No S is awesome: 21 days, 6 pounds

No Snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Except on Days that start with S. Too simple for you? Simple is why it works. Look here for questions, introductions, support, success stories.

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No S is awesome: 21 days, 6 pounds

Post by ironchef » Tue Aug 21, 2012 4:16 am

I posted in the 21 day club, but thought I'd post here too, because I'm excited :) For anyone just starting, or thinking of starting, I say, go for it!

Thank you Reinhard for coming up with the system, and for making it available free online, with the HabitCal, all the podcasts and the support board. Knowing I wanted a green on the HabitCal and to post green on my thread really made a difference (who knew motivating me was that simple?).

I've been surprised by just how easily these 21 days have gone by. In fact, I'm a little bit spooked that it isn't harder - diets should be tough right? Sure, I've been pretty hungry between meals (especially the long wait from dinner to breakfast with several wake ups to feed the baby), but it hasn't seemed unmanageable, and a glass of milk has always done the trick. Knowing a good solid meal (not diet food) is just around the corner has definitely helped psychologically. Perhaps I'm still in the honeymoon phase and the hard stuff is yet to come?

I've been eating whatever I want for main meals on N days (but just the one plate). I'm thinking about food way less, and on N days hardly at all, unless it is meal time. On S days I've been snacking and eating a fair few sweets, with no attempt at regulation or "under-indulgence", so I'm really quite surprised to be losing 2 pounds a week. Especially as I'm an average height woman with not that much to lose, I just assumed it would be slower.

I have been super strict on the "letter of the law" though. No snacks at all: even if I'm chopping veggies for dinner, I won't munch on any. This is a big one for me, as eating while I cook is a real habit. I know veggies are fine, but when you're cooking choc chip muffins it's a different story. No virtual plating: if I want yoghurt with lunch, then a little pot is going to have to fit onto my lunch plate.

Anyway, enough gushing, but I really am delighted with how things are going so far. I hope this way of eating will be a habit I can develop and keep up for life.
No-S start 30th July 2012
Start: 144lb, 33% body fat
Current: 131lb, 29% body fat, BMI

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Post by wosnes » Tue Aug 21, 2012 10:26 am

Congratulations on your success!!

I think that new No-Sers fall into four groups:

1) those who lose weight and find it easy initially
2) those who either don't lose weight or gain and find it a struggle initially 3) those who find it easy initially, but still don't lose or gain weight
4) those who struggle and still lose some weight

Someone here says that there are three kinds of No-Sers: those who have had a red day, those who haven't had a red day yet and liars.

Rest assured, at some point you'll fall off the wagon and wonder what happened, why suddenly you're tempted by snacks, sweets, seconds or all of them. For some folks this happens immediately, for some it will be a month or more into it and for some it's a several months or more.

When it happens, remember it's normal. The other day I wrote about something I do and how initially it was difficult, but after many years it's my habit. I can't say I'm never tempted to break the habit, because it's not the norm here.
"That which we persist in doing becomes easier for us to do. Not that the nature of the thing itself has changed but our power to do it is increased." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

"You are what you eat -- so don't be Fast, Easy, Cheap or Fake."

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Re: No S is awesome: 21 days, 6 pounds

Post by vmsurbat » Tue Aug 21, 2012 1:58 pm

ironchef wrote:
I've been surprised by just how easily these 21 days have gone by. In fact, I'm a little bit spooked that it isn't harder - diets should be tough right?
This was my experience beginning NoS as well. I couldn't believe it was all about 3 wise little habits....

I've been eating whatever I want for main meals on N days (but just the one plate). I'm thinking about food way less, and on N days hardly at all, unless it is meal time. On S days I've been snacking and eating a fair few sweets, with no attempt at regulation or "under-indulgence", so I'm really quite surprised to be losing 2 pounds a week.

I have been super strict on the "letter of the law" though. No snacks at all: even if I'm chopping veggies for dinner, I won't munch on any. This is a big one for me, as eating while I cook is a real habit. I know veggies are fine, but when you're cooking choc chip muffins it's a different story. No virtual plating: if I want yoghurt with lunch, then a little pot is going to have to fit onto my lunch plate.
Again, my experience as well: very strict with NoS on N days (including the chopping of the veggies!) and anything non-sweet on N days plus S day treats.

Perhaps I'm still in the honeymoon phase and the hard stuff is yet to come?
Well, for your encouragement, I never found the honeymoon phase to end! See my fourth year testimonial just posted in the testimonial forum. Yes, there were times of better/less compliance because of life circumstances, but never a time when I stopped NoS...

And unbelievably, OVER TIME, my S days, while never wild, never binging, have definitely moderated from 2 desserts EACH S day, to one on Sunday with company. Any more feels like too much sweet (and I bake my own so I can't say it is because they are overly processed with extra sugar and fat). I love it that with NoS "Less is More."

Congrats on your initial success! Just keep the focus on NoS HABITS and know that a sane, healthy weight will eventually follow.
Vicki in MNE
7! Yrs. with Vanilla NoS, down 55+lb, happily maintaining and still loving it!

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Post by Too solid flesh » Tue Aug 21, 2012 9:46 pm

Congratulations, ironchef! It's good to hear that No S is working so well for you.
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Post by r.jean » Tue Aug 21, 2012 10:51 pm


I also found No S very easy to follow at first and had some great losses in the first 6 months. Since then it has been slower, but I still lost 45 lbs in the first year. Year 2 has been a little bit up and down but if I finish out the year maintaining my year one loss plus a little more, I will be ecstatic.

The important thing for me is to not go backwards.

I have not weighed myself recently, and I may be a bit backwards right now; however, I am determined to stick with this plan for life.
The journey is the reward.
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Post by ironchef » Tue Aug 21, 2012 11:10 pm

Thanks everyone. The community here is so supportive, it really helps.
wosnes wrote:Rest assured, at some point you'll fall off the wagon and wonder what happened, why suddenly you're tempted by snacks, sweets, seconds or all of them. For some folks this happens immediately, for some it will be a month or more into it and for some it's a several months or more.

When it happens, remember it's normal. The other day I wrote about something I do and how initially it was difficult, but after many years it's my habit. I can't say I'm never tempted to break the habit, because it's not the norm here.
This is so wise, and something I need to file away for future reference. Perfect compliance is great, but I don't want to freak out when it doesn't work out.

Vicki - you are an inspiration! Here's to the honeymoon never ending :)

r.jean - 45 pounds in a year is amazing, your determination is obviously paying off.

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Post by reinhard » Wed Aug 22, 2012 9:00 pm

Welcome and congratulations!

(and thanks for the reminder to pop into the 21 day club -- will be there shortly :-))

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Post by oolala53 » Fri Aug 24, 2012 11:57 pm

Just want to congratulate you but also to second that the honeymoon may end or not. No way to tell now. I say stick with the marriage even if the spats start. And remember to do your part to make the relationship grow.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

There is no S better than Vanilla No S (mods now as a senior citizen)

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