!


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Post by blueskighs » Tue Nov 25, 2008 4:33 am


YES! May we all have many FABU S DAYS to come! :D

Day 246


I am tired I am going to bed. I had such a productive day now I am completely ZONKED!

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Post by Burgher » Tue Nov 25, 2008 2:20 pm

Blueskighs, I'm trying to add at least an apple a day to my diet. I love Gala apples and used to eat them as a snack but now have to think of them as part of my meal. Some say they are really good for you. I need them with the skin for fiber.

Did you watch Boston Legal last night? It was a riot.
I forgot to tell you that we loved watching Weeds from Netflix. Have you seen any of them? I have two Mad Men to watch and will probably be mailed the third one today. We are trying to catch up with what we have on our DVR before Fios comes and takes them away.

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Post by blueskighs » Wed Nov 26, 2008 5:05 am


I didn't watch Boston Legal last night. We just finished season 4 on DVD and didn't tape 5 so we are just going to wait ... but glad to hear it was funny, something to look forward to :D

What is Fios?

Apples are good. I forget how much I enjoy them! And yes, I find a place to put them on my plate, "keeps me honest" :wink:

Day 247


Yummy Yummy YUMMY homemade tuna salad sandwich for dinner, (no I did not catch the tuna ... hahahahhhhhhaaaaa) have lately dropped down to one coffee a day on N days ... I think I like it better,

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Post by blueskighs » Thu Nov 27, 2008 7:11 am

Day 248


tonight we made cornbread for stuffing and completely from scratch pumpkin pies ... they are in the fridge chilling ... and as I crumbled the cornbread I realized why and how No S works ... if today had not been an N day and my habits were not solid, we would not have ended up with so much cornbread for our stuffing :wink: Also when the pies were cooling this evening, they would not have "arrived" in the fridge before we came upstairs as whole pies ... day by day bit by bit, keeping those N days green simply cuts down on the total volume of food consumed ....


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Post by blueskighs » Fri Nov 28, 2008 5:45 am

Day 249 NWS DAY


Managed to thoroughly enjoy Thanksgiving, YAY!

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Post by blueskighs » Fri Nov 28, 2008 6:09 pm

Made a fun post to my blog ... MY FIRST NO S DIET THANSGIVING ... photos of it all ... not surprisingly today I am NOT hungry ... started a thread on the general discussion and mulling over my strategies for getting through the day without triggering the overeating from overeating habit ...

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Post by 3aday » Fri Nov 28, 2008 6:41 pm

Everything looks DELICIOUS!
I am glad you enjoyed your Thanksgiving!
Your cats are so beautiful too.
Like I asked Deb, can you send a piece of that chai pumpkin pie to Florida!

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Post by blueskighs » Sat Nov 29, 2008 8:54 pm


If I could send you a piece of our delcious chai pumpkin pie I would gladly do so! IT WAS YUMMY! And our handsome brothers, the little kitties, thank you for your kind compliments. I have to say I am quite partial and think they are just the "best looking litte boys" :D and my goodness, they are sweet!

Glad to see you on the boards and that you will be around for the holidays! I am really excited about my first holiday season on the NO S diet, it all just seems so much more "cheery" and "hopeful" without all the "food fear" and "guilt"!

Day 250


B: 8 ounce Monvie, cafe misto
L: turkey meatloaf, sauteed chard, kale, spinach with red pepper flakes, garlic and EVOO
OOPS! did break my coffee glass ceiling and had a THIRD cafe misto ... second time I have done THIS in three months ... keeping my eye on it ... :roll:
D: eggs scrambled in Evoo, whole grain toast with earth balance

I REALLY enjoyed having a GREEN day the day after Thanksgiving ... STOPPING is always a good thing :D and I THOROUGHLY ENJOYED my pumpkin pie for breakfast this morning,

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Post by blueskighs » Sat Nov 29, 2008 9:00 pm


I am going to experiment for the month of December with giving myself the "option" of two or three meals on N days. I am going to initially limit this "experiment" to the month of December and then evaluate to see how I am doing. After 8 months and cutting WAY BACK on my cardio exercise, I am really struggling with getting in three meals a day every single N day.

To keep myself honest, I'll post my meals and the number I had each N day. IF i eat 2 OR 3 meals on an N day I will consider it safely GREEN.

In honor of the holidays and it being a "December Experiment" I will call it "Peppermint Striped No S" :P

Wish me luck, I am entering uncharted territory!

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Post by 3aday » Sat Nov 29, 2008 9:25 pm

In honor of you, I had a piece of pumpkin pie with coffee as my lunch! I know for a fact it wasn't as good as yours!

Good luck with your 2 meals a day experiment. I have a very good friend that only eats 2 meals a day. Coffee for breakfast, lunch and dinner Monday through Friday and eats three small meals on Saturday and Sunday. I asked her how that works and she says it's such a habit she doesn't even think about it. (Sound familiar?)

I remember when I used to work at 6am when I was younger and never had time for breakfast (because I would wake up at 5:52) and thought I was starving the first couple of days because my lunch wasn't until 12. After a few days, I wasn't hungry for breakfast anymore. Now that I am much older, even if I start at 6....I get up so insanely early I eat breakfast but more out of habit than hunger now.

It's funny but now, when I eat my grilled cheese sandwich I find myself "sighing" after eating half the sandwich. I know that is a natural satisfaction indication for me but I usually eat the rest of my grilled cheese. I can stop when full at lunch or dinner but for some reason, the whole grilled cheese is such a strong habit for me. Maybe it's my "comfort" thing. Anyway, I need to get out of my comfort zone and stop at full during breakfast too.

Anyway, enough about me. Good luck! Enjoy your S day!

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Post by blueskighs » Sun Nov 30, 2008 5:58 am

I asked her how that works and she says it's such a habit she doesn't even think about it. (Sound familiar?)

i really appreciate your sharing this. My husband is by habit a two meal a day eater too and I often modify to that on the weekends ... as we have been married over ten years I am sure this has also somewhat affected my eating patterns.

how was that pie for lunch? we're having the last of ours tomorrow for breakfast again. Apparently one of my bad habits is not "leaving anything left" ... it has been quite challenging to NOT eat pie on Friday and then have only one piece today ... I always find this compulsion to "finish" interesting, at least now I don't have to act on it!

Day 251


chai pumpking pie with whip cream
caramel macchiato
caramel macchiato
dark chocolate
turkey sandwich with avo, vegannaise, romaine, tomato and whole grain bread
chips ... I LOVE being able to buy a bag of chips, pull out one handfull throw it on my plate with my sandwich and have that be ENOUGH ... and then only WANT to do it about once a month or so! truly amazing ...

maybe one day I will be just as amazed to find I don't have a compulsion to FINISH that pie :shock:

really feel good about my Pepperment Stripe No S Decision, has taken a lot of stress off me!

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Post by Burgher » Sun Nov 30, 2008 8:34 pm

Blueskighs, Good luck with your experiment....
I have had it drilled in for the last few years that I must eat breakfast, it's bad to skip it because my body need it... blah blah. For years when I was working and not over weight I would have a cigarette (I smoked then)and coffee for breakfast. I just wasn't hungry. Now I find that with getting up early to care for my grandson and taking him to school and reading the paper in the morning I am eating my breakfast after 9 and have to remind myself that I HAVE to eat it.
I think you are on to something and what ever meal you DO skip, it has to be a PLUS for not living to eat.
I love your idea and I hope your experiment works.

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Post by 3aday » Sun Nov 30, 2008 11:12 pm

Ahhhh, I remember those cigarette and coffee breakfasts.... :shock:

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Post by blueskighs » Mon Dec 01, 2008 5:03 am

I think you are on to something and what ever meal you DO skip, it has to be a PLUS for not living to eat.
I love your idea and I hope your experiment works.

thank you so much for your support, I am planning to "skip" breakfast ... probably just move my mixed grains and eggs to later and add some greens, and I too have had it drilled into me I must eat it ... we shall see

Becky and Marie,

darn, when I smoked years ago, I didn't drink coffee ... oh well, we'll see how "just coffee" works :)

Day 252


chai pumpkin pie with cool whip
caramel macchiato
turkey burger, salad
caramel macchiato
dark chocolate

pretty good S day, for me, all of my portions were "right sized" ...

taking tomorrow as NWS day, my husband is on vacation and we are planning to do donuts from our local shop for breakfast :D cannot beleive tomorrow is December 1!

will also take Christmas Eve Day, Christmas Day and New Year's Eve Day as NWS days in December ...

so that will make my first "official" day of my experiment be Tuesday, Dec 2

sweet dreams everyone,

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Post by blueskighs » Tue Dec 02, 2008 1:30 am

Day 253 NWS Day


donuts, cafe misto
Z pizza pear and gargonzola salad, aloha baked tofu
caramel macchiato, godiva truffles
stayed up late to watch a movie with my husband on our last day of vacation and got into the yogurt, ezekiel cereal and nama shoyu :D

another good S day, got to the gym about noon, can you say PACKED? went to the mall, bought me and my hubby some UGGies ... oh my gosh ... LOVE THEM and have to say ... he just looks so cute in them :wink:

getting ready for our vacay to be over tonight ... it was a fun one, starting my "two meal a day" "Peppermint Striped No S" tomorrow ... kind of EXCITED,

new post at my blog ... PEPPERMINT STRIPED NO S ... at ... actually went to the drugstore to take photo of those candy canes :D

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Post by BeingGreen » Tue Dec 02, 2008 6:45 pm

Hi Blue-

I am so glad I read your blog just now. At first I didn't understand why you would want to tweak your NoS habits since they have been working so well for you for the last eight months. But I can totally understand the plummeting appetite when the exercise slows down. I have been training for my fifth marathon this fall, but after I run on Sunday, my exercise will slow down some and I will need to adjust to needing fewer calories. I'll watch your December experiment and see where it takes you. After the race, I may make a few "peppermint" changes of my own!


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Post by resting52 » Wed Dec 03, 2008 4:11 am

Hey Blue,
What an interesting idea. I never ate breakfast until ww when I was told I had to.
Makes me think about this old couple that lived down the road when I was growing up. They ate @ lla.m. and 4p.m. because they neither wanted nor needed 3 meals per days. I remember thinking how very odd! Now it makes perfect sense!
Good for you!

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Post by blueskighs » Wed Dec 03, 2008 4:47 am


that is so funny! 11 and 4, my ideal meal times in an ideal world! I push back just a little to eat my second meal with my husband, about 5-ish! :D

I lived with my grandmother one summer and she ate dinner everyday at 5 like clockwork. At first I thought it was weird but I adjusted very quickly. Ever since then when I was single I ate dinner early. My husband likes to eat late, but as the years go by he has learned the benefits of an early dinner!

I hate late! weird how we can change ... i remember college all those 2 am trips to taco bell ...

Day 254


you can count I'll have a coffee with soymilk and some juice in the am

Meal #1: mixed grains, scrambled eggs, kale, chard and spinach sauteed in EVOO
Meal #2 Smoked Turkey Sandwich with avo, romaine and tomato on ezekiel bread, baby carrots, chips, apple


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Post by blueskighs » Thu Dec 04, 2008 6:30 am

Day 255


Meal #1 yogurt, ezekiel cereal and nama shoyu ( not my first choice but did not have time to cook :cry: )
Meal #2: Yummy turkey meatloaf, steamed green beans and carrots with EVOO, apple

2nd day was better than the first,
this might just work :wink:

new post at my blog ... TRUSTING YOURSELF ...

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Post by resting52 » Fri Dec 05, 2008 3:53 am

Hey Blue,

Commenting on your blog

Asking the Lord, "What is the truth?"

Listening to wisdom.

So glad you are here to share your walk with all of us.


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Post by blueskighs » Fri Dec 05, 2008 4:42 am


your posts are always so nourishing, thank you! I am very glad that you are hanging in too. It is a nice walk.

Day 256


Meal #1: mixed grains, scrambled eggs, chard, kale and spinach sauteed in EVOO
Meal #2: organic free range smoked turkey sandwich with romaine, tomato, avocado and vegennaise on ezekiel bread, carrot sticks, apple

so far so good :shock:

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Post by blueskighs » Sat Dec 06, 2008 8:25 am

Day 257


Meal #1: turkey meatloaf, steamed squash, broccoli and carrots with EVOO, "herb" salad with EVOO

Meal #2: organic plain yogurt, ezekiel cereal, nama shoyu

I have to say this "peppermint striped" No S has worked really well for me this week. It has been a REALLY hectic week so my other HABITS have suffered, but my eating has been great and felt much more "honest". So ... let the experiment continue!

Blueskighs Where I blog daily about my No S journey

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Post by funfuture » Sat Dec 06, 2008 8:33 am

Love the latest blog, Blue, on trusting yourself.

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Post by blueskighs » Sun Dec 07, 2008 7:54 am


thank you!

Day 258


caramel macchiato
ezekiel cinnamon raisin toast with earth balance, scrambled eggs
pear arugula salad, pasta with seafood, chiabatta bread with EVOO
cafe misto, cookies

v. good S day for me. I am thinking this 2 meal a day structure is going to be an improvement for me.

new post at my blog ... THAT'S WHAT S DAYS ARE FOR ... ...

Blueskighs Where I blog daily about my No S journey

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Post by 3aday » Sun Dec 07, 2008 11:27 am

That was an excellent post Blueskighs!
I truly enjoy reading your extremely insightful blog.
You are doing awesome!

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Post by Kathleen » Sun Dec 07, 2008 2:58 pm

I second that! I have no problem at all with N Days, but I'm impatient with S Days. I appreciate your last post about letting my body figure it's not fun to overeat!

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Post by resting52 » Mon Dec 08, 2008 1:37 am

Hey Blue,

You knocked it out of the park again. This is the kind of wisdom that one has to experience. I think if any one had told any of us this when we started NoS, we just wouldn't have believed it.

The only way to get here is to travel here.

You are such a smart one!

Resting :lol:

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Post by blueskighs » Mon Dec 08, 2008 6:29 am

Becky, Kathleen, and Resting,

thank you for your postive comments about my new post. Geez! Resting now I get to be "smart" enough to practice what I preach.

Although today, Day 259 was ABSOLUTELY a SUCCESS

MY GOODNESS I got into the "sweets"
I admit I had many "reasons"
one particular being the christmas goodies we got in the mail ... what can I say ..

although I do SO MUCH better with volume and portion control, there are still days like today, the funny thing is because I just nibbled and snacked throughout the day I didn't ever feel stuffed ...
but I am definitely sick of sweets for now and REALLY glad that tomorrow is an N DAY

donuts, cafe misto
caramel macchiato
turkey sandwich, chips, carrot sticks, apple
nibbler cookies, brownie bites
von's cake
cinnamon raisin ezekiel bread with earth balance

speaking of learning from our mistakes on S days, I have "negotiated" "stay at home" weekends with my husband, he LOVES to go out to nice restaraunts on Saturday night, as time goes on, I find the food mostly mediocre and too expensive and the whole situation often stressful, we go out to the gym on Saturday afternoons and after running errands on Saturday morning I would just rather come home and "curl up in a ball" :D but I hate depriving my honey of his pleasures ... we have had some long talks and after our italian dinner last night we are taking a loooooooooooong restaurant break, and finally he is "there" too, I AM SO EXCITED ... I suspect a lot of my eating today was that "under the water" frustration of going out to an expensive meal last night that I didn't really want and didn't ENJOY ... but in our negotiation that was our planned final one for awhile ... we have the christmas party next weekend and then I am homefree, many nice relaxing weekends at home!

Does anyone else suffer from not enjoying going out to restaruants anymore?

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Post by blueskighs » Tue Dec 09, 2008 5:17 am

Day 260


Meal #1: grillled mahi mahi, herb salad, steamed broccoli, naval orange
Meal #2: organic plain yogurt, ezekiel cereal, nama shoyu

New post at my blot ... AND N DAYS ARE FOR STOPPING ...

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Post by BeingGreen » Tue Dec 09, 2008 5:56 am


You are totally right about the natural, good feeling of "just stopping" when Monday rolls around. The habits I've built feel so right and so strong that after a couple of S days, I'm ready, willing, and able to move through the next five N days confidently knowing I've indulged myself some over the weekend. (And I know that more indulgences will be there waiting for me after a short but tolerable amount of time.) When Friday rolls around, I'm ready for some freedom again. The rhythym of NoS makes it all seem very doable. Who knew?!?! Reinhard!

BTW, I agree with you about restaurants. While we have a few faves here in Portland, so many do not live up to the hype. I have left several feeling disappointed. I love to cook and we are vegetarian so frequently we are much happier eating in.

Have a great week!


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Post by blueskighs » Wed Dec 10, 2008 4:26 am

The habits I've built feel so right and so strong that after a couple of S days, I'm ready, willing, and able to move through the next five N days confidently knowing I've indulged myself some over the weekend. (And I know that more indulgences will be there waiting for me after a short but tolerable amount of time.) When Friday rolls around, I'm ready for some freedom again. The rhythym of NoS makes it all seem very doable.
Habitualrunhner, I love the way you said what you said :D I think that trusting that we will actually really allow ourselves those future indulgences is so helpful in stopping. I like the rhythm of No S too!

Day 261


Meal #1 Turkey Meatload, Green Beans with EVOO, Herb Salad with EVOO, Apple

Meal #2: Plain organic yogurt, ezekiel cereal, nama shoyu,

another good N day,
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Post by blueskighs » Thu Dec 11, 2008 4:28 am

Day 262


Meal #1 Organic Turkey BLT, carrots, spelt pretzels, apple
Meal #2 Mixed grains, Scrambled eggs

new post at my blog ... BUILDING SELF-ESTEEM ... at

Another good day!

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Post by resting52 » Thu Dec 11, 2008 11:59 pm

Hey Blue,

Another wonderful blog!


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Post by blueskighs » Fri Dec 12, 2008 5:12 am


Thank you.

Day 263


Meal #1 Organic Turkey BLT, carrots, spelt pretzels, apple
Meal #2 Mixed grains, Scrambled eggs Meal

Hey, didn't I have that ... yesterday? uh-huh ... some days are just like that :shock:

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Post by blueskighs » Sat Dec 13, 2008 3:11 pm

Day 264


Meal # 1 Grilled Wild Ahi, Steamed Broccoli with EVOO, Garnet Yams, Trail Mix
Meal #2 mixed grains, scrambled eggs,

have to say for two weeks this "peppermint striped" No S feels much more "natural" to me ... we shall see ... I am drinking my coffee with soymilk and monavie in the AM which in a technical way "works" like a breakfast but I don't have the mental quandary of KNOWING I am not EATING 3 meals a day ... and since liquids are allowed between meals it gets all very confusing ... what I am trying to say is, YES this "peppermint striped" No S feels like a much better fit for me and I am so glad I decided to try it! If it keeps up like this I will permanently move to a two meal a day NO S in January,

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Post by 3aday » Sun Dec 14, 2008 2:54 am

Good for you. The longer you are on No S, the more intuitive you become to your body's own needs and rhythms!
You've figured it out!

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Post by blueskighs » Sun Dec 14, 2008 8:52 am

thank you for your support. That is what is starting to happen. It is kind of amazing!

Day 265


donuts, cafe misto
caramel macchiato
oatmeal raisin nibblers
ezekiel cinnamon raisin toast, scrambled eggs
salad and grilled asparagus
little desserts and coffee at my husbands christmas party

broke my coffee glass ceiling :shock:

but the party was a lot of fun and I had a great time! The little desserts were actually good.

all in alll although I look at that long list of food the volumes were small so it was a really good S day,

new post at my blog ... YEARS OF GOING THROUGH SEVERAL SIZES OF CLOTHES ... at ...

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Post by Anne » Sun Dec 14, 2008 2:56 pm

I’m glad you are doing so well on your new habit. This is inspiring to me. Once I’ve mastered the No S diet, I hope to be able to make my own new rule(s) if there’s a need. It’s really great to see that someone else can be successful at it!

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Post by BrightAngel » Sun Dec 14, 2008 3:52 pm

I don't believe that I've ever told you,
but I read your Blog regularly, and very much enjoy it.
I also agree with much of what you say--
--even though we differ on the value of calorie counting for some people.
I look forward to watching you continue to succeed in future years.
BrightAngel - (Dr. Collins)
See: DietHobby. com

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Post by blueskighs » Mon Dec 15, 2008 6:23 am

Anne and Bright Angel,

I am starting to look at the NO S Diet as a "template" for healthy structured eating. Viewed in that way, the NO S Diet provides a healthy foundation that can be tailored to fit any individual. I think this makes a lot of sense.

Bright Angel,

I am starting to understand that I have had extremely negative results/experience with calorie counting while you have had extremely postive results/experience.

You are doing so well in maintaing your weight loss and I can see it would be wise to not to throw over something that has worked so well for you.

Thank you for your kind words about my blog. To both of our's bright futures and continued progress in getting all of this "food, weight" stuff behind us :D

Day 266


Caramel Macchiato, Biscotti
Salad, Fried Shrimp, Cole Slaw, French Fries, Sour Dough Bread and Butter ( the plate was huge and I did not eat all of anything, but my husband pointed out that in the past I would have probably thought it wasn't enough!)
Cafe Misto, bits of Dark Chocolate, Bites of German Chocolate Cake


The Christmas Party is over and the Christmas Goodies we received in the mail are all gone ... either in our tummies or in the trash. I was terrifically "sweeted" out tonight and dumped a bunch of stuff in the garbage.

I try to make sure I don't do that until I have had "enough" too many bad past experiences of just pulling it out of the trash cause I wasn't really done yet ... but i felt comfortable with the stuff I threw away tonight.

we'll make some pumpkin pies for Christmas, but they go down much differently than this other stuff I have been having this weekend and last.

Glad our social commitments are complete and the rest of the year can be used for private and personal celebrations and relaxation!

Ahhhhhhhhhhh... an N Day tomorrow,

did have a great weight workout today, "blame" that on my husband :shock: if it had been up to me, it would have been definitely put off until tommorrow!

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Post by BrightAngel » Mon Dec 15, 2008 1:58 pm

blueskighs wrote:...too many bad past experiences of just pulling it out of the trash cause I wasn't really done yet...
:oops: Don't mean to hijack your thread,
but want to tell you that I've learned that same lesson.
In fact, just a few years ago, when throwng away treats
I had to dispose of them in a way they couldn't be retrieved.
I've put numerous uneaten carb treats down the garbage disposal, the toilet,
and even put boxes of them in my driveway and driven back and forth over them
before putting depositing them in the garbage can.
BrightAngel - (Dr. Collins)
See: DietHobby. com

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Post by blueskighs » Tue Dec 16, 2008 5:50 am

Bright Angel,

it is just a yucky thing to want to retreive food out of the garbage. I am glad that it is possible that those days are behind me now, but I don't think I will ever forget that that is part of my past!

Day 267


Meal #1 Chargrilled Veggie Salad with Tofu
Meal #2 Scrambled Egg and Toast

new post at my blog ... COMMON SENSE AND THE NO S DIET ... at ...

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Post by resting52 » Tue Dec 16, 2008 1:26 pm

Thanks for the wisdom of the blog Blue


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Post by rpm » Tue Dec 16, 2008 1:46 pm

I like your COMMON SENSE take on No S. Well written. =)
Taking care of me, one No S Day at a time!

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Post by whisper2701 » Tue Dec 16, 2008 3:47 pm

Really enjoyed your blog on common sense! Your blog is always very insightful and encouraging to me. Thanks!

Linda :D

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Post by KAxelrod » Wed Dec 17, 2008 2:18 am

At the risk of not being very original, Blue, I, too, love your blog on common sense. You have a great Blog. Thanks for putting the time and energy into it!

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Post by blueskighs » Wed Dec 17, 2008 4:40 am

Geez you guys, what a surprise!

Resting, Rene, Linda and Karen thank you so much for taking the time to let me know you liked the post. I never know which ones are going to be "relatable" so I just "blog on" hoping that somebody someone out there is connecting.

Glad all you guys are here and we are hanging tough through the holidays!

Day 268


Meal #1 Ezekiel toast and scrambled eggs
Meal #2 Turkey Meatloaf with a big serving a sauteed chard, spinach and kale

Today I felt much better. Apparently the fried shrimp and french fries we had on Sunday did not sit well with either my husband or myself ... YECH! It has been about six months since we have had any fried food to speak of, and as he says, it will probably take six months before we forget how bad this made us feel. YIKES! I have never been a huge fan of fried food, I was not raised on it, but I did used to love fried shrimp ... not so much anymore I guess :shock:

Blueskighs Where I blog daily about my No S journey

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Post by howfunisthat » Wed Dec 17, 2008 12:34 pm

Hi Blue...just wanted to pop in and say, "Hi". I'm rushed for that's it...just a "howdy" & I hope you have a great day!

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Post by blueskighs » Thu Dec 18, 2008 4:41 am

Thanks Janie!

Day 269


Meal #1 Scrambled eggs and toast
Meal #2 Grilled Halibut, Steamed broccoli, carrots and Squash with EVOO

nice day today,

Blueskighs Where I blog daily about my No S journey

Posts: 445
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Location: Between the mountains and the beach

Post by resting52 » Thu Dec 18, 2008 1:40 pm

NoS with CS!

Still, I believe that adding the CS portion for new NoSers would be an additional burden. It is more like a plum discovered and then picked on down the NoS path.

Here's to more CS in my own NoS.

Thanks, Blue,


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Post by blueskighs » Fri Dec 19, 2008 2:47 am


that is probably true, and I think you are right .. "a plum you pick up on the way" ...

DAY 270


Meal #1 Jalepeno Jack Veggie Burger, corn chips, carrot celery parsley spinach juic

Meal #2 scrambled eggs and sprouted wheat toast ...

all I can say is I am glad I have HABIT to see me through these holidays!

Blueskighs Where I blog daily about my No S journey

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Location: California

Post by blueskighs » Sat Dec 20, 2008 6:04 am

Day 271


Meal #1 scrambled eggs, sprouted wheat toast, very good tangerines from neighbors trees :D
Meal #2 organic turkey BLT, carrot sticks ...

new post at my blog ... LOSING SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS ... at ... where I discharge all of my inner angst and share my learning and growing insights now that I no longer silence my inner life with eating and food ... :P


Blueskighs Where I blog daily about my No S journey

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Location: California

Post by blueskighs » Sun Dec 21, 2008 7:53 pm

Day 272


YUCK! is pretty much all I have to say about my food yesterday ...

it went something like this:

German Chocolate Cake, Donuts, Soy Latte

Jalapeno Jack Veggie Burger, potato chips, corn chips, macaroni and cheese ... that was the REAL YUCK of the day ... I used to LOVE LOVE LOVE macaroni and cheese and I was actually thinking about it then when I went to Jimbos to get my sandwich ... wa la there it was ... macaroni and cheese ... I ate it but all I have to say is YUCK I think it is going to have to go the way of the fried shrimp ... YUCK YUCK YUCK YUCK YUCK ... the donuts and soy latte were delcious but the german choclate cake was TOO SWEET!

THEN I had orange and oatmeal .....

Suffice it to say I was glad to go to bed! The "it's the holidays" has certainly hit my S days ... I have to say I am already looking forward to JANUARY :shock:

but I am going to hang in there and let my appetite DO ITS THING ... it WILL Be interesting though to see when I eat fried shrimp or macaroni and cheese again ... IF EVER :P also ... to learn whether or not I am DONE with the oh so too sweet german chocolate cake!

Blueskighs Where I blog daily about my No S journey

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Post by Kathleen » Sun Dec 21, 2008 8:42 pm

I had to go to bed early last night, too. Too much chocolate cheesecake and chocolate biscotti and coffee ice cream... Your stomach is a wonderful teacher, isn't it?

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Post by blueskighs » Mon Dec 22, 2008 1:20 am

Your stomach is a wonderful teacher, isn't it?
it absolutely is! :D

Day 273


MUCH better today!

Donuts, soy latte, caramel macchiato ... the donuts were very special today, we got a batch right out of the oven ... YUM! YUM!
Oatmeal with walnuts
Nice veggie salad with tofu
tiny apples

Taking the rest of the season off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I find that every now and then I need to unplug and dissappear!
Details at my new post ... SIMPLIFY, SIMPLIFY, SIMPLIFY ... at ...

please assumme that no word means all is well and I am happily and with great gratitude KEEPING MY N DAYS GREEN!

Christmas Eve Day I will celebrate nine successful months of nosing! WOO HOO!

Blueskighs Where I blog daily about my No S journey

Posts: 605
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Location: New York

Post by howfunisthat » Tue Dec 30, 2008 4:17 pm

Hi Blue...

Just wanted to be sure there was a cyber-hug waiting for you when you come back & post again! I hope your break was wonderful....

Happy New Year!!

Nothing worthwhile is ever easy...

Posts: 1787
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Post by blueskighs » Fri Jan 02, 2009 4:28 am

Happy New Year all!

With 9 plus months of solid habit behind me I am really looking forward to 2009!

I have had a wonderful time off with many blessings, epiphinanies and lots of fun. My No S habits held me in good stead through the holidays. In order to continue to post my journey I will do monthly check-ins!

For December 2008 I had 19 Green N Days, 8 S days and 4 NWS days,

my Peppermint striped NO S worked out very well and I am going to streamline it and call it Caramel Mocha No S :D

Final post at my blog ... Happy New Year 2009 ... ...

Best wishes to all until next month!

Blueskighs Where I blog daily about my No S journey

Posts: 445
Joined: Mon Apr 07, 2008 11:59 pm
Location: Between the mountains and the beach

Post by resting52 » Sun Jan 25, 2009 2:04 pm

Hey Blue,

I think we are all going through Blue withdrawal. I know I am having trouble minding the chant:

N Days Green!

Hope all of your endeavors are going well. I'm enjoying my soy misto with an extra shot!


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Post by kccc » Sun Jan 25, 2009 5:46 pm

Blue, it's so nice to hear from you! I'm glad that this continues to work well for you - it really seemed to be exactly the right thing for you at the right time, from how quickly and thoroughly you caught on to it. :)

Please continue to pop in each month, even for just a "hi, I'm fine" post. :)



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