Deb's Check-in

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Mar 17, 2006 1:35 pm

Thanks HG!
I truly am hoping it does work out!!!
Not only am I totally tired of searching, but this actually looks like a good situation!
If it happens great, if not, at least it's giving me hope that if I keep looking stuff will come up!

Thanks for your prayers!!!!
Enjoy your weekend all!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb
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Post by ceu » Fri Mar 17, 2006 5:09 pm

You can only have the non sugar "S"
as an extra one!

Have a nice time with your guy!
Peace and Love,
heehee. Ok so I indulged in whipped cream AND the non-sugar S... er not together at the same time. Hmmmm. I may have to make a trip to the grocery store later. 8)

Good for you on the cinnamon roll ledge backoff. It sounds like you have quite a bit going on in your life at the moment, ms. I am sending you good "hire-this-woman-and-give-her-lots-of-cash" vibes and just good vibes in general. :)

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Mar 17, 2006 9:27 pm

Thank you Ceu!
Your good vibes are greatly appreciated and needed now!!!
It's been a rough day...

Have a great weekend, and don't do anything that I wouldn't do! :wink:

Peace and Love,
8) Deb
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Post by Lil Mouse » Fri Mar 17, 2006 10:41 pm

gratefuldeb67 wrote:Have a great weekend, and don't do anything that I wouldn't do! :wink:
Shoot, ceu! Guess that means "The sky's the limit!!" :lol: :lol:

Sorry, Deb! Couldn't resist THAT one! ;)

Sorry to hear that you're having a rough day today - [[hugs]] Sending you more good vibes for your interview tomorrow (and a few extra for today, too!)!!!

Hope you have a GREAT weekend and may the Hiring Gods smile down upon you! 8)


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Mar 18, 2006 2:17 am

Hi Ellen!
I consciously set myself up there! LOL! :wink:
Thanks a lot for your hugs and waves!
I am in need of as many hugs as possible today!
I hope God does indeed help tomorrow on my interview :)

We already started our S fiesta and are watching
"Dumb and Dumber" for stress reduction.
Had three pickles, some doritos and some rocky road ice cream :)

I think I might have a couple more pickles...

I'll see you all tomorrow!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb
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Post by Lil Mouse » Sat Mar 18, 2006 5:38 am

Had three pickles, some doritos and some rocky road ice cream :)

I think I might have a couple more pickles...
Are you sure you're real name isn't "Mary"?! J/K!!! ;)

Have a WONDERFUL weekend, Deb!


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Mar 18, 2006 3:11 pm

Hey Mousie! I don't get your joke? Which Mary!??? LOL.... :lol:

I'm going on the interview in two hours so gotta run.. talk later :)
8) Deb
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Post by Lil Mouse » Sat Mar 18, 2006 5:04 pm

Hey Mousie! I don't get your joke? Which Mary!??? LOL....
I was referring to this earlier post in combination with your post above for Friday evening:
gratefuldeb67 in your Mon Mar 13th post wrote:and the other thing I wish to say is that my S day yesterday was mainly Salt!!! And it was my most indulgent one in months!
I ate an entire quart bottle of Garlic Kosher Pickles!!!! :shock:

Then I ate two hot dogs! :shock:
Then I ate half a bag of popcorn.... All at once!
This is definitely my record on pickles!!!!! :lol:

Must definitely be because of PMS... I would think I was pregnant, if I didn't know better, :twisted: , since I also ate 2/3rds of a pint of butter pecan Haagen Daz in alternation with the pickles!!! :p
Sorry.....sometimes my humor is a bit on the obscure and dry side! LOL You seem to be on this "pickles and ice cream" kick - lol - so, definitely NOT Mary Magdalene! :lol:

By the time you come back to read this, of course, your interview will be done so I'll just say that I hope it went well for you! :D

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Mar 18, 2006 6:50 pm

Hi Ellen!
I thought you meant her!! LOL...

Yeah.. it's weird... The last time I wanted this much pickles and ice cream I was pregnant!
But unless we are talking yet one more immaculate conception here on earth, I'll just chalk it up to pms!
(I hope!!!! LOL...)

The interview went very nicely and the only thing I have to deal with is waiting for him to finish interviewing.. He ran some ad in Craig's list and it's still going to be running for a few weeks.. But he told me that I was definitely amongst the people he would ber considering.. I'll know by the second week of April, which will be here soon enough...

I think it would be a great part time job and he seemed like a nice guy and the office was very friendly and inviting!
On the way home I stopped into my friends massage therapy office, which was near the dentists office... I started doing massage with her, before I was licensed myself.. She hadn't seen me for well over a year and immediately mentioned how much I have lost weight and looked great! That was cool! :D

Well I was so nervous this morning (and my period is *still* not here :twisted: ) that I didn't really eat too much other than a banana and coffee.. Gonna go an russle up some grub!!!
Maybe some more pickles!
Just kidding :)

Enjoy the day and thanks so much for your vote of support!
Peace and Love,
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Mar 18, 2006 8:46 pm

Hi NoS family! :)
I am taking a moment while Richie is playing at the park to write you all about his upcoming 10th birthday!

He is sooooooo excited about turning ten!
I know some of you are faraway cyberfriends, but when it comes to celebrating, the more the merrier!
If you have time to send a card for Richard, to be delivered to his email which is:
it would be greatly appreciated!

His birthday is Wednesday, March 29th!
I am sure it would be a wonderful surprise to open his mail up and see loads of Happy Birthday wishes!

He even circled the date on the calendar and made a smiley face with exclamation marks all over it~
So cute!!!
I still remember the great feeling of turning ten years old (Double didgits! LOL...)

A nice card company that I frequent often is
You might need to set up an account, but it's free...

Thanks guys!
Hope you all are having a nice weekend!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

I'll probably post this again just before his birthday for the benefit of those like myself who are "memory challenged"! LOL.... :wink:
For now... mums the word!
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Mar 20, 2006 3:11 am

I just wanted to wish everyone here a peaceful and healthy week!

Peace and Love,
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Mar 21, 2006 12:12 am

Hi friends!
I had a mediocre day today.. but it could have been worse..
It was the first real day of my period and I was just having too much of a heavy one to have any energy for any exercise.. Lame!
I also ended up eating seconds of everything at dinner..
Blech!!! Definitely a bad old habit of my mind, because my body sure doesn't like it anymore.. I feel gross!!!

Looking for work is driving me nuts!
It's really frustrating!
Okay whine over!

Anyway... at least I didn't eat a gallon of ice cream and chips and ten bottles of pickles!

So I'm hoping that tomorrow I will feel up to some exercise.. even if it's only a little.. I can't wait for the weather to start warming up too!

Anyway.. Just wanted to post that :)

Peace and Love,
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Mar 22, 2006 2:03 pm

Hi guys :)

Okay well I officially fell back into some scary bad habits last night...
Worrying and wondering about work and not seeing too much progress has taken it's toll on me these days..
I am definitely feeling fairly panicked and unhappy...
Today I'm starting fresh with a 21 day attempt, so my good habits get a chance to reeforce themselves!
So my bad evening was pretty overindulgent, and it really didn't taste good either... I am at the point where a slip back into the old ways really depresses me and isn't satisfying...
I'd rather not go into details, since I want to move forward now, not backwards, but I will say that I violated all three of the S rules, and still no exercise since last Wed...
That's stopping now...
Off I go to do my crunches and I will also practice at least 15 minutes or so of Yoga.. I might even pick up my SG as that *always* worked as kickass antidepressant!!!

I feel better just thinking about this!
I've just been really really cooped up and am still avoiding the outdoors a bit because it hasn't really been warm... I should stop thinking that way...
Later I'll be putting up my promotional flyers around town, so wish me luck!!! The only good interview I've had since, pretty much, January, was for a dentist and he said that he will let me know in the middle of April! :shock:
So till then, I still need to fend for myself moneywise... Thank goodness though, I finally got a better understanding of how the electricity company here works and whatever unpaid balance I have, (and it's really high and we have electric heat, so I've been freaking out that we will lose out heat) it can be paid back slowly over time with a payment arrangement which I'll be able to afford... This was a relief, but I'd been spending the past four weeks worrying that we would have no lights *and* no heat!
That "beeped" me up really bad... It's been fairly difficult because quite a lot of the part time jobs listed are all at hours which I'm not willing to work.. Working several evenings a week wouldn't be good, long term for Richard and I, so I'm not even shooting for those... The dentist job is better because one evening a week, I'd only have to stay till six and he could be in a daycare center here in town till 6:30...
Anyway.. Sorry to be so much of a downer Deb today..
It's just the way I've been feeling these days...
I'm not going to allow my diet to get bad again though..
I deserve my utmost respect and good treatment!!!
So there! :lol:

Okay.. Off to Crunchland!
Have a nice day all.. I'll be posting Successes from here on!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb
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Post by Jinx » Wed Mar 22, 2006 2:18 pm

Hey Deb!
Keep your head up. Life is full of mountains and valleys, this may be just your top of the mountain.
There's always ways to work out with heating and lighting, they dont like screwing people too hard, although they do want their money back eventually.
This must have been a No NoS day for many of us, I know I struggled...but finally back on it again, and feeling better than ever. :) Don't worry, be happy, everything will be alright for you. Plus, think of it this way... You will feel better by not reaching for those seconds and ice cream and juice, not worse. So why reach for them and feel icky after. Be logical with yourself, it has helped me a lot when I do it at the right moment.
Have a beautiful day!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Mar 22, 2006 2:24 pm

Thanks a lot Jinx!
That was nice of you.. :)
You have a beautiful day too!!!
Peace and Love and Mountain Climbing!
8) Deb
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Post by carolejo » Wed Mar 22, 2006 3:05 pm

Jinx has put it better and more succinctly than I could (I always was a talkative rambling sort of person!) so DITTO.

Hope it all gets easier really soon. In the meantime try to be as kind to yourself as possible. Funking out is perfectly normal and reasonable response - but ultimately you don't wanna pull yourself down all that much cos a positive mindset will get you much further in the end.

*Sending transatlantic hugs*


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Mar 22, 2006 3:35 pm

Thanks for your "Ditto"!!!

I just did my crunches for the first time in a whole week... Made it to 200 but took it real slow and deliberate, because even that little amount of time off has made me very stiff in the body department!
I did two headstands also, and I'm really just taking things very slow..
Pushing myself a little bit is a much better feeling though and I'm realizing that I can't make my job search a reason for ditching my exercise..
I could rationalize that I should be looking through ads, making calls, etc...
and then I wind up postponing all exercise until late, and then I don't do it..
So, regardless of my job searching, I am now dedicating every morning to myself and my health and feeling good! One hour or two a day away from a phone of want ads won't really make a big difference in finding a job.. And if I let myself get into a depressed state, I don't even feel like looking anyway, no matter how much I need the money... And when I get depressed it really snowballs into every aspect of my life! Can you believe I don't even feel like listening to music when I'm down?
It's messed up!...
Daily exercise will be the default with no guilty strings attached anymore..
I'm also going to up my intake of St. Johns as I really feel I need a little extra serontonin... My period is going to be over by this weekend, so I will weigh myself then, but I think I haven't gained.. None of my clothes are any tighter at all.. I am resolved not to let the old habits stay around me for long enough to have a physical impact! That's just not an option!
positive mindset will get you much further in the end.
Thanks CJ!!!

Love you!
8) Deb
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Mar 22, 2006 4:50 pm

Just finished SG, at the suggestion of Freakwitch!
Yay... I found an ass kicking buddy!

It felt really great to do SG again!!! Very challenging in the heart pumping department... I did 12 minutes only, but that's how long my Grateful Dead song is, so that's enough for me!
This is really like the first full SG session I've done for ages...
The weight and the grip weren't any problem, but the moving around constantly was challenging... My body is in a major funk and it feels heavy!

This is all just depression symptoms manifesting physically.. I'm happy that I'm doing a major about-face on that!
After about 4 minutes in, I was feeling the smile creep back onto my face!

Thank goodness for this group and great friends!
You are all really helpful so thank you for listening and your support~
Even this cheerleader needs it sometimes~
8) Deb
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Post by peetie » Wed Mar 22, 2006 5:41 pm

Hey, Deb, I'm glad working up some sweat made a difference. I've been in a funk myself since finding out my daughter will probably not be moving back for another 3 years as opposed to one. I even justified a big, ol' binge, but found like you that it didn't have the old antidepressant effect.....made things worse.

Sometimes when life feels out of control, if we just control what we eat, that gives us a feeling of power. And with NoS, it doesn't require Herculean control.....just some strategy.

I just got back from a good, hill climbing walk and feel the serotonin buzzing already. We can do this!

Love and good wishes,

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DAY 1 on Habit Reenforcement....

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Mar 22, 2006 5:42 pm

Let's do this right....

Day One

Breakfast :wink:

Lunch :wink:

Dinner :wink:

Exercise SG 12 minutes/ Crunches 200/ Headstand 2 times! LOL...

8) Deb
Last edited by gratefuldeb67 on Thu Mar 23, 2006 2:41 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Mar 22, 2006 5:44 pm

Thanks Prunie Peetie Sweetie!!!
Good to see you!!!
We can do this!!!!

8) Deb
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Post by ceu » Wed Mar 22, 2006 7:14 pm

I'm joining you in a fresh day 1, ms. good luck to both of us. :)

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Mar 22, 2006 10:09 pm

Thanks Ceu!!!
Good luck!!!

Hey cool! All my Google ads on this page are about Prayer!
That is nice!!!

Maybe my prayers have been answered!!!

Peace and Love,
8) Deb
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Post by doulachic » Thu Mar 23, 2006 1:20 am

hey Deb! i will join you on "day one" tomorrow! a day late, story of my life...heehee.. :twisted: i definately need to get it in gear....have been sick all week but i'm feeling better...just have a wicked cough...

anyway, enough about me....glad to see you are feeling better and doing well! i sure am glad you're on our "team"! you cheerleader, you! :twisted:

rah, rah, rah...sis boom bah! :lol:

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Mar 23, 2006 2:42 am

Thanks Tricia!

Feel better soon! :)

Okay.. today was a success!
Woo hoo!!!
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Post by carolejo » Thu Mar 23, 2006 8:43 am

Okay.. today was a success!
Woo hoo!!!
Ha! See? doing better already!!! One of the best things about life and doing the best you can with what you have is you're never more than a second away from improving your lot in some small way.

Go Deb, with your hammer-swinging, dead-head-standing ways :lol:


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Day 1...(attempt 2)

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Mar 23, 2006 1:13 pm

Hi CJ!

Deadheadstand! I like that!

Well yesterday was a success until I hit a bag of walnuts at around 2 am..
I had about two handfuls.. Not terribly damaging, but there's really no way I could justify it as "virtual plating" since
1. My plates were already full at each meal, and
2. I wasn't at some social event like a party or anything so there really was not real reason for using virtual plating skills at all, which then classifies what I did as plain old snacking..

Since I'm going for strictness, and that means, true NoS strictness, ala Reinhard, I'm starting my 21 days count again... There's no need at this point of my NoS life, to start going into denial and being less than 100 percent honest with myself....
But it was a pretty good start! :wink:
Thanks Carolejo!!
Have a great day :)
I'm going to Yoga class this morning and looking forward to a nice day!
See ya later! I'll edit this post to indicate success or non-success later... Watch this place holder space

(dot dot dot.....) :lol:

Peace and Love,
8) Deb
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Post by carolejo » Thu Mar 23, 2006 5:51 pm

I'll edit this post to indicate success or non-success later... Watch this place holder space

(dot dot dot.....)
Ooooh. I'm watching it! I'm watching it Deb, but it isn't moving!! :lol:


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Mar 23, 2006 6:03 pm

Check again around one or two am CJ!!!

Breakfast was good so far :)
I went to Ashtanga class today and I am just still feeling mellow and taking it easy now..
That is some challenging class!!!

About to go heat up some lunch, and then eat it..
I'm really feeling stir crazy being at home..
Thankfully, the Yoga class really got me feeling good and in the moment..
All this waiting for responses from job applications, and all is very depleting.. Who would think it's more relaxing to do work and be active than to be sedentary and have you mind running around like an idiot with worry...
But that's the way it is.. If I could just be in Yoga class more days of the week.. Can you believe that I'm thinking of going back to the gym, since now there is a new manager *again*.. actually the third one since I left last year.. If they would just hire me back for Tuesdays only, when the other massage therapist there takes his day off, I could get back to going to Larry's class at least two or three times a week..
I love Kim, she is amazing, but Larry's class is more personally healing..
(Though I think Kim's class is more physically challenging sometimes..)

We shall see.. What have I got to lose??? I'm going really nuts at home, being here so much..
Maybe I'll drop in over the weekend and meet the newest manager.
I put a lot of signs all around town for massage, and so I also hope I get some response this coming week.. I'm calling it my Spring Special!
Take care and don't burn a hole in the computer screen staring at my place holder for too long! :P
I know the day will be fine.. It's getting through tonight without doing any fridge raiding...
I'm putting Reinhard's Dayglo image on patrol tonight! :wink:
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Day 3 :) Success/s day....

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Mar 25, 2006 6:31 pm

Oh my goodness, the night time eating monster is back.....
I didn't have much, but I ended up eating some dry cereal in the middle of the night again Thursday... Other than that the day was a Success, so I'm counting it...
The night time problem is it's own beast... I'm not going to make myself upset about it, just going to seriously try to kick it to the curb and just drink water...

I ate an apple in the middle of the night last night but the day was perfectly good...
So as far as I'm concerned (though not 100% perfect due to night time monster rearing it's ugly head these days) I am calling Thursday and Friday successes and just relaxing today... We have no discretionary moeny for extras this weekend, but maybe we will have a small candy bar tomorrow?? I don't know..
Richard has a little sinus cold and a sore throat so it's a sick day for him..
I just made some chicken soup with whatever we had in the fridge and I'm gonna just chill with him for the rest of the day...

Have a great day all!
Talk later :)
Peace and Love,
8) Deb
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Mar 26, 2006 7:06 pm

Hey all!
My computer monitor is broken at home... Till it's fixed or replaced, it's back to the library for me..
This is a minor annoyance, but at least I can still check occasionally..
Richard has a bad virus which started yesterday, and I am just trying to chill out and not get sick myself..
I did practice about an hour of Yoga and meditation this morning and will do so every day, especially to keep healthy and happy..
Some nice news, and a big relief, came my way today..
One of my old employers called me and offered me two days a week of work at the restaurant again.. It would be a combination of counter help, answering phones, and making some deliveries..
I am thrilled!
This is a nice guy, and I am already very familiar with the job as I had worked there for two years before I became a massage therapist..
It's just "okay" pay, but the fact that I know I'll be able to count on a little money every week will definitely take the sting out of promoting my office without any pay coming in... I'll be much more relaxed knowing that some of my bills are paid, and then I'll have much more energy to continue to grow my massage business because I'll be a lot less worried and panicked..

Well wishing you all a wonderful week and let's all succeed with NoS and our own individual Everyday systems!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb
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Post by Lil Mouse » Sun Mar 26, 2006 8:09 pm

One of my old employers called me and offered me two days a week of work at the restaurant again.. It would be a combination of counter help, answering phones, and making some deliveries..
I am thrilled!
That is GREAT news, Deb! Good for you!

Sorry to hear that Richie isn't feeling well.....must be THAT time of year all around! My GD is feeling better but now her dad isn't feeling so hot!

Have a great weekend!


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Post by carolejo » Mon Mar 27, 2006 6:39 am

Hey! That's great news about the couple of days work a week. Still gives you plenty of time to promote your own business whilst providing some financial stability. Sounds like a good combo.

Hope Richard gets well again soon. It's no fun being sick!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Mar 27, 2006 6:31 pm

Thanks Ellen and Carolejo!!!!
Yeah, after five months of financial instability, this will really take the edge off!

This guy is a really nice and good person too... I already had to call him this week and say that Richard was sick at home and that I'd probably have to start next week.. part of me was worried that he'd say, "Deb I guess I'll have to get someone else, since I need help now" but he just said "Oh sorry Richard is sick, tell him I hope he feels better, and call me when you can come in..." He's really a mentch..
I'm just glad I thought of calling him up a few weeks ago, because otherwise he would have just put an ad in the newspaper... instead he remembered that I had asked him for work and gave the job to me!
The other nice perk of this job is that he always fed me when I worked for him... So I can take home a personal pizza for Richard or a nice big chicken caesar salad for me, when I work there...
Will work for food!

This has had such a positive impact on my mind, I can't tell you guys..
The fact that I already have a relationship with him is such a relief.. I don't have to worry about some bozo lame manager at a club or whatnot..
Anyway, having a good N day so far, and hoping I won't really get the full blown virus Richie has, but my throat is a bit raw... So just keeping up on my crunches and home Yoga and praying that keeps me well..
The reduction in stress, from not having to search endlessly for a part time job will also have a positive impact on my body!
Oh... I just wanted to remind you all once more that Richard's Tenth Birthday is coming up this Wednesday... If you want to send him an ecard at his email account,
or just drop in on his thread here, "Richard's Special Updates" that would be really wonderful!!! Too bad he is sick for his birthday week, but I bet some birthday wishes will really perk him up!!
Thanks guys... We'll be checking in at least once a day or every other day..
Have a great day all!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb
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Post by ceu » Mon Mar 27, 2006 9:36 pm

Glad to hear about the job and the yoga. I really need to start doing yoga or something like that to relax.

10 years old? :) I'll be sure to check back and wish him a happy birthday on Wednesday.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Mar 30, 2006 4:00 pm

Hey all!
I just wanted to check in for a moment..
Well, Richards birthday was a great day and we really had a nice time together!
Thanks again for wishing him happy birthday!

Unfortunately we both have been very sick for several days..
I'm pretty sure it's strep throat...
We'll be going to the doctor today and tomorrow and I pray that if it's strep, antibiotics will knock it down a notch... My chest is very very heavy and it's hard to breathe.. I've been feeling some minor heart palpitations too, due to the congestion in my chest...
So I'm too overwhelmed to go into details about diet and exercise, but will be back on the bandwagon very soon!
Thankfully, it's finally looking like Spring around here and the really cold weather is changing to pleasant!

Cross your fingers for both Richie and I to get better soon!
Have a great day all :)

Peace and Love,
8) Deb
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Post by Hunter Gatherer » Thu Mar 30, 2006 10:59 pm

My fingers are duely crossed! Get well soon! Eat some chicken soup.
"You've been reading about arctic explorers," I accused him. "If a man's starving he'll eat anything, but when he's just ordinarily hungry he doesn't want to clutter up his stomach with a lot of candy."
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Mar 31, 2006 5:19 pm

Thank you HG!!!
Yep.. Richie has strep throat and he is now on antibiotics..
I'm going to the doctor in about an hour so they will check me out too..
I feel like I've been in a major NoS vacuum these days and the sick days are outweighing the good days, so I'm pretty sure I gained about three or four pounds in the last three weeks...
I tried to do some situps today and my body was like
"Who the heck do you think you are anyway??? Superwoman???"
after which I promptly lay there flaccid for several minutes amazed at my exhausted state after about 20 situps...

I know this sounds weird, but I'm almost hoping it's strep, because if it's a virus, who knows how long it might take to go away..
Considering Richard and I have been cuddling and kissing all week, I am pretty sure "his germs are my germs"...

I miss having my comp at home and also feel really out of touch with NoS as a result.. I guess that is a habit unto itself, but it's also proof that the board has been a vital element in my success with NoS..

Anyway.. things will improve once this bugs licked...
On the positive front, I did a promotion for the past two weeks and six people called me about it, and I think about three or four will be in my office very soon, once I'm over my illness..
This is very inspirational! I am excited to keep on doing these promotions on a monthly basis, since it is going so successfully!
Okay.. don't have much time to catch up on everyone elses threads since I'm at the library and I also have to leave for the doctor soon..
Miss you all very much!!!
Have a great day and enjoy S days!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb
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Post by Lil Mouse » Fri Mar 31, 2006 5:48 pm

Take care of yourself, Deb! Don't push yourself too hard - ya gotta be well for those new "promo" clients! (Congrats on that! ;) )

Have a great weekend!


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Apr 02, 2006 6:39 pm

Thanks Lil'Moushka Ellen :)
I am definitely taking things very slow and easy...
I am now on antibiotics and feel like 25% better...
I'm sure in two or three more days I'll be much much better..

Boy the lovely sunny Spring weather is such a perker-upper in itself!
I just sat in the sun most of the morning, on my front door stoop and sipped coffee...
I miss Yoga very much, but it has to wait till I have normal energy again and the infection is cured...
Today was a little S day, in that we had the last of Richards Godiva Chocolate for a treat, but I'm going to really be totally buckling down on myself over the next several months...
I wan't to do NoS, totally hardcore, ala Reinhard...
I realized, once I became sick and totally became sedentary for a few weeks, that the way I'm doing NoS these days is barely good enough for even maintenance.. Weight has been slipping back on me since I'm sick, which means my bad habits are sneaking back into the picture...
So starting, counting this weekend, I am back to counting days on habit...
My seconds habit has been really creeping back, so that just has to stop NOW...
And eating anything after 8:30... That's stopping too...
I normally go to sleep around 10 so I probably should stop eating around 7:30, but that's just not going to be realistic...
I've been allowing myself small things like fruit, late at night..
This is killing my weight loss..

I'm going to start a new thread which is just for charting these 21 days... It will probably be very boring, but I hope very strict and totally NoS approved! The end result will not be boring! LOL...

This thread is too organic and bloggish to keep me focused...
I'll have the things I want to check off...
Namely my own bad habits (seconds and night eating) and also whether I exercised or not...

Thanks again for your friendship and support!!!
Have a great Sunday!
Viva La NoS!!!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb
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Best of luck

Post by pangelsue » Mon Apr 03, 2006 12:21 pm

Hi Deb,
I had never really lurked around your posts before and since I am up early this morning and read your new 21 day post section, I decided to take a quick look at your last year or so. You are MY hero!!! You have had quite a time of it lately. Job hunting, mothering, dieting, exercising and working through so many of life's little surprises. I many times think life only throws me curves and I spend a lot of time storming heaven with WHY me? pleas. But when I read through your blogs, I realize we all have stuff. You are so open and honest about who you are and where you are in your journey. It gives me hope. You just keep on keeping on. Over and over again, I hear you recount stories of stones that lie in your path and then you find a way around them with courage and humor and seemingly endless hope. You are an inspiration. Rock on~

A friend of mine is also a massage therapist. 3 contacts that work for her are offering her services at hotels, chiropractic offices and beauty salons. Just a thought.

Best of luck with your new 21 days. You inspire me to keep on trying.(especially after the over the top S days I had this week! I really wonder who that masked stranger was this weekend who made me eat all I did. I was an eating machine. Yuck!)

God bless and good luck~

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Apr 03, 2006 1:51 pm

Thank you very much Sue!!!
That was a really lovely post, and I appreciate it!!!
I really also thank you for the idea of doing those other types of massage gigs, but I actually have no interest in doing work out of a hotel, and also not at nail salons or anything... I currently have my own room in a chiro office and it's working out fine.. Just need to keep plugging my own place on a regular basis, not just every four or five months.. it has to be ongoing....
I'm glad I'm your hero! LOL...
That is cool! You are mine! :wink:
Well last night, *again* I overate at dinner.... I'm really upset that my old habits are rearing up again...
But on a technicality, I am still calling it a success, simply because it was an S day, so you really can't fail... But my belly was still full from all the food this morning... I'm beginning to realize that, unless I have a stomach virus (and thank God I don't!!!) I must be eating out of sickness stress...
This is sortof encoded in my habit dna, I think...
Maybe some weird way, I feel that eating will make me better...
My plan today is to get a few more boxes of a variety of teas, herbal and regular, and just have tea when I feel the urge to indulge...
I'm sure that will be much more healing...
But at least I didn't night eat... I am relieved about that, because the old habits seem to travel in packs... and you know what it's like when you mess up on one level, it's just so easy to add insult to injury and mess up all the rules..
I'll be starting my part time job tomorrow, so that should be good as a mental picker upper, as it will get me out of the house and get me moving around a bit... Then I have two massages to give on Wed, and I hope I have much more energy than I do now!
The medicine is definitely helping though, as my bad headaches and low grade fever have subsided and now I'm just really congested and tired...
Blech... being sick always makes me feel like everything I do is useless, but somehow I'm still staying semi-positive... I think the arrival of Spring is just too great and is helping me there!
I'm totally missing exercise but have to just rest this out, as boring as that is... At least I have meditation... I will definitely meditate today after some hot tea.. I feel like I could sleep for 72 hours straight... LOL...
I think by the weeks end I should be ready to resume Yoga, or at least some light walking around... I hope both!!! :wink:

Well that's all from sick Deb!
Today is day three and I hope I can, at the very least, not eat seconds today... I'm really going to try!!!!!! I'm not giving up...
I can't believe how fat I feel from gaining back four or five pounds...
It is very noticeable how different I feel... Weird.. the old me could gain four pounds in a weekend and not blink, now I feel like I should be in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade!

NoS has truly changed my perception of myself, and what it feels like to be healthy... I hope that this next three weeks will help me lose that five pounds again and get back to real NoS habits!!!
I *HATE* these old ones and can't let them win over me and my new and better life!!!
Thanks guys for letting me think out loud and get pepped up to win!!!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb
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Post by ceu » Mon Apr 03, 2006 8:33 pm

I've got a bunch of decaf tea and I splurged on decaf specialty coffee beans, for those evenings when I feel like I'm gonna be bad.

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Post by pangelsue » Mon Apr 03, 2006 9:07 pm

Me too. I just bought some Celestial Seasonings Tension Tamer. I used to drink it a lot and then got sick of it. I am going to try it after work tonight while I wind down.

Good luck on the new job, Deb. Are you a stress eater? It sounds like there has been a lot of it in your life lately. If so, the eating will probably slow down as the stress levels go down. Hang in there. As I have read you say to lots of folks, there is no failure on NoS.

As far as getting sick goes, has either of you ever tried Airborne? Awesome stuff. It is all natural vitamins and antioxidents invented by a primary grade teacher. She has made a fortune on it. It is a fizzy tablet. You take it at the first sign of the flu or a cold and it kicks your immune system up a notch. Works incredibly well. Even if you get the cold anyway, take it every 4 hours for a couple of days and the cold will not be as severe and will not last as long. Time magazine said it is as close to a cure for the common cold there is.

We will use it if we have a scratchy throat or even if we have been around someone with a bad cold. My husband has a comprimised immune system and he used to get every cold that came along. He has not had one in several years. Good stuff.

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Post by doulachic » Mon Apr 03, 2006 9:13 pm

I know how you feel about being sick..yuk! After two weeks i am just now getting over my bad cough. my kids were on spring break last week and three of them had the stomach flu....gross! now hubby has it....definately a bad month for me on nos and exercise!

anyway, just meant to say that you can do it! just rest your body and do what you need to get healthy again...bad habits do tend to rear their ugly heads when we are feeling vulnerable, so forgive yourself and move on..K?

you continue to be a true inspiration to us all. :wink:

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Apr 03, 2006 11:12 pm

Thanks ladies!!!
Guess what?
I'm typing from home again!!!
Woo woo... LOL... :lol:

I had a wonderful bit of news today which, I can only deem a true blessing!!!
The last four months of my electricity/heat bills have been completely paid off by the dept of social services!!!!

I wasn't really expecting much in the way of help from them, but they really did it!!!!
This is such a huuuuuuuuge relief for me now!
I feel like I'm getting a real chance to start fresh with work and handling my finances, etc...

Sue, thanks about the suggestion on Airborne... I'll grab some when I can..
Normally, we are pretty healthy these days, it was a big surprise to get anything, and thankfully, it's about fifty percent improved already..
Thanks Tricia for your vote of love and support!
We will win!!!!!
I am soooo happy about this news regarding my outstanding bills being paid off that I am just elated!!!!!
I might just have to get all better by tomorrow so I can get back to doing headstands etc and somersaults!!!
Wooo woooo hoooo!!!!!!
Also, my landlady decided to renew my lease here in our cottage, which is a big relief to me too... She knows I have had very spotty work, and I was worried she would decide against letting us stay here...

Today was a good food day... I was really hungry during the day, but didn't snack, and we ate dinner about an hour ago and that's gonna be it for tonight.
God bless all you guys!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb
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Post by reinhard » Tue Apr 04, 2006 1:59 am


Sorry you've had such a hard time of it lately but I'm happy about your recent stroke of luck with the dept of social services and your new 21 day initiative (which I see is off to a great 3/3 start). I'll be following it like a (somewhat myopic) hawk. I know you can do it, you've been such a champion before. But I know even champions don't like to be taken for granted and I'm sorry if I've done that recently by popping in here so rarely.


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Your star is on the rise

Post by pangelsue » Tue Apr 04, 2006 4:01 am

Congratulations! It sounds like you were in the depths and are now rising out of the flames like a Phoenix, reborn and ready to grow. The fire only makes us stronger you know. Relax and enjoy the ride.

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Post by carolejo » Tue Apr 04, 2006 7:33 am

W0000t! w000t!

It's great when you actually get a bit of the money you paid already in taxes in the past back to help you out when you really need it. It's horrible to have to ask, but sometimes you need a helping hand and in this case it was definately worth it.

And I'm really glad you get to stay in your cottage too. :D

I also saw on your 'bare bones' checkin that you DIDN'T succumb to the midnight feasting beastie, so that's fantastic news too.

GO DEB! :lol:


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Apr 04, 2006 8:29 pm

Hi Guys!

Reinhard, I appreciate your vote of confidence and continued support!
I know you are really sincerely invested in NoS and it's power to help many... I guess I just missed you a bit, since you are sooooo busy, and there's nothing like an official blessing to supercharge my resolve!
Don't worry about being too hawklike, myopic or not, I just personally felt I wanted to let you know what's been happening with me, because, hey, after all, you were and always will be a big inspiration to me, and I know you care :)
But please,,,, no apologies are needed!
Again, just felt like publicly stating that I was starting to waver, so I could nip it in the bud!

Thanks Sue and CJ!!!
You guys are both great!

Yeah, I love the image of a Phoenix... That symbol has a lot of personal significance to me, as many a time, I have hit some pretty low depths, and somehow, been cleansed by that fire and managed to keep on being reborn and rising from those ashes....*within* this life alone...
As for past life stuff?
I just can't remember! LOL...

Today has been great!!!!
I was really hungry during the day, as I'm working at a restaurant during lunch hours, and can't eat till after.. I had a bowl of oatmeal and two cups of coffee this morning, much earlier than I'm used to... By 1:30 I was ready to sell my child for a pizza!
I managed to get through the last two hours by eating about three packages of soup crackers (2 in each pack..)
I also had two large glasses of selzer with lemon...

Now I'm lesuirely eating my hamburger and fries, which I shared with Richard...

*On a plate*!!!

The job is going to help my metabolism also, in that I'm doing quite a bit of walking.. I'm making a commitment to only taking the stairs (unless I'm really late with an order and it's on a really high floor)

I did more walking today, in the five hours I was at the job, than I did all year!
(How pathetic! LOL...)

I'm really really happy about getting this job back again!

Still fighting my infection and pretty tired, so I took my walking and moving really slow, but I can see that when I'm feeling better, I'll be getting a nice amount of exercise at this job...

All my friends were still working there, so that made me happy too!
And, most of the time, I'm outdoors for this job, and I must say that it beats the pants off of sitting at a desk in an office...
I'm getting some much needed sun and air!
Woo hoo!!!!

I'm really happy that last night I didn't eat anything...
I did have a clementine kind of late in the evening, but nothing during hours when I should be sleeping!

Well, here's to day 4!!!
Hope to resume Yoga this Sunday...

Have a lovely afternoon all...
8) Deb
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Post by Simon » Tue Apr 04, 2006 9:24 pm


I actually had pizza for lunch today and didn't have to sell a single one of my offspring to eat it. Only cost about $9.95 for my eight inch nooner.

And by eight inch nooner, I'm of course referring to the plate size of my lunch rather than...

...anything else.

Happy to hear about you feeling better as well as getting on with your job. I'm too late to the game here to know any backstory and too lazy (busy) to slug through acres of old posts. But I'm never too busy to offer encouragement and accolades where warranted. And here they obviously are warranted.

All best,
"Hickory Hand of the North"

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3 cheers

Post by pangelsue » Tue Apr 04, 2006 10:53 pm

3 cheers for good days. How would we recognize them if there weren't bad days? Enjoy you new restaurant exercise. Is this vertical rangering?

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Apr 05, 2006 12:23 am

Thanks dudes!! :wink:

"Acres" of posts indeed! LOL....
3 cheers for good days. How would we recognize them if there weren't bad days? Enjoy you new restaurant exercise. Is this vertical rangering?
Well basically I'm taking orders from the restaurant and walking down a flight of stairs to the back parking lot, which is a little bit of a walk, then walking from the office parking lot to the actual office who ordered the food and then, if there are stairs involved, I take them instead of the elevator, as well.. Then back to the restaurant...
Over the course of five hours of deliveries, it amounts to quite a lot of moving around...
I'm actually really really tired now... but in a good way!
Glad this is just two days a week!

Simon, I am so sorely tempted to comment on your 8" plate, but well, I am sure I'll really put my foot in my mouth!

::note to self::
Go and find a nine inch nooner later on this evening...

Have a great night all!
I'm about to eat a non Atkins approved dinner of macaroni and cheese with baked beans... but there will be no seconds!
I did eat three pickles before though... They have zero calories and 2000 mg of sodium!
I wonder where this pickle kick I'm on is coming from..
Must be some sort of nooner substitute... :wink:

Have a nice night folks!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb
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Post by reinhard » Wed Apr 05, 2006 2:44 pm

Popping in again, as promised...

Congrats on 4/4!

I grant you absolution for the pickles (just watch it!).


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Post by doulachic » Wed Apr 05, 2006 2:50 pm

Deb, i read your other thread and you leave me no choice but to comment on one of your musings...

"I mean they weren't chocolate covered pickles! (whoa, that sounds vile!) "

I don't know Deb, have you ever TRIED a chocolate covered pickle at noon?? :twisted: :wink:

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Apr 05, 2006 3:26 pm

No no no!!!!!!!

The only thing a pickle is good, next to, is pastrami on rye!!!
LOL.... (well maybe not the only good thing...hah..)

I have, though not on the same plate, eaten ice cream and pickles!

Chocolate covered???
It's *not* happening here!
Even when I used to get "The Munchies" back in "The Day"...
I don't think I ever thought of eating a chocolate covered garlic pickle! :lol:
Hope you are well my chocoholic friend!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Apr 07, 2006 2:38 am

Feeling much improved today, and without even getting any horehound!
The sun and being outdoors at the job really cheers me up!
I am thrilled I have this job back again..
I mean, I love massage, but I do spend much of my time in a darkened room!

Seeing a dear friend next week who I miss and haven't seen for about four or five months, I am excited!

I have one massage to do tomorrow, and then I am pretty sure I will be back in Yoga classes this weekend!
And the weather forecast for the upcoming week is all Sunny and in the mid sixties!!! Woo hoo!!!!


Have a nice evening all!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Apr 07, 2006 1:34 pm

Yesterday was a Success!!!
I did have about four more spoonfuls of mac and cheese when I came back into the kitchen after dinner, but I am human..
It wasn't a totally proud moment, but I'm still counting yesterday...
More importantly, I didn't eat at night...
I'm feeling much less bulgy in the belly today.. Something tells me I may have dropped a pound or so.. I'll check after the 21 days...
Next week I have pms and then I'll have my period, so my readouts will not be accurate during that time frame... Once it's over, my 21 will be complete, so I'll just look then.
Mainly I am so happy that good body feelings and emotions are starting to come back! I don't need the scale to show me that!!! It's very apparent after only one good week back on plan!
Have a great day all!
8) Deb
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Post by reinhard » Fri Apr 07, 2006 1:50 pm

7/7, very nice! Great to see your spirits are up, too.


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Apr 07, 2006 11:09 pm

Thanks so much Reinhard!
I'm glad to see my spirits up too! LOL..
God bless you and your little family!

Enjoy your weekend :)
Peace and Love,
8) Deb
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Post by pangelsue » Sat Apr 08, 2006 11:44 pm

Wow!!! You are a rising star! I am so glad things are looking up for you. You are always there and such a positive force for all of us. Bad times shouldn't happen to people as nice as you. Victory tastes sweet and No S victory tastes best of all. As I think Simon (?) said recently, no treat tastes as good as victory feels. Congratulations Deb! You deserve it. Rock on, woman!!!

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Post by Jammin' Jan » Sun Apr 09, 2006 12:14 am

I'm glad to hear things are working out for you! :D


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Apr 09, 2006 2:00 am

Thanks Sue and Jan!!!
Sue, I do intend to rock on!!!
That was cool to say!
Also I sing and play guitar, so I think I will rock on in the fullest sense of the words tomorrow for a few hours :)
Maybe I'll do my own version of
Wild thing! :twisted:

We had one really nice S today since Haagen daaz was on sale when I got to the store..
4 dollars for two pints..
So we had chocolate *and* strawberry!
One and half servings and there's plenty left over...
I'm going to Yoga with Larry tomorrow, and hope it's not too strenuous after being out of commission for a few weeks solid..
I'll just pace myself.. I'm excited to see my guruji again :)
Peace and Love,
8) Deb
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Apr 17, 2006 4:51 pm

Hey friends!
I couldn't resist checking to see how much of the weight I had gained before my "refresher course" came back off...
When I went to the doctor a few weeks ago, I was definitely up four or five pounds...
Well, I'm not done with my period and not done with my 21 days, but close, but I'm really happy to say that, after two weeks back on plan, every pound I gained before is now gone and maybe even an extra pound down!!!!
Its a different scale and different time of day, plus that period stuff throws everything off until its totally over...
I'll weigh again next week, but I am just thrilled so far!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wooo hooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Had to share that!
Have a great day and be groovy people! :D

ps.. Reinhard, too bad about the lack of free time, I do hope one day in my life I get to meet my NoS guru and friend!!!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Apr 18, 2006 8:47 pm

No one wrote me back!!!!
Where my homies at?????


Had a great day today, so far.... NoS is just fine, and I'm waiting to see if some guy who called me about massage decides to try me out this week..
He was referred to me by someone, and usually that's an immediate "in" in this field..
Thing is, and I don't wan't to jinx this, but I'm soooooo excited at the possibility of it happening, as, he wants to come for massage about four times a week and pay for like 100 massages up front!!!!
Please people, I am really asking you all to cross your fingers and say a big giant prayer that this actually comes to fruition!
If it did, boy would that lighten my money load big time, this year!!!!
It could just fizzle out to nothing, but I can't help it.. I'm feeling really excited at the prospect of getting such a client in my life right now...
Sounded like a nice guy too...
I've been struggling soooo much this year financially and just getting that call, made me feel there was some new hope :)
The Lord hears our prayers!!!

Hope all my peeps are well and enjoying Spring around the World!
(Well except for you Ozzies... you can enjoy Fall! LOL..)
Have a great day all :)
Peace and Love,
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Post by Simon » Tue Apr 18, 2006 8:50 pm

I'll cross my fingers, toes and when I can spare them, my eyes for you Deb.

Good luck with the rubbin'!
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Apr 18, 2006 8:54 pm

Thank you sooooo much Simon, and if this guy actually buys 100 massages from me at one time (really this is soooo unusual!) I promise to pay for the corrective optical surgery to *un*cross your eyes!!!!! :lol:

Peace and Love!
8) Deb
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Post by Hunter Gatherer » Tue Apr 18, 2006 11:06 pm

Hi Deb! hooray for the lost weight, may it stay with the lost socks forever.

I'll keep you and Richie in my prayers! Hope that nibble turns into a hooked fish!
"You've been reading about arctic explorers," I accused him. "If a man's starving he'll eat anything, but when he's just ordinarily hungry he doesn't want to clutter up his stomach with a lot of candy."
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Apr 19, 2006 12:46 am

Thank you HG!!!!!!
Have a nice night :)
8) Deb
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May all your news be good news

Post by pangelsue » Wed Apr 19, 2006 11:49 am

Hi Deb,
I have been uber busy lately so I didn't get in on your wonderful news until this morning. Weight loss and money coming in!!! Wow! Now if you could just throw great sex into the mix, life would be perfect, right! Hey, maybe you already have that part! LOL!
Seriously though, I couldn't be happier for you. You are a strong person who can and has really put a smile on tough times. Congratulations and let us know how the new massage client works out. Masoltov! (spelling?)
and shalom.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Apr 19, 2006 5:39 pm

"Dear God...Please heed Sues prayer!!!!
Soon!!!" :twisted:
NoS only restricts three of the deadly S's... Not all of them!
Ha ha ha!!!!!!!!

Thanks Sue~
That really made me crack up!
:lol: Deb

ps... It's usually transliterated into English as "Mazeltov"....
Thanks again!!!
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Post by reinhard » Wed Apr 19, 2006 5:40 pm

Deb, congratulations. That's fantastic. I knew you could do it -- but this is fast! Sorry that the holidays threw off my hawklike gaze for a bit.

Fingers crossed,


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Apr 19, 2006 5:52 pm

Thanks Reinhard!!!!
I'm in the home stretch!!! I started on a Saturday, so I'll be done this Friday!!!

I've been training my hawk like gaze on myself, so don't worry!

I'm stoked!!! I knew you were there somewhere out there... :wink:
Kind of like the antithesis of the Dark Lord, whose "eye" gazes to all corners of middle earth for the ring... You look for people who are sneaking chocolate chip cookies! But to *help* them, not to imprison them~ LOL....

Maybe once I am slim and gorgeous, Sue's prediction will come true!!!
Then I'll have to make my own website group called the
"All S 'diet' "

Ha ha...
Actually, I've been back at a job I had when I was around 175 lbs, and working with some very blunt and crass, albeit funny and still my friends, Mexican cooks... they always had a smartass comment for me in the past regarding how fat I used to be... Back then I lost lots of weight with a combined bunch of extreme diet and exercise techniques.. I had started out, with no exercise at all, at around 220 lbs... This was right around when Richie was about 3 years old... Over two years I lost 50 lbs, but it came back on about three years later... Thank God I never have to worry about that here!!!!

When I told them that I was around 205 lbs these days, the most vocal of them said, with totally disbelief, "No!!!???"....
His face was the tell that he really didn't believe me... Wow... That was nice! If anyone was going to make fun of me for being "Gorda" then it would have been this guy.. Ha ha!!! I sure fooled him!!!
I must have some serious muscle mass under the last twenty or thirty pounds of fat..
This is my year to turn it around...
I have a serious NoS bug up my bootie!
It's only gonna die once I make my goal!!!
32 inches or bust!!!!

Ha ha ha!!!!! Sometimes having manic depression really helps!!!!
I'm definitely getting a manic buzz of this roll of successful days!!!
I fell invincible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm done ranting now! LOL :)

Hope you and your state hopping family had a great holiday weekend!
8) Deb
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Post by carolejo » Thu Apr 20, 2006 7:35 am

Hey you!!! Sorry, I've been remiss at actually checking things this week. You're looking good though! :D

Glad to hear it's going so well. Take care of yourself and don't get too manic on our asses though :P

love C.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Apr 20, 2006 1:25 pm

Hi CJ!
Running to work, and a little late.. but wanted to write back!!!
Not having the comp at home really makes it difficult to stay in touch here..
Oh well!
Have a nice day!
8) Deb
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Mom of the year award

Post by pangelsue » Fri Apr 21, 2006 10:36 pm

Hi Deb,
I just read your 21 day site. Too bad about the snack but you are the mom of the year! Kids need support when bad things happen and you were there. I would have done the same thing. I remember once when my daughter was little and she knocked out her front tooth (permanent one) and had to have it replaced at the dentist. She was really upset and afterwords we went to her favorite doughnut place and had the horrible doughnuts that have about 2" of frosting on top and sprinkles. She was crying at first but we both got frosting on our noses and started laughing. She still remembers it. You are a winner in spite of it. You can back and you lost weight too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yahoo for you.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Apr 22, 2006 12:37 am

Thanks Sue!
I bet those donuts were good!!!!

Richie makes it easy to be the "mom of the year" as he is the most lovable and sweet and wonderful son in the world!!!!

Have a great S weekend!!!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb
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Post by reinhard » Sat Apr 22, 2006 4:28 am


Sorry to hear about Richard and the fastball... glad he sounds like he's ok. Well, 19 days is pretty darn good and injured children are about as good as excuses get, so congratulations! And the chipwich... what a way to go. I'm a strawberry shortcake man myself. I'm vicariously essing it.


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Apr 22, 2006 2:15 pm

Thanks a lot Rein!
Loved your post!!!
Richard looks like Marlon Brando in On the Waterfront now...
I've been coaching him to say

"I coudda been somebody... I coudda been a contender!!!"...

Running out now... I have plans for the next few months...
Basically, I'm going to do a "no snacks" version of NoS, including on S days... Meaning for two months or maybe one, we will see, I'm going to take a mini break from chips and cheese doodles, and add 30 minutes of walking at least 5 days a week...
My hope is that I'll be able to drop some fat a bit faster and then go back to "maintenence" mode afterwards...

I can live without cheetos for two months...
ps.. I dropped about 5 or 6 pounds since I started the 21 days...
That was the weight I had gained back when I slid away from the rules for a month or so...
I'm really glad to be back on track!!!!!
Weight right now is 206...
I'll weigh again in a week...

I would love to lose between 15 and 20 lbs in the next two or three months.. I think this is very attainable if I really set my mind to it and add that walking regimen!!! Richard said he would help me!!!

Have a great weekend friends!!!
Peace and Love,
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Don"t forget the S days.

Post by pangelsue » Sun Apr 23, 2006 4:49 am

I hear you on the snack attacks. I just had the S day from Hell. The last 2 weeks I felt like I needed to satisfy every craving I ever had!. Right now I am putting off going to bed because I have heartburn and back up. Ugh! I still think we need the S days though or we could go into burn out mode. I want to make next weekend be more of an N day with 1 or 2 snacks. This will hopefully be the next development in the plan and the next habit to work on.

Be gentle with yourself. You did a terrific job on your 19 days and 5 pounds. I have been dieting since January 1st and No S ing for about 6 weeks. Total loss for that time is 6 pounds. Some days it feels like I will never get a noticable loss but other days I know I am building habits I can live with.

The Diet is No S and S days, my dear. That's the charm. That is the advise a wise lady named Deb gave me a couple of days ago. Hmmm..... Good night and good luck.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Apr 23, 2006 7:17 pm

Thanks Sue!
I love when people refer to me as wise and not a wise "you know what!" LOL...

Well we had a great S day yesterday, and had snacks, candy and even had some really good chocolate torte and cheesecake, when we went out for the evening to see Premik play at this caffe in the village...
He was with his classical Raga quartet the "Rajaf quartet"...
Boy it was great!!!

Then when we came home, I ate some cheetos!

Well, It's out of my system now and I am having a very mellow day...
Going out again later tonight for more music...

I did home Yoga for the first time in weeks this morning...
It was really nice, but my low back is really tight, so I was taking it nice and slow... Headstand is still totally great... Wheel?......
Well I couldn't really hold myself up for more than three seconds since my back is tight and needs to get looser and stronger again...

Getting back to home Yoga is going to be a "non optional" thing...
I can fit 15 to 30 minutes a day in, no matter what is going on in my life...

It's been pouring rain, so still no suburban ranger yet, but I'm getting out as soon as the sun comes out again!

Enjoy your afternoon/evening yall!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb
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Post by Hunter Gatherer » Wed Apr 26, 2006 2:50 pm

Hi Deb! I haven't dropped in for a while, so I thought I'd stop by and say you're still in my prayers (when I say them, sometimes I'm a slouch).

Good luck with your home yoga! Be gentle with your back. It's so very important!
"You've been reading about arctic explorers," I accused him. "If a man's starving he'll eat anything, but when he's just ordinarily hungry he doesn't want to clutter up his stomach with a lot of candy."
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Apr 26, 2006 4:08 pm

Thanks HG!!!!
I appreciate your prayers!!! They may have made a big difference this week as I have a good interview set up for a job that seems almost totally like the perfect compliment to my massage office!!!
I'll post about the details if I get it!
As far as yoga and watching my back... When I *don't* practice, and stretch and strengthen with yoga, that's really when I have back problems, not because of it...
Yoga is the best thing (next to a few other fun activities, hee!) for our bodies!!!

Okay! Please, can you all pray for this job to work out!!! :)
I really hope it does!
Thanks all!
Have a great Wednesday, and remember, only two more days to
S DAYS!!!!!
Woo hoo!!!!!!!

Peace and Love,
8) Deb
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Post by Hunter Gatherer » Thu Apr 27, 2006 4:01 am

I'm not saying don't work it, 'cause there are few things worse than letting your back turn to mush, I'm just saying be careful when you do exercize it.
"You've been reading about arctic explorers," I accused him. "If a man's starving he'll eat anything, but when he's just ordinarily hungry he doesn't want to clutter up his stomach with a lot of candy."
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Apr 28, 2006 11:55 pm

Hey Guys,
I got the job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I start next Monday!!!!!!!!!!!

This is gonna be cool and interesting, and local, and flexible hours with no evenings or weekends!!!! Plus the doctor has given me permission and will actively help me get referrals to my office!!! :)


What a major major relief!!!!
I am so glad I got this! I was starting to get really depressed big time looking and looking endlessly...
The Lord is great! I know he sent me this gift!

So as for the weekend, I plan on just drinking lots of coffee, playing guitar and singing, mellowing out and getting burnt in the sun for the weekend!
I might even barbeque something! :lol: And as for S's,,,,,,
Chocolate ice cream is definitely required~
And Sunday I will most certainly get back to Larry and Yoga!~

Woo hoo!!!!!!!!!!

Have a great weekend all!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb
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Post by Hunter Gatherer » Sat Apr 29, 2006 3:16 am

Hip-Hip-Hooray! You got the job! Good for you! Enjoy the weekend! And enjoy that sweet Monday feeling of racking up the paid work hours!
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Post by Samurai » Sat Apr 29, 2006 4:07 am

Congrats on the new job, Deb, sounds like you landed a good one! 8)
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Post by pangelsue » Sat Apr 29, 2006 5:43 am

How exciting!!! Sounds like you've stepped through that doorway into the next phase of your life. Rejoice and be glad!!! Really happy to hear things are looking up. Breathe easy and relax. Life is good.
I am happy for your good news.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Apr 29, 2006 8:14 pm

Thanks guys!!!
Yeah, Sue, it does really feel great!!!
I have lots of other ideas of things I want to do, like music etc.. but having a decent day job was something I didn't have... I will have to really watch out with the radiation exposure though and hope the protection we use in the office (lead aprons, radiation inspection tags etc...) are sufficient...

I spent hours doing lots of cleaning around my place... Cleaned out my gutters for about two hours, and then the woodshed...
Plus I smashed up some stuff with my sledgehammer!!!
That felt good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FUN!!!!! :lol:

Okay! I won't be back on till probably Monday, so enjoy your weekends all!!!
Have fun!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb
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Post by doulachic » Mon May 01, 2006 12:34 pm

hey Deb, i finally watched "Waiting for Guffman" the other day...too funny! :lol: It reminded me of "Best in Show"..actually i think they were both made by the same people...way funny!

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Post by This path is my life » Mon May 01, 2006 1:37 pm

Hi Deb,

My name is Jenn and I'm new to the No-S bulletin board (I tried it for a little while without it, but recently decided that I needed the extra reinforcement) and first I wanted to say congrats about the job, it sounds like you're in a really good and productive place right now too (all that gutter-cleaning!). Good for you! I also wanted to say that I think that all your support and positivity to everyone is a beautiful thing, if you give even half as much to yourself as you give to everyone else I have no doubt that you'll reach your goal.

Have a great day!
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue May 02, 2006 12:13 am

Hey Tricia and Jenn!
Thanks for your posts :)

Tricia, I'm glad you watched Guffman! It was so funny!
Did it remind you of community theater auditions? LOL...
And yeah, Christopher Guest wrote and directed both those movies and Spinal Tap too... LOL...
That guy is so hilarious! And all the others are great! I especially loved the scene with Fred Willard and Catherine O'Hara where they are having dinner with the dentist and his wife at the Chinese restaurant and they start discussing his recent "penis reduction" surgery!

Jenn, I enjoy being an active part of this board and know how helpful an encouraging word can be.. I do try to point that encouragement towards myself too, and practice self affirming mantras as often as possible!
I am so grateful for NoS (hence my screen name, and also because I'm a deadhead! LOL..) and usually try to spread that positivity around! (As long as I don't have pms! grrrrr..... LOL..)

Thanks too about the job congrats!
I was "S" ing a brick this morning because it's all so new and a little intimidating.. But it was great! By the third treatment I was able to assist the doctor with the machines and his injections without any extra help from the other assistant, also named Debbie! How confusing will that be???

Today was a good NoS day, and the only thing that could have been better was if I got in a good breakfast... I need to force feed myself when it's before 11 am usually, but now that I am in a morning job, I absolutely can't skip it... Fortunately the other women in the office had a really nice big platter of salad and they shared it with me on a break... That was actually a really great breakfast... I think I may start doing that more often.. Make salad and have that for breakfast, with a little cheese and my usual coffee :)

Good luck Jenn and keep us posted on your renewed efforts here..
I agree that accountability and sharing on the board really helps!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed May 03, 2006 4:18 pm

Hi everyone :)!

Can you believe this????
I no longer have that doctors office job!!! I came down with strep throat yesterday and called in sick, and told them by next week I would be back..
The job was only part time... Well the secretary asked me if I wanted them to send my check in the mail, because they are still interviewing people for that job..
Apparently that doctor was just giving me a "trial run"... But he didn't give me any indication of his intentions... Nice!!!
What a loser!
Anyway... I don't care!!! LOL.. I don't really like the idea of working with X rays for any period of time and I certainly wouldn't want to commit my life to a person with such crappy hiring/firing ethics...
So FEH to him and his epidural injections!!!!


Meanwhile I have discovered a great NoS friendly soup!
Progresso Lentil soup is like only 300 calories for the whole can...
I made some yesterday when my symptoms were bad and threw in a little rice too... I figure if I keep my meals to 500 calories or thereabouts I'm doing good...
Normally I don't count calories, but I am realizing that over the last few months I have definitely chosen to eat pretty high calorie stuff, so I'm peeking at lables a little more, just to develop a better awareness and make informed choices...

Once this strep is licked I'll be back to the suburban rangering I started last week, and definitely *MUST* start home Yoga again... I dropped everything while interviewing etc,,,stressing out about stuff, and guess what? I got sick for the first time in a very long time...
Wish I had my comp at home as it's just more fun to post when I'm in the mood to write, but I can't afford it yet... Soon I hope!
I think my next move is to try and get a job at Kinkos.. It seemed that the doctors office would have been good, but apparently a job is only as good as the employer is...

Hopefully I'll be feeling good this weekend as theres a big craft fair in town and I was hoping to set up my massage chair for some promotion and chair massage.. We shall see...

Other than a half a heath bar and some cough drops while waiting for the pharmacy to fill my prescription yesterday I've been good with NoS...
I'm happy that sick days are S days as that little treat was just what the doctor ordered!

Okay folks.. I'm passing out.. Between the strep throat and my period about to arrive I'm ready for a really good nap...
See you when I'm feeling better again!
Have a nice day everyone! :)
Peace and Love,
8) Deb
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Post by This path is my life » Wed May 03, 2006 7:33 pm


I am sorry about the job, but at the same time I completely agree that you wouldn´t have wanted to put yourself through working for an employer like that long term, and if it hadn´t been for losing your job now, you might have been tempted to stay there even if it wasn´t a positive working environment simply for the paycheck, but this way you don´t have to do that and you can immediately go on to finding something better and that suits you more. So just view this as the opportunity that it really is instead of a loss.

Let us know what happens with kinkos and hopefully you´ll be able to get yourself to that crafts fair this weekend and be sure to take care of that strep throat.

Onward and upward Deb, keep that positivity going strong! Enjoy the rest of your day.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed May 03, 2006 11:03 pm

Thanks Jenn mate!
You are a sweetie!
I'm sure in a few more days I'll be much better...
Fortunately I went to the doctor the first day I had symptoms...
I'm going to tackle the Kinkos deal or whatever other place that's hiring once I'm not virulent!
Have a great evening :)
Peace and Love,
8) Deb
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Post by reinhard » Thu May 04, 2006 2:54 am

Sorry about your illness/job disappointment, Deb. Glad you seem to be weathering both well.

As for the yoga, how about 14 minutes every N day? Habit friendly, excuse proof :-)


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Post by misplacedpeg » Thu May 04, 2006 7:48 am

hey Deb!
sorry to hear about the job thing!!But just as for our periods...there is a reason to everything!so trust there was a reason for you not to be there!

as for the yoga , i happen to be a big fan too! I do DVDs at home and I especially enjoy Geri Halliwell s body yoga, although she totally annoys me as an artist! Its a pretty long workout (more than an hr), but its very slow paced n your back will thank you all day long after!!

have a nice day lady n keep on smiling!!! :lol:

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu May 04, 2006 2:58 pm

Thanks Reinhard and MPpeg!

Yes Rein, 14 minutes is a great idea! I was doing that about a month or so ago, and it always turned into an extra ten minutes and some shovelglove to boot...

I am too weak now to really push myself to do anything, but not weak enough to meditate.. so yesterday that's exactly what I did, and it was for about 15 minutes... I wanted so badly to try some asanas, but I know I need rest now... Meanwhile I am carving out meditation time for 14 minutes a day, which usually turns into more like 20... But this is really cool,,,,
I have somehow managed to lose some weight though which is a great mental upper!
I said I would weigh myself once my period was over, but I couldn't resist this morning, since I had to bring laundry here to my Mom's house and she has the scale.... Something told me that I felt smaller...
So I still haven't gotten my period yet, but I'm miraculously down about one or one and a half pounds... My mom has an analog scale and it's probably not too accurate... But there are those little colored, sliding placemarkers around the dial, and my weight was down from the last time I posted... that was the second week I did the 21 days..
Except for my little sick day heath bar and 1/3 of a cup of coke the day I was at the doctor, it seems my habits have stayed in place and are having a great unconscious effect!
I'm thrilled!!!!
I always go up like 2 pounds when I'm pre-menstrual.... so as long as I stay good for the next week or so, I'm predicting that by the time my period is all over and I'm off the antibiotics, I may just be down to my lowest weight to date!
So that's what I'm going to do! And I'm eager to walk again with Richard, as he asked me if I wanted to today, but I can barely move... Once I regain my normal strength, that will certainly resume!

I sure would love to lose another 20 lbs by Fall, and I think that's very doable once walking really starts to be a daily habit!

Thanks you guys for all your kind remarks and loving support!
It's just so helpful and nice to be able to share!
Have a great day all :)
Peace and Love,
8) Deb
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Post by Simon » Thu May 04, 2006 6:15 pm

Good thoughts coming from up north here too, Deb. I don't take the time to check is as much as I'd like to right now, but glad to hear you're keeping well in the face of adversity!
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Post by carolejo » Fri May 05, 2006 8:33 am


Glad you're carving out some meditation time. Hope everything settles again soon and that you get well quickly. It's a pain in the ass about the job, but everything does happen for a reason, so hang in there. In the meantime, do what you can to stay grounded.

Lots of love
C. xxx

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