eschano 2014 check in

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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eschano 2014 check in

Post by eschano » Thu Jan 02, 2014 10:27 am

Happy New Year!

And I'm back to plain vanilla, first day today :)

So my little experiment of taking it easy during December and doing IE to enjoy the festivities has resulted in lots of festive feeling and +3kg. Interesting outcome and not completely unexpected or unimaginable before I started so I'm taking it calmly.

I'm looking forward to another NoS year and am delighted to start my January. I still have a cough (was ill the whole Christmas-New Years week) so I will make an exception for putting honey in my tea until I'm back to normal again, which I usually don't do. Otherwise, vanilla all the way.

To a great 2014 for all of us!

P.S.: I just realised that No S has actually taken away my fear of failure, which has so thoroughly sabotaged me in the past and for that I am even more thankful than for the >-10kg. I'm beginning to see this new boldness sipping into other areas of my life as well. Quite a feat for a former habitual-guilt-tripper/perfectionist.
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Post by jw » Thu Jan 02, 2014 11:49 am

Happy New Year to you, too, eschano. I feel I am also up a few pounds since the holidays, but I won't officially weigh in until next week sometime. It's all good! We know what to do!
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Post by finallyfull » Thu Jan 02, 2014 1:50 pm

Yes -- I see what you mean about the fear of failure -- I now really embrace it. I had a two day romance with calorie counting about a week ago, quickly, very quickly, realized that not only did I want to eat more, I thought about food constantly, but I remembered past failures (losing 10 pounds and gaining it back in five seconds) so I quickly went back to vanilla. Phew! Still recovering, I think. But it felt more like a scientific experiment than any real failure, because I stayed on No S.

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Post by automatedeating » Thu Jan 02, 2014 5:11 pm

Hi eschano!

Here's to a wild ride (but not wild S days) for 2014!
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Post by Diligence » Fri Jan 03, 2014 12:00 am

eschano, I hope you fully recover soon! How fantastic that No-S has taken away your fear of failure. Excellent! Best wishes to you in this new year.

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Post by eschano » Fri Jan 03, 2014 10:42 am

Thank you automatedeating and diligence!

Finallyfull - I replied on your thread without seeing your reply :) Between IE and your counting adventure - I'm now plain vanilla for the whole of 2014!

First day yesterday: success. I didn't have dinner as I still have my cold and feel stuffed from the past two weeks but I'm still counting it as a success as I wasn't hungry at all.
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Post by NoSnacker » Sat Jan 04, 2014 10:17 am

hi....I'm plain vanilla as much easier to build the habit that way. Thanks for starting the tread for 2014 daily check in.

When I failed in the past it was because I started to tweak my N days and went hog wild on S days..went back to doing nothing and binging to counting calories, the voila I realized I did my best at not binging when I followed No been back since 12/4..whoaa..I feel sane.

Here's to getting back to the basics in 2014.
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Post by automatedeating » Sat Jan 04, 2014 3:06 pm

Hi eschano,
I just wanted to thank you for encouraging me a few months ago that plateaus are normal on NoS. I was at a point where I was thinking a little too much about weight loss. Your post to me about plateaus helped push me off my "mental" plateau that NoS is just about weight loss.

And here I am, almost 20 weeks in, and my weight hasn't done a whole lot. But I feel great! I truly would be OK if I stay at this weight. I don't feel tempted to tweak.

But the day may very well arrive in coming months (and years) when I am starting to freak a little. And then I'll need to reread your encouraging post to me!

Have a satisfying and sane S Day. Oh, by the way, I consider being happy/content about skipping a meal (due to truly not being hungry, not because we're trying to lose weight) the epitome of where NoS could take us! It's like an advanced level of NoSing. :)
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Post by eschano » Mon Jan 06, 2014 10:23 pm

NoSnacker, wise words indeed! I will keep them close to my heart.

Automatedeating, I stopped by your thread but thanks again for your lovely message. I am thrilled I said something that made a difference.

To a great 2014!
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Post by eschano » Tue Jan 07, 2014 12:15 pm

So, I've got to look at my immune system. Am on antibiotics now for a different sickness. I guess I just need sleep, rest, and probiotic yoghurt.

I am sticking to NoS with a mod for three days as I'm supposed to have food with my antibiotics which I'll take four times a day. So I'm adding a fourth mini-meal of 1 small, plain, non-sugared probiotic yoghurt for the next three days to my NoS and will consider those green days if I stick to it.
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Post by automatedeating » Tue Jan 07, 2014 1:50 pm

Sounds good, eschano. In one of my classes (microbiology) my students all joke by the end of the quarter that whenever I ask a question, "yogurt" is the correct response. :) You'd think I'd eat more, considering how magical a food I think it is!

Although personally yogurt is my favorite, there are lots of other fermented food ideas, too, if you're looking to reestablish good gut bugs long-term. Daily intake of kefir, home-made saurkraut or other homemade fermented foods. Some people swear by kombucha, but I've read a few contradictory articles about that one recently.

Making your own yogurt at home is fun and easy and guarantees the yogurt contains live, active cultures. Unfortunately, many store-bought yogurts sit on the shelf so long that the bacteria has died before you eat it! :(

And one last thing, get out in the dirt. Roll around a bit! Ha, ha, sounds silly but actually good stuff for your normal gut flora.

Good luck!
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Post by jw » Tue Jan 07, 2014 10:23 pm

I hope you feel better soon, eschano. Taking antibiotics always disrupts my digestion for a while. Automated has a great list for you there to bring things back to normal!
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Post by eschano » Wed Jan 08, 2014 9:40 am

Thank you automatedeating - I bought 5 yoghurts from an organic shop that makes them inhouse today :) Should get me over the next few days :)

Thanks JW, I appreciate the support.

I had a fail yesterday. I know now that I have to watch out for being tired and for feeling bad for myself. I ate 40g of chocolate as a pick-me-up yesterday evening. Ah well, mark it and learn from it and move on.
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Post by eschano » Thu Jan 09, 2014 10:06 pm

Two green days: Yay!
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Post by eschano » Mon Jan 13, 2014 12:38 pm

Just started a new relationship over Christmas so as soon as my health recovered I started sailing through NoS.

I'm not that hungry and talk so much over food that I feel satisfied much earlier. Plus, S days are automatically tamer if spent with someone. Usually, I would meet many people on Saturday and stay on the couch on Sundays - that's a receipe for wild S days for me. Now, I'm out all weekend and it makes a lot of difference too.

I know from past experiences that the binges come back eventually so lets see how long this sailing-through NoS lasts before I get back to normal.
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Post by automatedeating » Mon Jan 13, 2014 2:22 pm

Glad NoS is going well for you, eschano! I'm sure you'll get some more green days under you before you need to fight off too many overeating binges.

I have plateaued for 3 months. I am still a couple pounds above a healthy BMI and I am contemplating...
*commit to vanilla S until Feb 25 (6 months of NoS) before making a mod?
*commit to 1 year (Aug 25th) before making a mod?

The problem is, I don't WANT to make a mod. And I doubt I'd be successful going into it with that resentment of further restriction.

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Post by eschano » Tue Jan 21, 2014 11:10 am

OOPS - realised I wrote on my 2013 check in the other day and got really lovely replies from Linda and auto as well! So I'm quoting them below (hope you don't mind)....

Jan 20th Monday:
eschano wrote:All good so far. Spending my weekends with the new boy means I'm never really alone so an in-front-of-the-TV/bored spurge is currently not a problem which is mainly what made my S days so wild in the past.

But I'm still not healthy. After two sets of antibiotics I took some probiotics to get my stomach back on track. The result? An allergic rash all over my body - massively annoying. I'm not doing anything except for cooling it down at the moment - so over popping pills!
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Post by eschano » Tue Jan 21, 2014 11:12 am

Lpearlmom on 20th Jan:
Lpearlmom wrote:Oh no don't you hate it when the cure is worse than the ailment?! Hope both things get better soon and glad things are going well on the food front.

New boyfriend? ;)
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Post by eschano » Tue Jan 21, 2014 11:12 am

Automatedeater on 20th Jan:
automatedeating wrote:Yeah, that caught my eye too: new "boy"? 8)

I'm reading this as I'm getting ready to eat my breakfast (have to brag because I love it): full-fat plain Greek yogurt (18 grams fat/serving!!) mixed with blueberries. I put the blueberries in the night before so they thaw in time for breakfast.

You just can't go wrong with yogurt. I've even heard of some women using it to treat yeast infections (I am not kidding......)

And here's another laugh for the day. A new and growing treatment for major GI flora imbalances is fecal transplants. Yep, just get some poop from a healthy-gut. :)
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Post by ZippaDee » Tue Jan 21, 2014 11:27 am

Hi Eschano....checking in on you after my absence. :roll: Am noticing in your signature line that you have lost 20 lbs since July! YAY YOU!!! That is awesome! And congrats on your new relationship! Sorry about your sickness. Get well soon! But, I would not recommend the fecal transplants that automated mentioned. :lol: Have a great day!
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Post by eschano » Tue Jan 21, 2014 11:49 am

Thank you ZippaDee! It's great to see you back on the boards :)
Well, I've lost 20pounds but since July 2012 so super slowly and I wouldn't have it any other way hehe.

As for Automatedeating: I'll definitely copy your blueberry yoghurt idea! Yummy!

Thank you Linda! It's getting better every hour.

I think I said this before but as I'm very much feeling the massive difference NoS made at the moment:
I never really had relationships before doing NoS. I had such a horrendous body image, I couldn't imagine being loveable at all. NoS changed everything about that. My body image, my idea of what constitutes a healthy "ideal" body - and it's no longer a supermodel, my confidence, everything. So while my first relationship after starting NoS didn't work out for sheer incompatibility, this one is looking good so far :) Either way, NoS mended my most important relationship -that with myself. YAY!
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Post by automatedeating » Tue Jan 21, 2014 1:51 pm

Eschano, that is just beautiful. Wow.
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Post by ZippaDee » Wed Jan 22, 2014 12:59 pm

NoS mended my most important relationship -that with myself. YAY!
Wow! is right!! Beautiful indeed!! So happy for you!! And 20 pounds is huge....and the slower the better! Have a wonderful day!
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Post by lpearlmom » Wed Jan 22, 2014 3:55 pm

That's really powerful eschano. I think nos is the only diet that builds us up instead of tearing us down.
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Post by thepowerofcheese » Wed Jan 22, 2014 10:21 pm

Thanks for visiting my journal, eschano! I came in to check out yours. :) I started a new journal btw, called "Thepowerofcheese's New Start." Come check it out sometime!

I really love what you wrote about accepting yourself. That's huge, and way more impressive than even the weight loss. That's something I've been working on a lot lately. I just want to be the best ME I can be.

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Post by eschano » Thu Jan 23, 2014 12:47 pm

Hi all, thank you so much for your lovely comments - I'm very glad that I shared this now!

All green yesterday. To another couple of green days and then sweet S days.
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Post by jw » Thu Jan 23, 2014 5:35 pm

How did I miss that?! I must have been losing my focus here. That is one of the best testimonials ever, eschano -- life altering! I am so happy for you!
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Post by NoSnacker » Thu Jan 23, 2014 11:26 pm

I thought I'd stop by and say hi! Read some of the threads here..congrats on your new relationship...they are fun to start but nerve wrecking at the same time..

Have a great night!
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Post by eschano » Fri Jan 24, 2014 10:33 am

Thank you so much JW and NoSnacker. Maybe I'll add it to my testimonial page, although it hasn't been a year since my last testimonial :)

Yesterday was one big struggle to stick to three meals. I did, although I made it calorie-heavy as my body clearly needed that. Pasta in the evening. So still Green :) Love NoS!!!
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Post by middleager » Sat Jan 25, 2014 4:09 am

Eschano i have just been reading through the last few posts and your testimonial page. Fantastic :D
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Post by eschano » Mon Jan 27, 2014 11:22 am

Thank you middleager!

I'm so glad it's Monday. Had a disgusting S day yesterday but was hung over and somehow didn't manage to eat anything resembling food except for some grapes. Those massive nights out happen about twice a year so I'm not worried. Another week commences - back to sanity!
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Post by eschano » Thu Jan 30, 2014 10:02 am

Two sick days spent at home- very irregular eating but alas, sick days are S days (although could definitely do without them!).

First day back at work, things are looking up :)
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Post by lpearlmom » Thu Jan 30, 2014 1:37 pm

Glad you're feeling better!!!
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Post by eschano » Tue Feb 04, 2014 10:48 am

Yep, so got right sick again haha. But this weekend I really recovered or so it seems. I finally realised that a lot is down to stress at work. I'm quite a resilient person or have been so in the past so it's interesting to notice how much my boss' mood actually affects me.

I am currently hungry all the time. I think it's because I had a tame weekend so I didn't make up for the calories in a way. Anyways, it's not a bad thing, just means my breakfasts are proper breakfasts at the moment and my following lunch and dinner plates are filled a bit more. But all good. First green - a good start :)
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Post by eschano » Tue Feb 04, 2014 10:59 am

Also just decided to add a second habit:

Looking after myself/being kind to myself (LAM): I'll do one nice thing for myself every day to reduce stress.

Monday -


Success - long bath
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Post by automatedeating » Tue Feb 04, 2014 2:32 pm

Cool new habit-building!
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Post by lpearlmom » Tue Feb 04, 2014 3:16 pm

Love your new habit. It's crazy how harsh we are with ourselves isn't it?

Have a great day!

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Post by jw » Wed Feb 05, 2014 8:26 am

I think I like your new habit better than my own, eschano! Good one!
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Post by eschano » Wed Feb 05, 2014 12:16 pm

Thank you Auto, Linda, and JW!

Happy to report:


Success - read a great book before sleeping and having a hot water bottle to warm my feet (yeah, I know hahaha) instead of automatically watching TV without even paying proper attention.

Also, the book: Malcolm Gladwell's David & Goliath is highly recommendable but then I like Malcolm Gladwell.
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Post by ironchef » Thu Feb 06, 2014 4:51 am

hey eschano,
Just wanted to drop by and say hi in your check-in thread. So glad to read about your success with No-S and everything else.

One suggestion for self care, that I use a lot when very busy, is just spending a bit of time breathing consciously. It sounds like nothing, but even 5 minutes purposefully focused on my breathing seems to make me feel a lot calmer and happier. Also, you can do it anywhere (on a bus, in a boring meeting), where a nice long bath might not be possible.

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Post by eschano » Thu Feb 06, 2014 11:14 am

Hi Ironchef, Great suggestion for LAM! I will certainly do that on busy days.


Success - cooked my favourite meal from home, Schnitzel for dinner and made it look really pretty on the plate and had a glass of red wine with it. Yummy and all on one plate
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Post by eschano » Fri Feb 07, 2014 9:41 am

Wow, so I am finally at my pre-December weight again. That IE trial was by far the stupidest thing I've done, although I love to take December off and just enjoy the festive season. I'll have to think hard next time how to mod in December.

As for yesterday:

Special S Day - went to a musical and a lovely dinner with a shared desert. Was planned and I barely had three spoonfuls of a very light Lemon dessert.

Success - Got treated to Musical tickets and to a lovely dinner so definitely LAM, although technically I wasn't looking after MYSELF haha. But I was: I enjoyed everything a lot without going overboard on food or drink. Happy how I handled that.
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Post by ironchef » Fri Feb 07, 2014 11:46 am

Nice work eschano - isn't it great when you can enjoy a special night and feel good about being moderate.
I'm impressed with how quickly getting back to Vanilla has worked for you. Fingers crossed I'll get the same result!

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Post by Sweetness » Sat Feb 08, 2014 11:23 pm

Eschano, Good for you Looking after self, We all need more of that! And great that you realize that it doesnt mean indulging yourself, but moderation is the best way to feel good later!!! :idea:

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Post by eschano » Mon Feb 10, 2014 9:47 am

Thank you Ironchef and Sweetness!

I had a wonderful and lazy weekend relaxing a lot and getting ready to moving apartment.

Fail -I usually start my S days on Friday after work but I had a donut on Friday afternoon for my colleague's bday. It's a bad fail because I ate the whole thing but didn't even properly enjoy it and afterwards felt a bit sick. So that's wasn't a wonderful-dessert-I-really-enjoyed moment. Mark and move on!

Friday and weekend:
Success - Flamenco Lesson on Friday, which is wonderful for my spirit and luckily also for my body. Saturday - a very relaxed day with my man in where I cooked lovely food and drinks with friends. Sunday - a wonderful cake that felt like a real treat at my favourite brunch place with friends.
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Post by NoSnacker » Mon Feb 10, 2014 10:16 am

Hi there, sounds like you had a nice weekend! Doughnuts don't agree with me anymore either...I burp them up all day...must be the grease!

Have a great week..thanks for stopping by my daily check in!!

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Post by ironchef » Tue Feb 11, 2014 5:42 am

What a great weekend - Flamenco dancing, that's awesome!

Totally know what you mean about the work donut. A colleague brought in birthday stuff a few weeks ago: cupcakes with weirdly coloured icing from the supermarket. Even half way through one I was thinking "this isn't even nice, what am I doing?".

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Post by eschano » Tue Feb 11, 2014 10:01 am

Hi NoSnacker and Ironchef,
Isn't it funny how our bodies and tastes changed with NoS? Previously I wouldn't have even thought about eating something I didn't particularly enjoy as long as it tasted somehow sweet.

Falmenco is my newest passion - loving it!



Not sure didn't do anything particularly special for myself. In fact, caught up with a friend and felt more like a chore than a treat.
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Post by Imogen Morley » Tue Feb 11, 2014 10:48 am

Just popping in to say hello. I really like your idea of "fail-worthy" weekday treats (well, if the opportunity presents itself!) that I've seen in some other thread on the general forum. Crucial question here is "can I only eat it HERE and NOW"? Might also be a useful on holidays/cruises etc. Good idea!

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Post by automatedeating » Tue Feb 11, 2014 2:05 pm

Hopefully you do something nice for yourself again soon.
I know how catching up with a friend can feel more like a chore than a treat. I have to be in the right mood for that. :)
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Post by jw » Tue Feb 11, 2014 3:37 pm

Wonderful how you lovingly urge us to be gentle with ourselves but also to own our eating decisions, eschano! Thanks for that!
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Post by eschano » Wed Feb 12, 2014 10:37 am

Thank you so much JW, Auto, and Ironchef! You are such inspirations to me.

Success - I had a lot on my lunch and dinner plates but it was a green day according to the rules.

Success - I had a work event to manage (14 hr day) which I usually take as an extra S day and I always permasnack on canapes and feel horrendous afterwards. This time I allowed myself to stick to NoS and loved it :)
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Post by Tessytwinkle » Thu Feb 13, 2014 8:09 am

Thank you for welcoming me back. I really appreciated it.
I love your idea of looking after yourself. Being kind. I need this too as I need to reduce my stress and steady my life. We are all so harsh on ourselves. Especially women At times I think. I will try this out :)

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Post by eschano » Thu Feb 13, 2014 9:41 am

Thank you Tessytwinkle. I agree, my perfectionist comes out too often and sets unreasonable expectations for myself and I react harshly against myself and others when I don't reach those goals. Now I am getting a much kinder vision of the world just by sticking to LAM (Looking after myself) - funny how that goes.

Success - Got offered after-dinner chocolate and declined without any urge to accept or any regrets. Boom - habit in place again :)

Success - treated myself to a cab home instead of a 25 minute walk as I was carrying two very heavy bags. Got some exercise later.
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Post by lpearlmom » Fri Feb 14, 2014 5:59 am

Awesome job eschano! I love your signature regarding intuitive eating because sometimes I can feel the lure of that concept pulling me back. Every time I read your sig I think "oh yeah I remember now, that doesn't actually work".

Keep up the good work. I need to follow suit with the self care goal.

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Post by eschano » Fri Feb 14, 2014 11:29 am

Linda, I'm delighted that my signature makes a difference! I like your signature as well though, it's so good to remember that "ideal weight" is BS and each of our bodies has it's own "ideal weight".

Success - Was at home and saw all the chocolates in my cupboard (ok, may I say here - I have left-over chocolates in my cupboard!!!!! That has never happened to me previous to NoS - NEVER!!!) and really fancied them. I guess also because I was looking at websites of Valentines cupcakes and chocolates for my boyfriend earlier so got a real craving going. But I realised that it was only boredom and a friend of mine skyped me and then I forgot about it and didn't have it. YEAH!!!

Success - I felt really tired and know I have a big weekend in front of me so when a friend called to say she can indeed meet (I suggested it to her on Monday and she said it would be a spontaneous yes or no) I told her that it doesn't suit anymore and allowed myself to go home and get some rest - exactly what I needed! I usually would make myself go anyway and feel tired for the rest of the week.

Taking today as an extra S day as it's Valentines Day. And I know I'll get a Success on LAM :)
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Post by jw » Fri Feb 14, 2014 12:01 pm

Love your LAM posts, eschano -- such simple things but they make such a difference to your well-being! Am also in awe of the chocolates in the cupboard. I am not there, yet!
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Post by Tessytwinkle » Fri Feb 14, 2014 9:22 pm

You are so clever, I have followed your LAM, taken an S day today so I could get a success on my LAM, as I needed some self care and kindness today, smart and crazily wonderful :)

Oh my goodness I long for the day when I have treats in the cupboard and I am not constantly seduced by their siren call - sigh.... But you give me hope :)

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Post by chani8 » Sun Feb 16, 2014 7:41 am

I really enjoy your posts, eschano!

You are doing great with your No S successes.

This comment is very much me, too: "my perfectionist comes out too often and sets unreasonable expectations for myself and I react harshly against myself and others when I don't reach those goals."

I'm a 1 on the eannegram, if you know about that personality type. Sounds like you are, too.

Anyway, it's a Yes S day for you, so hope you are enjoying yourself! Yes S is synonymous with LAM! :)

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Post by automatedeating » Mon Feb 17, 2014 4:05 am

Chani, I looked up that personality test. I was a 1 too! But just barely; I was tied for 4, 5 and 6 (if I remember correctly). So I wasn't dominant in one type. However, I was CLEARLY not a 9. Then, I tested my husband and he was very dominantly a 9 (The peacemaker). Of course we had to laugh--opposites attract.

I think all of us NoSers should take that test and see if there is a trend. Hmmm, maybe I should post it on the general board.
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Post by ironchef » Mon Feb 17, 2014 5:31 am

Great work on those chocs eschano - isn't it interesting how boredom masquerades as other impulses? The brain is a tricky thing.

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Post by eschano » Mon Feb 17, 2014 11:26 am

Ah, you guys, you don't even know what your support means to me! I would never make it without you all and this fabulous board!

So I have two issues to report from the weekend. One great and one really scary one- or I don't know yet - you'll see..

Friday- Massive Success - was planning to take an extra-S day for the whole Valentine's day and the way the whole day went I didn't use it and didn't need it at all! Crazy eh? I never even dreamed of this happening to me!

Sat and Sun
Sat was fine but Sunday.... oh boy....
My boyfriend and I went to the supermarket and bought dinner and a really nice apple crumble as a treat. My bf ate quite a lot over the day and I was holding back a bit for dinner as I was really looking forward to the crumble but I had no small amount of food either and chocolate. Come dinner time he says he doesn't think we should have the crumble as we had quite a lot to eat today and it's for four people and doesn't want to waste it. Sensible enough, but:
I agreed in a somehow regressed state of mind where I immediately felt like a child again. So first I felt really disappointed that my treat has just been taken away and then I realised that I could have insisted but years of feeling like "the fat girl" guilted me into agreeing instead of telling him that he had way more food than me and I deserved my treat. Instead I just ate some extra for dinner and didn't plan on apple crumble.
After dinner he said: " Well, I could actually do with some of the crumble now. Do you want it?"
At which point I snapped. I told him he started to annoy me and then explained how I plan and pace myself for meals and him changing his mind all the time makes it really hard for me and I reminded him of the fact that I won't have any sweets during the week so my weekend treats are very important to me so I don't feel deprived during the week. He totally got it but was also cheated out of a pie as there was no way I could have some after some extra at dinner.

So why is this all weird: it brought up loads of feeling for me from my childhood: how my mum always judged every bit of mine, how my grandparents would soothe me with chocolate when I was hurt or upset, how secretive I became with food and eventually overweight with a really unhealthy relationship with myself and food. I felt judged and not in control of my health and body anymore and it sucks.

I'm moving in with my boyfriend next Saturday so I will have to have a proper talk with him explaining my feelings about this because I need to feel guiltfree and happy and not judged. And he is the kindest, nicest person I know so I know he doesn't mean any of it - I am just being triggered by him. He's put on a bit of weight last year so he wants to lose it and talks a lot of how "we" should go to the gym, and eat healthy and I know he loves my body and doesn't mean I have to do it, it's just more fun for him together, but all I hear is "you're fat".

Any advice at all from your corner? I can only come up with - weekends we eat seperately or he'll have to stick to my fancies if he really doesn't mind. I know I will never ever go back to feeling that way for anyone (otherwise I could just live with my mum :D ) but ideally we'll find a way of dealing with it together.

Friday - Success treated myself to the hairdresser.
Saturday - Success treated myself to a chocolate croissant that I fancied before a day-long birthday party
Sunday - Success saw a movie I really wanted to see so I could relax after the whole dinner thing
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Post by eschano » Mon Feb 17, 2014 12:03 pm

Writing all of this made me realise that my mother has an eating disorder and that I have come a long way from my teen years to life with NoS. I'm sure I'll find a way to communicate that to my boyfriend. He's very supportive. Still, any advice is always welcome.
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Post by lpearlmom » Mon Feb 17, 2014 1:51 pm

Oh eschano big hugs!! Your post really resonated with me as I'm sure it did with others on here. My parents were always on diets and so, even though they may have never directly said I was fat (my sister did however), it was very clear in my mind that being thin was extremely important. I did a lot of sneaking of food & it took me forever to get over shame & guilt regarding eating & my body.

For me, it really helped to read books that rejected the idea that eating and/or being a larger size is bad. It helped me to see that the thin=good & fat=bad beliefs are really just a social construct.

As far as your boyfriend goes it's really important that he realizes you only eat sweets on S days and therefore when it's an S day you're going to be having your treats whether he wants to join you or not. My DH is a big eater & not a sweets guy so on S days, I often eat dessert without him.

I think you just need to be really straight with him. You will support him in his choices but you need him to do the same for you. Let him know that nos is a slow process and that you're in it for the long haul because it's the healthiest thing you can do for yourself mentally & physically. I think you need to let him know that you won't be joining him for quick fixes or probably even gym memberships. Tell him you know he means well but it's a little triggering for you when he even suggests it.

It's hard to have these conversations but will be so important to really clarify your expectations & needs before moving in together. I really admire your self-care goal & I guess this would be a huge act towards that goal.

Don't know if I helped much but just wanted you to know you definitely have my support. Best of luck sorting all this out!

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Post by automatedeating » Mon Feb 17, 2014 2:04 pm

What a great post Linda! Eschano, I totally agree with Linda on this that just laying it out for your boyfriend is important. Sometimes we need to be ultra clear, especially if someone else has never struggled with your food issues. Good communication practice opportunity! ;)
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Post by jw » Mon Feb 17, 2014 4:34 pm

Eschano, I love everything Linda and auto advise -- also, moving in together, even with the best guy in the world, is bound to have some hidden stresses to it for you. All the more reason to get everything on the table now. Maybe he'd even be willing to give No S a try, since he's focused on healthy living -- it's cheaper than the gym and look at Reinhard! I know this will be fine -- it's just another one of the things two people negotiate when they start to blend their lives!
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Post by ironchef » Tue Feb 18, 2014 2:15 am

eschano, I can't really add much to the insightful advice already given, but wanted to add my support. I have so much empathy for your experience when you were younger - I'll never forget the humiliation of being denied something from the food table at a party (in front of everyone) because I was getting "too fat". Like you I can look back and realise the family members who did these things had their own issues, but those experiences still suck and they stick with you in odd ways.

Change (even good change) always brings its challenges. You have such a strong habit going, and you are always wise and thoughtful about your No-S journey. I know you'll adapt really well.

Also, congrats on moving in - excited for you!

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Post by eschano » Tue Feb 18, 2014 9:23 am

Thank you so much Linda for your very kind and clever advice and auto, jw, and ironchef for your immensely comforting support! I feel a lot better about it after hearing your thoughts. You guys are wonderful! <3 <3

I am seeing my boyfriend tomorrow and will have a talk with him, you are absolutely right, it's important for me to communicate this and I know he'll take it well. I just had this moment where I completely froze and regressed so communication was on a teenage level :oops:


Success - no issues

Success - had a wonderful catch-up at my friend's house before I'm moving. She cooked (NoS compliant) and we had wine and girly talk and I enjoyed connecting before our friendship becomes a little more long-distance (like 2hrs away). I also talked with her about NoS and how I felt on the weekend and she could really relate and loved the idea of NoS so much she said she'd give it a go. Hopefully, she'll join the boards soon.
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Post by eschano » Tue Feb 18, 2014 9:22 pm

FAIL - packing everything for the move and kept thinking "I never got my treat on Sunday" while packing away my left-over chocolates. Well, turns out it's much easier to have them in the cupboard untouched than moving them :oops: Thankfully, I didn't have too many left.

Success - I forgive myself and will stop beating myself up about the NoS fail. That is LAM.
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Post by Tessytwinkle » Tue Feb 18, 2014 9:58 pm

Oh dear. I know just wHat you mean!! Out of sight out of mind, into sight in to tummy :(
Hope they tasted nice at least.
Good LAM. You are so getting the LAMs sorted. :)

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Post by NoSnacker » Wed Feb 19, 2014 10:33 am

eschano wrote:NoS
Success - I forgive myself and will stop beating myself up about the NoS fail. That is LAM.
Yes, so key to success here, is forgiveness! We are on the right path for sure! Thanks for stopping by, it is so rewarding when No S feels like "second nature" will long as we remember we are human and will have fails, but will also have many successes!!
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Post by ZippaDee » Wed Feb 19, 2014 12:13 pm

You are such an inspiration! Love your "Looking After Myself"...great idea!!

My mom too has a struggle with food. It was a lightbulb moment to me at Christmas time when we were all together and we had a bunch of food around. She said to my 11 year old nephew, "Eat up now because diets start in January"...My nephew questioned her and she said, "Well, everyone goes on a diet in January" She said this to my puzzled 11 year old nephew. :shock: I piped up and said..."well, I don't!" It hit me then that a lot of my issues I have stem from my childhood. She still says...I've been "good" today or "bad' today. Anway, I get it. I hope your talk with you boyfriend went well!! I can't add anything to what these lovely ladies here have already said!

Have a great day!
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Post by Tessytwinkle » Wed Feb 19, 2014 9:45 pm

Hi Eschano, I so understand your childhood experiences. It made me think of my mum. Who I loved very much. When she was older she became very ill. I was so worried about her. She had lots of tests kept being sick etc. as a result she lost so much weight. One day she told me how great it was for her to be so thin. It really upset me. I saw her thinness as a sign of extreme sickness and it was threatening. She saw it as a triumph. It was very sad. Your boyfriend sounds very loving just not quite in tune with your needs yet, he'll get it :-)

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Post by eschano » Thu Feb 20, 2014 10:09 am

So I'm extremely delighted to report that I talked to my boyfriend and it couldn't have gone better. He said he really got how weekend treats are important to me and that he won't judge me even if I have a proper binge as it can happen from time to time and most importantly: he said it sounds like a very reasonable thing to do (meaning NoS) and that it wouldn't be a bad thing if the principles rubbed off on him. :) I mean, two hours later he bought something sweet but still - total win!
As you know, I only had one brief relationship before this and while I have great long-term friendships, communication is still a steep learning curve for me so massive thanks for all your encouragement.

Zippadee and Tessytwinkle - thank you for sharing your mum-stories, it's so interesting to see that lots of people who struggle with food have a family history of it! We're here to break the cycle and heal generation-old wounds :)

NoSnacker - you are completely right, forgiveness is the key to NoS success!


Success - no issues

Success - on two fronts - 1) tackled the long-feared conversation with my boyfriend and faced my fears and was lucky that it couldn't have gone better. And - 2) we went to our favourite Thai in my neck of the woods for the last time before moving on Sat and between the two of us ordered all three of our favourite dishes but I only ate one plate worth anyways and as he always feels hungry with one dish only (not big portions at all) he was happy too.
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Post by lpearlmom » Fri Feb 21, 2014 5:59 am

Yay--so glad you cleared the air & it went well! You did great!

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Post by jw » Fri Feb 21, 2014 9:55 am

That's a relief! Good luck with your move tomorrow, eschano!
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Post by eschano » Fri Feb 21, 2014 6:38 pm

Thank you both!

Oh boy, this week wasn't great in terms of compliance :oops:

FAIL - proper binge after dinner. Didn't pay any attention to my food. Annoying.
Success - a good skype session with two lovely friends.

Special S Day as I'm home packing and in a celebratory mood
Success - took a day off so I can pack in my own time, really realaxed and having a great day :mrgreen:

I'm really looking forward to Sunday to start a new routine and also get a bit of a NoS re-start. I also decided to make diet soda an S as I think it makes me want to binge on sweets and for lent I'll give it up completely.
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Post by ZippaDee » Sat Feb 22, 2014 12:07 pm

So glad the conversation with your boyfriend went well! Good for you!! :D He sounds so good for you! Congrats on that front. Happy moving!
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Post by automatedeating » Sat Feb 22, 2014 12:16 pm

Yay for you to have a candid talk with your boyfriend!

You know, the whole guy thing and dieting (and NoS) is funny. On the one hand, Reinhard is a guy and wrote the book....on the other, I think Reinhard is disciplined in his head kind of like a woman! :) Most men I know have NO interest in restraining their appetites. They try it for a few days, and then they just eat their chips because they've had a rough week. As much as we women struggle with being patient on NoS, I personally think guys get even more impatient, faster.

Because they have faster metabolisms and more muscle mass and are taller (all general differences here, I know there are exceptions), my personal belief is that many men can get away with casual snacking for many more years before it becomes obvious on their bodies.

A bit of a tangent, I know.......should I delete this whole entry? :roll:
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Post by ironchef » Mon Feb 24, 2014 7:22 am

hey eschano, so glad the conversation went well. Go you! You'll still have little niggles as you settle in together, but at least you've explained the situation so he understands if you later say "honey, it's Saturday, let me enjoy my icecream in peace".

Good thought on the diet soda. To be honest, I've made all sweets an S, real and fake, because I find it easier to build a habit that way. If I just turn down any cake or cookie or soda, instead of asking "hey, is this made with sweetener or sugar", that is far easier for "dumb habit" to handle. Plus I think it helps my sweet tooth tune in during the week e.g. sensing the sweetness in fruit, pumpkin and so on.

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Post by eschano » Mon Feb 24, 2014 2:20 pm

Thank you Zippadee!

Auto: please don't delete your comment. I do think it has some virtue, in that men in general do have less eating disorders and body issues, although unfortunately I read that the number of men who do is also rising. Certainly, my boyfriend has zero emotional issues attached to his weight or food, which is refreshing but we also have to remember the difference.

Ironchef, when you put it like that it makes completely sense. I have only recently started to drink a lot of diet coke again and I find compliance much harder lately. Clearly there's a correlation.

I'm relieved and glad that it's Monday!
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Post by eschano » Mon Feb 24, 2014 2:57 pm

The weekend:

Well, S days.

Saturday - Success
I wanted to have something to relax me from moving so I cooked a real dinner for my boyfriend and me. I never was much of a cook but I never had as much fun cooking as I have now. First, because food was always a bit of a frenemy, while now it's a friend and second, because it's less fun to cook for 1. So it turned out really well and I was delighted. (Still am)
Sunday - Success
went to the gym for the first time in ages, which was relaxing, downloaded the recipe manager "Paprika", which I had a lot of fun populating (imagine I will for the next few weeks), didn't touch the room with my stuff in so I could take a whole day off. So really three things. Oh, and tried this weird shampooing method where you don't use shampoo but baking soda and apple cider vinegar instead - not sure about that one though. So far no shampoo has worked well with my hair so will give any DIY method a try :)
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Post by lpearlmom » Mon Feb 24, 2014 3:06 pm

Very exciting stuff eschano. I love to cook. There's something really satisfying about making someone a great meal.

Have a great week!

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Post by Tessytwinkle » Mon Feb 24, 2014 10:01 pm

My mum always rinsed her hair with cider vinegar in water. But I had not heard of baking soda as well. Conditioner always gives me bad rash on my forehead. So tend not to use it. Will try the vinegar :-). So glad you enjoyed cooking. It is especially delightful to cook for someone you love. :)

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Post by eschano » Tue Feb 25, 2014 9:52 am

Tessy, baking soda isn't working out for me (too aggressive) but I found a honey-water recipe that I'll give a try. The apple cider vinegar is going well so far - only put it on the ends though, not the scalp. And I use some virgin coconut oil for styling.


Success - I am discovering myself as a cook. I love it and have made some really yummy things this week. They are super simple but taste great. Yesterday I made Hallumi skewers with red and organge peppers, onions, oregano and a little bit of olive oil with a mango, chilli, balsamic dressing. Yummy! Oh, and rice. Cooking is amazing! How did I not know that?

Success - I find cooking reallly relaxing so I took the time to do it. I also went to bed super early as I felt tired - it's all still very new so I'm tired really fast but happy. So allowed myself a good amount of sleep.

Oh, and guess what: yesterday my boyfriend ate some gingernuts (like a lot) after dinner and I said: one more than that's enough! Immediately apologized and we laughed about this. Look who's talking- now I am getting involved in his eating decisions. So immediately back paddled and no harm done but will be very careful before I start throwing the first stone again haha.
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Post by automatedeating » Tue Feb 25, 2014 1:35 pm

eschano, your newfound love of cooking gives me hope....maybe someday a spark will light up inside me. I have tried many times over the years, and I always get frustrated and give up. Ah, sounds like a problem for an Everyday System! :P

And you must have curly hair, hun? It seems the frizzy-prone heads (I am one) are the people that I usually see working with the baking soda/vinegar (or honey-water) concoctions. :) And if you don't have curly hair, well, welcome to the no-shampoo club!
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Post by jw » Tue Feb 25, 2014 2:26 pm

No better way to warm a new house than with a home-cooked meal, eschano! Glad to hear the move went smoothly and the gingernuts did not become a battleground.

Is your hair long? When mine was, I found that shampooing it too often (= as often as recommended in the magazines) damaged it and left it all flyaway. I cut back to once a week and nightly brushing. I also used to do a warm olive oil pack, followed by a lemon rinse this time of year. Now I wear it short and spiky, a very forgiving style!
"The second you overcomplicate it is the second it becomes the thing for which it is a corrective." -- El Fug

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Post by eschano » Tue Feb 25, 2014 4:50 pm

Hi auto and jw, thanks so much for the tips and support!

Yes, I have wavy-to-curly hair (not kidding but it depends on which country I live in, in Italy it's beautiful and curly, in the UK wavy) that is thin and coarse with lots of frizz and a little over shoulder length. I'll certainly give this honey wash thing a try. And I'll certainly try jw's olive and lemon treatment! Sounds great.

Also, I'm surprised how many people know what I'm talking about.
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Post by snapdragon » Tue Feb 25, 2014 9:54 pm

Hi there!
Thank You for stopping by my thread! Glad your move went well!
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Post by eschano » Wed Feb 26, 2014 12:28 pm


Success - Back in the swing of it! Do I love NoS? YES!!! Yesterday my boyfriend cooked the yummiest dinner and guess what - it fit on one plate, was super yummy, and not even that unhealthy. GREEN and didn't even need or want sweets with it. ... ous-503145

Success - well, it was really more being looked after with a fabulous meal being cooked for me but I let myself enjoy my dinner and glass of red wine and had a wonderful evening.

Also, my new commute, which includes a 25-30min walk to and from the station makes me work up a nice appetite by the time I get home. Some enforced Urban Rangering. And with the 10 min I walk to and from the station to work I average over an hour of walking per day now. I bet that will make a difference too as it was only just over 30min before my move.
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Post by lpearlmom » Thu Feb 27, 2014 5:11 am

So awesome eschano! Sounds like this move is really positive for you. You're getting walking in & home cooked meals. You're bf sounds so sweet & thoughtful.

Linda :)
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Post by eschano » Thu Feb 27, 2014 11:01 am

Thank you Linda!


Success - Had an evening alone in the new home and still stuck to NoS! Didn't even occur to me to eat more. This just shows that it's possible to completely recover from a terrible week and have a green one. I am again astounded by how I feel about sweets in the house. I remember feeling intensely jealous of my good friend and even a little defeated ("there's something wrong with me", "I can't do this", blah blah blah BS thoughts that were really mean) when I realised that she had a box of Christmas chocolates at home in February some years ago. I desperately wondered how it was even conceivable at all to not eat every sweet in sight. Well, I'm there now! I finally arrived there too 1 1/2 years into NoS. Loving it!

Success - walked up to the rooftop to get some sunshine in during lunch time.
eschano - Vanilla rocks!

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Post by automatedeating » Thu Feb 27, 2014 1:56 pm

You sound really happy, eschano! A nice place to be!

And so glad you are having "enforced" daily walking. That's the way to go! There's no exceptions allowed. :)
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Post by eschano » Fri Feb 28, 2014 9:25 am

Thank you auto - I am! And you are completely right about the enforced walking. It's great. Today it was slashing down with rain and while I grumbled a bit about my wet trousers and feet, I still very much enjoyed the fresh air on my face and the walking itself.


Success - Our first date night but it all went well, I didn't need to be scared that I would want some dessert - one yummy main course is all I need. This morning I saw a number on the scale that I haven't seen since late November, when I was a bit down and had little appetite. Just shows: Vanilla NoS without any mods works really well for me even when I'm happy with lots of appetite - I can get there. (And even after a week streaked with some red).

Success - Date night.
eschano - Vanilla rocks!

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Post by automatedeating » Fri Feb 28, 2014 3:09 pm

eschano, re: the rainy walk--I wear my walking clothes and change when I get to work. Not very British, but it allows me to even enjoy puddles. :)

And re: the date night, ours is Tuesday nights and it has worked brilliantly for 6 months. I think a weekly date night is one of the keys to a working relationship! :)
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Post by lpearlmom » Sat Mar 01, 2014 12:54 am

Yay for scale, walk & date night but not necessarily in that order.

I like that you associate having a good appetite with being happy! So many woman seem to be ashamed of their appetites but I think it's a healthy and wonderful thing. With NoS we just learn how to fully enjoy our appetites IMO.

Have a great weekend!

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Post by Tessytwinkle » Sun Mar 02, 2014 7:33 am

Hi Eschano. I kinda love walking in the rain, and I often do my swim in the rain as the hydrotherapy pool is heated but outside. It is a lovely contrast. Really exercise has to become second nature. I am working on this. For me the tip is I suspect not to commit to too much but rather commit to regularity. Enjoy your Sunday. Tessy

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Post by automatedeating » Sun Mar 02, 2014 3:00 pm

Tessytwinkle wrote:Hi Eschano. I kinda love walking in the rain, and I often do my swim in the rain as the hydrotherapy pool is heated but outside. It is a lovely contrast. Really exercise has to become second nature. I am working on this. For me the tip is I suspect not to commit to too much but rather commit to regularity. Enjoy your Sunday. Tessy
What a great quote, Tessy! You should put this over on your thread, because you are inspiring and then you can inspire yourself when you need to remember how far you have come. :)
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Post by eschano » Mon Mar 03, 2014 1:58 pm

Thank you auto, Linda, and Tessy! You are all very inspiring!

Any recommendations for date-night activities?

So this weekend was good. Living with someone seems to tame my S days but it's early days, that might still change :)

I thought a lot about the last week I had that was full of red. Then I remembered the extinction burst concept and posted it on the General Discussion page. So true - old habits do raise their heads sometimes.

All in all a very unremarkable S weekend with the exception of Friday. I start my S days on Friday after dinner but this time I had no appetite for any Ss so I just had my one plate. Sometimes is starting to creep in :)

Friday - Flamenco lesson - good for the soul, my teacher is a wonderful, spanish older lady who says extremly inspiring things in a funny English: the yoda of Flamenco!
Saturday - afternoon nap before going out and a walk to the Farm to get fresh eggs and bread and veggies
Sunday - very cool art exhibition. A bit of a commute but well worth it, good for my creativity: filling the well
eschano - Vanilla rocks!

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Post by jw » Mon Mar 03, 2014 5:43 pm

Love the extinction burst concept, eschano -- thanks for those links. I also love your weekend LAMS -- sounds like a balanced, soul-satisfying time!
"The second you overcomplicate it is the second it becomes the thing for which it is a corrective." -- El Fug

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