Help, I'm so addicted to coffee

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Help, I'm so addicted to coffee

Post by gettheweightoff » Thu Jan 13, 2011 2:45 pm


I recently quit coffee for two weeks but as the mother of two small kids I felt I needed the energy and quickly found myself drinking it again. Now I'm up to 3-4 cups a day with lots of cream and not only am I fiding my weight loss has stalled but I feel like crap, up and down and thinking about coffee all the time and drinking it inbetween my meals which for me feels like a snack.

Anyways, anyone have any suggestions for kicking coffee?


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Post by amake616 » Thu Jan 13, 2011 5:57 pm

I had the same problem after my daughter was born and found it easier to gradually reduce the amount of sugar and cream I put in my coffee (I cut from 3 teaspoons to 2 - after two weeks I cut to 1 and a half teaspoons and then two weeks later to 1 teaspoon) and did the same thing with cream. I also slowly switched from flavored creamer to low fat half and half. Then I slowly started reducing the cups of coffee I drank by one cup a week. I now drink 2 cups a day, 3 if I've been socializing and that works for me. If the physical effect really bothers you, you could try drinking decaf instead of regular after noon and see if that helps.

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Post by kccc » Thu Jan 13, 2011 5:57 pm

I use the "glass ceiling" approach to coffee. (Go to the main Everyday Systems page for a description.) Two cups allowed in the morning, after that I switch to herbal tea or water.

I do allow myself ONE extra later in the day IF I feel I need it - sleepless night the night before, unusually cold day, that kind of thing. But I recognize it as "special" and not for everyday. And I often make that one decaf.

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Post by kccc » Thu Jan 13, 2011 5:58 pm

I use the "glass ceiling" approach to coffee. (Go to the main Everyday Systems page for a description.) Two cups allowed in the morning, after that I switch to herbal tea or water.

I do allow myself ONE extra later in the day IF I feel I need it - sleepless night the night before, unusually cold day, that kind of thing. But I recognize it as "special" and not for everyday. And I often make that one decaf.

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Post by gettheweightoff » Thu Jan 13, 2011 9:56 pm

Does it make sense to make coffee an S day treat?

I had 4 cups today and this is just getting out of control because now I'm having it inbetween meals like a snack which doesn't feel right to me even though technically it is allowed.

Thanks for all your input it has already helped.

I started a habitcal for this too.

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Post by NoelFigart » Fri Jan 14, 2011 12:21 am

I couldn't recommend going cold turkey with coffee, even to make it an S-day treat.

Taper down, if you decide to cut down. With two small children, those blinding withdrawal headaches are the last thing you need.
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Post by reinhard » Fri Jan 14, 2011 3:08 pm

Force yourself to drink black coffee (at least on N-days).

That way you might drink less of it because it's no longer a sugar/fat vector, and even if you don't, it doesn't really matter, because it has next to no calories.

If you think black coffee is disgusting, give it some time, you will get used to it. It helps to drink decent black coffee instead of rank swill, but you don't have to spend a fortune. If you've got a trader joe's near you they've got a ton of excellent, inexpensive options.

Coffee in itself is not a bad thing (unless you're sensitive to caffeine). It (surprisingly) has a fair amount of fiber and even antioxidants. Sort of makes sense if you think about it; it's bean juice.

I drink at least 2 mugs of (black) coffee a day, sometimes 3.


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Post by amake616 » Fri Jan 14, 2011 3:30 pm

Oh and if you do decide to drink black coffee per Reinhard's suggestion and the bitterness bothers you, a tiny pinch of salt takes a lot of the bitterness away. Just add it to the coffee before you brew or immediately after when its still blazing hot. It's kind of the same reasoning behind adding salt to sweet baked goods.

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Post by gettheweightoff » Fri Jan 14, 2011 3:41 pm

I like that suggestion of the black coffee but the thing is I actually think coffee is kind of gross and I put so much cream and milk in it so it tastes good. I'm not a big tea fan either so I guess it's the warm milk with flavour that I actually like.

I don't particularly like the way I feel with coffee either. I get a headache pretty quickly and then I get tired and need a second cup but I am hooked. So weird.

I think I'll try the black coffee approach. It's different for me.

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Post by wosnes » Sun Jan 16, 2011 1:24 pm

I don't think four cups of coffee daily is excessive, but that's me. In regards to the milk/cream added, I wouldn't worry about it too much -- at least not right now.

I doubt that you're using the equivalent of a glass of milk in your four cups of coffee. Even if you are, you could have a glass of milk with each your meals and you wouldn't think twice about it. I think sometimes you have to look at the bigger picture.
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Post by mrsj » Fri Jan 21, 2011 11:06 am

There. Is. No. Life. Before. Coffee!
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My tries

Post by ericb » Sat Jan 22, 2011 11:34 am

Hi gettheweightoff -

This is something I've tried to do off and on and I think I found something that works. I also have trouble with soda - we have a "free" soda bar at work. It's all Coke products and I love Diet Pepsi, but it doesn't seem to matter if it's there and available.

What didn't work so well for coffee and/or soda:
- Glass Ceiling didn't work. I tried, but this doesn't seem to work with coffee. I am a mindless drinker.
- One french press/One can a day - same as glass ceiling (I was trying to make it stick, no dice). I drank too much at work.

Ones that almost work (might work for you?):
- H20 > Coffee/Soda: I have to drink more cups of water than coffee and soda combined. I found this to be in the silly/ludicrous category - I was drinking 3 cups of coffee and 3-4 sodas on a bad day, so this meant bathroom trips every 4 minutes when I added the water in. :)
- Alternate H20 and Coffee/Soda: Kinda worked - see below for how this adds in...
- Coffee = Plate time. Only during meals. Kinda worked.

The biggest reason why these don't work is that the mindless thing comes in - I am drinking a cup before I know it after talking with a coworker by the soda bar or the coffee maker...

The one that has stuck!! (three weeks and counting)
- ONE CUP TO RULE THEM ALL. I am not a crazy Lord of the Rings fan, but the name makes me grin!!!! The basic premise - you can only use one cup/glass from x to x for all fluid intake. I've tried "while at work" and "post breakfast to pre supper".

I think this works because I can still drink in the morning (coffee). And, I can S it - I work on N days (since you stay home, sounds like, you could do it N days). Third weekend I actually did the one cup thing at home on Sat but not Sunday.

My "rules":
  • * One cup means no extra "cups". Can't open a can to fill it, but I could technically drink coffee, tea or kool aid since they aren't extra cups. They're from containers. I try not to think about 2 liter soda bottles - I define a container as something you reuse. 2 liters (unless you make tornado experiments for your kids) aren't reusable.
    * Here's the alternating thing - if I drink non-water, next cup is water.
    * No rinsing!!!!!!!!! If you drink water, no problem. If you drink coffee, the water after the coffee is weak coffee (GAH-ROSS). Tea isn't too bad (iced or brewed).
    * Same place all the time. Otherwise I lose it and get a new one...with coffee or soda. :)
I honestly thought the H20 > Coffee/Soda would work, but it falls away when I get into my old habit - then it's too ludicrous to do. I thought that would be a hindrance but it's not.

One Cup to Rule Them All sits right in the way of my habit - and when I fail (pop open a can or drink coffee) I notice. Last time I popped a can open I went and handed it to one of the Diet Coke lovers in the audience. They thought it was a treat, I didn't drink it.

Hope this helps. I really appreciate the opportunity provided here - nice people who are genuinely trying to change. Change is hard - it's good to have such great help from Reinhard and others on this board!!
Last edited by ericb on Mon Jan 24, 2011 5:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: My tries

Post by Kevin » Sun Jan 23, 2011 8:27 pm

Love the creative name!
ericb wrote: The one that has stuck!! (three weeks and counting)
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Re: My tries

Post by ericb » Mon Jan 24, 2011 5:22 pm

Kevin wrote:Love the creative name!
Thank you. My wife rolled her eyes when I told her, but she smiled.

She also told me to keep my journaling for my journal and stop being so wordy on the board. Her comment "If it's supposed to work as a catchphrase habit, why do you need 1000 words to explain it?"

So, short version:

One Cup to Rule Them All.
Use one cup for all daily drinks - from breakfast to dinner.

Hope it helps someone. :)

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Post by gettheweightoff » Mon Jan 31, 2011 2:25 am

Hi everyone,

I tried and tried to quit coffee and I couldn't do it. I don't even look at it as a failure I look at it as hey, I like coffee. I feel good when I drink it.

And you're right, what's the worst case scenario, I'm drinking a cup of milk in a day? If I need it to get me through my meals it's fine. I'm only 5 weeks into no-s. Maybe after a few months I won't feel that I need this much. For now, it's working for me.

I have to stop being so rigid and stop trying to be perfect and imposing such restrictions on myself. I bet if I took this restricion off I would drink less coffee anyways.

So, thank you to everyone for your support. I admit that I am a coffee drinker and that's fine. Now I have to tell my husband who thinks I am an all out coffee junkie with an addictive personality. He should be glad it's only coffee and I'll just have to tell him to get off my back. I'm a mother of two small kids and if that is my way to deal with it, then so be it!

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Post by wosnes » Mon Jan 31, 2011 10:49 am

gettheweightoff wrote:
I have to stop being so rigid and stop trying to be perfect and imposing such restrictions on myself. I bet if I took this restricion off I would drink less coffee anyways.

"No prison is as endless as the prison of perfection." Unknown

I'm obviously a coffee drinker and I find that my consumption varies not only day-to-day but also throughout the year. I always have a cup in the morning, but after that it varies widely. During the winter it tends to be more, probably due in part to the fact that the coffee is hot. I range from 2-4 cups.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Jan 31, 2011 1:08 pm

hi, just another idea.. when i usually try and do coffee fasts, for a little while and abstain, i end up drinking water and lemon, and normally i'll have it all day. i feel good and hydrated. whenever i go back to drinking coffee, i end up forgetting about the water and usually have about 3 or 4 glasses a day versus the 6 to 8 glasses i would have when abstaining from coffee.
maybe you're feeling headache, and bad, etc, because you're drinking coffee in lieu of water. i'd try upping your water intake and see if it helps.
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