flsun checkin

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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flsun checkin

Post by flsunshine » Tue Feb 21, 2006 8:29 pm

Well, I'm gonna jump right in here. I found this "diet" while browsing last week and it has been on my mind ever since. What a concept!

I lost 40lbs with WW and then promptly gained 50 back. I could just not bear the thought of writing all those points down again. Ugh. It has been many, many months since I've even tried to change my eating habits.

Now, with Valentine's Day behind me and summer looming, I think I have run out of reasons to not do something. Hopefully, this check-in will give me some accountability, too...

Today - so far, so good.

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Post by carolejo » Wed Feb 22, 2006 8:54 am


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Post by flsunshine » Thu Feb 23, 2006 5:42 pm

Thanks for the welcome!

Day 3 now and it's going pretty well. It is quite a relief to just not think about food (or worry about it) between meals. I had never really thought of it that way before.

Yesterday I did pretty good, but did have one piece of chocolate and an after-dinner coffee drink. But, hey, I was having a small dinner party and was less indulgent than I would have been in the past. I'm trying to look at it in that light versus the fact that I couldn't even keep completely on track for two days...

B: "healthy" rasin bread, half banana with peanut butter
L: grapes, tomatoes, yogurt, sun chips & sandwich (wow, is that way too much?)
D: (planned) lasagna and cesear salad

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Post by Jan » Fri Feb 24, 2006 12:54 am

You will love this diet. I did WW, Atkins, and lately the 3 hour diet. I feel so good not thinking about what to eat every 3 hours or in counting points. I lost and gained the same 20 pounds on those diets and spent too much time on them. I have only been doing this since Tuesday but I love just eating 3 meals and I don't even get hungry for snacks and I know I can eat my dark Chocolate bar on Saturday or Sunday. I also got my girl Scout cookies today but I think they will be lasting me for a long time as I am only going to eat a few on Saturday or Sunday. Jan

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Post by Jammin' Jan » Fri Feb 24, 2006 12:57 am

Welcome to the No-S program and to the board!!!

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Post by flsunshine » Tue Feb 28, 2006 3:23 pm

Thanks for the comments - it helps to know others are watching! Ha.

I am still really enjoying the "freedom" of this way of eating. As many others have said, this may be the beginning of a whole new relationship with food. What a thought.

The weekend was a relief to know that I could indulge (a few chocolates and cookies throughout). Yet, I didn't seem to have the urge to overindulge either. No gloom hanging over my head with thoughts like "I better eat all I can this weekend because I REALLY need to get in control soon." Rather just thoughts about going back after the weekend to an stablished, moderate way of eating. Hmmm.

I'm taking someone's advice to ditch the posting of actual food items - hey, that's what made the WW program too painful. So, to catch up...

2/24: Success
2/25: S-day
2/26: S-day
2/27: Success


What do you all do regarding alcohol? I don't drink sodas or put sugar in my coffee, but I sure love a beer or glass of wine with dinner... yes? no?

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Post by carolejo » Tue Feb 28, 2006 3:32 pm

a glass or two of wine, or a beer or two with dinner won't do you any harm. In fact, most studies say that people who consume a small amount of alcohol regularly are generally healthier and live longer.

A bottle of wine or a 6-pack every night on the other hand would be pushing it too far though.

I generally have adopted Reinhard's 'Glass Ceiling' for drinking, up to 2 servings a day, except on special S days. By special S days, I mean that I try not to drink more than a couple of drinks a day, even on the weekend. A 'special S day' is something like your birthday party, or the leaving party for a very good friend. Some people are more strict than that, and some are less strict. The key is to find a sustainable and healthy point for you and know where the boundary is.

Good luck. It sounds like you're doing really well and are starting out with the right attitude to your successes and your 'funny stuff'. I strongly believe It's not the little instances where you technically 'break the diet' that are the problem, it becomes a problem only if you decide to throw in the towel "just because you didn't behave perfectly". Right now, I've been doing this for 7 months but I've only managed to do a straight run of 21 days on habit ONCE in all that time. I'm still losing weight though and I'm still getting healthier with my eating habits. That's the important thing for me.

Glad it's going well for you so far.

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Still at it

Post by flsunshine » Thu Mar 02, 2006 2:34 pm

Well, I am still really enjoying this way of thinking (or not thinking?) about food. To just eat a meal and then try and put it out of my mind until the next is pretty liberating. No to-ing and fro-ing about snacks (or sweets!) in between. I also seem to be enjoying each meal I eat a bit more.

I see that in the future I will have to trim the content of the meals (I'm still eating enough to avoid the panicky "I'm gonna be hungry again soon" feeling). That will need some mental work (where does that panicky feeling come from, anyway?), but I'll deal with it later!

C. - Thanks for the alcohol interpretation. I'm limiting it to an occasional drink, but nice to be able to have a glass (or two) of wine with my sister during knitting "class". By the way, I saw your posts about 21 days (almost) - very impressive, congrats!!

2/28: Success
3/1: Success

By the way - it seems that clothes are actually a tiny bit looser. Wow.

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Post by Jammin' Jan » Thu Mar 02, 2006 2:45 pm

The "mental work" needed to trim portion-sizes will come with time, so don't worry too much in that direction. I've been here since May and have gone through several stages: (1) big FULL plate; (2) big less-full plate, hungry an hour later and can't do anything about it; (3) little full plate; (4) big plate, big portion, bigger than I needed, why did I eat so much?; (5) big plate, moderate portion, no between-meal problems. Like I said, this takes time!

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Post by flsunshine » Thu Mar 02, 2006 5:48 pm

Thanks, Jan, for the comments. Yes, I'm hoping the portion sizes will work out. For now I'm just enjoying the "no guilt" part of this "diet"! Plus, trying to just get in the habit of a different style of eating.

I was such a snacker (and sometimes a sneaking snacker - ugh) that I almost feel like I have more free time with this. Crazy. I can already see that my fear of not being able to skip food between meals is decreasing as I do this, successfully, for more days. So, even if I'm eating too much at a meal, at least I seem to be breaking some bad habits, right!? And... today I didn't eat the yogurt I packed for lunch, even though it would have fit (barely) on the plate.

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Post by Jammin' Jan » Thu Mar 02, 2006 5:55 pm

Yup...sounds like you're right on track. :D

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Post by flsunshine » Fri Mar 03, 2006 10:12 pm

Well, it looks like 3/3 will be a success! No snacking today (and now it's almost dinner), although I was very tempted a few times.

It so helped to know that tomorrow is SSSSSSaturday. Thanks, again, for the encouragement!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Mar 03, 2006 11:00 pm

Belated Welcome Flunshine!
Congrats on your great week..
Have a great first S weekend!
S days are fun!!
w00t w00t!
Peace and Love,
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Post by flsunshine » Tue Mar 07, 2006 7:04 pm

Mar 5 & 4 - SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS - Got into the chocolate/sweets on Sunday and went overboard. I did regret it, but I still wasn't carrying that guilt on Monday. That was a nice change and made it easier to jump back into the program yesterday.

Mar 6 - Success - quite a temptation to snack, but resisted. Still too much on those plates, though.

Day 15 (I think) / Mar 7 - So far a success.

Although I have been counting my days as "successes", I think I will wait until I've made it through a 21-day self-designated trial period and then start on 'really' doing 21 days. I may need to be a bit stricter than I have been, but I'm just so happy to be doing SOMETHING and to be working on changing bad habits.

PS - Thanks, Deb, for the welcome.

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Post by carolejo » Tue Mar 07, 2006 9:41 pm

Hello Sunny person!

It's lookin' good here!! :D Don't worry too much yet about what the portion size on your plates is. That will sort itself out over time if you concentrate on getting the basic structures in place. In the meantime, you're doing really well by the look of things.


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Post by flsunshine » Tue Mar 14, 2006 1:24 pm

Boy, is it hard to get to the computer sometimes...

Day 8/9 - Sucess
Day 17 - Failure - Seconds at dinner, but good up to that point
Day 19/20 - SSSSS days - but still hitting the chocolate too much
Day 21 - Failure - 1/2 pop tart (sugar and snack!) midmorning AND snacks before dinner

But, today I'll start again. I'm still eating less than previously, and I'm still happy with the idea of this "program". Were it not for the thoughts of this check in, my failures would have been much more severe, I'm sure!

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Post by reinhard » Tue Mar 14, 2006 2:58 pm

Belated welcome, flsunshine.

I'm glad to see that despite some trouble, you're being honest with yourself and toughing it out.
Were it not for the thoughts of this check in, my failures would have been much more severe, I'm sure!
It's amazing what an even completely voluntary and optional feeling of accountablity can do.

Hope things keep getting better,


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Post by flsunshine » Tue Mar 14, 2006 3:43 pm

Thanks for the welcome. I really do think this is a great program! You've done a tremendous job of setting up the website and forum - congratulations.

For an added dose of motivation I've been perusing the posts on the general information board. There are some very helpful comments there and good reminders. Nice to remember that it's ok to be hungry and that the idea of NoS is for the long haul...

If I can make it another hour until lunch, I'll still be on track for today!

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Post by flsunshine » Thu Mar 23, 2006 7:55 pm

Well, alas, it's been a not-so-successful few weeks. Hard to have people visiting on spring break (welcome to florida) when you're not on spring break yourself. They want to sit out by the pool until all hours grilling seafood and drinking rum. Imagine that.

Still, I didn't eat as much as I would have in the past, and for the most part I avoided snacking, and I did manage to keep up with my walking. Back to it "for real" on Monday. (However, that is the first day of MY kids' spring break - ha).

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Here we go again...

Post by flsunshine » Tue Apr 04, 2006 5:40 pm

Well, back to it. Seems that there is an awful lot of "S" in "S"pring Break. Oops. I did try and keep NoS in mind and hope to keep working at it until it becomes more of a habit. I believe I read on here somewhere that it often takes a few attempts until the idea sticks?! I sure enjoy browsing all the posts for a good dose of motivation...

From the top:

Day 1 - so far, so good.

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Post by Simon » Tue Apr 04, 2006 6:45 pm

If you go back and read the NoS website, flsunshine, Reinhard makes mention of the fact that some people can expect to have to do the start and stop process up to a dozen times before it finally sticks as habit.

That's the key though: always get back up, dust yourself off and have another go when you fall off the horse. Bad horse!
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Post by carolejo » Wed Apr 05, 2006 7:26 am

hi sunny!

Well, if I'm not the queen, then at least I'm the crown princess of falling off the waggon and getting straight back on it! I must have 'restarted' at least 50 times by now. :)

I don't think of it as restarting though. It's a continuous process and yesterday's no-so-good behaviour doesn't have any bearing on today's.

Just get yourself straight back on the horse, like Simon says and the rest will follow for you.

Good luck!

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Post by flsunshine » Wed Apr 05, 2006 12:21 pm

Thanks for the encouragement! It sure helps. I must say that this way of eating is much easier to get back to than other plans - I love the simplicity. So,

Day 1: Success
Day 2: just ate an egg sandwich that will definitely hold me 'til lunch - so I'm halfway there today!

P.S. I like the "bad horse" comment! Ha.

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Post by flsunshine » Thu Apr 06, 2006 4:19 pm


Day 2: Success
Day 3: Half-way (the easiest half, though) there

Still battling sweets / hunger cravings in the late afternoon...

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Post by flsunshine » Tue Apr 11, 2006 1:48 pm

It's still working and I seem to be quite motivated this time through. Hooray. Actually bought bathing suits yesterday, and although still no fun experience, at least I'm down a size from last year. I've been walking consistently and I'm sure that helps, but changing my eating habits really seems to be working!

Day 3: Success
Day 4: Success
Day 5: S-day
Day 6: S-day
Day 7: Success
Day 8: still working on it, but off to a good start

I'm still loving the simplicity of this "diet" and that I can keep track in my head whether (or not) I've had a string of successful days. I'm also beginning to think of it more "long term" and as something I can actually live with...

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Post by flsunshine » Thu Apr 13, 2006 1:57 pm

Hmmm. How to post? I strayed a bit, but not so much as to call it a real "failure", I don't think. I was SO much better than I would have been in the past. I must admit, if I think of it as "restarting" again, I may lose some of the motivation I've had. Maybe to call it "funny stuff" (??) and keep on...

Day 8: Success

funny stuff - 1/2 glass of wine and four small steak pieces before dinner, but passed on cookies and candy the rest of the family had after dinner.

Day 9: Success

funny stuff - nibbles from kids' 3:00 snack and 1/2 an italian ice after dinner - HOWEVER, passed on brownies from the bakery!!

Does that work?? I allowed myself this morning to count the past days as "success" by using it as a bribe to avoid waffles for breakfast or a stop for other sweets on the way to work. Ahh, the mind games I can play.

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Confession Time

Post by flsunshine » Thu Apr 20, 2006 2:07 pm

Well, I had a pretty good run of it...

Day 10 - Success
Day 11 - S-day
Day 12 - S-day
Day 13 - Success
Day 14 - Success
Day 15 - Failure!

I was brought down by the bake sale items I made yesterday for the kids' school festival. The brownies were WAY too tempting for me. On the bright side, I only tested the batter and ate around the egdes (okay, that probably added up to at least a whole brownie) and I DIDN'T serve myself one for dessert with the rest of the family. But, still. Sigh.

I am still loving the simplicity of this plan. I think it may be something I can live with long-term. And, knowing I can indulge on weekends REALLY helps to control my eating of sweets during the week. I have a long way to go, weight-wise, but it DOES seem to be dropping. Hurray.

I also like the "get over it and move on" attitude of NoS - so...

Day 1 - so far, so good...

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Post by flsunshine » Thu Apr 27, 2006 4:42 pm

Still working at it. Sort of a weekend of splurging, but back on track now.

Let's start again:

Day 1: Success
Day 2: Success
Day 3: (Today): Half way to success!

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Post by flsunshine » Fri Apr 28, 2006 3:54 pm

Well, finally, I managed to stay with it again.

Day 3: Success
Day 4: Half-way there

Boy am I tempted to give in to snacks AND sweets today though. Trying to keep busy around the garden instead.

I have friends visiting in June and it would REALLY be nice if I were a few (ok, several) pounds lighter. We'll be spending so much time at the beach, boat, and pool.

Although, several years ago, I heard someone say that no matter how big you are the sun and salt air feels just as wonderful. That has really helped me to "get in the game" and enjoy summer, no matter what my size. And, of course, just being active helps get you out of that vicious weight-gaining cycle. Regardless, it would still be nice to be smaller!!

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Post by Hunter Gatherer » Sat Apr 29, 2006 3:21 am

Hang in there! Tomorrow is an S-day!

I'm sure you will lose some weight before June (or at least maybe size even if not weight). The question is "How much?" Don't set an unrealistic goal for yourself, it's like sabotage!

Go, go! Rah, rah, rah!
"You've been reading about arctic explorers," I accused him. "If a man's starving he'll eat anything, but when he's just ordinarily hungry he doesn't want to clutter up his stomach with a lot of candy."
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Post by flsunshine » Tue May 02, 2006 5:38 pm

Still at it (although the S-days did have quite a bit of S in them!)

Day 4: Success (I just won't count the teaspoons of creme brulee' (sp?) I tasted at 'girls night out'!)
Day 5: S-day
Day 6: S-day
Day 7: Success
Day 8: Halfway!

Thanks HG for the cheering - it helps. I AM walking (4 miles/3xweek) regularly, so I'm hoping that will continue to help the toning/size thing.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue May 02, 2006 9:52 pm

Wow!!! 4 miles a day 3 times a week!
You are my hero!!!

ps.. I like creme brulee too, but don't have it much...

Have a great night Fla Sunshine :)
Peace and Love,
8) Deb
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Post by flsunshine » Wed May 03, 2006 12:32 pm

Thanks, Deb, for the cheering! The walks are with my sister and good friends, so they are as much social as exercise. It makes it so much easier. We do try to keep up the pace, though. I must say, we've been doing it pretty regularly since Jan., and I have noticed an improvement in the effort required to walk anywhere. Nice.

Day 8: Success
Day 9: Just started, but with a birthday party this evening. Hmmm? Kind of rude not to have a piece of cake, right?! I think I will still call it success if I keep it very small (that's sure an improvement over past behavior).

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed May 03, 2006 4:38 pm

I noticed that walking with my son was sooooooo much more enjoyable than going it alone... We both had fun!
Here's to more roads walked for all!!!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb
ps.. I think birthday parties are okay as long as they aren't every other day! LOL...
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Post by flsunshine » Thu May 04, 2006 3:07 pm

Day 9: Success!! The thought of posting here kept me honest last night with only fresh strawberries and the smallest teaspoon of cheesecake for birthday dessert (and the berries would have fit on my dinner plate!). No coconut cake, no ice cream, etc. Yea.

Day 10: almost halfway there...

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Post by flsunshine » Tue May 09, 2006 7:32 pm

Day 10: Success
Day 11: Success
Day 12: S-day (thank goodness!)
Day 13: S-day
Day 14: Success
Day 15: Half-way...

I'm proud of myself that I'm sitting here at my desk instead of answering the e-mail re. bon voyage cake in the conference room for a departing co-worker. I almost went out of habit, and then thought, "hey, I don't even like this guy and I'm thinking of giving it all up". Ha.

However, my motivation is getting lower. I find myself feeling "stuck" these days. Eating has always been a comfort and a 'pick-me-up'. I'm trying to stick with gardening, knitting, dog-walking, etc. as alternatives but lately I'm just tired... (I think there may be a root cause to this gained weight that I will need to address someday)

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue May 09, 2006 8:38 pm

I almost went out of habit, and then thought, "hey, I don't even like this guy and I'm thinking of giving it all up". Ha.
Good for you!!!!!! Nice use of logical and sane choice making!!!
It wouldn't have been worth it!!!
Yeah you!!!! :D
(I think there may be a root cause to this gained weight that I will need to address someday)
Carpe diet, I mean, diem.....

There's a root cause for everything... Once you realize it's there, and you become conscious, you get closer to real freedom..
You are certainly on to something :)
Keep soul searching!
When my son went away this weekend I immediately tried to console myself with sweets and chips... But they didn't take away my lonely feeling..
So I really learned something... I have a programmed response to lonliness and I can unprogram it if I try very hard too!!!
Good luck to you!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb
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Post by flsunshine » Thu May 11, 2006 11:53 pm

Good thoughts, Deb. Thanks. Yeah, I know some of my triggers (uh, boredom, anxiety, sadness, happiness, celebration, rewards - do you see the problem here?!) I also have a feeling that looming "what do I want to do with my life" question is part of the issue...


Day 15: Success
Day 16: Success
Day 17: Success (well, I ate 1/2 a cookie, but since I spent the WHOLE day walking and climbing stairs at a water park I'm giving myself a pass)
Day 18: Almost done - Success (another small nibble of shortbread cookie at my son's kindergarten "mother's day tea" - BUT I resisted the donuts, jelly-filled cookies, finger sandwiches, ice cream punch, etc.)

I do find that as I open the fridge door I'm thinking about what I want to be "allowed" to write here...

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Post by flsunshine » Fri May 12, 2006 3:15 pm

Day 18: Success
Day 19: Half-way to Success

Then, hey, Day 20 and 21 will be s-days! Woo hoo.

Now I'm thinking about the next 21! I need to find some motivation to keep this up...

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Post by flsunshine » Thu May 18, 2006 1:44 pm

Well, I did 21 - hooray. Now I'm trying to figure out how to check-in... Start another 21 at day 1 or continue at 22, 23, 24, etc.?

I like the whole check-in thing and I think it keeps me much more honest. I like the simplicity of it, though, too. Not like the rigors of 'journaling' or counting calories.

I'm thinking of adding exercise to the mix (well, I already walk a fair amount, this would just be adding it to the check-in). Shooting for a consistent four times a week during the summer might boost the weight loss results...

I figure I've at least dropped a solid 5 pounds so far, and, probably a few more than that. But, more importantly, I'm not GAINING like I was steadily doing before I started No-S. Hooray, again.

What a rambling 'check-in' of the day... Well, I'll just count yesterday as success and looks like I'll be on track for today, too.

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Post by Hunter Gatherer » Thu May 18, 2006 3:50 pm

Hooray! You made it to 21! Congratulations!
"You've been reading about arctic explorers," I accused him. "If a man's starving he'll eat anything, but when he's just ordinarily hungry he doesn't want to clutter up his stomach with a lot of candy."
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Post by flsunshine » Tue May 23, 2006 5:40 pm

Thanks, HG! Still doing it - hooray.

Let's see, if I count last Monday as Day 1 (after 21!), then,

(May 15) Day 1: Success
Day 2: Success
Day 4: Success
Day 5: Success
Day 6: Success
Day 7: S-day
Day 8: S-day
Day 9: Success (NO snacking at the kindergarten party, NO appetizers before dinner, NO sweets with the kids after dinner)
Day 10: So far, so good

Today was the kids' last day of school so it is offically SUMMER. Yea!! However, as tempting as it is to consider all of "S"ummer a bunch of S-days strung together, I think I will try a different approach this year!

Starting the first of June (after some family has left town and after we're over the initial celebration and, if I keep on track, that will be almost the start of another '21'), I'm hoping to get more consistent with the exercise and add that to my check-in.

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Post by flsunshine » Thu May 25, 2006 12:07 pm

Still keeping up with it, still avoiding temptation just because of this check-in! Last night I skipped the dessert I desired and this morning the sweets for breakfast. Yesterday morning I took the dog for a walk instead of eating more. Good stuff.

Day 10: Success
Day 11: Success
Day 12: So far, so good.

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Try, try again

Post by flsunshine » Tue Jun 06, 2006 4:24 pm

Well, let's try this again.

Last week was a mini-vacation and celebration of the start of summer. One thing ran into another and before I knew it a whole string of S-days / "funny stuff" seemed to pile up.

So, back to it again. It's great to be able to start any day as Day 1. And, in spite of the sweets, the snacking was actually pretty minimal. The habit of mindless snacking throughout the day does seem to have dissipated.

Day 1: So far, so good.

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Post by flsunshine » Thu Jul 06, 2006 5:54 pm

Man, summer (with a capital "S") is taking its toll. With a string of company (who are all very much in vacation mode), days at home with the kids baking goodies, rewarding myself with coffee drinks and donuts when I do have to work ('cause others are getting to stay home), mini-vacations, etc., etc., etc. It has been tough going for me. I can make up an excuse for eating for ANY occasion, it seems.

However, after reading pangelsue's "keeping score" thread, I think I may try it all again (thank you for the motivation!). I have found, as with any other diet I've done in the past, that when I have one day (or one moment) of "failure", I tend to throw in the towel and go off completely. Maybe keeping the successes more relevant will help.

I still think NoS makes so much sense and it really was working for me - when I did it! Unfortunately now the clothes are tight again and my exercise routine has slipped. Bah. It is so much easier to just eat with abandon and become sloth-like. However, it is a vicious cycle, indeed, and I hope I can break the pattern...

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Post by pangelsue » Fri Jul 07, 2006 3:58 am

Hi and thanks for your comments on my thread. I was feeling a little low on motivation myself but once again, all the support of this group has lifted me up. I was reading through your posts and you were doing great. I think we all slip up from time to time. Habits are so hard to break. I bought a book recommended by Operababe called "Life is Hard, Food is Easy". I have only read a few pages so far but it seems like it will address the reasons we all overeat. I agree with you that it has to be more than the pull of a piece of food that makes dieting so hard. They are reasons why food has such an allure for us. Anyway, I hope to get some insight and continue to grow. This is a great place for growth. So many inspiring people and a plan that allows me to succeed and grow and even fail and grow. We can do it. I'll be watching your score and hoping the home team wins. You're up at bat.

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Post by flsunshine » Thu Jul 13, 2006 12:24 pm

Still working away at this. I know I feel better doing NoS than not, however, I sure can come up with excuses to stray. It has helped to think of the "keeping score" idea. So, even though yesterday was quite a "failure", at least I have 3 successes to post with it:


This morning I woke up with the thought of using today to add to the win side to keep the balance up instead of my usual "well, I've blown the whole thing, guess I'll just give up"... An improvement anyway. So, I packed my lunch (no fast food temptation) and skipped the donuts!

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Post by flsunshine » Thu Jul 13, 2006 12:30 pm

By the way, thanks for the comments, Pangelsue. I think I will look into that book!

My life is extremely happy these days - husband, kids, job, house, family all going great - so it is hard for me to see why the need for emotional eating. Yet, I know that's what some of it is. For one thing I think just the overeating is a vicious cycle, especially combined with the lack of energy it brings...

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Post by flsunshine » Tue Jul 18, 2006 3:00 pm

I've been on vacation and have had S-days mixed in. I'm not sure how to count it all, so I think I'll string it all together as one success. I wasn't perfect, but I was aware of what I was eating. I also have been throwing in some exercise...

4-1 (so there!)

Today I'm back on track and hopefull will put another in the "win" column! The thought of keeping score helped this morning as I packed my lunch (one plate's worth - no snacks, no sweets) and as I resisted donuts on the way in...

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Post by flsunshine » Wed Jul 19, 2006 2:09 pm

Ah, completely resisted the MILKSHAKE when picking one up for my dad. Ice Tea instead. All so I could put another point in the "win" column. No dessert, either! Ha.


Today looks good.

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Post by reinhard » Wed Jul 19, 2006 2:15 pm

Nice run so far, flsunshine! Keep it up.


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Post by flsunshine » Tue Jul 25, 2006 2:19 pm

Hey Reinhard - Thanks for the encouragement. It means a lot coming from YOU! :D

Well, still continuing with mediocre success. Too many celebrations in my life, it seems. Obviously not the worst problem to be dealing with!

I'll give myself a success for Wed, Thurs, & the weekend (only 1, though), but a failure for Friday and yesterday - too many sweets. Which means:


Still ahead, but I need to work on that score. Today should be good, though!

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Post by flsunshine » Wed Aug 02, 2006 5:07 pm

Let's see, a recap - successes for Tues, Wed & Thurs (Hooray!).

Failure Friday - but not until dessert after dinner. I'll give only one success for the weekend + Monday, which was a vacation day. Walking around for 14 1/2 hours (!!) at Disney/MGM must count for something in spite of frozen lemonades and giant pretzels...

Yesterday was another failure - neighborhood party for "National Night Out", and I didn't even think about eating all those homebaked goodies until the day was over. Oops, that wasn't still part of the weekend.

Today, however, looks good again. That means the score is:


Well, I definitely need to change the ratio more in my favor if I want to lose this weight!

BUT, the kids will be back in school next week (how did the summer fly by so fast??) and so the routine should help. My walking partner is back in town, so that will be added to the routine again, too.

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Post by flsunshine » Thu Aug 03, 2006 12:54 pm

Ha, another day on the "success" side! I almost caved to seconds AND dessert last night, but resisted both just to add to the winning score. :)



I realized this morning that we may go on a big trip next summer with lots of hiking. It sure would be nice to carry around less weight. That gives me a whole year - lots of potential, eh?

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Post by This path is my life » Thu Aug 03, 2006 7:15 pm

A big trip with hiking sounds great! I also think you're doing the right thing by making a long-term goal and focusing on the bigger picture. Have a great day!
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Post by flsunshine » Fri Aug 04, 2006 5:09 pm

TPIML - Thanks for the encouragement. Yes, long-term is definitely what I'm after (well, a bit of loss in the short term sure wouldn't hurt, either). And the hiking will be a good goal - it will make such a difference to lose some of this weight.

Well, yesterday was another success. Today I had syrup on pancakes, but I think I will still count a success if I can maintain the rest of the day. It's so hard for me not to think of Fridays as part of the weekend! Ha.

14-5 (getting a better ratio!)

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Post by flsunshine » Sat Aug 05, 2006 1:31 pm

Well, I made it yesterday - no desserts, no seconds. I did have a bit of snacking right before dinner, but it would have fit on my plate. What a great afternoon and evening of being at the beach with friends and lots of kids - hooray.

15-5, and now it is the weekend!

Can my clothes be just a tad looser already???

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Post by operababe » Sat Aug 05, 2006 1:55 pm

Hello Florida!

I posted on my check-in, but decided to copy and paste it here for you, just wanting to let you know I am very grateful for your support. And I like the score you're keeping, yes, I'm sure your clothes are getting looser. That wonderful! Keep it up!

OK, here's what I posted:

Thank you Florida Sunshine! (Your name makes me smile and feel happy, BTW.) I'm glad you're reading the Life Is Hard, Food Is Easy thread, and that it's helping. And I'm even more tickled that my musings here are inspiring you too. I know I'll often read other people's check-ins, just to know that I am not alone in this weight loss struggle. We're all human, and it is one day at a time for many of us. How fabulous that you are out there with your beautiful children and enjoying the beach. You live in the best part of the world for that, I expect when I've retired I may become yet another Canadian "Snowbird" and head to Florida for the winter! Watch out, I may be coming in for a landing one day soon. Hehehe.

It is sad that a woman who is slim feels that she can't wear a bathing suit. How messed up are we when the only suitable body for the beach is one that is seen on TV and movies? Problem, those are 22 year old girls who have never had babies. And even many of them develop eating disorders because they're struggling to lose another 5 lbs! I only watch a few shows on TV (call me a fuddy duddy): Canadian or American Idol, Law and Order ("Regular" and SVU), and the original CSI. Sometimes I'll catch Jeopardy, sometimes ER, sometimes another reality show like So You Think You Can Dance, but overall I'm not interested in seeing shows where women are treated like they're just decoration (as in T & A decoration). Florida, I'm glad you're out there enjoying life. A big thumbs up to you, and a big thumbs down to the whole image industry that perpetuates these stupid impossible-to-attain body types for women.

See, aren't you glad you brought this up? It's hard to get me to shut up. Sigh. OK, I can get intense when I'm in the mood for it. You caught me!
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Post by flsunshine » Mon Aug 14, 2006 2:58 pm

Finally I get back to the computer. Although not actively checking in, I've been actively NoS-ing. Hurray. Last week was good and I'll give my self a point for the weekend and FIVE for the week. Yea. Now this weekend was a little too indulgent, so I'll just go neutral, I think.

That makes it 21-5.

Unfortunately, I'm still heavier than I have ever been (and there have been way too many scales in my life telling me that lately - it seems they are at every turn - arrgh.). BUT, I have started walking again now that the kids are back in school. That always helps and in some ways I feel more fit than I have a previous lower weights.

Operababe - I enjoyed your post - thanks. I agree about the beach attitudes and the poor image of TV/women (of course, that may be one reason I don't even own a TV, and have not for many years - there are way too many other things I'd rather be doing than watching other people on TV! :wink: ). Once again, we've had a lovely weekend with lots of pool time and walks on the beach - I do love it and you will too if you become a "snowbird"! Although there appears to be a storm brewing off the coast today - black clouds are amazing - yikes).

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Another Success

Post by flsunshine » Tue Aug 15, 2006 5:14 pm

Ahh, Monday was a success. Hopefully to set the tone for the week. Also did 25 min on the elliptical when my walking partner got waylaid.


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Post by flsunshine » Tue Aug 22, 2006 2:46 pm

Seems to be harder and harder to get to the computer these days. Well, let's see - last week was all success. I was going to count Friday as a failure due to family poker night (wings, snacks, m&ms), but then I realized we did that on Saturday! Yesterday, however, I will call failure - I got into the leftover m&ms, and even though it could have been a "sick" S day, I could have made a better choice!

That means:


Still ahead, and pretty motivated yet.

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Post by flsunshine » Wed Aug 23, 2006 3:00 pm

Yesterday I will count on the success side. I was great all day and then, in the evening, when I realized it was a dinner / birthday party I ate less than normal, didn't snack, and did celebrate with a piece of cake and no guilt. So, technically it was an s-day (birthday of immediate family, right?) which I wouldn't count, but since I did well, it works as a success for me!


Today is loooking good, too.

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Post by flsunshine » Tue Aug 29, 2006 5:20 pm

Let's see... Wed-Thurs last week was success, Friday was failure (very good until the sweets at the end of the day), the weekend was not too overindulgent, and yesterday was a succes (although it almost wasn't). This afternoon I get to go home and put things away before Ernesto blows in...

The Score:


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Post by flsunshine » Thu Aug 31, 2006 3:32 pm

Tues - success, Wed - failure :( But, it was only a failure at the end :)

For a day of rain and wind spent inside with three kids, I resisted a lot! I didn't eat m&ms or ice cream with the kids, I didn't open the fridge door when I found myself aimlessly standing in front of it, I did spend time organizing and knitting - so all of that was successful for me. But, I had seconds on pizza at the end of the day. Oops.


Today will be good, it appears.

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Post by flsunshine » Tue Sep 05, 2006 6:26 pm

Where am I? Thursday was a success, but Friday I indulged in a (SMALL) dish of ice cream. Even though Monday was a "holiday", I kept to No-S, so that was good. Today looks good, too.



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Post by flsunshine » Wed Sep 06, 2006 4:51 pm

Ha. Another success!


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Post by pangelsue » Thu Sep 07, 2006 4:38 am

Thanks for the warm post on my thread, flsunshine. So you survived Ernesto and the dreaded refrigerator, huh? Which was a worse threat, ha, ha?
It sounds like you are making more progress everyday. Some people seem to go cold turkey and some of us struggle a bit more but I think as long as we are doing better than before and a little better every day, we are making forward motion and that's a good thing.
Did you read the incredible account of the person on the general discussion board who lost 96 pounds in 9 monthes? Unbelievable and so inspiring. I printed the testimony and have it on my refrigerator. I would love to know more details.
Have a good night and know that if that person did it, so can we.
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Post by flsunshine » Fri Sep 08, 2006 4:57 pm

Sue - Ha. The fridge & idleness was much more of a threat than Ernesto! Thanks for the comments, you're right about struggling a bit more to make this a habit.

I must say that I rarely eat between meals anymore. Once over the "fear of hunger", I realize I just don't need it and it also takes too much time and planning to snack. I slip up when I'm not thinking of it and something is put in front of me.

That said, I still have a long way to go on the content of the meals I'm eating! On the bright side, I have pared down the size (again, getting over that hunger fear) of meals a bit.

Sweets are still a downfall, but allowing myself to indulge on the weekends really is taking away some of their "power". Nice feeling.

Anyway, I get to add another success and today looks like it will be good, too! Hurray.


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Post by flsunshine » Mon Sep 11, 2006 1:51 pm

Friday was a success and the weekend wasn't too 'over-the-top'. In fact, other than a handful of M&Ms and a couple cookies, it was pretty darn healthy. Walked 4 miles on Sunday - nice.


I must say the clothes aren't getting looser, but the mindset is better. I guess that's something.

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Post by pangelsue » Tue Sep 12, 2006 10:22 pm

Hey, 36-9 that is on target 75% of the time. Awesome. Is it getting any easier? Sounds like your battle is with snacking just like mine. That might not be so bad if they were healthy snacks we were craving but they are the salty/sweet kind that mess us up.
We are doing good, you and I and we need to recognize that. Then some day, we will be the success story every one is reading about and wishing for.
I am trying to demystify sugar/salt in my life lately. It bothers me that I have them on such a pedastal. I've bowed to their powers over me all my life. I would like to enjoy them every now and again in moderation but I would love to be able to relegate them to the position they deserve with the rest of the wonderful things to eat in the world. I had been avoiding even looking at sugary/salty treats when I was dieting because I was always AFRAID I would be tempted. I have been trying for the last week or so to purposely look at them and realize my power over them if I just say no. I am telling myself that I have let that cookie, cake, donut , candy, chips, peanuts etc. ruin a good portion of my life and I won't let it continue. I am telling myself they are inanimate objects and have no power unless I give it to them. So far so good. We'll see what happens.
Well, thanks for your posts on my journal and thanks too for letting me ramble here......
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Post by flsunshine » Tue Sep 19, 2006 4:38 pm

Well, even though I've been away from my computer, I've been keeping score. Last week was complete success! Hooray. A girl at work today asked if I was losing weight. Double hooray.

Now, there hasn't been too much difference weight-wise, but the scale does seem to be INCHING down. My scale is very in-exact, though (and I kinda like that, I think?!). But, my mindset about eating is getting steadily better. I still love the simplicity of this...



(It was a lot easier to remember all successes instead of having to keep track of a failure, too - ha.)

Sue, thanks for the comments! Yes, it is taking me a while to get the hang of this. And salts & sweets are truly a temptation. I have no control over the salts, yet, but I am really trying to put the sweets out of my mind on N-days. I think part of my problem in past diets was trying to "count" how many sweets I could have and then minimizing other food to allow for the extra sweet calories. It never did work out too well! I think going "cold turkey" five days at a time might be better for me. Yet, knowing the weekend is around the corner, seems to be taking away some of that binge temptation. Yea.

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Post by flsunshine » Thu Sep 21, 2006 3:12 pm

Back again, still adding successes (hooray):


However, I really do need to work on the content of my meals!

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Post by flsunshine » Tue Sep 26, 2006 5:31 pm

Still at it... Thursday, Friday & Monday success. :D


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Post by pangelsue » Wed Sep 27, 2006 2:56 am

You go girl~~~ Just chalking up the successes!!! Woo hoo.
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Post by flsunshine » Tue Oct 03, 2006 4:43 pm

Thanks, Sue! Love to see those words of encouragement. :D

Still doing well with it - it seems I have dropped 5-8 pounds since I re-started in ernest (mid-July?). My scale is very cheap and inaccurate, but it gives me a rough idea - and it is definitely going down. Hooray.

I still have lots of room for improvement and have been working at the outer limits of NoS rules - very full plates and no guilt snacking/sweets on weekends. But, I've been pretty strict about the no snacks, seconds or sweets during the week.

What I'm most concerned about, and what seems to be showing much improvement is my attitude about food. I haven't done any binging, I savor the sweets on weekends (and don't seem to go as crazy), I feel much less tied down to food by only thinking about it three times a day during the week, I can go for HOURS without food and not be afraid. Nice.

Anyway, I did have a frozen fruit pop after dinner on Friday, and I was gonna let it slide, but think I'll count it as a "failure" anyway. The rest has been good:


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Post by flsunshine » Thu Oct 05, 2006 3:22 pm

A few more successes and fitting into a smaller sized skirt. Yippee.


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Post by pangelsue » Thu Oct 05, 2006 9:56 pm

Smaller sized skirt!!! How wonderful. Good for you.
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Post by flsunshine » Tue Oct 10, 2006 3:03 pm

Thanks, Sue. Feels nice & kept me away from all the treats that seemed to be spread about yesterday.

I went a bit overboard with sweets this weekend, but just 'cause there were so many around - not because I went searching. I also ate less other food when I indulged in the treats. I also didn't feel guilty about it! (The biggest improvement - ha).

So, I'll add Thurs, Fri, & Monday in the success column.


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Post by flsunshine » Fri Oct 13, 2006 7:59 pm

Well, Tuesday was good, but Wednesday I'm gonna count on the failure side. Although technically an S-day for my son's birthday, eating brownies after lunch had nothing to do with the birthday celebration later in the day. Thursday was ok (but the plate was pretty darn full at dinner) and today I'm barely hanging on, but haven't given in yet!



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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Oct 13, 2006 9:51 pm

Sorry about the brownies :twisted:
But Happy Birthday to your Son!
Have a great weekend! :wink:

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Post by flsunshine » Tue Oct 17, 2006 5:11 pm

Let's see, where am I?

I think Friday was a success, the weekend was pretty heavy on the treats, and Monday WAS a success until leftover cake after dinner. Now, since the cake was from "a close relative's" birthday, AND, I didn't give in to many other treats that crossed my path that day, I was gonna let it slide. BUT, it really was a conscious decision to go off plan so I guess I'll put it on the failure side...


I'm feeling heavier this week, which is a bit of a bummer since I was doing pretty darn good. Need to be more strict on No-S days, it seems. This is a hard holiday time of year looming ahead where I always seem to put on the pounds. Ugh.

On the brighter side, a new positive way of thinking about treats has been crossing my mind lately... In the past I have been tempted to way overeat on the sweets because "if I don't get it now, I'll miss my chance" kind of thoughts. With No-S, I'm realizing that there ARE treats in abundance EVERY weekend (if I want) and if I miss out on some during the week, or cut down my indulging on the weekend, I WILL have another chance next weekend. It has reduced my tendency to gobble, immensely.

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Post by pangelsue » Wed Oct 18, 2006 3:44 am

That is the beginning of a brilliant new way of thinking and if you stay here and continue that way of thinking, the plan will become a permanent thing in your life. You are on the path, woman. Believe in yourself and it will happen.
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Post by flsunshine » Thu Oct 19, 2006 3:34 pm

Thanks for the nice words & encouragement, Sue! I keep reading your words and checking your thread for inspiration. :D

Well, finally some more success, and the scale seems to be inching in the right direction again!


Writing on this check-in (and browsing the main board and other threads) sure helps keep me on the straight and narrow when I am considering caving in to those "S's"!

I've been doing a lot of crock pot recipes lately - it really seems to help in making good choices in the evening to have a fairly nutritious meal all set. Yum.

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Post by flsunshine » Tue Oct 24, 2006 6:36 pm

Hmmm, as close as I can remember Thurs, Fri AND Mon were all successes!


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Post by flsunshine » Thu Oct 26, 2006 4:40 pm

More success!


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Post by gettnbusy » Tue Oct 31, 2006 5:26 pm

Nice record :)
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Post by flsunshine » Thu Nov 02, 2006 5:31 pm

Well, just when I think I'm getting in the swing of things, I go back to those old ways. Bummer. (Thanks anyway, gettnbusy, for the cheer)

Holidays have always been SO hard for me. I get that panicky, "oh-no-this-is-the-last-chance-i'll-ever-have-to-eat-this-stuff" feeling. Why do I feel that way about peanut butter cups??? Ugh.

BUT, it could have been much worse and it could have gone on much longer. I tried not to ladle on the guilt too much and I think that helped cut down on the amount consumed.

Thursday was ok, but Friday involved baking and eating too many cookies, the weekend was a bit too junky for me, Monday I maintained again, but forget it for Tuesday & Wednesday (I'll call Tuesday an S-day, though, and not count it against me - I did throw a party, after all!).

Today, however, I have a renewed will and am ready to get back on track (I hope!). It's also time put the kids' candy out of sight!!

So... 68-14 :?

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Post by gettnbusy » Sat Nov 04, 2006 5:56 pm

Maybe the kids can keep their candy somewhere that THEY hide it so you dont even know where it is! I had to get my kids candy out of the house! I only let them keep weird kid type candy that I cant stand but they love. :) I got rid of all the chocolate :) I know, kinda mean but they are only 2 & 4 so they dont even like chocolate yet. Anyway...you & me are both haing a hard time - no weight lost for 3 weeks now. My renewed will is with your renewed will - may we do much better this week :)
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Post by flsunshine » Tue Nov 14, 2006 7:47 pm

Humph. :( Too much crummy food in my life. Too little willpower.

But, after reading Sue's willingness to get back on track, I am inspired to give it a shot.

Today looks ok, foodwise...

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Post by gettnbusy » Wed Nov 15, 2006 7:22 am

Thats what we are all doing I think - taking it one moment at a time. Every time we fall down and slip up we are rededicating, relearning, whatever it takes to keep at it. It's not the battle...its the war, right?
Take charge!
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Post by flsunshine » Fri Nov 17, 2006 5:12 pm

gettnbusy - I appreciate your commnents!! They really do help - especially when I think about people reading this and how much I'd rather post more success instead of giving into whatever the current temptation is! Thanks!

So, in that light, I did pretty good on Tues, Wed & Thurs:


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Hey Sunshine

Post by Rollo » Sun Nov 19, 2006 10:43 pm

Been reading some of your more recent check-in posts. I see you've been hanging around this place for quite a few months. I wonder if you would post a short overview of your experiences here, have you lost weight overall, are you still losing, etc.?


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Post by gettnbusy » Tue Nov 28, 2006 5:10 pm

Where are you at girl? Keep on coming back as they say...It works if you work it and it won't if you don't :) Tee hee hee
Tell us about your progress or struggles.
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Post by flsunshine » Wed Nov 29, 2006 4:23 pm

Gettnbusy - thanks for the "call out". I'm here, just sinking in the mire of holidays. But, I'm lightly keeping track of NoS, too, so I guess that's something.

I was just reading the holiday posts and I need to motivate myself to stick with this in December. I generally stick with the "no snacking" part of things, but the sweets are tough.

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Post by gettnbusy » Wed Nov 29, 2006 5:09 pm

Tell me about it! Sheesh - every single friggn vendor brings in some kind of chocolate; cookies, candy, etc. It's a motherlode overload this time of year. I never realized until I started this program how often I gave in before...it was EVERY TIME! I NEVER SAID NO! That is why I look like this and my health is at risk. I simply can not believe that I NEVER said no. I always ate what I wanted. Snacking is definitely a hard habit to break - especially when it is CONSTANTLY thrown in your face this time of year. I'm rooting for both of us! All of us, actually!

PS: Stock up on some great herbal or green tea and make it iced instead of hot and it is a great treat. It has something to do with appetite. Tea is really good for curbing it; whether hot or cold tea! That is basically all I drink now besides water. I have maybe 2 sodas per month now on the weekends. But the cool part is I barely even miss them with the iced teas! (I use artificial sweetener, and even then, its just a tiny bit of it)
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Still Here

Post by flsunshine » Tue Jan 30, 2007 6:42 pm

Well, I'm still here, although it's been a LONG time since I've "checked in". Thanks to NoS, I probably didn't gain as much as I typically would over the long and tempting holidays.

HOWEVER, it is time to get back to the business of LOSING, for sure. I did find that thinking about getting back to NoS was not nearly as scary as some other diet plans I have tried - and so I seem to have gotten back sooner. Baby steps...

I have been walking consistenly again, which always helps to break the cycle of bad eating. The sweets level has tapered off considerably, but I still need work with that. The snacking is just about back to acceptable NoS levels.

Here we go... Hi gettnbusy - how are YOU doing? and Sue?

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Post by gettnbusy » Tue Jan 30, 2007 6:45 pm

Hey honey!
Glad you are back.
I am doing fine. Last week kinda sucked.. but I am still down 6 pounds this month overall which is more than I expected.
Don't forget to focus on YOU!
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Post by flsunshine » Thu Feb 01, 2007 4:16 pm

Ok, knowing I was checking in again has kept me from some snacks and sweets. Hooray. Also had a great long walk yesterday.

So, I'll start the count again:

Mon, Tue & Wed - success and today looks good:


Gettnbusy - 6 pounds?! Yea - that sounds like a great achievement to me

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Post by flsunshine » Tue Feb 06, 2007 8:36 pm

Sucess for Thursday and Friday, but FAILURE for Monday. How do people up north do it?? One day of dreary rainy gray cold (mid 60's - brrr), and I'm ready for hibernation. Ugh - eating, sleeping and drinking yesterday - too much.

The sun is out today, however, and I'm (hopefully) back on track!


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It's been a LONG time

Post by flsunshine » Tue Mar 25, 2008 6:55 pm

Wow, just over a year since I've been here. The good news is that I haven't gained much weight, the bad that I haven't lost any. I credit all the maintaining, though, with a very loosely followed NoS plan. There have been binges, indulgences, health kicks, too many sweets, too much celebrating, etc., but I've typically only had three meals a day. Just not snacking (which was a HUGE thing for me before NoS) so much seems to help, regardless of how much other damage I'm doing!

BUT, it's time to get back to actually LOSING some of this weight. I've been researching and trying a healthier way of eating, but NoS seems to be a great structure to compliment that. The checking in and accountablility have been missing...

I seriously considered starting a completely new thread, but my first read back on this site was the thread about "taking 12 tries" and that is what motivated me to post. I will have to order the new book - what a great accomplishment and I'm sure it will provide more motivation!

So... today I've had no sweets and no snacks so far... onward.

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