Amazing Weight Loss!

No Snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Except on Days that start with S. Too simple for you? Simple is why it works. Look here for questions, introductions, support, success stories.

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Amazing Weight Loss!

Post by operababe » Fri Jun 16, 2006 9:05 pm

OK, I had joined June 1, 2006, although I was loosely following No S for about 2 weeks before that and had lost 7 lbs (Started at 262 lbs) and was reporting a weight of 255 lbs.

Well, 15 days later, and I've lost another 9 lbs. I now weigh 246 lbs!

This is unbelievable, and it's so easy. No wonder my voice teacher commented on how much thinner my face is looking!

Now, I'm happy, but I'm not getting too high because I know that in the weeks and months to come, my weight loss will slow down. I know it's common for us larger folks to drop quickly in the beginning. Metabolism is metabolism and I'm not expecting to keep dropping 16 lbs in 4 weeks.

But I'm happy all the same. And I'm absolutely convinced that this is the way I will eat and live for the rest of my life. It's sane, it's sensible, it's simple, and it's very very smart! And that's a lot of "s" for a "No S" diet!
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Jun 17, 2006 12:10 am


Go Girl!!!!!!! :D

Your weight loss makes *me* happy!!!!!
(And remotivated!!!)

Peace and Love,
8) Deb
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Post by Daisy » Sat Jun 17, 2006 7:02 am

Well done you. Isn't it great when you see results like that, it really inspires you to carry on.

I only lost 3.5 to 4 lbs in my first 21 days, but even that is enough to keep me going and know that I am in this for the long haul.

Kind regards - Daisy

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Post by Sinnie » Sat Jun 17, 2006 11:30 am

Congrats Operababe, that's fantastic! Surely a motivation too. Keep up the great work :)

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Post by cab54 » Sat Jun 17, 2006 9:12 pm

Yay!! Keep up the good work, Operababe! It doesn't even feel like 'work' does it? :D

Starting weight--200 (gah!)
Goal weight--135, or wherever I end up

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Post by pangelsue » Mon Jun 19, 2006 11:38 am

WOW!! How exciting!! Congratulations and kudos. Control is a beautiful thing.

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Post by reinhard » Mon Jun 19, 2006 11:46 am

This is great news, operababe. Congratulations! That's one of the most impressive up front losses that's been reported here.

I'm also happy you seem mentally prepared for the inevitable long plateaus.

Sorry for the long delay, I've been traveling ("vacation" seems like the wrong word with a 2 year old in tow).



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Post by Hunter Gatherer » Mon Jun 19, 2006 7:15 pm

Hooray! Good for you.
"You've been reading about arctic explorers," I accused him. "If a man's starving he'll eat anything, but when he's just ordinarily hungry he doesn't want to clutter up his stomach with a lot of candy."
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Post by operababe » Tue Jun 20, 2006 2:06 pm

Thanks everyone for the encouragement and the kudos. And it was wonderful to read others inspiring accomplishments up to this. And Reinhard, I hear you about the 2 year old --- vacation? what vacation?!!!

Cab54 mentioned what I'm coming to realize with No S: it's about getting back into good eating habits. With emphasis on habits! The habit of eating 3 meals means that snacking is something I no longer think about. What's happening now is that when my stomach is truly empty, and it's been a long since I've known what a truly empty stomach feels like, I know it's time to eat a meal. Period. Snacking only satisfies head hunger, meaning I'm bored, sad, anxious, etc., and having a sweet or a snack of some kind will help distract me or help to "calm" me. In the end, there's nothing calm about gaining over 120 lbs! That's what all the snacking did. I've always eaten healthy meals, that has never been a problem putting protein, carb and lots of vegetables on my mealtime plate. But the snacks, the everyday mindless consumption of high fat/high sugar/high calorie crap is what had gotten me to where I was at 262 lbs.

I am now in a very good place, and even when I plateau, when the scale hasn't budged in a good while, knowing that I'm maintaining and feeling healthy will always spell success to me. Gratefuldeb had mentioned that in a post a little while ago: that losing 2 lbs in 4 months would not be seen as a success by most people, especially the medical docs. But it's clear that maintaining our weight means that we won't fall victim to what happens to many so-called "successful" dieters: they gain all the weight back plus more! With No S, there's NO way I see that happening to me!

Have a great week everyone, thanks again for all the support, you guys rock!!!
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Jun 20, 2006 8:27 pm

Thanks for mentioning that Opera babe :)
I had a friend a long time ago who did some extreme dieting.. You know the typical shakes etc...
Well he lost about 60 lbs in three months or something crazy...
But as I recall, he gained every last pound back very soon after...

Unless you totally abandon NoS, and I mean AWOL for good, you won't have that ever happen here...
Yes there's always the ups and downs.. Minor fluctuations and plateaus at times, and that's frustrating... But going back to my previous story about the two pounds down in four months...
Well, pre NoS, I could have gained twenty to forty pounds in that time frame...
So it's really good to remember this when things get a little slow or you're going through a rough patch...
Besides the 21 day club, I think we should have a "I didn't gain weight this month" club...
For taking pride in maintaining your losses so far!

Okay.. I'm off to create one now!

Seeya later....
Peace and Love,
8) Deb
There is no Wisdom greater than Kindness

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