Podcast #62: State of the Systems, 2021, Part 1

An everyday system, TM, is a simple, commonsense solution to an everyday problem, grounded by a pun or metaphor. Propose/discuss new systems here.
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Podcast #62: State of the Systems, 2021, Part 1

Post by reinhard » Sat Jan 15, 2022 1:03 am


2021 was miserable in most respects, but it’s been another fantastic opportunity to test the true mettle of Everyday Systems. Part 1 reviews Body and Spirits systems: The No S Diet, Shovelglove, Urban Ranger, Lawful Good Biker, Glass Ceiling, Low Smoking.


Part 2 coming soon.

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Re: Podcast #62: State of the Systems, 2021, Part 1

Post by NoSDoc » Mon Jan 17, 2022 11:44 am

Dear Reinhard,

thank you for the new Podcast. Always good to hear from you!

I wanted to respond to your condition of Golfer's Elbow. In the last 10 years or so I have had 3 Tennis elbows with changing sides, the last started last October (same as you...). Although different there are many similarities between the two conditions. What I can say from experience is:
1) yes, it will fully recover (you ask that question hoping to be able to swing that 20pounder again - you will...)
2) it takes time. About 1 year to be fully functional again. With it becoming better during that time. Tendons are amongst the slowest healing tissues in the human body (not connected to blood circulation). So time is necessary here. Sometimes knowing what to expect helps.

Concerning the question: did shovel glove cause it / contribute to it? In my case one factor always was a mismatch of training an recovery or, in other words, flexibility of structures and "time under tension". Probably, as we get older, some stretching should be part of our routine. At least in my case. Which I often neglected. Don't know if this resonates with you.

What I like is your approach of doing (nearly) all movements, with less weight and in reduced number. I also kept the 14' sacred so far but did nearly no shoveling. Will start doing little swings and building up my routine again. Great idea. Thanks!

Looking foreward to part 2 of the podcast! Take care, heal up fast and all the best from Southern Germany with quite some snow on the Alps


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Re: Podcast #62: State of the Systems, 2021, Part 1

Post by MD » Fri Jan 21, 2022 2:37 pm

Hello Reinhard-
Enjoyed listening to Podcast #62! I like the meta-view of the systems, and have gotten a lot out of your recent podcasts, especially the lifelong learner tips.

I too am challenged with getting out walking enough, as another work-at-home urban ranger. When I hear the phrase Urban Ranger it makes me think of Strider aka Aragorn from Lord of the Rings, turning the walk to the store for milk into an epic quest to save Middle Earth!


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Re: Podcast #62: State of the Systems, 2021, Part 1

Post by reinhard » Sat Jan 22, 2022 12:29 pm

Thank you, Stefan! Both for your continuing encouragement about the podcast and the specific tips about the golfer's elbow. I have a strong patience muscle (from practice, not nature!) so I'm totally fine with it taking even a year to get back to 100%. I have (reluctantly) incorporated stretches.

MD -- I'm glad this last batch of episodes has resonated with you. That image of Strider marching off to save Middle Earth was exactly what I was going for.

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