No More Sugar!!!

No Snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Except on Days that start with S. Too simple for you? Simple is why it works. Look here for questions, introductions, support, success stories.

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No More Sugar!!!

Post by Ladybug » Sat Feb 25, 2006 7:05 am

I went horribly overboard today, I indulged in cake, ice cream and candy. I have been so sick the past hour. My body simply will not tolerate sweets anymore. I've been eating so well otherwise and suddenly sugar is like posion for me. I think this is a good sign. No more sugar for me!!! Anyone else here come to this realization?

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Post by doulachic » Sat Feb 25, 2006 3:36 pm

i have noticed that when i overindulge on S days that i feel yucky too. just stuffed and bloated and eeewww! :lol: I guess we weren't meant to have excess sugar everyday, so detoxing from it during the week must be a good thing. i am planning to try and not eat too much this weekend that is sugar...we'll see how it goes!

hope you feel better in a while! :D

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Post by mstevens » Sat Feb 25, 2006 6:05 pm

I've started getting that too!

Although for me the main triggers seem to be large quantities of food, and anything greasy.

I still haven't got the hang of moderating just because I know I'll hate it, though.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Feb 25, 2006 7:58 pm

I still haven't got the hang of moderating just because I know I'll hate it, though.
M, this takes time... Don't jinx yourself before you even try...
It is really nice not to feel overfull... Don't get me wrong.. I eat very substantial portions (and yes my weight loss is sluggishly slow, but it's happening!) But I'm finally realizing that it feels so much better not to get stuffed to the gills.. I've been doing NoS for a year and a half, and I'm just now getting that habit formed!
Don't assume you will hate moderation of your foods..
It's rewards are so much better emotionally and physically..
You haven't been here that long.. Most of the overeaters here, including myself, and people with the real weight gain problems, have been battling the "moderation" issue all their lives.. Well that's not true.. It's probably more accurate to say that most of us never learned how to do this at all, and that NoS is a truly revolutionary concept and practice..
So a lifetime of bad habits take a seriously Herculean effort to change, but it can be done!

Keep on truckin!
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Post by mstevens » Sun Feb 26, 2006 10:47 pm

I think I'm slowly getting better at moderation.

All my experience with no s makes me think it'll feel better.. I'm just no good at it.

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Post by reinhard » Mon Feb 27, 2006 3:57 pm

I have to confess I enjoy sweets more than I ever did. They're only bad if they dominate your life, which they no longer do, in my case. Now they're pure pleasure.

Tip to keep the overindulging down: buy a generous but limited quantity of the fanciest, most desirable sweets you can think of and afford (it'll still be less money than you spent on mere volume before). I know it sounds paradoxical, but reward can be more effective than restriction at moderating S-day excesses. A rewarded appetite has no cause to rebel. And an appetite that has been trained to expect reward knows that waiting patiently is a better policy than grumbling and laying ambushes.

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Post by Dietlife » Mon Feb 27, 2006 9:36 pm

I think you may be setting yourself up to fail if you make big promises to yourself like "no more sugar". There is nothing in sugar that should be making you sick--but you do need to keep the serving size in check.

If you are cutting out all sugar, then you would never have chocolate again :shock: . Never again would you eat your birthday cake or enjoy an ice cream cone. Life is too short for that--at least for me.

The beauty of this plan is that you can have sugar, just within reason on S days. And I have found that like reinhard, I enjoy my sugar items like desserts MORE now that I limit them. I use to eat lots of cookies and not really even taste them, now I wait until an S day and then eat the cookies and they taste REALLY good. I have found that fruit tastes better now that I am not endulging my sweet tooth all day, too.

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Post by juniebumble » Tue Feb 28, 2006 3:40 am

Really?? I hoped this would happen to me but it never did. I always thought that it was diet industry propaganda.

Atkins: Eliminate carbohydrates from your diet, and, in no time at all your desire for sweets will all but dissappear. Then why did they start making those "low carb" treats that use sugar alchohol? I thought that premise of the diet alone would be a God more sugar cravings.....I would have to lose weight. Didn't work for me.

Weight Watchers: Someone would inevitably share with the group how they didn't even want sugar anymore, and how things with real sugar (versus apartame or splenda I guess) tasted "too sweet". I thought when they said this they were just saying what they thought a person on a diet was supposed to say. I never felt it.

After reading the different posts, I guess this happens to some people and not to others.

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Post by carolejo » Tue Feb 28, 2006 7:58 am

I don't think I'll EVER not want to eat sugar either!

The biggest thing is though, that these sugar cravings do become more manageable in time, especially if you can say (convincingly and honestly) to yourself "If I really want it, I can eat as much of it as I like on the weekend".

That's why, to paraphrase a quote from someone else way back when:-

"S days REALLY have to be S days, so that the N days aren't".

There are still days when I struggle. There are plenty of days when I fall off the waggon, but each time I get right back on and keep going and that's what really makes the difference in the longer term.


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Post by Ladybug » Wed Mar 01, 2006 12:26 am

I'm thinking now that I definitely can't give up all sugar, but that I need to use moderation on my S days. My stomach doesn't tolerate an overdose of sugar like it used to, since I don't eat it all week. Moderation has been a wonderful thing for me. I've lost 10 pounds, feel in control of my eating for the first time in years and I simply can't even begin to eat the amount of food, sweets or otherwise, that I could in the past.

This diet ROCKS!! I'm so glad I found it!! Reinhard, you're going to be famous someday for this common sense approach to eating!! :D

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