Crystal's Daily Check Ins

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Crystal's Daily Check Ins

Post by CMThib82 » Sat Mar 03, 2012 5:11 pm

I wanted to re-do my top post and make it just about my successes and failures:

I will add goals as I come up with new ones.


1. 3 plated meals EVERYDAY.
I can have whatever I want on S Days, but it has to be 3 meals. No snacks or seconds.

2. 10,000 steps everyday.
3. 20 Min Weight Training Monday-Friday

9/30/12: 126.2, S Day, FAIL -- though not terrible. I had a few chips before dinner, and had a second helping at dinner. Then had some veggies in front of the tv.

10/1/12: 125.8 N Day Failish!
I know it sounds goofy, but I don't feel like I fully failed. I feel like I am getting my 3 meal habit back, but I went from 6 meals and it is tough turning off the brain during my food and after.

Lunch-- ate lunch with a paleo mindset and realized I wasn't going to fill satisfied unless I had crackers with my salad. So I went back and got some.
Dinner--I ate a little early and I added a little more food after because I was scared I would be hungry later (AHHH the food chatter)

I still feel like it was mostly a success, but I want hard lines so it is another fail and I am getting there -- still really happy with today!
20 Min Weights--SUCCESS

10/2/12-- 124.6 N Day fail was a whole extra meal.. I stopped when I was full but it is really hard transitioning!! I will keep trying
Last edited by CMThib82 on Tue Oct 02, 2012 9:17 pm, edited 7 times in total.

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Post by Sinnie » Sun Mar 04, 2012 12:04 pm

Welcome Crystal! Fabulous to have you here!

It is nice to see people with very similar stats - we are almost the exact same. I am also 5'2" and about the same weight. I, too, just want to weigh less and feel good in a bikini this summer. I don't find as many shorties around so I love when I can relate to people in that regard.

Anyways, best of luck!!!

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Post by CMThib82 » Sun Mar 04, 2012 1:37 pm

Sinnie wrote:Welcome Crystal! Fabulous to have you here!

It is nice to see people with very similar stats - we are almost the exact same. I am also 5'2" and about the same weight. I, too, just want to weigh less and feel good in a bikini this summer. I don't find as many shorties around so I love when I can relate to people in that regard.

Anyways, best of luck!!!
I agree! That's why I enjoyed your journal so much. Here's to both of us getting down by bikini season!

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Post by CMThib82 » Sun Mar 04, 2012 5:06 pm

Weight: 121

I suppose maintenance over an S Day is a good thing.

I have been eating a lot of bread lately. I didn't realize it until I started writing down my meals. I am going to make one meal starch free each day so I get all my veggies in.

So far today is: Success

B: 2 toast w/ a little bit of butter - shredded wheat, greek yogurt, pear
Small Cappuccino

I was really not very hungry when lunch time rolled around, but I am trying to train my body to eat when I wake - 11:00 - and 6:30 with my family.

L: Ham and cheese sandwich w/ handful baked lays and a handful cherry tomatoes
FRS and Small Cappuccino

S Event: jelly and pb fold over w/ handful baked lays

Planned Dinner:
Asian Melody Veggies and Turkey Burger 2 pieces sourdough bread and a small salad w/ Synergy Tea

2nd S Event: small greek yogurt w/ blueberries and slivered almonds
**Decided to go with 2 S events instead of one -- one is just not enough :D

Feeling very gross right now. I haven't been this big in a couple of years. I was actually 110 and around 15 percent body fat two years ago, but I was living on Protein and veggies with occasional carb feasts (binges) and I got back up to 116 and then 118 before the holidays. I did terrible over the holidays and have been 120-121 since then.

Oh well. I know this will work, but I just feel so fluffy at the moment!

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Post by Sinnie » Mon Mar 05, 2012 2:00 pm

Don't worry, I know how you feel. I had been more or less in the low teens since summer, but the new year has not been good for me. I've slowly been gaining and this morning was the first morning I've broken 120 (weighed 120.5). Very unhappy about that. Can't believe I've let myself gain 6 lbs!!! Anyways, we will get this extra teensy bit of weight off - just need to be dedicated. Love reading your check-in!

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Post by CMThib82 » Mon Mar 05, 2012 3:20 pm

Sinnie wrote:Don't worry, I know how you feel. I had been more or less in the low teens since summer, but the new year has not been good for me. I've slowly been gaining and this morning was the first morning I've broken 120 (weighed 120.5). Very unhappy about that. Can't believe I've let myself gain 6 lbs!!! Anyways, we will get this extra teensy bit of weight off - just need to be dedicated. Love reading your check-in!
I know it's like whoa! How did that happen? Oh yeah - I have been eating like a sumo wrestler! haha

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Post by CMThib82 » Mon Mar 05, 2012 3:37 pm

Weight: 120 -- probably water from the really bad day on Friday. This is where my weight has been around mostly for the last few months.

I am going to say today will be a : Success

because I am not tired, and will be busy most of the day. I honestly have barely thought about food so far.

B: 2 pieces of sourdough bread/a little container of plain greek yogurt w/ a handful of blueberries and some slivered almonds. About an ounce of cheddar cheese and 100% fruit jelly on one piece of the bread.

Grande Non-fat Cappuccino from Starbucks.

L: Will be my non-starch meal - Leftovers from last night

Asian Melody veggies/Salad/Turkey Pattie

Tall Non-fat Cappuccino from Starbucks

Dinner?? Dunno - probably something quick since I will be studying for exams and my mom will have the kids (she has them ride the bus to her house every Monday so she can spend time with them--gives me study and work time so it is a Win Win!) I am thinking a breakfast burrito type thing sounds good.

Kombucha Tea before bed.

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Post by CMThib82 » Mon Mar 05, 2012 10:17 pm

Well I ate supper at 345! I was so wrong about being to busy to get hungry!! I was starving at 245 at school and could barely think about class.

I am still holding strong and since I have to get to bed early to teach at 5 am it shouldn't be a problem.

Today is the 3rd successful day. I am going to get in that 21 Day Club!

Some other habits I am trying to stick to:

15 Min of Exercise M-Saturday
10,000 Steps M-Friday
4 hours of study Everyday
Only 2 Exceptions on S Days

Whew--that's a lot. So far the 10,000 has not happened, the exceptions did happen, and the 15 min workouts have happened. Not too bad on the habit front.

Ended in a Fail!!!!

Just had a small sandwich..will have to work on holding out to dinner time and I am going to forget the no starch meal until I have the 3 meals down pat. Oh well.

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Post by CMThib82 » Tue Mar 06, 2012 2:34 pm

Weight: 121
Starting back at Day 1: Success

I have changed the plan a little! I know it is crazy soon for tweaks, but I have had this problem all week. I binged on Friday because of it and had extra food yesterday.

I wake up at 4am eat breakfast and then eat lunch at 11 -- my family can't sit down to eat until 630 pm and 2 or 3 rolls around and I can't even think straight from the hunger. I have added a small plate in. I am going to let myself load up 4 small salad plates a day. I do hope this works!! I am feeling a little down from the lack of progression. On S Days I will have the salad plates at home, but have normal size plates out since those are the only days I go out to eat.

B: 1 piece of Toast, 1/2 serving shredded wheat w/ greek yogurt and blueberries, PB and J, a handful of baked lays

coffee w/ half and half, grande cappuccino

L: Turkey, Tortilla, 1/2 Avocado, cherry tomatoes

synergy tea, grande cappuccino

Afternoon snack: spinach, turkey bacon, light cheese, veggies, croutons

D: Fish, other 1/2 bag of Asian Melody Veggies, Huge Salad w/ Spinach, Onions, Bell pepper, light cheese, walnuts, and honey mustard

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Post by CMThib82 » Wed Mar 07, 2012 6:57 am

Weight: 120

Yesterday was a really good day. I went to bed slightly hungry, but the little meal helped me continue to get things done in the afternoon without obsessing over hunger.

Busy day..studying, taking test, and getting ready for my boy's b-day party.

Day 2: Success

B: slice toast w/ pb/jelly/and protein powder, small bowl shredded wheat

L: 2 Turkey Bacon, Light cheese w/ 1/2 Bag Asian Melody Veggies, handful of bakes lays
Grande Cappuccino

AS: same as lunch
Small black coffee

D: tortilla, turkey, cheese, melba toast w/ corn/bean dip, green beans
8oz champagne -- bottle is gone so I won't be drinking for a while.. for some reason I love the first few nights of having a night cap and then I get sick of it and won't have it for a while..

The 2 or 3 pm snack is helping, BUT I have been extremely hungry all day. I feel satisfied for about an hour or two and then hungry.

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Post by CMThib82 » Fri Mar 09, 2012 1:37 am

Day 3: Success

today felt pretty easy.. I only ended up having 3 meals and that worked for me

I think I made a mistake trying to add the snack in.. i was actually more hungry

I have a couple of parties this weekend so I am nervous about the S Days...I am going to plan on sticking to 3 meals, but letting myself have whatever foods on a plate that I want..

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Post by CMThib82 » Sun Mar 11, 2012 12:52 pm

Well I have Friday's mostly off (I study all day) so I decided to take Friday/Saturday as S Days.

I honestly didn't do real well on either day. Friday wasn't terrible, but Saturday took a dip for the worst, here it is:

B:Yogurt/Ezekiel Cereal/Blueberries/Almonds

3 Homemade Cappuccinos -- I ate breakfast around 330 am so the coffees were between that and my 1 pm lunch -- I make them with regular coffee but ground finer so not as much caffeine.

L: Club Lite/Baked Lays from Jason's Deli

Movie Snack: Peanut M&Ms, big handful of husband's chocolate pretzels, 2 small wine bottles (the single little 6oz or whatever they are) This is the first time I brought wine in to the theater -- I was having a really good day at this point and didn't feel too gross.

D: 1 slice of pizza w/ handful chips -- 4 toll house cookies -- a few sips of wine, then I decided I didn't really want it.

Then as I am lying down I get this craving for cereal -- UGGGHHH -- I ate two cups of ezekiel cereal with PB mixed in! I went to bed sick at my stomach and disappointed in myself after such a wonderful week and mostly wonderful S Days.

I am just going to plan my treats next week and stick to it.

Though I am disappointed I am still on Green Days and today makes my 6th Green Day.
Today's Menu:

B: Yogurt/Ezekiel Cereal/Almonds/Blueberries

L:Spinach/Tomatoes/Avocado/Olives/Grilled Onions/Turkey Bacon/Olive Oil

D: Sandwich w/ Ezekiel Toast/Light Cheese/Turkey/Side Salad/Tortilla Chips

Okay here good things that happened this week:

1. I decided to stop having drinks with calories during the week so I could really enjoy them on the weekend (like a couple glasses of WINE!)

2. I joined Crossfit. I have been thinking of joining for months and just bit the bullet on Friday.

3. I have also been diet coke/redbull free for a couple of weeks now.

4. I feel like the 3 meal habit is getting easier. I can deal with the hunger in between.

I have my first training session Monday so I will be posting after that.

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Post by CMThib82 » Tue Mar 13, 2012 12:47 am

Day 7: Success

Good Day! Starting Crossfit Friday.

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Post by CMThib82 » Tue Mar 13, 2012 1:13 pm

Today makes my 8th: Success

Haven't been sleeping well, especially with the time change.

I added my cappuccino and one glass of wine back in, my days were just not the same without them :wink:

B: Yogurt/Flax Cereal/Blueberries/Almonds
Grande Capp

L: I have been eating the same salad all week and I love it. It is sauteed bell pepper, onion, spinach, turkey bacon, tomatoes, honey mustard, and a few melba toasts. So yummy!! Cooking the onions and bell pepper has made all the difference to my salads.
Grand Capp

S: Tonight I am making Egg I will be eating Egg Salad/Ezekiel Bread/and Pop Chips w/ handful cherry tomatoes
Glass of Wine

Normally only a few hours of sleep would make me eat all day, but I know it is NOT allowed, and I am fine with that. Everyone was right the N Days get much easier. I am looking forward to controlling my S Days a bit better this weekend. I only enjoy sweets while I am watching a movie or with my boys, otherwise it just doesn't taste the same!

I am going to stop weighing everyday and try once a month. I weighed 121 at the beginning of this month so I will weigh again at the beginning of the next.

Very happy today!

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Post by CMThib82 » Wed Mar 14, 2012 9:06 am

Today is Day 9: Success

Breakfast and Lunch will be the same as yesterday.

Dinner--probably a sandwich I am thinking..that is what I ate yesterday and my hubs has been working late so I am sure that will be what I eat again.

Had a stressful day yesterday and I really wanted FOOD!! but I just kept saying--then you won't get to have your sweets at the movies this worked.

I taught a barbell class yesterday and today is my day off. Looking forward to resting, I tried crossfit for the first time Monday and I am a bit sore.

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Post by CMThib82 » Wed Mar 14, 2012 7:16 pm

Wow today has been crazy stressful too.

Everyone seems to have lost their minds! I don't know if I am a crazy magnet or what (or if it is me! lol)

I REALLY wanted chocolate today to take my blues away or entire bottle of wine..whichever would work.

I still stuck to the plan, but I just found out we are going out of town to the beach and I am a bit nervous.. I like to DRINK at the beach.. and more than two little drinks.. but I would be mad at myself for going crazy after all the control I have I am going to put a 3 drink max each night..that gives me enough wiggle room to have some fun but not get drunk.. the good thing is at the beach we all sit down for each meal and then head to the beach for the rest of the day.. so the temptation to go crazy on my S Days shouldn't be too bad!

on another happy note just found out I made a 100 on a really important exam and I am so elated!!!!!!

Cheers to another green day!

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Post by CMThib82 » Thu Mar 15, 2012 12:38 pm

Well I have to say yesterday was a fail in the worst way.

I talked myself into an S Day.

I was having a really bad day and aunt flo started up and I kind of said to myself "just take a S Day or you will go insane"

Here was the damage all in a few hours, I am posting it because I am mad at myself for not keeping to my good habits.

It started with an early dinner -- then I had an extra PBJ sandwich with chex mix.

Then we took the boys to see Lorax and I had a few mini oreos, a handful of chocolate pretzels, a bag of peanut m&ms, and a dark choc bar--- then I got home and had a big glass of wine......oh brother......

So I am back to day one!!! I really want a healthier relationship with food so I know this is the no giving up.


B: Yogurt/Ezekiel Cereal/Blueberries/2 Coffees w/ 1 cup of milk

L: Big Salad

Dinner: ??

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Post by CMThib82 » Mon Mar 19, 2012 11:11 am

Though my S Days really stunk it is Monday and I am moving forward.

03/16: Success
03/17: Success
03/18: Success

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Post by CMThib82 » Wed Mar 21, 2012 10:58 pm


Saturday was a terrible binge of a S Day. It made me think long and hard about why I was hurting myself by stuffing myself full of crap I didn't want.

I have never been good at cheat days or anything close.

Body For Life had the same concept.

When I was my smallest, 110, I got there with 1 cheat meal a week. I would have fajitas and chips and an Ice Cream cone normally. I was already a creature of habit.

The reason I ended up gaining back my weight is because I was mentally a little screwed up due to the low body fat, I lost my period for 6 months.

I also limited myself to extremely clean foods. No Bread or anything like that.

I also started a diet that allowed refeeds -- massive amount of crappy carbs, but only veggies and protein during the week. It set up my binging and I continued the up and down for 2 years.

The binging stopped for a while when I let myself eat the foods I wanted, but only to 2100 cals (this is about my maintenance calories), but this was also hard because I was constantly counting calories and eating all day.

I get FULL 3 times a day on tasty and healthy food, but not vanilla no s. I can't control junk food. I never could. I have to have a limit.

So I have decided to have 1 sweet only, and since I work throughout the week and weekend I am going to have 1 floating S Day and the other HAS to be on Saturday since that is normally a social day for me.

Monday and Tuesday were successes. Which makes 6 Days of success.

I used my floating S Day today after making myself think about it for a few hours. I told myself if you really want the treat this afternoon I could have it.

So I had an ice cream cone from Marble Slab Creamery.

I don't feel guilty and since I only had one treat I am not looking around for more.

I know Vanilla No S seems to be the way to go, but I wonder with all the struggles of people who use to binge, not just snack, would be better off putting a glass ceiling on their S Days.

If I were healthy enough to limit sweets before No S I wouldn't have turned to No S at all!

This will be my only 2 mods, I am also trying to limit my drinks during the day to 3, but this is not a mod, more a wish to regulate myself a little further, right now I have 3 coffees in the morning with half/half or milk and sugar. I also have a probiotic tea that has some juice in it.

I by no means think this plan is bullet proof, but I was SO distraught over the weekend that I felt in my bones I couldn't do that ever again, it makes my heart hurt when I turn to food to fill my time when I am bored.

Wednesday: 7th Success

B: Greek Yogurt/Blueberries/Granola/Almonds

2 Coffees w/ milk

L: Gigantic Salad/Turkey bacon/turkey pepperoni/almonds/coconut oil/bell pepper/onions/light cheese/spinach/tomatoes

1 Coffee w/ half/half and sugar

D: 2 slice ezekiel bread/handful wheat thins/tomatoes/whole can split pea soup/turkey and cheese

S Event: Small Marble Slab creamery Ice Cream Waffle Cone. It was huge and I ate all of it, it is called a small, but I think next time I will get the kid size -- so good!!!

1 Kombucha Tea

I haven't weighed in a while and I only plan on weighing 1x a month.

Workout: My 2nd Crossfit workout!!! So fun!! whew I was tired all day though and almost barfed during class. TMI! lol

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Post by NoSRocks » Wed Mar 21, 2012 11:31 pm

CONGRATULATIONS! Really enjoying your posts and it sounds like you're doing good. Welcome to NO S! :D
No S-er since December 2009
Streamlined S Days: 6/25/12
SW: 170 /CW: 127
Weight loss to date: 43 lbs

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Post by CMThib82 » Thu Mar 22, 2012 11:41 pm

Thanks Rocks!


8th Success

Whew I have not been sleeping and it is making my cravings go wild!! I resisted and keep telling myself I can have a treat on Saturday.

I get really nervous about tests and new things (like crossfit) and I don't sleep.

Good news though -- I should make another A on another really important test I took today. Every since I started No S it has started bleeding into other aspects.

I have committed to 4 hours of study a day Monday through Friday -- some days I go over and some days I don't study at all, but it is a big change from thinking I should be studying all the time and never really putting my heart into it. My grades have all gone up an entire letter. This week was a total bust on 4 hours -- only hit my goal once, but I did study for 3 a couple of days so it helps no matter what.

So my habits I am trying to cement right now are:

4 hrs of study Mon-Friday
10,000 steps everyday -- I have only done this 3 times in ALL OF MARCH!
4 days of formal exercise
No S with 1 S Event on S Days -- ( I am also going to have wine on the days of my 1 S Event -- I was having some everyday and I don't like having that habit so I just told myself I could have it on S days and not count it as an actual S )

B: Greek Yogurt/Blueberries/Almonds/Granola

Had 3 coffees w/ milk and sugar before lunch -- oh well. I will fix this problem when I can keep everything else in check first!

L: Broccoli/Cauliflower/Turkey Pepperoni/A big handful Wheat Thins/Turkey and Cheese Sandwich

Kombucha Tea

D: Small Cottage Cheese/3 Corn Crackers and 4 Melba Toast/Mixed Veggie Salad w/ Honey Mustard and Turkey Bacon

Well I ate alot today!!!

I am still majorly sore from Crossfit and teaching my barbell class today.

Tomorrow I go back to Crossfit and I teach another class Saturday morning -- the only days I can workout right now are 4 days in a row and then I have 3 days off..hopefully I won't run out of steam, but it is the only way to fit it in.

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Post by CMThib82 » Fri Mar 23, 2012 3:26 pm


Well I decided to take my 2nd S Event for the week. I told myself I would wait until Saturday for the 2nd and if I take another I will count it as a fail, but Saturday and Sunday the family will be running in every direction so I wanted a chance to really enjoy my S!

Hey as excuses go it was a good one to my monkey brain.

Since I am also trying to nail down my other habit I decided to start making them part of my daily check in.

4 hrs of study
3.5 hours
10,000 steps everyday Got to 9.233
No S - Fail -- had 3 instead of 1 S Event
4 Days of Strength - Crossfit

B: Greek Yogurt/Almonds/Granola/Blueberries/1/2 banana
This breakfast is starting to get tiresome, but I am usually too big in a hurry to make a couple of eggs. I will have to start thinking of alternatives soon.

2 Iced coffees with non-fat milk and one sugar in each.

-- Didn't have my normal 3rd coffee today - probably because the cheese cake was so filling, hopefully I can stick to just 2 in the morning and maybe one in the afternoon and drop out my Kombucha tea - this would help with so many calories from drinks. 3 is what I would ideally like to stop at.

2nd S Event for the week: A slice of Godiva dark choc cheesecake --- oh wow. This was the best dessert I have ever had and SO filling. I ate it while studying at 10 in the morning at Barnes and Noble. A guy walked by and just starting staring -- lol -- I think I looked like I was in heaven at the moment -- haha! A great pick for an S for sure! If I stay with just 2 S Events this week and keep to my habits they were great choices this week.

L: Sandwich on Ezekiel break/Turkey, Cheese, Pepperoni/Handful cherry tomatoes/3 corn crackers

D: My intelligent dietary default which is: Spinach/Sauteed Bell pepper and Onions/Lite Honey Mustard/Turkey Bacon/w/ Melba toast or Corn Crackers. This salad is huge -- lots of spinach and veggies so it fills me up pretty nicely without being a really dense meal.

Pizza/PBJ/Big Glass of Wine
Last edited by CMThib82 on Sat Mar 24, 2012 8:24 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by CMThib82 » Sat Mar 24, 2012 8:22 am

Well I am considering yesterday a fail.

I committed to 1 S Event and I had 3 in all. My husband came home and I drank a big glass of wine and wine brain told me I could have a little bit of pizza and peanut butter and jelly before bed.

So I am starting over again. I know you are not suppose to fail on S Days, but I wasn't really hungry, though I didn't binge, it was a fail in my mind.

So today starts Day 1 again -- trying to get to that 21 days so I feel like this is a habit!!


No S

4 hrs Study - Exempt on weekends
10,000 Steps
4 Days of Strength - Done for the week. Got all 4 days in.

B: Same as yesterday

L: Turkey Wrap and Baked Lays/ a few pieces of fruit from Jason's Deli

D: Wedding fare?? Hopefully it's delicious -- I will be having a glass or two of wine also.
Last edited by CMThib82 on Sun Mar 25, 2012 12:15 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by gk » Sat Mar 24, 2012 4:51 pm

CMThib82 wrote:Good news though -- I should make another A on another really important test I took today. Every since I started No S it has started bleeding into other aspects.
You know I have found that as well. It's a domino effect---once you get started and on track, you notice it in every aspect. It's just the matter of staying on track that gets me every time. :roll:

Welcome and good luck with No S! Looking forward to hearing about all your successes that are sure to come. :D

Have a great weekend!
SW (as of 3/25/13): 172 lbs.
CW: 171 lbs.

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Post by CMThib82 » Sat Mar 24, 2012 6:28 pm

gk wrote:
CMThib82 wrote:Good news though -- I should make another A on another really important test I took today. Every since I started No S it has started bleeding into other aspects.
You know I have found that as well. It's a domino effect---once you get started and on track, you notice it in every aspect. It's just the matter of staying on track that gets me every time. :roll:

Welcome and good luck with No S! Looking forward to hearing about all your successes that are sure to come. :D

Have a great weekend!
Staying on track IS the battle isn't it?!

Thanks! Hope you have a great weekend too!

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Post by CMThib82 » Sun Mar 25, 2012 9:43 pm


Went to the beach with the family today.

Stayed on track.

No S - 2nd Success

10,000 steps
4hrs Study
4 Days Strength

B: Turkey bacon & pepperoni/2 ezewkiel bread/tomato paste/3 corn crackers

2 Coffee w/ milk and sugar

L: Yogurt/Granola/Blueberries/Almonds

D: Normal Salad w/ TONS of veggies --- SOOO hungry

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Post by CMThib82 » Mon Mar 26, 2012 9:23 pm

No S
4 hrs study
4 days of strength


B: coffee w/ milk and sugar--same yogurt combo

coffee w/ milk and sugar

L: turkey wrap with chips

coffee w/ milk and sugar

D: my big wonderful salad...sssssooooooo yummy

Finished with a nice big to embarrass myself I am going to list what all I just ate. Wow I am actually going to gain on my first month of No S. I could cry.

PBJ Sandwhich/chips/turkeybacon/tomato paste and pepperoni sandwhich/blueberries/handful carrots/yogurt w/ ezekiel cereal

whew...really blew upset

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Post by gk » Tue Mar 27, 2012 11:36 am

CMThib82 wrote:3/26/12
No S
4 hrs study
4 days of strength


Finished with a nice big to embarrass myself I am going to list what all I just ate. Wow I am actually going to gain on my first month of No S. I could cry.

PBJ Sandwhich/chips/turkeybacon/tomato paste and pepperoni sandwhich/blueberries/handful carrots/yogurt w/ ezekiel cereal

whew...really blew upset
Okay, I gotta say that is NOTHING to be embarrassed about. If I listed my binges.....well, let's just say there's a reason I don't list my binges. The list is MUCH longer and the food has nothing to do with carrots or yogart! :0)

You are doing great. Just look at it as a learning moment and move on. You got this. :0)
SW (as of 3/25/13): 172 lbs.
CW: 171 lbs.

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Post by CMThib82 » Tue Mar 27, 2012 11:56 am

gk wrote:
CMThib82 wrote:3/26/12
No S
4 hrs study
4 days of strength


Finished with a nice big to embarrass myself I am going to list what all I just ate. Wow I am actually going to gain on my first month of No S. I could cry.

PBJ Sandwhich/chips/turkeybacon/tomato paste and pepperoni sandwhich/blueberries/handful carrots/yogurt w/ ezekiel cereal

whew...really blew upset
Okay, I gotta say that is NOTHING to be embarrassed about. If I listed my binges.....well, let's just say there's a reason I don't list my binges. The list is MUCH longer and the food has nothing to do with carrots or yogart! :0)

You are doing great. Just look at it as a learning moment and move on. You got this. :0)
gk thanks so much! The reason I listed yogurt and carrots is because I started with those trying to calm my hunger down, lol!

I would not mind staying the size I am without the binges, I feel weak and out of control..and trust me they are normally MUCH worse!

thanks again, I needed the pep talk!

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Post by CMThib82 » Wed Mar 28, 2012 10:00 am


Yesterday I went back to eating Primal, but with No S in mind.

I wasn't hungry all day and I felt better - I have been eating alot of carby junky foods lately and it felt good to have a day of nothing but protein/veggies/and good fats.

B: Same w/ out cereal, egg, 1/2 grapefruit

L: Sweet Potato w/ Olive oil/1/2 bag seasoned veggies/handful carrots/albacore tuna w/ mayo/boiled egg

D:salad/turkey bacon/honey mustard/sweet potato/salami/(5 squares of 85 percent dark choc) glass of red wine

Okay this is where I kind of failed, but in a minor way. Instead of just 2 squares of dark choc I ate a few more, this really aren't a sweet since they barely have sugar in them so if I had stopped at two it would have been a success. So I am just going to not worry about the whole 21 day thing. I just want the binges to stop and I did not binge yesterday.

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Post by CMThib82 » Wed Mar 28, 2012 11:22 pm

Today was a Big Success!

I ate nothing but veggies and protein for over a year one time and it sucked.

With Primal you are eating alot of go a good fats, dairy, protein, starches, veggies..just leaving out a good bit of junk. I tried Primal around last summer, but I was so use to eating 6 or 7 meals a day that all the fat and good foods just made me gain weight.

I felt stuffed all day and the 3 meal structure really helps.

B: Yogurt/Almonds/raspberries and blueberries/1/2 grapefruit/2 pieces of bacon

L: made a pumpkin pizza with pumpkin/2 eggs/tomato paste/onions/turkey bacon/1/2 apple w/ almond butter/handful of carrots and tomatoes

D: My normal big salad w/ handful of carrots plus a boiled egg and 1/2 an apple

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Post by CMThib82 » Thu Mar 29, 2012 11:40 pm

I could jump for joy. I had another success/Primal day.

I know there are a great deal of people who do not like the idea of excluding food groups, and to be honest, I am one of those people, but the advantage of trying to go more veggies/proteins/fats than sandwiches and chips are:

1. I do feel like I am taking care of myself.

2. Though I am feeling a little bit of the carb flu I am REALLY full at the end of my meals.

So for now, primal seems to be my way to go. Though, I never felt bad on wheat, so when I indulge it will be with WHATEVER I want, regardless of Primal. I don't think 100 percent anything works, we are not meant to perform like machines.

Last day of strength for the week tomorrow----to be honest with the carb flu it will be tough, but I love cross fit so much and I pay a crazy amount for only 2 days a week, so I won't be missing my 2nd day.

This Sunday is weigh in day. With all the binges I am sure I have either gained or maintained, but since I am only about 5-10 pounds from where I would ideally like to be, honestly, if I maintained I am happy.

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Post by CMThib82 » Fri Mar 30, 2012 8:25 pm

3/30/12 - EXEMPT

Well I have been letting Fridays and Saturdays be S Days -- I have tried to move them, but I always want sweets on these two days.

Today was a total binge -- instead of planning it out I sort of just said screw it I can't wait until tomorrow.

So I was going to call it a fail and start letting myself do S days on Saturdays and Sundays without arbitrary restrictions, but I have been taking S Days on Friday and Saturday so next week I will start Saturdays and Sunday and keep my short record unblemished. Obviously trying to restrict S Days is a bad idea and if I know I will be totally free for 2 days maybe a day like today won't happen.

I still loved how this week went. I want to continue Primal/No S Monday-Friday w/ unrestricted S Days Saturday and Sunday.

I refuse to beat myself up today. I sucked and now I have learned I cannot control EVERY aspect of my diet. As long as I am really good Monday-Friday and I stop obsessing over food I am a success.
Last edited by CMThib82 on Sat Mar 31, 2012 12:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.

lbb (Liz)
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Post by lbb (Liz) » Fri Mar 30, 2012 9:26 pm

I did "Primal"/"Paleo" last year and though it was tough, I think I was at my leanest for sure. I did feel good, for the most part. And my hair/nails from the fat were great.

It's good that you're still getting fruit, sweet potatoes, sprouted bread. I had even cut that out and had gotten locked into meat/veggies/fats.

For me, though it was a "stint" because it was inconvenient and not a long-term thing I saw myself doing. I had to always have such special ingredients and spend LOTS of time cooking/preparing. I got tired of meats but you're right: i RARELY felt hunger.
But it was kinda hard feeding my family/going out with people.

So moderation is my main focus, but good on ya! Esp. since you get Sat/Sun off!

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Post by CMThib82 » Sat Mar 31, 2012 10:56 am

Ibb- I did Paleo for around 6 months last year and my boys did really well on it. They are almost on No S with me. We eat Primal/Paleo during the week (except I use to even pack them a lunch and I don't now) and we splurge on the weekends.

I can say you almost HAVE to let the kids splurge or there intolerance is so big to grains (we don't do sprouted or any kind during the week) that they get really sick if they have any.

We stopped doing 100 percent paleo because it was very socially awkward for my boys-- and we really were 100 percent effort for a whole 6 months--ahhh.

I think I am more just trying to eat REALLY well monday-friday and then splurging on weekends more than I am trying to be a perfectionist at paleo and primal.

Love your blog.--I check it every other day.

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Post by CMThib82 » Sat Mar 31, 2012 11:06 am

Day 4 3/31/12 - exepmt

Yesterday was a doozy----so I do not feel like having another S Day.


I really don't know if I will have another treat until next weekend -- I think it will take that long to At least I know there will be homemade treats next weekend that are so worth it. Ugh it just made my stomach hurt to think of it.

I made a decision today. I am really stressed with school right now so I am going to try to maintain 120 (or get down to that point again) and leave it there until May when the semester is over. I will then be really busy with in patient and out patient stuff and smaller meals will not bother me as much as they do now.

Honestly I have been around 120 since the holidays and though I have had some EPIC cheat days I have managed to maintain. Really all I want right now is to stop binges-- it is so unhealthy.

My farmer's market just opened back up today!!! YAY..going to get me some fresh food to make up for all the shit I put in my body yesterday.

B: Salami--this is my new favorite, cheese, yogurt, raspberries, almonds, 1/2 grapefruit. 1 cup of milk in my coffee.

Light Coffee Frappacino -- see these are the kind of S treats I need to eating -- not a WHOLE JAR OF ALMOND BUTTER (just kidding--it was only half a jar)

L: Jason's Deli sand which and chips (ok--so I am still doing my second S day--shoot and one small bag of peanut m&ms

D: My son requested chili cheese dogs and who am I to deny him!! So that and some chips with a small slice of choc pie.

Overall - a good S Day. I hope everyone to come is as tame as today.
Last edited by CMThib82 on Sat Mar 31, 2012 7:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

lbb (Liz)
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Post by lbb (Liz) » Sat Mar 31, 2012 2:51 pm

I sure know how it is to not even want another treat for a long time.

"Out patient stuff"...what kind of schooling are you in?

I love Jason's Deli...maybe I'll get that for lunch today.

Thanks for the info about Paleo. It really is a healthier way to eat, overall, if you have no "head issues" like myself. My skin never looked better at that time.
But the prob was, I was STILL rebelling here and there with binges, so it wasn't long-term.
My kids did benefit from less sugar and I still try to maintain that level of health for them...sorta.

Let yourself maintain and be at east until school is out. This would be a hard time to make serious changes. BTW: just looking to maintain weight, but just "get good in the head and in eating habits"?
I weigh 122 (5'5'') and I'm mainly just trying to do just that. I don't care so much about the weight, just feeling good, non-neurotic.


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Post by CMThib82 » Sat Mar 31, 2012 7:56 pm

Well I would prefer to weigh around 115, but 120 doesn't look bad on me. I have a lot of muscle. So if I could maintain 120 that would be great. I am trying to get a grip on a healthy way to maintain, I use to binge once a week all day, every second of the day and I just got tired of starving all week and binging one day a week.

Paleo/primal is tough -- we gave up for 3 months and I don't think we will ever even get to 80 percent again. It's more during the week..and on the weekends whatever we get our hands

That is great that you are maintaining! I love to see people reach their goals and just stay there. It is really tough to do that.

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Post by CMThib82 » Sun Aug 19, 2012 8:32 pm

Back in the saddle again... does anything work as well as 3 meals a day?

S Day today --- ended with only 1 S Event for the day!

122.6 this morning.

I still eat a gluten sugar free diet... this is not a fad for me. I feel better without the junk.

Right now the only real junk I eat is a whole 90 dark choc bar with peanut butter on saturdays... but I make it a meal not a dessert..

Coffee with heavy cream
Breakfast: 3 eggs/3 bacon/more coffee with cream
Lunch:spinach salad with cheese, nuts, veggies cooked in coconut oil and seaweed snacks
Dinner: seaweed wrap w/ pork, eggs, cheese, almonds, pickles -- had a little seconds
Diet dr pepper... I still have these once or twice a week

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Post by CMThib82 » Tue Aug 21, 2012 12:48 am


Well my first real day back sucked.


I cooked a couple of days worth of meals to keep me on task.

My mod for now is to only eat my meals prepared ahead of time.

Tomorrows planned meals

Breakfast: 3 fried eggs 2 cups of coffee with 2 tablespoons cream

Lunch: drumstick on a salad with coconut oil and 1 avocado

Dinner: 2 thighs on big bed of cabbage cooked in tallow

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Post by eschano » Tue Aug 21, 2012 9:07 am

Welcome back! Doesn't matter if it was a fail the next meal already counts :) To many green days ahead!
eschano - Vanilla rocks!

July 2012- January 2016
Started again January 2021

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Post by CMThib82 » Sat Sep 29, 2012 8:31 pm

Shew it has been a rough year.

I found out I have adrenal exhaustion and hypothyroid.

On top of that I put on a few more pounds from trying to be perfect paleo. No more!

Today is an S day and it has been great.

My goal from now on is to keep up with paleo during the week and eat what I want on the weekends. I keep to 3 meals a day all days.

Secondary goal is a 20 minute workout on N Days.

Breakfast: seaweed wrap, bacon, egg, chicken sausage, onion

Lunch: steak sandwhich, tortilla chips, 2 oreos

Dinner: good food and wine...

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Post by CMThib82 » Sun Sep 30, 2012 11:51 am

Dinner at a resturaunt went ok but not great. I wanted to only eat to satisfied but that didn't happen

I ate 3 pita breads with dip for the appetizer with a margarita and a cherry vodka. Then I had a third of my husbands plate and shared a third of his dessert.

It doesn't sound terrible but I was too full and that is not my goal.

Weight: 126.2 which makes me 6 pounds up from when I started no S in January.

My regret is that I didn't stick with it. I gained 6 pounds eating mostly health food. If I had stuck with no S I would have at least been able to maintain.

Breakfast: half banana, handful blueberries, handful almonds, greek yogurt, grande nonfat capp with 1 raw sugar

Lunch: Egg, Sausage, Bacon Biscuit, a few bites of different sausages

Dinner: half banana, 1 cup blueberries, greek yogurt, small individual cereal
Last edited by CMThib82 on Sun Sep 30, 2012 5:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.

lbb (Liz)
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Post by lbb (Liz) » Sun Sep 30, 2012 3:17 pm

Hi, Crystal:
It's nice to see you're posting again. I'm getting back in the saddle, too. Just to help myself retain better habits.
It sounds like you eat really sugar/gluten. The "6 pound gain" you mentioned since starting that mainly from over-doing healthy food?
It's tough. But your meals sound delightful. Take care of yourself.

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Post by CMThib82 » Sun Sep 30, 2012 5:54 pm

lbb (Liz) wrote:Hi, Crystal:
It's nice to see you're posting again. I'm getting back in the saddle, too. Just to help myself retain better habits.
It sounds like you eat really sugar/gluten. The "6 pound gain" you mentioned since starting that mainly from over-doing healthy food?
It's tough. But your meals sound delightful. Take care of yourself.
It was from eating healthy. I honestly didn't eat anything but a paleo type diet for months, but I always felt deprived which kept me looking for more food to scratch the itch. It is not healthy to try to be so perfect I think -- or at least not for me.

I do still eat this way during the week, but Friday I ate a lot less knowing I had two S Days coming up.

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Post by CMThib82 » Mon Oct 01, 2012 1:18 pm


I am trying to make a decision on whether or not to change jobs. I have fought with food obsession for years and as a personal trainer and now someone with adrenal fatigue and hypothyroid I wonder if it is a healthy job for me. I love it and I have trained for many years and seen clients have great success, but I am slowly building a healthy relationship with food again and it is very scary. I go to the gym ashamed that I have put on around 10 pounds in the course of 18 months. I am not big and shame is a useless emotion, but I can't seem to stop the chatter in my mind.

Breakfast: Chicken Breast, Baked Cabbage and Onion, 1 coffee w/ 2 tbsp cream

Lunch: Turkey Bacon on top of tons of veggies, 1 decaf w/ 2 tbsp half/half

Dinner: Same as breakfast

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Post by CMThib82 » Tue Oct 02, 2012 9:21 pm



Today was a fail. I had an entire extra meal. I stopped when I became full but the damage was done. I am going to keep trying to get this down.

My adrenal fatigue has gotten a little worse and I am eating too early in the afternoon instead of waiting because I am so tired.


20 min weights...sucess

I am not going to take s days this weekend. I really want to get the 3 meals down first and then add them back in. Maybe just skip this weekend. I don't feel deprived but I do feel frustrated at my slip ups.

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Post by CMThib82 » Wed Oct 03, 2012 1:45 pm



only 20 more to go to be part of the 21 day club!

Well so far so good. I obviously paid for last nights screw up with a big scale change. I am stll positive about today. I almost slipped back into the I have to eat just meat and veggies because of my mess up. But I won't go back down the perfection road.

Breakfast: salami, roast beef, cheese, carrots and broccoli, 2 ezekiel bread

Lunch: corn tortilla, 1/2 can sardines, 1 oz cheese, kale, bell pepper and onion in coconut oil, tomato paste

Dinner: apple, turkey bacon, 2.5 oz cheese, 2 carrots

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Post by CMThib82 » Thu Oct 04, 2012 12:52 pm



2nd Success

I am going to count calories. I would like a little more control over my weight loss and since I only have around 15 pounds to go I will have to be a little more diligent.

I am using fitday to track activity and food so I will be logging everything there and using their estimated calorie deficit to reach 118 by my birthday in 2 months.

It says I need to be in a 350 deficit or something like that.. I am going to let some calories accumulate for treats on the weekends.

I feel less anxious today for sure. Success so far.

B: Yogurt/Blueberries/Almonds/Sea Snax/Turkey Breast/coffee with cream

L: medi wrap and baked lays/tall capp

D: Baked Cabbage/Eggs/decaf coffee with half and half

Total: 1568 Cals

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Post by CMThib82 » Sun Oct 07, 2012 11:12 pm

Wow what a struggle I have had this entire year with my diet and everything else. I have such a messed up relationship with food.

I started calorie counting before I gave myself a real chance of success with just 3 plates of food.

I am starting over tomorrow and I am going to stick to my original plan for 30 days before I add in calorie counting.

3 paleo plated meals on n days. 3 whatever meals on s days. These are the only mods until I get a full 30 in!

I don't like how all over the place my journal is. I am going to start a new one and stick to my simple plan.

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