Marina's check in

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

Moderators: Soprano, automatedeating

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Marina's check in

Post by Marina » Sat Jul 08, 2017 2:24 pm

Decided to do a check in to see if it helps me; i haven't managed to properly start no-s and i truly believe no-s can get me to a point were food stops being something that i obsess about. I struggle with binge eating disorder and although it's gotten easier and i am more aware of my sometimes unhealthy coping mechanisms to deal with problems, eating is still my standard response in many situations.

Other challenges i have are disabling migraines that can be triggered by a number of factors, among which hunger (so if i get my portions wrong and get really hungry it might trigger a migraine) and also really bad reflux when i eat only 3 meals. My doctor told me i probably had reflux when i was snacking and binging a lot but my body signals were mixed up.

I have a lot of weight to lose but i'm not in a hurry. I prefer to eat better and i feel if i can make a habit of this the weight loss will follow.

I am 158 cm and currently weigh 102.5 kgs. That's 226lbs with a bmi of 41.1

Today is my first vacation day; i only go back to work in the middle of august. I plan to dedicate myself to stablishing n-days.

*English is not my first nor second language so there'll be many mistakes throughout my check ins!

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Post by oolala53 » Sat Jul 08, 2017 5:35 pm

Sounds pretty darn good for English being an extra language. :)

You certainly have your work cut out for you. I think the habits are excellent in themselves for many and great disciplinary training grounds for those who find as time goes on that more is called for. It's been that way for me in the sense that I can pretty much always come back to Vanilla if an experiment seems like it's capsizing the boat.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

There is no S better than Vanilla No S (mods now as a senior citizen)

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Post by Bluebell » Sat Jul 15, 2017 10:21 pm

Hi Marina I have found you from our Mumsnet thread, nice to see you on here too. Good luck on your NoS journey, this is a very supportive and friendly forum :)
"You'll know where the North Star is &#11088;&#65039;" - Oolala

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Post by Marina » Tue Jul 25, 2017 4:58 pm

OK, so i'm back from holiday at my mom's and although i've ditched my previous plan to stick to N days and S days while i was there , i haven't gained weight at all (i lost a little... yay!!!).

My habits are not ingrained yet. Far from it. I've taken a step back and am being generous and patient with myself... i do have a lot to lose and years of disordered eating to overcome.

My biggest challenge it getting out of the diet mentality. Even on No-S i obsess over my eating habits. Wish it could be simpler and i could just live and eat 3 times a day like many people seem to do with minimun effort.

oolala and Bluebell, thank you so much for your support! You have no idea how it helps!

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Post by oolala53 » Tue Aug 01, 2017 1:34 am

So what if it takes you some effort? Besides, most of the world can't do it.

But it would be nice. I think I would have to lose part of my brain to ever be someone who didn't think about what I eat at all.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

There is no S better than Vanilla No S (mods now as a senior citizen)

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Starting over

Post by Marina » Thu Mar 15, 2018 1:18 pm

Ok, so i'm starting over. I've been doing my own version of No-S for the last month or so with the ocasional blip and i've cut out all sugar from my diet due to health concerns. Now that not eating sugar has become a habit i want to really focus on No-S and my initial objective is to have at least 30 green days in a row.

I've realised writing in english has been a barrier for me when it comes to being more active on the forum and i decided to let go of my desire for perfection and just write the best i can in order to interact more with people here.

Today will be my official day 1. I'm planning on eating 3 main meals and a nuts snack around 4 pm when i'll sometimes have hypoglycemia. I'm on metformin and am pre-diabetic. I'm also os meds for cronic migraines and shoulder and neck pain.

I'd love to exercise everyday but i'm very obese (morbidly obese) and most exercises are painfull or exhaustive (not in a good way) so i'm focusing more on my eating and will be more proactive about exercising in the near future when i'll have hopefully lost a few kilos.

I'll probably try to get my pedometer to work again (it's dead) but i might get a new one if i can't.

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Day one weight

Post by Marina » Thu Mar 15, 2018 1:24 pm

This is my weight on day one:

Height: 1,58 m (5.2 feet)
Weight: 105.1 kg (231.7 lbs)

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Post by oolala53 » Thu Mar 15, 2018 6:48 pm

Welcome back! I'm so glad you've cut out all sugar. Being pre-diabetic qualifies you for more restrictions earlier. Your health comes way before allowing S's! When the end is treasured and you feel like you're getting a fair trade, it can make it much less problematic to give some things up. There are still loads of foods to eat! And opportunities to eat too much of it.

I love your nuts mod.

I have NO problem understanding your English. :)
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

There is no S better than Vanilla No S (mods now as a senior citizen)

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Post by ladybird30 » Fri Mar 16, 2018 2:22 am

Good luck. I also had no trouble understanding your English.
Three meals a day - not too little not too much, but just right

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Post by Dalia negra » Fri Mar 16, 2018 6:11 am

Hello, Marina!

I identify a lot with you, I am Spanish and I can not write in English; I use the translator and sometimes I do not understand, but I agree that we have to overcome that barrier to interact more. Thanks to that I have received support and good advice.

I am also obese, weighing 117 kgs or 257.9 pounds and I have a hard time exercising, but I usually walk a lot. You do well to dust off your pedometer

And nothing more, I wish you much success and here I am for what you need. :wink:

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Post by Marina » Wed Mar 28, 2018 12:10 pm

Dalia Negra So glad to meet someone else who has the same dificulties as me! Feel free to comment in spanish if it's easier for you. As most portuguese speakers i can undertand spanish even though i can't actually speak spanish. In Brazil we joke that we all speak "portunhol" which is a terrible mix of portuguese and spanish. :D

ladybird30 Thanks! That's reassuring!

oolala53 My pre-diabetes might just be a blessing in disguise as well as my migraines. The fear of being sick and in pain in a humongous motivator! I've been using my nuts mod ocasionally but have managed to go a few days with only 3 meals and i'm very glad. I'm very grateful for you support! You are an inspiration for me!

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Post by Marina » Wed Mar 28, 2018 12:25 pm

I'm slowly adjusting to eating 3 meals a day. My hunger is drastically low and i'm surprised because i actually expected to feel "hangry". I'm afraid of getting too excited only to encounter obstacles in the future. I keep thinking that it can't possibly be this easy and that my desperate hunger will come back with a vengeance. I've tried so many strategies and diets only to become frustrated whenever things went wrong - which they always did or else i wouldn't be here doing No-S. I'm very scared of allowing myself to trust No-S and feel hopefull but i guess i kind of have to.

Work has been great (tons of patients), my love life has been great, my parents are doing great and coming to stay with me today for Easter (they are lovely). I've been in pain most days and it's hard but my partner's been really suportive.

I'm planning on going to Rio in July and if it happens i expect to lose some weight while i'm there. I always walk a lot when i'm travelling and i miss my carioca friends a lot!

I already had breakfast (4 french bread small toasts, grapes and a diet iogurt). I'll have lunch at work (palmito pankake and chips with a small salad). At night i'll be meeting my parents at home and will probably have something similar to breakfast AND a yummy diet passion fruit mousse. Friday nights are an S occasion for me.

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Post by oolala53 » Wed Mar 28, 2018 4:29 pm

Marina, there's no guarantee about how easy things will be. I say that because people start having expectations and then get so rattled when they aren't met. It doesn't mean this is wrong if you hit bumps. Know that if you persist, the likelihood is things will smooth out again. Everyone has their own path of adjustment. It's okay to ask the powers that be for ease AND strength.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

There is no S better than Vanilla No S (mods now as a senior citizen)

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Post by automatedeating » Thu Mar 29, 2018 3:02 am

Sorry to hear you have been in pain. Not sure if you meant a type of chronic pain; that sounds awful. :(
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
3/18-25.6; 8/18-24.5; 10/18-23.8;
3/19-22.1; 10/19-21.8
6/20-22.5; 7/20-23.0; 9/20-23.6
4/21 - 25.2

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Post by Friyay » Thu Mar 29, 2018 4:42 am

Marina, I'm glad that hunger hasn't been a big problem for you. Maybe your body is finally ready to work with you, this time.

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Post by Dalia negra » Sun Apr 01, 2018 1:45 pm

Marina wrote:Dalia Negra So glad to meet someone else who has the same dificulties as me! Feel free to comment in spanish if it's easier for you. As most portuguese speakers i can undertand spanish even though i can't actually speak spanish. In Brazil we joke that we all speak "portunhol" which is a terrible mix of portuguese and spanish. :D

:D :D :D True!!! I just got back from spending six days in Lisbon and I've checked it out myself. It has been very easy to communicate with the people there :wink:

Thanks for the offer. I do not mind continuing to use the translator, it also helps me learn a little more English. You're very kind! :)

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Post by oolala53 » Sun Apr 01, 2018 5:48 pm

How was the food in Lisbon? Welcome home. and Happy Easter.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

There is no S better than Vanilla No S (mods now as a senior citizen)

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Post by Dalia negra » Mon Apr 02, 2018 6:03 pm

Thank you very much Oolala! :D

The food in Lisbon was sublime ... so much that I did not leave my streak of reds :lol: But I do not care, I feel optimistic and relaxed, tomorrow to continue with my green days!

Happy Easter for you too!

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Post by Marina » Wed Apr 04, 2018 2:00 pm

automatedeating I have very painfull migraines and sometimes they go on for days. I also have a bad shoulder and pain on my neck. They have been getting better and i hope someday i won't have them at all.

Friyay Oh, that would be soooo nice!!

Dalia Negra I haven't been to Portugal but i really want to go to Lisbon and to Porto. My family is originally from Viana do Castelo. I've been reading a lot of books in spanish due to my work because most of the new literature on the field is currently being published in Argentina.... i might take a few lessons if i can find the time!

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Post by Marina » Wed Apr 04, 2018 2:18 pm

Easter was great but i got a lot of diet chocolate and ate more than i wanted. Monday and tuesday were red days and i believe i fell of the wagon because i was extremely tired and tiredness = binge eating for me. Monday was bad but tuesday was way worse and i didn't even wear my pedometer and gave up on counting steps.

I can be very destructive and not take great care of myself. I've always had a hard time doing basic stuff like brushing my teeth after meals, sleeping at a reasonable time, eating at set times, keeping up with my chores at home, etc. Most people i know seem to have all that stuff pretty much figured out and i'd always wonder why i couldn't be like that. I' ve been slowly developing better habits and my life's gotten less chaotic. I rely on a series os strategies in order to maintain my good habits but sometimes i fail spectacularly when it comes to not-so-stablished-habits such as going to sleep at a reasonable hour and No-S. It's getting easier with time, though.

Today i intend to sleep well and complete my 6k steps or else i'll probably not be able to have only 3 square meals tomorrow. I might have lunch at a per quilo restaurant because i tend to eat healthier food when i go to these type of place instead of having a sandwich of bringing food from home (i hate cooking with a passion). My partner cooks when staying at mine's and i love it because i eat better quality meals.

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Post by Marina » Thu Apr 05, 2018 11:56 am

Height: 1,58 m (5.2 feet)
Weight: 105.1 kg (231.7 lbs)

Weight: 103.9 kg (229.1 lbs)

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Post by Dalia negra » Fri Apr 06, 2018 4:50 am

Marina wrote:
I can be very destructive and not take great care of myself. I've always had a hard time doing basic stuff like brushing my teeth after meals, sleeping at a reasonable time, eating at set times, keeping up with my chores at home, etc. Most people i know seem to have all that stuff pretty much figured out and i'd always wonder why i couldn't be like that. I' ve been slowly developing better habits and my life's gotten less chaotic. I rely on a series os strategies in order to maintain my good habits but sometimes i fail spectacularly when it comes to not-so-stablished-habits such as going to sleep at a reasonable hour and No-S. It's getting easier with time, though.
I identify a lot with this ... :(

On the other hand, congratulations for your weight loss !! :D

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Post by Octavia » Fri Apr 06, 2018 3:18 pm

Hi Marina,
Like Dalia, I also identify with lots of your challenges - doing the ordinary, self-caring things that others seem to do naturally.

I keep trying to start new Everyday Systems to help with sleeping, waking and exercise. But I think I’ve not been moderate enough! Staying moderate is the key.

Good luck with everything. 🙂

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Post by Marina » Wed Apr 11, 2018 2:43 pm

I've had 2 red days in a row and am a bit disappointed... i'm fine in the mornings and afternoons but at night i'm having a hard time not to snack on diet chocolate right after having my evening meal (easter chocolate). Not sure why this is happening, maybe it's just out of boredom or loneliness. The truth is eating was my default activity whenever i had free time and it was how i relaxed. I don't really know what to do in the night when i'm not eating. When my partner is staying with me we always go for a long walk after having our evening meal and i love it but i don't feel safe to go walking alone in the night.

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Post by Soprano » Wed Apr 11, 2018 4:20 pm

How about finding something to do indoors, reading, knitting, a new hobby :)

Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.

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Post by Dalia negra » Thu Apr 12, 2018 5:00 am

Cheer Marina, they are just bad habits. Try to go ahead with No S and that feeling will go away little by little and you will stop doing it, I promise. I still remember the hunger that happened between meals the first weeks, and now as with the autopilot because the food has gone into the background ...
I also had many years of the habit of eating something after dinner while watching television. Everything was solved when buying a new sofa ... we did not want it to get dirty and we stopped doing it (my husband and I) and today I do not miss it at all ...

A hug!

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Post by Marina » Thu Apr 12, 2018 11:31 am

Soprano wrote:How about finding something to do indoors, reading, knitting, a new hobby :)

The thing is i've always loved reading, painting, thinking and using my mind but not my body. Now i have all this energy and i really want to move and be active so my usual activities don't seem enough. I have a sationary bike that i can't use right now die to shoulder pain but i hope to be able to get back to using it this year after i get my shoulder treated.

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Post by Marina » Thu Apr 12, 2018 11:33 am

Dalia Negra Eating and watching tv used to be an ingrained habit and i guess it still is even though i'm trying to change it. What upset me the most was that i wasn't even hungry, i just wanted to eat and taste something nice. Annoying.

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Post by Marina » Thu Apr 12, 2018 11:42 am

Yesterday was GREAT. I worked a lot and had to skip breakfast in order to be able to see a few extra patients in the early morning; this resulted in me eating breakfast food at lunch time (around 1pm). Around 5pm i was starving and had a snack and worked some more. Later in the evening i had a very small baked bread (hard to explain what it is as it's a brazilian thing) and that was it. I also went for a short walk around 1:30pm and a longer walk after my last meal (DP was at mine's). I couldn't stick to my regular meal times but i only had 3 meals and i consider this to be a win.

Today i'll be by myself and will try to go for a walk when it's still bright outside. Hope i can make it.

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Post by Marina » Mon Apr 16, 2018 12:48 pm

Height: 1,58 m (5.2 feet)
Weight: 105.1 kg (231.7 lbs)

Weight: 102.5 kg (226 lbs)


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Post by Soprano » Tue Apr 17, 2018 4:20 am

Congratulations on your loss to date :)

Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.

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Post by Dalia negra » Tue Apr 17, 2018 4:45 am

Marina wrote:Start
Height: 1,58 m (5.2 feet)
Weight: 105.1 kg (231.7 lbs)

Weight: 102.5 kg (226 lbs)

Congratulations Marina, it's fantastic !!! :D

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Post by Marina » Thu May 17, 2018 11:40 am

Height: 1,58 m (5.2 feet)
Weight: 105.1 kg (231.7 lbs)

Weight: 99.3 kg (218.9lbs)

I'm so so happy to be weighing less than 100kgs! This is such a huge accomplishment to me... my clothes feel a bit loose and i'm already sleeping better.

I've started physiotherapy for my shoulders and neck and my pain is almost completely gone now. I'll probably have to go to many sessions yet but after the physiotherapy is over my doctor will allow me to go to a gym or to do exercise with weights at home (i really need those).

Since i've been sick and had a high fever for a few days i haven't been following No-S and haven't been able to do my 8k steps but today i feel much better and am coming back to my usual routine which i'd been missing.

I am wheighing myself everyday which i found makes me less stressed about my weight than weighing weekly or monthly. Not sure why that is... maybe seeing the daily variations makes me realize that i don't have to feel bad when my weight goes up.

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Post by Marina » Thu May 17, 2018 2:42 pm

I was just thinking... i'm losing weight and am much healthier but the 3 meals a day habit is hard to establish! I haven't been able to do it for 21 days straight yet. Heck, i haven't managed to do it even for 10 days! I'm so scared of falling of the wagon and going back to my disordered eating and daily binge eating...

How do people handle this? After years on No-S does it become easier to stick to 3 meals a day?

I usually don't feel very hungry between meals and i have the impression that No-S has somehow curbed my appetite greatly. Usually when i fail it's due to snacking right after dinner. Dinner is not a hot meal at my home; it resembles breakfast, only it's larger. I have dinner alone 90% of time (maybe more) and i'll sometimes eat while watching tv. Many times i'm not hungry anymore but will graze a little out of boredom or loneliness. It's so sad to admit to that... The good thing is that this night snacking is usually not a binging episode. Sometimes i fear it might become one but i have been successfull at stopping before it happens.

What i'm starting to realize is that when my eating habits are healthier i crave people's company. Now that's new! I've always been an introvert and somewhat of a loner. I'd isolate myself and be dragged into this crazy relationship with food. I loved to buy a ton of junk food and watch tv ALONE. Now i long for my partner's company, i wish my mum lived here and i could call her and ask her to go get a coffe together, i daydream of talking with my dad for hours about his nerdy hobbies. And i want to be active a lot of the time and walk and walk for miles. There's this new urge for life, love and afection in me and i KNOW i was suffocating all this feelings with food. I don't know yet how to deal with all that stuff. I work a lot and sometimes come home late and this hunger for life is there and i just don't know what to do sometimes. So i have dinner and keep on eating a few bits after it out of sheer anxiety or sadness. I guess it will take a lot of change in my life in order for me to discover new pleasures and have more people around me. I'll have to relearn a lot of stuff i tought was already pretty much sorted. It's really hard to explain and i must sound very confused when i'm in fact amazed, emtional and filled with hope!

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Post by Dalia negra » Fri May 18, 2018 5:00 am

Marina wrote:Start
Height: 1,58 m (5.2 feet)
Weight: 105.1 kg (231.7 lbs)

Weight: 99.3 kg (218.9lbs)

I'm so so happy to be weighing less than 100kgs! This is such a huge accomplishment to me... my clothes feel a bit loose and i'm already sleeping better.

That a great milestone, Marina! Those of us who weigh three figures know how important it is to get down to two, my most sincere congratulations :D

Marina wrote:I was just thinking... i'm losing weight and am much healthier but the 3 meals a day habit is hard to establish! I haven't been able to do it for 21 days straight yet. Heck, i haven't managed to do it even for 10 days! I'm so scared of falling of the wagon and going back to my disordered eating and daily binge eating...

How do people handle this? After years on No-S does it become easier to stick to 3 meals a day?

I usually don't feel very hungry between meals and i have the impression that No-S has somehow curbed my appetite greatly. Usually when i fail it's due to snacking right after dinner. Dinner is not a hot meal at my home; it resembles breakfast, only it's larger. I have dinner alone 90% of time (maybe more) and i'll sometimes eat while watching tv. Many times i'm not hungry anymore but will graze a little out of boredom or loneliness. It's so sad to admit to that... The good thing is that this night snacking is usually not a binging episode. Sometimes i fear it might become one but i have been successfull at stopping before it happens.

What i'm starting to realize is that when my eating habits are healthier i crave people's company. Now that's new! I've always been an introvert and somewhat of a loner. I'd isolate myself and be dragged into this crazy relationship with food. I loved to buy a ton of junk food and watch tv ALONE. Now i long for my partner's company, i wish my mum lived here and i could call her and ask her to go get a coffe together, i daydream of talking with my dad for hours about his nerdy hobbies. And i want to be active a lot of the time and walk and walk for miles. There's this new urge for life, love and afection in me and i KNOW i was suffocating all this feelings with food. I don't know yet how to deal with all that stuff. I work a lot and sometimes come home late and this hunger for life is there and i just don't know what to do sometimes. So i have dinner and keep on eating a few bits after it out of sheer anxiety or sadness. I guess it will take a lot of change in my life in order for me to discover new pleasures and have more people around me. I'll have to relearn a lot of stuff i tought was already pretty much sorted. It's really hard to explain and i must sound very confused when i'm in fact amazed, emtional and filled with hope!
If it's any consolation, I have not been able to do 21 consecutive days either. No S seems easy, but it is not easy at all, and that shows how entrenched our bad habits are.

Regarding the hunger for life, I think it is absolutely normal. I do not have that feeling, but others have appeared that I had not felt for some time. And it is that the food buries all this and all the uncomfortable sensations, and when not having that consolation, they begin to emerge again, only that now we no longer use the food to cover them.

Do not feel bad about it, we are only human and we have our bad and good days, and that is really life :wink:

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Post by lpearlmom » Fri May 18, 2018 5:05 am

Most of us long timers here did not do 21 days right off the bat. Most of us took quite awhile to reach 21 days of green but it doesn’t matter. With each green day, your habit becomes a little stronger and eventually it’ll become second nature.

You’re doing great—you got this!

:twisted: SW: 210 lbs
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Post by Jamesrogan » Thu Jun 28, 2018 11:27 am

lpearlmom wrote:Most of us long timers here did not do 21 days right off the bat. Most of us took quite awhile to reach 21 days of green but it doesn’t matter. With each green day, your habit becomes a little stronger and eventually it’ll become second nature.

You’re doing great—you got this!

i just followed you on Instagram:)
James rogan

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Post by lpearlmom » Fri Jun 29, 2018 2:59 am

Nice! I’ll follow you back! Hmmmm I don’t see you. What’s your Instagram name ?
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I'm back afyer WLS

Post by Marina » Wed Dec 11, 2019 4:00 pm

Ok. So to cut a long story short:

Went back to having disabling migraines. Went back to eating to self-soothe. Gained weight. Abandoned NO-S Diet. Had weight loss surgery (WLS) on marchand am no longer pre-diabetic. Have less pain. Can walk without being in pain. Have ended previous relationship due to incompatibilities. Have met someone new and gotten engaged (yup, very fast!). Have lost close 101lbs and am close to my "goal" weight. Haven't set a specific number but i'll know when i get (when i naturally stop losing). Am still a vegetarian. Fiancee is a chef so am eating very healthly. Still have cravings. Weight loss surgery is NOT some magic wand but it was the right decision for me. All my medical exams are now great.

I plan on following No-S in order to lose the rest of the weight i need to lose so i can be a healthy BMI and after that as a maintenance diet that is sustainable. My nutritionist wants me to eat 6 times a day but this only makes me hungry all day so i've decided to do my own stuff. In the last month i've been snacking a lot and even though my portions are small i can pretty much eat all day long and i don't want this to happen, so No-S it is!

Am restarting the 3 meals a day scheme tomorrow.
35yo brazilian, female, vegetarian. I've undergone weight loss surgery on march 2019 and am using No-S to as a weight maintenance strategy.

Height: 5'2" (1,58m)
Starting weight: 248 lbs (112,5 kg)
Current weight: 135 lbs (61,3 kg)
Current BMI: 24,6

Posts: 5305
Joined: Sat Aug 31, 2013 2:16 pm

Re: Marina's check in

Post by automatedeating » Wed Dec 11, 2019 11:04 pm

Congrats on so many happy health improvements! Love that you can walk without pain and that your prediabetes is reversed! Wooooo-hoooo!
And smart lady to find a chef for a husband! We should all be so wise. :-)

Happy to see you back. :-)
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
3/18-25.6; 8/18-24.5; 10/18-23.8;
3/19-22.1; 10/19-21.8
6/20-22.5; 7/20-23.0; 9/20-23.6
4/21 - 25.2

Posts: 13
Joined: Tue Nov 20, 2018 3:50 pm

Re: Marina's check in

Post by amanders » Fri Dec 13, 2019 3:36 pm

Wow! It sounds like you've had quite a journey! It's very inspiring to hear that you're doing so well and expecting to use the No-S diet forever.

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Re: Marina's check in

Post by oolala53 » Fri Dec 13, 2019 7:19 pm

Are you in the Facebook group? Congrats all around.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

There is no S better than Vanilla No S (mods now as a senior citizen)

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Re: Marina's check in

Post by Marina » Mon Jan 13, 2020 6:49 pm

Hi! Thanks to all who have shown support!

To clarify/answer a few things: my partner who is a chef is a woman and i am not in the Facebook group (but am searching it right after this update!).

Things are OK. I've managed to have several No-S days with the ocasional slip here and there. My nutritionist is helping me make some adjustments. I sometimes have a hard time because i can only eat somewhat small portions due the WLS but am now eating the right amount after tweaking the composition of my meals. I've drank a small italian capuccino (with sucralose as a sweetner) when feeling hungry a couple of times and so far it works great so i'll continue to use this strategy in the future. I am using a mod that i've used in the past which is that i allow myself a very small snack of nuts. I used to do this daily in the past when i began No-S but now i'm only having my nuts when i do some trainning and feel hungry after it and would have to wait 2+ hours for the next meal. This is also working for me.

As someone who's had weight loss surgery i want to be very vocal about how much i preffer the NO-S diet as a maintenance strategy than the 6+ meals my doctor was advising me to have. My nutritionist has been great and has read all the material avaiable on No-S on this website and she's loved it (her words). She says she'll be using No-S to help her patients who binge eat (an issue that's played a huge role in my life and my past obesity).
35yo brazilian, female, vegetarian. I've undergone weight loss surgery on march 2019 and am using No-S to as a weight maintenance strategy.

Height: 5'2" (1,58m)
Starting weight: 248 lbs (112,5 kg)
Current weight: 135 lbs (61,3 kg)
Current BMI: 24,6

Posts: 61
Joined: Sat Jun 03, 2017 2:37 pm
Location: Brazil

Re: Marina's check in

Post by Marina » Mon Jan 13, 2020 6:51 pm

Oh, and i've lost 2,7 kgs since the last time i've posted. :D
35yo brazilian, female, vegetarian. I've undergone weight loss surgery on march 2019 and am using No-S to as a weight maintenance strategy.

Height: 5'2" (1,58m)
Starting weight: 248 lbs (112,5 kg)
Current weight: 135 lbs (61,3 kg)
Current BMI: 24,6

Posts: 5305
Joined: Sat Aug 31, 2013 2:16 pm

Re: Marina's check in

Post by automatedeating » Tue Jan 14, 2020 2:32 am

I've really become a fan of (1oz) of nuts as a snack or part of a meal. They really fill me up and they taste so good. Best of all, my blood sugar barely budges!

And husband/wife chefs either one is excellent in my book. :wink: Sorry for my wrong assumption!
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
3/18-25.6; 8/18-24.5; 10/18-23.8;
3/19-22.1; 10/19-21.8
6/20-22.5; 7/20-23.0; 9/20-23.6
4/21 - 25.2

Posts: 61
Joined: Sat Jun 03, 2017 2:37 pm
Location: Brazil

Lost some more weight

Post by Marina » Thu Jan 30, 2020 12:14 pm

This month has been great so far. I've only had a red day and it was a very small slip. I've managed not to eat after dinner and when people offered me food at my work, which are both dificult situations to me. I've also lost a bit more weight and am now at 61,3 kgs (135,1 lbs). It's been 10 months since my WLS and i can eat a lot in a day if i graze or eat what people who have undergone WLS call "slider foods" which consists of foods that are made from soft simple processed carbohydrates and that are easier to eat in a bigger amount. I've been very disciplined with not allowing myself to go back to mindless eating and this is a battle on it's own.

People are trying to feed me all day long at work and will say mean things to me due to my weight loss. Sometimes it gets to me. I wish it wouldn't. We have a communal kitchen where we can eat and i use it daily to microwave my meals. I find myself avoiding times when the kitchen is busier due to the sheer amount of comments i get. People will say i'll get too skinny and look older and sick; that i'm eating too much and that i'll regain all the weight i've lost; that i cant eat whatever it is that i'm eating; that my meals always look so healthy and that i'm now acting pretentious (i'm really not) and once a colleague has told me i can still die from the surgery due to late complications that can happen. I have no idea how people can be so cruel. Another change that's been strange is that some people have stopped talking to me at all both in my personal life and at work. Some who didn't use to engage in conversation are now very interested on chatting and are very afectionate to me.

Luciana (fiancee) is having major surgery soon to remove a big teratoma that's almost certainly benign and we're happy this is getting resolved after the procedure being postponed in 2019. Her father has pancreatic cancer and we're worried how all this things will impact on her mother, who is a hoarder. Overall we are doing fine but in the past that would put me on binge mod.
35yo brazilian, female, vegetarian. I've undergone weight loss surgery on march 2019 and am using No-S to as a weight maintenance strategy.

Height: 5'2" (1,58m)
Starting weight: 248 lbs (112,5 kg)
Current weight: 135 lbs (61,3 kg)
Current BMI: 24,6

Posts: 61
Joined: Sat Jun 03, 2017 2:37 pm
Location: Brazil

Re: Marina's check in

Post by Marina » Thu Jan 30, 2020 12:30 pm

automatedeating wrote:
Tue Jan 14, 2020 2:32 am
I've really become a fan of (1oz) of nuts as a snack or part of a meal. They really fill me up and they taste so good. Best of all, my blood sugar barely budges!

And husband/wife chefs either one is excellent in my book. :wink: Sorry for my wrong assumption!
Now i'm having my nuts as a part of my meal and this is doing the trick. My blood sugars are also OK which is a relief.

Regarding my fiancee, i guess i too am also in the habit of assuming couples are M-F; i just mentioned in order to clarify. :wink:
35yo brazilian, female, vegetarian. I've undergone weight loss surgery on march 2019 and am using No-S to as a weight maintenance strategy.

Height: 5'2" (1,58m)
Starting weight: 248 lbs (112,5 kg)
Current weight: 135 lbs (61,3 kg)
Current BMI: 24,6

Posts: 120
Joined: Fri Dec 27, 2019 6:43 pm

Re: Marina's check in

Post by Teammoney » Thu Jan 30, 2020 7:33 pm

Oh goodness, I cannot believe people would say things like that! Where do you live? Big hug.

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