Alternate sides

Which movements do you do? How many reps? In what order? When? Do you mix in other non-shovelglove moves? Post here or browse to get ideas.
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Alternate sides

Post by sledgehammer » Fri Apr 25, 2008 4:05 pm

This one can be adapted to any routine. It consists of changing side with each rep.
For example instead of doing 50 shovels to the right then 50 shovels to the left, do 1 to the right, then 1 to the left 50 times.
- Since you don't get into a repetitive motion you are less likely to use momentum to power the sledge, more likely to uses strength instead
- All the little motions to change side work those other little muscles and tendons as well as your manual dexterity


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Post by reinhard » Fri Apr 25, 2008 5:16 pm

I like it!

Amazing no one's suggested this yet...

The only downside I can think of is that you might wind up spending a third of your time in not particularly exerting "handoff" from one side to the next... but maybe it actually is exerting, and/or the other benefits you describe more than make up for it. I'll try it tonight.


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Post by reinhard » Mon Apr 28, 2008 3:30 pm

Well, I tried it. And I did kind of feel like I was spending too much time in "handoff" mode (which I think tried to compensative for by dangerously speeding up the handoff -- which quickly got, well, dangerous).

Good idea, though. And maybe I'm just not doing it right... If you wind up sticking with it, video would be very helpful!


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