Chain of Command - Is anybody out there?

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Chain of Command - Is anybody out there?

Post by used2bskinny » Thu Jun 03, 2010 4:52 am

I don't know if anyone is still trying this system, but i am going to give it a try and like the designations: Producer, Director and Actors.

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Post by Spudd » Thu Jun 03, 2010 12:43 pm

I tried it for a while, but fell out of the habit, unfortunately. Right now I'm flirting with a system called "Autofocus". It's not really working for me either, though. I need to take a day and just figure out what the heck to do, how to do it, and set up my environment for success.

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Post by reinhard » Thu Jun 03, 2010 2:00 pm

I am (see my "tasks" tag in my habitcal) -- though I've made some modifications since the original podcast after a rough patch last fall.

I'll do a fuller write up (or perhaps an update podcast) soon, but basically here's the status quo:

Daily Soldier: On N-days, 2-column yellow index card task list (work and personal). I was overloading myself with the 3 columns -- worked great (for >2 years, actually) until the proverbial shit hit the fan. I'm hoping the 2-column implementation will be more crisis proof (it certainly feels more relaxing, and I think just as productive now). On S-days I keep one undifferentiated list (same as before).

Monthly Officer: same as described.

General: conceptually what I described in the Big Picture podcast (same 4 columns) except I've drastically reduced the amount of stuff I have on it. No more tiny font -- it gets too overwhelming. Normal font size is a useful sanity check. I also use google docs instead of microsoft word, a spreadsheet instead of a "document," and print it out in portrait instead of landscape (obviates the need for splitting each logical column in two -- not ). I have a color printer at work and highlight high priority items with yellow cell background -- this gives an additional dimension to the spreadsheet (placement gives logical organization, color indicates priority). I try to keep the yellow to a minimum.

A few months ago I put together a rough "chain of self command" home page with a brief overview of all the subsystems and links to the relevant podcasts. It needs some updating to reflect my recent refinements, but it's possible you'll find it useful as is:


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Chain of Command

Post by used2bskinny » Thu Jun 03, 2010 9:30 pm

Thanks. I like the general idea but it seems very complicated on the special page you have set up. I am thinking of using this system to cut back on my two glasses of wine per day. :)

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