Yay! A help for hunger on the No S Diet.

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Mister Tut
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Yay! A help for hunger on the No S Diet.

Post by Mister Tut » Tue Apr 11, 2006 1:57 pm

I went off the plan for a long while. The hunger was too much. This was too bad, because I believe No S is a useful approach. I've written here about my issues with hunger before.

In the last week, I've been able to go back on and hunger is no longer an issue. The reason why has to do with another diet I was asked to review by a publisher.

Puntam/Penguin sent me a pre-release copy of "The Shangri-La Diet" by Psych professor Seth Roberts of the University of California. He's also written for the NY Times, Spy, and the Freakonomics Blog.

I've been hearing about his ideas on diet for most of the past year, but just tried the plan in the last week (when the book arrived). The interesting thing is that the plan isn't a diet per se, it's more of a "hack" for your metabolism and hunger mechanism. It can be used in conjunction with many different diets, and I am using it with the No S, to much satisfaction (down 2.5 lbs in the last 4 days).

The Shangri-La diet calls for you to consume up to 400 calories a day of either unflavored sugar-water or a "flavorless" yet heart-healthy oil (Extra Light Olive Oil, Safflower Oil, or Canola Oil). This should be taken in two doses, at a time when your stomach is completely empty and you have had nothing flavorful (essentially nothing but water) for at least an hour. Then you can have only water for the next hour.

I know this sounds like a gimmick, but I often have to try diets whether they are gimmicky or not for work purposes. The science in the book looks at least plausible, and I can report that it is making the No S Diet completely doable for me, and is helping me lose painlessly.

From past conversations, It seems that not everyone has the hunger issues that I previously did on No S, but if you do, you may want to give the Shangri-La Diet a try. It can really help make No S a breeze.

(the book is not out until the 25th).

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Post by peetie » Tue Apr 11, 2006 2:01 pm

That sounds odd to me. Sugar water and heart healthy oils are such DIFFERENT things, and they have the same effect? This is to kill appetite?
I would think sugar water would pump it up. Tell me more please!


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Post by Jammin' Jan » Tue Apr 11, 2006 2:10 pm

This sounds both unappetizing, unhealthy, and unnatural. Are you actually doing this on a daily basis?

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Post by Jammin' Jan » Tue Apr 11, 2006 2:10 pm

This sounds both unappetizing, unhealthy, and unnatural. Are you actually doing this on a daily basis? I would like to hear the science behind this.

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Post by Mister Tut » Tue Apr 11, 2006 2:20 pm

I've got to confess, I feel a little like a kook talking about this because it sounds so absurd.

The science behind this (and I'll totally understand if this sounds like complete hooey to you) is:

Your body weight has a "set point" where it wants to be. This point can fluctuate based on the kinds of food you are eating -- it can be higher or lower than your current weight. Your Set-point determines your hunger.

if your set point is above your current weight, you will tend to have a lot of unproportionally high hunger and food-obsessive thoughts. If your set point is lower than your current weight, you tend not to worry about food, and may even forget the odd meal. Cravings are less and you only feel hunger when your body really needs food.

If your weight and set point match, you tend to remain at one steady weight, rather than lose or gain.

This is where it gets weird. Eating foods whose flavor is associated with calories tends to raise the set point. (junk food, restaurant food) When you eat "flavorless" foods or foods with an unfamiliar flavor, your set point tends to go down.

The oil makes sense. The sugar water, on the other hand... well even the author says he has no idea why it works, but he developed this system after many years of trial and error, then had many other people try it. My personal observation agrees with his and all the testemonials in the book.

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Post by Mister Tut » Tue Apr 11, 2006 2:25 pm

This sounds both unappetizing, unhealthy, and unnatural. Are you actually doing this on a daily basis? I would like to hear the science behind this.
Yes. I'm the Morgan Spurlock of dieting.

The sugar water is not unpleasant, particularly if hot. The oil takes a while to get used to, but has some advantages over the sugar water.

Interview with author Seth Roberts explaining the diet:
http://www.health-hack.com/archives/200 ... i-la-diet/

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Post by ThomsonsPier » Tue Apr 11, 2006 3:18 pm

I'd like to hear the science behind this, too. Unfortunately, it seems that the originator of this scheme knows little about it himself. The No-S site has more in the way of realistic scientific and social/behavioural documentation than the tripe I just read in that interview. For a scientist, it seems unsurprising that he's making a living with a fad diet book.

I don't mean to sound bitter and cynical but I am; so that's the way it comes out.


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Post by reinhard » Tue Apr 11, 2006 3:44 pm

Good luck! Thanks for posting this.

I think I'd rather be a little hungry than submit myself to these potions, but if it works and you don't mind, fantastic.

There was an interesting post about placebo effect recently... :-)

I don't point this out to disparage your "Shangra La" diet (which I don't know anything about besides what you've posted), just that it seems like with its almost alchemical combination of mystery and precision it might be particularly impressive/effective in that regard.


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Post by peetie » Tue Apr 11, 2006 5:19 pm

I remember reading a thread somewhere about people who took a tablespoon of coconut oil prior to a meal, and it made them feel full much faster. They, ofcourse, attributed this to miracle properties in coconut oil, but now I'm wondering if just having a tablespoon of fat before a meal might affect the satiety level of the meal.

Then again, as Reinhard notes, there's no discounting the placebo effect.


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Post by Mister Tut » Tue Apr 11, 2006 7:34 pm

Well, hey, it could be. On the other hand, if it is I gotta keep those placebos coming!

By the way, Dr. Roberts did send me links to some of the research papers that inspired his research:

Ramirez, I. (1990). Stimulation of energy intake and growth by saccharin in rats. Journal of Nutrition, vol. 120, pp. 123-133


http://www.scienceofsmell.com/scienceof ... dsprinkles

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Off the subject

Post by Big Phil » Wed Apr 12, 2006 1:03 am

Reinhard Quote: "an almost alchemical combination of mystery and precision"

Man, what an awesome phrase, sums up a lot of dubious things quite nicely, did you come up with that yourself or does it come from somewhere else?


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Apr 12, 2006 4:28 am

I agree Phil!
Reinhard is da man! :wink:

Having a nice beginning of Autumn down there?
I'm loving the Spring!

PS.... Mr. Tut, I am happy you are losing weight, but I do caution you to go do things which won't be maintainable in the long run..
If what you are doing is maintainable, for life, not just the period of time you are in the losing weight phase, then okay.. Otherwise it's ultimately a distraction and a waste of your precious energy..
Also, incidentally, when I was on the Lemonade Diet for two days, I didn't really experience hunger since the maple syrup in the lemonade kept my blood sugar stable..
Pretty interesting.. You would think it would do weird stuff like make you all up and down, but it didn't.. Out of curiosity, what are you doing?
The fat or the sugar? Not that I'm in need of it, but I'm interested :)

I have to hand it to you for having the nerve to get up on this forum and recommend another diet!
That takes b,,,,,ravery... LOL.. :wink:

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Post by fing » Thu Apr 13, 2006 4:06 am

Well, the interview is pretty light on details. For more real information, he has two articles, one of which has been published in a peer-reviewed journal Behavioral and Brain Sciences.

http://www.stat.columbia.edu/~gelman/st ... elfexp.pdf
http://www.freakonomics.com/pdf/whatmak ... tening.pdf

I think it's kind of silly to say that the No S Diet has more in the way of scientific evidence; the front page seems rather clear on that point.

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Post by Mister Tut » Thu Apr 13, 2006 6:19 pm

Hi Deb,

Remember, I'm NOT recommending this as an alternative to the No S, but as a simultaneous thing.

I am mostly doing the oil, as it has one big advantage over the sugar water. the sugar water will have a big impact on your insulin metabolism if you drink it quickly, so you need to sip at it over the course of half an hour or more. The oil can be gulped in a second.

Practically what this means is that with the oil, I cannot have anything to eat or anything but water to drink for a two hour window (one hour before and one hour after), but with the sugar, you need to add in the sipping time, so that means two and a half to three hours. Depending on time of day, I may really need a caffeinated beverage at some point, so I generally tend towards the oil.

This helps me stick to No S in two ways, one: I'm not as hungry, and two: all the time I'd normally be grazing, I'm can't because I'm on a regimented and very regular schedule with enforced "no-eat" times.

I can easily avoid seconds when I do eat because of the hunger control.

I am taking 2 "s" days for Passover, but I'm noshing less because of the Shangri-La, which helps me eat reasonably even on S days.

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Post by Jammin' Jan » Thu Apr 13, 2006 11:10 pm

I wish you God's blessings at Passover!

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Post by Mister Tut » Fri Apr 14, 2006 1:32 pm

And Mazel Tov and Shalom to you as well!

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Post by reinhard » Thu Apr 20, 2006 12:11 pm

Phil, I think I did come up with that phrase (no google hits, including this page, annoyingly).

Mr. Tut, please keep us posted as to your combo no-s/shangra-la progress. I am not a Jealous Diet Guru. I'm very interested in combined approaches, and am happy to have been even a partial help (hell, I'm happy to have been no help at all, as long as you're helped somehow).

Fink, thanks for the links. It's going to take me a little time to plow through them, and I confess I have some strong prejudices going in to it, but I promise I'll give them fair consideration.

Belated happy Easter and passover to you all,


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Post by mjohnson121 » Fri Apr 28, 2006 3:03 pm

I thumbed through this book at Barnes and Noble last night, and read the two (ok, I SKIMMED) PDFs listed above and as gimmicky as it sounds at first light, there is certainly scientific reasoning/experiments/studies/theories behind it (set point theory, flavor/calorie associations and learning, bland foods leading to weight loss, evolutionary psychology as it relates to hunger in feast/famine situations, etc).

Not only that, but the guy has a very interesting way of approaching life (as a scientist, experimenting on himself etc...whether you agree or not, it IS interesting!). And as far as his own personal experience with the system, the chart of his weight loss after starting the sugar water is nothing but startling (it's one of the PDFs).

Also, I disagree with Mister Tuts (although thank you VERY much for posting it here as that is how I found out about it) statement that the author even agree's that he doesn't know why the sugar water works. He has plenty of explanation (maybe less in the book, perhaps I read the sugar explanation in one of the PDFs, can't remember now!) regarding "sweet" as not being as much of a "flavor association" due to it not being a "learned" association (ie, even children prefer sweet tastes vs. say learning to associate the flavor of cilantro with food(and subsequently, calories) if that makes sense. At any rate, I *think* that in the book he did state that the sugar water is not recommended for long term use due to the possible negative effects of so much sugar (vs. at least known health benefits of olive oil...of course I'm not sure how THAT MUCH olive oil will affect a person in the long term either!).

I started the oil regiment last night/afternoon and will use in conjunction with No-S and will report back in about a month. As far as my recent success, there hasn't been any as I've fallen off the wagon and see this as a good jump-start.


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Post by misplacedpeg » Thu May 04, 2006 8:20 am

As a big fan of every fad diet that comes my way, after reading up on this one I decided to give it a try.
I tried the sugar water but could not take one sip without feeling yucky. So the next day I tried the oil first thing in the morning..AND IT WORKED SO WELL IT ALMOST SCARED ME!!!...It felt like being under a local anesthethic..i could feel my hunger..but i didnt want to eat!!

However..thats too freaky even for me...and somehow it just doesnt feel right, for me at least. Worth the try though...crazy stuff ..............

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Post by mjohnson121 » Thu May 04, 2006 2:57 pm

Thats a very interesting analogy, local anesthetic. I've felt the same way after almost a week on the diet...for me (and you it sounds like), you still FEEL your hunger but DON'T feel like eating...very interesting. Some people report not feeling ANYTHING (no HUNGER or DESIRE to eat) while a few seem to have no affect on appetite at all.

Anyways, just like Mister Tut found, for me it makes No-S a No-Brainer! Although technically I must admit it's not pure No-S (especially if you do the sugar water....that is just TOO much against the No-S way!!), but it's so helpfull that I don't mind it too much! :)


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Post by reinhard » Fri May 05, 2006 1:35 pm

I noticed that shangi-la is the top selling diet book at amazon at the moment and so on a lark I took out a google adword for it. It gets several times more traffic than sonoma diet (my second highest term) and 3 hour diet combined. It's probably just a novelty blip (these other guys had their blips too) but I guess I'll have to properly check it out to maintain my diet guru credentials (sigh).

Sighs aside, I'm happy to hear it's working for you and doubly happy that it's compatible with no-s. Do keep us posted.

I have to say, "It felt like being under a local anesthethic" and "not feeling ANYTHING (no HUNGER or DESIRE to eat) " doesn't sound very appealing to me, but I'll suspend judgment until I've given it a proper look. I do like the guy's spirit of self experimentation -- that we have in common, we just do it at different levels (psychology vs. biochemistry).


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri May 05, 2006 1:56 pm

I think it's great to feel natural normal hunger... I'm sorry guys... I also don't really believe in the "anasthetic" approach to this anymore..
Okay.. I used to take ma huang when I was on herbalife and that suppressed my hunger too, but at a major risk, and then it became outlawed... I realize that this method is nothing like taking a stimulant (with exception to the sugar water I guess...) or as risky, but it sure does appear to be a bandaid approach to the hunger issue here...

Truly, all due respect to Mister Tut and anyone who is using this method to quell their hunger, but I'm sure that this isn't a long term liveable answer...
I feel that sufficient water intake, proper portions and fibrous, nutritious bulky foods and proper amounts of protein and fats will do this too... Mainly my issue with this whole idea is that I'm against having to especially treat hunger like it's your enemy and needs to be medicated away...
Normal pre-meal hunger is a helpful tool which can really indicate whether you should eat or not... It's our bodies wisdom..
I just can't relate to wanting to numb that...

Hope you guys don't mind me posting this.. I certainly understand and can relate to wanting to succeed, so if it's helping you succeed then great, but I'm just really against *ANYTHING* quick fix...
In the long run, this stuff always backfires... Then when you are sick of drinking oil or sugar water on an empty stomach, what are you going to do when you don't feel comfortable with normal hunger or understand what is hunger and what is just impulse eating..

Well thanks for letting me vent a little here!
Please I hope I didn't rain on your Shangrila parade... :wink:

Reinhard, you are, and always will be the only Diet Guruji for me!
Just hurry up with that book already and stop that sighing!!!!!!! :P
Peace and Love,
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Post by Jammin' Jan » Fri May 05, 2006 2:59 pm

Deb, you stated your position so well! The only thing I might add to what you posted (which I absolutely agree with), is that eating food is supposed to maintain health, but I don't see sugar and oil doing that, not when consumed in this way. I think I'll just stick to standard no-s parameters and try to keep my plates filled with nutritious foods.

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Post by mjohnson121 » Fri May 05, 2006 3:42 pm

Deb, Jan and others:

I totally hear what you're saying, and if this was a "pill" from the pharmaceutical industry I'd be totally ranting and raving against it, so I admit a little bit of hypocrisy here...

Overall, my opinion is that I'd rather SUCCEED w/the addition of the Shangri-La "modification" to No-S and except a mild compromise than continue to fail. I agree that people need to come to a better grip with their hunger and that hunger is not a bad thing (like I said, you still FEEL hunger while doing the oil, and in fact, for me anyways, I think it is actually helping me to understand my hunger BETTER, as I can now recognize hunger, although not have the overwhelming desire to EAT...this is especially handy as I'm going through a very stressfull time right now...normally this would be binge city -- and I'm down 5.6lbs after one week of Shangri-La).

I guess what I'm HEARING (and that is at least partly due to the way I'm interpreting things based on my experience) from you and others is that: "Darnit, the Shangri-La Diet is CHEATING and you just need to TRY HARDER." And honestly, if I had more success with No-S by itself (and I am NOT knocking No-S), I'm sure I would be in your camp.

Also, would you be as worried about the long term health effects of 1-2 tbls spoons of olive oil (let's ignore the sugar water as the author recommends using it for the long term, so it shouldn't really be an arguing point re: health. It's more of a support for the theory...read the book if that sounds confusing) if a No-Ser was putting 1tbls soon of olive oil on their salad at lunch and 1 tblspoon to cook their food in at night? I don't think being on an empty stomach is a HEALTH issue (certainly maybe a palatability/taste issue though!).

Anyways, I'm starting to ramble here. Overall I'll simply report back on a monthly basis to let you all know how the combined/hyrbrid approach is working, but I don't want to flood Reinhard's forums with too much discussion about a DIFFERENT diet (especially SUPPORTING a different diet) as thats not fair to him or No-S.


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri May 05, 2006 9:06 pm

Well, one or two tablespoons of olive oil is actually pretty darn healthy, but I thought it was like 1/4 cup or something more..
Well Shangrila di dah, I learned something! :P
And, no you aren't a hypocrite at all.. I am happy you are learning what is real hunger and what isn't..That's great!

I wish you health and success!
Have a great weekend!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

ps... My prediction is the next diet will be called the Nirvana diet! LOL!
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Post by Jammin' Jan » Fri May 05, 2006 10:26 pm

I didn't realize this is only 1 - 2 tbs. oil, so that's not too bad. I probably use that much to cook my breakfast egg. I was imagining much more.

No, I don't think this is cheating, any more than my glass of mid-afternoon orange juice is cheating. When I need it, I need it, and it keeps me on track.

As for "try harder"...well, you're doing that, aren't you? You recognized a problem, identified a solution, and are implementing it to stay on track. Nothing wrong with that approach!

If this is working for you, then you should definitely keep it up!

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Post by mjohnson121 » Fri May 05, 2006 11:52 pm

Thanks for the support and encouragement Deb, even in light of disagreement. Thats one thing I really appreciate about 1) this forum...no flaming or otherwise, just classy people. And 2) your enthusastic and encouraging attitude.


-Olive Oil Mark :)

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat May 06, 2006 1:21 pm

You might just turn Sicilian with all that olive oil Mark! :wink:
That actually seems like some "old world" remedy, and good for omegas too.. Use the extra virgin oil since that has the most nutrients, and always cold pressed..
I appreciate the board for those same reasons!

Have a nice weekend!!!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb
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Post by Dixie_Amazon » Sun May 07, 2006 8:26 pm

Hi everyone! I am back after a long absence due to family problems.

Extra virgin olive oil is not recommended because it is to flavorful. Light suggested since it comes from later pressings and has less flavor. The oil is supposed to be consumed at least one hour after eating and then you shouldn't eat again for at least another hour.

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Following up on the Shangri-La Diet

Post by kayvan » Sun Jul 29, 2007 5:42 am

Hi everyone.

I was curious about this, and I read Dr. Roberts' papers, his book and an article online (What Makes Food Fattening: A Pavlovian Theory of Weight Control). I started experimenting.

I can tell you that it works. Considering that I am quite skeptical and not expecting any big results, I don't think that the effect was simply due to the placebo effect. Also, since I already log all my food and calculate calorie intake (I know, I know, that is not the "No-S" way...), it was not due to my being more aware of what I am putting in my mouth.

My routine has evolved over the last couple of weeks to this: I eat breakfast at around 8AM, then about an hour or so later, I take one tablespoon of Extra Light Olive Oil (ELOO). A few hours later, around Noon or 1PM, I eat lunch and then about 2-3PM, another 1 TSP dose of ELOO. After dinner, around 10PM, another 1 TSP dose of ELOO.

A few observations: 1) I have no cravings to speak of... I have no urge to snack, and my appetite is greatly reduced. 2) I am naturally eating smaller meals because I feel full faster. 3) I am sleeping better. 4) A knee twinge/pain I've had is gone.

One weird anecdote... After I had been doing these doses of oil for a few days, someone brought Krispie Creame donuts into the office. Normally I would have one, maybe two of these sugary concoctions. This time, I looked at them and had no reaction whatsover!!!! I walked over to the donuts and took a deep inhale... They smelled good but I had no desire to eat one. I was amazed.

In any case, that's my experience with this diet that's not really a diet... More a way to hack your metabolism and your appetite and get your mind to lower your body's "setpoint" (read that PDF for the research and theory).

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Post by joasia » Sun Jul 29, 2007 2:35 pm

The problem is once again this: most people with weight problems don't overeat because of hunger, they overeat because of stress, being bored, etc. no diet will help with that. that just takes pure will power.

That being said, I don't think 2 spoons of olive oil a day ever hurt anyone.
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Post by kayvan » Sun Jul 29, 2007 5:06 pm

True enough milczar, at its most basic level, it takes willpower.

However, if you can tweak the systems that maintain body weight (the so-called "ponderostat" which controls the regulation of weight through appetite, levels of leptin in the blood, intestinal absorption, metabolic rate), then you can align the overall mind-body system to make achieving your goal easier.

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Post by stevecooper » Tue Jul 31, 2007 4:04 pm

So, adding the oil adds up to 400 calories -- that's basically a small meal. How do you drop those extra calories from meals?

(that is, how is this different from the miracle-hunger-cure of eating more food?)

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Post by kayvan » Tue Jul 31, 2007 4:13 pm

stevecooper wrote:So, adding the oil adds up to 400 calories -- that's basically a small meal. How do you drop those extra calories from meals?

(that is, how is this different from the miracle-hunger-cure of eating more food?)
For me, 3 TSP per day is 360 calories. The calorie uptake is more than offset by the reduced overall appetite and the smaller meals (getting full much faster).

You can see my own data here.

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