Don't let S days stand for stupid!

No Snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Except on Days that start with S. Too simple for you? Simple is why it works. Look here for questions, introductions, support, success stories.

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Don't let S days stand for stupid!

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Apr 25, 2005 4:08 pm

Hey all :D
Oh man! This weekend between my cycle and the family dinner, and the dreaded leftovers of main course stuff and that haagen daaz, I am feeling like someone pumped my belly full of heavy gravy, or something similarly "heavy"... Yuck!!!
I'm pretty disappointed that I didn't exert some tiny attempt at portion control and amount of helpings... I feel temporarilly "stupid!"...
Well my life is a bit tumultuous for the last few months so I guess I'm slipping back to some of my very unhealthy old habits when the stress-ometer goes off the charts for me... I'm so glad I have NoS to lean on, because this is the kind of eating I tend to do, indefinitely when I am in binge mode... It's embarrassing... Well, it took a lifetime to build these "bad" habits, so I guess it's going to take some long term concerted effort to really eradicate them for good.. But I completely believe that can and will happen here :D
The great news now is that, and sorry for repeating myself here, I landed a nice Summer job, with NY Health and Racquet Club here in town.
For the first three months I will be guaranteed a salary, so long as I give a minimum of six hours per day... Then, it's all commission after that intro period... But hopefully, the belief is, by then I should be able to establish a clientelle... I love massage and wouldn't ever consider stopping it, but after a year of trying to work just for myself, and even for a few other places, I realize that it is a very unpredictable way a earning a living... At least for the next three months, I'll have some piece of mind concerning my income...
Anyway... I am glad to be back to N days, because, quite frankly, NoS really is like the stern yet always loving and supportive "parent" I really need here, to give me some "tough love"... It's pretty interesting that I am actually finding solace in these rules... the whole "pre disapproved" thing, Reinhard, really is so wonderful... No hemming and hawing... I for one know, that if I were on a plan where I had to make countless decisions about "what when why where and how" to pick, prepare, serve..etc... all my meals, during lets say a "low self esteem" or "high stress" week, I would probably do as I did over this weekend, except for X amount of days till my clothes were tight on me again...
That N day boundary is so unbelievably invaluable to people when their willpower is at a low point, it really does help to minimize damage...
It's like "wake up and smell the N day"... LOL...
Okay folks that's enough ramblin' Deb for now.
I am really psyched about our move next week and my new job, so things are looking good!
Oh, also, hayo Mayo! Good to see you and your teeny 4 foot 2'' self is still with us :P I almost died when you wrote that you are around 120!
That's how much half my behind weighs! LOL :evil:
You little lean spitfire you! :lol:
Ah! One more perk of being at that gym, is, they are letting me use the facilities too! I will be checking out those weights and probably swimming every day.. it's a tiny pool, but half an hour of swimming a day will certainly help me get strong and happy
As for the treadmills and stuff,,, sorry I keep hearing you say "That's the dark side!" Reinhard! LOL.. and from the looks on these peoples faces it really seems like they aren't having much fun on those gerbil machines!
Hey, who knows.. If I'm really getting people for massage, I'll probably be getting plenty of work right there...
Here's wishing everyone a great week!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by sandie » Mon Apr 25, 2005 5:32 pm

I think your new job sounds wonderful, Deb, I gave you congrats on another thread somewhere......

I'm feeling rather low myself, we ate nothing but cookies and cokes on the road to Bulgaria and now I feel rotten.
I'd like to tell you why we went there if you don't mind?

We have group homes for handicapped orphans, in other words we shut down the village orphanage by taking the kids home with us. One of our little girls, who we found in the street when she was only 3, lived with us for 2 yrs and then was adopted by a Maltese couple. It was the 3 of them that we met in Bulgaria for a days visit.
Maryjo was my little pet, my favorite of all babies and when she saw me getting out of the car at the hotel in Bulgaria, she came running crying mama, mama. It had been 4 yrs since she left us. As much as I enjoyed the day with her it probably was not good for her, I would have thought by now she had gotten over us, but she stood at the car window as we pulled away and cried, it was horrible. And it wasn't very pleasant for her new adoptive parents either.

So then came the cookie binge :(
Now its Monday evening and I finished the last of the bag, I have to get over the loss of Maryjo as well.
Its no excuse, eating that way for any reason, but it does help the moment.
Sorry this is so long, thanks for letting me vent.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Apr 25, 2005 6:09 pm

Sandie, there is no need to apologize for either the content or the length of your post.. I am the most long winded, verbose, rambling, and tangential writer in the group... I think it would be really boring if all we ever wrote was "I lost weight" or "I gained weight".. I think, actually, it's even to the benefit (hope I'm not rationalizing being a longwinded gal here) to give some life circumstances which are tied to our eating choices..
You start to see patterns of behavior, and then, hopefully, you develop some self awareness...
Like those 12 step programs, the first step is to identity that there are problems to begin with and admitting that they are serious...
You ate out of emotional upset, and your upset was really understandable.
So sorry for the rough transition and loss you had to experience...
I was a step mom before my lovely Richie was born, to his three half brother and sisters, Jordan, Julie and Meghan.. They lived with me for two years, and I was an "instant mom" just add water...
When I broke up with Richard's dad, I couldn't even go to the supermarket without crying in the aisles, thinking to myself that I normally would be planning meals for the kids, and now wouldn't...
Then, about a year after I came back from New Orleans and relocated in NY with my own family, I found out that Jordan, only going on 12 years old had metastatic Bone Cancer and had his leg amputated... He died only six months later... That was such a hard thing to accept... It just didn't seem fair, but he is in a better place now, and I try to send him a "Hello" now and then, as he made quite an impact on me during those two years of being his stepmom. It's pretty rough to bond with a child and then have to leave them.. I don't know *how* the surrogate moms out in the world do it?! I never could...
That little girl was your "sweetness" and the cookies were just a fake substitute for the real thing... Forgive yourself and move along! They were just cookies, not cyanide, and it's over now... Just try really hard to keep them away next time..
I'm sure God will watch over your little baby :wink:
Thanks for the congrats! I actually saw it on the other thread... :lol:
Just assume that if you write something new, on any of these groups, including the "Whatever" group (currently my most favorite topic!)
I will be reading and appreciating it, even if I don't post a direct reply.
Enjoy your evening and have faith that the "blues" you are experiencing will eventually subside...

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Post by mayo » Mon Apr 25, 2005 8:35 pm

Congrats on the job, Deb! You'd be an awesome massage therapist, cuz you're awesome. I don't know how you have the energy to spread so much cheer around to lazy folk like me. :wink: I bet your clients'll love you. Best wishes!

Sandie, your job sounds great, too, and really meaningful. I'm sure your do-goodingness can balance your cookie sins just this once. :D If you know you'll learn from this binge, there's not point in beating yourself up for it. Concentrate on your future fine, slim self.

btw, Deb, you short-changed me by 11". :evil: I need every length-wise inch I can get. LOL. The width-wise ones...not so much. :twisted:

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Apr 25, 2005 8:56 pm

Mayo! :lol:
I must have been thinking of my son! Forgive my senility!
Certainly didn't mean to "short" change you! Huh huh, pun intended! Hee..
The :twisted: made me do it!
Look. From what I can tell of your perky personality, I am sure you are fully capable of getting peoples attention from however high or low you project...
And thanks! I think you are awesome too :D

So I assume you measure your height when upright and that then becomes your length after bedtime! :P

Years ago, when I was living in Seattle, I used to work with a young woman who kept using the word
"Heighth". :shock:
It was an annoying bone of contention as I didn't believe that could be a real word! And I still don't!
See you later Mayolator :)
8) Deb

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Post by sandie » Tue Apr 26, 2005 4:49 am

Thanks guys for the support, you all have some interesting things going on in your lives :shock:

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New job for Deb!

Post by Ariel King » Fri Apr 29, 2005 4:17 pm

BTW Deb, I just wanted to say CONGRATS on the new job! That's excellent news. :D Good luck with the move!

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Ariel :)

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun May 01, 2005 1:10 am

Thanks a bunch Ariel!
I'm sorry I haven't replied so quick.. This board can be slightly disorienting since we have been so used to a linear list... now, it's a bit easier to get distracted and miss a post...

The job is soooooo amazing!!!!!!
I swam today for the first time in forever, and the whole gym is at my disposal, including Yoga classes, Kick Boxing, and free weights...
I think I'll bring in my SG one day so they can watch me do my thing...
Hope I don't get fired! :P
The personal trainers will certainly get a kick out of it!
The only stupid thing was that I weighed myself today, after passing the scales area successfully for a week now...
I weigh 11 lbs more than I thought I did!!! :roll:
8) My mind was reeling from the shock! :shock:
I hate those frickin scales! :x It almost ruined my day, until the manager told me I was beautiful, then I was happy again! :D
I won't be stepping on them again, and I am sticking with my measuring system, which has made me happy, and really is a better reflection of my shape and state of being... I may have to smash those scales with my SG!

Have fun Ssing today all..
8) Deb

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Post by jools » Mon May 02, 2005 11:13 pm

HI Everyone

I am finally back- its me Julie- if you hadnt figured it out yet LOL

Had to get a new name etc.. as the old one wouldnt work- but thats okay as eternalrock is a thing of the past for me very soon now. so anyway it will take me a bit to figure this out, gotta get some dinner now- very very hungry- a salad is calling my name... have a great eve all


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Post by deeyala F » Tue May 03, 2005 1:48 am

CONGRATS Debbie on this job... hope u have loads and loads of fun doing it and loads and loads of money too..
it took me so looooooong to figure out u landed this new job, cause i am so dis-oriented in here :roll:
good luck

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Post by deeyala F » Tue May 03, 2005 1:52 am

ps:u could tell us anything u please sandie... that's what we re here for... and eventhough some of the members might disagree with me. i think it deserved the cookie binge

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Welcome back Jools! Update :)

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue May 03, 2005 4:16 pm

Cucu-ca-jook, Joolers!
(I am the eggman, I am the walrus! LOL.)

Welcome finally you silly you!!!
Love you love you love you!!!! :D

Well gang... Here's the long of it.
I am going completely wacky with loads of "S" and we don't mean sweets right now, to get all the moving details, paying bills, hookups, address changes, having meltdowns, just kidding, while getting ready for my move to the new cottage I am renting... So, I haven't really had that much energy to respond to the many wonderful posts that have gone up the last few days...
But I am thrilled that more and more people have finally arrived!
Thank a lot, Dee, for your congrats on my new job! It is really awesome! To think, that I am going to have a full membership to this place as long as I am an employee! It's phenomenal! Just having the pool, one of the things I love most, is great... Then, add to that, the Yoga classes, the kickboxing... and just being in an enviornment conducive to thinking about health, is very good for me... Reinhard, I don't plan on ditching, SG or UR, they will fit in beautifully, once I am not totally crazy with millions of major life changes... No matter how many free weights I have at my disposal, there is just nothing that compares to SG!
If I ever get a tattoo, it might just be of a peace sign with a Sledgehammer going through the middle! LOL....
Those machines in there, have no appeal to me whatsoever! Plus, unless I can convince NY Health and Racquet Club (the Club for short, heh)
to start playing Grateful Dead, I doubt it will be as fun to do a SG workout there, it's going to stay in my casa... Once I'm back to snuff with my strength, I will probably add a twice a week free weights regime to all the other stuff, simply because it's there, and I want to see the mouths drop oven on those personal trainers that look like Van Damme and "The Refridgerator" when I am able to hold my own with the best of them! LOL! :P
But the classes and the pool are awesome... I am so blessed that everything is falling into place finally, after, what maybe one of the financially, worst years for me, and it's all local.. my apartment, my job!
I reworked my rent agreement with Robert, the chiro I rent space from and he is still going to continue to let me use my own room for private clients too (I didn't advertise this at the gym, but the manager knows I work for myself as well... I was very forthcoming in letting him know I live here and have a handful of private clients, but wouldn't ever promote my outside business while working at the club, and he can see that I am being very proactive there, so, basically, he just says "That's cool" to everything I tell him and I'll be able to work both locations with complete flexibility on their part! This is very unusual, as most places wouldn't even interview me, when they found I lived in the same town... Everyone is scared you'll steal their clients... I am so glad to be working for someone who just trusts me and isn't micromanaging me...
Thank you Lord!
Oh, also on a food note, this job is right under Waldbaums supermarket.. It's on a lower level... I believe this will be a very helpful tool for my diet success because there are convenience foods there, which are pretty healthy, and even if it's a little expensive to have sushi for 4.50 for lunch, from their sushi bar, it's still not 8 or 10 dollars, and no tip is necessary..
Plus they happen to have a very good produce section, so I could see myself enjoying far more fruits and veggies, instead of say going to Subway or any other quick fix lunch, like pizza or fast food. It's also going to make keeping my home stocked and ready much more convenient, because I can just end my shift and go up to the supermarket before go home... I will definitely be planning at least 4 out of 5 days meals ahead of time, and this will help all around, money and diet..
Once I am in my new apartment and get my son into an afterschool program, I will be using these facilities to the max!
On a NoS note, I have to be honest that my eating patterns have gone a bit kablooey in the last week, due to a very new, and fluctuating schedule, and also, because I'm running around like an idiot trying to get a lot of things settled... However, No Sweets, and No Snacks are firmly in place, but it's been hard to sit down to three meals a day which are actually on plates, due to going temporarilly nuts with all this new stuff.
Just getting my bearings in the club is taking a lot of my energy and attention, because, like my apartment, and even more so, I am not into the swing of knowing where my supplies are, etc... I did two one-hour massages yesterday, and I swam for 40 minutes twice, so far since Sunday. So, I know, with certainty, that once I have my schedule, and my supplies and my brain, settled into this new enviornment, and I'm not having to run around shuttling my son from school and taking him with me to work in the afternoons, I will be very able to get back on a healthy eating schedule, which will permit me to be satisfied and have the energy to do both, massage, and my exercises, without having to snack or overload...
Wow, that was way more than I had thought I'd write today! LOL
Sorry! :lol:
I have lots of funny stories just from watching how most people function, both dietwise and exercise-wise, in the first week of working at that club.
I look forward to sharing more with you all and wish everyone a happy and successful week! Congratulations Reinhard on this board going so nicely, and closing the yahoo sites... I said it before, but at the risk of being redundant, since sometimes it's easy to miss something here, it feels more like a party, here.. we can bop back and forth from forum to forum... That's fun! This is like having an Everyday systems "Campus" so to speak.. everything within "walking distance" :D

Carpe Diem (but don't carpe soda until Saturday! LOL....)
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by reinhard » Thu May 05, 2005 12:09 pm

Congratulations on the job, Deb. Glad it's going so well. If they're ever looking for some crazy new thing at the health club to replace "pole dancing" or whatever the latest crazy trend is, you should offer to teach a shovelglove class. Then I'll know I've made it!

P.S. Don't let your day job interfere with your bulletin board posting!

P.P.S. Welcome, Julie!

P.P.P.S. It's almost silly to talk about "cookie sins" in comparison with the good work you're doing, Sandie, and considering the pain you had to go through saying goodbye to that little girl. It happened, forget about it and move on. Single incidents aren't important, it's about what you do most of the time, it's about habit. Don't let this one understandable excess derail you. Because that would be bad. In itself, it's nothing. Keep posting if you're in trouble. It helps.

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Post by sandie » Thu May 05, 2005 1:04 pm

Hi All, I'm still doing great on my no ess's, lost 2 more kilos since last post and I'm moving around better with each pound lost, thanks for your support, I drop in daily just to read what you all are doing :)

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