KCCC's 2011 Check-in

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

Moderators: Soprano, automatedeating

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Post by kccc » Fri Jul 08, 2011 12:53 pm

Happy Friday!

Dinner last night included leftover chicken and homemade bread, plus asparagus, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, and fresh fruit (cantaloupe and raspberries - great combo!)

This morning...
Exercise - walking. Gym closed, so it was outside.
Br - homemade bread, cheese, figs
L (planned) - leftovers - chicken, sweet potatoes, asparagus, tomato
D (TBD) - I think probably a quiche or egg dish... we'll see.

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Post by kccc » Sat Jul 09, 2011 8:52 pm

Dinner last night was a steak salad - because I made the mistake of taking my son into my fave organic store with me, and they had steak samples out. He's a carnivore at heart, lol! I bought one lean cut, broiled it, then sliced it thin to serve the three of us.

I also had dessert, and a few snacks. By choice.

I noticed on Dave's testimonial that he does Friday and Sundays as his S-days. Since I've been struggling with Friday nights so much, I decided to try that - but make it Fridays-after-I-get-home (the "start" of the weekend to me). So today (Saturday) is an N-day.

This may "fit my life" better. We'll see. Right now, it feels fine. I have had to resist a bit today, but not so much that it was "hard."

Exercise - yoga class
Br - 2 CaL, grits and seitan from the food bar after (grocery next door)
L - Salmon burgers, green beans and fried green tomatoes (both from my garden)
D - Going out to eat at a favorite place. But I can manage one plate there. :)

The little guy is going to a sleep-away camp tomorrow, and will be gone for a week. On the one hand, I'll miss him a LOT. On the other hand, hubby and I are planning to take advantage of our kid-free week! I'm going to a cooking class on Monday, a friend is coming over on Tuesday... etc. Best to use the time productively! We'll probably go to a nice restaurant at least once... looking forward to it!

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Post by kccc » Mon Jul 11, 2011 12:24 pm

Saturday went well. I think I'll work with this pattern for a while and see where it goes.

Sunday I took the little guy to camp. It was a good trip, and he looked ready to go when I left. I am hoping he'll have a good time. I will miss him, but am looking forward to some kid-free time as well.

Happy Monday!

exercise - yoga

Br - Greek yogurt and pear, 2 CaL
L - TBD. Working lunch provided for me.
D - I'm attending a cooking class and that will include the meal. It's for cooking good food that's good for blood-pressure diets, and I'm hoping to get some tasty ideas for mom.

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Post by Pangelsue2 » Mon Jul 11, 2011 4:07 pm

Camp is good. Parent free time is better. LOL. Hope you have a great time. Your new schedule sounds doable. Ultimately, the plan needs to be our own and fit our needs. Good luck with it.
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Post by Joyofsix » Mon Jul 11, 2011 4:51 pm

Sounds like a good weekend. Camp is good. I took one of mine yesterday. Very quiet here without his 10yo posse but it's a good quiet.
Lisa, mom to 7

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Post by kccc » Tue Jul 12, 2011 4:46 pm

Monday dinner ended up being ahi tuna with a fruit relish, roasted Brussell sprouts, and a fruit-based salad. Both the relish and the salad mixed sweet/citrusy fruits with a tiny bit of onion (shallots or green onion) and some spice for "zing." It was really good, and salt-free. Had a lot of potassium in it because of bananas and kiwis. I have the recipes, and they don't look difficult, though I think my mom would rather have something other than tuna.

Exercise - walking.
Br - Greek yogurt, pear, 2 CaL
L - one plate at dining hall - salad, a small quesadilla, a thin bread (Don't really know what to call them - sort of like a small square of very thin pizza dough, with just a few peppers on top).
D - TBD. A friend is coming in and we'll be eating out. (She is very picky, and it's hard to cook for her... so I don't!)

Have been eating out wa-ay too much lately. I have a lot of fruits/veg that need to be used, and would really prefer to be cooking more. (I would have brought my lunch except I thought I had a lunch meeting, but then I didn't.)

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Post by kccc » Wed Jul 13, 2011 5:51 pm

Happy Wednesday!

I have taken the day OFF. Not working at home - OFF. We have a friend over, and I went to my yoga class today. Yay!

Exercise - the serious yoga class. My arms were shaking by the last pose.

Br - One slice of toast (on homemade whole-wheat bread) as I went out the door. 2 CaL
L - Cheese toast (on my good bread) topped with veggies - onions, pepper, and spinach. Tomatoes on the side, plus some chips. Delicious!
D - TBD. We have some food to "use up," so we'll see how it goes.

I am noticing that (1) it feels like Saturday and I keep having to remind myself that it's NOT an S-day and (2) I'm almost frantic about fitting in all-the-stuff-I-want-to-do today. On the second, I felt that way when I woke up, but that may have been in part because I slept poorly and had a splitting headache. (It's better.)

Yoga helped. Reminding myself that I have choices helped. (One of my Secrets of Adulthood: "Recognize choice." Right up there with "Celebrate accomplishments" and "Savor moments.")

So, far, I have chosen to do yoga, return library books, and finish a project for my friend. Oh, and pick tomatoes from my garden and make lunch for all of us. I have a few other things that I do need to fit in, but everything else is optional.

All good. :)

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Post by Joyofsix » Wed Jul 13, 2011 9:53 pm

It sounds like a wonderful day OFF. I like yoga too but don't get too it nearly enough. Good for you for choosing it today.
Lisa, mom to 7

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Post by kccc » Thu Jul 14, 2011 12:53 pm

I do yoga regularly - even if just a bit. It makes a huge difference in how I feel. But left to myself, I do the things that are easy for me, lol! This class pushes me out of my comfort zone... and enlarges it. I love it.

Happy Thursday!

Dinner last night was a sort of "faux Chinese" that used up some bok choy and leftover rotisserie chicken my husband had bought, plus garden tomatoes, watermelon, and homemade bread.

Walked for exercise, plus a few stretches.

Br - Greek yogurt and dried apricots
L (planned) - leftover faux Chinese, salad, watermelon
D (semi-planned) - pasta with fresh pesto (my basil plants are enormous!), watermelon, salad, maybe green beans if there are enough on the vines.

I do love cooking from the garden.

Taking time yesterday to center myself and realize that I did not have to be frantic helped tremendously. I puttered through the rest of the day, including socializing, time to watch a TV show (recorded) that I never get to see (while knitting - I liked that!), plus some chores - replacing garden hose, watering, catching up on laundry, getting an oil change and going to the bank, etc. A good day.

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Post by kccc » Fri Jul 15, 2011 12:09 pm

Got home late, so had a different dinner...I had cheese toast with tomato, watermelon and chips. (Hubby had a ham sandwich and the same sides.)


No exercise so far - schedule is a bit off b/c of work-related stuff.

Br - Greek yogurt and dried apricots, 2 CaL
L (planned) - one plate at dining hall
D (planned) - date night with hubby. We're going to a nicer restaurant that we'd rather go without our child. :)

And we go to get the little guy tomorrow. I've enjoyed my kid-free time, but will be glad to see him. I do hope he had a good time at camp!

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Post by kccc » Mon Jul 18, 2011 2:57 pm

Nice weekend... the little guy is back, and we're glad to have him. Had time at the pool with friends twice this weekend (different friends).

Ate out a bit much - a welcome-home lunch at a fave place, then pizza at the pool on Saturday. Lunch out after church on Sunday because we were running errands... at least I cooked dinner Sunday night. (And a good one - I made a bunch of fresh pesto and had that with a caprese salad using our homegrown tomatoes - total yum.)

Not much exercise since last Thursday...Missed my Saturday class because of driving to get the little guy. I did a T-Tapp session on Sunday, and yoga this morning (finally!).

Br - PBJ on homemade bread, dried figs
L - leftover tortellini with pesto, watermelon, figs
D - (TBD... options are (1) black bean chili, watermelon. tomatoes from the garden (2) something with eggplant, since I have some almost ready...)

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Post by kccc » Tue Jul 19, 2011 1:01 pm

Yesterday evening was "option 1" with kiwi subbed for the watermelon because I wanted to save the watermelon for tonight. Plus a glass of wine.

Happy Tuesday!

Exercise - walking plus abs
Br - Greek yogurt, figs, 2 CaL
Lunch - out with colleagues. TBD, but one reasonable plate for me.
Dinner (planned) - ham sandwiches for the family, cheese toast with tomato for me, plus watermelon. Will need to eat quickly because we're slated to see HP7 tonight. :)

Life is good...

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Post by Pangelsue2 » Wed Jul 20, 2011 2:25 pm

How was HP7? I loved the books and most of the movies but didn't like the final book much and really didn't like HP6. It felt to me like the cast was phoning it in. Maybe it was just the mood I was in not liking the book. I am debating seeing the final movie (although I probably will just so I've seen them all.)
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Post by kccc » Wed Jul 20, 2011 3:22 pm

We all liked the final movie. The special effects were beautiful, and even though this is the tense "face off" finale to the story, there were some moments that were funny or sweet to relieve the tension. The plot was streamlined to fit it in, but the essentials were there, and the changes were not such that the omitted details "no longer fit" if that makes sense. So, it was true to the book. My son thought it was better than the book because the action was easier to follow. I'd actually like to see it again, and I usually don't re-watch movies.

My biggest quibble is inherent in the story - the Ginny character is so blah that I can't imagine Harry falling for her. She's a victim early on, and in one of the middle books shows promise of being a powerful witch in her own right... but then Rowling doesn't do much with her. In the end, she's protected by her mother instead of standing up for herself... Hermione is such a strong character that Ginny just doesn't measure up in contrast. (I think she does a bit better in the books than the movie, but just barely.)

But yes, we liked it, and I'd recommend it. :)

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Post by kccc » Wed Jul 20, 2011 3:26 pm

Over-the-hump Wednesday...

Br - 1/2 bagel with tomato and fresh mozzarella. Good!
L - One plate at fave place (planned)
D - experimental crock-pot concoction. We'll see how it turns out. Chicken legs, tomato soup (I normally don't cook with soup. But we keep some of the organic boxed soups for the little guy, and had opened a box, and I know the rest won't get used, and I wanted some liquid... so...), and fresh tomatoes so far in it. Thinking on spices and sides...

Exercise - planning to go to yoga express class - no time for full one. :(

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Post by kccc » Thu Jul 21, 2011 1:17 pm

Dinner ended up being the chicken, which I pulled out of the liquid and shredded (the liquid just kept it moist), cous-cous, salad, and peas and carrots.

Happy Thursday!

Exercise - walking plus abs

Br - Greek yogurt and figs. 2 CaL
L (planned) - leftovers from yesterday, exactly the same.
D - Salmon burgers, I think. Or leftover chicken with something else.

Weight has crept up a bit - back to 144-146 range. It had been 142-144, and I liked it better there. Need to watch "little things around the edges."

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Post by Joyofsix » Fri Jul 22, 2011 12:19 am

Awesome job. I've had a little creep up too but I'm blaming water. Could that be it?
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Post by mimi » Fri Jul 22, 2011 11:15 am

KCCC wrote:
Weight has crept up a bit - back to 144-146 range. It had been 142-144, and I liked it better there. Need to watch "little things around the edges."
Sigh.....I've had some pound return too, but through my own fault! I'm working on getting my NoS habits back on track.

Just wanted to stop by and say hello to an old friend. Have been trying to catch up on everyone...looks like life is good for you - I'm so glad.

Mimi :D
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Post by kccc » Fri Jul 22, 2011 2:08 pm

Hiya, Mimi! Good to see you!

Joyofsix and Mimi... I'm not too worried about the "gain", because it's really "back to normal" after a bit of a dip. But I liked the dip, so may work on making it stick!

Last night had leftover chicken with linguine and pesto (I mixed mine; the guys ate their pasta and chicken separately), salad, and cinnamon apples. I also had an extra CaL during the day... so no wine. Which was fine.

Happy Friday!
Exercise - walking (outside, b/c the gym is closed on Fridays)
Br - 1/2 bagel, cheese, dried apricots, 2 CaL
L - one plate at dining hall
D - TBD.

Feeling some little irritations right now, and trying to let them go... Breathe.

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Post by Pangelsue2 » Mon Jul 25, 2011 12:54 pm

Thanks for the HP rundown. Maybe I will go see it. My husband didn't like the first book so never read the rest and he tolerates the movies but doesn't see the hoopla. My daughter gave up after several movies but read all the books so I don't know who I'd go with. I agree with Harry being matched with Ginny. She seems a very dish water type of person but as my daughter points out, Harry is brave but he is not very powerful. It is his courage and lovable personality that earn him the loving support of his friends. And that usually save the day. Maybe that is the real lesson of the books and why he resonates with so many people. We can all only succeed thanks to our courage, our best efforts and help from our friends.
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Post by kccc » Mon Jul 25, 2011 6:02 pm

Pangelsue... Wellll.... he was also a Quidditch star. ;) And he has a certain kind of smarts - not book-smart like Hermione, but a good problem-solver. But I agree, his friendships were pivotal.

On the No-S front... a busy-but-good weekend, with some snacking/sweets but no "eating to icky." And I got my Saturday yoga class in. :)

Happy Monday!
Exercise - yogalates
Br - leftover cous-cous and cheese. I brought a pear, but it was too green and I threw it away. 2 CaL.
L - one plate at my favorite place.
D - TBD. Not sure if hubby/child will be at home or not - plans in flux.

This is my last week at work - I'm retiring (in my mid-fifties, which is young for it, but I've got 30 years in... and will probably work part-time after the fact). Lots of ends to tie up.

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Post by NoSRocks » Mon Jul 25, 2011 6:52 pm

KCCC: sorry I haven't been posting much, hon, but enjoying your posts!

Just wanted to pop in and say all the very best for your forthcoming retirement. Many Congratulations!

Lots of love and best wishes, Roxy x
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Post by mimi » Mon Jul 25, 2011 11:13 pm

Wow, KCCC! Congratulations! Big step for you! I like the sound of working part-time...good for you!

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Post by kccc » Tue Jul 26, 2011 1:05 pm

Thanks, No S and Mimi.

I know I am incredibly, incredibly lucky to have this option. I'm taking it for "life balance" - with my mom's iffy health, I need more flexibility. And I just can't take the commute anymore. I AM grateful to have this choice.

But a part of me is sad. I like my job, and the people I work with. And I am not really ready to stop working, so don't know what I'll do. It's not like I can travel the world or anything - I have an elementary-school child and a husband who can't retire for a long time.

And mostly, right now, I'm frantic as I try to put all my ducks in a row and pack up my office. Letting go of some things is hard...


Last night we had meatballs, corn on the cob, green beans, and mango. The meatballs had been bought for the little guy's lunch, but the camp he went to last week provided lunch (to my surprise) and he was going to the same camp this week, so thought I'd use them up. Then I did some grocery shopping...

... and when I got home, the little guy said "oh, by the way, Mom, I need a lunch for tomorrow. They aren't providing them this week." Of course, I had not shopped with an eye to lunches!!! Argh!!

Oh well. Cobbled something together for him, and it will be okay.

Exercise - walk and abs
Br - Greek yogurt, banana, 2 CaL
L - one plate at dining hall - using up the last one on my card.

They are throwing a retirement party for me today, which will be a "S event" for me. :) How nice of them!

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Post by Strawberry Roan » Tue Jul 26, 2011 5:40 pm

Congrats on your retirement. I've retired three times so far. :D Currently working as a legal secretary three days a week and it could not be more perfect. I am invovled in volunteer work (senior transportation program, I am the secretary/treasurer) and the local Ministerial Alliance Thrift Shop - one day a week, either Thursday or Friday I go out for a day with my friends, we shop, eat and then stop and do some of the volunteer work. There is a montlhy commitee meeting where we all meet from various organizations and have a community meeting and a big meal.... :wink:

Hope you had a wonderful party, you certainly deserve it as hard has you have worked. I am certain that you will find whatever niche you desire to fill your newfound hours.

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Post by kccc » Thu Jul 28, 2011 3:34 pm

Exciting few days.

Lovely retirement party. My family came, despite the drive. So proud of them, especially my little guy, who clearly had his "best manners" on.

On the way home, he started complaining of a tummy ache. That night, he was throwing up. Took him to the Dr first thing in the morning... and he sent us on to ER. His appendix was removed late that afternoon, and we are now in the hospital for a day or so.

He's on morphine and Cartoon Network, and I'm on caffeine and wireless, and we're both recovering. ;) Hubby was here last night, but only one parent can spend the night and I claimed that. He came by this morning, then went on to work but will come back and spend the evening so I can run by the house.

Doing fine. No exercise, but reasonable eating thanks to my No-S habits. Worry about fine-tuning later.

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Post by Strawberry Roan » Thu Jul 28, 2011 3:38 pm

Oh my goodness. Bless his little heart. Bet it was scary for all :cry:

I can remember well how restless I was when my husband was in the hospital, luckily his room was right at the top of the stairs (seventh floor). I actually would walk up and down them to go down to the cafeteria or to the coffee machines, etc. Helped a little as I really missed my exercise.

Hopefully your stay away from home will be short-lived. Hugs to you all.

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Post by thtrchic » Thu Jul 28, 2011 4:57 pm

I'm really glad to hear he's recovering and you're holding up!


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Post by milliem » Thu Jul 28, 2011 5:10 pm

Sorry to hear about the little dude's hospital trip! Hope he's recovering ok :)

I also hope you're enjoying your retirement! My mum just retired in her mid 50s and my dad is planning to retire at 60 but do part time work - for someone who's worked 60 hour weeks for 35 years, I think it would be too much of a shock just to do NOTHING! I'm sure you'll find things to fill your time and keep you occupied though, my mum said she feels busier than ever :)

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Post by mimi » Thu Jul 28, 2011 10:52 pm

Oh my! Never a dull moment, huh KCCC?!

Hope all is well now and he's on the road to recovery - kids are so resilient! Take care of yourself...you've had some pretty monumental happenings this week!

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Post by kccc » Fri Jul 29, 2011 10:49 am

Thanks everyone!

He seems to be healing up okay... waiting on the Dr to make his rounds, and hoping to be released today.

I actually need to get to work - this is officially my last day, and I have keys/equipment/forms to turn in. Plus a report that I need to finish up... I will be working part-time starting in September, so my "retirement" will be only partial. Life-balance... and here's a clear indication of the need! Hubby will stay with the little guy so I can tie up loose ends, then I'll take over from there since I will have the time.

Hubby came over to the hospital last night, and I went home for a shower and non-hospital food while he was here. Did some yoga (yay!), which was very good, even if not a lot. Also had a failure (oops!) - some chocolate for comfort food. One reasonable serving, and that was enough... mostly a reaction to icky hospital food all day, I think. Oh well. Not a big deal as long as I move past it quickly and don't linger. :) I'm learning that if/when I fail, the best thing to do is just recover as fast as possible. A good life lesson, applicable to more than No-S.

Thanks again for the support. :)

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Post by idontknow » Fri Jul 29, 2011 8:07 pm

Just wanted to add my congratulations on your semi-retirement - it sounds like the best of both worlds to me.
I hope your son is recovering ok - it's always worrying when they are ill, but youngsters are very resilient :)

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Post by kccc » Mon Aug 01, 2011 2:20 pm

Well, it's always a bad sign when I'm not posting. I failed more on Friday, and then took my S-days... which included some "poor me" and "I deserve" and "get it while I can" eating.

The trip in on Friday exhausted me. On an ordinary workday, I would not have gone, but did because I needed to turn in stuff. A co-worker had left candy in my office as a going-away present, and I ate it as I sorted/packed before I came home and collapsed.

Then, because of the chaos with my son's surgery, I still had one project looming that needed to be completed before I was officially retired. Which meant I worked through the weekend. (Poor me!)

On Saturday, I did other things and avoided what needed doing.

On Sunday, I recognized that this was NOT a useful pattern, and that I KNOW I need structure to my days...and if I'm resisting a task, I'm miserable. Better to face it. So I buckled down, and got it done! And then I thought about "how do I want the shape of my days"? Better to build those "retirement habits" from the start! Finishing that project gave me a real boost - I also went to yoga class and got some organizing done.

So... today (Monday), I got up at the usual time, wrote in my journal, and went for a walk. Came back and had breakfast with the family. By 9:00, I was showered, dressed, and ready to face the day.

I do have a project before I start back to part-time work - a paper - so I need to schedule that work. And I do have around-the-house projects, which I need both to organize and to "contain" (I get overwhelmed when I look around and see all the things that need to be done sometime, and have to remind myself that they do NOT all have to be done today. Just something.)

And I will have to watch the 4:00 munchies at home, and the tendency to eat so I don't have to decide what to do next. Self-awareness is a good thing.

So. Today, starting retirement right. :)

Exercise: Walking
Br - Greek yogurt and banana
L - Mac and cheese, peaches, carrot sticks
D - TBD - at my parent's.

I'm taking the little guy to see them and have a sleep-over with his cousin, so there's something festive before school starts. Even if all our other plans have been shot out of the water, we still can find cool things to do that are possible only because I'm retired. So there.

Grammy G
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Post by Grammy G » Tue Aug 02, 2011 2:35 am

Oh my goodness!! I am off the boards for a bit and your life has changed!
Sorry to hear of son's surgery... what a way to begin retirement! Maybe the universe is reminding you to "expect the unexpected"!!
I too retired early because of my parents' needs. I just couldn't go on trying to help with their care and work (teach) full time. Luckily, I was in able to walk away from the job. I thought I would miss it..thought I might go back and "sub"..nope on both counts! I still see the coworkers I want to see and don't have to see any others. It took me awhile to "let go" and not schedule my life so tightly that I couldn't do an activity I was in the mood to do. I've learned that (for the most part) I can substitute a task for another if one "strikes my fancy"..then, the task doesn't seem like work... or I can play all day! No one cares!!
Eleven years ago, when I retired, I decided to begin each day having a quiet mug of coffee or two and just take some time to center my thoughts. I thought this would get old and I would soon be joining the neighborhood "walkers" who go past my window every morning at 7:30. I'm still watching them as I drink that morning coffee ...enjoying every sip! I wish the same to you! Enjoy!
"If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think another negative thought."
Peace Pilgrim

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Post by kccc » Wed Aug 03, 2011 4:51 pm

Thanks, Grammy! It is a big change, and I am working it out.

No-S is suddenly a new challenge, which is a shocker to me after years of good habits. BUT... I've always had trouble with "N-days at home" and had to work a bit harder with them. Right now, every day feels like a weekend (S-day!) and I slip before I think.

At my parents was difficult - meals I wasn't wild about, a lot of work to do, and they snack and offer snacks a lot. It was not a successful day on Tuesday, and I gave up at the end of the day at home. No exercise, either - not good.

Mark it and move on. I am learning to do No-S under very different conditions. Back to the beginning.

So today, I have planned meals-I-like, and gone to yoga. THAT was just what I needed. I've been by the bank, the grocery store, done some gardening, and got my son registered for soccer. At this point, I'm ready for some time on the computer (but not much - I get sucked in too easily!) and reading and such.

Wonderful Wednesday!

Wednesday weigh-in: 145 (within range, but a bit high)
Exercise - yoga class

Br - 1/2 bagel with hummus, fresh figs brought from my parents' tree
L - one plate at my favorite place
D - In planning. I'm thinking Eggplant Parmesan.

Tomorrow we have our son's check-up, and other appointments... may do a bit of our earlier-planned vacation - we'll see.

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Post by kccc » Thu Aug 04, 2011 2:07 pm

Dinner yesterday was Eggplant Parmesan with fruit, mushrooms, and salad. Glass of wine later. Success!

Happy Thursday!
Exercise - walking. Need to put abs back in, but not today.
Br - scrambled egg sandwich (1 sl bread), 2 CaL

L and D are both TBD, because of schedule flux. One will be leftover Eggplant Parmesan, though.

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Post by kccc » Fri Aug 05, 2011 11:19 pm

Had the leftover Eggplant Parmesan for lunch. Dinner was rotisserie chicken, corn on the cob, and watermelon.

Fantastic Friday! :)

Exercise: a 30-minute yoga dvd this morning.
Br - "yogurt parfait" - yogurt layered with strawberry slices and a bit of kashi cereal. Very good. (The little guy had one too.) 2 CaL
L - Burrito and chips (out). This is the place where you can tell them exactly what to put on it - love it!
D - Chicken and chard, leftover corn on the cob, watermelon. Intend to have some wine later.

Took little guy and friend to a cheap matinee today while hubby worked on the house. Y'know, I am really not a movie person. There are few things worth "the big screen" to me; I'd rather watch at home and knit while I do. Just takes SO much TIME to go to a movie! But it made the kiddos happy, so all good. (I did not allow movie snacks, but bribed them with "something after". Next time, will see if we can just skip entirely...)

Relieved to be somewhat "back on track" - not perfect, but better. Still, the balance will be a bit different...

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Blithe Morning
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Post by Blithe Morning » Sat Aug 06, 2011 10:45 am

Congrats on the retirement! I've been thinking about retirement and like a lot of Americans, I feel like it's the impossible dream. Perhaps I will look at going to part time work first. That sounds a lot more doable.

And so sorry to hear about your son. My middle son had an emergency appendectomy, too. These medical emergencies take a lot out of you so I'm not surpised at the non-compliance. Glad to hear you are giving yourself a little extra TLC.

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Post by kccc » Sat Aug 06, 2011 6:51 pm

Super Saturday!

I have so lost track of the days that I did not remember until 10:00 that this was an S-day! I even tried to figure out how to handle breakfast around yoga class, and decided to have some nuts/fruit ahead and yogurt after (partly a time-based decision) and only after my class when I was trying to remember "how do I do this" did I realize that eating after class was not an issue b/c it was an S-day.

Exercise - yoga class. A good one.
Br - 2 CaL, dried apricots, and a small handful of almonds before class; Greek yogurt after
L - Grilled cheese sandwich, watermelon, carrots
S - ice cream - premium (read: very high cal but yummy). I would now rather have a half-cup of this than a quart of low-grade stuff.
D - TBD. Planning on tuna melts and salad and fruit, but we'll see.

Trying to find something fun to do today, but not very successful. Having more flare-ups with the little guy of late, which is exhausting. Guess we're heading into puberty - what fun! He gets over our go-rounds MUCH faster than I do. I am trying to think of it as practice in centering while "off the mat".

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Post by Blithe Morning » Sat Aug 06, 2011 7:59 pm

I have three sons. Really between the ages of 11 and about 16, you should just quietly consider them brain dead. I know an 8th grade science teacher who had her science class segregated by gender because it was on a block rotation w/ PE.

When it came to doing labs, the boys were pretty much hopeless. She would give them a list of materials to gather and when she went around to the small groups more often than not the boys not only did NOT have all the stuff they would often not have any of the right stuff. It was like if the list was beaker, eye dropper and balance, the boys would have a pencil, bunsen burner and construction paper. Not even CLOSE.

So, I feel for you.

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Post by kccc » Sun Aug 07, 2011 1:12 am

Blithe, I read your post to my husband (out of earshot of the little guy, of course) and we laughed and laughed. Then we agreed that our son WOULD have the right stuff, but would argue with the teacher about whether this is what OUGHT to be used.

I think the next few years will be a wild ride!

But every now and then, hubby and I will look at each other and whisper "brain-dead!"... thanks to you!

ETA: Of course, he alternates exhausting rounds of temper/ argument with stretches of tremendous sweetness... tonight, he learned to make tuna melts (my way, which is not quite the norm) and was SO proud of making dinner!

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Post by Grammy G » Sun Aug 07, 2011 2:28 am

Oh my..kids of any sort...jr. high age... not my favorites! I had two "bonus" sons and two of my own. It would just seem that we would get one out of that stage and the next was moving into it!
This was when words would be coming out of my mouth and my brain would be saying, " You are actually saying that to him? You swore you'd never say those things!" and yet I'd go on.. and on...and on. You are right, they can be so darn sweet and considerate too! Be assured, the sweet and considerate son will emerge the winner of the dueling personalities!
My son teaches 8th grade science and loves it and the kids. I am in awe of his patience and understanding. I could not do it!
Keeping days straight is one of the problems of retirement. Another is waking up in a panic because we think we must be late for work. I think it took a few months to get that out of my system.
"If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think another negative thought."
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Post by Who Me? » Sun Aug 07, 2011 5:12 am

Hugs to you!

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Post by kccc » Mon Aug 08, 2011 1:22 am

Thanks, Grammy and Who Me!

Had good S-days overall. I had ice cream 2x on Saturday and chocolate pudding 2x on Sunday, plus a few other larger-than-normal plates or "bites" between meals. But nothing over-the-top.

Tried making eggrolls on Saturday, mostly because I had a HUGE cabbage in my veggie box. Made a big pan of veggie filling, and froze half and filled half. Tried baking the filled ones... Alas, I'm the only one who liked them. The guys' verdict was a thumbs down. Not quite sure what to do to the recipe to improve it, either. Oh well - when you try an experiment, it doesn't always work! I've been eating them, and feeding the guys other things. So there.

Tomorrow school starts. Hard to believe! And a new routine yet again...

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Post by Blithe Morning » Mon Aug 08, 2011 2:00 am

The good news regarding sons is that they do grow out of that brain dead-ness. I've heard (though can't confirm) that brain dead is better than drama you get with girls.

DH still has to bark at the youngest one at 17 occasionally. When they were younger and in that state, he would bark at them and it would kind of upset me. I HATED being yelled at when I was a kid. It would just devastate me. So of course, I tried reasoning and using calm but direct speech. And I would regularly get blown off. I started feeling like the adult on the Charlie Brown cartoons "mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah."

DH however would bark at them and darned if they didn't step to and do what needed to be done, sometimes with a good attitude, often not but hey.

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Post by Joyofsix » Mon Aug 08, 2011 11:57 am

Blithe Morning wrote:I have three sons. Really between the ages of 11 and about 16, you should just quietly consider them brain dead.

So, I feel for you.
Bwahahaha :lol:
Mine are 17, 15 and 10. Of course girls have their moments too. :roll:
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Post by kccc » Mon Aug 08, 2011 11:59 am

Blithe, the bad news is that my son is the Drama King. He can make a mountain out of a molehill faster than anyone! We are working on this.... ("Your reaction is THIS BIG and it deserves to be this big."

He comes by it honest. In teaching him (and trying to model), we learn too.

Marvelous Monday!
First day of school! The little guy was up and at 'em early, which was a good start. I am still trying to figure MY schedule around school.

Br - 1/2 multigrain bagel with almond butter and 1/2 banana
L (planned) - leftover egg rolls, salad
D (planned) - sausages, sweet potatoes, broccoli, fruit. Maybe bread if I get it made.

Exercise (planned) - yoga

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Post by determined » Mon Aug 08, 2011 12:57 pm

KCCC...Congrats on your retirement & I'm so glad your "little" guy has recovered.

We have three boys - 20, 18, & 16 and a 5-yr old girl. When my boys were going through the puberty stage, I would often say, "when you are ready to talk with me calmly, you can come & find me." I just got to the point where I was not willing to discuss anything with them when they were highly emotional & irrational about something. It didn't always help, but 90% of the time that extra bit of time for them to gather their thoughts helped them communicate so much better. I think discussion is so healthy, but arguing just doesn't seem to solve much. They still argue from time to time, but they know better than to yell at me. I'll talk to them about anything under the sun...but they'd better have some self-control or the discussion is over until they can get a grip. We'll see how this will work with our girl! :)

You're doing great on adjusting to your new schedule!

"Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there some day."
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Post by kccc » Tue Aug 09, 2011 1:57 pm

Determined, I have used that exact line with my little guy when he's in one of his moods, but he will follow me arguing! I have sent him to his room on occasion because I need the space! (But I totally agree - staying out of the drama myself is a major key!)

Changed my mind on dinner last night - decided to start "Meatless Monday" and made a quiche. That was nice; they take long enough to bake that I could only make them on weekends when I was working. Served with broccoli and peaches and homemade bread (a new recipe that was a bit of a disappointment... but it's still homemade bread).

Terrific Tuesday!
Exercise - walking. Up to 7600 on the pedometer so far. Will try to fit in ab exercises somewhere along the way.

Br - Greek yogurt, 1/2 banana, 2 CaL
L (planned) - leftover quiche, salad, homemade bread, dried figs
D (planned) - sausages, bread, veg and fruit TBD (down to "what's in the freezer/pantry?")

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Post by SkyKitty » Wed Aug 10, 2011 9:06 am

Oooh, Meatless Mondays I like that, I might use that to add to Curry Tuesdays and Soup Fridays, I could even start from this week as we had a courgette and blue cheese tortilla on Monday which was meat-free.

Do (or will) you have entirely meatless mondays or are you thinking mostly evening meal? I think that would help with my plans/hopes to eat less meat.
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Post by kccc » Thu Aug 11, 2011 12:01 pm

Skykitty, I was thinking evening meal, but to be honest most of my lunches are leftovers - so it might be both.

I'm trying to sort out my "pattern" for dinners and plan ahead better. The week usually includes:
- a pasta meal (spaghetti with marinara or clam sauce, tortellini with pesto, etc.),
- one bean dish (this week it's black bean burritos. Chili or bean soup are other options)
- a fish meal (maybe the pasta with clam sauce... or salmon, tuna melts, honey-dijon shrimp)
- one "meat" (I include our sausages in this, even though they're made with chicken and no nitrates. Could also be pork or London Broil or something.)
- chicken (possibilities are endless!)

... and of course, I repeat because I re-use leftovers.

Tuesday was as planned. Wednesday I had trouble getting on the site... Wednesday weight was 143, which looked nice but I thought was a bit artificially low. (It's 144 this morning, so I was right. Still, better than last week. I weigh when I like, but Wednesday is my "official" weight.)

Exercise - killer yoga class
Br - Greek yogurt with fig jam (homemade, a gift... and wonderful!), 2 CaL
L - one plate at fave place
D - spaghetti, peas'n'carrots, mushrooms, garlic bread (using up the homemade bread, which was getting stale - GREAT as toast!).

The little guy just started cooking a meal once a week as part of his current chore cycle. I helped more than he realized on this one (our second - the first was tuna melts), but he was SO PROUD of it! And it did have some nice touches - we used mashed-up garlic for the toast instead of garlic powder (his idea). I also let him put some meat in the sauce, which I don't usually do - about 1/2 lb for enough sauce for two meals, so it's not a lot per person but it really does add flavor.

Exercise - walking - I'm heading out the door as soon as I post this.
Br - waffle with fig jam (going right through that - LOVE it!), 2 Cal
L - out, I think. Will be running errands.
D - (planned) - Black bean burritos, salad, grapes, and possibly tortilla chips

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Post by Joyofsix » Fri Aug 12, 2011 11:02 am

Great job! I love when my kids learn to cook. We all started somewhere and think how he will be prepared when he moves out (a long, long time from now :lol: ).
Lisa, mom to 7

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Post by kccc » Fri Aug 12, 2011 4:32 pm

Joyofsix wrote:Great job! I love when my kids learn to cook. We all started somewhere and think how he will be prepared when he moves out (a long, long time from now :lol: ).
Right now, eight years or so seems CLOSE. He's growing so fast... and there's so much he needs to know before then! (And I'm in TOTAL denial about a lot of stages, like driving...will worry about it when we get there!) But the cooking together is fun!

Thursday as planned, plus an evening glass of wine.

Fabulous Friday!

Exercise - half a walk - which will count. (Parent breakfast at the school this morning. I walked back, while hubby drove into work. About half the normal distance.) If I have time for some stretches, I'll add them in.

Br - at the school. A chicken biscuit, apple, and milk. I also had 2 CaL before I left. Oddly, though it was a heavier breakfast than normal - and later - I was hungry by lunchtime. It's like there's some kind of addictive drug that makes you want to eat more in fast food....
L - leftover black bean burrito, grapes, dried figs. Delicious!
D - Leftovers for all. We have more black bean burritos or pasta and sauce, salad, and other veg. All good. We're going out of town, so need to eat quickly.

Have been housecleaning, following "Flylady." I used to do her routines a long time ago, but modified them down to a really minimal list while I was working and haven't actually read her site in ages. I tend to get obsessive when I finally start really cleaning and exhaust myself to the point that I don't want to ever clean again, so her "zones" and tasks keep me from going too overboard. Not entirely - I spent more time doing the floor today than recommended, and took a toothbrush to some corners where the dirt just builds up (which is over-doing, and flirting with burn-out, I know). But I stopped when today's task was done, and am through with housework for the day. The kitchen does look nice after the work I've done on it this week - particularly the pantry and the under-the-sink cabinet.

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Post by kccc » Tue Aug 16, 2011 12:12 am

Weekend was a bit excessive - some big meals, and some snacking. Eventually, I was just too full to eat... so I quit.

Marvelous Monday!
Exercise - yoga routine - only about 20 minutes. Plus went outside with the little guy for a bit.
Br - yogurt, banana, last bit of fig jam (about a tablespoon), 2 CaL
L - tin of sardines, 1/2 bagel, peach, dried figs
D - split pea and barley soup (small cup, set on the plate), tiny bit of salad, watermelon, homemade bread. It sounds like a lot, but all fit on the plate quite nicely.

Liked the soup. I was looking for a "meatless Monday" meal. This mostly qualifies - I used chicken broth in it, and it was homemade so had some bits of chicken in it as well. But mostly split peas and barley, carrots, onion, garlic, and spices. Will have it for lunch again tomorrow. Best part - put it in the crock-pot and put the bread in the breadmaker, and didn't have to worry about getting supper made!

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Post by kccc » Tue Aug 16, 2011 10:44 pm

Terrific Tuesday!

(Actually, it was a bit hectic. But that's okay.)

Exercise - 2 miles with "Leslie" before I had to leave this morning. Not quite enough - I'm still a bit low on my steps - but a good workout for the time I had.

Br - PBJ on homemade bread, 2 CaL
L - Split pea soup, watermelon, more bread
D- Honey-dijon shrimp over rice, salad, mushrooms... and bread. Not much, but some.

Today I took the cats to the vet (trauma for them, and me by proxy), took the little guy to a follow-up dr's apt (they cut him loose), watered the garden, scrubbed the bathroom, and spent some time sorting the spare room (which is FAR from done, but I can see some progress). And grocery shopping (Trader Joe's is near the dr's). Oh, and worked on paper revisions - by far the most stressful.

I fully intend to have a glass of wine later. :)

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Post by kccc » Wed Aug 17, 2011 12:33 pm

Had TWO glasses of wine last night. Also got in my "steps" with a family walk, which was so pleasant. I like the company of my family. :)

Wednesday weigh in: 143.5. That's more like it - I like being between 142-144 right now.

Exercise - yoga class. On my way as soon as I finish this post!

Br - 1/2 bagel with hummus, watermelon, 2 CaL
L (planned) - one plate at fave place
D (planned) - tortellini and pesto, veg TBD (probably broccoli or peas'n'carrots)

Okay, I'm gone!

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Post by kccc » Thu Aug 18, 2011 4:33 pm

Thursday already!

The yoga class yesterday was SO good - I could feel it opening up my achy neck. Starting a serious yoga practice was one of the healthiest decisions I've ever made, right up there with No-S.

Food yesterday was as planned. Dinner included broccoli, banana slices, and garlic toast. This was the little guy's cooking adventure for the week. He was pleased with the outcome, and so was I.

Today was walking. I'm already over 9000 steps, and it's just past lunchtime.

Br - 1/2 bagel with hummus, 3 CaL. Meant to have a banana, but forgot (eating standing up and doing stuff - not the best, but that kind of morning.) Was really hungry later, so allowed myself a third CaL. That means no wine tonight - it's either/or.
L - cheese toast with tomato on homemade bread (yum!), watermelon, figs.
D - Soup and homemade whole-wheat bread (in the breadmaker now). Maybe some carrot sticks or fruit on the side. I'm having a group over, and don't know how large it will be. I'm making a black-bean soup (vegetarian) and a tortellini-spinach soup in chicken broth. Watch no one show up - I'll have tons of leftovers! (Which will be okay.)

Getting into a "home routine", which is good...

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Post by kccc » Fri Aug 19, 2011 1:06 pm

I did have tons of leftovers. Freezing the black bean soup, and we're eating up the tortellini soup, since I don't think it will freeze well. Fortunately, it was a big hit with the family.

Recording so I don't forget my made-up recipe

Chop 1 small onion and 2-3 cloves garlic, and saute in olive oil until soft/brown. Add 4 c. chicken broth (I use homemade, and I leave chicken meat in it) and a can of diced tomatoes. Add 3 carrots, chopped. Season with thyme, basil, salt and pepper. Let simmer to blend flavors and cook carrots. (If necessary, add water.) Just before serving, add 1/2 to 1 pkg of spinach (6 oz) and a 10 oz. pkg of tortellini. Cook until the tortellini is done. Serve topped with Parmesan, if desired.

Fantastic Friday!

Exercise: Walking plus a few stretches.
Br- egg sandwich (2 scrambled eggs, one slice toast), 2 CaL
L (planned) - tortellini soup, watermelon, bread
D (planned) - same. Need to use the soup up, and have a double-batch.

I am adjusting to a new schedule... again. When I started working with a long commute 2 years ago, it worked best for me to have my coffee (cafe au lait) on the way in, then have breakfast at my desk after I worked out. That put breakfast about 8:30 - 9:00. Once I adjusted, it worked well for me... but the adjustment was difficult.

Now I'm going the other way. I'm eating with the family in the morning, which puts breakfast around 6:45-7:00 (where it used to be). As a result, I'm getting hungry in the middle of the morning. I know that "this too will pass" as soon as the "tummy toddler" learns the new rules, but right now, it's a bit rough. I may have an extra CaL or just plain milk or tea to get me through until I get used to the new routine.

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Post by kccc » Mon Aug 22, 2011 2:30 pm

Saturday was a big meal with extended family, at my parents' house. We drove down the night before so we could be there to help move tables and get set up. I had a normal breakfast, a large-ish meal with homemade apple pie after, and took home ingredients for steak salad and followed it up with chocolate. A good day.

Sunday we had a normal breakfast, then a potluck after church that included lemon meringue pie. I haven't had one of those in ages - it was delicious. Fell down a bit after that with a bit of snacking - chocolate and almonds - but had a light dinner with peach cobbler (homemade again). And then I was done - no last minute, gotta get it in eating.

This morning, I'm totally back on track. :)

Exercise - walking plus stretches.

Br - Greek yogurt, banana, 2 CaL
L (planned) - cucumber salad, cheese toast with tomato, leftover grilled eggplant.
D (planned) - sausage/spinach quiche, veg, watermelon

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Post by kccc » Tue Aug 23, 2011 3:52 pm

Yesterday as planned, plus a glass of wine.

Today... exercise is heavy-duty gardening (digging in amendments, planting fall garden step one), plus some yoga (15 minutes).

Br - 1/2 bagel with almond butter, dried apricots
L - leftover quiche, cucumber salad, dried figs, toast
D (planned) - salmon, potatoes, veg/fruit

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Post by Pangelsue2 » Tue Aug 23, 2011 6:25 pm

Thanks for the Story People link. I didn't know they were on line. A couple of years ago, we bought a box of their cards with wonderful drawings and stories written on them. They are so haunting and beautiful. I loved reading more of them on the website last night.
I'm baaaack.

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Post by kccc » Wed Aug 24, 2011 5:53 pm

Pangelsue - I love Storypeople. There is always one that feels appropriate to the moment. When my boss and friend died unexpectedly last fall, I bought two copies of "Real Hero" and framed them - one for my office and one to give his family. It was very comforting to see it every day, and to think about how HE was a real hero and inspired others to be as well. And the best thing I could do in his memory was to try to live up to that as well...

And then, there are the funnier ones. Someday I will buy this one for my son.


Yesterday was not quite as planned - we had too many leftovers to use up. So we ate quiche and potato salad and fresh vegetables (cucumber, peppers, tomato) for supper instead. And I had wine in the evening. :)

Wonderful Wednesday!

Exercise - killer yoga class which was double-killer today. It was as if I was doing a power class. I was dripping and exhausted by the end. But... that's why I go, to push myself and build capacity. Goodness knows I would NEVER work that hard on my own!

Br- leftover quiche and potato salad. Weird for breakfast, but good.
L - one plate at favorite place
D (planned) pizza and watermelon at the pool! I am taking the little guy and friend down early. and hubby is picking up pizza on the way home from work. Extending the summer! :)

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Post by kccc » Thu Aug 25, 2011 1:35 pm

Yesterday as planned, except TWO glasses of wine at the end. Gotta watch that trend.

I was amazed at how much pizza the little guy and friend put away at the pool. I expected to have leftovers for lunch - we bought 2 large pizzas. Nope. The boys went through an AMAZING amount. I keep getting warnings from everyone that when we hit teenage years, I can expect to take a second mortgage out for groceries...

Today... Errand day.

Exercise: TBD. May just be 15 minutes of yoga
Br - Greek yogurt, dried figs, 2 CaL
Lunch - out. TBD.
Dinner - salmon (finally!), cous-cous, veg and fruit.

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Post by kccc » Fri Aug 26, 2011 11:42 pm


Exercise: None so far. :(

Br - Greek yogurt, banana, 2 CaL
L - Toasted cheese with tomato, figs, chips and salsa
D - Grilled cheese, carrots, grapes

I intend to have some wine.

Tomorrow I'm planning a loooong yoga class. We'll see how it goes! :)

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Post by SkyKitty » Sat Aug 27, 2011 9:51 am

Aaah KCC was it YOU who got me hooked on grilled cheese with tomato? I remembered reading it on someones post when I was stuck for a quick lunch at home, made it and now I can't stop, I love it! The tomato makes it sooo much better!
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Post by kccc » Sun Aug 28, 2011 1:04 am

Hi Skykitty! It's very likely I was the one who turned you onto toasted cheese with tomato - it's a major favorite of mine. Glad you're enjoying it too. :)

Saturday - S-day

Three hour yoga workshop. I expect to be sore tomorrow. It was very, very good.

Br - Greek yogurt and banana, 2 CaL
L - sushi, picked up on the way home, and chips and salsa. Weird, but good. Had to eat in a hurry to get to a b'day party for one of the little guy's classmates.
S - birthday cake (small slice), a few more chips at the party. Some dried figs and almonds when I got home.
D - falafel and pita, carrot sticks, banana
S - tapioca pudding and an Italian ice (spaced out)

A good day. Lots of treats, but no "eating to icky". I am done with food.

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Post by NoSnacker » Sun Aug 28, 2011 11:42 am

MMMM,,,grilled cheese with tomatoes sounds yummy...I'll be giving it a taste today! And perhaps a cup of soup to go along with it.

Someday on my S day's I hope to eat not the icky state..not fun..I did have one of those days yesterday...

But I have not other choice but to stick to the No S Plan, nothing else worked for me....
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Post by Who Me? » Sun Aug 28, 2011 1:01 pm

Three hours of yoga? Wow.

(Maybe it's the classes I've taken, but I think I'd kill myself if I had to listen to three hours of New Agey faux-Indian yoga music.)

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Post by kccc » Mon Aug 29, 2011 1:24 pm

Lol, Who Me!

No music except for resting pose at the end. A good bit of talking/demonstration on form, which made the length bearable. In fact, the one-hour class I took on Sunday felt tougher (non-stop, a LOT of standing poses and downward dog).

Sunday was a bit more in terms of eating. Good meals, but a bit large, plus made it through most of a container of cookies. S day. Done.

Br- grits with cheese, banana
L (planned)- steak salad and rye bread
D (planned) - tortellini with pesto, broccoli, cinnamon apples

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Post by kccc » Tue Aug 30, 2011 6:07 pm

Yesterday as planned, plus a glass of wine. Exercise was just 15 minutes of "movement!" (Running in place, various aerobic moves, whatever.)

Br - 1/2 bagel with PB, juice
L - leftover tortellini, carrot sticks, grapes, figs
D (planned) - chicken, potato "fries" (baked), veg/fruit tbd

Walked for exercise, but don't have enough steps for it yet...

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Post by kccc » Thu Sep 01, 2011 12:39 pm

Tuesday as planned, and got my steps in.

Wednesday was a FAILURE. First in a while.

Br - leftover potatoes and chicken
L - one plate from fave place
D - Ham and cheese on rye, mixed fruit, chips and salsa, carrot sticks.
(Snacks, described below.)

- That's where the downfall started. I was slicing the rye bread, and didn't get enough slices for everyone. So I made half-bread sandwiches, because the slices were pretty big. There was one for each of us, plus an extra, which I figured one of the guys would get. (And in retrospect, I realize I was a bit sad and felt cheated, because I wanted a whole one.) BUT I put on as much ham as I would have on a whole one, and got chips and thought "that will do."

Then the little guy took one bite and really didn't like his, so my hubby took it and we gave the little guy another kind of sandwich on different bread. Which meant... a half-sandwich sat on the sideboard, unclaimed.

I convinced myself that I'd planned to have a whole one initially, and ate it. But from the level of fullness... it was seconds. Really.

And later, since it had been a stressful day and "I'd already blown it", I snacked some more, thus "wrecking the car."

Now, one thing I'm pleased about is that my "binge" wasn't as awful as it would have been before No-S. I ate a serving of crackers, a serving of dried figs, and a serving of dried apricots. And then I realized I was being an idiot and quit.

So... Mark it and move on. It's marked. I'm moving on.

Br - Whole wheat bagel w/cream cheese, 2 CaL
L (TBD - will be at home and can fix something I like)
D - sausages, potato salad, salad, broccoli

Don't know about exercise, but I'll find something. :)

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Post by Who Me? » Thu Sep 01, 2011 1:45 pm

Well better fruit than doritos, right? Fruit isn't loaded with salt, msg and dyes.

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Post by Blithe Morning » Thu Sep 01, 2011 5:49 pm

Oh, that sneaky feeling of being cheated. Good on you for marking and moving on.

I try to eat something that is defiantly not "good for me" like kettle cooked potato chips or homemade ranch dressing almost every day just to circumvent that feeling of being shortchanged. Thus if I start thinking smack, I can point to my indulgences and say "Sit down and be quiet. I do TOO get treats."

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Post by kccc » Fri Sep 02, 2011 11:28 am

Who Me, one of the astonishing things about No-S is how your perspective shifts over time. Years ago, I would have thought my "lapse" was being "good"! But now I can see it was emotional eating, not hunger.

Blithe, that's a good strategy. When I'm having trouble with some aspect of No-S (there are places where I periodically need a "re-boot" - like snitches while preparing dinner), I have found that pairing "being strict" with "planning NICE meals" works best for me. It's hard to feel deprived when you're eating delicious food that you like! (Doesn't even have to be "blatantly non-diet" - it can be something I like that's a tad expensive so I don't get it often, or seasonal fruit that's just at the PERFECT stage. Just needs to be something that I look at and go "YUM!")

Thursday was fine in terms of food. Ended up having lunch out - a teriyaki tofu wrap at a local vegetarian restaurant (veggies and tofu stir-fried with teriyaki and wrapped in a pita - THAT was a "yum!").

Didn't get any exercise beyond evening stretches. Wait - that DOES count for the minimum. But I feel the need for more... just too busy right now.


Br - Greek yogurt, banana, 2 CaL
L - Will have leftover potato salad (which I love!!) and some green salad and hard-boiled egg.
D - pizza night! :)

The little guy is bringing a friend home on the bus, and we're going down to the neighborhood pool. He is SO excited! :)

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Post by kccc » Wed Sep 07, 2011 3:39 pm

Friday was as planned, pretty much. Didn't get in exercise...

Looong weekend. Not only was it Labor Day, so we were all off on Monday, but on Tuesday there was a teacher work day, so the little guy was home. We did a lot of fun things, which included too much food.

Saturday - out to eat. More pizza (better quality). I ate too much.
Sunday - off to Six Flags... and too much fast food.
Monday - made pesto with a friend, and our families all ate pasta with pesto and other good stuff for dinner. Technically, I was No-S compliant... but it was a full plate, with extra wine.

Tu - back on track...Managed to fit in a yoga class and ate reasonably.

Wednesday... my birthday! I am pretty much obliged to eat cake tonight, and maybe to eat out again. (I'd be fine if we did it a different day - got a lot to do.) I did have a nice walk today, which I needed.

Br - Greek yogurt, 2 CaL
L - leftover pasta with pesto and mozzerella, salad, watermelon, figs.
D - TBD.
S -event - cake

Don't want to make it more than an S-event today, because the liberties of the weekend and missed exercise are catching up to me. Weight was 146.5 this morning, which I consider Too High. Don't plan on panicking, but do plan on Making Better Choices (less fast food), Watching the Edges (where I tend to "fuzz" the rules), and Minding Exercise. I know that combo will take me back to "normal for me" pretty quickly.

And in the meantime, I'll enjoy my piece of cake!

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Post by kccc » Thu Sep 08, 2011 2:51 pm

Yesterday as planned. I got rather hungry in the middle of the afternoon, and had an extra cafe au lait (since it was a gray drizzly day here, that was nice). But I didn't eat, because I really didn't want to spoil my birthday dinner.

We went out to a new restaurant. Technically more than one plate, because the salad came separately. However, this was a restaurant where you get little, artfully-arranged, delicious bits of food rather than mounds and mounds. Even so, I was getting full by the time my entree was partly done, so gave the rest to the little guy, who is growing like a weed these days.

At home, my hubby had bought my favorite cake, a flourless chocolate truffle cake... but he bought it in the smallest size. When the little guy asked why we didn't get more, he said "This is to please mom, and she likes a little bit of very good cake." Yup, sweetie. Thank you! We each had a tiny piece (it's quite rich), and I had a glass of wine, and felt fully cherished on my birthday. :)

Today (Thursday)
Exercise: Walking
Br - Greek yogurt and dried figs, 2 CaL
L - Leftovers, TBD. I'm at home and will just raid the fridge for what looks good.
Dinner - "Faux Moo-Shu" - I have some eggroll filling I made earlier and froze, to which I'm adding a bit of meat and some green onions. Will roll that in a flour tortilla (to simulate the pancakes that come with Moo-Shu). Fruit on the side.

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Post by SkyKitty » Thu Sep 08, 2011 4:54 pm

Happy Birthday KCC!!

Glad you had a lovely dinner and lovely cake :D
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Post by snapdragon » Thu Sep 08, 2011 7:31 pm

Happy birthday!!!!
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Post by NoSnacker » Fri Sep 09, 2011 8:29 am

Hi, I was wondering I see that you have been a member since 2006. How has your ride been on No S? Have you lost weight? How have things changed over time for you? If your story is posted on here some where, I can read it there if you wouldn't mind pointing me there.

p.s. found it..:)

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Post by kccc » Fri Sep 09, 2011 12:02 pm

Thanks, snapdragon and Skykitty!

Deb, my story is on the testimonial page, and you can get a lot from this loong thread and past ones. Also, there's a sticky on the main discussion board called "Phases of No-S" that I wrote, which may help.

I love No-S. I'm in maintenance now, but because I'm middle-aged, it's easy for the weight to creep back on if I let it. And I like to eat. No-S helps me "see" what's going on if I am having a problem, and adjust accordingly.

I intend to eat this way the rest of my life.

The weather just changed here, and it was wonderful to reach in my closet for clothes I hadn't worn since last year with absolute confidence that they'd fit. :)

Best wishes!


Yesterday as planned, except I chose to have the other piece of my birthday cake. (There were six pieces total, 2 each, and we all had one yesterday.) I'd have saved it to the weekend, except we'll be traveling, and it's just too good to waste. So... I took a NWS day and enjoyed my S-event.

I also walked eight miles yesterday, in two 4-mile stretches (taking my car to the shop, and retrieving it). It was tempting to tell myself that the exercise "made up for" the cake, but I remembered that that sort of thinking is Not Helpful (there's a whole thread on that). Plus my pedometer figures calories, and all that walking didn't even burn up 600. A few junky treats would use that right up. My little-but-rich cake slice might have as well. Still, the exercise was very good for me.

Br - eggs and 1 slice toast, 2 CaL
L - leftovers
D - TBD. We'll be on the road. One plate of whatever.

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Post by NoSnacker » Sat Sep 10, 2011 8:51 am

Opps..just noticed it was your birthday!


I'll be reading this weekend for sure..

Awesome about knowing your clothes with fit..what a great feeling that is....

I put on a pair of jeans yesterday that were not as loose as I like but they fit :).

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Post by kccc » Mon Sep 12, 2011 7:24 pm

Happy Monday!

The weekend included a lot of travel and snacking. But that was the weekend, and now it's back to normal.

Br - Greek yogurt and banana, 2 CaL
L - One plate at fave place, half salad
D - Trying a new "mushroom tart" recipe, plus deviled eggs, broccoli and raspberries. (It sounds a bit odd in combination but fits the protein, carb, veg/fruit pattern.)

Exercise: Express yoga, and perhaps some walking later today.

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Post by kccc » Tue Sep 13, 2011 1:03 pm

Yesterday as planned, plus a glass of wine. Got in 12600 steps. Good for me.

Br - WW toast with almond butter and banana, 2 CaL
L (planned) - leftover mushroom tart (it was GREAT), cheese, salad
D (planned) - barley with chicken, peas'n'carrots, salad, maybe fruit

Will walk for exercise today.

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Post by NoSnacker » Tue Sep 13, 2011 4:14 pm

Yum, I love mushrooms...you made a tart with them? Would you mind sharing the recipe..I bet it is to die for!!

And thanks for the post on my daily check in, I truly appreciate the support...
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Post by kccc » Wed Sep 14, 2011 5:46 pm

Yesterday as planned, plus a glass of wine. Got my walk in taking a jacket to the dry-cleaners, so it was actually a bit longer than normal.

Today - Yoga class. Sub teacher, so different. Still good.

Br - leftover mushroom tart Iyum!P, 2 CaL
L - one plate at fave place
D - TBD. Either leftover chicken and barley or pasta with pesto, carrot sticks, honeydew melon.

No Snacker, the tart was a hit with our family! Here's the recipe...

Mushroom Tart

Make enough pie crust for a double-crust pie. If you have a slightly rich recipe - with egg in it - that works well, but any pie crust recipe will do. You can either bake the tart as a pie, or do what I did and make 2 "rustic tarts" from it. Either way, the recipe serves 8.

1 lb button mushrooms
2 T olive oil
2 oz cheddar cheese, grated
½ tsp salt
1/8 tsp black pepper
¼ tsp mustard powder
1 egg, beaten (for egg wash on pastry)

• Preheat oven to 400
• Trim mushrooms; drop in boiling water, drain.
• Chop or slice mushrooms. Mix with oil, cheese, and seasonings.
• Fill pastry (as pie or 2 rustic tarts). Wash with egg.
• Bake 15-18 minutes.

I used my food processor to chop the mushrooms, but it got them a little TOO fine - almost a paste. (The one I had that someone else made had finely-chopped mushrooms in it, and she said she did it with her food processor. I may have just let it go too long.) But it still tasted good. Also, note that this doesn't have much protein in it, which is why I served it with eggs. Cheese would be another option.

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Post by snapdragon » Wed Sep 14, 2011 6:07 pm

That mushroom tart sounds great and reasonable calorie wise. Will have to try that soon!!!!
I like that you log your meals. :wink:
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Post by thtrchic » Wed Sep 14, 2011 11:34 pm

That mushroom tart does sound great. I think I'll have to try that sometime.

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Post by Strawberry Roan » Thu Sep 15, 2011 2:07 am

Stopping by to wish you a belated Happy Birthday KCCC :wink:

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Post by NoSnacker » Thu Sep 15, 2011 9:09 am

Thanks so much for posting the recipe..I'll be trying it for sure over the weekend....

I just had mushrooms for dinner last night...I can always make a side of protein as well.

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Post by kccc » Thu Sep 15, 2011 12:55 pm

Had the leftover chicken and barley last night, plus my evening glass of wine. Read a recent study that middle-aged women who drank a glass daily were in better health in old age than those who didn't, so have stopped worrying about "too much wine." (I only drink one glass in the evening, but thought "just about every day" was a bit much. Evidently not.)

And I got my steps in yesterday, as well as my yoga class. Go, me!

Actually, I need to up the exercise and watch the food choices a bit. Between Labor Day, my birthday, and the NWS I took to finish up my cake - followed by another set of S-days - the scales are telling me that I overdid a bit. I was at 147 on my official weigh-in day (Wednesday). And that's not unreasonable, looking back. (I normally take my S-days, but don't do NWS days very much.) Normal for me is 144-146, so that's "up." The nice thing is that I'm in "careful" mode, but NOT panic mode - one of the blessings of No-S! (Panic mode used to tip over into crazy eating - incredibly counter-productive!)

Br - yogurt parfait (Greek yogurt, Kashi cereal, and banana in layers, with a drizzle of honey on top), 2 CaL
L - PB sandwich on whole wheat, honeydew, dried figs (I'm doing errands, but packing a lunch to take because I don't want to spend time/$$ eating out.)
D - The pasta w/pesto we didn't have last night, salad, raspberries (What a treat! They were a reasonable price at the grocery, so I got them. This is the kind of thing I enjoy more on No-S.)

Exercise today - walking. Up to almost 7000 already after my morning walk, so I am confident I'll make it today!

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Post by kccc » Fri Sep 16, 2011 2:02 pm

Thanks for all the birthday wishes, everyone!

Got in my walk yesterday. All as planned, plus wine.


Br - toast w/almond butter, honeydew
L (planned) - leftover tortelini, figs, veg tbd
D - out with friends. May have to do the "S-day slide" this time around -it's a place that does snacky-type food...we'll see.

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Post by snapdragon » Fri Sep 16, 2011 5:18 pm

Making mushroom tart now! :wink:

Very quick and easy to make....look forward to it tonight!
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Post by snapdragon » Fri Sep 16, 2011 11:03 pm

Mushroom tart = delicious
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Post by kccc » Tue Sep 20, 2011 12:57 pm

So glad you liked it, Snapdragon! I intend to make it again soon. (I've learned not to immediately make something that's a hit, because if I make it a lot my family will tire of it...)

Forgot to post yesterday....

Exercise - walking
Br - toast with PB (2), banana, 2 CaL
L - salad, figs, cheese, tortilla chips with salsa,
D - black bean soup, homemade bread, cantaloupe

Br - 1/2 bagel with PB, "dried plums" (prunes in my day!), 2 CaL
L - TBD. Will be on the way to my folks
D (planned) - Eggplant Parmesan, cantaloupe, homemade bread
Not sure about exercise... but need to get it in!

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Post by kccc » Fri Sep 23, 2011 4:20 pm

Haven't been tracking very well... but all good. I'm exercising and eating decently.

Let's see... just for memory...

exercise - killer yoga. I am still sore.
Br - Cheese toast, prunes, 2 Cal
L - Out with a friend at a Vietnamese restaurant. One bowl, which was too large to finish.
D - Leftover Eggplant Parmesan... don't remember the fruit/veg

Exercise - T-Tapp (just 15 minutes)
Br - Bagel with PB, banana
L - sushi, goat cheese, figs (from Trader Joe's, where I was shopping - weird combo, but SO GOOD)
D - chicken tortellini soup, homemade bread, figs
Glass of wine

Exercise: walking
Br - yogurt with homemade fig preserves (present from a friend - YUM!), 2 CaL
L - black bean burrito (homemade), spinach salad with goat cheese and figs
D - probably a reprise of lunch - I was trying out the recipe. (And it was so good!)

Trader Joe's has these goat cheese "medallions" - packages of individually-wrapped one-ounce servings in a packet like Baby Bel cheese. Only much better. The individual wrapping means that I can buy a 6 ounces of cheese at a reasonable price, and I don't have to use it up all at once! What a deal!

How amazing that I can easily remember several days worth of meals. Back when I was doing WW, I had trouble remembering a day's worth of food if I didn't write it down as I went. I guess when each eating event is a MEAL it's easier to remember that I actually ate!!

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Post by kccc » Tue Sep 27, 2011 12:24 pm

Back after the weekend...

Exercise...Yoga express AND walking. Go me.

Br - PB toast with banana, 2 CaL
L - Spinach salad (wonderful one, with peppers, cranberries, blue cheese, and walnuts), crackers
D - Spanikopita casserole, salad, cantaloupe
Glass of wine

Exercise - walking
Br - Greek yogurt with homemade fig jam in it (a gift from a friend - yum!), 2 CaL
L - TBD.
D - Leftover Spanikopita and vegetables/fruit.

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Post by kccc » Thu Sep 29, 2011 12:54 am


Exercise - yoga AND walking
Br - 1/2 bagel with PB and banana, 2 CaL
L - one plate at fave place
D - sausages, baked fries, salad, fruit
Glass of wine

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Post by kccc » Fri Sep 30, 2011 12:32 pm

Exercise - walking
Br - Leftover Spanikopita, prunes, 2 CaL
L - one plate of stir-fried veggies and tofu, small square focaccia (out with friends, but at a good place to get a reasonable meal). Yum!
Dinner - "Pinto Picadillo" from the "Fresh from the Vegetarian Slow Cooker" cookbook, watermelon.

I regret to say that while I liked dinner very much, the family did not. Alas. They are not prone to liking bean dishes beyond chili and black-bean soup, and they tire of those quickly, I am sorry to say. I keep trying.

Br- 1/2 bagel with hummus, prunes, 2 CaL
L - with parents - tbd
D - will have more of the bean stuff my family didn't like. They can have tuna melts. So there.

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Post by Pangelsue2 » Sat Oct 01, 2011 2:13 am

Reading about your meals makes my mouth water. They all sound so good. Also congrats on taking a few off days in stride and trusting that you will return to normal eating. That is a big step for those of us with diet head. You are any awesome inspiration.
I'm baaaack.

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Post by Blithe Morning » Sat Oct 01, 2011 11:08 am

I can't get my guys on board with bean only dishes, either. Image

So, I cave and add/offer meat. It's a start.

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