Phayze's Ever-Growing Progress Thread (Redux) - Training Log

Which movements do you do? How many reps? In what order? When? Do you mix in other non-shovelglove moves? Post here or browse to get ideas.
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Phayze's Ever-Growing Progress Thread (Redux) - Training Log

Post by phayze » Wed May 07, 2008 5:59 am

Greetings Shovelglovers!

I could probably write a book about the fitness [s]debacle[/s] journey that I‘ve been on for the past couple of years, but I’ll skip that and just say that I’ve been struggling with a few troublesome bad habits for a long time and I’ve finally come to accept that these are the reasons for my failure to reach my fitness goals – I over-think (everything), over-estimate (my fitness level), over-work (during exercise and otherwise), and under-sleep (constantly).

You see, I want to be Spider-Man (read: elite-level gymnast/fighter/acrobat with an athletic, but not bulky, build), but I’m more like pre-radioactive-experiment-gone-wrong Peter Parker and I don’t see any glowing arachnids anywhere nearby that might be willing to make my transition easier (besides, I’m mildly arachnophobic, so I’m not too keen on the idea anyway). It’s only just now dawning on me that going from web-footed Kermit the Frog to web-headed Super-hero is going to have to happen in baby steps – hence, my not-so-triumphant return (complete with over-use of hyphens and parenthetical asides) to these illustrious forums and the simple joys of shovelglove.

I don’t have a set plan, and I’m going to force myself to not create one. Each workday I’ll choose between my 6# (focus on speed) and my 10# (focus on endurance) hammer, depending on my mood and make up a workout that just sounds like a good idea for that day. Each workout will be 16 minutes long with a 4 minute cool down/meditation/stretch to finish, because 20 minutes is the minimum to earn a “point†on my employer’s wellness plan (60 points in a quarter earns me a big discount on my health insurance!). My job and my dog also have me walking a lot, and sometimes I jog/run/sprint instead for that extra little bonus point here and there.

Just for the heck of it, I’ll post my daily workouts here for the viewing pleasure of anyone who cares and might be looking for some ideas on what to do with their own hammer.

So, without further ado:

10# Hammer
Swings x 7
Chop Tree x 7
Chop Wood x 7
Shovel Snow x 7
repeat for 16:00 with minimal rest

Comments: Holy crap my core hurts . . . but in a good way! ;) I’ve been playing with the 6# on-and-off for a while as a conditioning thing, but it doesn’t nearly put the torque on my lower back and abs that the 10# does. Also, my hands are aching from maintaining the grip (which makes me happy, because grip strength is a major weak-spot for me). I also got some lovely popping and cracking in my spine and neck about halfway through (the good, pressure-releasing, slipping-back-into-place kind).

EDIT: fixed the link to "swings"
Last edited by phayze on Wed May 07, 2008 8:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by david » Wed May 07, 2008 7:21 pm

Glad to hear from you, Phayze!

I've had some of the same "wandering" issues you write about. A while back, I figured out that shovelglove plus a few bodyweight things and a bit of rope skipping for a total of 14 minutes each weekday is all I need LIFETIME. I know it's not exercise-lab ideal to have so little variation, but it works for me.

I wish my insurance gave me discounts for doing SG!


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Post by phayze » Wed May 07, 2008 8:35 pm

Thanks David! It's good to be back.

I don't know if this will get by for a lifetime, but I figure I can at least build myself up to "pretty fit for a mere mortal" this way. Eventually I'll start incorporating some of the more advanced stuff that I want to do, but just have to keep reminding myself to take it all in stages.

The insurance thing is great! It's a new thing that my company started last month, and it's really helping to get me motivated. I've been saying for years that we should have a wellness plan!
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Post by phayze » Thu May 08, 2008 7:03 am

6# Hammer
Moulinet x 20
Stirs x 20
Drive Posts x 20
Circle Pendulum x 20
Sweep Floor x 20
16:00, minimal rest

Comments: I was kind of stiff still from yesterday, so I decided to make today sort of a “light duty†or active recovery day. You’ll notice all of the exercises have a circular or at least rotation element – I thought it might be a good way to encourage joint mobility. Swings in particular feel good on the shoulder/rotator cuff, though be warned: be careful if try this move while not gripping the hammer at the very end of handle – you just might whack yourself in the hip bone... like I did. >_<
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Post by reinhard » Thu May 08, 2008 1:28 pm

Great to see you again here, Phayze!

And thanks for the details. That is a great deal re the insurance.... wonder how they monitor that. Perhaps they know that a shugger would never so dishonor himself as to lie about or exaggerate his exploits.

Spiderman is a tall order... but I think, if you throttle your exuberance and go for consistency over many months, you'll be very pleased with the results. Focusing on the time rather than the precise details of the workout not only makes your insurance company happy, but if the best way to build habit and lock out excuses.

Let me know if you come up with anything for the under-sleeping...

Give my regards to Peggy and Annie,


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Post by phayze » Thu May 08, 2008 11:51 pm

Glad to be back, Reinhard!

The insurance thing actually does rely on my honor as a Shugger - we just fill out these little scorecard things and send them to HR at the end of each month and they handle it from there.

Spiderman is definitely a lofty goal, but I keep thinking of that Bill Murry movie "What about Bob?" and remind myself everyday to take "Baby steps". The focal shift is already proving to be a big help, because I spend less time obsessing over what I should do for the next week and can just ask "what am I in the mood for today?" It's a lot less stressful.

I'm not sure how to deal with my sleep issues . . . sometimes it just seems easier to drink more coffee, but that doesn't really help the post-workout recovery at all.

The ladies say "Hi", and Peggy wanted me to let you know that she's been having great success with No S.
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Post by phayze » Sat May 10, 2008 5:26 am

(Yesterday was an "S-day" of sorts - due to my poor recuperative ability, I find it better to have one in the middle of the week and one at the end rather than taking them both at once.)

10# Hammer
10 each of every move on my list of 23

Comments: It’s been a while since I’ve done some of the moves on my directory, so I thought a “variety day†might be in order. It definitely prevented the mid-workout “are we there yet!?†that I sometimes experience, but proved to be less of a challenge than I suspected - which doesn’t bother me much, because I’ll be doing some real manual labor after work today.

The lack of a specific time wasn’t intentional, I just set my timer wrong and didn’t realize it before I was already practically done with the list. I’m reasonably confident that it took 15 minutes or so.
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Post by phayze » Sun May 11, 2008 7:20 am

Speed Day!

6# Hammer
J-Stroke x 25
Pry Stroke x 25
Back Paddle x 25
Draw Stroke x 25
16:00, minimal rest

Comments: It's feeling "Springish", you might say, and I'm longing to get out on the river (must be that little smattering of Cherokee genetics coming through), so I went for a canoe-themed workout today. Great sweat, hell on the deltoids and one heck of a mood enhancer.

I wanted to do 4 full circuits, but only made it to 3 and a half before time ran out. I blame my left arm for being a little too pokey. We'll have to work on that...

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Post by phayze » Tue May 13, 2008 6:05 pm

Chop Wood
Shovel Snow (over the shoulder)
Chop Tree
Tuck Bales
Stoke Furnace
1 Round of 21, 1 Round of 14, one round of 7
16:00 exactly, as if by magic!

Comments: Basic, basic. Felt good, though. My traps are kind of sore, mostly due to crappy posture and putting up way too much drywall on a ceiling for the past few Saturdays, but I figure that the lumps will fade in time.
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Post by phayze » Sat May 17, 2008 5:50 am

We’ll just not talk about the last few days of silence . . . :p

10# Hammer
4:00 Freestyle
1:00 on each side (12:00 total) of the following:
-Shoveling Coal (shovel, then toss forward like stoke the furnace)
-Churn Butter
-Sweep Floor
-J Stroke

Comments: I really should have had the 6# hammer for this! The freestyle was fun, and took a decidedly combative aspect. I had a nice open space to play in, so I did a lot of moving around and swinging in wide circles, which surprising things to my lats that might progress from “surprising†to “painful†when I wake up in the morning. I intend to do more of this, and hope to formalize some “combat-shovelglove†moves out of it.

The second part is a slight variation on what are called “minute drillsâ€, but I took out the silly rest period and shot for a stretch of constant work. It’s nice to let the mind focus on the movement rather than the counting – The Tao of the Shovelglove?

This handy dandy interval timer works great for this kind of workout. Just set up you intervals and start swinging!

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Post by phayze » Sun May 18, 2008 5:51 am

6# SG

Start Timer for 12:00
Part 1: Warmup
20 Macebell 10-2 Swings
10 Macebell 360 Swings (each side)
1x and then move directly to...

Part 2:
Spear Thrust x 25
SG Low Block x 20
SG Cross Punch x 15
SG Uppercut x 10
Repeat Part 2 until time's up and then

Part 3: Cooldown
Freestyle for 4:00

Comments: It’s not as complicated as it looks at first, I just set things up a little weird because I wanted to make sure that I had a chance to play with the macebell moves (sorry for the lack of linkage – I’m at work now and youtube is blocked on our servers), which proved to be pretty nice for opening up the shoulders and getting things warmed up. The “Low block†thing is also taken from a youtube vid, which I am presently unable to provide, though the rest should be fairly self explanatory. Really felt this in the tendons in my elbows and my hands.

Freestyling gave me some time to work on SG variations of some broadsword drills that I used to do in my stage combat days (which I hope to return to soon, hence the fight-themed workout today)

“Slash/Pivot†- which, as the name suggests, is a diagonal slash followed by pivoting 180 degrees on the front foot, rinse, repeat . . . and don’t forget to spot your pivots. You don’t want to get dizzy with a sledge hammer swinging overhead!

“St. George’s Parry†- a difficult to describe maneuver that looks something like what the guy in white is doing, followed by an overhead slash, which is apparently very effective against dragons . . . I guess.

I'm not likely to promote these to the "moves" section until I have a decent collection of usable descriptions/demo vids to make them intelligible to people more normal than I am.

Fun, fun!
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Post by phayze » Wed May 21, 2008 5:30 am

Sunday I was talked into doing a workout video with my lady-wife, and Monday was an “S-Day†(Really! My weekend is Sunday and Monday)

6# SG
Warmup: Macebell 10-2 x 30

Macebell 360 x 10
Slash-Pivot x 10
Spartan Swipe x 10
Thresh Wheat x 10
Repeat for Total Time of 16:00

Comments: This was a good grip/core workout, but lousy for cardio – I didn’t realize that only one of these moves (Thresh Wheat) is really feasible for me at a fast pace. Macebell moves kick the crap out of your hands.

Spartan Swipe is another clubbell move I found on youtube, I threw it in for a little extra something to hit the core . . . it proved to be waaay more than “a little†anything. I like it! :twisted

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Post by phayze » Thu May 22, 2008 5:53 am

10# SG

Shovel Over Shoulder x 50
Pull Weeds x 50
Thresh Wheat x 50
Drive Posts x 50
Churn Butter x 50
Freestyle for remainder
Total Time 16:00

Comments: Something different today – agricultural theme with high reps just to keep the muscles guessing.

Oh God, my biceps felt that!! Note: Separate the “pulling†movements a little more next time. Not much time left for freestyle, but generally an awesome “arms and back†sort of day.

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Post by phayze » Sat May 24, 2008 5:30 am

10# SG

Part 1
Degraded Beast x 15 (aka “pushupâ€)
Club Swings x 10
Macebell 360 x 5
Repeat for 8:00, minimal rest

Part 2
30 each of random moves as they come to mind
for the remaining 8:00

Comments: Lacking inspiration tonight, so I wound up with a weird split. Good for variety, I suppose. It worked better than I expected, too – the first part was geared more toward strength and the second toward endurance, so by the end I was sweaty and beat. The 10# really gives my grip strength a challenge, especially on the 360s

For the record: I like pushups! ;p

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Post by phayze » Thu May 29, 2008 5:26 am

Between actual labor (tearing out sub-flooring) and the holiday weekend, my s-days went untracked. It’s cool though, I’ve already got my 20 wellness plan points for May, so it’s all bonus from here out. ;)

10# SG

Macebell 10-2 x 15
Tuck Bales x 15
Clubbell Stir x 15
Shovel Coal x 15
Fireman x 15
Butter Churn x 15
Repeat for 16:00

Comments: Managed 3x with the help of some up-beat j-pop for my soundtrack (misc. Gundam theme music – can you say “okatku� :p)

Alternating circular/linear moves to keep in interesting. 10-2 are really frickin’ hard with the 10#!! I think I’ll back down to the 6# for those in the future.

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Post by phayze » Fri May 30, 2008 5:23 am

6# SG

Macebell 10-2 x 25
Moulinet x 20
Slash/Pivot x 15
St George’s Parry x 10
x 2
Freestyle for remainder of 16:00

Comments: Relatively light day – I’ve been way sleep deprived on account of a neighbor’s roofing work, so I didn’t want to kill myself today.

The 6 felt particularly light today . . . probably just from using the 10# last time.
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Post by phayze » Sat May 31, 2008 5:25 am

Chop Wood x 30
Thresh Wheat x 25
Hoist Sacks x 20
Paint The Wall x 15
Spartan Swipe x 10

Comments: I call this a “diminishing returns†setup – the numbers get smaller, but the movements get more challenging. Round 3 went a little slower than the first two, but I’d like to blame my iPod for shuffling in slower songs right about that time. :p

I’d intended to freestyle a bit to finish, but ran out of time just as I was getting started. Excellent core workout today – I feel it all around the low back, abs and obliques.
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Post by phayze » Wed Jun 04, 2008 7:42 am

10# Hammer
Swings x 10
Chop Tree x 10
Chop Wood x 10
Shovel Snow x 10
repeat for 16:00 with minimal rest

Comments: Repeated from May 7 with the reps nudged up a bit. Made five trips through, plus a bonus round of Swings (which were getting really hard to control by this point!).

Felt it a lot more in the mid-back than I did in the core like last time, and as usual the grip effort was immense.
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Post by phayze » Fri Jun 06, 2008 5:56 am

10# SG

Dips x 4
Pump Handle Lever x 4
Axe Thrower x 4
Repeat 16:00

Comments: Low reps for hard movements today. I was in the mood for what you might call a “max strength†workout, as opposed to the usual endurance/conditioning stuff. It’s a different kind of sweat, but just as satisfying. I actually did 4 circuits, and decided to freestyle for the last minute rather than start a 5th that I knew I wouldn’t have time to finish.

The idea was to do each move in a slow and controlled fashion, as opposed to the frantic, sweat-pouring rush that I usually work under. I would have liked some more “pulling†type movements (I've got one in development - more later), but I’m calling it a success, nonetheless.

Move: Dips are nothing special, I just used the inside corner of a wrap around counter and tucked my feet up behind me (the last rep needed a little assist from one of those feet, actually . . . don’t tell!).

Pump handle levers are another macebell move that I saw on youtube.

Axe thrower was kind of a whim (I saw a competitive lumberjack thing on TV and decided to give it a shot) – don’t actually throw the SG, just lift it over head and let it hand perpendicular to the floor behind your back, then lever it straight over head as if you were throwing it, but stop it with the head pointing straight at the cieling. It’s difficult to describe, but I’m sure “axe throwing†on youtube will provide some illumination. If you try it, do be careful not to break your tailbone with the hammer. ;)

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Post by phayze » Wed Jun 11, 2008 4:46 am

Behind on the updating, so let’s catch up:

6/7 – 6# Freestyle day. Experimented with more conventional lifts utilizing the lever action of the SG to add challenge. Played with good deadlift, bent-over row, bench press, tri-extension, overhead press and curl variations, along with some not-so-satisfying delt-raises and overhead squats (nice core-stabilization, but not much of a lower body workout).

6/8 – S-Day

6/9 – Jane Fonda DVD with Missus. Not my first choice, but variety is good and quality time cursing Jane’s existence together is always fun.

6/10 – 10#

Swings x 8
Pump water (Bent-over row) x 8 (NOT the “pump handle lever lift†– see below)
Giant Wrench (Bench Press) x 8 (working title)
Tuck Bales x 8
Churn Butter x 8
Repeat for 16:00, minimal rest.

Comments: Wanted to use some of what I’d learned from Saturdays’ experiment, and integrate them a bit more with the SG-aesthetic. Made four trips through, though I have to admit that I went a minute over to finish that last test of butter churns. Don’t tell. :p

These new moves really offer a lot of control over resistance, and I found them pleasantly challenging. You’ll excuse me for cross-posting, but I think these are worthy of promotion to the “Moves†board.

New Moves!

-Pump Water: Get into a lunge, as deep as you’re comfortable with and hold the shovelglove with your back hand, thumb pointing away from the head and your front forearm resting on your knee. Your front hand will act as a fulcrum for the “pump handle†so you can adjust the difficulty in the usual way of moving your hands nearer or further from the head. Now lean forward and pull with your back hand kind of like this guy is doing. Imagine that you’re working the handle on a large water pump.

-Giant Wrench: Lie on your back with your arms bent 90 degrees at the elbows and the handle of the SG across, and directly over, your chest. Push straight up with the arm closest to the head of the SG, using the non-working arm as a fulcrum to adjust difficulty. Picture lying under a large machine, or pipeworks and the SG is a massive wrench that your using to tighten a bolt ora fitting. “Post-industrial Shovelglove� :p
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Post by phayze » Thu Jun 12, 2008 5:42 am

10# SG

21-14-7 of each:
Shovel Coal
Drive Posts
Churn Butter
Chop Wood
Thresh Wheat

Freestyle with any remaining time (about 5:00)

Comments: An endurance day to counter some of the heavier moves I’ve been playing with lately. Very “Classic Shovelgloveâ€, I think. ;)

I’ll have to remember to add another move or two to the 21-14-7 series next time.
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Post by phayze » Sat Jun 14, 2008 5:24 am

6# SG

Macebell 360 x 15
Downward Slash x 15
Upward Slash x 15
Thrust x 20
Repeat 4x
Freestyle for remainder

Comments: More combat-type stuff! Had about 2:00 for freestyle, and just did some swirly stuff to loosen up.

My thought here was to really focus on the “explosive†nature of the attacks – I tried to pop them out as fast as possible, reset, and then pop again, making each move a whole body sort of movement by driving with my feet and hips to generate power. It was a lot of fun, and did some interesting things to my abs. :p

Slashes are just diagonal cuts – imagine someone standing in front of you (or use a mirror) and split them from shoulder to hip (or hip to shoulder, in the case of Upward Slashes). Another note, I did the upward slashes in what’s called a “reverse gripâ€, which just means that instead of my thumbs pointing at the head, the pointed away from it. It’s optional, just fun. :D

I’m off for my vacation, so it might be a whole week of s-days (though more than likely I’ll be doing real manor labor, catching up on projects around the house.
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Post by phayze » Fri Jun 27, 2008 5:21 am


Decline Pushup x 10
Leg Curl x10
V-up x10
Kip-to-Bridge x10/10/7/5
Repeat 16:00

Comments: Back in the saddle after my all-too brief vacation only to find that my beloved hammers are unavailable to me today, so I’m lapsing, temporarily, back into my old bodyweight-only ways (which I’m not happy about, because I had some ideas I wanted to try out with the 10# tonight. :(). It’s a good experience, though – I want to start mixing things up a bit more.

Made four rounds, though I had to adjust the reps on the kips as noted (they’re really hard on the wrists and my form started to uglify) and I’ll admit that I wasn’t exactly hurrying. I wanted this to more of an endurance thing than a cardio thing.

Kip-to-Bridge is a preparatory move for a full kip-up. Lie flat on your back with your hands on the floor at either side of your head, then tuck your knees into your chest while while lifting your backside up as far as you can. Kick your legs up into the air with all you’ve got while pushing off the floor with your hands. The tricky part is getting your legs underneath of you again so that you land on your feet instead of your buttocks. The full kip-up ends with you in a squatting position on your feet, but this version only goes halfway, and lands in a gymnast’s bridge. It’s hard to describe, but Pictures help a lot! ;)
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Post by phayze » Sun Jun 29, 2008 5:27 am

Freestyle day - during which I invented a new slashing combination (Which is, unfortunately, impossible to adequately describe in words) and discovered the fun of SG Turkish Getups (just hold the hammer overhead in both hands, alternating which side the head is on so that you keep it balanced)


Quadripedal movement 50m (Bear crawl and Crab Walk, foreward/backward/sidways as the mood struck me)
10 Squats
Jog Back to start
repeat ~4:00 (4 or 5 rounds – wasn’t counting)

Plyo pushup x 5 (Think of a clap PU, but w/o the clapping)
Lateral Leap x 10 (jump sideways for distance)
Springing Tripod x 10 (I love Coach Sonnon . . . . in a very manly way.)
repeat ~16:00 (8 rounds)

Stretch/Meditation ~4:00

Comments: My hammers are in the car again . . . my car is with my lady-wife. D’oh! >_<

With my goal of Spidermanliness in mind, I’ve decided to start intentionally pointing my workouts in the general direction of Free Running – if you’ve seen this art in practice, you’ll probably understand why.

Also, I’ve changed the way I time workouts. I’ve set up a play list on my iPod with songs that add up to the desired workout length - approx. 4:00 warmup, 15:00 workout, 4:00 cool down. I picked some nice mellow instrumental stuff for the cooldown and rockin’ J-pop for the rest, to keep me moving. It would have worked great if I hadn’t left the stupid thing on shuffle. >_<

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go find somewhere quiet to lay down and die. X_X
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Post by phayze » Sat Jul 05, 2008 5:51 am

For July, I'm going to stop posting every day, in favor of bulkier weekly updates.

Mostly because I'm lazy. :p


Warm up: Dynamic Stretches
Front\back\Side leg lifts, inside/outside crescent kicks, butt-kicks, standing dips, chest/back swings, arm circles
10 each, repeat ~4:00

Workout: 6# SG
Turkish Getup x 10
Macebell 360 x 15
Clubbell Swings x 20
j- Stroke x 25
Repeat ~16:00

Static Stretches

Comments: I’ve been lacking in the flexibility work ever since I changed jobs last fall - I intend to rectify that with more things like this, and separate stretching sessions from time to while I’m at work (I used to do it all the time when I was cubicle-bound).

Note the progressive rep increase – harder moves get lower numbers, so that moving on to something easier isn’t really all that easy. ;)

I only managed to circuits, but I'm blaming this on the insane amount of time required to perform a single Turkish Getup, let alone 10 on each side! Note for the future, keep the reps low on these.


Warmup: 10# SG
Clubbell Swings x 10
Pull Weeds x 10
Pushups x 10
Repeat ~4:00
Workout: 10# SG
Pump Handle Lever x 5
Decline Pushups x 5
Pump Water x 5
Turkish Getup x 5
Repeat ~16:00

Static Stretch

Comments: Heavy lifting night.

I’m not sure if I mentioned this before, but it’s important to note that lower reps indicate more difficult movements/variations. The goal with this particular scheme is to focus on “max strengthâ€, meaning that those 5 reps need to be very, very difficult.

The warmup is catered to prep that muscles for the coming pain that will occur along similar ranges of motion. Clever, huh? Not my idea. :p

Made 3 rounds, minus the last round Getups, which was pretty close to my goal. These were pretty hard, and I was getting worn pretty thin by the end.

"Floating S-Day"


Warm up: Dynamic Stretches
Front\back\Side leg lifts, inside/outside crescent kicks, butt-kicks, chest/back swings, arm circles
10 each, repeat ~4:00

Workout: 6# SG
Up-Slash/Pivot/Down-slash x 10
Upper Cut x 10
Front Kick/Jab x 10
Down-Slash/Thrust x 10
Repeat ~16:00

Cool Down:

Comments: “Fighter Cardioâ€, emphasizing speed and explosiveness again.

Forgot to count my rounds, but I think I did 4 or five. I might have gone through faster, but I lost count of the reps on some of the combo moves and I'm sure I did extra.

Moves: For the punches, hold the head of SG closer to the punching hand and use the free arm to control the rest of the handle. The pivot this time is on the balls of both feet, so neither foot will come of the ground, I’m just rotating on the balls of both together . . . it’s hard to explain, but in Aikido it’s called a tenkai. Front kicks are just simple forward kicks with the leg opposite of the jabbing arm.

Down-Slash/Thrust is a great combo, because it forces you to overcome the momentum of the SG from the slash and reverse it into a thrust. Great for ol’ core.

And now . . . I need a nap!!!!
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Post by phayze » Fri Jul 11, 2008 5:17 am


Warmup: 6# SG
Macebell 10-2 Swings
As many as possible for ~4:00

Workout: 10# SG
Shovel x 20
Fireman x 20
Chop Wood x 20
Thresh Wheat x 20
Churn Butter x 20
Repeat ~16:00
2+SH and FM
Foam Roller

Comments: Back to basics for tonight. I thought I’d challenge myself a bit with the warmup, but mostly this is just an old fashioned endurance workout. No frills, but fun none-the-less, and totally brutal on the arms! This is the first time I’ve used both hammers for one workout – I don’t think it’s something I’ll do often, but it was a nice change of pace.

My “foam roller†is actually a piece of 3†PVC pipe, but it’s just as effective and has the added bonus of having been free. I have stupidly tight calves. :(

I did 150 of the Macebell 10-2 and made two trips through the workout, plus an extra round of Shovels and Firmans . . . er, Firemen? Whatever. :p


S Day


I didn’t really “workout†today, but I’ve taken up clogging with some friends on Mondays, so I’m counting it.


Dynamic Stretch ~4:00

Workout: 6# SG
Freestyle ~16:00

Static Stretch ~4:00

Comments: It’s been a hot, slimy, humid day and I’m having a serious lack of ambition, so I thought I’d just fake it for today.


Warmup: 10# SG
Jumping Jacks x 30
Bodyweight Squat x 15
Pushups x 10
Repeat ~4:00

Workout: 10# SG
Pump Handle Lever x 5
Giant Wrench x 5
Pump Water x 5
Turkish Getup x 3
Repeat ~16:00

Static Stretch

Comments: Slight modification of my last heavy day. Mostly just simplified the warmup and trimmed the reps on the TGs (they’re friggin’ hard, and take a lot of time to execute).

Only made 3 rounds, minus the last set of TGs, just like last time. I’d hoped that dropping the reps would have made it a little easier to make 3 full rounds, but I’ve been pretty low on energy lately, and I think I made the reps on everything a little harder that last time. Either way, I’m satisfied with the sweat. I’m off to enjoy a well-earned protein shake.


Got off to a good start today, but over-extended something in my left elbow on a thrust, so I stopped partway. I’m not happy about that, but I’ve got some time off work making extra S-Days this week anyhow. Hopefully everything will be back to normal for next week.
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Post by phayze » Mon Jul 21, 2008 3:06 pm

to my shame, I haven't touched the hammers all week on account of of being sick (I really hate being sick). I'm feeling mostly well now, so I should be back at it this week, though I'll likely be easing back into it.
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Post by phayze » Wed Aug 06, 2008 4:39 am

I slack! :p


Warm up: 10# SG
Macebell 10-2 x 50
Clubbell Swings x 10
Repeat 4:00

Workout: 10# SG
Macebell 360 x 7
Excalibur pull: 7
Shovel: 14
Churn Butter: 14
Fireman: 14
Flip the lever: 7
Tuck Bails: 14
Hoist sack: 14
Thresh Wheat: 7
Repeat for 16:00

Static Stretch for 4:00


With my humble compliments to Finnigan for providing a bit of inspiration. I got through the warmup 1.5 times (didn’t make past #2 of the 2nd round of CB swings),
just barely managed two rounds of the workout (I may have gone over into my cooldown a bit to pump out those last thresher. Don’t tell!)

I’m still a little worn from being sick, but I feel mostly better. Not sure what effect it had on my performance, though. I’ll have to try this series again when I’m feeling fully recovered. You know, for the sake of science!


Warm up: 10# SG
Clubbell Swings x 14
Macebell 10-2 x 14
Dynamic Stretches until 4:00 mark

Workout: 10# SG
Pump Water x 5
Overhead Press x 5
Decline Pushup x 5
Pump Handle Lever x 5
Repeat 16:00

Static Stretch for 4:00

Comments: I’m working toward a few “standardized routines†that I can either use off-the-shelf, or as starting points for something different when I’m in the mood. This is a new variation, and thus far my favorite, on the “Max Strength†workout that I’ve used a few times before. I want to start using these heavy lifting days two or three times a week.

I managed 3.5 rounds (I would have been happy with 3, so that’s certainly a win) and feel pretty well pooped.




Warm up: 6# SG
Moulinet x 15
Clubbell Stirs x 15
Dynamic Stretches for the rest of the ~4:00

Workout: 6# SG
Up-Slash x 14
Thrust Lunge x14
Down-Slash/Thrust x 14
Fireman x 14
Repeat ~16:00

Cool Down:

Comments: More Combat Cardio. I like this sort of thing almost as much as the heavy lifts. :D The warmup is aimed at shoulder mobility, which is always good when swinging heavy things around. This will probably become another “stock†routine for me, though we’ll see how that works out.

I especially like Down-slash/Thrust, because it really puts some serious torque on the core. Up-slash is a great one for rotational explosiveness – I really worked hard at driving it up with my whole body. Thrust Lunge is a great whole-body conditioning kind of thing, and takes a fair amount of balance and coordination. “Proper formâ€, as far as actual swordplay goes, is to complete the thrusting motion before lunging, so it’s almost as if the weapon is pulling you forward (there are reasons, but they’re complicated. Just take my word for it).

I did some playing around with adding moulinets (that flashy thing you see in movies where the guys swings the sword his head, or behind his back to wind up for the attack) as part of my transition between reps, and it added a nice grip and muscular control element (aside from just being fun and looking really cool, which are reasons enough in themselves). I didn’t even hit myself a single time tonight! :p

7/262008 – 8/4/2008

I’m not entirely sure what happened to me this week, but I’ve had zero energy. I could go on a semi-poetic screed about how burned out I felt, but instead I’ll just stick with a simple “lousy†and move on.


Warm up: 6# SG
Moulinet x 15
Clubbell Stirs x 15
Dynamic Stretches for the rest of the ~4:00

Workout: 6# SG
Up-Slash x 14
Clubbell Swing x14
Down-Slash/Thrust x 14
Fireman x 14
Repeat ~16:00

Cool Down:

Comments: Slight mod on my previous combat cardio – I’m just not up to Thrust-Lunges.

I’m still feeling pretty worn out, but I thought that as long as I had at least a little extra energy, I’d use it up with the hammer. I made it a point not to work at my usual intensity, though.
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Post by phayze » Sat Aug 09, 2008 3:43 am

8/6/2008 – 8/8/2008

All freestyle days, minus my usual warmup period

Played with some clubbell and kettlebell moves I’ve had an interest in. Still trying to develop a suitable “SG Snatchâ€, and I gave some Iaido moves a shot (with the hammer head as the pommel) which proved to be pretty fun, though a lot more difficult than I expected with my left hand.

8/9/2008 is going to be an S-day, because I’m in a friend’s wedding, and there’s not going to be 20 minutes to spare for a decent workout.

My energy level is slowly on the rise. I think my new vitamins, and forcing myself to shug are both helping to stimulate the system.
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Post by phayze » Thu Aug 21, 2008 9:50 am


Clogging lessons.


Warm up: 10# SG
Clubbell Swings x 10
Macebell 10-2 x 10
Dynamic Stretches until 4:00 mark

Workout: 10# SG
Pump Water x 5
Pump Handle Lever x 5
Decline Pushup x 5 (feet on a desk)
Repeat 16:00

Static Stretch for 4:00

Comments: Still having energy problems, likely allergy-related. Trimmed out the OH presses that I usually have in this series for the sake of squeezing in more of the other moves (it worked – I did 3 rounds, plus a set of Pump Water). Proved to be quite the butt-kicker (literally! I’m really feeling this in the “posterior chainâ€).

Used a new variation of Pump Water that’s more like a Barbell Bentover row (though I used straight legs). The trick to adjusting the weight is to use the non-pulling hand as a counter-weight to the hammer head so that the SG stays parallel to the floor - your kind of pulling with one arm while pushing with the other.


Warm up: 10# SG
Clubbell Swings x 14
Macebell 10-2 x 14
Dynamic Stretches until 4:00 mark

Workout: 10# SG
Churn Butter
Tuck Bails
Thresh Wheat
16:00 (freestyle with remainder)

Static Stretch for 4:00

Comments: Basics. I added the 4th round because I had the time to spare and no mental energy left to come up with something creative for the freestyle. Still had a minute or so left to play at the end. Next time I’ll add another move to the series.


Warm up: 6# SG
Moulinet x 15
Clubbell Stirs x 15
Dynamic Stretches for the rest of the ~4:00

Workout: 6# SG
Up-Slash x 14
Macebell 360 x14
Down-Slash/Thrust x 14
Fireman x 14
Repeat ~16:00

Cool Down:

Comments: Went a little slow today, but I still managed 4 rounds. My delts, low back and hamstrings are still sore from Tuesday!


Freestyle day with the 6#. Played with some old fashioned bodybuilder lifts using leverage to adjust the challenge. Surprisingly satisfying.


Warm up: 10# SG
Clubbell Stirs x 14
Macebell 10-2 x 14
Dynamic Stretches until 4:00 mark

Workout: 10# SG
Clubbell Swing
Churn Butter
Tuck Bails
Thresh Wheat

Static Stretch for 4:00

Comments: Tweaked my last endurance day, but I think I over-clocked it a bit. I only made it up through the Churn Butters on round 3. I think CB Swings just take too much time. Next time I think I’ll use pushups.

My hands are shaking, and I’m not sure if that’s good or bad. ;)
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Post by Finnigan » Thu Aug 21, 2008 12:30 pm

Phayze, I have to admit I haven't read this whole thread. However, I do remember reading your introduction, and I just read your last post and I must say I had a laugh.

See, I remember you saying your goal was to be in the kind of physical shape of Spiderman. Then I read you were doing clogging lessons. Now I have no doubt those are a workout; it's just that I can't get the image out of my head of a guy in a Spiderman costume clogg dancing! :shock:

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Post by phayze » Fri Aug 22, 2008 7:56 am

:D hahaha! Wow . . . it never occurred to me just how messed up that is. :P

In all fairness though, yes, clogging certainly is a workout. That crazy instructor keeps speeding up the music!!

I've been thinking that I'm going to carry on with it much longer though - it's just not really me. I want to get back into martial arts training, but it's hard to find a teacher and a convenient training schedule.
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Post by phayze » Sun Aug 31, 2008 6:04 am


Warm up: 10# SG
Clubbell Swings x 10
Macebell 10-2 x 10
Dynamic Stretches until 4:00 mark

Workout: 10# SG
Decline Pushup x 5
Pump Water x 5
Pump Handle Lever x 5
Repeat 16:00

Static Stretch for 4:00

Comments: Max Strength day. I think it works better, timing-wise, without the overhead presses. Decline pushups do a number on the shoulders on their own, though, so I don’t feel too bad about the omission – it just makes more time for everything else.

Did four gut-wrenching rounds, though in retrospect I think that might have been one too many. I’m going to go lie down now.

8/23/2008 – 8/25/2008

Warm up: 10# SG
Clubbell Swings x 10
Macebell 10-2 x 10
Dynamic Stretches until 4:00 mark

Workout: 10# SG
Decline Pushup x 5
Pump Water x 5
Overhead Press x5
Pump Handle Lever x 5
Repeat 16:00
Static Stretch for 4:00

Comments: Added the OH press back into the cycle as an experiment. I lifted pretty heavy last time I did this series, and really paid for over the weekend, so I thought maybe it would be a good idea to slow myself down a little with a slightly less compound move – it seemed to work fairly well, because I made 4 rounds, just like last time, but I don’t I don’t feel quite so much like rolling over and dying so I’m taking that as a sign that I paced myself a little better this time. :p


Warm up: 10# SG
Clubbell Swings x 14
Dynamic Stretches until 4:00 mark

Workout: 10# SG
Churn Butter
Tuck Bails
Thresh Wheat

Static Stretch for 4:00

Comments: Endurance day again, with some minor adjustments. I think this will officially become a stock routine, though I’m not certain that I’m sold on Thresh Wheat in this series – the torque is a bit hard on the back, so I’m thinking it should be saved for 6#SG days.

Rest Day

Warm up: 10# SG
Clubbell Swings x 10
Macebell 10-2 x 10
Dynamic Stretches until 4:00 mark

Workout: 10# SG
Decline Pushup x 5
Pump Water x 5
Overhead Press x5
Pump Handle Lever x 5
Repeat 16:00

Foam Roller for 4:00

Comments: Tried to take this a little easier than usual by taking slightly longer stretch breaks between rounds. Went 3.5, and feel pretty good. This really is my favorite workout!

Freestyle with the 6#. I’m pretty tired from being short on sleep and hanging drywall this morning, so I kind of limped through it. I’m still taking a point on the wellness plan, though. ;)
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Post by phayze » Sat Sep 13, 2008 8:49 am

8/31-2008 – 9/2/2008
S-Days for the Labor Day weekend

Warm up: 10# SG
Clubbell Swings x 14
Dynamic Stretches until 4:00 mark

Workout: 10# SG
Churn Butter
Tuck Bails
Chop Wood

Static Stretch for 4:00

Comments: Another slight tweak as I try to formalize this into a stock routine. This worked well, and left time for a set of 60 squats. I likey!

Warm up: 10# SG
Clubbell Swings x 14
Dynamic Stretches until 4:00 mark

Workout: 10# SG
Churn Butter
Tuck Bails
Chop Wood

Static Stretch for 4:00

Comments: What? Reruns already!? :p

Only made time for 25 squats today, though.


Same routine, again. I’m trying a little layoff from the max strength workout, just to see if it does much for my energy level. I’m having a really hard time recovering, so I think that the heavy days might be a bit much for me right now.

25 squats to finish again. Maybe the Wednesday was a fluke.


I decided to dedicate the previous week to s-days, in order to recover, reassess, regroup, and reconsider. It was good timing, too, because not two days after making that decision I somehow managed to pull a serratus (don’t ask, I have no idea how it happened).

Anyway, I could go on a massive, emo-fueled screed about my current fitness situation and the last couple years of fruitless endeavor and dissapointment, but I’ll suffice it to say that I’ve come to the conclusion that I am doing something horribly, horribly wrong. I workout regularly, often, and intensely, and yet instead of getting stronger and fitter I feel more shriveled and worn. I don’t understand why, but after 18 weeks of doing what I’ve been doing I’m not only no better off, but I’m actually worse than when I started.

I know that diet is factor, and I’m working on that. The same goes with rest and recovery. I’ve been doing some reading (always a scary proposition when it comes to fitness issues), and I’m developing a new plan – still basic, but more regimented and goal-oriented. I don’t know if Tuesday will see the debut of the new plan or not, but I’m hoping to get things worked out between today and tomorrow.

No real point to this little rant – just noting a turning point for the sake a future reference. I want to look back on this post in six months and feel proud of the progress I’ve made in the interval.
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Post by reinhard » Mon Sep 15, 2008 2:45 pm


I'm sorry to hear your admirably documented and really quite impressive sounding routine hasn't yielded better results for you.

You mentioned your diet might be an issue... I'm not sure I'd have any thing useful to advise on that count except possibly "eat more!"

As for exercise, maybe you're just overdoing it? I wonder if the pressure of documenting in detail is making you pushing yourself a little too hard. I tend to go nuts on Monday-Tuesdays and then take it progressively (or regressively :-)) easier the rest of the week. It's still always 14 minutes or thereabouts, but there's a big difference in intensity.

Best of luck figuring out your next steps and please do keep us posted,


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Post by phayze » Wed Sep 17, 2008 4:41 am

Thanks for the input (and the compliments!), Reinhard! I’ve reached very similar conclusions, actually but I didn't include them in my last post because I wanted to write them out in more detail after I’d had more time to reflect.

“Eat more†is exactly the advice I’ve given myself, with the addition of “eat more calorie-dense foodsâ€. I’ve never had a problem with eating in quantity, but I’ve been on a starch-based diet for so long that I’ve got a lot of habits to break. It’s hard to be a recovering vegan after 10 years on the wagon! ;)

I also agree that I’ve been overdoing things. I have two modes when it comes to exercise: Full Stop and Full Throttle. It’s something that I need to overcome, because I’m not giving myself sufficient rest time to recover. In the past, I’ve focused on exercises that were too advanced for me, which resulted in burnout, so when I switched back to SG I thought that the more natural movements would be easier for my body and nerves to deal with. That worked pretty well at first, but working at full intensity all the time really didn’t end up being any better for me.

Also, I want you (and anyone else who’s reading this) to know that I’m not blaming shovelglove for any of my fitness issues – the problem isn’t the tool, it’s how I’m using it.

Oh, and as far as the documentation process goes, I don’t think that adds any real pressure for me. Even if I weren’t posting my workouts here, I’d still be typing them out for my own benefit. I don’t have the kind of ego that drives me to work harder to impress anyone who might read this – if that were the case, I’d just lie. ;)

So anyway, here’s the new plan, heavily influenced by, these articles on T-nation (try to ignore the more crass and chauvinistic elements of the site, if you can – there’s really a lot of good fitness information available there), and of course, good ol’ fashioned Shovelglove:

“Maximal Strength†(the ability to exert a large force) remains my primary goal (for now, at least). Though the addition of muscle mass and general fitness improvements are also on the list, I’m considering them secondary goals that will more easily be accomplished once I’ve made some advancement with the primary.

It’s a personal preference to do whole body workouts rather than splitting upper/lower or push/pull, or whatever, so my plan reflects that.


Day1: Strength 1
Day2: “Non-Intensive†Workout
Day3: Rest
Day4: Strength 2
Day5: “Non-Intensive†Workout
Day6: Rest
Day7: Rest

Strength 1 and 2 are done as two mini-circuits with 45s (give or take a few) of rest after each set. “4x6†indicates 4 sets of 6 repetitions. The alternates are for days when my available equipment or my mood require them. For now I’ll switch back and forth a few times to decide which I prefer. The Chinups in Strength 2 Alt will likely be replaced with a “SG Pull Overâ€, just so that I don’t need another piece of gear to do them.

“Non-intensive†will be light (LIGHT) shovelglove, cardio, agility, or even endurance work. The goal is to work, but not kill myself. Much like I’ve been doing, these workout will be thought up on the fly, though I’m sure I’ll create a few stock options with different foci.

“Rest†can mean “do nothingâ€, or it can mean light jogging, fight choreography practice, mobility exercises, Yoga/Falun Gong/other meditation or anything else that doesn’t strain the system. What actually happens from one rest day to the next will depend entirely on my mood.

There will likely be some minor tweaking as I go along, but this is plan for now. I’m off for my first session of the new system (if you don’t count yesterday’s Yoga), but I’m going to wait to post anything else on the subject until the end of the week, so that I can have a fuller perspective on the whole thing.

We’ll see what happens! :)[/img]
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Post by phayze » Sun Sep 21, 2008 8:46 am

“Rest Dayâ€
30:00 Yoga


“Strength 1- Alt†10# SG

Giant Wrench x6
0:45s rest
Grave Digger x6
0:45s rest
4 Rounds
1:30 rest

Jump Squat x6
0:45s rest
Pump Water x6
0:45s rest
4 Rounds
1:30 rest

Levered Curl x6
1:00 rest
4 Rounds

Comments: Nice workout really. I feel it all over, but taking proper rest breaks for water and a little stretching/mobility work definitely helped take the edge off. I’m not concerned with how long this workout took to complete, so I didn’t even check the start/stop times. I want to try to remove those thoughts from my head.

In general, I dislike curling motions, and I’m using them as a bonus move exactly for that reason. I have some weird tendon thing in my elbow and teeny biceps, making this move especially weak for me. I’m hoping to change that.

“Grave Digger†is a macebell move, btw. It’s sort of a “Levered Deadliftâ€, from what I can tell in the youtube vids, so that’s how I treated it.

Jump squats might not be the best exercise for what I’m doing here, but I’m not sure what else to use in their place yet.


Workout: 6# SG
Up-Slash x 7
Fireman x 7
Down-Slash/Thrust x 7
Quarter Getup x 7 (1st progression)
Repeat ~16:00

Cool Down:

Comments: An old favorite that I’ve been neglecting. This is really an explosive power workout, because each move should be done with the emphasis on using the whole body to accelerate the hammer as quickly as possible – hence the low reps and small hammer. When reps get too high, it’s difficult to generate max power, so it becomes more of an endurance exercise. This also leads to a moderate intensity level, because it makes you pause before each rep to coordinate all of your muscles for the move. Good call for the day.

I did 4 or 5 rounds, including a gentler “warm-up set†before the timer started.

My hamstrings are little sore from yesterday still, but in general I’m feeling pretty good.

Of the official “relaxation†type.

This one was circumstantial, rather than intentional, on account of work-related considerations.

“Stength 2 - Alt†10# SG

One-leg Squat x6
0:45s rest
Levered OH Press x6
0:45s rest
4 Rounds
1:30 rest

SG Pull Over x6
0:45s rest
BW Leg Curl x6
0:45s rest
4 Rounds
1:30 rest
Levered Tri-Ext x6
4 Rounds
1:30 rest

Comments: This workout was a lot harder than I expected, particularly the pull overs, but I really enjoyed it. I’ve been walking around like Superman ever since I finished – something about those pullovers really pushes the shoulders back and the chest out!

The One-legged squats aren’t pistols, which I need a little assist to do full ROM with, but something I’ve seen called “one-legged deadlift squatsâ€. The main difference is that the “free†leg is bent at the knee and tucked behind, rather than extended in front. I also used the SG to add some resistance by holding it like a barbell (business end on the same side as the working leg). This made for an interesting balance challenge.

A pull over looks like this, though obviously with the SG I made it into a unilateral exercise and used leverage to add challenge. Also, I don’t have a bench, so I laid across a chair (though I tried doing a few on the floor instead of the chair, because holding my head up in that position was getting difficult). This does strange and amazing things to your core.

I tried several variations:
-Elbows at 90 degrees, holding SG like a barbell in two hands (non-working hand just stabilized)
-Elbow straight, holding SG like . . . well, like a hammer of all things (non-working hand stabilized head)
-Elbow straight, SG held like you’re doing and overhead chop, so it pointed straight up at the top of the movement (free hand stabilizes the bottom of the handle)

I liked this last version best because I felt like it offered the best combination of challenge and variability. The first variation was definitely the easiest, but I think it would be hard to add challenge as you go. The second option was frickin’ hard, and likely dangerous.

***Thoughts on the Week***

Generally speaking, I’m pretty happy with this. I think I’m going to re-order the exercises so that the harder stuff is first (because I’ve read that it’s advisable to do so, and agree). Next week I’m going to try playing with my other alternate series, which uses bands and body weight more.
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Post by phayze » Wed Oct 01, 2008 4:50 am

9/21/2008 - Non-intensive
14:00 freestyle with 10# SG

9/22/2008 through 9/29/2008
Okay, so things really didn’t workout as I expected last week. I was actually out of town for some professional training/certification thing, and even though I brought my hammers with me, I spent the week feeling really crapping from not sleeping well while I was away. Plus, my pulled serratus was acting up again, so I took it all together and opted for calling that a “vacationâ€, which it sort of was in its own weird way (road trip, state park, nice lodgings, gorgeous scenery). Regardless, I’m back on the wagon now . . . I hope.
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Post by phayze » Sun Oct 05, 2008 5:23 am

9/30/2008: Strength 1 Alt - 10# SG

Giant Wrench x6
0:45s rest
Grave Digger x6
0:45s rest
4 Rounds
1:30 rest

Jump Squat x6
0:45s rest
Pump Water x6
0:45s rest
4 Rounds
1:30 rest

Levered Curl x6
1:00 rest
4 Rounds

Comments: Still not sold on the jump squats . . . I need to try my resistance band variation on this setup.

Oh yeah, and my forearms, shoulders and calves feel like small lumps of watered down putty.

10/1/2008: Non-intensive – 10# SG

Churn Butter
Tuck Bails
Chop Wood
Completed in 11:30s

Comments: A familiar series, but with a different focus – this time I thought it would be fun to see just how fast I could complete this workout, so I set the stopwatch, rather than the timer. Serious. Sweat.

I also included about 4:00 each of warmup/cooldown.

10/2/2008: Rest
I made a video of some of the moves that I do (see this thread if you haven’t already), which involved some light lifting, and I took a walk a while later.

10/3/2008: Strength 2 Alt – 10# SG

SG Pull Over x6
0:45s rest
One-leg Squat x6
0:45s rest
4 Rounds
1:30 rest

Levered OH Press x6
0:45s rest
BW Leg Curl x6
0:45s rest
4 Rounds
1:30 rest

Levered Tri-Ext x6
4 Rounds
1:30 rest

Comments: Rearranged the exercise order a bit, but I’ll probably re-rearrange them before next week . . . assuming that I continue to forget to try out my alternate, resistance band, version

10/4/2008: Non-intensive – Samurai Arobics

03:00 Groundwork
11:00 Freestyle Swordplay

Comments: Something a little different today, but philosophically similar to my “Combat Cardio SG†Routine. I had huge fun with this, and worked up a great sweat!

“Groundworkâ€, in this context, means a freeflow combination of rolls, falls and quadripedal movement (i.e. bear/crab walk). The idea come out of the Parkour stuff that I’ve linked to before, and the martial art that I used to practice, Aikido. I thought this sort of thing would be good prep for getting back into fight training.

“Freestyle Swordplay†is just what it sounds like, done with a wooden practice sword called a bokken (roughly translates as “stick-sword†in Japanese, I think). Euro-centric sword fighters call them “wastersâ€, but I prefer the Japanese term . . . because I learned it first. Mostly cutting drills, but I also practiced basic blocking and drawing/resheathing techniques, and threw in a little practice choreography, just for the hell of it. Down side of the bokken, is that it’s not balanced well for single-handed use (leastwise, not in my wimpy single-hands), so I mostly stuck with broadsword/katana style moves.
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Post by Neptunus » Fri Oct 10, 2008 8:04 am

I just skimmed through this thread, and have concluded that you are an awesome dude.

I normally don't use words like "dude", but I found it appropriate in this context. Keep up the good work!
- Your friendly neighborhood vegan, proud shovelglover!

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Post by phayze » Fri Oct 10, 2008 9:07 am

I am both grateful for the kind words, and regretful that I inspired the use of "dude". ;)

Thanks! :D
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Post by phayze » Wed Oct 15, 2008 5:04 am

10/7/2008: Strength 1 – Resistance Bands

Decline Pushup x6
Band Pull-through x6
rest 0:45-1:00
repeat 4x

Band Squat x6
Band Row x6
rest 0:45-1:00
repeat 4x

Band Curl x6
rest 0:30-0:45
repeat 4x

Comments: Finally remembered to get the band out and give this alternate version a shot. You’ll notice that all of the moves utilize the same range of motion used in my SG Strength 1, just slightly different ways of getting there.

On the plus side, this workout went by really, really fast thanks to all of these being bilateral moves rather than unilateral ones, though on the downside I found a little less satisfying than my usual SG work. Partly to blame is my crappy band – by the time I’d shorted it enough to get some decent resistance for my squats, the thing had pretty much reached the end of it elasticity. I’ll experiment some more and maybe find ways of making this more challenging without having to shell out for a new band, though I have a feeling that the end result will be taking together the best from both these and my SG workouts until I have something that offers the best balance of challenge and efficiency.

Also, I trimmed out the rest period in the middle of each mini-circuit. I was getting bored with all the standing around, and wanted to try to bring my total workout time down a bit.

10/8/2008: Non-intensive – Combat Cardio 6# SG

Reverse Samurai x 14
SG Hook+Front Kick x14
Samurai+Thrust x 14
Fireman x 14
SG Uppercut x 14
Repeat 16:00

Comments: Awesome sweat and a good burn in the core. Mission accomplished!

I’m making sure I fully grasp these punch variations before I try to video them. It’s no fun coming through twenty minutes of flub-ups to find 2 minutes of quality. ;)

10/9/2008: Rest

Some light jogging, but mostly relaxing.

10/10/2008: Non-intensive – Bodyweight

Max Pushups 2:00
rest 1:00
Max Squats 2:00
rest 1:00
Max Crunches (legs up off the ground)
rest 1:00
Max Bridge 2:00 (for hold time, not reps)

Comments: Weird day, and I wound up driving my wife’s car to work, so I am without my usual workout Apparati? Appara...stuff. Without my workout stuff, which caused me to flip my non-intensive and strength days.

I didn’t count reps here, because I wanted to focus more on effort than numbers. Very satisfying workout, though. Bodyweight stuff has always been fun to me.

10/11/2008-10/12/2008: Rest

I wanted to workout on the 11th, but circumstances conspired against me, and actual labor took up too much of my day (did I mention that I’m helping to renovate a house on the weekends?).

10/13/2008: Strength 1 Alt - 10# SG

Giant Wrench x6
Grave Digger x6
0:45s rest
4 Rounds
1:30 rest

One-Legged Squat x6
Pump Water x6
0:45s rest
4 Rounds
1:30 rest

Levered Curl x6
0:30 rest
4 Rounds

Comments: Trimmed my rest periods to keep the pace up (and the time down), and traded in my bonus curls for some quality time on the "ghetto roller" (3" pvc pipe, cut to 1' length). My hamstrings needed the love, big time. Oh, and I swapped out Jump Squats for one-leg squats, because my wife as sleeping while I did this, and I didn’t want to make any more noise than necessary.

10/14/2008: Non-intensive – 10#SG

Churn Butter
Tuck Bails
Chop Wood
Completed in 11:09

Comments: 0:21s better than last time!
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Post by phayze » Sat Oct 25, 2008 5:12 am

10/15/2008: Rest

Furiously worked at my Halloween costume, which was only mentally taxing. :p

10/16/2008: Stength 2 – Resistance Bands

Band Pull Down x6
BW Leg Curl x6
Rest 0:45s

Band OH Press x6
Band Squat x6
Rest 0:45s

Comments: I haven’t actually managed to try this out until today. It’s slightly adjusted from my original plan, and I skipped the bonus, just to stay in balance with Monday night.

It’s okay, but I’m really just not enjoying the band-work. I thought it would be a nice alternative for using at work (so I wouldn’t have to haul hammers around in the trunk all the time), but the more I experiment the more I dislike the whole thing. Maybe if I had a better band, things would be different.

Oh well. Better luck next time.

10/20/2008: Stength 1 – 10# SG

Giant Wrench x6
Grave Digger x6
0:45s rest
4 Rounds
1:30 rest

Lunge x6
Pump Water x6
0:45s rest
4 Rounds
1:30 rest

Levered Curl x6
0:30 rest
2 Rounds

Comments: Subbed lunges for one-legged squats because my left knee has been a little fussy. I want to work it, but I have to be careful with it sometimes. I might have been lifting especially hard today, because I started getting a little nauseous and light-headed toward the end and cut my bonus round in half.

10/21/2008: Non-intensive – Combat Cardio 6# SG

Reverse Samurai x 14
SG Hook+Front Kick x14
Samurai+Thrust x 14
Fireman x 14
SG Uppercut x 14
Repeat 16:00

Comments: 1.5 rounds. Not so great, but I think the climatic shift from “warm and pleasant†to “buttock-freezing cold†has effected my energy level.


10/23/2008: Stength 2 - 10# SG

SG Pull Over x6
Jump Squat x6
0:45s rest
4 Rounds
1:30 rest

Levered OH Press x6
BW Leg Curl x6
0:45s rest
4 Rounds
1:30 rest

Levered Tri-Ext x2
0:45 rest
2 Rounds

Comments: Trimmed the bonus for balance with Monday. Feeling pooped, but I avoided that icky feeling from Monday, which is good.

10/24/2008: Non-intensive - 10# SG

Pry Stroke
Back Paddle
Draw Stroke

Comments: Fun with the imaginary canoe. I used the reverse ladder because I wasn’t sure how high I’d be able to get - I managed the above, plus 28 J-Strokes on each arm, then did a few Clubbell Stirs to kill the last 30s or so, and loosen up my aching shoulders. This really whacked some target zones of mine (shoulders and forearms), so I’m likely going to make this a regular.
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Post by phayze » Sun Nov 02, 2008 10:40 am

Odd week. I declared this a “recovery weekâ€, thinking that it’s be good to back off the hard, intense stuff a little to let everything recover . . . and then I got sick (sinus thing that’s been going around – everybody’s getting one these days), so the phrase “recovery†took on a whole new meaning.

15:00 Free style with 10#



15:00 Freestyle with 10#



I’m starting to feel a little better, so hopefully I’ll be back to speed on Monday.
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Post by phayze » Sat Nov 08, 2008 6:23 am

Weekend Reflections:

I’m toying with a slight adjustment to 3 strength days per week and 2 non-intensive days, but I think I might be getting ahead of myself. I’ve opted for waiting until the end of November to decide how I feel about it.

11\03\08: Strength 1- 10# SG

Giant Wrench x6
Grave Digger x6
0:45s rest
4 Rounds
1:30 rest

Over-head Lunge x6
Pump Water x6
0:45s rest
4 Rounds

Comments: Still Recovering, moving a little slow, but I made it though. Skipped the bonus (that’s why it’s “bonusâ€, after all).

Over-head lunge = a regular lunge with the weight held, as the name implies, with the weight extended over your head. It requires a little more core stability and balance than holding it at waist level.

11/4/2008: Non-intensive - 10# SG

Pry Stroke
Back Paddle
Draw Stroke

Comments: I’d originally planned on doing some swordsman freestyle tonight, but I found my outlook on life curiously up-lifted by tonight’s events and decided on something a little more peace-minded.

11\5\08: Rest

Sanded drywall for an hour, and let me tell you: that was enough! I really hate doing the ceilings. . .

11\6\08: Strength 2- 10# SG

SG Pull Over x6
Jump Squat x6
0:45s rest
4 Rounds
1:30 rest

Levered OH Press x6
BW Leg Curl x6
0:45s rest
4 Rounds
1:30 rest

Comments: Skipped the bonus (again), on account of still recovering a bit from my illness. I’m feeling much better, just pretty tired still.

11\7\08: Non-intensive

16:00 Freestyle Swordplay. Lots of footwork drills, and the reflection in the glass doors (oh cruel, cruel reflection!) revealed just how far my blade-control has fallen. I really need to practice some choreography!
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Post by phayze » Sun Nov 23, 2008 8:48 am

Week of Sloth . . . way too much time at work, and not nearly enough time in bed were the primary culprits.

11\11\08: Strength 1- 10# SG

Giant Wrench x6
Grave Digger x6
0:45s rest
4 Rounds
1:30 rest

OH Lunge x6
Pump Water x6
0:45s rest
4 Rounds
1:30 rest

Comments: Zoinks, and away!

11\13\08: Non-Intensive/b]
16:00 10# SG Freestyle

11\15\08: Non-Intensive/b]
16:00 10# SG Freestyle


Still a little sleep-deprived going in this week, but I’m determined to stick with the system, even I don't work as hard at the individual workouts.

11\11\08: Strength 1- 10# SG

Giant Wrench x6
Grave Digger x6
0:45s rest
4 Rounds
1:30 rest

OH Lunge x6
Pump Water x6
0:45s rest
4 Rounds
1:30 rest

Comments: Left leg a little dodgy on those lunges. I need to be spending more time on my physical therapy stretches . . .

11/18/08: Non-intensive – Combat Cardio 6# SG

Reverse Samurai x 14
Clubbell Swing x14
Samurai+Thrust x 14
Fireman x 14
SG Uppercut x 14
Repeat 16:00

Comments: 2 rounds plus 3:00 of freestyle.

11\20\08: Strength 2- 10# SG

SG Pull Over x6
Jump Squat x6
0:45s rest
4 Rounds
1:30 rest

Levered OH Press x6
BW Leg Curl x6
0:45s rest
4 Rounds
1:30 rest

Comments: I feel like I haven’t done this workout in ages, but I’m not sure why. Got a little ragged feeling halfway through, but I made it without slacking off.

11\21\08: Rest
Took it easy tonight, just did some jogging at work. My left shoulder is a little sore from the pull-overs yesterday.

11\22\08: Non-Intensive/b]
16:00 10# SG Freestyle

Experimented with some new movements. I'll probably do a couple of videos next week.
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Post by phayze » Wed Dec 03, 2008 7:05 am

11/25/08: Strength 1- 10# SG

Giant Wrench x6
Grave Digger x6
0:45s rest
4 Rounds
1:30 rest

Lunge x6
Pump Water x6
0:45s rest
4 Rounds
1:30 rest

Comments: It’s going to be a weird week on account of the holiday, but I’m trying my best here.

11/26/08: Rest
Some rest . . . pre-holiday dinner cleaning. Blech!! :p

11/27/08: Non-Intensive – 10# SG

Shovel x14
Tuck Bales x 14
Chop Wood x14
Drive Spikes x 14
Churn Butter x 14
repeat for 14:00

Comments: Classic Shovelglove styling. Didn’t push too hard on this one – 3 +2/5 rounds.

11\28\08: Strength 2- 10# SG

SG Pull Over x6
BW Leg Curl x6
0:45s rest
4 Rounds
1:30 rest

Levered OH Press x6
Jump Squat x6
0:45s rest
4 Rounds
1:30 rest

Comments: I’m not sure about the pullovers, but for some reason my left shoulder does seem to have quite the right degree of mobility for them. I took them a bit easy on that side. This realization has encouraged me to pursue my new plan that I’ve been working on. More later.
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Post by phayze » Wed Dec 10, 2008 5:58 am

Okay, so I mentioned a new routine, and this is the deal. I’m feeling a little more confident in my growing strength, but I understand that if I’m to even consider seriously approaching my long-term goal of gymnastic-style training then a solid base of maximal strength is going to be key. Plus, I still want to gain that 10 pounds of leanness between now and next Halloween.

The foundation of the new schedule is the following:

Strength 1
Giant Wrench x 6
Pump Water x 6
Leg Curl x 6
Rest 0:45s
X 4 Rounds

Strength 2
Chin-up x Loss of Quality
Decline Pushup x 6
DB Lunge x 6
Rest 0:45s
X 4 Rounds

Strength 3
Pump Handle Lever x 6
OH Press x 6
Jump Squat x 6
Rest 0:45s
X 4 Rounds

Basically, just a re-sort of my previous schedule, though I’ve made a few important replacements. Max Strength for the lower legs is difficult with shovelglove, so I’ve conspired to place my heaviest lower body lift on Wednesday, when I’ll be working out at home and have access to my free weights. Also, Pull-overs were replaced with chin-ups, because the only way to get better at doing chin-ups is to actually do them. Support lifts are nice, but it all comes down to practice. the Bilateral Grave Diggers are replaced with unilateral Pump Handle Levers to give a little extra work out of the hamstrings/lower back. Leg Curls are still suspect because it’s difficult to make them more challenging, but I’m working on a kind of “SG Leg Curl†that I might be prepared to unveil in a video soon.

I switched from 2 circuits of 2 moves to 1 of three because I though this would a) be more challenging due to the increased load per circuit b) make it easier for me to push to my limit rather than saving some gas for the next series and c) take a little less time. More work + Less Time = Intensity. Intensity is efficient, and I like efficiency.

Ideally this is going to be M-W-F. For the next week or two, T-R (and maybe Sa) will be “active recovery daysâ€, where-in I’ll dedicate time to the foam-roller, stretches, yoga, and/or Qi-Gong. Su will be a straight rest day. I hope to start including conditioning/endurance work on these days as the weeks go by.

Also, I’ve upgraded my shovelglove. :D

With regard to my weight-gain goal, I’ve started using a calorie tracker that I discovered via an iPod Touch app that I spotted on iTunes.

So, here’s the first week of all this ca-razi-ness.

12\1\08: Strength 1- 12# SG

Giant Wrench x 6
Pump Water x 6
Leg Curl x 6
Rest 0:45s
X 4

Comments: I’d say this went really well, all in all. I was tempted to add an extra set, but decided against it in favor of acclimating to the new schedule before doing anything so drastic.

Finished off with a little Yoga-improve to stretch out the important bits and re-center from the effort.

12\2\08: Recovery
15:00 Roller/Yoga

12\3\08: Strength 2- 12# SG

Chin-up x 3/3/2/2
Decline Pushup x 6
DB Lunge x 6
1:00s rest
4 Rounds

Comments: New Personal Best with chin-ups!! I’ve been doing them more or less randomly for a few weeks now, and it seems to have paid off. I’ve never done 3 consecutive ones, or even managed as many as 10 in a single day before. Once I’ve worked up to sets of 6 (or at least gotten closer to it), I’ll probably switch to doing these on my ghetto gymnastic rings (it’s way harder on rings)

Decline PUs are actually part of a progression I’m making to Handstand Pushups. The idea is to use progressively higher surfaces until I eventually become completely vertical.

This really felt like a strength workout. I didn’t get winded at any point from moving quickly through the series, but by the end I could feel my body starting to ache. I need to get this feeling out of all of my Strength Days.

12\4\08: Recovery
15:00 Roller/Yoga

12\5\08: Strength 3- 12# SG

Pump Handle Lever x 6
OH Press x 6
Jump Squat x 6
1:00s(+) rest
4 Rounds
Comments: I was a little tired going into this (Wednesday’s pullups really hit me hard, and I did some more random ones earlier today).

12\6\08: Rest
Took it easy today.

Thoughts on the Week

Monday was a little to easier, Wednesday was perfect and Friday almost killed me. A little tweaking will follow, but I expected as much and I’m prepared, generally, to call it a win.
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Post by phayze » Sun Jan 04, 2009 5:48 am

I've really let them pile up this time...

12\7\08: Rest
Did some kind of weird, cardio workout DVD with the Missus. Not really my thing (too dancy), but it’s always fun to do things together.

12\8\08: Rest
This wasn’t supposed to be a rest day, but for whatever reason it turned into one, so this will be a T-R-Sa week rather than a M-W-F week. It all washes out.

12\9\08: Strength 1- 12# SG

Pump Handle Lever x 6
Giant Wrench x 6
Jump Squat x 6
Rest 0:45s
X 4

Comments: Slight modification from last week. Jump Squats and Pump Handle Levers (PHLs) are pretty tough, so I moved them up to start the week on a high note. MUCH better than last week, though I somehow managed to over extend my shoulder on a jump squat (I like to throw my arms into for extra momentum). That should be better on Thursday.

12\10\08: Rest
Laid low today. That wasting feeling that I complain about has been especially bad, so I thought it might help to keep my activity level down (fewer calories burned) and eat everything I could catch.

12\11\08: Strength 2

Chin-up x 3-2-1-1 (Rings)
Decline Pushup x 6
OH Lunge x 6 (12# SG)
0:45s rest
4 Rounds

Comments: Slight equipment adjustment, due to my schedule change. I’m not working at home, so I don’t have access to a pullup bar or weights. Maybe I need one of those cantilever pullup bars . . .

Anyway, even with the substitutions, that was a pretty good workout. I’m dissapointed with my pullup numbers (and with having to give myself a little assist via foot-on-the-floor for more than half of them), but considering that rings make these things waaay harder and that I’ve never actually done a full chinup on the rings before tonight, I’m not going to beat myself up over it.

12\12\08: Rest

12\13\08: Strength 3- 12# SG

Pump Water x 6
OH Press x 6
Leg Curl x 6
0:45s rest
4 Rounds

Comments: I think I’ve got a really good thing going with this routine. I’ll probably see out December doing things as I am, and then start to incorporate more intentional work on T-R(and maybe Sa). For now, I’m quite pleased.

12\15\08: Strength 1- 12# SG

Pump Handle Lever x 6
Giant Wrench x 6
SG Leg Curl x 6
Rest 0:45
x 4

Comments:Bodyweight leg curls were getting a little easy, so I thought I'd experiment with an idea for a SG variation. Not bad, but it suffers from the same problem of the BW version - difficult to raise the challenge level.

12\16\08: Rest

12\17\08: Strength 2- 12# SG

Chinups x 3/3/2/2
Decline Pushup x 6
DB Lunge x6 (20#)
Rest 0:45s
x 4

Comments: I may or may not be getting sick, which may or may not have inhibited my pullup numbers (I had hoped for more 3s), but either way the possibility of illness makes me very unhappy. 'Tis the season, and all that.

Mae a slight adjustment to my lunge form, which resulted in very satisfying increase in challenge to the muscles on the inner and outer thighs - deficiencies which probably cause my knee pain.

12/18/2008-12/28/2008: Recovery

Illness, holidays, and weirdness with my work schedule have abounded, thus a considerable layoff, of which I am immensely ashamed.

But the future awaits, and a new solstice means a new sun, and renewed hoped for the coming year. ONWARD!!

12\29\08: Strength 1 - 12# SG

Chin-up x 3/3/2/2
Decline Pushup x 6
DB Lunge x 6
0:45s rest
4 Rounds

Comments: I really feel like this goes better at the beginning of the week, and for some reason I’m in the mood for chinups today. Henceforth, this will be renamed “Strength 1â€.

Also, I really need to start doing random chinups throughout the week, because I’ve stalled at those numbers for too long.

12\30\08: Rest

12\31\08: Rest

01\01\09: Strength 2 Improv - Rings

Ring Row x 6
Ring Pushup x 6
Jump Squat x 6
Rest 0:45s
X 4

Comments: Left the SG at home, so I had to improvise with my ghetto rings. Good for variety, so I’m not complaining.

I forgot how challenging the rings were on my grip/forearms! I started out by making these fairly difficult, but by the last round I had moved my feet quit a bit to get my last few reps. An hour later, my wrists still feel like jelly!

Oh, and Happy New Year . . . I guess? I think the Solstice is a more valid “new beginning†than our arbitrary calendar date, but I tend to think at a bit of a tangent from normality.

1\3\09: Strength 3- 12# SG

Pump Handle Lever x 6
OH Press x 6
Leg Curl x 6
0:45s rest
4 Rounds
Comments: The schedule is botched, so this is my “leftovers day†to get the movements that I haven’t done yet. It’s a little bottom-heavy, but I’ll live (barely!).

Still sore from Thursday which tells me 1) I’m not strong enough for regular/frequent ring work yet and 2) I’m not working hard enough on my regular workouts. I’ll consider how to deal with this over the weekend.
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Post by phayze » Wed Feb 04, 2009 6:44 am

I'm thinking about switching to a monthly update.

1\5\09: Strength 1- 12# SG

Chin-up x 3/2/2/2
Decline Pushup x 6
DB Lunge x 6
0:45s rest
4 Rounds

Comments: I can't lie, I cheated on a few of those chinups and gave myself a little boost off the floor with my foot. I’m not proud of it, but in my defense I did make it a point to go slow on the negative portion to make it a little tougher.

My already abnormal sleep cycle was disrupted and I’m kind of out of whack today.

Adjusted the Decline PU to make them more like a pike press – emphasizes the shoulders and traps, and will help prepare me for Handstand Pushups . . . someday.

1\6\09 – 1/12/09: Illness
I feel of death.

01/13/09: Active Recovery

14:00 with the foam roller and some general stretching. I need to start doing this one my non-lifting days.

01/14/09: Active Recovery

14:00 with the foam roller and some general stretching.

I still don’t feel well.

1\15\09 – 1/20/09: Illness

Will I never feel healthy again!?

1/21/09: Non-intensive – 12#SG

Churn Butter
Tuck Bails
Chop Wood
Completed in 16:09

Comments: Not a great time compared to previous efforts at this routine, but this is my first time doing it with the 12# SG, so that’s going to slow things down a little bit. Also, I still don’t feel well - I think it’s a combination of the weather (dreary and wretchedly cold), residual illness and a bit of the typical “winter burn-outâ€.

I’m going to get 3 workouts in this week if it kills me, though odds are good that they’ll be pretty lame in terms of quality. I’m hoping that shovelglove-induced endorphins will help make me feel more human . . . I’ve had this damned headache for, like, a month now. >_<

1/22/09: Rest

1/23/09: Non-intensive – 12#SG

Churn Butter
Tuck Bails
Chop Wood
Completed in 16:00 (approx)

Comments: I forget to start the timer until I’d already done the 21 pushups, but I got carried away a couple of times and went past my goal on some others, so it probably evened out . . . maybe?

Oh crap, I’m tired.

1/24/2009-2/9/2009: Avoid Death

Yeah, okay. This has been the crappiest month ever. Whatever the hell has been wrong with me reached a head on 1/26 and I almost passed out at the Vet’s office (Tux is sick. ïŒ). The rest of the week was pretty much a downhill slide toward a weekend of total misery, complete nausea, lack of appetite, mind-breaking depression etc, etc. The Doc says that I’m not dying (which is good), but he doesn’t have any really good ideas for what’s wrong – probably some kind of long-duration viral or possible even several of them acting concert against me and my best intentions.

I’m actually starting to feel better now (that’s 2/4), but I’m decided to take it easy this week, sleep as much as I can get away with and eat anything I can catch. My hopes are high that I’ll be back to something nearing my old self by 2/9, at which time I’ll get back into the swing of things.
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Post by winnie96 » Wed Feb 04, 2009 3:02 pm

Hi Phayze,

I'm so sorry to hear about your health woes -- it's just terrible to feel that bad and not really know what's causing it. Glad to hear you are feeling somewhat better today, and hope you are feeling even better by 2/9! And how is Tux doing? I hope he's getting better, too.

(I think of you every time I do a few samurai moves with my Tai Chi sticks, and every day when I do your "Pump Water" shug move -- still lovin' it).


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Post by reinhard » Wed Feb 04, 2009 3:21 pm


Best wishes for a speedy and total recovery! That sounds awful.

In the meantime, for what it's worth, I hereby grant you all the shovelglove indulgences you're inclined to take. If you keep going gangbusters in the state you're in, not only might you make it worse, but you'll start to loath shugging by pavlovian association! But it sounds like you know and are doing this already.

Hope the uptick in your health continues,


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I am, in fact, actually alive

Post by phayze » Sun Apr 05, 2009 4:30 am

Well, medical science officially declared me “perfectly healthyâ€, so I decided that my bizarre symptoms were the result of stress, lack of sleep and an unfortunate habit of eating far fewer calories than I either require, suspect, or intend (one or more exotic viruses may have contributed as well). I’ve spent the last few weeks working to correct these, and now I’m ready to ease back into working out.

3/31/09: 12#SG

Churn Butter
Tuck Bails
Chop Wood
Completed in 15:13

Comments: Skipped the pushups I usually use in this workout - not because I don’t need them, but because I wanted to lighten the load a little. I’ll add them back after I’ve worked this routine to under 14:00

4/01/09: Active Recovery – Contact Juggling

Ross recommends juggling for a variety of reasons, but somehow I’ve never quite gotten my head wrapped around the whole “toss/catch†. . . thing. Fortunately, there are alternatives. Not that I’m any good at either, but this is a good excuse to practice.

Active recovery days will consist of 20:00+ of Freestyle Contact Juggling (today I did about 30:00 of staff manipulation).

4/2/09: 12#SG

Churn Butter
Tuck Bails
Chop Wood
Completed in 12:54

Comments: I didn’t sleep well today – lots of noise outside from roofing work and lawn-cutting (sounds like spring!) – so I went into this one feeling a little lethargic and just decided to plod through with as little consideration for the clock as I could manage. Apparently, slow and steady really does win the race, because this came in almost 1.5 minutes shorter than Tuesday’s time. I guess I won’t be able to put off those pushups for as long as I thought I could. :p

4/03/09: Active Recovery – Contact Juggling

20:00 of 1-ball manipulation

Comments: Holy crap, I’m really rusty. :(

4/2/09: 12#SG

Churn Butter
Tuck Bails
Chop Wood
Completed in 12:48

Comments: Left the pushups off this time just see if the last one was a fluke – it apparently wasn’t, so I’ll be including them next week for sure.
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Post by reinhard » Tue Apr 07, 2009 7:44 pm

Welcome back, Phayze! And congratulations on your clean bill of health.

May have to look into the juggling myself... could use an everyday system for coordination.


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Post by phayze » Wed Apr 08, 2009 4:31 am

Thanks! It’s good to be back. :D

Juggling is definitely a good one for coordination, especially when you get comfortable enough to start walking with it or, even worse, "joggling" - which is just what it sounds like. O_o
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Post by phayze » Sun Apr 12, 2009 5:43 am

04/07/09: 12#SG

Churn Butter
Tuck Bails
Chop Wood
Completed in 15:53 (includes a minute to answer a quick phone call, which I’m counting as a break)

Comments: Wow, my shoulders are sore!

04/08/09: Contact Juggling

20:00 of staff manipulation

Comments: Fun! :D I only whacked myself in the back of the head three or four times.

04/09/09: 12#SG

Churn Butter
Tuck Bails
Chop Wood
Completed in 17:05

Comments: Tired today, so I made an extra effort to ignore the clock, and didn’t worry about a few short breaks here and there.

That last round of pushups is really tough!

04/10/09: Contact Juggling

30:00 of staff manipulation

Comments: Cracked myself in the jaw pretty good once, but in general I’m getting a lot better at catching the staff as it flies away from me.


Feeling ragged today, so I’m taking a break. Didn’t sleep well, and what sleep I did get came way later than it should have.
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Post by phayze » Sun Apr 19, 2009 4:56 am

04/13/2009: Contact Juggling

30:00 Staff Manipulation

04/14/2009: 12# SG

5:00 Staff Manipulation

Hindu Squats
Tuck Bales
Chop Wood
Completed in 14:11

Comments: Replaced the butter churns with squats, because it seemed redundant alongside tucking bales. Naturally, this resulted in a slight improvement in the elapsed time, so after test-driving this plan, I’ll consider adding something for next week.

I’ll need to move the squats to a better position in the cycle (probably the end), because it was annoying to put the hammer down and pick it up so many times.

04/15/2009: Contact Juggling

25:00 1-ball Manipulation

04/16/2009: 12# SG

5:00 Staff Manipulation

Tuck Bales
Chop Wood
Hindu Squat
Completed in 13:54

10 Clubbell Swing
10 Macebell 360

Comments: I had a massive headache when I started, but this helped quite a bit with that. I love the endorphin rush from a workout!

I was dissatisfied with the challenge when I finished the main bit, so I tacked on some old faves to round things out.

04/17/2009: Contact Juggling

30:00 Staff Manipulation

04/18/2009: 12# SG

5:00 Staff Manipulation

Tuck Bales
Chop Wood
Hindu Squat
Completed in 15:02

10 Macebell 360

Comments: Glad it’s the weekend!
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Re: I am, in fact, actually alive

Post by DC++ » Sun Apr 19, 2009 9:01 am

phayze wrote: Ross recommends juggling for a variety of reasons, but somehow I’ve never quite gotten my head wrapped around the whole “toss/catch†. . .
Interesting. I have been juggling for years. Nice to know it is also good for me* :)

A good resource for learning juggling (either the basic 3 ball cascade or more advanced patterns) is Internet Juggling Database.

* Except for that time I juggled tennis balls filled with lead shot. Seemed like a good idea at the time but it gave me a good dose of tendinitis in my wrists and forearms. I don't recommend that to anyone. Now when I want to combine juggling with a bit of a workout, I wear wrist weights. Gives me the exercise without the horrible strain on the wrists.

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Post by phayze » Wed Apr 22, 2009 4:55 am

You know, I've always thought that weighted juggling balls would be a bad idea - glad you found a work-around!

Thanks for the link. Someday I'll overcome my aversion to toss-juggling, but for now I'm having too much fun with contact. ;)
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Post by DC++ » Wed Apr 22, 2009 5:15 am

Yes, weighted juggling balls are pretty obviously a Bad Idea to everyone except me.

I think we have the opposite juggling polarity. I found toss juggling pretty easy to pick up and taught myself the 3 ball cascade purely from seeing someone juggle on TV for a few seconds. Now I am proficient with 4 balls and can manage a messy 5 (I had plenty of instruction from books and the web for those).

Contact juggling has always perplexed and bamboozled me though! I love watching contact juggling but I just can't do it. Like you though, I have too much fun with the juggling I can do to really try to learn a different type.

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Post by phayze » Sun Apr 26, 2009 7:28 am

Rather than bonuses at the end, I decided this week to start slipping in a little isometric warm-up. It’s handstands against the wall for now (hold for as long as possible in 1:00), and I’ll slowly up the ante as it gets easier.

04/21/2009: 12# SG

5:00 Staff Manipulation

1:00 Handstand

Tuck Bales
Pump Water
Hindu Squat
Completed in 16:23

Comments: Replaced Chop Wood with Pump Water to get a little more lat into the movement. Took the squats very slow and deliberately – considering my history of knee problems I need to be cautions with deep squats.

04/22/2009: Contact Juggling

30:00 Staff Manipulation

04/23/2009: 12# SG

1:00 Handstand

5:00 Staff Manipulation

Tuck Bales
Pump Water
Completed in 15:15

Comments: I originally included hindu squats like usual, but I didn’t make it through the first round without some . . . discomfort in my bad knee, so I rested a minute and decided to drop them for now.

04/24/2009: Contact Juggling

25:00 Staff Manipulation

04/25/2009: 12# SG

1:00 Handstand

5:00 Staff Manipulation

Tuck Bales
Pump Water
Completed in 12:46

Bonus: Macebell 360 x 10

Comments: I moved the handstand practice in my daily schedule, so that it’s kind of a separate activity now (it’s part of my “settling in while starting the work day†activities now). This gives me some time for my shoulders to rest a little before getting into the real workout (it appears to have helped).

I didn’t realize it until just now, but it’s really a lot like Reinhard’s opportunistic exercises (which I plan on doing with chinups soon).


I'm going to do some thinking this weekend about how to deal with removing those squats.
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Post by reinhard » Mon Apr 27, 2009 4:47 pm

Great to see your regular updates here again!

Opportunistic chinups are fun. Even better than most home installed bars are what you find an most playgrounds (they are sturdy!).

If you're interested in "good form" I've found a lot of the enormous he-men banging out chipups on youtube have dreadful form.

This guy is incredible, though:


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Post by phayze » Wed May 06, 2009 3:49 am

Thanks, Reinhard! Lot's of people can't do good pullups, that why I'm pretty obsessive about form. Mine are always full range-of-motion, from a dead hang. Occasionally, I cheat a little with a toe on the ground to give me a little push, but I like to make up for that by really going slow on the downward phase.

If I ever get my project-house finished and manage to move, I intend to build a playground-caliber fitness rig in the backyard. I can't wait! ^_^

I mentioned last week that I was thinking about using something like Reinhard’s “opportunistic exercise†scheme to work more chin-ups into my day. I can’t do very many of them in a set, and from what I’ve read this a great way to bring your numbers up.

Some Russian dude named Pavel popularized a similar plan a while back, calling it “Grease the Grooveâ€, which, honestly, sounds a little weird. Regardless, I’ll be slipping in one chinup (on a bar at home, on rings while at work) every time I go to the bathroom on an N-Day – which is pretty frequently because I tend to drink a lot of water and/or coffee on N-Days.

04/28/2009: 12# SG

1:00 Handstand

5:00 Staff Manipulation

Tuck Bales
Pump Water
Macebell 10-2
Completed in 16:15

Comments: Experimenting with the final move – I like the 10-2, but it’s hard to maintain good form through the first 21. I might stick it out to see if they improve.

04/29/2009: Contact Juggling

25:00 Staff Manipulation

04/30/2009: 12# SG

1:00 Handstand

5:00 1-Ball Manipulation

Tuck Bales
Pump Water
Macebell 10-2
Completed in ??:??

Comments: I have no idea how long this took, because I forgot to stop the timer until after I'd cooled of for a few minutes - best guess: 16:00-17:00 . . . ish.

5/1/2009: Contact Juggling

25:00 Staff Manipulation

5/2/2009: 12# SG

1:00 Handstand

5:00 Staff Manipulation

Tuck Bales
Pump Water
Macebell 10-2
Completed in 17:47

Comments: Tired today, like usual for the end of the week, so I took my time. I've found an interesting twist on the Fireman (see it's thread in the moves section), and my upgraded hammer is hemorrhaging sand (see that thread in the general discussion area).

It's been a good week. The conditional chinups were wearing me down a bit, so I took Wednesday off from them, but I probably did anywhere between 5-8 on each of the other four days this week, so we can call it a win.
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Post by phayze » Sun May 10, 2009 4:33 am

5/5/2009: 12# SG

1:00 Handstand

5:00 Staff Manipulation

Pump Handle Lever x 24
Giant Wrench x 24
Pump Water x 24
Completed in 21:52 (and about half of that was just for the Pump Handles!)

Comments: I want to get back to my old max strength workouts, but I’m going to get there slowly. This will be the only one this week.

Also, the rep scheme is a bit weird, but I’ve linked to this article before in another thread, and decided to try it out. Shorter version: Lift fast (though safely), and forget about set/rep schemes, just aim for a total rep goal and make it heavy enough that you can’t do more than 6 or 7 at a time.

Not sure what I think of it, but the next time I try this series, I’ll do it with my usual circuit-style layout and see which I like better.

5/6/2009: Contact Juggling

25:00 Staff Manipulation

5/7/2009: 12# SG

5:00 Staff Manipulation

Tuck Bales
Pump Water
Macebell 360
Completed in 16:18

Comments: Skipped my handstand practice and my conditional pull-ups today – I’m feeling pretty stiff, and my right elbow seems a little strained. Besides, Coach Sommer likes a Mon-Tues-Thurs-Fri split for skill training.

5/8/2009: Contact Juggling(??)

1:00 Handstand

Comments: I don’t know what I was thinking today . . . I forgot to juggle, but did my handstand on a day that I usually don’t. x_x At least I got some good chinup action in.

5/9/2009: 12# SG

1:00 Handstand

Tuck Bales
Pump Water
Macebell 360
Completed in 17:24

5:00 1-Ball Manipulation

Comments: Still a little scattered, and forgot to warmup with my CJ, so I did it a bit later after my arms stopped shaking. ;)

Holy crap, I'm glad it's the weekend!
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Post by phayze » Sun May 17, 2009 3:24 am

"S" is for Swine flu . . .

Okay, so maybe it wasn't H1N1, but I've been really sick all week (even missed some work, which is kind or rare for me these days), so all physical activity has been replaced with sleep. I'm feeling better now, and should be back on the hammer for my regularly scheduled shugging next week.
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Post by phayze » Wed May 27, 2009 4:41 am

5/19/2009: 12# SG

5:00 Staff Manipulation

Tuck Bales
Pump Water
Russian Twist (Feet off the floor variation)
Completed in 17:30…ish

Comments: Damnit! I forgot to stop the friggin’ stopwatch . . . again. >_<

I’m still a little ragged from last week’s flu-thing, so I decided to skip the max strength workout (and the handstand/chinup practice) for tonight. No promises for tomorrow, either – I’m going to just wait and see how I feel.

Also, I traded in my macebell swings for a favorite ab exercise of mine. Still experimenting with this series, really.

5/20/2009: Rest

Mostly on account of weird work-related scheduling issues.

5/21/2009: 12# SG

5:00 Staff Manipulation

Tuck Bales
Pump Water
Russian Twist
Completed in 19:42

Comments: Moving slow still. Not sleeping well, either.


So tired . . .
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Post by phayze » Sun May 31, 2009 5:33 am

I’ve started using 5g of creatine as part of my post-workout snack. I’m anxious to see if/how it affects my workouts.

5/26/2009: 12#->10# SG

5:00 Staff Manipulation

Tuck Bales
Pump Water
Russian Twist
Completed in 16:31

Comments: I got through the first set of 21s when I realized that one my add-on weights was flopping around in my “gloveâ€, so I untied the rig and found that one my zip-ties had broken. ;_; I should probably take a minute or two penalty for the rest I got while working this problem out (I paused the stopwatch), but I tried to make the reduced-weight sets a little more challenging to compensate.

I really shouldn’t have procrastinated so long on doing something about that sand leak I mentioned a while back. -_-

5/27/2009: Contact Juggling

20:00 1-Ball Manipulation

I’ve been neglecting the ball.

5/28/2009: 10# SG

Tuck Bales
Pump Water
Russian Twist
Completed in 15:58

Comments: I’m still amazed at the difference that 2 pounds can make.

5/29/2009: Contact Juggling

20:00 Staff Manipulation

Holy cow, I really beat the hell out of my shoulder with that thing tonight. >_<

5/30/2009: 12# SG

5:00 Staff Manipulation

Tuck Bales
Pump Water
Russian Twist
Completed in 17:01

Comments: Back to 12# now. The ankle weights were a bit big, so I pulled out the metal bars and taped them to the hammer’s head. Not bad for now, but I need to find some stronger tape.

I feel really good today, despite being a little behind on sleep. I think the creatine is making a difference for me – feel more energetic in general (though not dramatically, I’ll admit), and today I was really holding the hammer far from head, even with the extra weight I needed more leverage to work against. I’m also sleeping deeper, but that might not be related. I’m really looking forward to shugging again after a weekend’s rest.
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Post by phayze » Sun Jun 07, 2009 6:31 am

I'm splitting my creatine dose now - 1/2 when I wake up, and half post-workout. I think it helps to maintain a steadier level in my system through the day.

6/2/2009: 12# SG

1:00 Handstand

5:00 Staff Manipulation

Tuck Bales
Pump Water
Russian Twist
Completed in 17:29

Comments: Got a few layers of duct tape over my add-on weights – Much more stable now. Back on the handstands, too.

I’m, quite pleased with this creatine business – I can really feel a huge difference in my energy level. The package says to take 1 teaspoon/day, so I’ve started splitting it up, with ½ when I wake up and the other half after my workout. It seems to work even better this way, I guess because I’m keeping a steadier supply of it handy rather than just dumping a bunch on my system all at once.

6/3/2009: Contact Juggling

20:00 Staff Manipulation

6/4/2009: 12# SG

5:00 Staff Manipulation

Tuck Bales
Pump Water
Russian Twist
Completed in 17:24

Comments: Nothing special tonight. Forgot my handstand, so I’ll try to remember it later when I’m a little less shakey.

6/5/2009: Blerg

Sinus-related rest day. I was a little too dizzy from the pressure to trust myself with a 4ft. length of pipe spinning that close to my head. I smack myself with it enough on a good day.

6/7/2009: 12# SG

5:00 Staff Manipulation

Tuck Bales
Pump Water
Russian Twist
Completed in 15:19(!!)

Comments: I always forget that a steady, even pace gives me better times than hauling heiney until I’m too tired to do more than limp along through the final round.
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Post by phayze » Fri Jun 12, 2009 7:03 am

6/9/2009: Max Strength 12# SG

5:00 Staff Manipulation

Decline Pushup x 6 (feet on desk)
Pump water x 6
Over-head Press x 6
Pump Handle Lever x 6
x 4
Completed in 21:03

Comments: Another experiment. If all goes well, this will be my new “welcome to the new week†workout. I like having a little variety in the kind of challenge I give myself.

Thoughts for next time: Ring rows and/or Ring Pushups.

6/10/2009: Contact Juggling

10:00 1-ball Manipulation
10:00 Roller/Stretching

6/11/2009: 12# SG

5:00 Staff Manipulation

Tuck Bales
Pump Water
Russian Twist
Completed in 15:40

Comments: If I get this under 15:00 for three days straight, I’ll have to switch to a harder pushup variation.

6/12/2009 – 6/13/2009

“S" is for “Vacationâ€.

Wait, that’s not right . . . . O_o
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Post by phayze » Sun Jun 21, 2009 6:06 am

6/16/2009: Max Strength 12# SG

5:00 Staff Manipulation

Decline Pushup x 6 (feet in rings)
Ring Rows x 6
Over-head Press x 6
Pump Handle Lever x 6
x 4
Completed in 20:21

Comments: That was good - I worked like hell for 20 minutes, then snacked/rested for 30 until I felt like I could walk upright again.

The feet-in-rings thing was a little weird (and difficult to get into possition for at first), but it provided a very interesting challenge. I thought about using a more conventional ring pushup, but I didn’t want to lose time adjusting the height on my rings.

6/17/2009: Laziness

The hardest part about taking a vacation is going back to work when it’s over – especially when your hours are as wacky as mine. x_x

6/18/2009: 12# SG

5:00 1-Ball Manipulation

Tuck Bales
Pump Water
Russian Twist
Completed in 16:37

Comments: I’m surprised that this routine hasn’t gotten boring for me yet – I enjoy it just as much every time I do it, and I continue to feel challenged by it.

6/19/2009: Contact Juggling

20:00 Staff Manipulation

6/20/2009: 12# SG

5:00 Staff Manipulation

Tuck Bales
Pump Water
Russian Twist
Completed in 16:04

Comments: This space intentionally left blank.
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Post by phayze » Sun Jun 28, 2009 7:16 am

6/23/2009: Max Strength 12# SG

5:00 Staff Manipulation

Decline Pushup x 6 (feet in rings)
Ring Rows x 6
Over-head Press x 6
Pump Handle Lever x 6
x 4
Completed in 16:42

Comments: I was a little tired going into this one (busy weekend), so I wasn’t expecting a stellar performance. Imagine my surprise! Not only did it go faster, but everything was much easier than last week. If this goes as well next week, I’ll have to find something to make it harder.

Special note, decline pushups in the grass really suck. It kept poking me the face every time I went down. >_<

6/24/2009: Laziness

Work-related this time. There was some weirdness with my schedule, but that’s gone now, I should be able to get back to regular juggling starting next week.

6/25/2009: 12# SG

5:00 Staff Manipulation

Tuck Bales
Pump Water
Russian Twist
Completed in 17.15


6/26/2009: Inexcusable Laziness

6/27/2009: 12# SG

5:00 Staff Manipulation

Tuck Bales
Pump Water
Russian Twist
Completed in 16:15

Comments: Seriously lacking in motivation, but I pulled it together enough to get a decent time. I think next week will be a “back-off weekâ€, though I haven’t decided yet just how I’m going to do it.
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Post by phayze » Sun Jul 19, 2009 6:08 am

Workout Log

Last week was supposed to be “active recoveryâ€, but turned in to “passive recovery†(read: a whole lot of nothing) for a variety of reasons not with going into. I’m at a stage in my house renovations where I need to be careful with my energy level, so I’m going to ditch the heavy lifting until the concrete is all poured and set. Once I’m back into drywall and such, I’ll pick it back up.

7/7/2009: 12# SG

10:00 Staff Manipulation

SG Punch x 7
Samurai w/ Moulinet x 7
Uppercut x 7
Spear Thrust x 7
Repeat 14:00 (made 4 rounds . . . I think. I lost count.)

Comments: Experimenting with a new conditioning-style routine, obviously similar to my old Combat SG stuff that I used to do with the 6#. I’ve never actually done any of the samurai moves with the 12# before, and they were as challenging as expected. I’ve got a serious pump in my forearms!

7/8/2009: Bokken Conditioning

Tabata Headcuts (step forward/step back)
Tabata Slashes (Step through/step back, alternating the stepping leg)

Comments: I found the headcuts a little dissapointing, so I went for a round two with the slashes - much more satisfying!

The footwork is difficult to describe, but stepping through on the diagonal slash requires more coordination and helps to translate energy through the core. Also, a diagonal slash is a bit more natural with a two-handed weapon, so it was easier to control the motion leaving my brain to focus on relaxing shoulders and keeping my head up - Thanks again for that tip, David!

7/9/2009 to 7/15/2009

Suffered from a critical motivation/energy failure. No excuses, just tired and lazy so I took a little extra time off.

Part of me knows that habit of exercise is more important the quality of the workout itself, but my brain only has two speed - "full-steam" and "dead stop" - so its hard for me to muster the ambition for a crappy, half-assed workout.

7/16/2009: Bokken Conditioning

4:00 Bokken Freestyle
Tabata Slashes

Comments: if it were okay to punish myself for last week or so of sloth, I'd say that that's what I was doing with this workout. I'm dripping with sweat, aching from the bicpeps down, and my left thumb has the beginnings of a lovely swordsman's blister that I hope someday grows into a mighty callous.

7/17/2009: Copper Sulfate Shuffle

Shoulder a 50# bag
Run 10', around a corner, up a few steps, around a 180 corner and drop it onto a pile
Run back to to pallet of bags
repeat, moving as fast as possible, until totally gassed.

Comments: I had to do this for work anyway, so decided to make it into a little workout. The course was small, but with enough baffling and corners to make balance and coordination a good part of the challenge.

I managed to do 9 like this, though I might have made a few more if I hadn't done it right after lunch. It was pretty fun, even though I felt a little pukey by the time I stopped. x_x

7/18/2009: 12# SG

10:00 Staff Manipulation

14 Clubbell Swings
14 Reverse Samurai
14 10-2 Swings
14 Spear the Fish
Repeat 14:00 (3 rounds)

Comments: Feeling a little adrift, and I'm looking to start including some new things in my workouts. I'm thinking of using daily 10 minute juggling sessions and more frequent workouts, of variable intensity.

"Spear the Fish" is a new experimental move I've been developing since that thread about balance-oriented moves popped up in the general discussion forum. Basically, it's a lateral jump with a downward thrust then a lateral jump back to the starting point while drawing the "spear" back (that makes one rep). I'm not sure if that makes sense, but I'm hoping to do a vid for it once I'm convinced that it's not terribly likely to kill me.
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Post by Bushranger » Sun Jul 19, 2009 7:55 am

I wish you luck in recovering to good health, Phayze. I also hope you find peace and contentment with your training regime. I know firsthand how painful over analysis of training methodology can be. I used to worry so much about my training plans that I never got around to doing them most of the time and when I did I was often wondering "is this the best plan?" It is not good for the soul, not for me anyway. It took some time but I finally dispensed with the paralysis by analysis.

I do like the huge variety of the movements you incorporate though and I think this must be good for creating a well rounded workout.

Good luck to you.

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Post by Bushranger » Sun Jul 19, 2009 7:57 am

reinhard wrote:This guy is incredible, though:

I'm in awe of that kind of strength and control. What else to say besides WOW!!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:

Here is another one I found after watching the one you linked. It's pretty amazing. Mute it though coz it has that gangster rap filth as music.

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Post by chiangmaiboss » Sun Jul 19, 2009 11:58 am

This message is for Phayze. I have read most of your posting and really respect your dedication and commitment. I have some advice for what its worth and if you don't agree just ignore it but it is only my opinion which maybe is not worth all that much but here it is.
Firstly, I love doing shovelglove, mainly because I think it is fun. But the fact is, depending on what your goal is, there are other forms of exercise which maybe you could try. Firstly, for building strength and muscle mass, nothing comes close to lifting weights. I know there are drawbacks to them and I no longer lift myself, but to build strength and muscle you have to lift progressively heavier weights for low to moderate number of reps. I used to dig ditches for a living and while it was good exercise I never gained as much muscle from it as from weight lifting. Pushups and pullups are great and they are what I do now but they will give you muscular endurance, not muscle. Look at some old photos of railraod building crews. They look strong and lean but they are not bodybuilders and they swung sledgehammers all day long.

For aerobic conditioning you need to get your heart rate up as you know and if you can do that with shovelglove then great but I cannot. You have to run or swim or climb stairs or something.

My concern is you are suffering from my problem of obsessiveness. A few years ago I was so obsessed with fitness and losing weight I worked out constantly and lost 35 pounds in less than a month but everyone thought I had cancer or AIDS I looked so drawn out.

I do shovelglove because I always enjoyed working with my hands more than going to the gym and shovelglove is like that. The time I do shovelglove flies by while the time in gym drags on, but I still go to gym because aerobic exercise is important. I try to do at least 70 minutes shovelglove every week in addition to working farm, going to gym and hiking in jungle, kayaking, etc. I cannot do 14 minutes a day because I am often not home and I have enough to carry in jungle without lugging a big hammer. But I often do shovelglove for 28-52 minutes to make up for the days I miss and sometimes do 30-60 minutes even though it is not multiples of 14. I am on mountain rescue team and I believe shovelglove helped me maintain certain muscular functions which are important in doing things like chopping through bush with machete and chopping wood for fires. Fitness should be part of your life, not your life. Try to have fun and not think so much. You are obviously a very fit person but there is such a thing as overtraining. Doctors say try nto get at least 30 minutes exercise a day, even if it is just going for a walk and this is a good suggestion. Get out of the house and run or walk in the park or the mountains. Bring the hammer and bang some rocks outside or do like I did and get an old tractor tire and bang that for 30 minutes. It is great fun and stress relief. Maybe do some rock climbing. It is more fun than pullups. In Thailand there is a work called sanuk which sort of means fun and is just about the most important thing. Thai peoiple believe you can make anything sanuk, even work, and it is a good attitude I believe. That is why shovelglove caught on here because it is sanuk, and noone here would do it if it wasn't.

This was a long rambling posting which I never do but I see something of myself in your situation and I just wanted to help if possible.
Chiang Mai and Nakhon Sawan, Thailand

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Post by phayze » Wed Jul 22, 2009 7:47 am

Bushranger wrote:I wish you luck in recovering to good health, Phayze. I also hope you find peace and contentment with your training regime.
Thanks! Exercise for me is a constantly evolving force, so I doubt that I'll ever find anything like contentment with it - once that starts to happen, it's usually time to start mixing things up again. -_^ The real trick is to guide that evolution by keeping the goal in mind. New challenges keep that mind sharp, and the body strong.

I've done a lot of work on myself, mentally, to keep out of the "paralysis by analysis" trap, and I think I'm doing pretty well these days. My problem is that I want to be able to do everything, and I want to do it all at once, so I have to be careful to either plan my routines accordingly, or focus on one area of fitness at a time.

I'll have to watch those youtube links later - I'm at work now, and my evil network admin has it blocked out. -_^
chiangmaiboss wrote:In Thailand there is a work called sanuk which sort of means fun and is just about the most important thing. Thai peoiple believe you can make anything sanuk, even work, and it is a good attitude I believe. That is why shovelglove caught on here because it is sanuk, and noone here would do it if it wasn't.
I love this word, and the concept that it embodies! Most people in the west think of anything that requires more effort than pushing a button to be a terrible burden. I totally agree that workouts should be fun, which is part of why mine are always changing. I get bored easily, and I need to challenge myself in news ways to keep things fun.

I appreciate the advice, too. I've given a lot of thought to how I exercise and whether it's getting me what I want, which is another reason that my routines change so often, and why I've made all of those videos demonstrating new ways to use a shovelglove. For now, I'm mostly developing my "power-to-weight" ratio, so I'm focusing on explosive moves that require a lot of coordination and speed, but aren't like to add any real bulk. I'm getting my heavy-lifting practice in with the concrete that I'm doing on the house that I'm fixing up - 80# bags suck!! :p

I've thought about including more traditional weight-lifting in my workouts, but that stuff mostly bores me and I don't stick with it. When I'm ready for that kind of challenge, I'll probably go back to gymnastic-style bodyweight moves - I've played around with them before, and they're extremely challenging and fun.

Oh, and as far as being obsessive . . . I don't know if that's the word I'd use, but I probably look that way on this forum, since exercise is really the only thing that I write about here. It's probably fair to say that I over-think, but I do that with everything that I do. I don't seem to get a lot of time to do fun stuff with my hands so I like to have a plan that lets me focus on the good parts without wondering what to do when I get a chance to do it. ^_^

Hmm . . . now I'm rambling, but that's actually pretty common for me. -_^
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Post by chiangmaiboss » Thu Jul 23, 2009 12:21 pm

As long as you enjoy what you are doing then that is great. I know what you mean about the concrete. I used to work for a mason mixing concrete and hauling bags and it is hard work.
Chiang Mai and Nakhon Sawan, Thailand

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Post by phayze » Sun Jul 26, 2009 5:27 am

Indeed it is!

7/21/2009: 12# SG

10:00 Staff Manipulation

SG Punch x 7
Reverse Samurai x 7
Uppercut x 7
Spear Thrust x 7
Repeat 14:00

Comments: 5 rounds. very tired now. @_@

7/22/2009: Swordplay

10:00 Staff Manipulation
Tabata Slashes (Step through/step back, alternating the stepping leg)

Comments: Oddly refreshing. I think I'm starting to see an improvement in my tabata-performance already.

7/23/2009: Copper Sulfate Shuffle

Shoulder a 50# bag
Run 10', around a corner, up a few steps, around a 180 corner and drop it onto a pile
Run back to the pallet of bags
repeat, moving as fast as possible, until totally gassed.

Comments: Did 10 this time, and might have forced my way through a few more, but I ran out of bags.

7/24/2009: 12# SG

10:00 Staff Manipulation

14 Clubbell Swings
14 Samurai w/ Moulinet
14 10-2 Swings
14 Spear the Fish
Repeat 14:00

Comments: 2 rounds, plus a few minutes of freestyle.

I was looking for something gentle, because I'm pulling a double shift at work this weekend (what the hell, right? Most people get to be off work on the weekends!!). "Gentle" is not the right word for this, but I took it slow.

7/25/2009: reSt

Double shift tonight, and more concrete tomorrow, plus I get to install a new water heater in my non-project house.

Yeah, guess what happened while I was away at work all evening . . . -_-
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Post by phayze » Sat Sep 12, 2009 3:41 am

Been on hiatus for a while, husbanding my strength as it were, while getting through some particularly nasty bits of house rehab.

9/1/2009: Max Strength

10:00 Staff Manipulation

Ring Rows x 6
Ring Pushup x 5
Cinder Block High Pulls x 6 (minus the dropping - it would break my block)
Repeat 4x

Comments: I liked this pretty well, all in all, and it only took 16:00 to complete, including a minute or two break between rounds. My only complaint is that the ring rows are little easy this workout's intended goal. I have a few ideas in mind for making them more challenging.

All that time spent shouldering, hauling and mixing bags of concrete/mortar, and stacking cinder blocks over the past few weeks have taught me some interesting new "useful movements" that I think I'd be better of for doing more often. The block I'm using is a bit bigger and heavier the ones they sell for a dollar at Lowe's - it was salvaged from the foundation that I just replaced - but I don't know for sure what it weighs. I'll have to get it on a scale eventually. You might call it a "cheat", but since I don't wear gloves for workouts, I wrapped a little duct tape around the parts of the block that I'd be gripping, mainly to keep little bits of it from embedding themselves into my hands.

For the record, the High pulls were supposed to be snatches, but that was before I almost fell backwards and broke my spine. After a while I'll revisit the snatch idea.

9/2/2009: 12# SG

10:00 Staff Manipulation

10 Clubbell Swings
10 Samurai w/ Moulinet
10 10-2 Swings
10 Spear the Fish
Repeat 14:00

Comments: 3 rounds

9/3/2009: Swordplay

10:00 Staff Manipulation
Tabata Slashes (Step through/step back, alternating the stepping leg)

Comments: Kind of half-assed for a tabata, but I'm still a little sore from Tuesday.

9/4/2009: 12# SG

10:00 Staff Manipulation

Freestyle 14:00

Comments: Working on some refinement to Spear the Fish and a new move "Mixing Mortar", and also trying to teach myself that it's okay to workout without pushing myself to the limit.

9/5/2009 - 9/12/2009

Between the long holiday weekend, my wife having some painful pregnancy-related problems (nothing serious, thankfully), and my lovable kitten, Ripley "The Ripper", scratching a lovely set of stigmata into my right palm during a bath (also not serious, but gripping things tightly is often difficult) I haven't actually managed a workout this week. I'm hoping that everything will be back to normal by Tuesday.
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Post by reinhard » Mon Sep 14, 2009 1:34 am

Great to see another increment in the ever growing progress thread, phayze -- and congratulations on your wife's pregnancy!

Maybe put a sweater around the cinderblock and call it shovelblock? :-)

(only partially joking -- sounds like a great "useful movements" prop, and the sweater would go a long way towards "domesticating" it for indoor use around delicate floors and babies).


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Post by phayze » Wed Sep 16, 2009 8:39 am

Thanks! We're pretty excited about the pending sprout, but this whole pregnancy this is total drag!

I think "cinderbell" has a nice ring to is. -_^ I'm still working on how to make it "hardwood-compliant", though.
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Post by phayze » Sun Sep 20, 2009 4:46 am

9/15/2009: Max Strength

10:00 Staff Manipulation

Ring Rows x 6 (feet on block)
Ring Pushup x 5
Cinder Block High Pulls x 6 (minus the dropping - it would break my block)
Repeat 4x

Comments: Ha! The cinderbell is multifunctional!

This took about 15:15 to complete, including a few minutes of stretching afterwards. I'm not actually pushing to do this workout faster, but as it gets easier I'll spend less time resting between rounds, so the stopwatch is telling me something about how I'm adapting the work.

9/16/2009: 12# SG

10:00 Staff Manipulation

10 Piston Press
10 Clubbell Swings
10 Samurai w/ Moulinet
10 Spear the Fish
Repeat 14:00

Comments: 2.5 rounds, plus a bonus set of Mix Mortar to finish.

I can't believe I forgot about Piston Presses for so long! Sonnon's exercises are always fun.

9/17/2009: Juggling

20:00 Staff Manipulation

Comments: Mid-week relaxation night.

9/18/2009: Swordplay

10:00 Staff Manipulation
Tabata Slashes (Step through/step back, alternating the stepping leg)

Comments: Whacked my funny bone with the staff so hard that I literally fell to the ground. It's better now, though.

9/19/2009: Freestyle

10:00 Staff Manipulation
14:00 Cinderbell Freestyle

Comments: Experimenting with my new toy. I'll probably write something up concerning my findings and make a post in the general SG forum.

Still working on the whole "safety" . . . thing.
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Post by phayze » Sun Oct 11, 2009 5:40 am

I've, like totally lost track of my workouts for the past few weeks. I had a nasty cold for a while, and took a week off, which sort of threw off my whole "logging" . . . thing.

But I digress....

10/6/2009: Max Strength

10:00 Staff Manipulation

Ring Rows (feet on block)
Ring Pushup
Cinderbell High Pulls (minus the drop)

Comments: finished in about 13:00. Note to self: Use a harder High Pull variation.

10/7/2009: Procrastination

Wow . . . the night went by so fast

10/8/2009: Max Strength

10:00 1-Ball Manipulation

Squat Jump
Pull Over
OH Press

Comments: Experimenting, and in the mood for something a little heavy again.

This is sort of "the other half" of my other max strength workout.

9/18/2009: Swordplay

10:00 Bokken Freestyle (footwork drills, etc.)
Tabata Slashes (Step through/step back, alternating the stepping leg)

Comments: I made a special mp3 of timed beeps for tabatas, and still I managed to lose track tonight . . .

9/19/2009: Freestyle

10:00 Staff Manipulation
14:00 Cinderbell Freestyle

Comments: Experimenting with my new toy. I'll probably write something up concerning my findings. Still working on the whole "safety" . . . thing.

10/10/09: Active Recovery

14:00 of foam roller and stretching.
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Post by phayze » Thu Oct 29, 2009 3:54 am

You know, I'm getting really sick of getting down one really good week of exercise and then being knocked down by some force of nature . . .

Long story short, I fell down and smashed up my knee two weeks ago. The bad one, of course. So, I've been in recovery mode (have I ever mentioned how bad I am at recovery mode?), and probably will be for a while still. If I can't convince the doc on Friday that I'm doing better, he's sending me to physical therapy.

Also, if you're going to fall and hurt yourself, I highly recommend doing it on your own time. Assuming, that is, that you're employer has a worker's comp policy as punitive as mine does.
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Post by Kevin » Thu Oct 29, 2009 1:30 pm

That must bite.
phayze wrote:You know, I'm getting really sick of getting down one really good week of exercise and then being knocked down by some force of nature . . .

Long story short, I fell down and smashed up my knee two weeks ago. The bad one, of course. So, I've been in recovery mode (have I ever mentioned how bad I am at recovery mode?), and probably will be for a while still. If I can't convince the doc on Friday that I'm doing better, he's sending me to physical therapy.

Also, if you're going to fall and hurt yourself, I highly recommend doing it on your own time. Assuming, that is, that you're employer has a worker's comp policy as punitive as mine does.
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