Yet Another Urban Ranger

Urban ranger is an inspirational metaphor to get you walking. Warning: there is poetry involved. Discuss it here.
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Yet Another Urban Ranger

Post by Jid » Sat Aug 26, 2006 4:12 am

Hey all!

I just discovered the Everday Systems board a couple days ago, but it would seem I was a Urban Ranger (and a NoS dieter) before I even knew to call them that.

I come from a long line of urban rangers - my family likes to walk everywhere.

In college, I had a 20 minute walk to and from school, if I didn't take a scenic route for kicks.

Nowadays, with this grad school thing going, I find that my urban ranger ways have been a great stress reliever as well as a good way to get exercise. For a while, I was up to around 2 hours a day (both for physiotherapy - I bunged my leg up in the most unusual way possible - and for mental health) , though I mostly do half hour to 45 minute walks, three times a week at the moment.

I cut back only because I decided that the best way for me to get fit was goals, so my own personal goal for this year was to run a 10K race in less than an hour. Two weeks ago, I did just that (52:00, in fact) :D

But, while running is fun, urban ranging is my first love, of the physical activity sort. Running is focused - Urban Ranging is as much about the sights as the walks, for me. (And I'm finally remembering to take my camera along. You'd be amazed at the pictures you can find if you start looking for them.)

Anyways, sorry for the rambling intro, but I think I finally found a place which follows a line of thinking much like my own, so I'm quite ecstatic to join ;)

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Post by reinhard » Mon Aug 28, 2006 3:36 pm

Welcome, Jid!

Taking a camera is a great idea... though with my voice recorder in one hand I'm probably I'm dragging around enough stuff already.

Maybe you can use "personal olympics" to spur you on to your goal:


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