Ursula's Daily Check-In

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Ursula's Daily Check-In

Post by Ursula » Thu May 15, 2014 4:39 pm

Yesterday was day 1 and after so much restricting (followed by the inevitable binging), I felt wonderfully balanced and energetic eating my three meals. The only good thing about my most recent round of extreme dieting is that I discovered the perfect breakfast for a breakfast shunner like me: green smoothie with almond butter (to make it more substantial). And I eat it with a spoon.

So I had my smoothie and my coffee yesterday and today for breakfast, then on the way to an appointment yesterday, lunch at McDonald's and, for dinner, a plate full of chef's salad doused in creamy dressing. I felt so buoyant that I ran 2 miles on the treadmill. It has truly been a while since I have felt so good.

I had diet coke with lunch and I am still trying to figure out if that's ok for me. My first inclination was to be "perfect" i.e. no diet soda b/c it tastes sweet. But I know that I may use that "rule" to rebel down the road, so I am erring on the side of permissiveness on questionable items such as diet soda, gum, my beloved sugar-free vanilla coffee creamer. So far, so good (hahaha), but if they start to derail me, I will have to confine them to S days.

I am also going full-on vanilla this time. Last time I NoS'ed I made my S days two days during the week when my husbands at work. I do not like eating sweets in front of him and I wanted to have the "freedom" to indulge while alone. Now, I was perfectly aware at the time that this is part of my eating-disorder mentality, but didn't care. And it actually worked out fine. But I want to be more normal this time and get over my food hang ups as much as possible. I don't plan on bringing sweets into the house for S days (no kids & my husband doesn't need the temptation either), so if I sometimes want a sweet, I can go get something on Saturday and/or Sunday.
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Post by Imogen Morley » Thu May 15, 2014 7:04 pm

Hi and welcome! I applaud your decision to let go of the "diet mentality" and have normal, square meals, no skimping, no deprivation. Although some of us are impatient and try to be "extra good" by skipping milky beverages/fizzy drinks or borderline S-foods, it very often backfires and negatively influences N-day compliance. And I should know ;) Also, you insight regarding S-days is just great. Keep up your good attitude!

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Post by eschano » Fri May 16, 2014 8:47 am

Hi Ursula,

I didn't worry about diet coke until I was nearly 2 years in. As Imogen said, don't worry about the borderliners. Think minimum compliance for now :)
As for S days: don't restrict yourself too much - it will backfire. I suggest: bake a German-style cake on Saturdays and share it with your husband. I often half the amounts and use a smaller caking form so there's only really enough for 4 portions.

Yes, you were completely right that American food is a lot sweeter. Especially, Starbucks muffins, banana bread, and chocolate in general (and as an Austrian I don't consider Hershey's a kind of chocolate- taste like sweetened chemicals to my swiss-chocolate trained tasting buds). The only sweet I really loved when living in DC was the pumpkin pie and cheesecake an Ethiopian-American woman made in a café right beside me because it wasn't too sweet (but heavenly). I once read an article about different sweetness in different countries for Starbucks desserts but unfortunately can't find it now.

In Austria, food has become sweeter of late (Sachertorte has become nearly impossible to eat) but a lot of our cakes and desserts are still not as sweet, such as Apfelstrudel, Kaiserschmarren, Palatschinken, and so on. However, Austria has always had sweeter desserts than Germany, importing a lot of recipes from Bohemia in the Czech Republic.

Anyways, I strongly advise you to plan an S treat at the beginning so you don't feel deprived :)

P.S.: I thought your story about eating when your husband isn't in was funny and completely understandable. My boyfriend got used to the odd idiotic S day where I shovel in chocolate all day. He gently makes fun of me but I have found it very liberating to bring this habit to light and do it in front of him.
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Post by eschano » Fri May 16, 2014 9:37 am

Ok, so here's some sort of explanation for a different diet coke: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Why_does_Diet ... e?#slide=1
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Post by automatedeating » Fri May 16, 2014 1:37 pm

Welcome, Ursula! You sound very grounded for your NoS journey. Some of your insights seem "precocious" to me! :) Good luck, and welcome!
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Post by Ursula » Fri May 16, 2014 5:02 pm

Another successful N day yesterday: green smoothie and coffee breakfast, 2 cheese sammies for lunch and mac & cheese with bruschetta and greens for dinner. I also did 20 minutes of yoga.

Today I ran 2.5 miles on the treadmill. I am noticing a pattern here: regular eating is giving me energy. W. O. W. I can't believe how active I have been these last three days and I REALLY can't believe that I didn't connect my low energy state with my food restricting. Must be the lack of glucose to the brain too.

Thanks for all the nice welcomes! I really think being connected to all of you will help me immensely since I tend to isolate myself when I am dieting hardcore. That way I don't have to explain the insane lengths I will go to to get and stay thin; that way I don't have to eat in social situations. No S'ing gets me closer to becoming a normal member of the human race. How cool is that?!

Eschano, your input means so much to me since I kinda view you as a role model. As you can see, I joined the NoS message boards in October, but just started posting. But I have been reading SOOO many experiences here and always see yours as one I would like to emulate. You are a big reason that I am going to go straight vanilla this time and having S Days on Saturday and Sunday. However, I have to admit that your first suggestion has given me pause: if I go ahead and bake a cake this weekend, I may end up a widow as the shock could kill my husband. This September we will be married 20 years and I have NEVER baked for him and have probably cooked only 10 times (at most). The Hausfrau gene is definitely a recessive one in my DNA. On the other hand, maybe some weekend baking would add a whole new dimension to our marriage...maybe that's what I could give him as the big anniversary gift! After reading your suggestion yesterday, I bought a kindle book of mug-cake recipes. Perhaps I will start with something like that and baby-step my way from microwave to oven. Yikes!

Thanks for calling me grounded, automatedeating, I'm not sure I've ever heard that word used to describe me (though precocious, even immature -- which I choose to interpret as youthful -- are way too familiar).

Hey, Imogen! Thanks for the encouragement!
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Post by Dandelion » Fri May 16, 2014 10:54 pm

You sound far too much like me oh...about 30 years ago. This is so much better.

Except the baking thing. I've always enjoyed cooking/baking. I hope you bake that cake. If you do, let us know how it turns out!
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Post by lpearlmom » Sat May 17, 2014 4:27 am

Welcome (or wb?) Ursula! Love your quotation. Good luck with the baking. I find it very therapeutic.

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Post by clarinetgal » Sat May 17, 2014 11:35 am

Welcome! It sounds like you're doing great. :D I love green smoothies, and I have them for breakfast several times a week. I definitely wouldn't worry about the diet coke, for now.

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Post by automatedeating » Sat May 17, 2014 4:27 pm

I agree with other posters--don't worry about the diet coke. Over time, you may naturally see it lessen. If not, you can decide if you want to make a change to that somewhere down the road. I enjoy my diet coke. :)
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Post by eschano » Mon May 19, 2014 10:12 am

Ursula wrote: if I go ahead and bake a cake this weekend, I may end up a widow as the shock could kill my husband.
Lol Ursula! I just thought with your German roots it might be a great treat for you. Buy a German cake? I like to bake but to be fair, I only get around to it every few months but I like the feeling of accomplishment (even if it doesn't always turn out great).

Thank you so much for your lovely words. No one has called me a role model before :lol: I'm just making it up as I go along so don't take me too seriously. I think that's the best thing about NoS: the chance to experiment, especially once you have the minimal compliance down - and I mean minimum.

I hope you had a great S day weekend! And if you ended up inhaling Ss - don't worry, we've all been there.
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Post by Ursula » Mon May 19, 2014 2:15 pm

Happy Monday! I had my first Vanilla-No-S weekend (i.e. S days were Saturday & Sunday) and survived. Saturday started slow and ended wild; I didn't have my green-smoothie breakfast, just coffee then grazed. By Sunday morning, I decided to have my usual N-day breakfast and see what happens. The green smoothie led to a regular N-day lunch, a 2.5 mile run and an early (6 pm) dinner. But by about 8, I had a hankering for something sweet and pulled up my new mug-recipes cookbook and made French toast inna mug. It was pretty good and satisfied my sweet tooth.

Still couldn't bring myself to eat sweets in front of my husband (had a DQ blizzard while shopping, then cake pops throughout Saturday when he wasn't around). But I think the dishonesty in our marriage may just help give my weekends some speed bumps. I will dress my cowardice in optimistic finery!

Hi, Dandelion! Thanks for stopping by and offering much needed encouragement. Your reply to my other post also meant a lot to me. I recently read a book called Going Hungry which was a compilation of different people's experiences with their own eating disorders. What struck me most was the persistence of EDs, even until death for some. I know I am an infant in my No S journey, but this way of eating seems to be a means by which I can bring normalcy into my relationship with food, without completely abandoning (as sick as this sounds) the security blanket of dieting (like Intuitive Eating, for example, asks you to do). I can still work at keeping my weight down while avoiding my most destructive ED tendencies. I see my eating disorder as a virus that I will have for life; I have been "cured" then sucked right back in too many times to view it any other way. With that acknowledgement, I need to manage it instead of ignoring it or succumbing to it. I hope No S lets me do that.

Eschano, yes! I said those words "minimal compliance" more than once to myself this weekend, especially by Sunday evening when I was toying with making it an N day. It really helped since my ED wants me to implement mods immediately! That's why I followed your story with such interest: you were one of the few who stayed vanilla from the start and are still here posting and encouraging. And, I have to be honest, 20 pounds lighter. Even if that takes a few years for me, where else will I be at that point??? Pushing 53 and even crazier than I already am!

Thanks also Auto, Clarinet and lpearlmom!!! It's funny how certain people seem to gravitate towards one another around here (just like in real life!) and I see you guys (includes Eschano and Dandelion too) as the one's I would most like to spend a weekend in Vegas with (he, he 8) ).

Okay, week number two, bring it on!
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Post by Dandelion » Mon May 19, 2014 11:23 pm

We had a discussion a few months ago at work about giving up things for Lent. I said I don't 'do' food related things due to my previous history. It's something I'm only recently able to talk about - and not to just anyone.

I've noticed the same thing about gravitating to certain people! Pretty much the same as your list :). I look in and occasionally comment on other people's threads, but these are the ones that just seem to feel like people I spend time with in person.
'I do think the way to a full and healthy life is to adopt the sensible system of small helpings, no seconds, no snacking, and a little bit of everything. Above all, have a good time.' Julia Child

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Post by Strawberry Roan » Tue May 20, 2014 2:24 pm

Welcome to the boards, Ursula.

And take me to Vegas with you guys, I am fun !

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Post by Ursula » Tue May 20, 2014 9:13 pm

Yay, Strawberry!!! The more the merrier (note to self: book party bus).

Yesterday sane, today sane. I still can NOT get over how much energy I have. I ran 3 miles on the treadmill this morning. I have always loved running, even ran a half marathon two years ago. But every time I get sucked into the diet spiral, I revert to low cardio workouts like yoga. I like how yoga makes me flexible, but I LOVE how running makes me feel. I have missed it so much. My husband made me such a cool running playlist this weekend that has resulted in a whole new running experience: usually I watch TV or my iPad or listen to an audiobook if I am running outside. But the high beat-count music I now have makes running feel so much more fun, not simply a challenge to overcome. Amazing.

I am also trying to stand more. A few months ago I read how horrible sitting is for human beings. Even those who exercise on a regular basis. I have my iPad on this nifty adjustable stand and have been building up how many hours I stand per day (oh yeah, and it gets me to do more housework too). I am up to six hours and it feels great as long as I wear compression socks, which come in really cute colors and designs now since they are very popular in the endurance-sports community.

Alrighty, that's all for today. Tomorrow marks a whole week of Vanilla No S for me. For some reason, No S makes the days just fly by...
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Post by lpearlmom » Wed May 21, 2014 12:43 am

Yay save me a spot on the Vegas bus! Actually we're going to Vegas next month but bringing the kids. Not quite the same though. A girls trip sounds much more relaxing! I bet we could find sone great S day treats there too!

You're doing great! So glad you're enjoying getting back to running. I wish I could find an exercise that I love. I used to be in really good shape but just got so burnt out on it all!

Keep up the great work!

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Post by clarinetgal » Wed May 21, 2014 5:43 am

You are doing awesome! :D I'm glad running is going well for you! I don't run, but I love to exercise. My favorite activities are outdoor walking, Body Pump, and Step. I also have a pretty decent-sized collection of exercise DVDs.

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Post by eschano » Wed May 21, 2014 9:40 am

Hi Ursula,
Just catching up with your thread now. I love the idea of a party bus to vegas!

As for your workout playlist - any chance you'd share your favourite songs? I need a new playlist that has a fast beat desperately.

Delighted you find you have more energy! I feel the same. On heavy S days the permasnacking brings down my energy just as much as a low-calorie diet would. 3 meals a day is a happy medium.
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Post by Ursula » Wed May 21, 2014 1:09 pm

Get on the bus, Linda! I will show you all where we had our quickie wedding -- after knowing each other 25 days!-- almost 20 years ago. Who says what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas?

Here's the playlist, eschano:

New Politics: Harlem
Foo Fighters: Best of You
Frank Turner: Recovery
Fun: Some Nights & Carry On
The Go-Go's: Head Over Heels
Jimmy Eats World: The Middle
Katy Perry: Walking on Air
Ke$ha: Die Young
Keane: Silenced by the Night
Lady Gaga: Gypsy
Linkin Park: Burn It Down
The Lumineers: Ho Hey
Metric: Breathing Underwater
The Mowgli's: The Great Divide
My Chemical Romance: Plantetary (GO!)
Orianthi: According to You
Pink: True Love
Santigold: Lights Out
Scott & Brenda: Reverie
The Sounds: No One Sleeps When I'm Awake
Bastille: Pompeii
Ellie Goulding: Burn

Happy sweating!
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Post by Ursula » Wed May 21, 2014 1:20 pm

Hey, Clarinet! Always glad to hear from others who like to work out. Doesn't it suck though that exercise alone won't make us thin? So unfair! But one thing I do know for sure: ya' look better nekid. :wink:
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Post by eschano » Wed May 21, 2014 1:28 pm

Thanks so much for the playlist Ursula!

You got married after knowing each other for 25 days? And you're still married now after 20 years? Amazing!!! I met my boyfriend in December, moved in in February and was really worried we're too fast. Thanks for putting my mind at rest!
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Post by Ursula » Wed May 21, 2014 8:38 pm

Hope you like the music, eschano! Yes indeedy, my husband and I met on a blind date and flew to Vegas 25 days later in a fit of love and insanity; we have definitely beat the odds so far. My husband is a level-headed worrier and I am a ADHD free spirit, so we are the definition of opposites. But, in my humble opinion, as long as two people have the same core values (whatever those may be) you can make any relationship work. We aren't too religious, but believe COMPLETELY that God brought us together and has always carried us through the tough times when tantrums saw one or both of us wanting to call it quits. And humor! If one of you can crack the other one up after a fight, you will be happy together for a long time.

Speaking of tantrum, ugh!, it's that time of month and I woke up feeling like a pregnant whale. I go through this every four weeks: gain a coupla pounds from hormones, panic and scramble to find a quick way to crash off those pounds. Always the same stupid dance. I weighed 145 this morning and have been mumbling under my breath all day, "mark it and move on, mark it and move on..." Good grief. My only consolation is that I am green today and that's all that matters. Amen.

I still feel like a pregnant whale.
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Post by automatedeating » Thu May 22, 2014 1:07 am

Ursula, you are cracking ME up! :) I don't doubt you can get your hubby to laugh.

My hubby is the "pretend like he's laid-back when really he's wound tighter than an over-tuned guitar!" :)

I don't know exactly how we've stayed married. We spent the first 5 years in and out of marriage counseling. Well, actually I was in and out of counseling. He usually wouldn't go. :) But I agree about the humor thing. We can generally laugh at our own dysfunctions these days. Funny, we can still be a little mad, but know that it won't be long until we're feel amorous again! I guess there's another word for that: hope.

Tomorrow is our 15th wedding anniversary.
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Post by eschano » Thu May 22, 2014 10:01 am

You two are such an inspiration on the relationship front! It's easy to get a bit disheartened with a lot of not so inspiring stories around me but means everything to know that it is in fact possible.

And Ursula: well done on the green day! Habit over Scale :) And you know full well you'll be lighter again in no time.
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Post by Ursula » Fri May 23, 2014 2:27 am

Another day of massive bloat. But I did run 3 miles, 3 very hard miles for a whale in her finale months of gestation.

But I remain GREEN, a big green blob....

Thanks, eschano, for reminding me that this will pass as it does every month. I swear my cycle is bipolar: at certain points I am on top of the world, laughing in the face of high-sodium foods as my pants zip up effortlessly; within a coupla weeks there is not a zipper in sight and AGAIN I am digging out my ten-year-old Juicy sweatpants (those things last forever!).
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Post by clarinetgal » Fri May 23, 2014 7:08 am

Ursula, Yes, I love how exercise makes me more toned! I don't have a perfect body by any means, but I know I look far better than I would if I didn't exercise at all. What a great story about you and your husband! I couldn't help but chuckle at all of your whale references. At least it's only temporary. :D

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Post by Ursula » Fri May 23, 2014 4:18 pm

Thanks, Clarinet! You are a real sweetie.
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Post by Ursula » Sat May 24, 2014 1:27 am

Friday evening and I just had a fun dinner comprised of a plate of pop chips with this incredible Trader Joe's guacamole I discovered (made with Greek yogurt and perfectly seasoned). Husband out of town, so it's just the dogs and me watching German TV.

Even though I am still bloated to unimaginable proportions, I am so happy with myself for having had a completely green week, especially considering my hormonally-challenged state. Though my weight was predictably high, I am completely amazed that I didn't have any urges to binge and that despite my massive fluid retention, I felt upbeat and energetic enough to run. Absolutely miraculous results that I reluctantly concede outweigh (hahahaha) the weight gain.
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Post by lpearlmom » Sat May 24, 2014 4:47 am

Awesome Ursula! I love when I can just eat whatever I want and not have to worry about cooking a proper meal. Trader joes is my fav market so I'll definitely check out that guacamole.

I have insane pms and used to eat non-stop & then feel terrible about it. Now my plates are a little more piled but not snacking brings so much sanity & peace to a normally difficult week.

You're doing great--enjoy your S day tomorrow!

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Post by clarinetgal » Sat May 24, 2014 10:45 am

Ursula, Thanks! :D That Trader Joes guacamole sounds good! I love Trader Joes. Great job on staying on track, even with your challenging week!

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Post by Ursula » Sat May 24, 2014 8:58 pm

Thanks, you guys!!! This place really does have the nicest peeps. :D

Linda, I just had a chance to read your page for the first time. You, my dear, are a hoot. And, as a fellow physician's-wife, I feel your pain. My husband isn't a surgeon (a pathologist) but he is driven and focused. And while yours goes for fish in a tank, mine loves dogs in a house, lots and lots of dogs...in my kitchen, in my living room, in our bedroom, and on and on (lucky for him, I love them too). Also, I was just writing to Heather (clarinetgal) on her page about what an amazing miracle this week has been with regards to PMS and food: NONE of the usual binging (though I never needed PMS as an excuse, but the hormones sure revved up those urges). It's so good to hear that this isn't just beginner's luck, that you have also found this way of eating helps reign in the monthly food madness.

Speaking of madness, I feel like Alice in Wonderland: I am on a new diet where I have gained weight the first week, yet have never felt happier. Or more in control of my eating. Even the wild weekends don't scare me since I went through this once before and was fine. So crazy. So great.
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Post by automatedeating » Sat May 24, 2014 10:25 pm

What kind of dogs, Ursula? :)
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Post by lpearlmom » Sat May 24, 2014 10:53 pm

Hey Ursula thanks for checking out my thread! It sounds like our husbands would get along great. Whats with these guys? Everything they do has to be to the extreme, huh?

We love dogs and have two sweeties but seven is quite a handful! I bet they start exhibiting some serious pack characteristics. What kind?

So glad you're finding so much peace with nos. I used to have a quotation in my sign-off from Reinhard that basically said there's no such thing as an ideal weight but only ideal habits. I think it's good to focus on the nos habits and trust that our weight will land where it should. So I think you're attitude is quite sane actually!

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Post by clarinetgal » Mon May 26, 2014 6:21 am

I agree with Linda! Your attitude with No S is quite sane. I absolutely love the No S approach of focusing on habits, as opposed to calories, carbs, etc...

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Post by Ursula » Mon May 26, 2014 1:14 pm

A weekend of balance: overate on Saturday, but actually had an N Day Sunday...! Now I don't know if I should color yesterday yellow or green. If someone knows, please tell me!

I also ate dinner by 6 pm last night and although it was lasagna that filled the plate from edge to edge, I did not have any acid reflux last night. Hooray! I am going continue with early dinners this week to see if I can get off the acid reducers.

Auto, we have 6 Pomeranians (they are like potato chips for us) and a Pit Bull-Lab mix. Until the beginning of March we just had the Poms. Then one Sunday afternoon (and, I kid you not, just a few days after I had loudly declared to anyone within earshot, no more dogs!), my husband called me from a Virginia freeway to say he'd just picked up a dog that had been hit by a car. Four hours later, we met up at the Vet ER and, $11,000 (and counting) later, we have another dog (even God won't listen to me). She has the disposition of an angel towards people and poms; any other dog she encounters, however, she is ready to fight (we wonder if she'd been bred for that; the fact that she is in love with our little ones makes the whole experience miraculous to us).

Linda, that brings me to your question regarding the pack dynamics. The Poms never really manifested any, too fat and happy to find it necessary to expend energy jockeying for dominance. "Ginny" (my husband named her for where he found her; I wanted to call her Ellie Mae in honor of her transition from hillbilly to Beverly Hillbilly) exhibited some initial food aggression that has already ceased (her first x-ray showed bits of gravel, twigs and other bizarre non-foods items in her bowels, so we could hardly blame her). And she is very attached to my husband, so there are a few minor jealousy issues that are still working themselves out when he is at home. During the day however, she considers herself just another Pom, BFFs with our year-old male (the age the vets have surmised Ginny to be as well).

Thanks, Heather! I wrote more to you on your page.

Hope everyone has an extra-green week!!! :mrgreen:
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Post by automatedeating » Tue May 27, 2014 12:03 am

Wow, Ursula, sounds like a fun house filled with dogs. And that is one very exciting?! bill for the big dog. Glad that she is doing well with your little poms. :)

Your weekend sounds good. Having an "N-like" day is fine, but not good if you forced it....you know what I mean? We shouldn't try to make up for overeating by restricting the next day. That said, I often have one big overeating day on the weekend, and eat normally (or even less) the next day.
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Post by lpearlmom » Tue May 27, 2014 6:15 am

I agree with auto! It's important to not try to have a green day on S days but if it just works out that way than that's great. I guess the important part is really whatever you do on S days, you can't have a red day. We need a couple no- fail days to make the N days easier or at least that's the idea.

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Post by Ursula » Tue May 27, 2014 11:24 am

Thanks, Auto and Linda: you two are wise beyond your years. Even though my Sunday was an N day, it wasn't exactly restrictive i.e. I didn't eat any kind of dessert foods, but my plates were full. But it DID sorta backfire on me. Yesterday, for the first time since I started No S, I struggled with feelings of tweaking the plan (to get the weight-loss to hurry up already), then immediately with the desire to binge. That neural pathway in my brain is firmly established. It wasn't until I re-committed to vanilla No S -- no calorie counting, no orthorexia via veganism, no smaller plates -- that my brain calmed down. I seriously felt an immediate sense of calm and suddenly did NOT want to run to the store for binge food (that's what I mean when I say this No-S experience is crazy: it goes against all my diet instincts, yet it works like nothing else to stop the binging. Crazy, crazy good). This morning after weighing myself, I took it a step further and have decided to ditch that morning ritual as well since it just starts that restrictive-thinking cycle all over again.

Later today I am taking Ginny to the vet for some more x-rays and will have my favorite lunch at McDonalds, the same lunch I had on my first No-S day almost two weeks ago.

I feel like I dodged a bullet.
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Post by eschano » Tue May 27, 2014 1:34 pm

Hi Ursula,

aren't you the coolest couple ever - saving a dog and investing heavily in it? Amazing.

As for S days - they can't be green. Or at least I would advise against it because it starts a cycle of restriction on S days. And as for your N day McDonalds - that's golden green with NoS :)

I suggest to have at least some kind of treat on S days, even if it is your favourite dinner that is savoury and one plate only - just to make it a bit special and to make sure you get used to the pattern.
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Post by Ursula » Tue May 27, 2014 9:39 pm

Thanks, eschano! I love this group because not only do we encourage each other, but also offer guidance. I can see why I should not call a greenish yellow day green, especially for a slippery sloper like me. It had already started messing with my mind by the next day when I began thinking evil diet thoughts.
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Post by lpearlmom » Wed May 28, 2014 4:02 am

You should be really proud of yourself for staying the course despite the temptation to revert to your old destructive patterns. And a huge step forward to move away from the daily weighing too!

Something must be in the air today because it seems like a few of us were peeking down the path of nothing good can come of this a bit today. I guess we all dodged that bullet! 8)

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Post by clarinetgal » Thu May 29, 2014 12:32 am

Great job for getting back on track with No S! :D I applaud you for deciding to ditch the scale for awhile. That is something I need to do, but I haven't been able to bring myself to do it quite yet. It seems like No S has really helped you. :D

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Post by Ursula » Thu May 29, 2014 5:11 pm

Ugh! Fell flat on my face yesterday. Binged on whatever was in the house last night for no good reason (as if there ever is one). I feel like I am having a much harder time with No S this time around, starting to feel just like I did when I tried Intuitive Eating. I am toying with the idea of going back to floating S days so I can mark yesterday as yellow. I know NOBODY is going to be for this idea, but it is SO demoralizing for me to mess up like I did last night and then mark it red. It is an unhealthy character trait of mine, I realize that. But last October, with the floating S Days, I was able to not beat myself up so severely, was able to mark it (as an S Day) and move on. I also never had two S days in a row which seemed to help me not feel as endlessly bloated as I have with proper S-Day compliance: by the time the post-weekend "swelling" goes down, it's time to dig in again for two days (and the "sometimes" caveat already backfired on me last Sunday). Also, I can no longer blame my period since it is completely over.

Please don't be mad at me, friends. I really wanted vanilla to work, I mean REALLY. But my anxiety has been through the roof since last night (I even had nightmares and I never have nightmares). The only way to feel a bit calmer is to consider yesterday yellow and know that I have one more yellow day left, that I am therefore not a complete failure, that I am actually still on plan.
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Post by lpearlmom » Fri May 30, 2014 1:57 am

I know in the beginning having a red day felt pretty devastating but now I don't even bother thinking in those terms & don't do the habitcal anymore.

This isn't about red or green or yellow, right? This is about having a healthy relationship with food & feeling good about your eating IMO. So mark it whatever color is going to help you to feel good. This is for life so one day of overeating is not going to matter. Just take whatever wisdom you can from the failure & tomorrow is another day. It's ok!

The floating S days didn't work for me, but certainly okay to experiment.

You're doing just fine.

Linda :D

Ps just had an idea. Why don't you count it as an S day in lieu of the S day you didn't take on Sunday but try to move on normally from there? That could be an out for you!
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Post by automatedeating » Fri May 30, 2014 2:05 am

Linda is very wise. I echo what she so eloquently said.
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Post by eschano » Fri May 30, 2014 8:43 am

A resounding yes to what has been said as well.

I think there's two major benefits about the way Reinhard constructed the system: it will teach you that a red day is not the end of the world so you can learn to be kinder to yourself and stop (I'm talking about my experience here) beating yourself up and tying your eating to "being a failure". You're lovely and perfect just the way you are, no matter what you weigh or how many red days you have.

The other benefit is that it's not a slippery slope. By all means experiment but be careful with the slippery slope.

One thing I do is that if I come across a brilliant sweet (sweets is my thing, snacks and seconds are less of a problem), I will take a NWS day (non-weekend-s-day). Reinhard says that he sticks to 2 of them per month, so 2 extra yellow days on top of S days and as auto so helpfully pointed out: there is no rule to say that you can't have more than 2. This month I had 3 NWS days.

So I would suggest to stick to the basic structure but to make use of your NWS days. In my books they don't have to be pre-planned neither. I just take them when something "failworthy" comes my way.

Also, thanks for stopping by my thread! I loved atonement too. I agree that the film is good but I think the twist at the end wasn't as well done as in the book. In the book it took me by complete surprise. And yes, Sisi wrote poetry but very sad poetry so be pre-warned :)
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Post by Ursula » Fri May 30, 2014 11:26 pm

Feeling better today. Thank you Linda, Auto and eschano for your support. I feel like a basket case too often...been struggling with this eating nonsense for most of my adult life. I just get so tired sometimes...

Put up a pic of 4 of my babies, including the new big 'un in the middle (look at her poor shaved behind! I always cover it with a blanket when she sleeps).

Just wanted to wish everyone a terrific weekend of extra-special S-Days. :D
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Post by clarinetgal » Sat May 31, 2014 8:10 am

I'm glad you're feeling better. I think the ladies had good ideas on how to make it work for you. Your babies are cute!


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Post by eschano » Tue Jun 10, 2014 1:33 pm

Such cuties!

Hope you're doing well :)
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Post by eschano » Tue Jun 24, 2014 8:55 am

Ursula, how's it going?
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Post by clarinetgal » Tue Jun 24, 2014 5:04 pm

Yes, how is it going?

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