Joe's Shov Glov

Which movements do you do? How many reps? In what order? When? Do you mix in other non-shovelglove moves? Post here or browse to get ideas.
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Joe's Shov Glov

Post by Crafty » Thu Jan 05, 2012 6:41 am

New Years Resolution: Do it til at least St. Patty's day.

So i am now moving forward with this after a month trial period. And by moving forward, I mean I bought a sledge (8#, 3') and rebuilt my routine. It's everything i was doing with the roughly 4# 20", plus Giant Wrench in place of Butter Churns. So it now looks like (all on each side) :

8/8/8 shovels (throwing the dirt left, right, and over shoulder)
12 Tree Choppers (shoulder level)
12 Post Drivers (waist level)
12 Post Drivers (ankle level)
15 Flip the Hammer
15 Coal Stokers
15 Giant Wrenches
15 Canoe Strokes
15 Canoe Backstrokes
15 Decapitators

On Tuesdays these are more abusive, with each rep increasing by 5 and ending the whole thing with:
5 Sit-ups
5 Push-ups (baker)
5 Sit-ups (left side)
5 Push-ups (explosively fast)
5 Sit-ups (right side)
5 Push-ups (baker)

Tuesdays also see me carrying at least 40 cases of liquor up a 12' height staircase, something i try to do as fast as possible (for cardio). Though this is enough workout, I've decided to make Tuesday punishment days. Partially because they were already from work, partially because i wanted a day i hated and felt amazing come 3pm, and because i have a standing date with my fiance on tuesdays at the local pizza bar, but mostly because this standing date involves at least two pints of super dark calorie laden beer.

And (baker) sit-ups are named as such for my high-school gym teacher. He was a Green Beret in Vietnam and insisted that everyone do work, but he would never ask that anyone do something he couldn't do. He then proved that he could do push-ups which had his hands shoulder width apart, and dip low enough to touch his nose to the ground while his legs and back were straight, we were forced to follow suit. The only thing Baker never demonstrated his ability to do was run the mile, but he had two artificial knees, so no ever called him out on it.
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Post by david » Mon Jan 09, 2012 7:07 pm

Sounds like a good, simple program. Can you keep everyone updated on how it's going?

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Post by Crafty » Mon Feb 27, 2012 5:29 am

It's going good but i have cut down to about 3 days a week. Largely this is a motivation issue, but also my back is not the biggest fan. My routine has also changed to exclude moves that i either do not like or did not actually feel like they were improving things.

Heres the new set (the jumping jacks were added ~15 minutes ago in an epiphany)

10/10 or 15/15 denotes that many on each side

15 Jumping Jacks
10 Pushups
15/15 Shovels (throwing dirt left, right, and over the dominate shoulder)
15/15 Axe Strikes (Shoulder, hip, and ankle level)
10 Sit Ups
15/15 Big Wrench
15/15 Sack Hoist
10 Sit Ups [Obliques]
10/10 Canoe Stokes (Forward J, Backwards J, and Pry)
15/15 Decapitators
10 Push ups
15 Jumping Jacks
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Post by reinhard » Wed Feb 29, 2012 8:40 pm

Sounds good crafty, you gotta respect your back. Thanks for the update.

One idea, if you want to maintain the "14 minutes every N day" aspect of shovelglove is to just swap in a couple days of some other exercise.


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back to the back

Post by Crafty » Tue Apr 03, 2012 7:26 am

Doing better now, closer to working out 5 days in 7. I have problems with my lower back, but it think this is not the fault of the SGing but of the Biking that this early spring in Iowa allows. I'm not limber. It's hard to be limber and 6'4" (193 cm to all the rest of you).

Changing subtly again, I have incorporated my strange love of being a math nerd with the reps. It now looks like this:

25 Jumping Jacks
5! Push Ups (Hands Close Together [12", 30 cm, index to index])*
15/15 Shovels (as above)
15/15 Axe Strikes (as above)
3! Sit Up sets (Left, Center, Right, Center)**
15/15 One-hand Sack hoists
15/15 Canoe Strokes (forward, backward)
15/15 Decapitators
5! Push Ups (Hands Wide Apart [32", 81 cm, index to index {maybe less, hard to tell}])*
25 Jumping Jacks

* These are done in the tradition of Factorials (the math symbol of '!'). Since they are 5! you do 5 push ups. Stop and breathe for 15 seconds or so. do 4 more. rest. 3 more. rest 2 more. One last one that really sucks, BUT it's only one more in your mind so it doesn't seem hard at all...mentally. your body hates it. You just did 15. it even scales ok: 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36, 45, 55. I will personally never bother trying to go past 7, it seems far too much time spent. 6 is a goal for by the time i move in may or june to ... i dunno where.

**Each set of four sit ups counts as one, so i end up doing this (LeftCenterRightCenter-LCRC-LCRC) then pausing, then (LCRC-LCRC) pausing, then (LCRC). See how it's the same as above?

I used to have Big Wrenches in here, but with the increased push-ups i didn't feel a need for them and the workout is too long as is. I also abandoned 'Pry' Strokes for the Canoe portion. honestly they just kinda burn and i never noted any improvement. And i don't mean looks-wise; just that after 30-40 days of doing it minimum 3 times a week, it didn't get easier and still really burned. I figured it was working at cross purposes to something else i was doing so i abandoned it. It just kinda sucked.

Looking to add something to maybe strengthen my lower-middle back, but googling around hasn't dragged anything useful up. Basically I keep finding the need for a chin-up bar. Well I rent my apt. so that's sorta out of the question.

Planning ahead, i think my next experimentation stop is going to be cutting out some of my shovel work. Though the name sake i feel one part doesn't help at all, but it may be limbering me up and i just hadn't noticed since it's quite integral (yay more math!). Don't know.

Be back in another month or so with more updates.

Any suggestions for lower back strength, please let me know!
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Post by Crafty » Tue Apr 03, 2012 7:29 am

Also the abuse day outlined above has moved to anyday i can get a once a week ~7 mile bike ride in. Plenty of paved nature paths near me, not leveled or in a straight line or anything. thats round trip and i can do it in about 30 minutes. Not bad for an 8 speed bike (24 speed but front gear is stuck on middle setting)
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big decline

Post by Crafty » Sat Apr 28, 2012 8:15 pm

So i have not been as sucessful since my last post as i wanted. i think the reasons for this are threefold.

My bike Broke: Lacking the 7 mile rides that I really enjoyed, I had no extra leg focused days. Need a new shifter cause now its totally jammed on the smallest possible setting. Feel like Wylie Coyote spinning my legs that fast.

Extremely stressed out: My Fiance and i were trying to figure out where to move to for her Grad School. AArg. Her hometown or mine, for two excellent programs. One slightly cheaper and smaller, one bigger and more expensive. DePaul in Chicago won so i'm moving home at the end of June, but it was extremely stressful to decide which. Not only were we going on visits but we also used my whiteboard at home to draw up a massive pro-con list.

No White Board: This problem predates the previous one and is actually very very bad. A newly invented Drinking game (i'm 21, it's ok that i play those) took over and erased the board which had served as my workout routine poster. It was re-written once, and then erased the next weekend when we played it again. Then it became the above mentioned pro con list. This led to me forgetting to do some moves (usually jumping jacks and sack hoists)

The reason i mention this is not to excuse myself, but to actually illustrate a point i have seen elsewhere on the site. Reinhard, you often talk about not exceeding 14 minutes. That going over is just setting yourself up for disappointment. Without a hard and fast routine in front of me I quickly expanded out towards the 25 minute mark. And not through adding of anything. I kept just thinking what if i do one more rep, or one more set. This was exclusively a problem with sit-ups and push-ups. I started at 24 sit-ups (half and half obliques and regular), and yesterday i did 32. It's awesome that I CAN, but it took an extra ~2 minutes to add those two sets of 4. Pushups were worse, since i do two sets of them. Each went up by 9 (15 ->24). Again, it's great that I CAN, but I lost track of what i was aiming for.

I started with less moves and it quickly fell to 12 minutes so i decided to add moves and reps til i hit 20 minutes then work on condensing the routine. And not by removing a single thing, but my cutting down down time in between different moves. By speeding up my rate of working out. By becoming more automatic and less gasping and flopping and leaning on the wall for 45 seconds after the Decapitors.

The barely conscious drive to do more push-ups and sit-ups was a real killer here. I am making a determined decision here to use the board much, much more because it keeps me on track. Anyone else having trouble with somethings spiraling out very subtly like this may also benefit from having a hard set of instructions in front of them.

Obviously, I am also very bad at free-styling. Tried in twice, both times i just felt sorta silly and not sweaty at all.
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two months later...

Post by Crafty » Mon Jun 18, 2012 8:30 am

Ok, Officaily done this for 6 MONTHS!

I will try an make this shorter than some of my other rants, but since i'm the only one posting on this entire board, i don't mind being bellicose.

The routine is unchanged from above save that my pushups and situps have stabilzed at 20 and 24 per set respectively. The other thing that has changed is i got back into using a stop watch. Not A Timer. I personally don't limit myself to the 14 minutes, i instead insist on full runs of my routine. Using the stopwatch on my phone (not an app, it's a clam phone) I have begun timing my full routine and trying to cut out the down time and breath catching. Personal Record is now 15:41 for the full gambit.

I suppose i should also mention a few other things to anyone who is reading these in a row.
1) My bike is still broken, but less so; i now have 15 gears (out of 24 originally), but they are the high rep, low power 'hamster wheel' gears that don't get me going anywhere. It has become a much less used mode of transport.
2) My Fiance got into Grad school in Chicago so i am moving there, and being next to the beach (literally 60 yds from the water) i am lookin forward to more interesting workouts. Not only will my biking be considerably more scenic, but there is also an outdoor gym in what is effectively my backyard, so i will probably add ~5 pull ups in a week to my routine, or some such that is more equipment based, but still a body weight deal.
3) My push-ups have changed. I now force a mix (cause who doesn't love cross training here) on myself. 5 pushups, 5 with only the right leg on the floor, 5 with only the left, then 5 with a wider arm stance. this is in both sets of 20.

The only future plans i have for this at the present are to get under 14:00 (probably another month away), to actually be able to do a pull-up (just need to focus more), and maybe replace the canoes with something else eventually. I have the slightest click in my right rotator cuff and those moves make it a little bit sore for ten minutes or so after, and only about 33% of the time. This is not SG related, i fell out of a tree at a young age and landed on my right shoulder. It was only about 8' up, so nothing broke, but it has clicked ever since when it passes forward or back, with my shoulder dropped, and my elbow held close to the chest.

Finally i hope to be getting either a very good paying job (relative to federal minimum wage) or one at a hardware store, which means employee discount on my next hammer. Probably a 12# but also probably in October or New Years.

SO here's the current routine:

25 Jumping Jacks
20 Push-ups (reg, right leg, left leg, wide stance)
15/15 Shovels (over shoulder and cross body)
15/15 Axe Strikes (Over hand striking at shoulder height, "base ball swing" at hip height, and over head striking at knee - ankle height)
2 Sit Up sets ([Left, Center, Right, Center] x 3 for each set)
15/15 One-hand Sack hoists
15/15 Canoe Strokes (forward, backward)
15/15 Decapitators
20 Push-ups (as above)
25 Jumping Jacks

Just Keep Swinging!
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Post by Crafty » Mon Sep 10, 2012 3:16 am

As of late, my routine has stagnated some what. I Really like what i have right now, but i feel the most impact is made when i change things up. Out of boredom and on advice from a cousin who worked out much longer than i have, I've started doing the routine backwards. This is interesting, and feels like a higher impact set, but the first thing I do is Decapitators, so i'm not sure if this is a good starting place or if it makes an injury more likely.

I'm now going to think about moves and a massive restructuring, just feel too comfortable. but first:

I moved! To Chicago (Roger's Park)! Life is good and my new job is at a large local hardware store. not only does this mean employee discount on the next hammer (#12, probably around new years), but also the job is a physical gauntlet. I stocked 84 Five gallon buckets full of paint. 40 - 50 lbs each. This means at least 3360 POUNDS of paint (... and primer i guess, but not the point). I could not have done this last year. My arms would have dropped out of their sockets. A week before, I moved 2500 POUNDS of high strength concrete mix. By HAND in 80# increments. Again, this is not something i could have done without shovelglove. so I guess what I mean is

THANK YOU REINHARD! You literally got someone a JOB with this system. I never worked out before without being forced to (gym class, ect). I work out every morning if i can on days I work be cause it wakes me up, limbers me up, and prevents me from hurting myself by getting my body setup for a long and abusive day. I even eat better because of this, i want to be healthier because I now know I can be. I love it!

now to re-watch all of Phayze's vid and try and redo this.
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Post by Crafty » Mon Sep 10, 2012 7:05 pm

Ok so here's the Brand spanking new set up:

7 push ups
10 stepping pushups
7 triangles
15/15 shovels (reg and cross)
12/12 pull weeds (back)
12/12 pull weeds (forward [BOOT KNIFE])
8/8/8 sit ups (L-C-R)
12 leg swing (low abs)
12/12 Tuck Bales
12/12 Cranks (cws)
12/12 Cranks (ccws)
12/12 Uppercuts
7 triangles
10 stepping pushups
7 pushups

This is similar to my previous sets in only two ways: the structure (body weight, shov glove, BW, SG, BW), and i kept the traditional "Shovel" moves, cause it just wouldn't be the same without it.

I made a few of these names up myself,such as leg swings. i'll try and explain them:
Leg swings: a crunch, but where you lay flat and bring your legs in instead of bringing you body up.
Cranks: like cranking a large cog (or turning a spit roaster) i do it Clockwise with the hammer head on each side, and then again, but with a Counterclockwise rotation.
Stepping Pushups: one footed push ups, but changing the foot for each dip, so it is in effect 5 right footed, and 5 left, but with more concentration, relentlessness, and ab work in it.
Triangles: a pushup, but with your hands together in the middle, with the space between your two index fingers and thumbs making a triangle or spade shape.
and BY FAR my new favorite, BOOT KNIVES. These are Weed Pulls / Mower Starters, but with the second phase going forward instead of behind your body. It really feels like pulling a blade from the front foot (foot that is opposite your working hand), pulling it up to hip height to get some power in it, and jabbing forward. you then pull the blade back to your hip in a guard motion, then sheathe back in your boot. Following this image, i've already re-envisioned weed pulls as a Coup d'Grace, followed by wiping the blade clean on your pants, before going for the next jab. But my workout tends quite heavily towards the Marshall aspects of life. either way they are FUN.

I'll do this for a week at least, three reasons: I wrote this this morning after research last night, and doing it the first time, I got it done in 15 minutes. I prefer something where I have to push it down to 15-14. Secondly, compared to my old routine, this has diddly for my back, which I want more of. However, This has something relatively new for me: 1 armed moves, and lots of them. One arm has to do all my stabilizing, which is exhausting and makes me sore sooner, a good sign. We shall see though, I expect to update by 9-17.
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Yearly Check-in

Post by Crafty » Thu Dec 20, 2012 4:53 pm

So i'm not SG-ing at the regular intervals i used to, but i have 4 reasons for that.
I'm down to maybe 3-4 times in a 2 week cycle.
My new apt is not very conducive to working out at 5:45 AM (cramped and squeaky wood floors).
My new job is a kick in the ass, so I get plenty of workout from 10.5 hr shifts moving 5 gal buckets of paint and running up ladders.
Worst of all though, I feel little impact from each workout. Don't think I've broken a sweat since August, and my time is below 14 minutes (when I do the workout fully awake with music).

So, for these three reasons i feel it is time to say good bye, and move on.

To a 12 pounder that is. Should be arriving x-mas morning. Keep on shuggin Ladies and Gentlemen. Keep on shuggin.
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Post by slothlike » Sun Dec 30, 2012 12:45 pm

A good set of posts. It definitely sounds like you needed a heavier hammer. How's the 12# working out?

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Post by Crafty » Thu Jan 03, 2013 5:02 pm

Going back to an old favorite setup for the new sledge:
*25 Jumping Jacks*
24 Push-ups (7 regular, 5 right leg, 5 left leg, 7 wide stance)
10/10 Shovels (over shoulder and cross body)
10/10 Axe Strikes (Over hand striking at shoulder height, "base ball swing" at hip height, and over head striking at knee - ankle height)
2 Sit Up sets ([Left, Center, Right] x 4 for each set)
10/10 One-hand Sack hoists
10/10 Canoe Strokes (forward, backward)
10/10 Decapitators
24 Push-ups (as above)
*25 Jumping Jacks*

The jumping jacks are an optional thing i wish i could do more, but the whole apartment building seems to turn into a bass drum when I do them, so only when i'm working out later than 10 am, hence the asterisk.

I'll post again in a week to complain about a whole new kind of D.O.M.S.
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Re: Joe's Shov Glov

Post by Crafty » Sat Jan 05, 2013 10:36 pm

Crafty wrote:New Years Resolution: Do it til at least St. Patty's day.
This thread is now a year old, so i've definitely been loving this for a while now. This is also the ONLY new years resolution i've ever kept, so YAY!

The workout as stated above really does make me sweat and get the heart thumping along, but the most interesting part i've found is that i'm near my failure point on the sack hoists. I say thats interesting because i Added Boot Knives and Weed pulls last time because i wanted to change up and challenge the sack-hoist muscles a bit because that had become by far the easiest part of the routine. now i can hardly do 10 (with 50% more weight). Don't know if i was targeting the wrong muscles for 3 months or this is that big of a change, but i'm really glad i'm back to doing the hoists.

Not a sore as i expected after doing it twice on consecutive days. We'll see if that changes on my day off tomorrow.
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Post by reinhard » Mon Jan 07, 2013 3:30 pm

Congratulations! Thanks for letting us know.

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Post by mulliganagain » Mon Jan 07, 2013 4:12 pm

Congrats on keeping your 2012 resolution!! :D

Did you make a new resolution this year, or are you planning on just keeping a good thing going? :)
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Post by Crafty » Mon Jan 07, 2013 8:24 pm

Focusing on keeping this going and making a solid, patient, and intelligent effort on my new hobby: makin my own beer. My fiance got me a kit for xmas and i'm brewing my first two US gallons now.
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Post by mulliganagain » Tue Jan 08, 2013 12:16 am

Good luck with your new hobby! A friend of mine makes his own beer and he loves it. :D Plus you have to love a hobby that you get to consume the results (that's why I bake :wink: ).
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Post by Crafty » Wed Apr 17, 2013 12:42 am

Routine change and it feels so good. Tried to expand the calisthenics and change up the shovel's moves.
9 pushups ... wide
12 pushups ... one legged
9 pushups ... triangles

10/10 shovels ... regular and reverse
10 /10 axes ... head, shoulder and ankle height

30 situps ... left obl, right obl, and regular (10 each)
10/10 mountain climbers

10/10 canoes ... regular and reverse
10/10 decapitators
10/10 aim the rams. This one I found on here a while back and it seems to lack a name. No arm movement, just swing the hammer with both hands locked in position and do all breaking and accelerating with your abs.

Same as first pushups set, but in reverse order.

As for the beer, I've brewed: bud light knock off, dopplebock, saison(which turned out more like fat tire than 'boulevard's tank 7'), a red ale, an Apple cider and a sweet milk stout, which has only been brewing since Saturday.

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Post by menachem » Wed Apr 17, 2013 7:03 am

Is the move discussed in this thread "aim the rams"?

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Post by Crafty » Fri Apr 19, 2013 11:16 pm

Yes it was, but honestly it doesn't feel like much to me, but i already do a lot of ab work in my routine, so maybe they don't effect me the same way.
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Post by Crafty » Sat Nov 23, 2013 9:08 pm

Still doing the same thing when I have time and inclination for shoveling, but when I don't I usually switch to this really simple tool free thing I found:

5 push ups
5 burpees
5 squats...

5 times
It sucks but I can feel my core tightening after a week, and this is something that travels easier with the no sledge hammer-Ness of it.
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Post by slothlike » Tue Nov 26, 2013 9:31 pm

Tough circuit. I do something similar when I'm out of town. It really makes me miss the sledgehammer.

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Post by germanherman » Fri Nov 29, 2013 6:58 am

Crafty wrote:Still doing the same thing when I have time and inclination for shoveling, but when I don't I usually switch to this really simple tool free thing I found:

5 push ups
5 burpees
5 squats...

5 times
It sucks but I can feel my core tightening after a week, and this is something that travels easier with the no sledge hammer-Ness of it.
By doing push ups and squats, burpees seem a little bit redundant. Ever thought about mixing pullups in the mix?
Spend over 450 Dollar on some Systems, Gadgets and courses = Zero Results

Spend 15 Bucks for a Shovelglove + NoS-Diet= ;)

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