Linda's daily check-in

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Post by lpearlmom » Wed Oct 31, 2018 6:10 am

Thanks auto and Soprano.

Soprano: what you said makes a lot of sense. I’ve gotten through everything this far. I’ll make it through the next thing too.

I was actually doing a lot better till I found out that our rental property has some water damage. I could just feel my cortisol shoot up. I don’t know how much it’s gling to cost but I guess worst case scenario, we have to get the home insurance involved and we pay the deductible. It’ll be okay, or not, but I’ll survive it, right?

I did realize that talking less and listening more works well with teens. For starters there’s less for them to annoyed about. I just need to be a good role model and hope they follow suit. I should have started that 15 years ago but oh well. Better late than never.

Also Halloween is always so stressful around here. It never fails that we are running around the night before Halloween frantically searching for some costume item. Ugh, tonight was no different. 8:30 pm at the mall, searching for a green dress. Yup. We didn’t even get around to carving pumpkins this year. Oh well.

Okay, I’m sure tomorrow will be better.


Lunch: sushi roll, seaweed salad, large sf chai tea

Exercise: 45 min rowing & weights combo
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Post by lpearlmom » Thu Nov 01, 2018 5:04 am

Today was a little better but then I opened my mail and found out I ha e to attend traffic school. I don’t know why this kind of thing stresses me out so badly. I look at the paper and the first thing I think of is that I’m in some kind of deep trouble but this is normal everyday stuff that we all deal with from time to time right? I don’t know why it throws me into a full panic.

Then I thought about it and realized in many parts of my life I’m a badass warrior type but when it comes to legal or financial stuff I just turn into a little puddle. I need to bring that same fighting spirit into the rest of my life and just be like “Bring it on!â€
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Post by Soprano » Thu Nov 01, 2018 5:41 am

Love the badass warrior analogy but life doesn't have to be a battle in all areas :)

Sometimes a relaxed determined calm can achieve as much with less stress hormones

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Post by eschano » Thu Nov 01, 2018 9:10 am

Traffic school - ouch! I remember having to do it and they didn’t allow me to bring my breastfed baby to it so she had to starve it out as she wouldn’t take the bottle - most stressful day that year but we all made it through and I actually learned a few things at this involuntary refresher.
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Post by automatedeating » Thu Nov 01, 2018 2:25 pm

Well, I'm no help here - going to traffic school would piss me off!

And ugh - the rental. You have a full-time job managing the finances for your family!
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Post by lpearlmom » Fri Nov 02, 2018 5:28 am

That’s true Soprano. I think I just meant I’m stronger than I realize sometimes.

Eschano : that’s awful! I’m so sorry you had to go through that.

Auto: thanks for understanding! It is a lot! I wish I could just be pissed off. But when I open a letter like that I just go into full blown panic and it’s hard for me to just figure out what needs to be done. I had images of huge fines and/or jail time running through my head.

I’ve always had trouble with understanding paperwork & written directions. It’s caused. me a lot of undue stress in my life. I think it’s my ADD tendencies coming through. Anyway I’ve signed up for a session and am okay now. It’s just one day and yes maybe I’ll learn a thing or two.

I finally had a good day! No fights, no unexpected surprises and I got all our bills done with a nice little cushion leftover even. *phew* I’m also taking an herbal supplement that’s supposed to help with anxiety. It seems to be helping my mood.

Another thing I’ve been doing is binge listening this podcast Food Pysch:

I really find it interesting but I have to be careful. I can’t go down that road of intuitive eating and body acceptance again. I tried that route and ended up miserable. It does make me want to examine Intermittent Fasting though in this context. I’m sure she would say it was a type of disordered eating and I can see how it could look like that from the outside. But the experience is actually the opposite of that notion.

I’ve never obsessed less about food and I’m actually able to eat intuitively within my window quite well now that I’ve decided not to restrict at all. Food seems to have lost its magic which is good and bad. I couldn’t even get excited about Halloween candy last night. But there’s definitely a lot of restricting going on literally approx 20-22 hrs most days. Yet, strangely, it doesn’t feel restrictive.

I do still struggle with my body image though and I desperately want to be 10-20 lbs thinner. Not a lot of acceptance going on there so I probably need to work on that. I’m suddenly looking at all my fasting Facebook groups a bit differently though. Why are we all spending so much time trying to get smaller? Myself included and no I’m not ready to give up that goal but maybe I don’t need to be spending so much time in these groups. There’s got to be other more interesting things I could be doing. In fact after November 6th, I think I’ll take a nice long break from it fb all together.

Anyway these are my current pondering as well as trying to come up with a sustainable exercise plan.

(I stopped weighing)

Dinner: 2 veg tacos, chips and guacamole, coconut cocktail
Dessert: yogurt, fruit, granola, tea latte, 1 lollipop
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Post by Soprano » Fri Nov 02, 2018 5:53 am

Just wrote you a long reply and lost it, so frustrating!

I'll try get back later

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Post by automatedeating » Sun Nov 04, 2018 5:53 pm

Hi Linda -

I saw your post on someone else's thread about not losing any weight for the past 6 months. I'm sorry for the frustrations you are having with losing more weight. I wish I could fix it for you; I love to have solutions and advice, but in your case, I just feel bad along with you. :-( I feel empathy, so I guess I'm not a sociopath. :lol:

On the bright side, I'm thrilled you had a good day getting stuff done and having peace in the family.

And if you completely removed the idea of weight loss, it appears you are content and happy with the habits of IF, so that has got to count for something pretty cool food-relationship wise.
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Post by Soprano » Sun Nov 04, 2018 10:09 pm

I saw your post on my thread too Linda. Big hugs. I'm trying to understand how I might feel in your shoes. At the moment I'm just so pleased to have lost 13lbs which puts me in a range I've spent most of my adult life, however I am at the top of my BMI group and could easily lose a stone or more before getting close to underweight.

You've done really well with your losses so far. From what I now of IF which isn't as much as you, you should be able to continue losing. I know this might sound counter intuitive but are you eating enough in your eating window?

Why not try two meals in a slightly longer window? Maybe after so long you need to shake it up a little, shock your body a bit?

The main thing is you continue with a way of eating that fits your life and health ambitions and don't have any kind of rebound. I'm sure you have a handle on that though :)

Keep your chin up girl, you are strong and have come so far.

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Post by lpearlmom » Mon Nov 05, 2018 5:41 am

Thanks you guys! I know I’ve talked about this in the past but I decided today to just call it quits on the weight loss front. Ive been listening to a lot of body positivity podcasts and realize how crazy it is that we all feel the need to get ultra thin. Of course so many people make money off our constant dissatisfaction with our body so it makes sense. Some people even see it as a way to keep us oppressed but that’s for another time.

Anyway, I would like to lose more weight but I want to stop this constant battle even more so. My original goal was to lose 50 lbs and I’ve achieved that plus 5 lbs so I think I just want to enjoy that success for a bit and learn to like my body where it’s at. Maybe in 6-12 months I’ll be ready to tackle the last 10-20 lbs but, either way, a break will do me good.

I actually went into my Happy Scale app and put my current weight as my goal weight and viola I’m done. I’m going to work on maintenance now and see what’s going to work best for that. Probably I’ll keep doing what I’m doing but without the pressure of needing to lose weight. That’ll be nice.

Anyway I did look at pics from last May and even though I haven’t lost weight, I look thinner so maybe inches are still coming off or maybe I’ve replaced some muscle with fat. Who knows but I do feel good about my decision. I never ever thought I’d make it even this far. Not everyone needs to be a size 4 and I’m really not sure how much happier losing more weight would actually make me.

154.2 lbs

Break: bagel w avocado, hummus and tomatoes, 1 pancake
Snack: large iced sf chai
Dinner: chicken fajita salad, chips and salsa, part of daughter’s burrito, 2 skinny margaritas
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Post by Soprano » Mon Nov 05, 2018 5:49 am

Great to hear you sound so positive, enjoy where you are and being ultra thin doesn't equal happiness :)

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Post by eschano » Mon Nov 05, 2018 8:03 am

What an inspiring post! Also, I believe weight loss should be measured in inches not weight?
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Post by automatedeating » Mon Nov 05, 2018 3:46 pm

Linda - your post epitomized your signature line -- you are the heroine of your own story! I love it!
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Post by TexArk » Mon Nov 05, 2018 5:14 pm

I am with you 100% and at the same place.

I believe maintaining at any weight is victory. The next few months are when I usually gain. I am happy for now and suppress that little niggle saying "5 more lbs" and I am ignoring bmi and just looking at myself in a positive light.

Maintaining needs to become natural for me. It is not as exciting as watching the scale number go down but it should be! Also I don't think more weight loss can occur until our body gets stable at our new low weight.

I do weigh every day though so that I don't fool myself!
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Post by Larkspur » Tue Nov 06, 2018 1:07 am

Good for you. I think you are wise to enjoy life and let your body adjust to the amazing change. You've done so well, have found a way of eating that you enjoy and is sustainable, and you don't have to meet some narrow (literally) imposed standard.

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Post by ladybird30 » Tue Nov 06, 2018 3:54 am

Well done on the 55 lbs, and here's to maintenance.
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Post by lpearlmom » Thu Nov 08, 2018 5:54 am

Just wanted to say thanks for all the awesome support! Auto: you made me tear up a bit.

Been so busy with my activist stuff and now tomorrow I have to host a protest with 5k ppl signed. Yup that’s what this introvert has got herself into. ☺ï¸

Anyway on a funny not, I had a whoosh yesterday. My body has quite the sense of humor I guess. I’m still staying on the maintenance train but thought tha was interesting.

Been reading everyone’s thread but unable to respond. Maybe Friday I can finally relax a bit.

Thanks again. We have the best group of ppl here but you all knew that already. ☺ï¸

151.8 lbs

Snack: grapes, latte
Dinner: chicken salad, chips and guacamole, glass wine

exercise : 25 min walk w dogs, circuits—push ups, squats, sit ups
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Post by Soprano » Thu Nov 08, 2018 7:15 am

Weightloss is a funny old journey :)

Great news though

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Post by alene1 » Fri Nov 09, 2018 2:49 pm

Hi Linda,

I'm really enjoying your journal. I'm experimenting with IF too. I'm doing 16:8 but often have a shorter window. I like the flexibility though. Congrats on your whoosh! I love the way that you feel about food and eating now. That's my goal!

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Post by Kathleen » Fri Nov 09, 2018 8:28 pm

Please give us updates even as you go on maintenance! Thanks,

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Post by lpearlmom » Mon Nov 12, 2018 4:21 am

Isn’t it Soprano? Of course I’ve been eating a ton and my weights back up a bit but I’ll give myself a little wiggle room.

Hi Alene, my best friend growing up was named Alene too. Don’t see that too often. Yeah I’ve had some good success with IF. I had a shorter window for a long time but having some longer windows now that I’m just trying to maintain. I have some good days and bad days re: food & body image. Today was kind of tough.

Kathleen: I definitely will!

Wow, I dont even know where to start. The last few days have been crazy. I was so nervous about the protest that I barely ate that day. It ended up turning out even better than I could have hoped. It was really surreal seeing everything come together and knowing that it wouldn’t have happened without me. I definitely felt proud. The next day we went to dinner with our neighbors and I stupidly drank after fasting all day (before our food arrived) and it hit me hard. I keep having to relearn this lesson over and over.

Then we had a wine pairing with our tasting menu and I just really overdid it. I’m super embarrassed because I know I was talking more and more animatedly than usual. The worst part is that the husband is sober and I’m pretty sure he thinks I have a drinking problem. I really need to remember—food before alcohol!

The next day I had to get up early to take sweetpea to her volunteer gig and then volleyball and boy was I hung over. I decided to eat in the morning and glad I did. We went to a party that night and I stuck to water but ate a lot of food. Then today I had to go to traffic school and it scared the crap out of me. I’m really going to do a better job with distracted driving and making sure we take an Uber if we plan to drink.

When I came home we went to dinner and were having fun till my girls starting giving me a hard time about something and a switch just went off and I felt really down. I think everything from the last few days is just catching up with me. So many highs and lows plus I’ve bed eating more than usual and don’t like that feeling. Of course it sparks a fear of gaining all the weight back and that never feels good. My house is also messier than usual and I’m just feeling a bit overwhelmed.

At least I don’t have to get up early. I’m sure I’ll feel better if I can clean up tomorrow, get some exercise and get back on my fasting schedule.


Lunch: 1/2 protein bowl, sf chai
Dinner: 3 pieces of pizza, salad, glass wine
Dessert: 1/2 small ice cream
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Post by alene1 » Mon Nov 12, 2018 3:05 pm

Linda, my mom's nurse when she delivered me was Alene, and she decided she wanted me to have it too! :) I'm sorry the weekend felt a bit off and didn't feel great for you. It sounds like you learned some things that will help you going forward. I bet that after a day on your usual fasting schedule, some exercise, and a little cleaning you will feel much better! Those are the things that affect my mood a lot too. Have a great Monday!

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Post by ladybird30 » Tue Nov 13, 2018 2:45 am

Yes, you have a lot to be proud of Linda - it's a great feeling.
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Post by lpearlmom » Tue Nov 13, 2018 3:23 am

Thanks Alene & ladybird!

I didn’t get a workout in but I did get the house cleaned up and back on the fasting track.

I think I’m getting sick though—blech!

153.6 lbs

Snack: latte, lots of ðŸ‡
Dinner: bowl of brown rice with grilled tofu
Dessert: plain yogurt w/ fruit, a lollipop
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Post by Soprano » Tue Nov 13, 2018 7:11 am

Hope you feel better soon.

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Post by lpearlmom » Wed Nov 14, 2018 5:14 am

Omygosh I decided to do 16/8 today and I ended up eating just a ridiculous amount of food. Not sure what’s going on. Maybe just some backlash or something but I’m definitely not weighing tomorrow.

I just do not think a longer window works well for me. I felt sluggish and down all day long. I think part of the problem is that I’ve been listening to all these body positivity podcasts which just make me question everything that I’m doing but on the other hand I really don’t want to go back to being so overweight. That just doesn’t serve me well at all.

I’m just feeling a little overwhelmed right now but it’ll pass. I know it’s partly to do with the fact that my sisters coming. I always overeat before she comes to visit. *sigh* She’s ruining my favorite holiday.

I think I’m just going to try to stick with 19/5 for awhile. Realistically that’s the easiest window for me to stick to. Boy, this maintenance thing is harder than I thought.

153.6 lbs
Lunch: 2 muffins, yogurt parfait, several pieces grilled tofu
Snack: couple crackers w/ hummus, several gummy bears, lollipop
Dinner: taco salad, horchata

Exercise: still not feeling great.
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Post by Soprano » Wed Nov 14, 2018 7:07 am

Just a suggestion but why not consider no sweets during your window except on weekends?

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Post by jenji » Wed Nov 14, 2018 1:37 pm

lpearlmom wrote:Thanks you guys! I know I’ve talked about this in the past but I decided today to just call it quits on the weight loss front. Ive been listening to a lot of body positivity podcasts and realize how crazy it is that we all feel the need to get ultra thin. Of course so many people make money off our constant dissatisfaction with our body so it makes sense. Some people even see it as a way to keep us oppressed but that’s for another time.

Anyway, I would like to lose more weight but I want to stop this constant battle even more so. My original goal was to lose 50 lbs and I’ve achieved that plus 5 lbs so I think I just want to enjoy that success for a bit and learn to like my body where it’s at. Maybe in 6-12 months I’ll be ready to tackle the last 10-20 lbs but, either way, a break will do me good.

I actually went into my Happy Scale app and put my current weight as my goal weight and viola I’m done. I’m going to work on maintenance now and see what’s going to work best for that. Probably I’ll keep doing what I’m doing but without the pressure of needing to lose weight. That’ll be nice.

Anyway I did look at pics from last May and even though I haven’t lost weight, I look thinner so maybe inches are still coming off or maybe I’ve replaced some muscle with fat. Who knows but I do feel good about my decision. I never ever thought I’d make it even this far. Not everyone needs to be a size 4 and I’m really not sure how much happier losing more weight would actually make me.

154.2 lbs

Break: bagel w avocado, hummus and tomatoes, 1 pancake
Snack: large iced sf chai
Dinner: chicken fajita salad, chips and salsa, part of daughter’s burrito, 2 skinny margaritas
Maintenance - yay! I agree that we don't all need to be rail-thin. There is a balance. When tempted to compare my body to actresses or models (even Instagram fitness people), I remind myself that that is their JOB. A big part of it, at least. And according to my friends in the business, disordered eating abounds. So I think a pause at your goal weight is great, and you may find that you just like it here.
I'm a 53-year-old mom and non-profit CEO
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Current weight: 181#, BMI 27.9, 12/19/2022

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Post by automatedeating » Thu Nov 15, 2018 12:28 am

lpearlmom wrote:I’m just feeling a little overwhelmed right now but it’ll pass. I know it’s partly to do with the fact that my sisters coming. I always overeat before she comes to visit. *sigh* She’s ruining my favorite holiday.
:twisted: This made me laugh!!! I think almost all of us could substitute in someone's name in this sentence. The irony of our family ruining our family holiday. But truth!
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
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Post by lpearlmom » Thu Nov 15, 2018 5:37 am

Soprano: I guess I could. Sweets haven’t been a huge issue but not sure why I got away from that part of NoS. I’ll tbink about it.

Jen: yup, and even models don’t look like models in real life.

Auto: yeah I guess I never thought about it like that. Can’t I just have a family holiday without the family part? I called my mom and complained about her so I feel a little better. My poor mom.

Feeling better today. I didn’t weigh myself but I’m sure my weight is up. It’s ok, it’s okay, it’s okay. I’m perfect the way I am. If I get much thinner I’ll just get unwanted male attention anyway. Yuck.

We had a big midterm election celebration. It was a lot of fun and so many ppl showed up. Pretty cool but now I’m analyzing all the things that I should have said differently. Being neurotic is so annoying.


Snack (130): sf iced chai
Dinner: 2 tacos, chips and guacamole, 2 skinny margaritas
Dessert: shared warm cookie w/ ice cream

Exercise: walked dogs 25 mins, sit ups and squats
:twisted: SW: 210 lbs
CW: 172

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Post by 3squaremeals » Fri Nov 16, 2018 7:19 am

I completely understand about the shorter window being easier. I prefer 22/2 personally and find I am able to be more controlled with my eating.

I follow a few body positive nutritionists on social media and that too makes me question if what I'm doing is right and if I'm eating healthy enough. But what I am doing works for me. I guess we just have to do what works for us. I find if I try to hard to eat clean and healthy and limit my sugar I binge and gain weight, I figure eating moderately and enjoying a small sweet treat each day keeps me from binging and going crazy, so surely that is healthier.

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Post by lpearlmom » Fri Nov 16, 2018 11:01 am

Thank you squares! I think that’s where I’m st too. It works for me and I really don’t want to go back to how I was before. I can eat pretty intuitively in my window and work on body acceptance at the same time though, right?
Lately my fasting has been really off though but I’m going to get back on track tomorrow.

It’s actually the middle of the night and I can’t sleep because of financial stress. I met with a financial advisor yesterday just to see what they had to say and it was all very depressing. We’re not saving enough and are underinsured according to them. It was pretty bad but I’m trying to remember that they benefit from scaring the crap out of us. I’m sure they get all kinds of fees if I sign up for stuff. None of which was affordable btw.

So I did sign up for a hourly based fee consultation with someone else. They don’t make money off of us signing up for stuff so that’s more trustworthy. Also, they base your retirement needs in how much you make now but I’m assuming we’ll have to downsize and live more simply than we do now. It’s not like we’re going to starve or anything. I told doc we can live in the camper and travel across the states. That doesn’t sound so badly actually. He’s no help and doesn’t really seem to want to deal with it so I’m kind of n my own. Maybe if we just live like we’re poor for the next 10 years we’ll be okay.

Just too many eye-opening events lately with politics, the driving school and now our finances. Can’t I just crawl back into my bubble and pretend everything is okay?

Yesterday I took Rosebud to an interview/orientation at this really cool science highschool she wants to attend. It was a pretty amazing school and would be a great opportunity for her but not sure if she’ll get in or not because were out of the district. They only take a small percentage out of district kids but we will hope for the best. She’s a straight A honor student taking HS math, no behavioral problems (at school), tested Into the gifted program and does volunteer work on the weekends. Sorry for the brief brag there but trying to make myself feel better.

Ended up with a really long window today and pretty sure I’ve refilled my glycogen stores but will work on depleting them over the next couple of weeks.

10am: almond milk vanilla latte
1pm: tofu with brown rice
8pm: ahi tuna salad, edamame , 2 glasses of wine
9pm: ice cream (ugh)

Eating late is such a bad idea as it usually results in relflux ....

Exercise; walked dogs 25 mins, 13 min circuit

I really hope I can dig myself out of my current hopeless state.
:twisted: SW: 210 lbs
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Post by automatedeating » Fri Nov 16, 2018 2:12 pm

lpearlmom wrote:
So I did sign up for a hourly based fee consultation with someone else. They don’t make money off of us signing up for stuff so that’s more trustworthy. Also, they base your retirement needs in how much you make now but I’m assuming we’ll have to downsize and live more simply than we do now.

Yesterday I took Rosebud to an interview/orientation at this really cool science highschool she wants to attend. It was a pretty amazing school and would be a great opportunity for her but not sure if she’ll get in or not because were out of the district. They only take a small percentage out of district kids but we will hope for the best. She’s a straight A honor student taking HS math, no behavioral problems (at school), tested Into the gifted program and does volunteer work on the weekends. Sorry for the brief brag there but trying to make myself feel better.

Ended up with a really long window today and pretty sure I’ve refilled my glycogen stores but will work on depleting them over the next couple of weeks.

I really hope I can dig myself out of my current hopeless state.
My dad always has been a fan of the fee consultants. People don't want to pay up front, but if you do, you know they are giving you their best advice rather than trying to sell you something. So my dad would approve. Lol.

Yay for Rosebud! And I laughed at the "no behavior problems (at school)". :-)
I hope she gets in!! So Sweetpea in the Art Charter and Rosebud in the Science Charter! Sounds like lots of fun driving for you! Good thing you've had your safe driving refresher recently. :lol:

And does it really take weeks to get our glycogen stores down? Sheesh, and here I was thinking it only took a day or two of either fasting or low-carb eating.
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Post by lpearlmom » Sat Nov 17, 2018 3:24 am

I think they were using a lot of fear tactics to get me to buy stuff. When I looked up the average amount saved at retirement, the amount we have already saved is 5x that so maybe things aren’t that bad. I’ll try to do what I can to improve things but panicking isn’t going to help anything and is definitely messing with my mental health.

Auto: thanks, I sure hope Rosebud gets into that school too. It’s actually a specialty public school & about 5 mins from sweetpeas school but yeah still a lot of driving as it’s about 30 mins from our house. 😱

When you’re first starting out doing IF or keto it takes a couple weeks to deplete your glycogen stores but if you just go off a day or two it’ll just take a couple days to deplete them again. At least that’s my understanding. My windows have been so long lately that I really don’t feel like I’m in fat burning mode right now.

My weight is okay though despite feeling like my eating has been all over the place. We’ve just been eating out way too much lately and I don’t really enjoy restaurant food as much as eating at home unless it’s a special restaurant. Although I do like being waited on and not having to do dishes.

153.4 lbs

12:45 pm-almond milk latte
Snack: handful of pretzels and plantain chips
Dinner: crab cakes, salad, spinach dip w/ bread
Dessert: few pieces of chocolate, lollipop

Too tired to exercise today.
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Post by worth it » Sat Nov 17, 2018 3:15 pm

Hi Linda,

Just wanted to pop in and say, YOU GOT THIS, even though it probably doesn’t feel like it right now.

What I have observed over the past several years by connecting with you through this board, is that you always slowly and steadily make progress towards your goal even with minor setbacks here and there. Basically, I have seen your fierce tenacity-once you set your mind to something, you will achieve it- either with weight loss, more self acceptance, and now, with your financial situation.

While it might be difficult not necessarily having your husband’s input to your financial situation, it is probably one of the ways in which you compliment each other so well- I guarantee he admires (and wishes he had) your ability to face reality even when it’s not so great, AND your determination to get through the difficulty over time.

I know you will figure this out too- just give yourself a little time to find the way forward. It sounds to me you are already on your way by engaging the right people (financial advisor), to you help you achieve your goal. By the way, this is a quality of great leaders-and you have it, naturally! 😉

Anyway, just wanted to send a little encouragement your way. I look forward to seeing you achieve this next goal!

p.s. I also know you will find your next best path on IF in no time- just sounded like you needed a little break from the routine for a while (like we ALL do sometimes).

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Post by automatedeating » Sat Nov 17, 2018 4:09 pm

worth it wrote: you always slowly and steadily make progress towards your goal even with minor setbacks here and there. Basically, I have seen your fierce tenacity-once you set your mind to something, you will achieve it- either with weight loss, more self acceptance, and now, with your financial situation.
Perfectly said, Worth! You got this Linda, yes!
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Post by Kathleen » Sat Nov 17, 2018 8:34 pm

Standard financial advisor fee is 2% of assets under management. If you give them $1,000,000 to manage, they take $20,000 off the top every year. They have to make $20,000 on that $1,000,000 every year before you get anything. Just be careful. We ended up throwing all our retirement income into the Vanguard S&P 500. Sure it tanked in 2008, but it has recovered nicely since then, and we didn't take out any money in 2008. I did meet with several financial advisors before deciding that we needed to manage our money, not rely on someone else. Frankly, we couldn't afford the fees! We still have 13 more semesters of college left!

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Post by lpearlmom » Sun Nov 18, 2018 6:40 am

Thanks for the vote of conflidence ladies! I’m sure I’ll figure it out. I’m actually a little pissed off that they preyed on my fears actually. I thought I was just meeting the wife for coffee so she could let me know what they did but then she showed up with her husband and they blindsided me. I also know they’re both just starting out so I’m sure they’re desperate to land some new clients. They probably saw doctor & the big house and thought big money.

Kathleen: that’s a crazy lot of money for sure. I’m hoping going with an hourly rate will make more sense. Or else I’ll just figure it out on my own.

Omg, I ate a lot today. I think it’s triggered by the fact that my sister is coming. She’s so obsessed with being thin and has always tried her best to make me thinner too. Just thinking about her coming makes me want to eat. It’s either out of stress or rebellion or anticipation of deprivation. I’m trying to remind myself that my body is none of her business.

I’m not even going to write everything I ate today and defnot weighing myself tomorrow. Tomorrow doc & I are going to a football game. I’m excited to spend the day together.
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Post by Larkspur » Sun Nov 18, 2018 3:12 pm

I'm sort of steamed for you about the high pressure sales tactics.

I have more your role with the money, my husband makes most of our income and I do more of the thinking about it. Which means there are bursts of activity and then long stretches of benign neglect, LOL. When you read money blogs, there's a lot of "We have a combined 1.4 million in our 401ks and we're 32 years old" kind of people. I think when you make a lot, the expectation is you will have the standard 6x salary or whatever by this age. But when you're a physician, you spent a huge chunk of those early years in school not making much or anything, plus you may have had sizable loans to pay back, so it isn't exactly comparable to say an MBA.

I liked Elizabeth Warren's book, All Your Worth, and the Dave Ramsey stuff can be motivating if you have debt to deal with. I really believe if you get the basics in place (saving in a low-cost index fund, paying down debt) the rest of it is just refinements. I also recommend How to Pay For College Without Going Broke. Anyway you're clever and determined and your husband is an extremely capable provider, so I don't doubt you're going to do great.

I hope your sister's visit is nicer than you expect! Would she be open to the idea of tabling diet talk? It is verboten in our house when my middle daughter is home, and that's a good thing.

Have a great run up to Thanksgiving :)

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Post by lpearlmom » Sun Nov 18, 2018 3:50 pm

Ohh thanks for understanding larkspur! It’s all such a pain but I think you’re right, if I can get some basics in place, I’ll be alright. I appreciate the book recommendations too. I can’t deal with Ramsey for some reason but the rest look great.

Funnily, she doesn’t really engage in diet talk much anymore but it’s just her general vibe combined with all, those memories of her trying to get me to diet and exercise more. She’s only coming for about 36 hrs but is asking to go hiking AND to the gym plus her size zeroness just makes me feel self-conscious. Also, she’s never said anything about my weight loss. Maybe she’s just not wanting to make a thing about weight loss in general but my hunch is she doesn’t want to compliment me till I’m as skinny as she thinks I should be. I hope I’m just being paranoid.

Anyway off to the football game!
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Post by Kathleen » Sun Nov 18, 2018 7:24 pm

If the person you are paying an hourly fee is from a national organization, could you let us know the name of it or message it to me? I looked all over for someone who would give us financial advice at an hourly rate. All I found were people who wanted to manage our assets. Thanks!

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Post by lpearlmom » Mon Nov 19, 2018 5:14 am

Hi Kathleen! Here’s the website that I found through another article. It was recommended for people with an average amount of money.

They’re calling me tomorrow to do a consultation so I can let you know how it goes.

I overdid it again today. A lot of junky food at the football game. But I did just realize my period is due tomorrow so that could be part of the overeating. One think I noticed though is that when I’m being consistent with fasting I almost never experience that oout of control feeling with food that I dislike so much. I’m definitely ready to get back into the swing of things.

We did have fun but baseball is really more of my scene. It’s just so “extra†as my kids would say.

This week is going to be crazy. We have about 12 people coming plus I think our neighbors are stopping by for dessert. I’m going to have to hit the ground running tomorrow to make sure everything gets done on time.

Lunch (1pm): hot dog, popcorn, Candied nuts, 2 margaritas
Dinner: hummus w/ pita bread , a couple chips w/ guacamole, eggnog
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Post by 3squaremeals » Mon Nov 19, 2018 9:34 am

I now really dislike that out of control feeling around food too. My last 2 days have been shocking, been emotional eating due to fighting with hubby although we have talked things through tonight. I can't wait to get back to fasting tomorrow though, I actually miss it when I have a bad day.

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Post by lpearlmom » Mon Nov 19, 2018 4:22 pm

Yeah, square it’s kind of like NoS where you really look forward to getting back to it.

Kathleen, they called this morning and she said we were in a “good†place so that made me feel much better. Unfortunately they don’t have people in AZ but she’s going to find me someone. Here’s another website: for fee only consultations. It’s about $500 per session and she said I’d need about 4 sessions. Not cheap but cheaper than the other route by a long shot.
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Post by Kathleen » Mon Nov 19, 2018 7:51 pm

Thanks for the info, lpearlmom. I'll have to look into it!

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Post by Octavia » Mon Nov 19, 2018 8:32 pm

Good luck with your sister's visit, Linda. And well done for being so proactive over your finances. I'm rather stressed financially at the moment, as the company I work for are in a tax meltdown, ie. a great mess has been made with people being taxed incorrectly. There's a nebulous crowd of invisible bureaucrats in charge of it, and I've been trying to get them to pay me the tax I'm owed, send me a statement of earnings so I can do my tax return, and help me interpret the increasingly vague payslips they send out - I can't tell what I've been paid for and what I haven't. It's really getting to me, cos I feel so out of control and in the dark. This sort of financial stuff does my head in!

Anyway, hope you and yours are well! :)

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Post by lpearlmom » Tue Nov 20, 2018 6:59 am

Np Kathleen!

Oh dear that sounds stressful Octavia! I was listening to a podcast today discussing orthrexia and something they said really rang true. They were talking about how the emotional cost of being so hyper focused and stressed out about food was not worth any possible benefit they might get from eating “healthier “.

I kind of saw how that parelled my financial situation. The extreme stress that I’m putting myself through with all my worrying is not worth it. Yes, I need to deal with this as best I can but I also deserve to enjoy my life right now. You have to balance possible future benefits with the very real distress you’re putting yourself through right now.

Anyway, it was really good to get back to fasting again. I’ve been binge listening to FoodPysch podcast and it’s fascinating to me. They talk a lot about intuitive eating. It sounds great but I know it’s not for me. I literally gained 70 lbs trying to make a go of it. 🤦ðŸ¼â€â™€ï¸

Oh well, on a more uplifting topic I’m excited about thanksgiving. I did all of my food shopping, made the cranberry sauce and the brine for the turkey. We’re expecting about 12 people total and it should be a lot of fun.

156.2 lbs (not surprised after all that weekend eating)

Dinner: large salad, a stuffed bell pepper, grapes, couple crackers with cheese
Dessert: 1/2 cookie, tea w creamer
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Post by lpearlmom » Wed Nov 21, 2018 6:11 am

Was really hungry today but pushed through till about 430 although did have an almond milk latte at 2pm. I keep thinking that maybe I should go back to NoS for awhile but I’m afraid I’ll gain the 20 lbs I lost on IF. I kind of miss eating regular meals but I don’t really miss sticking to just one plate. Ugh, just no easy answer.

At least I got more cooking done today. I made the broccoli gratin and prepped for the butternut squash soup which I’ll finish tomorrow. Tomorrow is going to be a little crazy. I need to pick up flowers, pies (from 2 different places), sweetpea and then my mil from the airport. 🤦ðŸ¼â€â™€ï¸

She’s coming and then my mom and her bf are driving up tomorrow night so at least I’ll have some help. We’ve also got 2 different couples coming and our neighbors might stop by for dessert.

Rosebud is off this week and we’ve been having a really nice time together. She’s acting like her old happy, loving self lately and it’s been so nice. For awhile I felt like she was always mad at me but couldn’t figure out why. I think it’s because I’m not doing so much political activism stuff. I think she likes having me home more often. I like it too. 💙

155 lbs

Snack: almond milk latte
Dinner: Vietnamese salad w tofu, chicken salad w/ crackers, boba, couple bites of Mac & cheese
Dessert: 2 pieces of chocolate

Execise: walked dogs 🕠25 mins (they were so happy).
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Post by 3squaremeals » Wed Nov 21, 2018 8:37 am

I had a moment today where I just craved having breakfast. So I had my 3 meals and felt so tired and sluggish all day, as well as overly full. I think I much prefer my 1-2 hour eating window at night as I don't mind feeling tired and full at night. I completely understand missing the 3 meals though!

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Post by lpearlmom » Wed Nov 21, 2018 1:57 pm

Yeah you’re right, I do feel tired all day if I eat too early. I think I just need to get fat adapted again and I’ll be okay. Or maybe something like 19/5 would be best for me so I could have a little afternoon snack. Im just all over the place lately. It’d be nice to get into a set routine.
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Post by 3squaremeals » Wed Nov 21, 2018 10:46 pm

Yeah I'm a bit all over the place at the moment too. I'm sure you will find what works for you again soon. Sometimes we just need to change things up again and see what works best.

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Post by automatedeating » Sun Nov 25, 2018 12:33 am

I was listening to a DietDoctor Podcast by Megan Ramos - she works with Jason Fung. Whenever I hear about fasting, I think of you (and many others on this board, but you have inspired a lot of us!) You've probably read all there is to read about fasting at this point, but I just totally enjoyed this podcast. It was more like a little vacay for me than "studying". It's an hour long:
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Post by lpearlmom » Sun Nov 25, 2018 4:41 pm

Thanks for that auto! I love Megan even though she really pushes the keto thing. I haven’t heard that particular clip so will check it out.

I almost hate to check in because I feel like I’ve been so negative every time I do. Having major let down from Thanksgiving and my sisters visit and am just feeling a lot of anxiety. My sisters kids are all these super high achievers and it makes me feel anxious about my kids futures. Her family seems to have this perfect life and it’s hard not to feel badly in comparison.

I’m just having a lot of anxiety about my future as well—college, retirement, docs health, and my aging mother. There doesn’t seem to be a lot to look forward to right now and I realize I really shot myself in the foot by not having some kind of career for myself but we’ll get through it somehow. I have visions of myself living on the street but hopefully it won’t come to that.

*sigh* I need to get myself out of this funk somehow.



Snack: tea latte, smoothie
Dinner: roasted veggies, pasta with beef ragu, 2 glasses of wine and a 1/2 martini
Dessert: 3 pieces of pie , ice cream

Oh and somehow I agreed to a family trip to Costs rica with my sister. 🤦¼â€â™€ï¸
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Post by automatedeating » Sun Nov 25, 2018 6:33 pm

Please don't worry about being negative, or in a funk, or whatever. It's how we process stuff, it's part of life, it's actually a good thing! I've noticed for all of us that we start to think creatively and more optimistically after we've been given the go-ahead to plumb the depths and reasons for our current funk. I think it's just plain true, too, that you are in a tough season of life -- sandwich generation + stay at home mom angst. You are so not going to end up on the streets -- so many people love you!

Lastly, I always imagine you being pretty much to-die-for good at interior decorating and/or event planning. LOL. Those would be my top career picks for you!!! :-)
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Post by Kathleen » Sun Nov 25, 2018 8:05 pm

You have the most important career of all.

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Post by Kathleen » Tue Nov 27, 2018 3:16 pm ... eer-woman/

I saw the other side. Never regret the privilege of caring for your family.

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Post by lpearlmom » Wed Nov 28, 2018 5:54 am

Thanks Kathleen for the important reminder! ðŸ™

Thanks auto, you’re always so sweet and understanding. I am pretty darn good at entertaining. Thx☺ï¸

Feeling much better today. Been listening to a great Martha Beck book and it’s very helpful. I swear it seems to be written for this exact moment I’m going through. It’s really helping me get out of the fear based mindset I’ve bedn in lately.

Doc even came home and told me he needed 50k to invest in some buy in option at work and I didn’t even freak out. It’ll either work out or it won’t.

I’m in a bit of a quandary though. Rosebud was acting up yesterday and we grounded her. Doc told me to pick the timeframe so I said til tomorrow night. Well today she asked me if she could just be done tomorrow at 3 because her friend needed a place to go after school. I told her yes but then tonight doc told me that she was grounded through the entire day no matter what.

I really don’t want to get into with either of them. Hoping I can just take the friend home before doc gets home. Or maybe I’ll say the mom asked to take her as a favor. I’m such a chicken. ☺ï¸

I finally got my but to the gym but I’m doing a horrible job of fasting lately. I just can’t get into the right mindset. Oh and my weight is up! 🤦ðŸ¼â€â™€ï¸

156.2 lbs

Lunch: grapes, salad, tofu, crackers w/ dip, large sf chai
Snack: couple bites of veggie sloppy joes, few fries
Dessert: sf tea latte, lollipop, couple of gummy bears

Exercise: 25 min walk w ðŸ¶, 20 min walk/run on treadmill, sit ups, pushups , squats, assisted pull-ups
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Post by Soprano » Wed Nov 28, 2018 6:56 am

Pleased to hear you are feeling better.

Kids and husbands so difficult :)

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Post by Kathleen » Wed Nov 28, 2018 11:08 pm


We ended up with a rule: "It takes two yeses." Guess why we made the rule that kids need a "yes" from Mom and a "yes" from Dad? I kept giving in. You really know you are a softie when your teenage daughter calls you a softie to your face!

Ah, those days... Our children are now 17, 19, 22, and 24. We really only have conflict with the 17 year old. They make their own decisions and deal with the consequences of their decisions.


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Post by lpearlmom » Fri Nov 30, 2018 5:31 am

Thank you Soprano!

That’s a good plan Kathleen! It ended up working out. I just firmly told DH in the morning that there was a misunderstanding but I’d already told the friend she could come so he shrugged it off. The friend ended up being sick anyway.

Finally getting back into exercising and a bit better with the fasting too. I wish I just knew the exact best fasting schedule for me but oh well. I’ll continue to experiment I guess.

Was a bit depressed this morning so gave myself permission to just gel in front of the tv for an hour and it helped. Felt better and cleaned and did the bills. Things are a little tight but it’s all perspective. Bills are paid, plenty of food in the frig plus grocery money for more, gas money, money set aside for Hanukkah, and even enough for me to get my hair done plus new shoes bought for a wedding we’re attending on Saturday. To someone else that would feel like a lot so I need to calm down a little.

The book I’m listening to said that bag lady fear that I have is very common. It’s nice to know I’m not alone but what auto so kindly said about “too many people love you “ for that to happen really stuck with me. If I really lost all our money, it’s doubtful I’d be on the street. I’ve got my mother, mil, sister, cousins, aunts and even friends that would very likely take us in for a bit. Sometimes it takes a little logic to work through those fears I guess.

156.6 lbs (weight still up)

Break (3 pm): tea latte
Snack: chips & salsa
Dinner: tortilla soup, chips & guacamole
Dessert: small piece of pie, little ice cream

Exercise: none but yesterday walked 6 miles
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Post by Soprano » Sat Dec 01, 2018 7:41 am

That fear of ending up on the streets is normal I guess. I grew up in a household where we lived hand to mouth and both my husband and I have worked hard to achieve some security, we've gone with out holidays etc in the past but I can now relax knowing we will always have a roof over our heads.

If hard times hit we might have to sell this roof but there would be something small and cosy somewhere for us.

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Post by automatedeating » Sat Dec 01, 2018 3:06 pm

I feel like I missed a few posts this week, so just now seeing about Rosebud.
Happens in our house, too! But guess what -- my husband is the nicer one.
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Post by lpearlmom » Sun Dec 02, 2018 5:57 am

Good for you Soprano!

Auto: guess that’s a common dynamic with parents.

I had to buy a dress yesterday even though my weight is up which makes shopping even more of a struggle. I didn’t give up when the first few dresses looked bad but decided it was just a matter of finding the right dress for my body type. Well I ended up finding the perfect dress. It’s purple with pearl buttons on the flared sleeves and fit me just right.

I got cute heels that don’t hurt my feet and wore my black pearl earrings that doc gave me for our anniversary. I actually felt really good about how I looked and got a cute photo of doc and I.

The wedding was okay. It’s my old neighbor/friend. We are on the opposite side of the political spectrum and that’s made things tough. Also, his ex-wife used to be my best friend. Just a long story all around. Anyway, we ended up leaving early and going to our neighbors for dessert. They’re definitely our new best friends. It’s so weird to feel that close to other people that aren’t family. We haven’t had that in a long time. There’s something about them that feels so familiar.

A little annoyed with myself for eating so much dessert but oh well. It’s gonna happen. Just really want to get my weight back down under 155. Tomorrow is the first night of Hanukkah. I’ve got most of the presents but went over budget because we bought Rosebud a new bed and mattress. All and all we didn’t do horribly though.


Break (4:30): 2 glasses wine, 2 amuse bouches
Dinner: plate of food from buffet
Dessert: 2 small bowls of ice cream , 2 cookies, glass of wine
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Post by Soprano » Sun Dec 02, 2018 7:55 pm

Your dress sounds gorgeous.

We have some good close friends, can't beat them.

You'll sort your weight just be patient, hard though I know!

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Post by ladybird30 » Sun Dec 02, 2018 10:13 pm

Its my female friends that keep me going.
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Post by lpearlmom » Tue Dec 04, 2018 4:59 am

Thank you Soprano! Trying to accept where I’m at and be thankful for how far I’ve come.

Lady: friends are the best! 💜

Whew rough couple of days. I tell ya this parenting stuff is no joke. Rosebud got herself in big trouble with her dad and things have been very tense since. I felt he overreacted but still wanted to support his decision to ground her so was in a tough spot. She’s extremely upset because this week is Hanukkah and she’s grounded through Friday. So hard to see her so unhappy and I worry about her relationship with doc but I guess that’s between them.

Anyway she seems to finally have reached the acceptance phase and cheered up tonight a bit. Funny how her and sweetpea get along so well when one of them is in trouble. They kind of bond together over the mean parent I guess. We’ll get through it. At least he’s letting her go to her volunteer gig on the last Saturday.

Things are kind of crazy right now. The woman that we carpool with to sweetpeas school got surgery so I’m now stuck driving both ways. That’s going to be at least two hours out of my day so I really have to try to squeeze everything in. I feel badly because my friend keeps asking me to do yoga class with her but I keep thinking if I’m spending an hour on exercise I want it to be cardio. I’ll go one of these days.

I was so hungry today and am realizing I’m just not able to stick to a shorter window lately. Just going to shoot for 19/5 for now. I like the 2-7pm window best. Very doable. Hopefully I won’t gain.

PS I’m embarrassed to admit this but seeing people’s low weights in their thread is triggering for me and makes me feel badly about not being able to lose more weight so I may need to avoid those for awhile. It’s nothing personal. 😕

156.6 lbs

Break-2 latkes, bagel w/cream cheese, piece of chocolate, 2 cookies, sf chai
Dinner: quinoa bowl w/kale, roasted cauliflower, chicken and cilantro cream
Dessert: yogurt & berries
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Post by Soprano » Tue Dec 04, 2018 7:19 am

Don't dismiss yoga over cardio, it has a lot of benefits. I bought a video and whilst it's hard to find the time, its only half an hour, do feel I'm benefitting even just once a week. It w8ll make you more supple and does strength muscles.

It's great to keep you relaxed :)

Don't beat yourself up about not losing. You've come a long way, just maintaining for a period is a win.

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Post by eschano » Tue Dec 04, 2018 9:22 pm

I can’t even imagine all the parenting that still lies in front of me. Thinking you handle things really well.
I hope the woman recovers quickly so you get your time back!
If yoga isn’t your thing don’t worry about it.
Maybe but how tall are the people with the low weights? Well, either way, you can look at my weights if you need cheering up 😂😂
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Post by automatedeating » Wed Dec 05, 2018 2:34 pm

Hope that Rosebud and Doc mend things soon (probably they already have by the time I type this!)

And carpool issues - sheesh. It is super helpful to have a carpool, but it is one more thing to coordinate, too (we have one for Challenger's Basketball)

And the weight trigger things - I get it. Good to recognize it and take care of yourself as needed.

Happy Hanukkah!
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3/18-25.6; 8/18-24.5; 10/18-23.8;
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Post by lpearlmom » Fri Dec 07, 2018 4:54 am

Soprano: I ended up doing a class and really enjoying it. I’ll try to focus on maintenance for now. It’s just hard being in this in between place of bring niether fat nor thin. I hate that there’s so much pressure to be so thin yet I give into it. Would my life really be so much better if I lost another 15-20 lbs? Probably just better shopping experiences, more compliments and I don’t know what else.

Eschano: each age seems to come with new joys and new challenges. At least they’re not waking me up at night anymore. I’m short so no excuses on that front. ☺ï¸

Auto: thanks for understanding. I’ll just try to scroll past them quickly. The carpool thing can be a pain at times for sure but has saved me too. Doc and Rosebud still not great. She’s basically not talking to him and I don’t know how to talk to him about it. I think he needs to have a talk with her and clear the air but for now we’re all just ignoring it. 🤦ðŸ¼â€â™€ï¸

Eating so much the last few days and my weight is going up and up. I finally got in a short window today and hoping I can reign things in. Not sure what’s going on. Maybe my body is trying to put on an extra layer for winter.

My mom comes tomorrow and is staying till Thursday. Not sure how that’s going to go mostly because I just have a lot to do but hopefully we’ll have fun.

157.4 lbs

Break: pumpkin smoothie (I ordered the medium but they made too much so gave me a large. Why do the think this will make me happy?)
Dinner: large shrimp burrito

Exercise: walk, run, sprint 1.25 miles
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Post by Soprano » Fri Dec 07, 2018 7:14 am

I'm pleased you enjoyed the yoga.

It's normal to put weight on over winter so don't worry too much.

I've been thinking about your situation, are you eating enough? If our bodies don't get sufficient vitamins and minerals then they will try and correct the situation. Perhaps look at the ratio of what you eat and make sure you are covering all needs....

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Post by worth it » Fri Dec 07, 2018 9:49 pm

OMG Linda, same wavelength again! Is this all because it’s winter time? That sure would make me feel better since I find myself much more hungry than usual (I’m also eating a lot of junk food too 🙃). Sounds like you’re just trying to ride it out for the most part too. I find 19/5 doable, but anything much longer than 20 or 21 hours is a lot more difficult than it’s ever been!

The more I hear and think about it, the more I’m wondering if it’ is just seasonal. That would be great for my confidence and sanity to know I can keep things around the same as they are now and that the spring and summer might bring a different point of view. Here’s to hoping! And to hoping things go more smoothly for you too!

Happy Chanukkah!

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Post by lpearlmom » Sun Dec 09, 2018 2:57 pm

Thanks soprano! Ill try not to worry. I feel like I eat more than enough but if I was lacking anything it could be protein.

Crazy how often that seems to happen worth. Could definitely be a seasonal thing. My hunger finally calmed down a bit today but still finding the longer fasts a bit more difficult. I was listening to Kayla’s video on “The importance of easy†and decided to come up with a plan I could do long-term. Here’s what I came up with:

M-F: 21/3
Sat: 19/5
Sun: 16/8

*If a social situation comes up at lunch time, just do 16/8 that day instead of trying to move my window to lunchtime.
*I may try to throw in one longer fast (~30 hrs) a week but only if I feel up to it.
*Take a weekly average of my weight and if I’m not losing anything after 6 weeks, make adjustments.
*Not going to worry about exercise, just going to try to stay active. It always backfires on me if I try to make a set routine.

So it feels very doable, but not sure how it’ll work for weight loss. What’s the point of losing weight on a regime I can’t stick to though anyways, right? I think I just need to work on being consistent and focus on the habits just like with NoS. I think if I can just be consistent for awhile that’ll feel good. I’m tired of being all over the place.

Things on the home front much better. Doc bristled at my suggestion to have a heart to heart talk with Rosebud. I was upset at first but then for Hanukkah he gave us all a box of sees candy and he let her pick which one she wanted first. (Sees candy is her favorite ). He also gave her a game that she fell in love with when we stayed at a cabin a few months ago. Well this softened Rosebud quite a bit and they’re talking again (phew). I guess doc has his own approach and that’s okay.

The last couple of days have been really nice. We’ve just hung out as a family opening presents, making latkes, and doing puzzles together as a family. I really love when we kind of get in our own little family bubble and block the rest of the world out for a bit. It’s a really good feeling. And doc has been so sweet this year. He’s given me a present each night and even wrapped everything himself.

Friday I had a bit of a shock however. At about 10 am, I got a call from sweetpea and she was crying. She then told me her and this boy, who I thought was gay and just a friend, had been dating for over a month. For a hot minute I thought she was going to tell me she was pregnant and I freaked out. Instead she told me he broke up with her and she was heartbroken. I was mad that she didn’t tell me before. She’s 15 1/2 and not supposed to date till she’s 16 but mostly I felt horrible for her so I picked her up early and took her to lunch.

She’s even so sad these last few days and I can remember how painful breakups can be. I wish I had some wise words for her but all I can do is comfort her at this point. It sucks but it does feel like we’re closer than we have been for awhile so I’m grateful for that least. It does seem to have light a fire under her though. She’s wanting to go to the gym and take better care of her skin and she came straight home on Friday and started her homework with talk of college. So hard to see our kids in pain! 😔

My weight is still up but it could be worse. Here’s yesterday.


Break : sf chai, couple crackers with dip, grapes
Dinner: 3 latkes, black bean soup, glass wine
Dessert: pice of pumpkin loaf, couple chocolates and hot cocoa
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Post by automatedeating » Sun Dec 09, 2018 5:41 pm

Your Hanukkah family-time sounds just wonderful. So happy that you all had a quiet and warm bonding time. That's so special.

And your paragraph about Sweetpea just about gave me a heart attack! I had a nightmare last night about finding out Challenger was having sex way too young, so when I read your post my heart just about stopped. Thank goodness she's not pregnant - I shared your hot minute of terror and then relief, followed by the sad helplessness of watching our kids endure emotional pain. Hope she feels better soon.

So, actually I need fasting advice/support. For my upcoming 24 hour urinalysis, I am going to fast the entire time, including a 12 hour run-up to make sure I'm not in an absorbing state. So I'll have lunch one day, then not eat until breakfast 36 hours later. I'm a bit nervous, since I don't normally practice fasting. And I really can't have milk or cream or tea or coffee, because those will affect my lab values. So it's got to be pure water or bust the experiment.
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
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Post by ladybird30 » Sun Dec 09, 2018 9:36 pm

Consistency, moderation - sounds good to me.
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Post by lpearlmom » Mon Dec 10, 2018 5:17 am

I know auto was a scary moment. So glad it’s something we can deal with. She’s really sad still but just give her lots of mom and nana time. Seems to be helping. Also bought her some running shoes and skincare products. The plan is to wake up early so we can workout together. Let’s see how that goes...

Auto, you’ll do great with the fasting. It’s all about mindset. Didn’t you do a 5 day fast or something crazy like that once? If it’s allowed I’d have some Himalayan pink salt available. That’ll help with headaches and hunger. At the very least try some water with electrolytes. Best of luck!

Today was busy but pretty good. I feel like I havent been eating proper actual meals though lately and that doesn’t feel so good. Also way too much sugar. My mom is still here which is good and bad. It’s nice that she helps me so much around the house but being an introvert means I just need space sometimes. I had to ask her to leave the kitchen tonight so I could just clean it in peace. â˜ºï¸ She took it okay though, I hope.

Rosebud and doc are back to joking around with each other so I’d say they’re good again. At least for now. Was the last night of Hanukkah and I’m going to miss our nightly gatherings in the living room. Our default is to hangout while watching tv but it’s just not the same.

Looking forward to a shorter window tomorrow hopefully light on sugar and heavy on veggies.


Break-bagel, lox and cream cheese
Snack: sf chai, grapes, couple bites of soft pretzel 🥨
Dinner: 2 latkes, bite of lasagna , eggnog with bourbon
Dessert: cookie, piece of chocolate ðŸ«, bite of ice cream

Yup definitely lacking protein and veggies. Maybe Iâ€ll do a stir fry tomorrow.

Exercise: walked dogs ðŸ•
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Post by eschano » Mon Dec 10, 2018 7:53 pm

Oh happy belated Hanukkah! Sounds like you had a wonderful time. Feeling really sorry for Sweetpea. It sounds like you are doing all the right things and that she has a very healthy way of dealing with it which is a credit to you. Great about Rosebud and doc getting on again!
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Post by 3squaremeals » Tue Dec 11, 2018 10:08 am

Your plan sounds great with having set fasting windows on different days. I love how Kayla says to make it easy. I am terrible for over complicating any eating plans. As it feels like if it is too easy that it won't work, but that isn't the case. Consistency brings results, which is what I need to remember.

Glad Rosebud and Doc are getting along again. Feeling sad for Sweet pea though. Sounds like you are being a great supportive Mom though.

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Post by lpearlmom » Sun Dec 16, 2018 4:14 pm

Thanks eschano and moderate! Both girls doing well.

My mom was here for a week and while it was nice having her, I’m happy to have my house back. Being an introvert makes it really hard for me to be with someone 24/7.

Guess what? I got to meet Kayla from sixmiles! She was in Phoenix so we met up for coffee. It was kind of surreal but she’s very sweet.

Doing 16/8 today!

156.6 lbs

Ate a ridiculous amount today. Felt very manic all day. Just no end to the eating and I was all over the place. One minute I’m agreeing to do ADF with this one group of women (on fb), the next I’m thinking about signing up for a coaching session with Kayla. Then I set up a blog to talk about my IF journey. I really need to stick to a plan for awhile. I’m just so scattered. The good thing about NoS is I always knew what I was doing for the most part.

If this continues I’m going to gain all my weight back. Is this how it starts?

I honestly can’t remember everything I ate today but I do know it started with pancakes and ended with tater tots. 🤦ðŸ¼â€â™€ï¸

Tomorrow will be better!
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Post by Octavia » Tue Dec 18, 2018 12:06 am

You met Kayla? That’s amazing, Linda! Wow - you had coffee with her - you must tell us more! What did you learn from her? Great to hear that she was nice!

I related to your story about sweet pea. My DD had a similar adventure - I never knew she had a boyfriend till she was upset one day and wailed ‘Alex dumped me!!!!’. Same age as yours if not a bit younger. She still keeps these things close to her chest and unlike her friends, never seems to have an official boyfriend. I’m sure stuff goes on, though.

I’ve had some crazy eating days recently, too. Life is so demanding this time of year, it’s hardly surprising we go a bit mad. Only the other day, I was considering dropping lunch and fasting instead. Then the next minute I’m thinking there’s only so much resistance I can put up, in the face of this festive season! Anyway, I hope you find a way forward that ties in with Kayla’s ‘easy’ principle. Simplicity is the way to go. I might go and check out her blog now! Take care. X

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Post by lpearlmom » Wed Dec 19, 2018 4:45 am

It’s funny Octavia because everything she talked about, I pretty much already knew from watching all her videos and reading her book. Another guy from the fb group was there too and he kept asking her these questions that I totally had the answers to. It must be weird strangers knowing so many details about you.

That’s funny about your daughter. Two peas in a pod. I wish she wouldn’t keep stuff from me. She seems to be over the sadness and deep into the madness. I guess he’s being kind of a jerk to her at school and she’s just annoyed with him at this point. Thank goodness tomorrow is her last day till break.

It sounds like we’re very much on the same page with our eating too Octavia. I guess you’re right and it’s to be expected during the holidays. I ended up having a phone session with Kayla and it definitely calmed me down a bit. I had it in my mind that I was going to need to do 23/1 to get results but she actually liked my other more doable plan and said to stick to that for 6 weeks and go from there. Pretty much what I had already decided but was nice to have support and reassurance.

I actually started a blog but the writing doesn’t come as easy as it does here. I just feel a little self-conscious about putting myself out there for everyone to see but I’m going to keep it up and see if I improve over time.

My weight is up and it’s a little worrisome. I just hope it’ll go back down before we go to LA next week.
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Post by automatedeating » Wed Dec 19, 2018 4:49 am

You started a blog! You rock! I'm going to go check it out ASAP. Update - you are beautiful!

And lol about Sweetpea "deep into the madness". That is actually kind of funny. Ah, teenage years.
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Post by Soprano » Wed Dec 19, 2018 7:06 am

Love your blog, you are looking fantastic. Just steer a steady course you'll get there :)

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Post by lpearlmom » Thu Dec 20, 2018 6:48 am

Awww thank you auto!☺ï¸â˜ºï¸â˜ºï¸

Thank you Soprano! I’m trying.

Too tired to write much. Exhausted from holiday stuff as well as from the ongoing teen drama. At least their nice enough to take turns driving me crazy. ðŸ˜
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Post by lpearlmom » Fri Dec 21, 2018 3:04 am

Today was pretty good. Sweetpea continues to have a hard time. It sounds like now her ex and best friend like each other and they’re both being weird to her so now she’s feeling like she doesn’t have a lot of friends. It’s an extremely small school so it’s not that easy to just jump into another friend group. And of course it took us getting into a huge blowup before I finally got to the bottom of what was really wrong with her. I miss when she used to tell me everything.

She’s just very insecure right now and I’m not sure how to help her. She’s having her old school friend over tonight though so I’m hoping that’ll help a bit. Adolescence sucks sometimes.

Finally got a chance to clean the house a bit but I’m still way behind on laundry. 🤦ðŸ¼â€â™€ï¸

156.2 lbs

Tea latte with almond milk
Yogurt with fruit
1/2 chicken salad from chipotle, chips with guacamole

Exercise: walked dogs 25 mins
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Post by Octavia » Sun Dec 23, 2018 8:33 pm

I adore your blog! :D
So lovely to see your photos and read more about Kayla...and your IF journey! You look so glamorous!

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Post by lpearlmom » Mon Dec 24, 2018 3:54 pm

Oh thank you so much Octavia!
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Post by lpearlmom » Tue Dec 25, 2018 6:27 am

Here’s today’s blog post:

I’m frustrated with my weight but at the same tine not sure I care. Taking tomorrow off even though we don’t celebrate Xmas. I think I just need it!
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Post by lpearlmom » Wed Dec 26, 2018 6:06 am

Wow, I’m frustrated. I’m tired of fasting, I’m tired of dieting. I don’t want to fast, or diet or do NoS, or watch my carbs or limit my sweets or count steps or follow any exercise or eating rules/plans. But I also don’t want to gain weight and I don’t want to eat all day and feel sick and I know I can’t do intuitive eatimg because I’ve tried it a million times and it just made me crazy (and fat). So basically nothing is left. I have no answers, no options and feel stuck. Not eating is fasting and I don’t want to do that right now either.

Not sure where all this is coming from. Probably 6 months of fasting with no more weight loss. Probably too much listening to anti-diet podcasts. Probably seeing my sister and her saying absolutely nothing regarding my 50 lbs loss. Probably me assuming that I hadn’t lost enough to warrant a compliment from her. Probably me not wanting to conform to her ridiculous standards. Boy, does she mess up my thinking. I start to lose track of what I even want for myself.

Ugh, hopefully tomorrow I will have some answers. I need to know what my plan is, right?
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Post by Soprano » Wed Dec 26, 2018 7:52 am

I get the need for a plan but sometimes no rules can have relief....

I've been concerned about you for a while now, you seem to be all over the place. You have done fantastically losing weight. You don't need anyone's approval. If you didn't lose any more you should be happy, you look great. Take that pressure off yourself. You are now at a weight that is healthy.

It's a funny time of year. You say you hate over eating because of how it makes you feel, hold on to that thought.

My thoughts for what they are worth. Go back to nos. I think in some way your mind and body is rebelling against the strictures of fasting.

Do that for a week or two, concerntrate on eating food you enjoy but within the rules. Come the weekend stick to the 3 meals but throw in some treats as dessert. Just observe how you feel. Sort of use ie principles too.

When you feel calmer introduce a day or two of fasting but no more. Keep up the exercising but don't weigh for a couple of weeks.

Just take the pressure off yourself enjoy your achievement, your body will let more weight go when it's ready...

Big hugs and love coming your way

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Post by Octavia » Wed Dec 26, 2018 10:18 am

Hi Linda,
Sorry to hear you’re feeling so low. I was so appalled to read that your sister has not said anything about your amazing achievement - that would do anyone’s head in. It’s incredible, sad and confusing. You must feel so tired and angry. And of course the way that all your recent work has not achieved any more weight loss, that too is so hard for you. Sounds like you need a break, perhaps in the form of a few S days, lots of sleep and journaling etc etc., then regroup, gather your forces, and plan a new way ahead.

I think that even maintaining a stable weight is a huge achievement, post-children. Nature and the environment have programmed us to gain, so in the last few months you may have kept more weight at bay than you realise. You deserve to be congratulated and rewarded! :)

I certainly go through phases of looking around for better solutions to life’s challenges, eating included...I think it’s the nature of our inquisitive minds, and I recall the words of a colleague of mine once when I spoke of my ambivalence to something or other: he said ‘the best priests are the ones who doubt’. Not that No S is a religion of course, but I think questioning things and agonising is all part of the journey.

Anyway, hope you have chance to relax any rules a little and let things slide for a few days. I’m certainly in a no-rules, greedy haze right now. :lol:

Don’t leave us! :(
Hugs from me x

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Post by sharon227 » Wed Dec 26, 2018 7:25 pm

Sorry for your frustrations. It can get very overwhelming and disheartening to work so hard and not see results. Having too many rules and plans and prohibitions makes things even worse.

Maybe just try one thing at a time? For me, one of the big advantages of NoS is to develop logical habits without having to think about lots of rules and other things. If it's not an S day, I don't have sweets, snacks, or seconds. If it is, I can. That's it. Really simple. And the "deprivation" doesn't last too long because there's always an S day coming up reasonably soon.

Because I am otherwise done with counting and journaling and all that stuff. I'm mulling doing South Beach Phase One after the holidays, but that's just 2 weeks. I'm not up to adding any more dietary layers on top of No S unless it's just generally trying to make healthy choices because those make me feel better. Not because of anyone else's rules.

Fasting adds on another layer, and maybe you just want to have one layer instead of multiple plans at once. I'm not a fan of fasting, but if you are and have a plan that you think works, then maybe just that.

It is natural to want others to notice and compliment you. That feels great. I'm sorry your sister didn't say anything. Maybe she feels it's not appropriate to comment on your weight? Anyway, the flip side of getting those compliments is: When the people who you want to notice your accomplishments do comment, those accolades stop after awhile. That makes maintenance even harder, if you find the compliments really motivating.

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Post by ladybird30 » Thu Dec 27, 2018 1:06 am

I love my sister. And she loves me. But we are so different I am not sure we would even be friends if we weren't related. It has taken years to get to our current state of friendship. And I still wouldn't look to her for approval, although it would be nice to have it.

Personally, I am wary of too much fasting, because I don't wan't to trigger rebellion and rebound eating. I know it works for some people, but it doesn't for everyone. I am quite happy with the restrictions of No S - I can't see myself being happy eating at random like I used to. But even though I haven't lost any weight recently, I just can't see myself piling any more rules on.
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Post by lpearlmom » Thu Dec 27, 2018 6:06 am

Thanks all for the kind and thoughtful responses. I’m here and fine. Just needed to vent.

Soprano: thx for your concern. I think your advice is sound. Actually when I woke up I thought “I do like to fast but not all the time and I miss having breakfast sometimes.†I’m thinking omad a few times a week and nos the other days. It definitely would be good to bring back the no sweets during the week rule as that’s gotten really out of hand.

Octavia: thank you for your understanding and encouragement especially re: my sister. It means a lot that you get it and you’re probably right. I should give myself more credit for the weight I’ve managed to take off this far.

Sharon: thx so much for your response. I don’t actually do NoS and IF at the same time right now. I did at first but yes it was too much at once. Also, ypu might be right about my sister. Maybe my weight is just too sensitive of a topic and she’d rather not mention it at all. It’s hard because she was the most critical person towards my weight as I was growing up. It’d be nice if she’d notice it in a positive way now but I have a feeling that’ll only happen if I’m 20 lbs lighter which makes me want to rebel and not lose more weight. See how good I am at self-sabotage? ☺ï¸

Lady: same with my sister. We are so different and would never be friends if we weren’t related. I doubt she’d even ever speak to me if we went to the same high school. She loves me in her own way I guess. Fasting was great for many months but I think I’m a bit tired of it. The problem with NoS is I stopped losing weight and was even gaining at one point despite sticking to it quite well. I’m hoping if I combine the two, I can maintain my weight. I’ve kind of given up on losing more. That’s okay with me actually.

The girls are visiting with their grandma in LA right now and it’s been nice to have a break. Being a sahm means lots of togetherness and getting in each other’s nerves. Doc and I had a fun date night. We ate a lot but was worth it. Tomorrow I’m going to have a nos day. Yay!

My weight is up and I got no exercise but I’m hanging in there.
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Post by 3squaremeals » Thu Dec 27, 2018 10:54 am

Sorry to hear you are having a tough time at the moment. I completely understand being tired of everything; of dieting, thinking about dieting and weight loss etc. I have been there many times, it's not a nice feeling. I'm a person that needs a plan or I just don't feel right. Your new plan of No S and OMAD some days sounds great. You have to do what is right for you xx

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Post by automatedeating » Thu Dec 27, 2018 11:53 pm

Sorry to be late to the vent party but it seems as though the rest of the tribe was all over it. Nicely done, ladies. :-)

I think Soprano's sister and Linda's sister should hang out. :twisted:

This is a super hard time of year for any restriction, I think that's what lots of us are finding. Whether it's me and a Dry December (ha!) or all of us and a crazy Yule Log 8) , it's just hard to face SO. MUCH. DAMN. TEMPTATION. As if that weren't enough, we have to face these temptations in front of our crazy relatives!!!

For what it's worth, the pic I saw on your blog shocked me at how amazingly thin you look. You seriously don't appear to need to lose a single pound, but I seem to remember you saying you still weren't in the normal BMI range (but hey - we all know those BMI charts are not the end-all be-all for weight goals). So when you said your sis would expect you to weigh 20 pounds less, I was shocked! Like you'd be teeny tiny! I kind of wonder what Doc thinks/says, because his wife has got a killer figure.
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Post by Soprano » Fri Dec 28, 2018 7:46 am

Love the thought of the sisters hanging out, made me smile :)

Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.

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Post by lpearlmom » Fri Dec 28, 2018 7:54 am

Thank you square!

Auto: You’re the best. Thanks for your kind words & lol on Soprano’s & my sister hanging out. What a great idea! I know I have a larger frame so maybe partly why I look like I weigh less than I do. Of course spanx helps too but it’s comforting to know other ppl think I look alright. DH has basically said he supports me if I want to lose more weight but that he thinks I’m basically “there†already.

Today was so much better. Just coming to grips with some conflicts I have about being a feminist dieter. Also realizing I need to get some stuff under control in order to help reduce the stress in my life. Just kind of writing down some stuff I want to tackle this year really helped. Also, remembering to give myself permission to be happy and enjoy life even when things aren’t 100% perfect or certain because heck they never will be.

Okay it’s really late and I need to sleep but want to say how grateful I am for everyone’s support. 💜💜💜
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Post by lpearlmom » Thu Jan 03, 2019 6:47 am

Back from LA. We had a really nice time. So nice to be surrounded by family and remember that we are not alone. We’ve got ppl that love us and are thete for us. Usually doc’s mom gets on my nerves a little but I was just in awe of her this time. She’s so generous and such a great hostess. I’m really grateful for all she does for us and she’s just so good at being a grown up. I still have yet to master that.

In other good news doc got a raise and a big bonus is coming this month so the financial stress is greatly reduced. Also we have health insurance again (long story) so that’s also helping me to sleep at night.

My weight is still up but at least I was back on plan today and was able to mostly avoid sweets. Oh and finally had a dry day in like forever!

157.6 lbs

Snack: latte, small bowl of cottage cheese, 2 apples
Dinner; pickles, bean cassoulet, salad
Dessert: plain yogurt w/ fruit and nuts, 1 piece of chocolate ðŸ«, coconut 🥥 💦

Exercise: 50 min yoga video, walked 6 miles

You can see pictures of our trip here:
:twisted: SW: 210 lbs
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Post by lpearlmom » Sat Jan 05, 2019 4:52 am

Struggling. Weights up. Having trouble fasting, having even more trouble clean fasting and also not sure if it matters. I have been doing yoga and some walking but that’s it. Little depressed that my weight is only about 3 lbs less than it was last year. Even after fasting for a whole year. 🤦ðŸ¼â€â™€ï¸

Other than that everything is good. Financial situation looking up. Doc decided to go vegetarian which means he plans in eating healthier. Our old college roommate visited last night and we had an amazing time. Both girls are doing well and managed to get all As. I’m so proud of them.

Just not sure how to get back on track. I’ll keep trying.
:twisted: SW: 210 lbs
CW: 172

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