Samurai's "Journal of Self-Discipline"

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Backhanded? NO!

Post by Samurai » Sat Apr 22, 2006 5:08 pm

Thanks for the encouragement. :D

I'm sorry if my post came across as a backhanded sort of testimonial. My intention was far from it! The truth is, I didn't stay with the plan long enough or strictly enough to notice any significant weight loss. That's hardly the fault of NoS!

But I certainly noticed when I stopped following NoS! :lol:

Better put, I might have said: Even NoS half-essed is better than no NoS at all! :D
One should not be envious of someone who has prospered by unjust deeds. Nor should he disdain someone who has fallen while adhering to the path of righteousness. - Imagawa Sadayo (1325-1420)

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DAY 1 No S

Post by Samurai » Tue Apr 25, 2006 3:46 am


B: 1 egg, 2 pc. bacon, toast, iced tea w/ sweet n' low
L: 1/4 chicken, lg. flour tortilla, iced tea w/ sweet n' low
D: Two ham n' swiss croissonwiches, pickle slice, two slices honeydew melon, 1/2 can of diet Pepsi.

Bev: 6 oz coffee w/ whole milk, sweet n' low; 20 oz. Diet Berries & Cream Dr. Pepper (best diet soda I've ever had!)
16 oz. water

10,000+ Steps

Today was a:

Last edited by Samurai on Wed Apr 26, 2006 1:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Stats 04.25.06

Post by Samurai » Tue Apr 25, 2006 3:38 pm

HT: 5'10
WT: 225
BF: 31.5%

Pants size: loose 38
Shirt size: x-large
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DAY 2 No S

Post by Samurai » Tue Apr 25, 2006 6:19 pm


B: 1 egg, 2 pc. bacon, toast, iced tea w/ sweet n' low.
L: Applebee's chicken finger basket w/fries, iced tea w/ sweet n' low.
D: Garlic chicken n' rice w/ soy sauce, 20 oz. Diet Berries & Cream Dr. Pepper

Bev: 1 pkg. Classic Orange Crystal Light w/ 16 oz. water x2, 12 oz. Michelob Ultra, 16 oz. water, 1 pkg. Raspberry Ice Crystal Light w/ 16 oz. water.

10,000+ Steps

Today was a:

Last edited by Samurai on Sun Apr 30, 2006 3:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Samurai » Wed Apr 26, 2006 3:19 pm


B: Migas, 1 lg. flour tortilla, iced tea w/ sweet n' low.
L: Three tacos al pastor, spoonful of beans, chips n' salsa, sweet tea.
D: Two ham n' swiss sandwiches on whole wheat, 2 oz. corn chips, 1 12 oz. Budweiser Select.

Bev: 12 oz. coffee, 2 cnt. French Vanilla non-dairy creamer, sweet n' low; 12 oz. Diet Berries & Cream Dr. Pepper; 20 oz. Diet Berries & Cream Dr. Pepper; 8 oz. water.

I forgot my pedometer this morning, so I have no idea how many steps I accumulated today. But from the past two days, I know that I need an extra two miles of walking as exercise to reach 10,000 steps, and today I didn't walk nearly as much as I normally do during the course of my day. So, I was planning on going three miles this evening but the time got away from me. No exercise today. :cry:

But today was still a:

Last edited by Samurai on Thu Apr 27, 2006 3:14 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Post by reinhard » Wed Apr 26, 2006 3:36 pm

Nice re-start, Samurai. Glad to see you're walking, too.


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Apr 26, 2006 4:22 pm

Yay Samurai on your good start!!!!
The journey of a thousand miles starts with one step!

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Notes for Day 3

Post by Samurai » Thu Apr 27, 2006 3:25 am

Thanks for the encouragement, guys! I don't know why (knock on wood) things are going so much more smoothly and easily for me this time. Maybe its the inclusion of diet drinks; maybe its not worrying about having caloric beverages from time to time; maybe its not worrying so much about making healthier choices at meal times. I don't know what it is, but I feel like I am eating a lot of food, I'm rarely hungry, and the diet sodas are killing my cravings for the real thing (Pepsi.)

I haven't been measuring portions or making sure that all my food 'fits' within the interior of a plate. I just put enough to make the plate seem full with food and eat it. That strategy has been more than enough to carry me from meal time to meal time. To tell the truth, I'm actually feeling full the entire day. Tonight I wasn't even really hungry but made those sandwiches just to make sure I didn't binge later or eat too much in the morning.

I have also noticed how much I used to eat because I was watching TV, or reading, or surfing the web, or driving, or.. well, you get the picture. If I was stationary, I was snacking. No more bags of popcorn, chips, or pop tarts adding to my waist line because I am (was?) a mindless creature of habit. Needless to say the indigestion and acid reflux that I once suffered from is now greatly diminished because I'm not stuffed to the esophagus with food.

I have been in a few convenience stores since I started NoSing again, and I've passed on the candy bars of which I might have previously availed myself. In one such encounter, I found myself saying, "I'll have one of those this weekend." And you know, that craving went away. Not because I felt I could have that candy bar this weekend, but I realized that if I couldn't have it right at THAT moment, I didn't want it. It wasn't 'worth' waiting for the weekend. I am going to choose my sweets on the weekend for the best in savory delights, and not eat a candy bar just because I want to stuff my face with a candy bar.

Yes, it is going extremely well and has been quite easy (I'm shocked :shock: ) I hope I am not jinxing myself by saying so. But on the other hand, my attitude and approach this time is soooo different. I am no longer a 'diet nazi.' I did post some stats for later reference, but I am not weighing myself daily and do not feel the need to do so. I'm not looking for instant results but realize I have to find a way to live and eat that will work and last me the rest of my life. I finally realized I will never live my life in the 'Zone,' as a low-carber, or vegan, or calorie counter (not that there is anything wrong with that. More power to you if that is your calling!) I just like food to much, I enjoy eating and socializing during meals and I do not want to pass on those pleasures to lose a few lbs. when a sensible, easy, 'normal' plan like NoS is available to me, that will accomplish the same thing.

I just want to live a normal life, at a normal weight, and I believe, after literally years of research and 'experiments of one' with many different diets, that NoS is the approach most likely to help me reach those goals.

Thanks, Reinhard. :D
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Post by Samurai » Thu Apr 27, 2006 3:16 pm


B: 1 egg, 2 pc. bacon, toast, iced tea w/ sweet n' low.
L: 1 cup chicken soup w/ 1 pkt. crackers, meat loaf sandwich, a couple bites of potato salad, pink lemonade.
D: 3 slices of hand tossed pepperoni pizza, 1 slice of hand tossed hamburger pizza, 20 oz. Diet Berries & Cream Dr. Pepper.

I felt I was pushing the limits of my plate by having four slices, but three fit comfortably so I added the fourth small slice of hamburger. It was a standard paper plate. I didn't want to be hungry later, and considering that I used to eat at least 6-8 slices on pizza nights before I started NoS again, I think eating half that amount is a great start!

I also thought it better to see if the slice would actually fit as opposed to 'virtual plating' it on later, if I was still hungry. I absolutely do not trust myself yet with virtual plating and want to avoid it as much as possible. It seems too much like snacking or grazing and that method of eating has only brought me weight gain in the past. So I say "no thanks!" to the virtual plate and pick up extra napkins instead. :)

Bev: 20 oz. Diet Mt. Dew; 40 oz. water; 12 oz. Budweiser Select.

I forgot my pedometer AGAIN today, but it didn't matter. I dug about 9'-10' length of 1' deep ditch today, locating and uncovering a sewer pipe. It took about an hour and a half of digging, with intermittent breaks. Nothing like manual labor to burn calories and build muscle!

Today was a:

Last edited by Samurai on Fri Apr 28, 2006 3:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by reinhard » Fri Apr 28, 2006 12:58 pm


It sounds like you've learned a lot from your last go: that drinking diet soda is necessary for you to avoid the real thing, that worrying about healthy food is at this point a dangerous distraction from the more pressing issue of quantity control, that enormous firsts are better than "virtual plating" which is likely to spin out of control. These may sound like details, and they may fall short of some puritanical ideal, but they might be what finally does the trick for you. I'm happy to hear that, buoyed by these insights, you're finding it so much easier this time around.


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Post by Samurai » Fri Apr 28, 2006 3:11 pm


B: Migas, 2 pc. bacon, 1 lg. flour tortilla, spoonful of refried beans, iced tea w/ sweet n' low.
L: Pizza Hut personal pan pizza, iced tea w/ sweet n' low.
D: Two soft fajita tacos, half a baked potato w/ cheese, about 4 oz. Diet Pepsi.

Bev: 12 oz. Diet Berries & Cream Dr. Pepper; 20 oz. Diet Mt. Dew; 12 oz. Budweiser Select in an icy cold, frozen mug.

I ate breakfast and lunch within about three hours of each other, and consequently was very hungry by about 4 PM. But I waited til dinner, finally sitting down to eat about 6:30 PM. I was very tempted to have 'just one small bite, just one..' but refrained, and feel the better for it. I'm still hungry, but can wait til morning. IHOP is on the menu. :wink:

I remembered the pedometer today, but it didn't matter. I didn't get in the extra miles, and the pedometer read only about 3,900 steps before I put it away. So, for today, no exercise.

Today was a:

Last edited by Samurai on Sat Apr 29, 2006 3:07 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Lessons learned

Post by Samurai » Fri Apr 28, 2006 3:18 pm

Thanks for stopping by, Reinhard. :)

I expect that as I gain experience eating this way and new habits become ingrained, that even these things will change. I expect that I will eventually drink less diet soda, eat less food per plate as my body becomes accustomed to being fed at regular times, and I will eventually engage in more vigorous exercise. The most important thing I've learned is that I don't have to expect to do everything at once, starting today. I may be taking baby steps, but I'm still on the journey and will get where I want to go eventually! :)
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Post by Samurai » Sat Apr 29, 2006 7:37 pm


B: None. I was called into work early AM and I did not have a chance to eat anything. It's 2:35 PM and I still haven't eaten.
L: Long overdue!
D: Chili's: Chips n' salsa, peppercorn burger, fries, mango iced tea w/ sweet n' low, Molten Chocolate Cake.

Snacks: 1/4 bag microwave popcorn

Bev: Starbucks' Caramel Macchiato Grande; 20 oz. Pepsi x 2

Exercise: Off day.

Today was a:

Last edited by Samurai on Sun Apr 30, 2006 3:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Apr 29, 2006 8:19 pm

S days are automatic SUCCESS!!!

Did you eat breakfast yet Samurai??? :wink:
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Post by Samurai » Sun Apr 30, 2006 7:27 pm


B: 1 egg, 2 pc. bacon, 2 slices French toast w/ maple syrup & powdered sugar, iced tea w/ sweet n' low.
L: Fajita nachos, 24 oz. Pepsi.
D: Justaburger, iced tea w/ sweet n' low.

Snacks: 1 bowl of mixed cereal (Raisin Bran/Raisin Bran Crunch) in whole milk.

Bev: Few sips of theater Coke (Flight 93 - excellent movie).

Exercise: Off day.

Today was a:

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Post by Samurai » Mon May 01, 2006 3:58 pm


B: 1 egg, 2 pc. bacon, toast, iced tea w/ sweet n ' low.
L: Chips n' salsa, chicken fried steak, a wee bit of gravy, iced tea w/ sweet n' low.
D: Chips n' salsa, fajitas w/ cheese, peppers, & onions, 1 1/2 flour tortillas, iced tea w/ sweet n' low.

Whew! I am almost certain that I ate more than a plate of food for dinner. I set aside a certain amount of chips on a little plate and tried to 'virtualize' it on my dinner plate later, but I'm not sure how successful I was at limiting it to one plateful of food. Not to mention that I ate more chips n' salsa after I finished the main course! I'm not prepared to call today a No S failure, but I did learn this:

I am not ready for virtual plating. Stay away from food that is served separately in another dish. :idea:

Bev: 20 oz. Berries & Cream Diet Dr. Pepper.

Exercise: None

Today was a:

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Post by Samurai » Tue May 02, 2006 2:42 pm


What price friendship? A wonderful friend of mine returned from out of town with a special dessert, purchased specifically for me. I felt it better to err on the side of courtesy and enjoy my gift with my friend instead of saying, "I'm on a diet! Will it keep til Saturday?" So I decided today is an S Day, and enjoyed my dessert.

B: None.
L: Chicken strips, corn on the cob, fries, mango iced tea w/ sweet n' low.
D: Four slices pan pepperoni pizza.

Bev: Iced tea w/ sweet n' low; 1 mug of Pepsi.

Sweets: 1 slice of Caramel Cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory! :P

Exercise: None :roll: (Today's doubles tennis was cancelled.)

Today was still a:


Life is so much better without the diet-Nazi monitoring my every move! :)
Last edited by Samurai on Wed May 03, 2006 1:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue May 02, 2006 9:50 pm

Hi Allan!
Congrats on your successful days so far!!!!
You are a rockin!
8) Deb
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Post by This path is my life » Wed May 03, 2006 1:12 am


I'd like to second Deb!! Very well done, keep going strong!!
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Post by Samurai » Wed May 03, 2006 3:08 pm

Thanks for the encouragement, I appreciate it.

I don't know how much progress I'm making, but I've been feeling pretty good about everything. I think maybe in the beginning its better to focus on learning proper eating habits than on weight loss, so thats what I'm trying do to do now.

Thanks again! :)
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Post by Samurai » Wed May 03, 2006 3:11 pm

DAY 10

B: 1 egg, 2 pc. bacon, toast, iced tea w/ sweet n' low.
L: Two ham & Swiss sandwiches on whole wheat, 12 oz. Diet Berries & Cream Dr. Pepper.
D: DQ Corn Chip Fiesta hamburger, chunk of light bread, 6 oz. Diet Pepsi.

Bev: 12 oz. Diet Berries & Cream Dr. Pepper x2; 4 oz. coffee w/ whole milk, sweet n' low; 12 oz. Budweiser Select x2.

Exercise: I'm wearing the pedometer today. I wore it yesterday as well, but I didn't even break 4,000 steps, so I didn't bother to count it. We'll see what happens today, I have good intentions!

Didn't make it out for a walk today, either. My 10,000 steps has turned into 3,000 steps per day. :roll:

Today was still a:

Last edited by Samurai on Tue May 09, 2006 12:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Samurai » Mon May 08, 2006 8:20 pm

DAY 15

B: Coffee w/ milk, sweet n' low.
L: Chips n' salsa, four tacos al pastor, tea w/ sweet n' low
D: Two ham n' cheese sandwiches on whole wheat, 12 oz. Diet Berries & Cream Dr. Pepper.

Bev: 20 oz. water; 20 oz. Diet Pepsi.

Exercise: 10,000+ steps, 8 minutes Shovelglove.

Today was a:


I have to admit, I'm a little concerned about my weight; I've actually gained 2 lbs. since I started No S fifteen days ago. I weighed myself a week ago and saw I had gained a pound. I wrote it off as a minor fluctuation in water weight, and continued with my No S eating plan. I weighed myself again today and found I have gained another pound since my last weigh in, totaling just over 2 lbs. gained in two weeks! :shock:

In the past 15 days, I've skipped breakfast a few times, added an extra S day, and did indulge in some junk food this weekend. But nothing that I saw as too deviant from the basic premise of No S. I can see now though that I may need to be somewhat more strict with myself.

I think I need to:
a) Exercise daily
b) Drink more water
c) Monitor plate size
d) Eat less on S-days
e) Wean away from diet soda

We'll see how it goes.

Last edited by Samurai on Tue May 09, 2006 12:17 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by reinhard » Mon May 08, 2006 9:08 pm


Glad to hear you're continuing to rack up "days on habit." Sorry the scale is not obliging...

I'd be careful about adding extra restrictions just now, remember what a problem that was last time. If I were you I'd try making it to the full 21 days, then do maybe one of those things. Continue a week or two or three, reassess, maybe add another.

I fluctuate more than 2 pounds every day, and I've got less to fluctuate with than you. Though it's certainly not encouraging, I don't know how meaningful a signal 2 pounds is.

Also, I'm not sure the things you list to watch out for would be the best next steps. What I notice looking over your meals is a lot of greasy/junky food... I think your best (and least painful) best would be a positive inclusion of lighter/healthier stuff instead of negative exclusion: have cereal some days for breakfast instead of the heavy stuff you usually have, have more salad, vegetables to crowd out heavier stuff, etc. Don't restrict the bad stuff, crowd it out with good stuff. Again, this seems less important to me than safeguarding the good "mealing" habits you're building. If you have to make a change, make it the smallest possible change.


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Good points

Post by Samurai » Tue May 09, 2006 12:15 am

Thanks for the suggestions, Reinhard. Sound advice all around, but what less can we expect from our founder? :D

After reading your post, I reviewed my food logs and can see what you mean about the greasy, heavy junk food. I think I have also been eating more than a plateful of food by including chips n' salsa in many of my meals. I think I am kidding myself when I try to 'virtual plate' those on to the main dish. In keeping with your suggestions to crowd out the bad with good, I am going to omit the chips n' salsa, 'cept on S Days.

I am going to make it a point to try and consume some fruit as a part of each meal. I love fruit, and come to think of it, I have missed not having any on my plate, the way I did during my last No S attempt.

Thanks again, and keep your fingers crossed! :P
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue May 09, 2006 12:48 am

Hi Samurai,
I totally agree with Reinhard, except that I do encourage you to nix the sugar free soda, simply because it messes with your tastebuds and overall experience of food...
Switch to water and maybe an occasional juice.. Much healthier!
As for your choices of foods, clearly you like the salty greasy taco like fare.. I would encourage you to 1) add veggies and 2) instead of having 4 tacos and chips.. Have two tacos and salsa with a salad and maybe a couple of chips for texture... or even three tacos...

As far as having two sandwiches in one sitting... That is way more fattening than having one beefed up large sandwich and then maybe a side order of some veggie and possibly a fruit for nutrition and dessert...
Just by including more fruit and veg and less of the "main" course, you will be saving upwards of 200-300 calories a day... That's around 1200 calories a week... As much as a whole pint of Haagen Daz...

Hope this wasn't too micromanagy... I just really would love to see you lose that weight you want to lose so much!!!
(And me as well!!! :wink: )

Peace and Love,
8) Deb
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Post by Samurai » Sun Jul 16, 2006 5:33 pm


WEIGHT: 233.0
BODYFAT: 29.5%

PANTS SIZE: very tight 38, loose 40
SHIRT: XL - tight around the midsection, XXL - best for comfort.
Last edited by Samurai on Mon Jul 17, 2006 10:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Samurai » Sun Jul 16, 2006 5:35 pm

DAY 1 WT: 233.0 BF 29.5

B: None
L: None
D: Three cheese chicken penne w/ 1 slice toast, iced tea w/ sweet n' low.

S: Handful of Nacho Cheese Doritos.

Bev: 2 x 24 oz. Pepsi, 12 oz. Michelob Ultra, 12 oz. Diet Berries & Cream Dr. Pepper.

Exercise: None


NOTES: I have pointed out on this forum before the extra-large platters that serve as plates in most restaurants today. Despite having noticed this phenomena previously, once I stopped paying attention to diet I stopped 'noticing' the plate size. Now that I am trying to eat consciously again, I was reminded of how much food I have been eating while dining out. The waiter at Applebee's served my pasta dinner in a bowl large enough to serve four people. I'm not kidding! There is no way to virtual plate something like that. I ate the chicken and a few bitefuls of pasta, along with the toast, and felt stuffed. The bowl was still at LEAST half full with pasta. If I wasn't trying to be conscious of what I am eating, I would have mindlessly eaten the whole bowl while engaged in dinner conversation. The waiter even asked me if I did not like the food, there was so much left. I told him that it was great, he just brought me too much food. He seemed somewhat in disbelief, I suppose considering that I'm not exactly skinny, but oh well! :)
Last edited by Samurai on Tue Jul 18, 2006 3:53 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Jul 16, 2006 7:26 pm

Hi Allan!
Good luck and good to see you still around :)

Peace and Love,
8) Debs
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Weather Report

Post by Samurai » Sun Jul 16, 2006 11:54 pm

Hi Deb!

I just wanted to come back with no fanfare this time, no announcements. Just slide back into No S under the radar, so to speak. Thanks for noticing I was poking around here, and for stopping by to say hi. We'll see how it goes this time. I think I know where I made most of my mistakes last time, let's hope i learned from them.
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Post by Samurai » Mon Jul 17, 2006 9:45 pm

DAY 2 WT: 229.5 BF: 30.5

B: None
L1: 2 soft corn tortillas w/ beef fajita, pico de gallo, white cheese; 1/2 small tostada w/ shredded pork, beans, cabbage, white cheese; 4 tbs. rice, posole; 12 oz. Diet Pepsi.
L2: 5 breaded, deep fried drummettes; iced tea w/ sweet n' low.
D: PB&J sandwich on whole wheat, w/ organic PB (no trans fats), banana, glass of whole milk.

Bev: 16 oz. water, 12 oz. Diet Berries & Cream Dr. Pepper x 2

Exercise: Fought off a small bear (wrestled with my teenage son for about 15 minutes), worked on the fence (14 minutes of fence-building shovel glove scenario).


NOTES: I skipped breakfast and ate lunch twice today because of work. Although it may seem like a lot of food, I actually ate less than half of what was on my plate at each meal. I gave half the slab of fajita to my lunch mate, ate only two of the six tortillas they delivered with the meal, ate about half a small tostada that had very little topping, a few spoonfuls of rice from about the 1/2 cup served, and didn't touch the beans. I also skipped the chips and salsa entirely, which is for me almost astonishing.

At lunch number two, I ordered the 10 piece wings, which was the smallest serving they offered. Of those, I just selected the drummettes and gave the remaining five wings to my lunch mate. I looked at the plate as though it was one of those that is divided into three compartments. Three drummettes in one, two drummettes in another, and the blue cheese dip in the third.

Dinner was one of the best, most tasty meals I've eaten in a long time. :)

One problem I had as a Nosser in the past was overloading my plate. I'm using two or three new tricks to prevent that from happening in the future. One is to divide the plate mentally into three compartments, as described above. Another is to eat only the food that I can cover with my two hands. And for the third I have added a new "S:" No Stacking.
Last edited by Samurai on Tue Jul 18, 2006 3:51 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Building a Fence

Post by Samurai » Tue Jul 18, 2006 12:17 am

I am going to spend the week "building a fence" for my shovelglove scenario. The scenario consists of the following movements:

A: Shoveling, tossing dirt to each side x10
B: "Churn butter," except spin the SG in your hands as you push it downward, each direction x2
C: Driving poles (standard sledgehammer strike), each hand x10
D: Tamp the earth (churn butter, SG head facing a different direction each side), 4x per pole side.


I was only able to plant four poles today, when I noticed I only had about 4 minutes left. So I spent the remaining time in full hammer swings, 21 reps total.

My goal is to place 25 poles by end of scenario Friday evening.
Last edited by Samurai on Tue Jul 18, 2006 3:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Samurai » Tue Jul 18, 2006 12:17 pm

DAY 3 WT: 227.0 BF: 32.0

B: 2 scoops Dulce de Leche Muscle Milk w/ 12 oz. water, 2 pc. whole wheat toast w/ butter, sm. bowl of Honey Clusters Total w/ whole milk.
L: Carne guisada, refried beans, Spanish rice, one flour tortilla, iced tea w/ sweet n' low.
D: Tuna w/ mayo sandwich on whole wheat toast, 1/2 an apple, about 10 oz. of a 12 oz. Michelob Ultra.

Bev: 24 oz. Diet Mt. Dew, 20 oz. Orange Powerade, 16 oz. Tangerine Gatorade, 16 oz. water w/ Classic Orange Crystal Light.

Exercise: Pulled a stump (changed a tire on an SUV), and worked on the fence (14 minutes of fence-building shovel glove scenario). I only managed to plant three poles today. :( But I added another 40 hammer swings before time ran out, so.. :mrgreen: Rode trails and cut brush for about 2 hours (played 13 holes of golf. Believe me, the way I play, I cut some serious brush! :lol: )


NOTES: I couldn't finish the Muscle Milk or the last piece of toast at breakfast. Eating slowly and paying attention while you're eating will help you notice when you become full, instead of eating until you are stuffed.

Lunch was again another unbelievable portion. I asked for a box to go before I even started eating, there was just too much food. There was no way I wanted to risk 'virtual plating' this one. I shoveled about 2/3 of the carne into the box, along with 2/3 of the refried beans. I finished the remnant and mixed in a little rice to go along with it. Of course, I was completely full by the time I was done. I skipped the chips n' salsa again :D and ate only one tortilla of the two served. This is a major step for me, as I used to go through two or three bowls of chips, all the tortillas, all the meat, and half the sides. And then I'd wonder why I'm gaining weight! :lol:

I ate dinner around 9 PM, as I got back from golf late and had to rehydrate and shower first. It was Africa Hot on the course, and I lost a lot of fluid so I didn't feel any remorse at all over the 36 oz. of sports drinks that I consumed during and immediately after the round.

Again, eating slowly and actually tasting my food enabled me to be satisfied with one sandwich and 1/2 an apple. I didn't even eat the entire 6 oz. of tuna. I gave some to the cat, put some in the fridge, and ate the rest. AND I STILL HAD PLENTY TO EAT. Amazing, isn't it? :)
Last edited by Samurai on Wed Jul 19, 2006 2:48 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by david » Tue Jul 18, 2006 3:17 pm


I like your fence-building scenario. I'll give it a shot!


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More about fence building

Post by Samurai » Tue Jul 18, 2006 3:58 pm

Thanks, I hope you enjoy it. I found that I way overestimated my ability to "plant" a minimum of five poles per day. I haven't swung the shovelglove around in a while, and forgot about all those muscles that you don't use til you swing a sledgehammer around. They're tired! :lol:

Next week, I'm going to 'run wire' on the fence. I added that move some time back in a post to the forum or the old Yahoo group, I don't remember which. I'm going to create a scenario with loading bales, unrolling wire, hammering, and so on. I think you need a minimum of four moves to avoid taxing the same muscles to soon in the workout. Fourteen minutes is a lot longer than you think it is, isn't it?

Let me know how it goes.
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Post by This path is my life » Tue Jul 18, 2006 9:02 pm

cool innovations samurai. great to see you back and enthusiastic!
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Post by Samurai » Wed Jul 19, 2006 3:10 am

This path is my life wrote:cool innovations samurai. great to see you back and enthusiastic!
Good to be back. While I was away I swung all the from low-carb to vegan and back to the omnivorous middle. Low carb killed my tennis game, and all I could think of was all the foods I could never eat again. Vegan was better for sports and activities, but I hated having to avoid this and avoid that when I ate out. As you can probably see from even a cursory review of my posts, I eat out a lot, and eating vegan was a pain. But on the other hand, eating out was having a drastic effect on my waistline. Oh, What to do, what to do?

I didn't fare too well at my last venture into No S, for a couple reasons of which I am now all to aware, now that I am being honest with myself:

A) Virtual plating. I kidded myself about how much room there was on a standard size dinner plate. My virtual plates had room for tortilla chips with salsa, two or more flour tortillas, and sweet tea. And that was in addition to lunch! Next throw in four slices of pizza, instead of just two, or add a large side of Nacho Cheese Doritos to go with two ham sandwiches. I was also doing too much 'snacking,' telling myself that I'd make note of that slot at the next meal. Ah my, how quickly we forget! :wink:

B) Too many S-Days that aren't S-Days. I was adding way too many special occasions during the week. Well, my friend brought a slice of cheese cake specifically for me, and well, I couldn't refuse it! How rude! Of course, I was rationalizing the whole time. Throw in 2-3 of those types of days and you aren't even NoSsing anymore, you're just eating. Just like the way you did before, just like the way you were when you noticed that somewhere along the way you got fat! :shock:

C) Over indulging on S-Days. I know that during S-Days we're allowed to eat as we please, indulge a little and forget about the rules for a couple days. But I was always thinking I had to consume as many ice cream cones, sodas, cookies, doughnuts, nachos, and pizza into one weekend as I could because - horrors! I might not get another chance to eat any of that stuff for an entire five more days!! :shock:

Like I mentioned in my journal earlier, I have added a new S (well, at least for me), No Stacking; and refined another No S, No Snacks, to include the other definition of 'snacks:' No chips, cookies, or anything like that as part of a 'meal' allowed, either. I find the temptation to gorge on chips too strong, and I have a mental association of eating chips with drinking soda, and I don't even want to think about a regular soda right now.

Anyway, being conscious of your shortcomings goes a long way to overcoming them, and I am pleasantly surprised these first two days by how full I fill and how satisfied I am with my food and with myself. Keep your fingers crossed for me! :D
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Post by Samurai » Wed Jul 19, 2006 12:02 pm

DAY 4 WT: 223.0 BF: 34.5

B: 1 egg, 2 pc. bacon, 1 slice toast, 24 oz. Diet Mt. Dew.
L: 1 side salad, a bowl of pasta e fagioli, 1 breadstick, iced tea w/ sweet n' low.
D: 1 Personal Pizza (8"), 32 oz. Diet Coke.

Bev: 20 oz. Diet Mt. Dew.

Exercise: Two mile walk.


NOTES: Lunch was at Olive Garden. I put some of the salad from the huge bowl in my personal dish and did not go back for seconds. One bowl of pasta e fagioli and one breadstick. And yes, I was full. It just takes a little bit of time for your brain and stomach to catch up with each other. :wink:

We went shopping after work and decided on the spur of the moment to catch a movie. Too close to showtime for dinner, and too late to eat afterwards, so I had the personal pizza for my dinner. It wasn't too bad, and I could more than cover the entire thing with my two hands. I still consider it somewhat of an indulgence, but I take my victories where I can find them: A week ago I would have bought a large pizza and ate 4-5 slices, and gulped down a regular, full-strength 32 ounces of soda to go with it. In this case, although it is fattening, it would have easily fit on a dinner plate, been comfortable on a 3-compartment tray, or hidden under my hands. So, no rules broken, no foul! :)

I missed shugging today, and did not want to ruin the trend by letting the day end without exercising at all, so my son and I went on a two mile walk after the movie. A nice way to end the evening, and closed out another successful day of No S.
Last edited by Samurai on Thu Jul 20, 2006 4:02 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by reinhard » Wed Jul 19, 2006 2:00 pm


I don't want to jinx your low profile return -- just want to say a quick welcome and good luck. Another scenario, too! You're back in strength... but no jinxing.


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Post by Samurai » Wed Jul 19, 2006 2:52 pm

Hey Reinhard
No, no jinxing! :lol:

Actually, I just didn't want to make a grand entrance after slinking away with my tail between my legs the last time. It seems the grander the entrance, the lower the exit! :lol:

I thought this time, I'll slink in and save the fanfare for when I've lost about 20 lbs. instead. :D
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Post by Samurai » Thu Jul 20, 2006 12:57 pm

DAY 5 WT: 223.8 BF: 32.9

B: 1 egg, 2 pc. bacon, 1 slice toast, 24 oz. Diet Mt. Dew.
L: 3 tacos de bistek, w/ beef, white cheese, and cilantro, iced tea w/ sweet n' low.
D: 1 bowl Honey Clusters Total w/ whole milk, PB&J sandwich on whole wheat, w/ organic PB (no trans fats), glass of whole milk.

Bev: 24 oz. Diet Mt. Dew, 32 oz. Tangerine Gatorade, 16 oz. water w/ Classic Orange Crystal Light.

Exercise: 1 hour singles tennis, and an addtional 45 minutes of swatting the ball around with my son.


NOTES: I don't believe I ate enough at lunch. The plate served six tacos, and I found myself eyeballing the plate, asking: "Three tacos? Four tacos. Three tacos. Four tacos?" I decided to err on the side of caution and ate just three. However, I found myself hungry within a couple of hours, and in hindsight I think four tacos would have been more realistic. I know I want to eat less and cut calories, but nor do I want to cut out so much food that I'm battling hunger too soon before dinner. So next time I'll either have four, or have two and the side of charro beans that was served with the meal.

Again, I shall take my victories where I can find them. I would have normally eaten a basket or two of chips, with salsa, and then eaten all six tacos in addition to some of the beans. And then washed it down with a bottle of Pepsi on my way back to the office. :oops: I feel better both physically and mentally when I limit myself to smaller portions now, so I know I'm doing the right thing even if my weight loss slows in the future.

As for dinner, nothing like nice, tasty, carbohydrate comfort foods after a long day! Eat THAT, low carb! :lol:
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Post by Samurai » Fri Jul 21, 2006 12:38 pm

DAY 6 WT: 223.2 BF: 32.5

B: 1 egg, 2 pc. bacon, 1 slice toast, 24 oz. Diet Mt. Dew.
L: 1 side salad, a bowl of pasta e fagioli, 1 breadstick, iced tea w/ sweet n' low.
D: 4 slices pan pepperoni pizza, 12 oz. Michelob Ultra.

Bev: 20 oz. Diet Mt. Dew, 12 oz. Diet Berries & Cream Dr. Pepper.

Exercise: :roll:


NOTES: Tough No S day today but I stuck with it. I was really hungry by the time the pizza came to the door. I had four slices from a medium pizza, and although mentally I felt that four was overdoing it, the slices were small and I could cover the four with my hands. No kidding! :lol: They were short and about half the width of a normal slice. We left two slices in the box; a week ago I would have eaten those, too, and washed it all down with about 32 ounces of Pepsi. Not to mention that the pizza would have been a LARGE.

I even declined an invitation for ice cream tonight. Now I KNOW I am successful! :lol:

It's been a great week so far. I didn't really feel challenged until tonight, and tomorrow is an S-Day! :D I'd have liked to have hit the shovelglove everyday, and any exercise at all today would have been great, but still, I was very active this week, especially compared to my old routine. Next week I'd like to exercise more, and drink more water in lieu of the diet sodas.

Stay tuned!
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Post by Samurai » Sat Jul 22, 2006 3:08 pm

DAY 7 WT: 225.8 BF: 32.0

B: 2 bowls Cookie Crisp cereal w/ whole milk.
L: 2/3 BBQ chipped beef sandwich w/ melted cheddar cheese, chips, iced tea w/ sweet n' low.
D: 3 1/2 Wendy's Down Home Chicken Strips w/ bbq sauce, 3-4 fries, 2 bites from a Wendy's bacon & cheese hamburger, 20 oz. Pepsi.

S: Handful of Nacho Cheese Doritos.

Bev: 20 oz. Mt. Dew, 32 oz. Mango Electrico Gatorade, 12 oz. iced tea w/ sweet n' low, 12 oz. Diet Mt. Dew.

Exercise: 45 minutes tennis ball-swatting with my son.


NOTES: I felt sick after lunch today. First, I wanted a diet Mt. Dew but they didn't have any, so my son brought out a full-strength Mt. Dew. It tasted way too sweet (after just 1 week!) but I drank it anyway. Then the chipped beef BBQ sandwich was so greasy I couldn't finish it. Trying to play tennis almost immediately after lunch and washing it down with full strength Gatorade was a mistake. I'm nauseated and feel like I'm having a sugar crash on top of it. LESSONS LEARNED - stick with diet sodas, and choose my food more carefully, EVEN IF IT IS AN S-DAY.

At dinner, it was late so we picked up some fast food from Wendy's. The strips were alright but the hamburger didn't taste right. I took one bite and peeled off the bacon. Took another bite and threw the rest in the trash. Fries were too greasy and didn't sit well on the palate, either. I even tired of the Doritos after only a few chips! I guess sticking strictly to No S for even a week can really change one's taste buds and appetite for better foods.

Not to mention smaller amounts of food altogether! :D
Last edited by Samurai on Sun Jul 23, 2006 5:28 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Post by Samurai » Sat Jul 22, 2006 3:40 pm





WEEK 1 WEIGHT +/-: -7.2 lbs.
WEEK 1 BODYFAT +/-: +2.5%

AVG. WEIGHT +/-: -6.6 lbs.
AVG. BODYFAT +/-: +2.4%

PANTS SIZE: very tight 38, loose 40
SHIRT: XL - tight around the midsection, XXL - best for comfort.

NOTES: Looking at the numbers, it looks like I lost close to 7 lbs, although most of that, if not at all, was water weight. My bodyfat numbers posted a modest gain, but in all liklihood the amount of bodyfat I have did not change, its just that the water loss resulted in a lower overall mass and thus, the overall percentage of my weight that is bodyfat went up. Hopefully now that the initial water weight is gone, the next stats post will show some bodyfat loss.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Jul 22, 2006 4:04 pm

Good job on your successful week Samurai!!!!

We all lose water weight initially... That still counts!
You must be happy with that :)

My only concern for you is that you get too mired in too many minute details and lose sight of the big picture... It seems a little complex, for such a simple system, but whatever floats your boat... (personally that much analysis of the numbers would sink mine) but it seems you are using the details for technical fun...

In my eyes, the big picture is that you are sticking to the rules, and that is really great!!!!

Keep on a rockin!!!!

Peace and Love,
8) Debs
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Fun with numbers

Post by Samurai » Sat Jul 22, 2006 4:20 pm

Hi Deb
Yeah, I like poking around with the numbers for fun. Right now I'm still sitting here trying to figure out how to calculate the actual water/lean mass lost versus bodyfat lost. I know I didn't gain three pounds of fat while losing ten pounds of water and muscle, but I'm not sure of what formula to use to calculate the actual numbers.

It is fun though. I like playing with the numbers, even if I'm not a math whiz. I've recently started playing Sudoku, too, which is alot of fun. No math involved, really, just organizing and aligning the numbers in the puzzle, but fun nonetheless. I look at my weight numbers in the same way. Just a puzzle to play with right now, although obviously if I don't see some more weight loss in a few weeks, I will know I have to re-evaluate what I am doing at that time.

And yes, I am VERY happy with the lost weight. Right now I don't care where it comes from, as long as it doesn't involve amputation of bodyparts. I feel lighter, I've noticed a difference in my energy levels, my tennis game, enthusiasm for physical exertion, all have gone up since I've been losing the weight. And that's just in one week, too! :D

I can't wait to see how I feel at the end of week two!
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Post by Jammin' Jan » Sat Jul 22, 2006 8:52 pm

Another Sudoku fan! When I was homeschooling my kids, they nicknamed me "Mathmom" because I really got a kick out of arithmetic...the order and progression of numbers, etc. Now we're done with schooling, so I relax with Sudoku. Fun!

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Post by Samurai » Sat Jul 22, 2006 11:14 pm

Hey Jan
Thanks for stopping by! I only recently learned how to play Sudoku, and have become a fan in a short time. I've even downloaded it to my cell phone to play during those slow moments waiting on meetings to start, etc. I have played a few times online at the following site. I thought I'd share it with you in case you don't have a place to play on the web.

Here it is:

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Post by Samurai » Sun Jul 23, 2006 4:40 pm

DAY 8 WT: 226.8 BF: 30.5

B: None
L: Platter of fajita nachos (chips/cheese/beef fajita), 2 flour tortillas, 1 liter Pepsi.
D: None

S: 1/2 serving Applebee's Orange Dreamsicle cake, w/ orange cream dressing.

Bev: 2 x 12 oz. Diet Mt. Dew, 16 oz. water, 16 oz. Diet Green Tea, 20 oz. Pepsi.

Exercise: Cut brush until my horse threw a shoe (mowed grass until wheel fell off the mower,) wrestled a bear cub from the wood shed (wrestled my teenage son for about 15 minutes.)


NOTES: :oops: I enjoyed my S-Days, but I feel I overdid it on the sodas, and not sticking to some sort of regular meal plan. I think S-Days should be like regular days, except for a sweet treat or two, or a second helping once in a while. I don't feel comfortable binging on huge amounts of food anymore, or guzzling quarts of soda. In keeping with my mantra of taking victories where I find them, I recall a time not so long ago when this was my regular pattern of eating, including sodas before, during, after, and between meals. Coming to this conclusion during my first full weekend back on No S is a great way to close out the weekend. :D

Mad props to me! :lol:
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Post by Samurai » Mon Jul 24, 2006 3:12 pm

DAY 9 WT: 227.2 BF: 29.5

B: 1 egg, 2 pc. bacon, 1 slice toast, iced tea w/ sweet n' low.
L: 2 soft corn tacos w/ meat, cheese, lettuce, tomato; 1/2 cup charro beans, iced tea w/ sweet n' low.
D: 1 bowl Honey Clusters Total w/ whole milk, PB&J sandwich on whole wheat, w/ organic PB (no trans fats), glass of whole milk.

Bev: 20 oz. Diet Mt. Dew, 20 oz. Diet Lemon Lipton Tea, 12 oz. Starbuck's Cafe Americano Grande w/ 4 shots sugar-free Vanilla and sweet n' low, 8 oz. Mango Electrico Gatorade, 12 oz. Diet Mt. Dew, 16 oz. water w/ Crystal Light Peach Tea, 12 oz. Michelob Ultra.

Exercise: 2 sets singles tennis.


NOTES: Ah, the joys of comfort food. I came home and took a nap instead of eating dinner, so I opted for what has become a late meal routine for me, the cereal and PB&J sandwich. Good food! :D

I drank a lot of diet beverages today, too many, I think. I should have drank some amount of water in there somewhere. Again, not to sound like a broken record, but - taking victories where I find them - before No S those drinks would have been full-strength, sugared sodas, not to mention a Caramel Macchiato Venti instead of coffee with sugar-free sweeteners!

It would have been very easy for me to fall back into my old habits and grab a Pepsi with some Nacho Cheese Doritos once I missed dinner. But I'm happy with my progress nine days into No S, and really, it wasn't even that tempting. :) Being consciously aware of how I eat now compared to how I ate before No S helps me keep things in perspective when I think I might have eaten too much or strayed from the 'rules' of No S.
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Post by MerryKat » Tue Jul 25, 2006 10:30 am

Congratulations on your small victories - each small victory is one step closer to winning the war.
Hugs from Sunny South Africa
Vanilla No S with no Sugar due to Health issues - 11 yrs No S - September 2016 (some good, some bad (my own doing) but always the right thing for me!)

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DAY 10

Post by Samurai » Tue Jul 25, 2006 1:08 pm

DAY 10 WT: 225.6 BF: 30

B: 1 egg, 2 pc. bacon, 1 slice toast, iced tea w/ sweet n' low.
L: Wendy's 3 pc. Homestyle Chicken Strips, 1 slice whole wheat toast, iced tea w/ sweet n' low.
D: Six slices thin crust Pizza Hut pizza, 20 oz. Diet Pepsi. :!: :shock: :oops:

Bev: 20 oz. Diet Pepsi, 20 oz. Diet Nestea Green Tea.

Exercise: None :roll:


NOTES: I had serious Pepsi cravings today. The diet Pepsi isn't quite quenching that craving, either, but I have hung in there so far. I overloaded my dinner plate with pizza, but nevertheless the slices were both narrow and thin, so I'm not prepared to label today a total failure, although it definitely pushed the boundaries. My small victory today has been laying off the full-strength, high fructose corn syrup-laden Pepsi.

I'll take it.

EDIT: On impulse, I decided to check the calorie content of the foods I ate today. FYI: There are 1,200 calories in six slices of THIN crust pepperoni Pizza Hut pizza! :shock: That is more than TWICE what I've been consuming at ANY meal on No S days!

Plus, in order to fit six slices on my plate, I had to stack slices AND manipulate the laws of virtual plating, which is a violation of the NO STACKING rule. I reasoned that two slices of thin crust were the same as one regular slice, and although that might be correct, it was still too much food. So, I have edited today's post to reflect that today was only a partial success.

But I will still take the victory, albeit small, that I avoided Pepsi and did not eat six slices of PAN pizza, like I used to! :lol:
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Post by Samurai » Fri Jul 28, 2006 3:19 am

DAY 11 WT: 226.8 BF: 29.0

B: 1 egg, 2 pc. bacon, 1 slice toast, iced tea w/ sweet n' low.
L: 1 breaded pork chop, 2 tbsp. mashed potatoes, 2 cheese enchiladas, 4 corn tortilla chips, 1 flour tortilla.
D: 1 Whataburger plain & dry on a wheat bun, 1 chicken strip, iced tea w/ sweet n' low.

Bev: 20 oz. Diet Lipton Lemon tea, 20 oz. Diet Pepsi.

Exercise: None


NOTES: Reading what I wrote down for lunch, it looks like a lot of food. But it was at a buffet with normal sized plates, and everything I ate fit easily thereon. The only exception was the flour tortilla, which was rolled and laid on the edge of the plate. Although it was more food than I have become accustomed to eating during a single meal on No S days, it was still within the established guidelines, and thus I proudly proclaim this day a success! :-)
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Post by Samurai » Fri Jul 28, 2006 3:26 am

DAY 12 WT: 225.8 BF: 29.5

B: 2 pancakes, 2 pcs. bacon, 2 pats butter, 1 pkt. syrup, 20 oz. Diet Mt. Dew.
L: 1 French Dip roast beef sandwich w/ au jous, 1/2 pickle slice, iced tea w/ sweet n' low.
D: 12 Teriyaki chicken wings w/ blue cheese dip, 24 oz. Bud Lite.

Bev: appx. 1/2 20 oz. Diet Pepsi (threw the rest away,) Diet Lipton Citrus Green Tea.

Exercise: Two sets singles tennis.


NOTES: One plate can hold a lot of food! I think 12 wings was about 4-6 too many, but they fit on the plate without stacking or seconds. There was even room for the tub of blue cheese. Still, I feel = :oops:

Too much food.

I think I was hungry from expending so much energy playing tennis today and the delay between the end of the game and dinner. I guess I should claim a small victory in that I was still hungry and could have eaten another 12 wings or dessert instead of saying, "Check please! And hurry!" :lol:
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Post by Samurai » Fri Jul 28, 2006 1:32 pm

DAY 13 WT: 223.8 BF: 30.0

B: 2 Whataburger biscuits w/ sausage, iced tea w/ sweet n' low.
L: Fried rice, orange chicken, General Tso chicken, pepper beef, polish sausage, small pc. baked (?) chicken, iced tea w/ sweet n' low.
D: 1/2 order of Nachos Deluxe, with chips, cheese, beef fajita, refried beans, jalapenos, and sour cream on the side, 1/2 pitcher of Miller Lite.

Bev: 18 oz. Full Throttle Energy Drink, 20 oz. Fierce Mango Gatorade, 16 oz. water w/ Classic Orange Crystal Light x2, 12 oz. Michelob Ultra.

Exercise: 1.75 hrs. cut-throat racquetball.


NOTES: Can you tell I ate lunch at a Chinese all-you-can-eat buffet? :lol: It's funny reading all those different food items, because one must assume that it's two or three platefuls of food. But actually, it was a scoop of rice, 2-3 small pieces of the orange and General Tso's chicken, and equivalent small portions of the pepper beef and sausage each. The small piece of baked (or was it grilled? Rotisserie?) chicken fit snugly in the middle of it all, on a single plate with no food dripping off the edge. My lunch mates of course went back for seconds, but I refrained and felt glad that I did. It only took a few minutes for my stomach to send the 'Full' signal to my brain, and if I had eaten anymore I'd have been uncomfortably stuffed.

One thing that has made this a lot easier is that most of my lunch mates know the philosophy I am following on this diet and think it is a great idea. I mean, who can argue with no sweets and no seconds? So I get no grief about being on a diet, and for the most part they admire my resolve. :)

On the negative side, two sausage biscuits is one too many. Well, actually, two to many, but if you're going to have any, stick to one. This is another high-calorie food that, although technically small enough to fit two to a plate, should be limited to only one. I don't consider today a failure because they do fit on a plate, and so do not break the rules of the diet. However, I AM making note that I will have only one of these high-fat, calorie bombs next time, if indeed there even is a 'next' time! :evil:
Last edited by Samurai on Sat Jul 29, 2006 5:44 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by david » Fri Jul 28, 2006 3:20 pm


It looks like you are doing well! You are obviously examining the reasons for any missteps and you are also being honest with yourself about food stacking, etc.

One thing that I have found helps with the soda pop issue is that I always have a pitcher of iced tea in the fridge. I make it with a stick of cinnimon and some agave nectar and it is awesome!

Anyway, keep on keeping on--your log aids me because I face similar struggles (such as they are).


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Post by Samurai » Fri Jul 28, 2006 11:53 pm

Thanks for the encouragement, David. I'm glad I am able to help in some way. :)

Each day, I try to pay attention to how I feel during and after a meal and work that into my plans for the next one, and the one after that, and the one.. well, you get the idea. :lol:

One thing I've noticed looking back over my logs is that, in general, my evening meals tend to be larger than breakfast and lunch. This leads me to believe that I am not eating enough food at lunch, and / or I am not spacing the meals out evenly enough. I tend to eat breakfast and lunch only about 3-4 hours apart, and then it is usually another 5-6 hours before I eat dinner. Next week, I am going to try eating lunch later and dinner earlier, and add more food at breakfast and lunch, while of course staying within the guidelines of No S.
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Post by david » Sat Jul 29, 2006 12:02 pm


I'm finding that lunch is my biggest meal--perhaps because I usually eat in a restaurant. On No-S my dinners just sort of naturally shrunk to a couple of pieces of fruit and a chunk of meat or a bowl of pasta.

Anyway, happy S day!


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Post by Samurai » Sat Jul 29, 2006 3:42 pm

DAY 14 WT: 224.2 BF: 30.5

B: None
L: None
D: Six slices thin crust pepperoni Pizza Hut pizza, 1 cheese stick w/ marinara sauce, 16 oz. Pepsi.

S: Appx. 6-7 oz. Nacho Cheese Doritos, 1 bar Nestle Crunch w/ Caramel.

Bev: 1 liter Pepsi, 20 oz. Pepsi, 12 oz. Pepsi x2.

Exercise: None


NOTES: I'm glad today was an S-Day. I had to go into work (I'm normally off on the weekends), and did not have a chance to eat lunch. Consequently, I was really hungry and did not mind indulging in a few extra (several) slices of pizza. I ate the same thing sans soda earlier in the week, despite the fact it was a No S day, but sitting down to eat the same thing tonight I can clearly see that it was definitely an S-Day meal. I'm not going to chastise myself over something I ate days ago, but I am making note of it (again) for future reference.
Last edited by Samurai on Mon Jul 31, 2006 11:06 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Samurai » Sun Jul 30, 2006 5:16 pm



233.0 29.5 / 226.4 32.0 / 225.8 32.0

226.8 30.5 / 225.9 29.9 / 224.2 32.0

Start of week 1 through end of week 2:
Weight +/-: -8.8 lbs
Bodyfat: + 2.5%

Average weight / BF change through week 2:
Average weight +/-: -0.5 lbs.
Average bodyfat: -2.1%

NOTES: I have lost 8.8 lbs in two weeks, with an increase of bodyfat of 2.5%. The weight loss is great, but the increase in bodyfat, that's not good. I believe that can be remedied by weight training, and eating cleaner foods along with more protein.

However, on average, both my weight AND bodyfat percentage have dropped over the two week period, by -0.5 lbs and -2.1% respectively. Average weight loss over time may be more telling than starting and ending figures, at least this early in the diet.

My weight is also lower in the second week at each of the measured points: Start, Average, and End, which is another good sign of downward trend.

It's working! :D
Last edited by Samurai on Sun Jul 30, 2006 7:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Samurai » Sun Jul 30, 2006 5:17 pm

DAY 15 WT: 225.6 BF: 29.0

B: None
L: None
D: 1 BK Whopper w/ bacon & cheese plain n' dry, 1/2 order lg. fries, iced tea w/ sweet n' low.

S: 1 bite Mexican leche candy, appx. 2-3 oz. Nacho Cheese Doritos x2, 6-pack powdered Donut Gems x2.

Bev: 12 oz. Pepsi x3, 1 liter Pepsi, 1/2 glass whole milk.


NOTES: Blech. :roll:
Last edited by Samurai on Mon Jul 31, 2006 11:06 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Jul 30, 2006 8:33 pm

Go Samurai San!!!!!
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Post by Samurai » Mon Jul 31, 2006 3:30 pm

DAY 16 WT: 227.2 BF: 28.0

B: None
L: Cheese raviolis w/ meat sauce, 1/2 scoop spaghetti w/ chicken, 1/2 loaf bread, iced tea w/ sweet n' low, 1 bite Chocolate Fudge Brownie.
D: 4 Taco Bell soft tacos w/ meat n' cheese, 20 oz. Pepsi

Bev: 20 oz. Diet Mt. Dew, 20 oz. Fierce Tangerine Gatorade, 12 oz. Pepsi, 20 oz. Pepsi.

Exercise: 30 min. singles racquetball.


NOTES: CRASH AND BURN! Did you hear that loud pop? That was the sound of my bubble bursting! :shock: :lol:

Mistake #1: I lost control over my food during the weekend. I over-indulged in Pepsi and snack foods, and this indulgence carried over to today.
Mistake #2: I did not eat breakfast! I was too hungry at lunch and did not limit portion size.
Mistake #3: I succumbed to peer pressure, and had 'just one bite' of dessert. I then decided to further my indulgence, drinking more Pepsi and having fast food the rest of the day.
Mistake #4: I haven't shopped for groceries! Having good food in the home is a MUST to succeed on any diet, and I haven't stocked the pantry in days. Thus, we're relying on fast, convenience foods and reinforcing old habits instead of new.

The one thing that is different this time, from all the other times that I failed to follow the rules, is this time I will not drop No S like I used to in the past. No diet will work if you continually quit the program every time you break a rule. I have faith in the No S program, I mean I've already seen it work for me in just the two weeks I've been following the program anyway! :D

So, for tomorrow here are my rules:

See you there! :)
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Post by Samurai » Tue Aug 01, 2006 2:12 pm

DAY 17 WT: 228.0 BF: 29.0

B: 1 Whataburger sausage biscuit, iced tea w/ sweet n' low.
L: 3 soft tacos w/ beef, cheese, lettuce & tomato, iced tea w/ sweet n' low.




NOTES: :oops: Okay, so I broke my third rule and had fast food again today, but at least I ate breakfast!

My 11-month old grandson is in the hospital with pneumonia. He should be moving to a pediatric hospital tomorrow. I will be taking a hiatus from posting for the next few days.
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Post by reinhard » Thu Aug 03, 2006 2:19 pm


Sorry to hear about your grandson. Wishing him a speedy, total recovery.


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Aug 03, 2006 2:32 pm

Same here!
God Bless, Allan..
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Post by This path is my life » Thu Aug 03, 2006 6:57 pm

I also hope that your grandson gets better soon. Please keep us updated.
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Finally home

Post by Samurai » Sat Aug 12, 2006 4:54 am

Hi everyone
Thanks for the well wishes for my grandson. He was released but is continuing his treatments at home. He has a second follow up on the 21st. We were concerned because he is so little, for one, and secondly, he had just been to the ER a few days prior. He wasn't getting any air into his left lung. We felt the two episodes were linked and causing aspiration pneumonia, but they were treating him for simple pneumonia.

Shortly after this we also had some other very traumatic personal problems arise here with another family member. Its been a rough couple of weeks, and quite frankly, I haven't been the least bit concerned with my diet. Unfortunately, I haven't stuck to the program in the past long enough for those habits to see me through stressful times like these.

Thanks again for the well wishes. I plan on resuming NoS soon, and will begin posting a daily log again then, beginning with Day 1.
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Where did you go?

Post by gettnbusy » Wed Aug 16, 2006 5:47 pm

I really enjoyed reading your posts. Was wondering how you were doing lately?
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Post by reinhard » Thu Aug 17, 2006 3:03 pm


I'm happy to hear the worst is behind (God willing).

Best to you in these coming weeks and looking forward to you having the luxury of worrying and posting about diet again,


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I'm back

Post by Samurai Redux » Mon Jan 03, 2011 3:30 am

Five years late, but I'm back! I'll be posting under this handle here and in the Discussion Forum.

So far so good, I'm on Day 2 of No S and I've had no problems whatsoever sticking to the diet. But maybe that's because I started on a Saturday? Well the longest journey doesn't start with the first step, it actually starts with the decision to go somewhere - and so I have. :D

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Day 3

Post by Samurai Redux » Mon Jan 03, 2011 7:23 pm

WT: 244.8 BF: 33.5%

B: 1 egg, 1 sausage patty, 1 biscuit, iced tea.
L: Small spinach salad w/ bacon ranch dressing, turkey w/ cheese sandwich, small handful Baked Lays, Arizona tea.
D: Mixed bowl of brown rice, broccoli, & chicken; small spinach salad w/ bacon ranch dressing, Arizona tea.

Bev: Cup of coffee w/ 1 pk. Equal, non-dairy creamer; Arizona tea; and a margarita on the rocks.

Exercise: 1-mile walk.

Last edited by Samurai Redux on Wed Jan 05, 2011 6:56 pm, edited 8 times in total.

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Post by oolala53 » Tue Jan 04, 2011 12:55 am

Lordy, welcome back! REally, is there any where else to go? I can't imagine anything that isn't a lot like No S being workable in the long run anyway.

Hope it works for you and will become your life plan.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

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Post by Samurai Redux » Tue Jan 04, 2011 1:39 am

Thanks oolala! Great user name, btw. :D

Yeah, there isn't really anything else out there, at least not that is realistic for me. I know I'm not going to stick to a specialty diet that eliminates bread or cheese or *gasp* bacon. I used to follow the 'Warrior diet' but I began missing out on lunch with co-workers, and other diets of course have their own particular drawbacks.

What I really like about No S is the 'throw back' feel to it. It's simple, plain, and old fashioned....and wise.

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Post by Samurai Redux » Tue Jan 04, 2011 12:53 pm


B: 1 bowl of Honey Bunches of Oats, peeled green apple, cheese, cup of OJ.
L: Small spinach salad w/bacon ranch dressing, turkey w/ cheese sandwich, small handful of Baked Lays, Arizona tea.
D: Three small slices of pizza (fit comfortably on one plate), a frosty cold glass of beer.

Bev: Cup of coffee w/ 1 pk. S&L, non-dairy creamer; Arizona tea; 20 oz. Diet Mt. Dew; glass of beer.

Exercise: 2-mile walk.

Last edited by Samurai Redux on Wed Jan 05, 2011 6:56 pm, edited 12 times in total.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Jan 04, 2011 1:39 pm

welcome back alan :)
i've been here but had a few years setback since you were last here between 2007 and 2009, and put quite a lot of weight back on, but thankfully, since i restarted paying attention and sticking to basic NoS, since May 2009, with some modifications, which are basically that i'm mostly vegetarian for the last 14 months, but i still eat eggs and fish, and i have pretty much cut out all fast food for over a year, i'm now back down 20 lbs from the highest weight i hit then.
i don't really post much in the forums lately, but i wanted to reply to your message and wish you good luck!
you know that NoS is the best, so just keep at it and be patient :)
8) debs
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Post by Samurai Redux » Tue Jan 04, 2011 4:00 pm

Hi Deb! I was wondering if you were still on the forums. Sounds like we have had a similar journey, although I guess it is really one that is familar to all dieters. It's good to know you have lost the weight again though, that's great! I was really surprised when I came back to the forums and read the types of exercises I was doing back in the day... oh, how the mighty have fallen. :P I can hardly walk up a flight of steps without feeling winded now! lol

Thank you for stopping by, good luck with everything! And Happy New Year!
One should not be envious of someone who has prospered by unjust deeds. Nor should he disdain someone who has fallen while adhering to the path of righteousness. - Imagawa Sadayo (1325-1420)

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Day 5

Post by Samurai Redux » Wed Jan 05, 2011 1:30 pm

WT: 239.4 BF: 35.0%

B: 2 cheese quesadillas, 1 cup of coffee w/ S&L, non-dairy creamer, 1/2 cup of OJ.
L: Turkey w/ cheese sandwich, est. 3/4 cup Steakhouse grilling beans, small kosher pickle, Arizona tea.
D: Plate full of spring mix salad, cheese cubes, and four chopped chicken strips from Chik-Fil-A, dressed w/ bacon ranch dressing, and a cold glass of Budweiser.

Bev: Arizona tea, 20 oz. diet Mt. Dew.

Exercise: 1-mile walk.

Last edited by Samurai Redux on Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:24 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Hey!

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Jan 05, 2011 2:42 pm

Samurai Redux wrote:Hi Deb! I was wondering if you were still on the forums. Sounds like we have had a similar journey, although I guess it is really one that is familar to all dieters.
Well, to tell the truth, it was a few years of serious depression for me when my Dad passed away in May 2007.. Not so much an issue with diet alone.
Everything came to a standstill for me, and I just gave up completely on everything. Oh and btw, I made a mistake in my numbers before when I wrote you... I've lost 30 lbs since May 2009, not 20..
I'm still a good sixty pounds overweight, but that sure beats 90 lbs, so I'm just gonna stick to my guns and I know I will get there. I'm eating so much healthier than I have in the past. Been battling some illnesses for the past 6 months tho, so exercise went out the window.. I'm slowly starting to get better now, so I'm hoping to change that soon.

As far as not being able to climb up stairs without being winded.. just do some kind of slightly challenging exercise every day, like stair climbing and walking here and there, and you will get the stamina back pretty fast, after maybe a month or so, or maybe less.

Have a great day and catch you soon.
Good luck with re establishing your good habits! :)

8) Debs
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Me, too.

Post by Samurai Redux » Wed Jan 05, 2011 3:46 pm

I've had some similar problems, although not because of a death in the family. I know it's three years late, but my condolences nevertheless.

I've had some health problems too, but like you I'm looking at better days ahead.

About climbing a flight of stairs, my comment was a little tongue in cheek -but not by much! :lol:
One should not be envious of someone who has prospered by unjust deeds. Nor should he disdain someone who has fallen while adhering to the path of righteousness. - Imagawa Sadayo (1325-1420)

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Day 6

Post by Samurai Redux » Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:26 pm


B: Bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios, 1 cup of coffee.
L: Chopped beef BBQ sandwich, 1 cup of beans, iced tea.
D: Grilled cheese sandwich, tortilla chips, spinach salad w/ cheese cubes and bacon ranch dressing, Arizona tea.

Bev: 44 oz. diet Arnold Palmer, diet Mt. Dew.

Exercise: 1-mile walk.

One should not be envious of someone who has prospered by unjust deeds. Nor should he disdain someone who has fallen while adhering to the path of righteousness. - Imagawa Sadayo (1325-1420)

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Day 7

Post by Samurai Redux » Fri Jan 07, 2011 11:44 pm

WT: 240.8 lb. BF: 33.5%

B: 1 egg, 1 sausage patty, 1 biscuit, iced tea.
L: Sandwich w/turkey, cheddar, spring mix; Baked Lays.
D: Enchilada casserole, crackers, tea.

Bev: Arizona tea.

Exercise: 1-mile walk.

Last edited by Samurai Redux on Mon Jan 10, 2011 12:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
One should not be envious of someone who has prospered by unjust deeds. Nor should he disdain someone who has fallen while adhering to the path of righteousness. - Imagawa Sadayo (1325-1420)

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Day 8

Post by Samurai Redux » Sat Jan 08, 2011 5:25 pm



S: Banana
B: 2 eggs, 4 pieces of bacon, fried potatoes, two biscuits, Pepsi Max.
S: Several cookies.
L: Enchilada casserole, crackers, Pepsi Max.
D: Three slices Pizza Hut pepperoni pan pizza, Pepsi Max.

Bev: Pepsi Max, Moscato.


Notes: Unbelievably, breakfast fit on one small breakfast plate without stacking. It sounds like a lot of food, and felt like it, too, but it fit! I did a quick calorie check though; it was supposedly over 1,000 calories!

Note: Breakfast was at 12:30 and lunch at 5:00 PM. :lol:
One should not be envious of someone who has prospered by unjust deeds. Nor should he disdain someone who has fallen while adhering to the path of righteousness. - Imagawa Sadayo (1325-1420)

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Day 9

Post by Samurai Redux » Sun Jan 09, 2011 3:05 pm

WT: 241.6 lb. BF: 33.0%


B: 5 pc. bacon sandwich on wheat toast, coffee.
L: Plate of cheese & crackers, 20 oz. Mt. Dew.
D: Sampled appetizers of avocado egg rolls, onion strings, fried artichoke hearts, and chips & salsa; bacon cheese burger w/ fries & Pepsi for dinner.
S: Peeled apple slices

Bev: 20 oz. Mt. Dew, diet Arnold Palmer.


Notes: Attended a friend's birthday dinner. Glad it was an S Day!
Last edited by Samurai Redux on Tue Jan 11, 2011 11:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
One should not be envious of someone who has prospered by unjust deeds. Nor should he disdain someone who has fallen while adhering to the path of righteousness. - Imagawa Sadayo (1325-1420)

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Day 10

Post by Samurai Redux » Mon Jan 10, 2011 12:53 pm

DAY 10

B: Cinnamon raisin bagel w/butter, coffee.
L: Sandwich w/ turkey, Swiss cheese, spring mix, bacon ranch dressing, and mustard on whole wheat; Baked Lays, and 20 oz. Diet Mt. Dew.
D: 2 bananas, half a rack of crackers and 4 slices of Cheddar cheese, Pepsi Max.
S: 1/2 rack of crackers, 2 slices of cheese.

Bev: Rt. 44 diet Arnold Palmer, 2 glasses of Moscato.

Exercise: 2-mile walk.

Notes: I'm not sure if the bananas and cheese & crackers will count as dinner. I've had problems with low blood sugar and felt extremely weak and jittery by 5 PM. I had to eat and overdid it.

One should not be envious of someone who has prospered by unjust deeds. Nor should he disdain someone who has fallen while adhering to the path of righteousness. - Imagawa Sadayo (1325-1420)

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Day 11

Post by Samurai Redux » Tue Jan 11, 2011 11:13 pm

DAY 11


One should not be envious of someone who has prospered by unjust deeds. Nor should he disdain someone who has fallen while adhering to the path of righteousness. - Imagawa Sadayo (1325-1420)

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Post by oolala53 » Mon May 09, 2011 7:48 am

hey, how are you doing?
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

There is no S better than Vanilla No S (mods now as a senior citizen)

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