Sinnie's Post-Pregnancy Check In 2014

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Sinnie's Post-Pregnancy Check In 2014

Post by Sinnie » Sun Jan 05, 2014 2:55 pm

A new year, a new baby and a new body! This year my goal is to keep to three meals a day, nothing in between and sweets in small doses as part of meals if desired. I've been doing this the last little while, especially once the baby was born with great success.

I looked back to what worked in the past, what my main problems are and what leads to binging. This particular structure sits well with me. And so it is. Here's to 2014!

My current weight is about 133 lbs. My first stop is to get to my pre-pregnancy weight of 120 lbs. After that, wherever my weight lands is where it will land, but my desired weight is 110 lbs. We'll see what happens. I'm pretty open and relaxed about it as long as I am on an eating plan for life that pleases me and is easy to live with.

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Post by Sinnie » Sun Jan 05, 2014 5:05 pm

I am going to keep track of my meals here for awhile just to have a record of what I'm doing, to look back on etc.

The past few days have been great. I'm not counting successes/failures though - if there is a snack that's creeped in, I just move on and continue at the next meal, not binge and start over the next day.

Yesterday: breakfast was an egg/cheese on english muffin, 1/2 banana muffin, yogurt and blackberries. Lunch was pasta, chicken, kale and piece of lemon chiffon cake. Dinner we went out (with a one week old - she was perfect :D) had spinach cheese dip with fried pita chips, onion rings and 3 big wings. Few sips beer. YUM! At home DH had dessert, I just had tea was really satisfied already.

Breakfast I made buttermilk pancakes, some w/ choc chips (had 2), little real maple syrup, few bites eggs, and cut up orange and apple slices. Coffee with half & half.

Lunch was a mishmash of things: few bites pasta, one wing, almonds/raisins/prunes, sliced fruit, slice potica, 1/2 eng muffin with pbj

Dinner will be shortly..I made a meatloaf, mashed potatoes...will start with the avocado dip I just made with tortilla chips. Brownie and milk for dessert (small piece). Yes, I have a very sleepy baby which allows me to cook this much!! Let's see how long this lasts haha
Last edited by Sinnie on Mon Jan 06, 2014 4:16 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Post by Diligence » Sun Jan 05, 2014 5:39 pm

Best wishes to you! I'm sure you'll do great this year as you work toward your goal. Congrats again on your new little one! :D

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Post by automatedeating » Sun Jan 05, 2014 7:41 pm

You went out to dinner with her already? Wow, that is awesome. She sounds like a sweetie.
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Re: Sinnie's Post-Pregnancy Check In 2014

Post by Imogen Morley » Sun Jan 05, 2014 7:58 pm

Sinnie wrote:This year my goal is to keep to three meals a day, nothing in between and sweets in small doses as part of meals if desired. I've been doing this the last little while, especially once the baby was born with great success.
I'll be most probably trying out sorta kinda the same thing later this month, as during the holidays I discovered it was easier for me to control my sugar intake if I refrained from snacking completely and allowed myself to put ANYTHING, sweets included, onto my (one) meal plate. We're so often on the same page ;) Nutrition may suffer, but actually, I like having well-rounded, healthy meals, so there's no danger of completely replacing broccoli with chocolate. And knowing that biscuits or a small slice of cheesecake are no further than one meal away is very soothing to my diet-crazed mind. As I've stated many times before, I think that snacking is far worse than sweets for healthy weight. Your plan sounds promising!

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Post by Sinnie » Mon Jan 06, 2014 4:15 pm

Diligence - thanks for your support!

AE - Yes, can you believe that!? We thought it might be a little crazy but DH wanted to take his older daughter out and wanted us to come. We went to a wing place around the corner that is never busy. Figured we'll take advantage while she does nothing but sleep. She had no idea we even left the house :)

Imogen - I will be sure to follow your checkin! Good luck with the mod - I hope it works for you as well as it's been working for me!!! We really do tend to have the same ideas going on lol.

Today's meals..

Breakfast was 2 pancakes with tiny bit of maple, 1/2 grapefruit and trail mix (raisins, almonds and prunes)

Lunch was avocado dip and chips, an apple, alfredo whole wheat pasta with leftover chunks of meatloaf and a Baci chocolate. Delish and satisfying :D

Dinner: I made tomato/veggie/barley mixture soup, 2 ribs, 1/3 of a naan and I had a brownie & decaf for dessert which I didn't finish b/c it got hard from being in the microwave too long :roll:
Last edited by Sinnie on Tue Jan 07, 2014 1:47 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Post by lpearlmom » Mon Jan 06, 2014 5:06 pm

Glad things are going well! I've never been one to stay home with my babies either. When my first one was 3 days old we took her to baby gap. I mean a girl has to stay stylish, right? :)
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Post by Sinnie » Mon Jan 06, 2014 7:33 pm

haha Linda - love it!! :P

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Post by Sinnie » Tue Jan 07, 2014 7:42 pm

Another great day in No S land :) Weight was down to 129.5 lbs this morning but I had some serious stomach issues last night.

B: english muffin with egg/meatloaf patty, 3 sections of grapefruit, 1 pancake, bite of yogurt

L: leftover soup (veggie with barley and pasta), leftover alfredo meatloaf pasta, pear slices and coffee with one choc covered sponge candy.

D: yet more of that soup, ribs, rice and cuke/tomato/red onion salad. I'll prob have a brownie too (this time I won't nuke it so much!)

Amazing that I just never feel hungry anymore - a weird phenomenon since getting pregnant. I used to get shaky real easily and this just never happens. It's almost 7pm and just waiting for dinner without the slightest bit of hunger to make me uncomfortable. But eating is just fun for me, so I do it regardless - by the time I sit down in front of a plate my appetite is just fine! :wink:

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Post by Sinnie » Wed Jan 08, 2014 8:36 pm

Today's breakfast was an english muffin with pb&j, milk and an apple.

Lunch was only a bowl of soup and a tangerine b/c company stopped by so couldn't eat properly. I thought about snacking but figured I'll just do an early dinner.

Had watered down juice in between.

Dinner was wings, perogies, salad, corn. I ate more than usual - then had a slightly sweetened hot choc and a small brownie, with one bite of a dark chocolate. I felt stressed tonight but didn't let myself use that as an excuse to binge so I'm still on track with my plan. Loving this 3 meals of whatever I want thing. It does seem much easier to stay on track b/c I don't have the stress of work and the baby keeps me busy plus DH is home. Will be interesting to see how this works long term.
Last edited by Sinnie on Thu Jan 09, 2014 12:44 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by Anoulie » Wed Jan 08, 2014 11:29 pm

(belated) Congratulations to you and your little family! I told you it would happen eventually :) What did you name your daughter, if you don't mind me asking? I'm a bit of a nerd when it comes to given names; I always find that really interesting.
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Post by automatedeating » Thu Jan 09, 2014 12:26 am

I wanted to know her name, too, so I'm glad Anoulie had the guts to ask!
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Post by Sinnie » Thu Jan 09, 2014 12:51 am

Hey Anoulie! Thank you very much :D
I know what you guys mean about names; I love hearing them too! It's definitely much tougher than I thought it would be - all the names I loved were very, very popular and I wanted to avoid that. Then of course all the associations, etc. I am a pretty fickle person (just look at how often I change my No S plan :? ) so I decided the name had to have meaning, rather than just a random name we liked. So we went with ——— after family members (DH and my mom, both people who I am honoured to name her after) - well, versions of their names - and it definitely fits her. Even my step daughter who didn't like the name said it suits her perfectly now!
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Post by automatedeating » Thu Jan 09, 2014 1:55 am

Love it!
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Post by jw » Thu Jan 09, 2014 2:25 am

I've been wondering, too -- beautiful name!
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Post by lpearlmom » Thu Jan 09, 2014 3:42 am

I adore that name. So awesome that you're able to stay on track! :D
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Post by LoriLifts » Fri Jan 10, 2014 12:22 am

Congratulations Sinnie!
:D :D :D :D :D :D
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Post by Sinnie » Fri Jan 10, 2014 12:25 am

Thanks for the lovely comments!

Let's see if I can remember what I ate today:
B: oatmeal w/ almonds and choc chips; prunes/raisins, orange, hard boiled egg and bite yogurt
L: slice grilled cheese, pkg green giant brocoli cauliflower in cheese sauce, few cashews, juice box, couple strawberries, full fat yogurt 2 big spoons
D: veg juice, rosted potatoes and chicken, veggie medley with butter
Company is coming to see the baby so I ran out to get dessert - bakery lemon meringue pie and chco chip cookies. Ill have a small portion.

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Post by Sinnie » Fri Jan 10, 2014 5:07 pm

Can't believe my winning streak these days...I haven't binged once in the new year or actually since the baby at all :D I am really loving this plan. Last night, there were two other women over and both said no to dessert. Totally cool, but I watched them. As I carved myself a small piece of lemon pie (didn't finish) and had a small cookie with my coffee, they started to sneak a cookie here and there after they said no. You can tell its a struggle and one I so deeply relate to. It seems my allowance of dessert, for me personally, has taken away the thrill of it. I have always always continued to munch once company LEAVES, it's a weird habit, but not anymore.

B: fried egg, bacon, strawberries, couple bites buttered toast and 1/2 bran muffin (store bought)

L: 1/2 bran muffin, apple, prunes/raisins/almonds/cashews, spoon pb, juice box, lemon pie, milk

D: leftover veg, tangerine, few pieces of cheese, sweet bun, salted caramel mini popsicle, handful sour patch candies. Didn't have a proper dinner bc my sister came over and brought treats.
Last edited by Sinnie on Sat Jan 11, 2014 2:09 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Post by jw » Fri Jan 10, 2014 5:47 pm

"As I carved myself a small piece of lemon pie (didn't finish) and had a small cookie with my coffee, they started to sneak a cookie here and there after they said no."

One said no, the other felt she should say no as well, then you took pie and cookie, giving them both permission to rethink the matter and quietly take some dessert after all. They got to be all virtuous AND have dessert -- sort of like having your cake and eating it, too!
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Post by Sinnie » Sat Jan 11, 2014 4:29 pm

Yup, perhaps that was it JW! Although, I think I already had the dessert on my plate as I was slicing for everybody and my sis had told me prior that one girl was on a diet so she wouldn't be having dessert. No judgement - not like i haven't done that one million times myself!!

Its the weekend! Tonight were going to the neighbours for dinner. All i know so far is steak...and ill prob make choc pecan pie to bring along.

Breakfast was bacon (maybe 2), eggs (1.5?), toast (1/2 slice), sweet bun and 1/2 bran muffin.

Lunch was at Licks - mini nature burger and fries (very filling) and sips of DH's Coke.

Small indiscretion - snacked on pecans as I made the pie and had one sq of chocolate- back on track immediately once the bad habit was recognized.

Dinner was a lot of food I felt obligated to eat bc it was clear all the effort. I ate much beyond appetite but that's ok, it happens sometimes. I didn't even want dessert but had what was given to me - a big thick homemade choc chip cookie and small piece of my pecan pie.

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Post by Sinnie » Sun Jan 12, 2014 6:26 pm

Breakfast, maybe brunch, was yet more bacon and eggs, 1.5 pieces french toast w maple syrup and yougurt and strawberries.

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Post by lpearlmom » Sun Jan 12, 2014 8:45 pm

Sounds like things are going well overall and can I say how impressed I am that you made a pecan pie in these early stages of motherhood. I was lucky if I was able to make a piece of toast those early days!

Linda ;)
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Post by Sinnie » Mon Jan 13, 2014 2:08 pm

Thanks Linda :) It's only possible right now because I have a very good baby and since she is a newborn, I don't need to entertain her constantly. She never cries, just sleeps and eats. I also had DH home for a couple weeks, plus there is my step daughter who is only too happy to help out.

Feeling a bit sad today. It's the first day DH is back at work, and work he does. He has a job far away and works crazy hours with a terrible boss. Year end is the worst and means for the next 6 weeks at least I'll barely see him; even weekends at times. Totally sucks and after 2.5 years I'm still not used to it. Looked like potential for another job was there, a perfect fit for us literally, but nothing panned out. So unfortunate, I was really excited.
Feeling overwhelmed with tons to get done around home and little projects here and there that need to get done. Wah, wah, wah - first world problems!

Okay, update on yesterday - didn't really have lunch and dinner was shrimp and an apple before dinner - then chicken legs, rice and salad - big choc chip cookie for dessert.

Weight this morning was 128. Doing well in that respect.

Breakfast today included a piece of french toast, couple bites of eggs, cereal with milk and blueberries/mango chunks and handful of pecans.

Lunch was picked at, went to moms: a small plate of rapini, piece brie, sweet potatoes and pork. Then I had a small portion of trail mix, a spoon of pb and a mini ice cream bar.

Dinner I made lamb stew (had one piece), rice and veg salad. I then had a small piece lemon pie, and a tiny cookie and a prune/raisins.

Admittedly not the best day but light years ahead of the past. I almost decided I needed a new plan tonight. I'm totally happy with my current no s plan but I think having time on my hands and feeling depressed about missing DH got me thinking I could fill the gap with a new diet. Once I started thinking of binging, I knew what road I was going down. 3 meals it is. Thw damage stopped at a lick of pb. I made a mocha and happily will continue my plan.
Last edited by Sinnie on Tue Jan 14, 2014 2:43 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by automatedeating » Mon Jan 13, 2014 2:18 pm

Normal feelings, Sinnie. Understandable, and it's good to be able to tell people. New moms need a lot of support around them....sounds like you have friends that have stopped by, I hope they keep that up. My two cents would be to make sure you're reaching out to friends and family as much as possible.

And if one more person criticizes their feelings by saying "first world problems" I'm going to puke! (I've been hearing that phrase more recently and I hate it!)

Hang in there! Life with a new tiny sweet human is tough, no matter how quiet she is!!!! :)
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Post by lpearlmom » Mon Jan 13, 2014 9:25 pm

It's definitely tough not having your DH around. It's especially hard when he is stressed out by his job. Hopefully he will be able to find another job soon. I know my husband had to suffer through a few miserable jobs till finding just the right place for him.

Big hugs and hang in there. This a huge adjustment for you and understandably going to be rough going at times.

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Post by automatedeating » Tue Jan 14, 2014 2:45 am

Sinnie, sorry if I sounded like a jerk for my first-world annoyance comment. Not directed at you, I apologize if I got a little cyber-crazy there. :)
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Post by Sinnie » Wed Jan 15, 2014 1:20 am

Auto, please don't worry my friend! You didn't sound like a jerk one little bit! Sorry it took me so long to respond. I keep so busy I usually just have time to update what I ate. I agree with what you said. I think when we constantly say first world probs, and then try to make it seem like we recognize its trivial compared to some problems, its almost like we preemptively say what we imagine other ppl must be thinking.

I don't feel like logging todays food. I am in a snacky mood and let it take over. Nothing extreme and no binging. But tomorrow I'm going to get right back on track. Or rather, right now!

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Post by Sinnie » Wed Jan 15, 2014 4:03 pm

Yesterday was the first snacky/bingy day I've had since the baby/new year. A bit disappointed but hopping back in immediately! It's gonna happen - no sweat here.

Breakfast today was a slice toast w/ pb & j, apple, 1/3 orange and big spoon of thick full fat maple yogurt.
Lunch was mac n cheese from my mom and 1/2 a pear.
Last edited by Sinnie on Wed Jan 15, 2014 9:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by automatedeating » Wed Jan 15, 2014 4:09 pm

Great attitude, Sinnie!

Is little Charlotte starting to spend more time awake? :)
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Post by Sinnie » Thu Jan 16, 2014 2:51 pm

Hey auto - thank you for asking! She is definitely starting to become more alert and it's awesome. Loving every minute with her!

Interesting trend happening for a couple days now. I got snacky again last night. Funny that I'm finding it harder to resist with the pressure back on me. With DH back at work and me out of vacation mode, all the tasks are weighing on me. I think I'm using that as an excuse to eat. I thought about calorie counting (I always go to a different plan when *I* start failing) but quickly realized this is what works for me.


Breakfast today is 1 slice leftover french toast with pb & j, 1 hard boiled egg; bit of OJ

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Post by automatedeating » Thu Jan 16, 2014 4:07 pm

Can you say "breast-feeding"? It turned me into an eating monster. :)
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Post by Sinnie » Tue Jan 21, 2014 11:33 pm

Haha auto, I am sure that's got something to do with it! But, truthfully, when I've been snacking or binging, I am not even 1% hungry - even sweets dont taste good - I just need to "numb out".

3 meals of anything I want seems to do it for me. This mod works best. I like to maintain the consistency everyday. Weight still holding at 127.

Today was 2 eggs with cheese and an orange for breakfast (eaten at noon!)
Lunch/Afternoon Meal was plain yogurt, muesli and 1/2 banana and big spoon of pb.
Dinner was 1/2 muffin, chicken thigh, brown rice (couple spoons), naan (1/3) and green giant pkg of cheesy broc/cauli. I will also have a small brownie and coffee.

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Post by automatedeating » Wed Jan 22, 2014 1:56 am

Hi Sinnie,
I remember when I had my first son I weighed 122 when I got home from the hospital. Over the next 12 weeks, thanks to grazing and snacking, I went UP to 129. Sometimes I imagine if only I had known about and followed NoS in those weeks after having my first son how great that would have been for my overall contentment and life balance. I'm so happy for you to have moderation at your finger tips during this special newborn period. Dieting is no good; on the other hand, moderation and guilt-free enjoyment of our food is a special part of life that can enhance other parts of our life (in this case, your special bonding time with little Charlotte). Anyway, I'm rambling, but I'm happy for you!
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Post by Sinnie » Wed Jan 22, 2014 3:02 pm

Auto, I love what you said - "overall contentment and life balance" and "enhance other parts of our life" - YES YES YES - this is what it does for me when I follow No S. ABsolutely 100% true. Thanks for the personal example too :) I would totally be gaining if I didn't follow a meal structure.

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Post by Sinnie » Thu Jan 23, 2014 1:25 am

B: blueberry flax muffin w/ butter and small cup whole milk

L: slice pizza, diet coke and some rainbow kale salad (ate out)

D: chicken thigh, rigatoni in alfredo sauce topped with cheese, kale salad, few sips smoothie and cake pop

I really feel like snacking but ate enough, am not hungry. I am going to fight it tonight.

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Post by Sinnie » Thu Jan 23, 2014 6:46 pm

I ended up going downstairs and having a few cake pops and couple bites cold pasta. I was overtired and my willpower was low. I really just needed to go to sleep but my boss (baby) wouldn't let me!

I am going to focus really hard on my three meals only. I want to get back down to where I was. That motivates me!

Breakfast was 1 toast w. pbj and full fat thick yogurt (strawberry shortcake flavour & maple)

Lunch was alfredo and cheese pasta and a big handful of pecan and watered down juice

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Post by automatedeating » Thu Jan 23, 2014 9:11 pm

I'm sure you will lose weight with time, but your little one is only weeks old! Be gentle with yourself. And sleep is HUGE. I think we all can testify that being sleep-deprived makes us crave comfort food and sugary stuff. Sleep-deprivation also makes our metabolism slow down and makes it easier to store fat. You didn't mention how quickly you were trying to lose weight, but I hope you are being patient with yourself.
Good luck getting some rest!
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Post by eschano » Fri Jan 24, 2014 10:16 am

Your boss - that made me laugh out loud Sinnie! I guess you nailed it though.

Auto is right - be gentle and maybe focus on getting sleep wherever you can. All my friends who have kids say they nap whenever the baby does haha.
eschano - Vanilla rocks!

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Post by Sinnie » Fri Jan 24, 2014 4:52 pm

Glad I could be of service Eschano ;) Truthfully, my "boss" is great. It was only that one night she was crying and wouldn't go to sleep until late. Yesterday everything was back to normal - we even took her on a little date with us to The Keg lol. Angel she was!

Okay, so last night had a sirloin steak and fries at the keg plus a small glass of red wine. We ate late so I did have a snack around 5 or so...a couple cake pops with decaf, and an apple, bite of yogurt. I did also have a couple cake pops when I got home :oops: oops!

Keep on keepin' on with No S...

Today's brekkie was an egg, 1.5 pieces buttered toast and watered down OJ

Lunch I made steel cut oats and topped it with frozen blueberries (they soften nicely), pecans and brown sugar. I also had some dark almond chocolate (I was making more cake pops for a girls night tonight - baby is coming :)) Had a bit of whole milk too.

Dinner I am not sure yet

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Post by Sinnie » Mon Jan 27, 2014 3:14 pm

Learned the same stupid lesson :roll: again...
I don't know why I think I can try other diets/calorie counting. Sorry, to answer your question auto about how fast I am trying to lose weight, I guess I don't really have a timeline. I mean, I'm basically almost there -- I had gained weight right before getting pregnant so I am about 5 lbs away. I can't believe how fast it has come off pretty much on its own. If I stayed the course with No S it'd be lower for sure. I definitely want to get back down to where I was before I gained prior to pregnancy.
I think I need to 100% refocus on No S. I really want to exercise again - I see the doc next week and i'm sure she'll give me the go-ahead.

Slept in today, but I really needed it. its 10 am now, and I am not hungry because I ate lot this weekend.

Breakfast was passed because I was just.not.hungry. I had a cup of black coffee.

Lunch was rushed because of baby, but managed to have a bowl of steel cut oats with brown sugar and blueberries; a rather large spoon of pb.

Dinner was a few pieces of beef, some rice and pasta, salad, a whole grapefruit, few bites yogurt and ended it off with a mug of decaf and choc chip cookie

Feel good about today. I just had to realign my thoughts and focus. I think I'm back. Let's not let anymore nutball thinking get in the way!!!

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Post by automatedeating » Wed Jan 29, 2014 3:42 am

Hi Sinnie--
I just read your post on Linda's check-in and my heart goes out to you. I bet that being a stepmom to a 17-yr old girl is HARD! And, like you said, I can see that role being under-appreciated for all you do.
I'm glad the baby has helped dispel some of the adolescent tension in the house.... hopefully that continues!
Take care!
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Post by Sinnie » Fri Jan 31, 2014 2:06 pm

Hey auto! Thanks for stopping by with the comments. It's nice to be understood.
Last night was a great night with the baby...would you believe she slept from about 11 until 8am??? I feel great this morning. When is this little angel going to show her true colours ;)

So I fed baby at 8am, kinda had to wake her up but she went right back to sleep so I am enjoying my coffee. I haven't been doing that well the past couple of days but weighed myself this morning and am down to 125 lbs so I suppose it's not that bad. But, I started emotional snacking/binging a bit so irregardless of weight that needs to stop. I do find a hot chocolate at night when I want to snack is a fantastic distraction.

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Post by lpearlmom » Fri Jan 31, 2014 8:57 pm

Omigosh Sinnie, I have to apologize but somehow completely missed your post on my thread. Thank you so much for sharing your experience. I cannot even imagine what the teen years are going to be like. Lord help me but I may have to ship them off to their grandparents for awhile! :)

Don't worry too much about the future. Just enjoy your little one now. I will say that I often wish I could do it all over again. This time I would be the most patient, serene mother ever. Well, who says it's not too late to start right?

Anyway sounds like your weight is doing great. Just keep working on those habits and the peace with food will come. (Most of us have to settle for doing it in the opposite order). My oldest didn't sleep through the night till she was 3 so nine hours sounds pretty heavenly to me!

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Post by Sinnie » Mon Feb 03, 2014 12:31 am

Hey Linda! No worries at all :) and I'm sure every mother wishes they could do it all over again. We really do gain so much knowledge, experiences, maturity and more over the years. It would be nice to go back in time and be able to apply it to so many aspects of life.

Need to track for a bit. Todays breakfast was eng muffin with pb and yogurt. Lunch was pasta in broth w/ cheese and spinach and a rather large piece of chco cake. Dinner was a big plate of nachos w/ cheese, beef, guac and salsa.

I just need to make it until breakfast now. No more calories, even in beverages. I really overdid it yesterdat.

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Post by lpearlmom » Mon Feb 03, 2014 5:14 am

Thanks Sinnie!

I overdid it this weekend too. Yay for Mondays!!!
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Post by Sinnie » Mon Feb 03, 2014 1:43 pm

I am happy I didn't keep eating last night. I just need to make it meal to meal and if I do screw up, to continue at the next meal. I think I'm actually catching on and really getting this.

W: 126 lbs

Breakfast is delish - I made an egg mcmuffin with cheese, guac and salsa. Also will have an orange and the usual black coffee (really enjoying coffee like this again first thing in the morning).

Will update the rest of the day's eatings later. Just need to make it to lunch. I have my 6 week dr appt today - looking forward to hearing I can exercise as I'm hoping to add 14 mins to my daily repertoire of activities.

I am aiming for 3 cups of coffee/tea per day. One (caffeinated) in the morning. Mid-afternoon a milky (caf or decaf) to tide over until dinner and one final decaf coffee after dinner (with dessert if I feel like it).

Okay lets update lunch...some pasta w/ ground beef and cheese, handful cashews, diet pepsi, yogurt and piece of these brownies I made with a cup of decaf w/ a lil vanilla creamer.

Dinner was difficult bc it got interrupted to feed baby. I don't feel like i overate. About 3 big wings, maybe 1/2 pork chop w/ mushrooms and onions, potatoes, asparagus and watered down juice
Last edited by Sinnie on Mon Feb 03, 2014 11:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by lpearlmom » Mon Feb 03, 2014 6:31 pm

Yay--sounds like things are clicking for you. I'm sure it must have been hard to stick with NoS during pregnancy with all the weird appetite & non-appetite issues.

Good luck with your doctor appt today!

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Post by Sinnie » Tue Feb 04, 2014 3:27 pm

Thanks Linda! I got the go-ahead to exercise at the appt. Was going to start last night but baby was up and it was just too much trouble. Although, she went to bed at 9pm and slept all the way to 7am. I was up at 4:30 thinking this is too much sleep for me hehehe :lol:

I will do 14 minutes of anything, starting slow because it's been so long. Maybe some stretching, plank, pushups. Waiting until baby in a deep sleep as I hate to be interrupted.

I was sooo going to snack last night thinking I didn't eat enough and that's why I'm hungry yada yada...but I held out for breakfast and then wasn't even hungry :!:

W: 125

B: english muffin w/ pb & j with black coffee

L: pork chops w/ mush & onion saute, potatoes, asparagus and piece of brownie with coffee (35% cream)

D: 2 chicken legs, rice, corn, couple spears asparagus

And I did my 14 mins! Kept it slow and steady :)

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Post by Sinnie » Fri Feb 07, 2014 1:26 pm

I've kinda fallen off the wagon the past couple days, dabbling in other diets and such. I should know better....yet don't. I'm lured by calorie counting today (yesterday it was low carb). I'm embarrassed to write that, but maybe seeing it in print will help deter me. I've always been one to secretly chuckle when people tell me they're into such ridiculous plans.
I like the "idea" of calorie counting. It seems so liberating to me. Stick to three meals within a caloric parameter, but have enough wiggle room if I want to have dessert with a friend after dinner. But of course, it opens the flood gates.
Not sure what decision I'm making. Sometimes I need to try it for a day to remember why it's not a good idea for me.

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Post by jw » Fri Feb 07, 2014 2:25 pm

Sinnie, I think No S combines with a lot of other approaches -- keep the three plates a day and count calories or carbs as well. You lose the simplicity of the three-plate approach, but you satisfy the urge to control things a little -- no harm done! When you get tired of counting, just drop back to the three plates again!
"The second you overcomplicate it is the second it becomes the thing for which it is a corrective." -- El Fug

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Post by automatedeating » Fri Feb 07, 2014 2:55 pm

Jw, you always sound so wise.
Sinnie, ditto what jw said. :)
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Post by Sinnie » Fri Feb 07, 2014 3:41 pm

Love you guys! What an appropriate response. Thank you:) I guess it really is that simple.

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Post by Sinnie » Mon Feb 10, 2014 1:55 am

Okay, back to sanity :)

Today's meals...breakfast was cold oatmeal cereal (protein powder added) and a hard boiled egg and some watered down juice.
Lunch was mac n cheese, rapini and a homemade protein bar with peanut butter.
Dinner was veg and dip, french onion soup w/ lots of cheese, 2 pieces french bread and a meat pie.
Dessert was a smallish brownie (no icing) with coffee!

Done and ready to move onto another week! I had a watered down hot chocolate. I started to feel all guilty that I need a crutch to wait for dinner, but my new mantra is if it stops me from a binge...

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Post by Sinnie » Wed Feb 12, 2014 7:45 pm

Alrighty, here goes:

Meal #1: slice toast with peanut butter

Meal #2: New York Fries at the mall (large size, but other ppl had a few); diet pepsi

Meal #3: basmati rice, butter chicken/chickpeas, buttered broccoli and 1/2 homemade protein bar (quite rich its covered in chcolate)

I just went on a binge. I'm in a bit of a mood, and looking back I realize there was actually no need to eat the frustration I was feeling. Now I just feel way worse, physically and mentally. Maybe if I just cried instead of eating, I'd feel better, both physically and mentally. Ehhh..the life of an emotional eater.

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Post by lpearlmom » Fri Feb 14, 2014 6:16 am

*hugs* try a nice big mug of hot cocoa next time. Not watered down either.

I think I love my great big nonfat mochas because I tend to drink them all the way to my next meal. If that's a crutch than so be it. Does the trick though.
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Post by automatedeating » Fri Feb 14, 2014 1:22 pm

Sorry, Sinnie, for your tough day.

I'm a BIG fan of the BIG cry! :) You know, it really does release stress from your body--stress hormones come out in those tears. So go for it!
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Post by jw » Fri Feb 14, 2014 1:59 pm

Was that the binge, the food you listed? Sounds like a good day of eating what you like! :D In any case, today is a new day . . .
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Post by Sinnie » Fri Feb 14, 2014 3:29 pm

JW, I wish! Unfortunately my binges are too long to list - but it pretty much consists of random items found anywhere in the kitchen. Auto, you are right about crying, I always feel better....if only I could remember that. Linda, yes yes yes - the cocoa/mocha usually does it for me too - I tried that at first (even not watered down!) but this time I went on to eat.

I think that's the problem with calorie counting or mods. The openness becomes "I'll just have a little of this or that, I can afford it" which for people like me opens the flood gates. I almost have to treat myself as someone with a problem who isn't like other people. I can't stop. Clear firm boundaries no matter how much I whine and complain and stomp my feet ARE NEEDED.

Which leads me to my next point...maybe I should try Vanilla again? Ehhhh, we all know I won't stick to it, realistically. But, there is a small nagging voice in the back of my head which says to try again. Put enough food on your plate and limit it to three. Even if its more than I'd normally eat, over time it will be less if I don't binge. I don't know. I don't want to make any grand proclamations.

I'll try it just for today. Let's see how it goes. I'm talking 100% vanilla just for today. I'll even properly plate my meals (I don't usually do this, like ever).

I mean, I've been dabbling with diets for a couple weeks, and I'm heavier than when I was just doing No S after the hospital. Go figure.

W: 126 (down a lb from yesterday at least)


Breakfast: peanut butter sandwich on dempsters whole wheat toast (2 slices - didn't quite finish) and full fat yogurt w/ spoon of strawberry jam in.

Anxious to make it today. This will takes LOADS of willpower.

Lunch: "pizza" - took a pita, slathered pasta sauce, loaded some cheddar and cut up a chicken leg and broiled it. So good! Veggies w/ dressing on the side. Diet pepsi.

This is going surprisingly well, but it's only lunch:P

Dinner: 2 chicken legs, pasta w/ butter & cheese, handful roasted chickpeas and salad.

Wait, did I just complete a whole day of Vanilla? I know this is nothing for many of you but for me, it's been the unattainable. I ate all three meals on ONE plate, followed every rule literally. I even had a conversation with DSD that really irritated me but I knew going to food was just not an option today. As I sit here drinking my coffee (tsp hot chocolate powder and splash vanilla coffee mate) I am contemplating trying another day. Well, I guess I'll go ahead with the S days first. I've been able to do a week of vanilla before...ill take this one day at a time.
Last edited by Sinnie on Sat Feb 15, 2014 1:10 am, edited 1 time in total.

Imogen Morley
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Post by Imogen Morley » Fri Feb 14, 2014 8:55 pm

Oh Sinnie, my sister from another mister! We're always on the same page.
I'm probably the last person here who should express her opinion about vanilla No S, but I'll tell you something. Deep down I feel it's the most natural, sustainable, and doable way of eating EVER. But it's not easy, especially at the beginning. It takes a lot of time, a lot more than just 21 days, for No S to become second nature. Every choice we make is a commitment to all future choices, so every time you stick with the rules, you win. Do you know the elephant/rider metaphor for conscious vs visceral brain? The latter has to be trained. It is a creature of habit. Fancy arguments don't change his mind - only consistent, almost Pavlovian conditioning. The elimination of the tiresome decision-making process, as many neuroscientists claim, is the best way to ensure you stick to your good habits.
But basically, whatever you choose. We're always here for you.

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Post by Sinnie » Sat Feb 15, 2014 3:00 pm

Imogen, how funny is that!?! We seem to have a radar that puts us on the same page all the time. I think your commentary on Vanilla is spot on. In fact, what really resonated with me was the conditioning explanation - "fancy arguments don't change his mind". I think that's what my focus will be - not trying to coerce, cajole, beg, plead, pray etc with myself but just do it until all choices are based on the previous one. Willpower at first will turn into a conditioned response. So cool.

Well, I am feeling pretty fantastic about yesterday. But, I've been there before so I am by no means saying "yup, I'm a vanilla gal!" because if the past truly is a a predictor, I'll be calorie counting or the like in a week. Hate to admit that.

I guess the diets really put some water weight on, as my weight was down to 124.5 lbs. I do weigh everyday it works best for me, but Ive started logging a trend which is kinda neat.

It's an S-day - I am going to relax and hope to enjoy i.e. not binge and be hungry for meals, plus some fancy dessert ill get at the bakery etc

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Post by Sinnie » Sun Feb 16, 2014 6:43 pm

S days going pretty well. I ate salty stuff yesterday (fries, olives, etc lots of added salt) which I assume is the reason for a 3 lb jump overnight. 127.5. It's Family Day weekend but dh has to work tomorrow so although it's a holiday I won't take an s day because I'm kinda essed out. I didn't binge but it's nicer to feel lighter. Today went to sisters for brunch and ate a lot and we have company coming for dinner. I want to go to sleep feeling good so we'll see how I end off this first s day weekend.

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Post by automatedeating » Mon Feb 17, 2014 3:52 am

Hi Sinnie! You make me laugh! Anyway, enjoy your "week" of Vanilla! Ha ha.
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Post by eschano » Mon Feb 17, 2014 10:53 am

One day at a time is a great strategy! At the beginning and when I'm struggling I'm actually counting one plate at a time, so I never have to concentrate on more than a couple of hours at once. And every "green" plate period (e.g. period after breakfast to lunch is the lunch plate, after lunch to dinner is the dinner plate...) is a victory!
You're doing well.
eschano - Vanilla rocks!

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Post by Sinnie » Mon Feb 17, 2014 2:19 pm

Hey thanks guys :) I am ever so slightly disappointed that my weight was 127 this morning, but strangely I'm still on board with Vanilla for another day. I'm also still not making any promises about sticking with it, because I'm pretty sure I'll waiver on that. A terrible character trait, isn't it.

So far I'm just drinking my usual black coffee. I have ZERO appetite for breakfast. Hopefully that changes in the next 30 mins.

Day 4 shall we say...

Breakfast - monte cristo sandwich and watered down OJ

Lunch - chicken sandwich, piece of cheese and a pear

Dinner - pasta shells in broth, 3 fish fingers and frozen veg with butter

So, I failed. Bet you didn't think it'd happen THAT quick! But, it's not entirely gone to the dogs. I recognized I was not going to be able to hold out. I was making a vanilla latte/mocha thing and saw the desserts from yesterday. I absolutely was going to have some, as dinner was so not filling. But instead of eating like a wild boar at the counter, I just accepted that fate and at least went off target with some style - I plated a piece of apple strudel & lemon sponge cake (both homemade) and had a couple bites of cake with my fancy coffee. I don't know where this leaves me tomorrow.
Last edited by Sinnie on Tue Feb 18, 2014 1:28 pm, edited 5 times in total.

Imogen Morley
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Post by Imogen Morley » Mon Feb 17, 2014 3:59 pm

The moment you hesitate, I do too! :lol:

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Post by Sinnie » Mon Feb 17, 2014 11:51 pm

Hahaha at least I'm not alone. Oh and thanks for telling me about the Leslie sansone video I'm totally gonna try it this week!

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Post by Sinnie » Tue Feb 18, 2014 1:39 pm

So I'm feeling like crap right now from last night's binge. I really went crazy afterwards. I just completely listened to the devil on my shoulder saying give in to the WTH effect!!!

I am going to attempt the Walk at Home video from Imogen's mention of it (if baby will let me, heck I suppose I could even hold her if necessary) and continue on with 3 meals today. I mean what else is there really for me to do?

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Post by lpearlmom » Tue Feb 18, 2014 1:50 pm

Sorry you're feeling badly Sinnie. The "what else is there to do anyway" attitude definitely got me through some rough patches with NoS. There's no perfect solution to this eating/weight stuff but really IMO, NoS is the best possible solution.

So while at times I'm annoyed that I have to have a solution at all, I know I have to move forward with NoS. What keeps me green most days is knowing that if I stray I know I'm just going to come right back to NoS anyway so really why bother going off course at all?

Good luck with your workout. Sounds fun! Do you have a baby sling or another carrier? That really made it possible for me to get a lot done!

Hope today is better!

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Post by Sinnie » Tue Feb 18, 2014 2:03 pm

Great points Linda. I couldn't agree more and feel actually quite motivated to plow through this rough patch. I have these difficulties and need to work through them. I spend WAY too much time thinking about my diet or lack of it. Time to start acting and thinking like a grownup not a wavering teenager who won't listen to solid advice. 3 meals, that's it. Let's just get on with it and do it. I can't believe how much work I really need to put in to get back to pre-baby weight. Before I put in the exact same effort/food intake at 10 lbs lower and it's funny to be in the same spot but heavier :S

I am a little bit annoyed or self conscious or something about a comment my sister made yesterday. I said something sorta jokingly about losing the baby weight and she said something along the lines of "don't get all anorexic like you were before." WTF??? I didn't want to get defensive because then it looks like what she's saying has any base. I kept a consistent weight for years, but once I moved further away for a year I think maybe my family saw me less and realized I was thinner than they thought?? (completely normal weight - maybe lowest 115lbs on a 5'2 frame). The most bizarre thing is I was there for a long time and I recall seeing her once and her taking a pic of me on her phone and commenting. Anyways, she even called out to her DH yesterday "Do you remember when she was too skinny!?!" and also saying that other people were saying it too. I was so floored and embarrassed and felt like I couldn't say anything without looking guilty or something. It made me feel like what's the point of eating healthy and having good behaviours/habits when I will be put down for it. It really hurt my feelings.

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Post by automatedeating » Tue Feb 18, 2014 2:12 pm

Jealous sister. Unfortunate, but true.
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Post by Sinnie » Tue Feb 18, 2014 7:01 pm

Perhaps you might be right auto. It's almost like they disguise it as you are doing harm to your body. But, my sis has lost quite a bit of weight herself, so I'll just turn it around on her :P Another annoying thing, my MOM now said to me today "don't lose anymore weight" - I wonder if they had talked about it. I simply didnt respond as I walking out of the room anyways. Umm, I'd kinda like to fit into the clothes I had before, thank you! Although, I remembered Linda's signature on her posts and decided that's my response from now on: "I don't believe in ideal weight. Have ideal behaviour and then whatever you weigh is ideal." I can happily eat any meal with anyone because I don't snack, whereas my sis often says no to dinner because "I had a big lunch" *rolls eyes* Usually these kinds of comments lead me to binge out of frustration. I'm taking it in stride now. I'm doing nothing wrong, no one can accuse me of not taking a full plate of food at meals and I have a healthy response lined up.

I did the Leslie Sansone 1 mile workout to get started :) I have also had two plated meals so far, woohoo!

B: oatmeal with some banana, plain yogurt & greek yogurt w/ chia seeds,bread w/ pb, and an apple

L: naan with deli meat and tomato; baby carrots

D: pork tenderloin, fries in the oven, nachos with guacamole, watered down OJ

I did pick a small amount outside of my plate. I am enjoying a vanilla latte and that's it for tonight..
Last edited by Sinnie on Wed Feb 19, 2014 12:52 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by lpearlmom » Tue Feb 18, 2014 7:37 pm

I agree. Jealously, competitiveness....don't let it get yo you. We've seen your meals. Very healthy, very reasonable. You're hardly under eating so ignore it.

Jeez women can't seem to get a break. Too fat & everyone tells you to stop eating too much. Lose sone weight and everyone tells you to stop losing weight. Remember your body is nobody else business but your own.

Btw, is she your older sister by chance?

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Post by Sinnie » Wed Feb 19, 2014 12:57 am

Yes Linda she is a couple years older. She is very close to me, but I guess that doesn't dispel jealousy. I need to develop a thicker skin and let people know I am happy where I'm at. It;s not like I'm some diet fanatic who you can't take out to dinner - I'm the first one ordering a plate of fried anything!

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Post by eschano » Wed Feb 19, 2014 10:04 am

Well done for not letting it get to you too much. I completely agree with ideal behavious will bring your ideal weight - different for anyone!

As for jealousy: I think no wonder how close you are to a sibling it's always hard not feel jealous from time to time. Sometimes the people we are closest to have to bear most of the weight of our own issues which seems to be the case here, body image sounds like a sore spot for your sister.

As the Brits would say: Keep calm and keep on NoSing
eschano - Vanilla rocks!

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Post by Sinnie » Wed Feb 19, 2014 2:35 pm

Eschano, I love that line! It's my mantra from now on.

Feeling a lot better and like Vanilla No S is making more sense and sitting much better in my mind. I've almost lost the weekend weight and that's including Monday's binge. I'm starting to see how this can work. An new phenomenon for me is plating my food all at once. I always thought that was such an arbitrary rule. But after really trying it I am truly seeing the point.

Breakfast was a slice of multigrain toast w/ pb and a banana.

I did 2 mile leslie sansone workout. Loved it! It's gets me energized, is not too hard, doesn't leave me feeling exhausted or hurt my knee. Thank you Imogen!

Lunch was pork tenderloin, tortilla chips & avocado dip, baby carrots, an apple, two bites pasta salad and watered down OJ. I could really see the one plate rule come into play here because I normally would just eat chips out of the bag or be very lax about plating and I am pretty sure I ate less by forcing myself to choose how many I wanted.

Dinner was not exactly one plate but I choose what I would have and stuck to that. I made broccoli/potato soup and had a bowl with a whole piece of naan, some bbq pork and cucumber/tomato salad.

I am having my coffee now (I froth whole milk and add a splash of vanilla coffee mate so it's filling and tasty).

I should be OK as long as I don't cave, kinda feel like caving tonight.

Well, I started to get a bit shaky right now and it's almost 10pm. I decided to have a snack, as milk was just not going to cut it. But rather than just go all snack crazy as I usually would, going on my new-found love of plating, I grabbed a small plate and put baby carrots, 1/2 banana and big spoon of plain greek yogurt. Now that's progress!
Last edited by Sinnie on Thu Feb 20, 2014 2:59 am, edited 4 times in total.

Imogen Morley
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Post by Imogen Morley » Wed Feb 19, 2014 3:49 pm

Regarding your sister's comment: I bet you were nowhere near being anorexic. Of course, your overall appearance depends on the body type you have, but I'm shorter than you, and weighed 109 at my lowest - never been told I was too skinny. Your sister, as others have already said, was probably just being jealous. Siblings' comments about weight and food are always infuriating, and I should know, because I have two much older brothers - who are, however, exceptionally critical or mock me about my appearance.
I'm happy to hear you're doing well on vanilla, and trying out Leslie's workouts. I'm sure that pre-plating your food all at once will quickly make a difference to your weight, but of course - having proper habits is far more important. And there's something chic and elegant in having just one single plate of yummy food at a meal, and enjoying it to the fullest... Keep it up!

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Post by Sinnie » Thu Feb 20, 2014 12:16 am

Exactly Imogen, she was greatly exaggerating, saying things like my chest was looking sunken in...really inaccurate comments. So infuriating! So true about the elegance factor of not picking at food. I am just loving No S so much right now.

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Post by lpearlmom » Thu Feb 20, 2014 4:35 am

Sorry Sinnie. I hope you can gather the courage to tell her how she made you feel at some point.
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Post by Sinnie » Thu Feb 20, 2014 5:52 pm

It's probably a good idea in theory Linda but it's a hard dynamic to explain. It would likely end up where she gets all weird about it or starts saying stupid things that don't even make sense or defensive...she isn't the type of person you can just be straight with about such things. I would probably feel worse after as odd as that sounds. It's one of those situations, if it comes up again, where I'll just say "I don't think anyone can argue that I eat very well. And I also don't think anyone can argue that curbing the amount of junk/sweets we eat is a good thing. If this is where my weight lands as a result, then that is my ideal weight. I feel great, I have lots of energy and there is nothing to work at because this is just how I live."

I kinda screwed up at lunch because I am in a huge rush trying to get out the door to a friend's house and didn't plate my meal well. I only had some pork and soup, and soon after felt very hungry. So I had one piece of bread with peanut butter. Could easily still be considered lunch but didn't put it on the plate.

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Post by osoniye » Fri Feb 21, 2014 1:51 am

Yeah... what you eat, and your weight are really none of your sister's business, whether you communicate that verbally or just by not engaging with her on it. Keeping boundaries with family members can be so challenging (sigh).
(Lunch sounds like an unplanned virtual plate... sort of a grey area, but not a huge problem...)
No Sweets, No Snacks and No Seconds, Except (Sometimes) on days that start with "S".

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Post by Sinnie » Fri Feb 21, 2014 3:07 am

Oh isn't that the truth, osoniye. I just really hope no one makes a comment about my weight again, but I am sure they will. Sigh. It gets so annoying.

Well, today I test drove a mod I've been creating. I guess it stems from my experiences so far which include but aren't limited to the following issues: I've always binged and that is what made me gain weight in the first place, not eating socially or whatnot, but the secret binging you'd be embarrassed for someone to see. I don't want to merely carve my binges down to two days a week (S days). Many normal weight people I know enjoy sweets everyday and are healthy and thin. I also know skinny girls who don't refuse treats even if it's not a special occasion.

I feel like a good balance for me is to eat 3 plated meals with no sweets every single day - I have learned I need to maintain *some* form of strictness or it all goes to the dogs (which is why I am not at this point saying sweets can be part of the package as long as it is part of a meal - I am creating a fence here). BUT, this is where the crucial part comes in. When the opportunity presents itself, I can go "off-plan". I would consider that to be anything that doesn't happen everyday. For example, if DH and I go out to Starbucks and I want a little dessert. We rarely do that since he works so much so that seems reasonable to indulge. If we have a family gathering, a girl's night, basically anything that qualifies as out of the ordinary. So today was my first trial run. My friend invited me over. We both have babies around the same age and she is a very dear friend who I don't see as often as I'd like. I knew she'd probably have dessert to serve and I decided this is out-of-the-ordinary enough to qualify breaking the rules. Sure enough, she made cookies while I was there and I would have felt rude not taking one to try. I ended up staying for dinner which was quite light, and we had coffee and cookies afterwards. So in total, I had 3 cookies which were awesome, I enjoyed every bite, the company and not even the slightest desire to binge now that I am home. She gave a small baggie of cookies to take home - but guess what - I am not allowed to have any unless for some reason a rare opportunity presents itself. My mom coming over for a bit during the day tomorrow does NOT count. Make sense? I'm really excited about it.

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Post by Sinnie » Fri Feb 21, 2014 4:28 pm

Looking forward to another great day. Other than Monday I've had a fantastic No S week. If I hadn't overeaten Saturday-Monday I'd probably have lost weight. But sitting at 124.5 is not too shabby for me these days.

Breakfast - homemade protein bar (very substantial)
Lunch - pork tenderloin, pasta salad, potato/cheese/broccoli soup and a grapefruit
Dinner - 2 slices frozen pizza, 1 wing, brocoli and a pear

I thought about taking an S today because I am meeting a friend at Starbucks. Then I really asked myself how "special" is this - do we normally get sweets? No. Is this that unusual even though I haven't seen her as often as before? No. Is she treating this as an occasion? NO! (This girl is like 90 lbs soaking wet. She definitely eats sweets but you can tell it's not a big deal and only does if it's socially appropriate, otherwise she skips it). I am not going to allow this mod to become "the excuse mod".

Okay, we'll I've done great today. I just had black coffee while out even though my friend got a sweet for her son and offered me some. Dh was supposed to be home for dinner but didn't happen. I waited until 8:30pm to eat which was 8.5 hours since lunch. I'm really proud of myself for making it through without much trouble. The issue was that baby wouldn't stop crying so I quickly ate something but I'm not done. I will finish after and not consider it a snack. But while I'm upstairs feeding her I need to decide in advance what else I'll have and stick to that. Nothing more, noting less.

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Post by Sinnie » Sat Feb 22, 2014 8:24 pm

B: 1 egg, 2.5 pieces bacon, slice buttered toast, 1 oatmeal muffin
L: slice bread with ham and cheese, muffin, banana berry smoothie and picked at some meat
D: dumpling soup, rapini/anchovy pasta, zucchini salad, bite of lamb

I will probably treat myself to a sweet latte at Starbucks since dh and I are spending the day together after an absolutely insane workweek. This is definitely out of the ordinary. I almost took a cookie with lunch. But I stomped my feet and accepted that's not part of the rules. I then proceeded to put those cookies in the freezer.

Edit: we did go to Starbucks and split a cake pop and I got a nonfat no whip caramel flan latte. I didn't finish it. I'm finally realizing I don't like their lattes. The sweet ones especially. I used to love them but now I'm always disappointed. I would much more enjoy plain coffee w/ a dessert.

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Post by Sinnie » Mon Feb 24, 2014 9:21 pm

Even with my new mod, the weekend still puts weight on! I was at 126.5 That's okay, right now I'm more interested in really focusing on 3 one-plate meals. I'm kinda thinking once I lose these last few lbs, I'm going to really try and enjoy the body I have without dying to get to my vanity weight. It sucks yo yoing those same couple of pounds over and over to end up in the same spot. I want to merely enjoy where I'll be, buy some new pieces and stop waiting for some silly arbitrary number to appear before I really feel worth the effort. If weight comes off great but I feel like I should just aim to be 120lbs. Normal eating everyday. The struggle to get a few extra lbs off that inevitably come back is sorta insane. As before, if I veer outside my 3 meals, just mosey along as usual like any normal skinny person would.

B: protein/berry/banana shake and small muffin.
L: peanut butter sandwich, piece chicken and apple.
D: beef stew, rice, spaghetti squash and ended it off with tea and split a cookie with DH. Amazing how a little sweet really punctuates a meal for me. That little ender to the meal says done to me.
Last edited by Sinnie on Tue Feb 25, 2014 2:27 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by automatedeating » Tue Feb 25, 2014 12:05 am

Beautiful attitude! I'm for it! :)
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
3/18-25.6; 8/18-24.5; 10/18-23.8;
3/19-22.1; 10/19-21.8
6/20-22.5; 7/20-23.0; 9/20-23.6
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Post by Sinnie » Tue Feb 25, 2014 12:44 am

Thank you auto😃 I'm feeling pretty positive. This morning instead of obsessing over diets (even NoS) I got to some much-needed tasks and realized that is what I should be doing. It's a pretty Big shift in mindset. I am waiting much longer than usual for dinner and I'm feeling like I can actually do this now without needing, well anything, to get me through. It doesn't mean I can have extra - it doesn't matter if it's 4 PM or 9 PM

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Post by lpearlmom » Tue Feb 25, 2014 4:40 am

Yay Sinnie! So cool to see things shifting in this new positive direction for you.

:twisted: SW: 210 lbs
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Post by Sinnie » Tue Feb 25, 2014 2:26 pm

Thank you Linda, it really does feel good I must say.

Breakfast today was cereal (some quinoa, amaranth blah blah) with whole milk and almond milk. Easy on the stomach as I have very little appetite in the morning.

Lunch was leftovers (squash, rice, beef stew, all topped with cheese) and a small muffin with tea.

Dinner was pasta, more stew and cheese.

I thought I could handle making cookies. Well I ate some dough. Then I had one after dinner which I was fine with. But later at night I got a little stressed and had three more. I was going to call it a day and go wild but then I remembered there's no starting anything over tomorrow. It'll be three as usual. With no "start over" mentality i had no reason to binge until I felt sick. I am not starting a diet in the morning I need to stock up for. So although not ideal, when tomorrow doesn't pose a food shortage the inner wild animal doesn't sense danger and just calmly walks away.

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Post by Sinnie » Wed Feb 26, 2014 5:33 pm

B: cereal
L: pasta w/ 3 cheeses, greek yogurt, apple
D: 2 chicken legs, oven French fries, cucumber tomato salad and a choc chip pb cookie with tea

A really good day. Didn't think about food at all! No hunger between meals. Had coffee with cream in between.

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Post by Sinnie » Thu Feb 27, 2014 2:52 pm

Breakfast: black coffee; 2 pieces rye bread with butter & honey; fruit shake

Lunch: pasta dish (rotini, chicken pieces, sauce, peas, parmesan) and an apple. Diet pomegranate soda.

Dinner: 4 small ribs, 4 pierogi's, cuke/tomato salad, cookie and decaf w/ milk

Really struggling tonight. I am so bored and want to snack. I already fought off a stress-induced urge earlier. I gave in the past two nights and want today to be perfect so I end off February in a good place. Ehhh, so uncomfortable to sit with this emotion.

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Post by automatedeating » Fri Feb 28, 2014 2:24 am

Being at home with a newborn sure can bring on stress-induced snack-urges. I'm not sure how most women handle it, but I packed on the pounds (I didn't know about NoS!) in the newborn period after my first son.

I know you'll find your balance, Sinnie, in this new phase of your life. Once baby gets a few months old, you might not feel so rocked by all kinds of emotions.
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
3/18-25.6; 8/18-24.5; 10/18-23.8;
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Post by Sinnie » Sat Mar 01, 2014 1:33 am

Thanks for the sympathy auto. I don't know why I allowed myself to binge almost every night this week. Truth is, it's not the baby. I don't feel stir crazy at all and I actually love being home with her. It's the same as before where I would binge bc I got bored in the evening. I know dh can't help it but he works completely unreasonable hours so I can't look forward to evenings ever with him. It's so incredibly unfair and infuriating and sometimes it gets the better of me, just feeling like all I'm doing is waiting. Until a new job pans out this is how it is. On the bright side, we really value and enjoy the time we do have together.

B: egg bacon cheese on eng muffin
L: chicken curry roti, diet coke, cookie
D: pkg (12 pieces?) BBQ salmon sushi and some kind of chocolate snack bar sis gave me. Yummmm.

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Post by Sinnie » Sun Mar 02, 2014 1:14 am

Okay another 3-meal day! Woohoo!

B: made a recipe I think it was called Russian breakfast or something it was eggs, smoked salmon, kale and cheese. Bacon and hash browns too. One half eng muffin with butter and jam.

Had a mocha very delish (mint coffee, one spoon chocolate powder, frothed milk with a lil vanilla creamer)

L: couple ribs, pasta, veg, small muffin and two bites of cookie.

D: steak, chickpeas and sautéed leeks, stirfried kale and fried mushrooms. One small piece of tye dye cake with tea. Omg so good!

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Post by lpearlmom » Sun Mar 02, 2014 3:36 am

Yum!! All looks so good.

I can sympathize with you regarding ypur husband working late. It's tough! Hope he can switch jobs at some point.

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Post by Sinnie » Sun Mar 02, 2014 1:39 pm

Hey thanks Linda. It's nice to know I am not alone in this little bubble of husbands working too much. My sis gets to commute with hubby to work every day, I can't even imagine. Sometimes it's not so bad, you get used to it and keep busy. But on the nights you want them home...

Things are going great the last few days and even last week's binge episodes taught me lessons. There was improvement even during those times. That being, I was only eating at meals, not taking too much, no snacks etc. I just needed to cut out the night eating - which I have done the last couple days - and I am good.

Today woke up at 124 lbs which I'm very happy about. I have a baptism today but plan on continuing with three meals.

Edited to add:

B: 2 pieces bakery bread (one was museli the other grain) with butter and leftover egg thing.

L: chickpea/leek dish, apple, bite of steak and kale. A bigger piece of cake than I normally would take.

D (at baptism): 3 pieces of baguette dipped in olive oil, garden salad, chicken parmigiana and pasta (didn't finish - proud to follow my hunger signals) and a glass or so of red wine. Didnt stay for cake.

On the way home, got a small coffee at McD's (it was free, OK?;)) with cream and sugar. Nicely hit the spot and that was it for the night!
Last edited by Sinnie on Mon Mar 03, 2014 1:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by oolala53 » Sun Mar 02, 2014 6:54 pm

Just about anything is better than giving in to that uncomfortable feeling. (called withdrawal) Curl up and cry if you have to! For me, even blottoing out on TV is preferable. I'm talking to myself now, too, as I've been having some fails recently.

Can you imagine if you were a single parent? I've known some at work and I don't know how they do it. I don't know how people teach and have children, period! Though more than a few are married to teachers, and they help each other. Amazing!

I think you're going to reach the hump on this soon, if you haven't already.

Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

There is no S better than Vanilla No S (mods now as a senior citizen)

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Post by Sinnie » Mon Mar 03, 2014 1:37 pm

Oolala your comments always hit the right note with me. The night that I binged I felt guilty or something for sitting and watching too much TV, I was getting bored of it, and was trying to save the "good" shows on PVR in case baby wanted to stay up'd have been MUCH better off finding ANYTHING to do BUT eat. It also kinda wrecked the next morning bc DH came home soon after my binge and took Friday off. I'd have felt sooo good for breakfast if i had resisted. Lesson learned.

I have definitely lifted from the fog recently. My greatest success has and still does lie in 3 meals a day of anything, no snacks, no seconds (loose on this rule-i eat to satisfy hunger however much needed) and sweets as long as its small and with food. Have been back to this for days with no binging and total bliss with eating.

Feeling positive this morning. Baby is going to bed earlier, I started using a pacifier just at night for sleep and although she doesnt totally take, it has somehow coincided with earlier sleep. I put her down awake for 2 nights with great success. She went to sleep around 11 and goes straight until the morning when i usually wake her. Of course i'm checking on her all night to make sure she is breathing, im a total spazz. I think God gave me such an easy baby to show me if you wait good things will come. I remember those horrendous days of infertility. Nothing about my experience seems normal but it sure turned out well.

B: 2 pieces bakery bread with pb & j

L (at mom's): banana, big bowl barley/veg soup and a chocolate peanut snack bar

D: tortilla chips, chili, cornbread, rice and salad.

Looks like we're going to Starbucks. I'll get a plain coffee and dessert. Something small.

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Post by lpearlmom » Tue Mar 04, 2014 3:33 am

She sounds like such a sweet baby Sinnie and you sound like a wonderful mommy. So happy for you!
:twisted: SW: 210 lbs
CW: 172

Imogen Morley
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Post by Imogen Morley » Tue Mar 04, 2014 7:26 am

I'm so glad you're doing well! You're such a nice person, and a great mom for sure. And it looks like you've found your own version of moderation.

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