
Urban ranger is an inspirational metaphor to get you walking. Warning: there is poetry involved. Discuss it here.
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Post by Sinnie » Tue Jan 31, 2006 9:53 pm

Hey everyone,

So what's your take on treadmills? I know it's not official urban rangering which is way better in my opinion. I have a treadmill which over time I do use somewhat frequently. It seems I have to use it as walking is my #1 choice for exercise and most days are just too cold to walk outside.

What do you do? Bundle up and brace the cold windy elements, hop on a treadmill, or just do shovel glove?

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Jan 31, 2006 10:28 pm

Hi Cynthia... If you do use the treadmill when it's too cold to go out, just make sure you don't grip any side handles or hold the front of the thing..
Swing your arms and stablize from your core...
When people hold onto the thing, they deprive themselves of a real workout....

Good luck and here's to Spring!!!
Peace and Love,
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Post by carolejo » Wed Feb 01, 2006 8:57 am

personally, I reckon a treadmill is better than nothing - but I still don't feel like it does the same things for you as 'real' walking, even if you don't hold the handlebars :wink:

I think there's something to do with actually shifting your centre of gravity which works the body harder / burns some more calories / exercises more and different muscle groups than a treadmill (or a step machine vs the staircase, or a rowing maching vs a boat, or a stationary bike vs a real bike) can.

The most obvious demonstration of what I mean is actually with the step machine, rather than with a treadmill. I used to use one in my old gym, but got totally dissillusioned and decided it was a waste of time because it would tell me "you have climbed 25 flights of stairs"... I'd still be able to hold a conversation with the lass next to me and still be going, yet whenever I climbed 3 flights of REAL stairs I'd be puffing and blowing and feeling like I was about to keel over!

Personally, I'd rather bundle myself up well in good warm layers of clothing and go outside in the cold / rain / snow. If nothing else, the fresh air blows the cobwebs away and the view is much more exciting.


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Feb 01, 2006 2:14 pm

The most obvious demonstration of what I mean is actually with the step machine, rather than with a treadmill. I used to use one in my old gym, but got totally dissillusioned and decided it was a waste of time because it would tell me "you have climbed 25 flights of stairs"... I'd still be able to hold a conversation with the lass next to me and still be going, yet whenever I climbed 3 flights of REAL stairs I'd be puffing and blowing and feeling like I was about to keel over!
LOL!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

That's the gospel truth CJ!!!
Real stairs and real terrain is the way to go....
But you should see what Cynthias Winters are like way up in the Great White North!!! LOL...

Have a great day! I hope I can get my butt into a walking routine soon.. I am sooooo hooked on using the car! It's pathetic...
The only time I got myself to walk daily were two times... One when I was in high school and didn't have a drivers license, and when I had to take the insurance off my car for a year of going into NYC for massage classes... It was imposed on me... Why can't I motivate to walk now??? I need to make myself do it!!!!
Time to get a walkman which works and create a walking regime!

8) Deb

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Post by Jammin' Jan » Wed Feb 01, 2006 2:47 pm

I love walking outside, but I think I get a better work-out on the treadmill. I can set the speed and the incline, put on a DVD or some zippy music and just move. Outdoor Urban Rangering is good for fresh air and sunshine, but Minnesota winters are better spent indoors!

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Post by reinhard » Thu Feb 02, 2006 4:28 pm

Hi Cynthia,

Please don't feel guilty about using a treadmill when it's too cold -- feel guilty when you don't do anything because it's too cold to go out *and* too boring to treadmill.

The problem with treadmills isn't that they're inferior in terms of exercise but that they're boring and long term that's usually a far bigger disincentive than cold. But up in your part of the continent I imagine it can get to be a pretty close contest. Do whatever makes most sense given the circumstances -- but do something.

Keep us posted,


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Post by Sinnie » Fri Feb 03, 2006 3:11 am

Hi again :D

I appreciate all the replies. Normally the winters can be a little harsh. I remember when I was a kid we would have so much snow to play in. This year we have little to none. But still it is usually too cold that it's uncomfortable for me to walk outside, even if its 3 degrees.

However, I go to school a couple days a week. I take the train downtown and then walk to school, plus around campus. So I consider that my exercise those days. Other days I try to get on the treadmill.

Tomorrow is supposed to be a beautiful, mild day - so I told a friend that we are going for a nice long walk planned for 11:30am!

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