automated eating tracker

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by automatedeating » Fri Aug 14, 2020 3:13 pm

Octavia - Fluffy Bottom!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: I love that code name!

Friday, August 14th!


B: coffee w/cream
L: yogurt w/berries
D: I still have some deer and elk to finish off, and now I have salad to go with it too

Got in a quick walk before starting my computer work. I'll continue with the regular walks throughout the day.

Hey everybody - get out in the dirt today and nourish your microbiome. Or let your dog lick your face. Just a friendly mid-summer reminder haha. Actually, I'm listening to a microbiome podcast this morning and this topic always makes me feel good about a particular practice I have: when I walk the dogs, I usually let them drag a long line - that way they can run more but I can also easily grab them as needed (come to think of it, if Flowerpup had had her long line then there would have been no porcupine hysteria......). Anyway, they drag that thing through all the fun muck that they trounce through. And then I get it all over my hands. Every time I remind myself it's connecting me with microbes that make me healthier. :-)
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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by pinkhippie » Fri Aug 14, 2020 8:07 pm

Glad you got a get away vacation auto! That sounds nice! I am so glad that Flowerpup was ok! That must have been terrifying! I have never seen a porcupine in real life before, well except from a distance at the zoo.

I am sorry to hear about your mom. :( I know what you mean about quality of life being reduced. That is definitely the case for my dad and his wife.

Glad you enjoyed the spaghetti! Sometiems I crave spaghetti and its the most amazing meal ever.

I got in plenty of dirt today and Wednesday so I think I am doing good! I also let my kids get dirty too. :) Thanks for the reminder!

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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by Octavia » Fri Aug 14, 2020 9:27 pm

Dirt - I like it too! Have been playing with Fluffy Bottom in the garden, throwing dirty little rubber balls for him to chase. :lol:

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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by automatedeating » Sat Aug 15, 2020 2:51 pm

Good morning my dirt-loving friends! :mrgreen:

125.4 pounds

B: coffee w/cream
L: finished off the venison and yard-grown strawberries. I felt very "northwest traditional foods". :-)
D: ground beef on a big salad w/cheese

I feel sluggish today. Woke up tired and less motivated than normal. Probably I need a rest day. I do hope to finish my video (on cardiac action potentials - fun fun!), but otherwise no plans.

Oh! Actually, Sexy ordered me a hedge-trimmer! New toy!
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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by Jen1974 » Sat Aug 15, 2020 2:56 pm

I had sluggish days this week too!! I hate those :lol: You’re smart to recognize it as a need for rest!!

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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by pinkhippie » Sat Aug 15, 2020 4:55 pm

I had a day like that a few days ago too! I woke up just feeling bleh. It's great that you can recognize the need to give your body a rest. It can be easy to overdo it sometimes.

A hedge trimmer whoooo! Are you going to make your hedges neat shapes? We just use ours to keep our weird haystack bushes trimmed down so they can grow. I dont' know what they are called.

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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by automatedeating » Mon Aug 17, 2020 2:13 pm

Happy Monday after my area's hottest day of the year! It was 96!!!!
Today back down to 84, so I think that was our "hot spell = 1 day". :-)

Sunday -
B: coffee w/cream
L: yogurt w/berries
D: salad, carne asada
"desserts": some Doritos, microwave popcorn, 1 chocolate

Today, Monday:
B: coffee w/cream
L: yogurt w/berries
D: taco meat w/salad and cheese

Several walks; took Creator and Flowerpup to the river to play; pull-ups, lunges
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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by automatedeating » Tue Aug 18, 2020 5:05 pm

Tuesday, August 18


B: coffee w/cream
L: flank steak and gorgonzola cheese
D: giant salad w/leftover taco meat, salsa, guacamole, cheese
FAIL - ate 1/2 of Sexy's fudge brownie oreo blizzard. :wink:

Took a nice long walk this morning with a co-worker. It was nice to do an early morning walk for a change.
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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by pinkhippie » Wed Aug 19, 2020 3:12 pm

Your walk sounds great! I love walking with someone, it always makes the time fly by and I always have really good conversations too.

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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by automatedeating » Wed Aug 19, 2020 5:08 pm

Thanks Pinkie! :-)

Tuesday, August 19


B: coffee w/cream
L: yogurt w/berries
D: carne asada, then a total FAIL night - 4 bowls of Doritos (OMG), 3 chocolates

OMG! I started trimming the hedges (with my new hedge trimmer and my new ladder). What a workout! My arms feel like jelly and I am nowhere near done. Apparently for my weakling self, I will need to do a little bit every day for awhile. I thought I'd get it done so fast!
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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by lpearlmom » Wed Aug 19, 2020 10:54 pm

Omg, go you—how cool is that! I think reinhard would approve! Now can you come over here and do our yard next?
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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by Jen1974 » Thu Aug 20, 2020 1:20 pm

I’m impressed with the hedge trimming!! That sounds like a great way to get in shape & get something accomplished :D

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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by pinkhippie » Thu Aug 20, 2020 7:33 pm

At least you put the Doritos in bowls! I find that very impressive.

Also impressed with the hedge trimming! It's crazy how we do things that seem like not a big deal, yet they work muscles we didn't even know we had!

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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by healthyskillz » Thu Aug 20, 2020 8:22 pm

pinkhippie wrote:
Thu Aug 20, 2020 7:33 pm
At least you put the Doritos in bowls! I find that very impressive.
I was thinking the same thing!!! When I fail, pre-plating is the last thing on my mind...
"Not giving up = winning!" //
F/30-ish. BED recovered. Mod: pre-dinner fruit.

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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by automatedeating » Fri Aug 21, 2020 2:20 pm

My hedges are officially beautiful, shaped like elephants. Haha just kidding. But I am making good progress. Does anyone know whether it's better for the trees (they are those ornamental cedar hedges) to keep their clippings under them or if I should rake all the trimmings out? Or maybe leave some?

My forearms are sore, also my legs, which is interesting. It must be from the position I am holding myself in on the top of the ladder (a little precarious, of course, so I probably am flexing little muscles in my hips).

LOL about the Doritos in bowls...... thank you for all seeing the silver lining in my Dorito-fest. Doritos!!!!! They are my kryptonite. I promise I just wouldn't buy them if I lived alone. So having occasional Dorito-fails is a worthwhile price to pay for having my lovely family. :lol:

Friday! August 21


Yesterday Creator came downstairs in the morning STARVING. He said his legs felt like jello, and he was nauseated and said he felt "cold and then hot" (sweaty, etc). He started to try and eat and then ran over to lay down on the couch, white as a sheet. I got this funny curious thought, took his blood sugar: 56mg/dL. That's a low. Not scary type I diabetic low, but low nonetheless. After a glass of milk and a bowl of cereal he was 100% recovered. Now I know y'all might think - low means he is insulin sensitive, but I sort of wonder if he might have my genetic prediliction to releasing TOO much insulin sometimes.

I get those lows too - it's called reactive hypoglycemia. I had those kinds of symptoms as a kid too when I was hungry - actually, those same symptoms until I switched my diet to focus on blood sugar regulation (apart from 4-bowl dorito nights, haha). And my older sister says she remembers that happening in the mornings during high school. Insulin resistance really manifests as two sides of the same coin, with highs and lows. While we are young and exercising and otherwise so robust, I don't think the highs are happening too often. But then, as we get older, those of us with this predisposition start losing muscle mass and sensitivity to insulin. My first clue was when I was 32 and pregnant with Creator. Sadly, even though I was borderline on the gestational diabetes test result, I refused to go back for the follow-up test. Interesting, isn't it? I must have been dealing with some sort of denial. In any case, Creator was almost 9 pounds (Challenger only 7 pounds) and y'all know I'm small so Creator was a BIG, but short baby. Very very chubby, undoubtedly from all the sugar I was sending him since I had this terrible craving for meat & cheese burritos from Taco Time while I was pregnant with him. :lol: 8) Unfortunately, babies of mothers with gestational diabetes are themselves set up with abnormal insulin production issues and are at much higher risk for type II diabetes themselves (down the road).

At the moment Creator (and Challenger, for that matter) are beanpoles, btw. Insulin resistance doesn't always present in people that are overweight. It's very often the underlying problem, even in normal weight people, that have PCOS or hypertension.

End science lesson/obsessive topic of mine.

B: coffee w/cream
L: yogurt w/berries
D: a brownie. chips and dip. veggies and dip, 1 slice of tri-tip steak

Finish up the hedges I think
walked with Creator and dogs
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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by pinkhippie » Fri Aug 21, 2020 5:21 pm

Interesting about Creator and insulin resistance! My 3rd baby was 9 pounds (all previous babies were low 8 pounds) and I ate so badly when I was pregnant with her. I remember being really worried about the gestational diabetes test. I think I did ok on it. That is interesting how we can pass it down to our babies.

I am glad he recovered quickly!

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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by Octavia » Fri Aug 21, 2020 6:19 pm

Me too, I’m so glad that Creator quickly came round after the food. It’s great that you have lots of knowledge on these things! I suppose there’s not much you can do now except keep an eye on him, see how things go. He’s lucky to have an educated mum, as well as one who can trim hedges! :)

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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by automatedeating » Sat Aug 22, 2020 3:01 pm

Thanks Pinkie and Octavia!

Saturday, August 22

We are really thinking of moving! I'm not sure how I transformed my thinking - just a few months ago I was content to stay here forever. But we really need an office space, since both of us work so much from home. And we feel like our neighborhood is going downhill and I anticipate more foreclosures in the next two years - our neighborhood unemployment is very high right now. It's also so noisy! :-) Which is funny, because 5 years ago it was MY kids being noisy. :-) Now I'm like some old guy "get off my lawn!". Truly, this neighborhood has been great for raising our family, but for some reason I'm feeling that the time has arrived.

Top 3 priorities in moving:
#1 - neighborhood: conducive to my walking obsessions - this means sidewalks and trails, quieter, more private (notably, our current location is EXCELLENT for this..... so I should be careful to not take this for granted!)
#2 - house: 4 bedrooms or 3 bedrooms with a den
#3 - yard: bigger than our current yard, with option for me to increase my gardening space

A real estate agent is coming over tomorrow to give us the low-down. I am most particularly wanting to know what we need to fix/improve in order to sell FAST. I want it sold in one weekend. :-)
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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by pinkhippie » Sat Aug 22, 2020 7:45 pm

Wow auto that is so exciting! I have a feeling that our neighborhood will eventually become a place we need to leave as well. But not yet thank goodness because it would be so much work to get our house ready to sell! That is great you have a real estate agent coming to give you the lowdown! Hopefully you don't have much to do to get it ready.

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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by automatedeating » Sun Aug 23, 2020 10:44 pm

I totally know that feeling of thinking of how much work it is, Pinkie! :-)

The real estate agent basically said - yes - put in laminate, and yes - hire a landscaper. Otherwise not much to do! She didn't even think I should repaint all the interior - that instead I could just wash it.

Anyway, for the moment we are just trying to focus on one thing at a time, and for the moment, laminate it is. :-)

Also, I'm freaking thrilled with my new power washer. Sidewalk looks AMAY-MAY. :-) Of course, my hands are so sore I can barely type, haha.

My next project is the garage (it's always the garage). I tried Goodwill again yesterday and once again encountered a 2 hour freaking line. That is just not cool.
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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by pinkhippie » Mon Aug 24, 2020 3:16 am

Great news about your house! When you say put in laminate are you talking your floors? THat is great you don't have to repaint either.

Glad you are having fun with your powerwasher. We REALLY need to get one or rent one for our siding in the back of the house.

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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by lpearlmom » Mon Aug 24, 2020 4:10 am

Wow, that’s exciting about the move! We moved about eight years ago because we were outgrowing our house and I’m so glad we did. Best move ever. We were underwater with our old house so decided to rent it out instead of selling it. The whole thing was very stressful but so glad we did that too as it’s gone up in value quite a bit.

Anyway, awesome that you don’t have to do too much to it to put it in the market!
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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by automatedeating » Mon Aug 24, 2020 3:02 pm

Well Pinkie and Linda - now I think both Sexy and I are feeling kind of .... reluctant .... to plunge into the stress and extra work involved of house selling and buying. However, I think we are in agreement that we need to get this laminate done, and then we have several other projects to work on. Maybe once those things are done, we will feel ready to put the house on the market. So we would appreciate having a home office, but truly we are OK without it. We love our neighborhood and my yard produces me lovely strawberries and blueberries.

And the powerwashing! I feel like once you start powerwashing, you'll never stop. :wink:

I ate so much, and so poorly, over the weekend. I don't remember it all, but I know I had nachos saturday, then popcorn (I've been eating a lot of popcorn this summer). On Sunday I ate pizza and ice cream.

My store is out of our local cream (that I love), I'm out of my local milk (that I make yogurt from). These things disappointed me (small pleasures, right?). I went to get my new CGM and they had raised the price. It's already exorbitant. So I had to say no thanks. I think this disappointment might have triggered my overeating this weekend. I really need to just get back into the habit of using my finger-sticks for glucose measurements. The CGM is too expensive to continue.
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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by automatedeating » Tue Aug 25, 2020 1:50 pm

Tuesday, August 25


More powerwashing today. I also need to get some grass seed for the backyard. I think I'll try to work on growing more grass before it gets really rainy and the dogs start tracking in mud.

More landscaping plans in the next few weeks: bark, crushed gravel for a walkway.

Gutter and roof guys are contracted, HVAC guy coming today to clean out/check the furnace.

We tried to buy laminate but they were out of the style we wanted (which was on sale). So we are holding off, which was good since then the gutter/roof company said it will be $700 to take care of that work.

I'm going to go to town on cleaning out the garage. I might even paint the walls.

I've been eating ridiculous food like I did before NoS. Yesterday I had coffee for breakfast, ice cream for lunch, ice cream for dinner, and then a bowl of popcorn. :wink: :roll:
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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by pinkhippie » Tue Aug 25, 2020 7:13 pm

Yeah selling a house is a big deal and a lot of work! I can understand holding off for now. Are you getting a new roof?

Sounds like you are really making your house look nice on the inside and on the outside!

It sounds like your ridiculous foods are still broken up into meals though! I think that is still an accomplishment!

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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by automatedeating » Wed Aug 26, 2020 1:54 pm

Wednesday, August 26


Pinkie - not replacing the roof, just having some minor repairs, then having all the moss cleaned off (yep Pacific Northwest our roofs get mossy!), and the gutters cleaned out. Still costs $700, but much less than a new roof, which supposedly we can get another 10 or 15 years out of this roof. Update - they are washing the entire house siding, too!!

Today I'm going to work on some more stepping stones in the backyard around my strawberry patch and on the side of the house to the hose faucet. I have a pretty long list of things to do - they should keep me busy throughout my sabbatical! Update: Done! 30 more stepping stones installed.

I need to get back to my video work in the mornings, but since the grass-growing project/yard stuff is a bit time-sensitive (so I can get grass growing while the weather is perfect for it), I want to spend just a couple more full days on projects. Then I'll get back to video making.
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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by pinkhippie » Thu Aug 27, 2020 12:28 am

Oh wow! Moss on the roof! I can't imagine it. That is great they are washing the siding! Man we need that badly. Today my 8 year old was tossing her stuffed dog in the air and it landed smack dab in a gutter! Thank goodness they are brand new!

The stepping stones sounds really nice. Your backyard sounds like it is really coming along!

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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by lpearlmom » Thu Aug 27, 2020 2:02 pm

Your level of productivity always amazes me! Sounds like your backyard is really coming together. How exciting! And a strawberry patch? Sounds wonderful!

Sorry you’re struggling on the eating front. Me too! Must be something in the air.
Last edited by lpearlmom on Thu Aug 27, 2020 4:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by alene1 » Thu Aug 27, 2020 2:23 pm

Wow, sounds like you are really going to town on your backyard! That is such a satisfying feeling to see the results of your hard work. We need to take advantage of this great weather while we have it!

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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by automatedeating » Fri Aug 28, 2020 3:18 pm

Thanks Pinkie, Linda, and Alene for the encouragement on my yard work! Pinkie - glad you retrieved your daughter's stuffed animal. :-)

Linda - my strawberries have done so well in my backyard in that particular spot that I finally doubled the size of the patch! I've been wanting to do it for years but pulling out the sod was a lot of work. Done!

Yesterday I spent the entire day cleaning out the garage. I pulled out EVERY. SINGLE. ITEM. and washed down all the surfaces and the floor. Then went through everything. Throwing out lots of stuff and will need to do yet another long wait in line at Goodwill. :roll:

Trying to decide what to do today. I could powerwash the back patio or work on lecture content. I'm waiting for a tarp I ordered so that I can go get crushed rock, so I have a forced day off from the big work. :-)
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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by pinkhippie » Fri Aug 28, 2020 6:50 pm

Hah yeah. I am not sure why her idea of fun is tossing her stuffed dog into the air over and over again but.. it is. She was glad we could get him back.

You are so productive! Cleaning out the garage is thankfully not my domain but the rest of the house is. Today I am getting to work on the bathrooms and under the cabinets that no one has touched for about 5 years. :? Good luck getting whatever you choose to do done!

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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by Soprano » Sun Aug 30, 2020 6:09 am

Moving is very stressful, if it is just space you need can you extend? Or have a separate office installed in the garden?

Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.

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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by automatedeating » Mon Aug 31, 2020 3:08 am

Pinkie - Garage cleaned out! :-) I'm very pleased.

Soprano - you are so right on! I think Sexy and I are doing what we can to improve the functionality of our space and not committed to moving. If we could just work with this space, and stay put, I think you are so right that it will be less stressful. Sexy has it in his mind though that investing in a more expensive house is a smart financial move in light of looming inflation/rising interest rates and increasing people departure from the anarchy-plagued cities near us to our reasonably situated town for mostly-work-from-home people that need to drive to Seattle once a week. Sigh. I don't like dwelling on those things. It's all so complicated.

So we are buried in vinyl plank flooring installation. Day 1 - I removed all the baseboards/trim, the carpet (and tacks and tack strips - thank you Creator for helping!!), and Sexy bought plywood etc. Day 2 - we laid plywood in the living room to bring it level with the kitchen. This took all day because we had to make weird cuts to fit everything and we are learning as we go. Thank you again Creator for helping us nail down the plywood! Tomorrow, Day 3, I think we'll actually get started with the vinyl planks.

Eating - processed foods but definitely not grazing. ha! No time for that!
I think today I have basically been eating leftover tacos. I think yesterday I mostly ate fresh tacos and leftover pizza. OMG I love this forum and I know someone will laugh out loud reading that food list.

Moving - plenty of ... all types of moving. I love carrying boxes of laminate and considering it a good deadlift opportunity. Same with moving couches, plywood, saws, and TV stands. :lol:

I know this sounds terrible to say.... but I feel fat, but I also feel happy. Strange.
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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by pinkhippie » Mon Aug 31, 2020 6:22 pm

Yay! Glad you got the garage cleaned out! Interesting to hear about your adventures laying the flooring. We have had laminate flooring on our list for several years but haven't done it due to the sheer overwhelmingness of the task. I love your food list! I am glad you are getting stuff done! Food sometimes seems to fall to the bottom of the priority list when we are busy and it just becomes about what is available, quick and tasty.

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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by Soprano » Tue Sep 01, 2020 8:46 pm

Doing stuff around the house is a great way to exercise. Lovely that creator is helping too.

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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by automatedeating » Wed Sep 02, 2020 2:21 pm

Good morning for Day 5 of our Vinyl Plank Flooring Installation.
Day 1 - removed carpet and baseboards
Day 2 - put down plywood to level living room with kitchen
Day 3 - put down vinyl in living room
Day 4 - got through half of the kitchen

We are so slow! Measuring to go around obstacles (then cutting with the jigsaw) has been so slow for us. The entire area we will eventually cover (our whole downstairs is only about 500 square feet if that gives you a sense of our slowness. We discuss each cut, and then measure, and then sometimes have to cut a second time if the first doesn't work. We worry and discuss distances from transitions and the wall. I just think our inexperience makes us uncertain about what margin of error we have. On the bright side, Sexy and I are working together really well, and Creator helps out where he can. Challenger is generally nowhere to be found.... Last night right as we were wrapping up we realized somehow we weren't straight anymore. :cry: We had somehow gotten off by 1/8th of an inch. So if we are not even 50% of the way across the room, we could end up more than 1/4 of an inch off straight by the time we get to the other wall. We are not sure how horrible this would be or if we need to start over.

I weigh 130 pounds this morning! Holy cow folks, I have managed to gain 10 pounds in 5 months. The last couple weeks I have been eating like I used to - before NoS, before I knew I had prediabetes. I haven't been buying the CGM anymore - it's so expensive. I think that was a real help to my eating choices, because I could SEE the change so quickly about how foods affected my blood sugar. I can make the decision to start using my glucometer (finger pricks) more regularly, and that would help with this feedback, although it's not as helpful as the CGM, that's for sure.
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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by Soprano » Wed Sep 02, 2020 6:01 pm

10lbs in 5 months, it can creep on slowly and steadily, hard to know how to support you. I've got it wrong on here in the past!

Do you want sympathy or a kick up the backside, both can work?

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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by pinkhippie » Wed Sep 02, 2020 11:30 pm

Honestly I am so impressed that you are laying the floor yourselves and making it a family affair. That is great that you and Sexy work well together, that can make such a huge difference!

10 pounds in 5 months seems to be indicative of a change. What changes have you made between then and now do you think? Do you think its solely not having the CGM anymore? 5 months is about when this pandemic started isn't it? Maybe its just stress and change and craziness. I know I have been battling that too.

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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by automatedeating » Sat Sep 05, 2020 2:03 am

Soprano - you so know me! I think the kick in the butt + empathy - both can work, yes! :-)

Pinkie - Not super sure. Until August, I kept my nose pretty squeaky clean (hence my siggy saying I'm not sure what's going on). I think August is a great example of how discouragement can spiral into the WTH effect.....
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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by lpearlmom » Sat Sep 05, 2020 3:53 pm

Sorry about the 10 lbs. im right there with you unfortunately. I’m guessing it’s just a temporary setback and a matter of getting back in track. Or do you think the way you need to eat to maintain that lower weight is unsustainable maybe? Or i think you said you’ve recently added back a little wine and maybe that’s a factor? Anyway, you’re great at detective work so you’ll figure it out. And regardless I bet you still look great!
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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by Soprano » Sun Sep 06, 2020 1:52 pm

Hey Auto

I think if you just recommit to logging what you eat you'll turn the corner on the increase. :wink:

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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by automatedeating » Mon Sep 07, 2020 2:39 pm

Good Monday morning! :-)

Linda - I have my detective hat on! I gained the first 5 pounds very slowly over about 4 months. I was exercising a lot, sleeping great, and eating normally. However, I think that, being home, I was having a 3rd cup of (decaf) coffee w/cream - sometimes a 4th. I think that those extra calories were making me gain just a tiny bit more. When I am at work, I get pretty hungry because I am so busy. Being home, I don't think I've experienced much hunger because I eat at the first twinge (which many threads here have discussed re: how to know when we're actually hungry and need food). So. I think the first 5 pounds were from very subtle increases in my food intake. For a shortie like me, in her 40's - well - we all know the math on that.
Then the second 5 pounds was all in the last month!!! And it was purely HELL OFF WHEELS. I ate pizza, McDonald's, Taco Bell, Blizzards, you name it. And I think these poor food choices were triggered by TWO things: 1) discouragement at the slow weight gain led to the WTH effect; and 2) we seriously started considering selling our house and have spent the month really working on various things around here - my focus really shifted to just this one thing and I lost the balance that I usually enjoy (between work, exercise, and food).

Soprano - yes, logging it is! I typically even log the off-the-rails times more, but I've barely even been able to get to my computer some days during the flooring project. We are almost done with the floor (we are waiting on the "transition" strips to arrive and then we can wrap up). Next up we are having carpet cleaners and repair come. Thanks to our current flooring project, we no longer have any carpet downstairs, but the stairs and upstairs still are carpeted. If we stay here, move, or rent this place out - we have to do something with these carpets. We don't want to replace them yet (with 2 dogs, 2 cats, 2 kids, and 2 adults) - but we need to do SOMETHING. So this is a pretty affordable option that we believe will make a big difference. Then, if we do decide to put the house on the market, the carpet will be presentable. The real estate agent we talked to recommended that we just see if the buyer asks for new carpet - otherwise not to worry about it.

Oh, and Soprano you had asked about just making our current space more functional (add an office, for example). Our backyard is very small and I don't want to give up any space back there. But you know, I am doing just fine working at the kitchen table. We don't really need to move. When Sexy and I discuss what we "want" - it's a bigger downstairs so that we aren't all tripping over each other; an office; and a bigger lot in a quieter neighborhood. We are keeping our eyes peeled and might even consider buying land and building a house. We don't have the $$ to pull that off right now, but we are now motivated to save at a faster rate in order to increase our options.

Sunday - 129.6
B: coffee w/cream
L: chicken pieces
D: blue cheese burger

Monday - 128.6
B: coffee w/cream
L: chicken pieces
D: salmon burger, cabbage salad, fruit salad (Fantasy Football Social Distance Outdoor Party, haha!) - my team is predicted to go #2 this year. Fingers crossed NFL gets to have a full season.
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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by Soprano » Mon Sep 07, 2020 5:53 pm

Sounds like a plan re the house, I'm sure it will all come to fruition at the right time.

Bet you get back on track pretty quick too :)

Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.

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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by automatedeating » Tue Sep 08, 2020 2:11 pm

Thanks Soprano. :-)

Dragging the cart back on the tracks right now. :-)

Tuesday! September 8

B: coffee w/cream, chicken pieces
L: yogurt w/berries
D: dinner at friends' not sure what they will have... eek. Update - they grilled pizzas..... I did eat my share and also had a big salad.
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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by Soprano » Tue Sep 08, 2020 7:33 pm

Yeah, well and truly back on the rails, go you :)

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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by pinkhippie » Tue Sep 08, 2020 11:57 pm

Looks like you figured some things out! I bet the cream can really add up in your coffee! And I know what you mean about eating at the slightest twinge. I notice when I am less busy I am much more likely to eat at the slightest twinge and then have a harder time telling when I am full.

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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by automatedeating » Wed Sep 09, 2020 2:26 pm

It's Wednesday!


B: coffee w/cream
L: yogurt w/berries
D: lamb stew
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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by Jen1974 » Wed Sep 09, 2020 2:30 pm

Me too on less busy being harder to wait to eat!! When I’m busy my stomach let’s me know when it needs food. When I’m less busy my head gets too involved :lol:

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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by automatedeating » Fri Sep 11, 2020 2:45 am

Jen - today I was super busy working on the flooring and baseboards and didn't eat until 3pm! :shock: Shows just how much physical work distracts me from eating compared to mental work (at the computer).

B: coffe w/cream
L: lamb stew
D: chicken pieces
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by automatedeating » Fri Sep 11, 2020 7:24 pm


128 or something like that

Day 1 of No Alcohol. I'm going 10 days without, possibly longer. The sad thing is my fasting blood sugars are lovely again - 87 the past few mornings. Without alcohol, those fasting numbers will almost assuredly go up.

B: coffee w/cream
L: yogurt w/berries
D: bone broth w/chicken, cheese, and avocado
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by automatedeating » Sat Sep 12, 2020 3:17 pm

Saturday, September 12


FBG: 105mg/dL

Drum Roll NoS Family - I am starting a health program called the 30-Day Reset. It's part of The Healthy Rebellion. I have been listening to his podcasts for quite awhile, and finally decided to take the plunge and pay a bunch of money to join this private website. My primary incentive was to get more feedback from other blood sugar tinkerers like me about how to get my blood sugar into a happier place. This place is filled with people like me, neurotic and obsessive about their biostats. :-)

I can't actually remember ever joining anything like this. I've not done many diets in my life, so we'll see how quickly my inner rebel (get it? I've joined the Healthy Rebellion and yet I might rebel against the rules!!!). It's got a strong paleo slant, which means......... o.m.g. no dairy for the 30 days. I freaking may not be capable. Not even butter? Or cream in my coffee? And holy heck - no yogurt? I really don't know if I can do that!!!! I might just do the first 10 days no dairy. :wink: What's that snotty teenage line? "Let's not and say we did".

However. Sigh. I think eliminating dairy for 30 days is a reasonable thing for me to try since I have had insidious weight gain since April. But seriously - what is the point of coffee without cream in it? Maybe I'll just give up coffee for the 30 days too.

Next week, before the 30 days officially starts, is a 7 day carb test. Since I already know a lot about my blood sugar responses, I think I will tweak the directions slightly for my own use. But essentially I'll weigh out a certain amount of a different carb each morning, then test my blood sugar with that isolated food. I'm trying to decide what to test - some ideas:

green beans
refried beans

B: coffee w/cream
L: yogurt w/berries (I sure enjoyed this, imagining an entire month without it.....)
D: bone broth w/pot roast, cauliflower, carmelized onions, and cheese
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8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by automatedeating » Mon Sep 14, 2020 1:34 am

Sunday, September 13


B: coffee w/cream
L: large salad w/grilled chicken
D: bone broth w/chicken, cheese, and avocado

Update on the 7 day carb test: I already KNOW that pure sugar (e.g. cinnamon roll) sends me to 175mg/dL. I already KNOW that french fries send me straight up to 165mg/dL. I already KNOW that rice does the same, that pears do the same, that certainly any fun splurge (like licorice) does the same (and, to add insult to injury, after these massive highs I crash down to 50mg/dL or even lower sometimes). So. I'm not going there. Like. I already get it. I'm not normal in carb tolerance. And it sucks. But it is what it is.

Instead, I think I will test some of my basics, yet isolated, this week. For example, yogurt tomorrow (plain, first thing in the morning, nothing else with it). Maybe just strawberries one day, or blueberries (since these are the berries I put in my yogurt). Maybe cream one day? LOL, how much cream do you drink for a carb tolerance test.... haha there's hardly any in it but it still (mysteriously and probably immunogenic causes) can cause a spike in some people) may be an issue. I sort of doubt it with me - I've never seen sign of that.

Oooh, maybe the microwave popcorn I eat at home, or corn tortillas, tortilla chips..... so. I'll let you know what I decide.
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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by lpearlmom » Mon Sep 14, 2020 4:39 am

The alcohol helps your blood sugar? I did not know that. I can’t believe you’re giving up your beloved dairy, but like you said it’s worth at least exploring. Anyway, look forward to seeing what you discover. Hopefully something helpful.
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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by automatedeating » Mon Sep 14, 2020 2:08 pm

Yeah Linda isn't that unfair?! I've experimented with it for a couple years now, and definitely confirmed this phenomenon. The alcohol inhibits my liver from performing gluconeogenesis. It's kind of like metformin, haha. Note that I only drink dry red wine. I'm sure the situation would be different if I drank sweetened alcohol.

Monday, September 14


This morning a guy is bringing me 3.25 cubic yards of crushed rock for my final summer project. I'm going to put down new landscape fabric along the side of the house and redo the rock from river rock to this crushed gravel. Last summer I got rid of the river rock (neighbors came and took what they wanted haha) and now FINALLY I'm doing something new. The river rock was a BEAR to push the mower over, and this little pathway is narrow and nothing can grow there anyway. I'm excited to get working.

Also in home improvement news, I broke a bunch of baseboards during my vinyl plank flooring prep work. So yep. Now we have to repair or replace all the trim downstairs. I'm thinking we'll just go for it and do it all nice. More evidence we aren't ready to move. :-)

B: coffee w/cream (I can't seem to force myself to do the carb test)
L: yogurt w/berries
D: bone broth w/cauliflower and pot roast, cheese and avocado
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
3/18-25.6; 8/18-24.5; 10/18-23.8;
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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by pinkhippie » Mon Sep 14, 2020 7:50 pm

Wow auto this is huge! I can't imagine you not eating dairy! What will you eat for lunch? Can you do soy yogurts and things or is that not recommended?

I think if you think of it as an experiment to see how your body reacts you might not rebel too much. I definitely agree, its worth a try! Good luck! When does it officially start?

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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by automatedeating » Tue Sep 15, 2020 3:46 pm

Haha Pink yeah the thought of no dairy was making me break out in a cold sweat. After a few days adjusting to the idea, though, I think I can do this. I just have to make sure I fit in other fermented foods and make sure to cover my calcium bases.

I think that lunch will be a big salad w/a protein on it and lots of olive oil to make sure I don't get too hungry in the afternoon. I definitely won't be using soy products. Soybeans - sure I might eat those for fun, and natto - I would be so proud of myself if I could eat natto (sigh) but soy yogurt sounds like a horrible frankenfood to me. :wink:

So it starts next Monday. 30 days. No alcohol, no grains, no sugar, no dairy, no seed/veg oils. I already avoid grains and/or sugar (ahem when I'm not off the rails that is), and I'm looking forward to another month without alcohol (I sleep better is the biggest improvement I notice). Truly, the no dairy is the only part of this that freaks me out. But it could be the missing piece to my blood sugar regulation. On the one hand, it would be great to find a clear way to get my fasting blood sugar down. On the other hand, what a shock it would be to realize I might need to avoid dairy long-term. I'm not going there in my head right now. I'm just going to track the data.

Tuesday, September 15 - today is my mother's 79th birthday! I got her some little fairies for her yard. She has been collecting gnomes and fairies lately.


B: coffee w/cream
L: yogurt w/berries (working through my last homemade gallon before the 30 days starts!)
D: pork chops

Today having the carpet cleaners and repair company come! Only about $300 so we are happy to do this rather than replace the carpet. And I'm having two people come to give estimates to replace the trim (and maybe also the doors).
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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by pinkhippie » Tue Sep 15, 2020 6:49 pm

I do not like soy yogurt at all! But I have never given up dairy. Salad with protein and lots of olive oil sounds like you are covering your protein and fat bases. I will be interested to see the results of your experiment! It's nice you are giving yourself time to prepare. I tend to just jump in immediately and then fizzle out because I didn't get ready.

Happy 79th birthday to your Mom!

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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by Octavia » Tue Sep 15, 2020 10:12 pm

Wow, no dairy! :shock: And niece is a vegan and seems to manage OK without dairy...When I’ve cooked for her I‘ve noticed that there are loads of foods made with coconut milk and cream! That seems like a pretty good alternative. And I found a butter-like spread made with avocado oil which was sort of bland but still nice. But you might be better off avoiding processed stuff. Anyway, what fun to try this radical new plan! Hope it goes well!

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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by automatedeating » Wed Sep 16, 2020 8:21 pm

Wednesday, September 16

Had my fasting blood sample taken this morning. I'm getting in-depth lipoprotein results back and a corresponding insulin resistance ranking - also will estimate my overall type 2 diabetes risk over next 8 years. I will have my blood drawn again in about 6 weeks, after the dairy elimination.

B: coffee w/cream
L: yogurt w/berries
D: hamburger and cheese
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by pinkhippie » Thu Sep 17, 2020 2:46 pm

Your food experiment sounds so interesting! Getting a good baseline is a great idea. I really am interested to see what your results end up being after six weeks.

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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by automatedeating » Thu Sep 17, 2020 3:49 pm

Pinkie - it is fun to do these experiments. I will put them in my sabbatical write-up, too!

Thursday, September 17

FBG: 88
ketones: 1.3 (yes, I got a ketone meter!)

B: coffee w/cream
L: yogurt w/berries
D: leftover pork and broccoli
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
3/18-25.6; 8/18-24.5; 10/18-23.8;
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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by Jen1974 » Thu Sep 17, 2020 4:08 pm

No dairy would be really hard for me too!! I love your passion for your experiments!! It will be fun to see how you do with this one!

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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by automatedeating » Fri Sep 18, 2020 2:33 pm

Friday, September 18


FBG: 93mg/dL
ketones: 1.1

B: coffee w/cream
L: pork, avocado slices and an apple from a neighbor's tree
D: leftover pork w/cheesy broccoli and more avocado slices

I continue to enjoy my work around the house. I've spent a couple days putting down landscape fabric and then gravel on the narrow side paths of my house. I love it. In fact, I think I might REDO my paving stones and put landscape fabric under them. It will also allow me to level out the ground better under the stones. I feel more capable of projects like this now. I've learned so much this summer! Today I'm going to watch a YouTube video to learn how to change out the exterior light by the garage.
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
3/18-25.6; 8/18-24.5; 10/18-23.8;
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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by lpearlmom » Fri Sep 18, 2020 4:40 pm

Wow you’re like an energizer bunny! Im so impressed and really glad you’re enjoying it so much!
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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by automatedeating » Sat Sep 19, 2020 3:52 pm

Thanks Linda!

This morning is all computer-all-the-time. I've been neglecting my contracted video-making in order to get more projects done around here. I will say though, that even as I shovel gravel, my mind is whirling about the best drawings and wordings to explain the "Frank-Starling Law of the Heart". Hehe. Then this afternoon I "have" to do a social outing. Octavia, where are you? Why did I agree to this? :wink:

125.8 weight
FBG: 83mg/dL
ketones: 2.9

B: coffee w/cream
L: yogurt w/berries
D: (will be tough) - Out with nutrition faculty tonight for a little potluck. They always bring high-carb and sugary foods. I find that ironic, but I suppose it's because their mentality is a little won't hurt. I wish they would consider that most of the people they interact with can't handle carbs as well as they can and pushing well-made but blood-sugar-spiking snacks on others is undermining other people's health efforts. Ironic, right?

Update - ate smoked salmon, cucumbers w/cream cheese, a few almonds, and a piece of cake. When I got home, my blood sugar was 182mg/dL. :cry:
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8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
3/18-25.6; 8/18-24.5; 10/18-23.8;
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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by automatedeating » Sun Sep 20, 2020 9:14 pm

Sunday, September 20


B: coffee w/cream
L: yogurt w/berries
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
3/18-25.6; 8/18-24.5; 10/18-23.8;
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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by Octavia » Mon Sep 21, 2020 10:10 am

automatedeating wrote:
Sat Sep 19, 2020 3:52 pm
Then this afternoon I "have" to do a social outing. Octavia, where are you? Why did I agree to this? :wink:
Oh you poor thing - all I can do is offer sympathy - I have no wise words of advice! Wishing you strength and zen-like acceptance! I’m reminded of the words of the millionaire-philosopher-guru Ekhart Tolle: ‘accept each moment as if you had chosen it for yourself’. Good luck!

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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by automatedeating » Mon Sep 21, 2020 2:05 pm

Octavia, How could I have forgotten about Eckhart for this outing?

The outing was actually fun, and I'm very glad I carpooled with one of the girls, because she ended up with vertigo and couldn't drive herself safely. The only really bad thing was that I had that (small!) piece of cake and skyrocketed my blood sugar up to 182mg/dL, a personal blood sugar record!

Monday, September 21

125.6 lbs
FBG: 83mg/dL
Ketones: .9mmol

Day 1 of the 30 day reset! No alcohol, no grains, no sugars, no dairy
um maybe I should have planned better for today's eating. I can't have my usual breakfast OR my usual lunch.....

B: coffee (OK OK I still had some cream.... I had a little of my grass-fed stuff left and couldn't bear to let it go to waste!!)
L: broccoli w/olive oil & vinegar & salt & pepper and salmon
D: ribs and sauerkraut

Weight-lifting today! I was able to make a reservation at my local health club.
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
3/18-25.6; 8/18-24.5; 10/18-23.8;
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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by lpearlmom » Mon Sep 21, 2020 4:38 pm

Good luck!!🍀
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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by Whosonfirst » Mon Sep 21, 2020 5:55 pm

automatedeating wrote:
Mon Sep 21, 2020 2:05 pm
Octavia, How could I have forgotten about Eckhart for this outing?

The outing was actually fun, and I'm very glad I carpooled with one of the girls, because she ended up with vertigo and couldn't drive herself safely. The only really bad thing was that I had that (small!) piece of cake and skyrocketed my blood sugar up to 182mg/dL, a personal blood sugar record!

Monday, September 21

125.6 lbs
FBG: 83mg/dL
Ketones: .9mmol

Day 1 of the 30 day reset! No alcohol, no grains, no sugars, no dairy
um maybe I should have planned better for today's eating. I can't have my usual breakfast OR my usual lunch.....


Weight-lifting today! I was able to make a reservation at my local health club.
Wow, one small piece of cake does that? I had no idea. I feel for the lady with vertigo, I've had a few bouts with that this year, and hard to gauge what triggers it. Mine has something to do with moving objects and my eyes. It's not always triggered by the inner ear. Great work on the no alcohol, btw.
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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by pinkhippie » Tue Sep 22, 2020 3:00 am

Wow your first day on your different way of eating! How did you feel after the day with no dairy? I guess its kind of early to look for changes.

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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by automatedeating » Tue Sep 22, 2020 2:34 pm

Whos, yes 1 VERY small piece! :shock: I've been pondering it since and I think that especially because it was essentially pure carbohydrate - either sugars or flours - that was the worst possible reaction I can have from a food. The worst part is I ate it because I was in a very small group of girls (just 4 of us) celebrating a friend's elopement. I could tell after the first bite that I didn't like it, but I kept eating partly out of wanting to fit in and partly because I had nothing else to do and I was getting bored and ready to go home. I need to never do that again! Now, if it's my hubby and me and we are celebrating something special, or even one of my kids and me.... perhaps I'll do the blood sugar sky rocket on occasion, but even then it better be a cake that I actually like! :roll: :wink:

Pinkie - yesterday was fine, but there are some days I don't have yogurt for lunch, so it wasn't too funny. But I did take lunch seriously because I didn't want to risk getting too hungry in the afternoon.

Basically I was still dealing with a little bloating from the cake disaster, and some knee and wrist pain (all symmetrical pains, notably) that I think the cake triggered.

So hopefully today will feel better.

Eating - um here I am again without a clear plan for today. Take away my yogurt, take away my meal stability! Eek, I need to get on this problem ASAP. I do have options - chicken, ground beef, salmon, tuna
B: coffee and a chicken drumstick
L: pork, sauerkraut - eating this type of "meatier" lunch seems to be setting well with me! I feel very stable glucose-wise (well, I am actually, according to my meter)
D: big salad, avocado, grilled chicken
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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by automatedeating » Wed Sep 23, 2020 4:49 pm

Wednesday, September 23


B: coffee w/MCT oil and collagen proteins, 1 decaf cup with cream
L: 2 pieces of fried chicken
D: giant salad w/salmon and avocado

Bought a bunch of garden/yard soil and bark for next step, since I finally finished the gravel project! :-)

Feeling great! Tomorrow morning we have a guy coming to finish our baseboards and vinyl plank flooring transitions! So excited to get the house put back together!
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
3/18-25.6; 8/18-24.5; 10/18-23.8;
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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by pinkhippie » Wed Sep 23, 2020 11:50 pm

Thats great that you are figuring out a good glucose stable lunch for yourself. In some ways, lunch is the most important meal of the day for me, because I feel like it sets me up for dinner and making it without snacking.

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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by automatedeating » Thu Sep 24, 2020 10:42 pm

Thanks Pinkie!

Thursday, Sept. 24

B: coffee w/collagen proteins and MCT
L: 2 chicken thighs
D: 2 tilapia filets w/some Indian sauce and sauerkraut
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
3/18-25.6; 8/18-24.5; 10/18-23.8;
3/19-22.1; 10/19-21.8
6/20-22.5; 7/20-23.0; 9/20-23.6
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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by pinkhippie » Fri Sep 25, 2020 12:26 am

Auto do you have a good way that you cook chicken thighs? Every time I make them they just don't taste good to me.

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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by automatedeating » Fri Sep 25, 2020 1:14 pm

Hi Pinkie! I buy rotisserie pieces at the store. :shock: :wink: But my MIL makes the best baked chicken thighs. She claims that using a wrought-iron pan is her trick. I think she keeps them covered and then removes the lid for the last 20 minutes or something.

Friday, September 25

B: coffee w/collagen proteins & MCT & chicken thigh
L: tilapia w/Indian seasoning, sauerkraut
D: chicken and broccoli w/olive oil

Got my 3rd day of heavy weight-lifting in this morning!
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
3/18-25.6; 8/18-24.5; 10/18-23.8;
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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by pinkhippie » Fri Sep 25, 2020 3:06 pm

Hey auto thanks!

Rotisserie sounds good!

I have a wrought iron pan, I will try that way next time!

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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by automatedeating » Sat Sep 26, 2020 2:33 pm

Saturday, September 26

FBG: 78mg/dL (still too early to know for sure, but my FBG has been glorious for the past 2 weeks)
Ketones: 2.0

B: coffee w/collagen proteins and MCT oil, bacon & eggs
L: salmon burger, salad w/olive oil and vinegar
D: ground beef w/organ meats and sauerkraut
update - I got 110g of protein today and I have never felt better...... where has this been all my life?

I am so excited about my new ground beef! As part of my 30-day reset, I ordered 10 pounds of this ground beef that has beef heart, kidney, liver, and spleen mixed in. It's small enough quantities that it's not supposed to taste too terribly gamey. I'm eager to increase my nutrition with these! It's like taking a power vitamin. :-) The company I ordered from is called Nose to Tail, and they use what's called "regenerative" agriculture, in which grass-fed ruminant actually help sequester carbon in the soil, the way things would have worked for eons before factory farming. These regenerative farms are actually CARBON NEGATIVE!! So cool. I love supporting them and at the same time, improving my own health. If you'd like to know more about regenerative agriculture, there is a book called Sacred Cow out; and a movie of the same title coming soon. I recently saw a Tshirt that said, "It's not the cow. It's the how". That sounds like a perfect shirt for me. :-)

You know, I haven't had a cold since 2017. I've had a couple times where I've had that "feel like I'm getting sick" but then it just goes away before any cold symptoms appear. For my childhood and adult years, I've typically had 3 colds a year (I know this because I live my life in "quarters" as a teacher and I seemed to always get a cold mid-quarter!). My sister has teased me about my "weak" immune system. Well, I'm here to say that I think 3 years of no cold is long enough to now pronounce that I believe something about my dietary changes is what has made the difference. Most likely limiting my grains, but I suppose it could be something else, too, like keeping my blood sugar more steady. It could also be increasing my protein, and specifically, animal protein like yogurt and red meat. I think adding these nutritious animal foods to my diet has shored up my vitamin status and overall immune system responses.

I feel great this morning. The flooring and baseboards are essentially complete, but tomorrow the handyman is returning to change the trim around the front door and on the windowsills so everything matches. I think I might also switch out the entry way bifold doors to white. Everything looks so lovely already, though! I think this is what my hubby and I needed to do to feel more content hunkering down in our modest home for awhile and not being so antsy to move. Looking for houses has been really useful for us to see how grateful we are for the community we live in, our fenced in yard (despite it being small, we now realize that we have more privacy in our backyard than many neighborhoods in town), and of course we love our neighborhood sidewalks and access to short woody trails. Gratitude is a really wonderful thing for mental health. (Soprano, I think this was your gut-feeling advice for us all along....). Actually, we are still getting prequalified for a loan just on the off chance a great deal comes along. At this point, we have really really really narrowed down what we'd actually be willing to move for. And our list is picky, so there likely won't be much, but if it shows up, then we might go for it.

So I'm heading out to Lowe's in a moment to buy a bunch more stuff for our handyman to use tomorrow. He has fixed some niggling things (wiggly paper towel holder, anyone?!) LOL. It's like Christmas and his rates are SO reasonable.

I lifted heavy weights 3X this week, and I intend to keep this up throughout my sabbatical (which means until March). I'll reassess at that point according to my schedule.

OK, off to Lowe's!
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
3/18-25.6; 8/18-24.5; 10/18-23.8;
3/19-22.1; 10/19-21.8
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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by Whosonfirst » Sat Sep 26, 2020 2:59 pm

automatedeating wrote:
Sat Sep 26, 2020 2:33 pm
Saturday, September 26

FBG: 78mg/dL (still too early to know for sure, but my FBG has been glorious for the past 2 weeks)
Ketones: 2.0

B: coffee w/collagen proteins and MCT oil
L: (will be) salmon burger, salad, and avocado
D: (will be) beef w/organ meats and sauerkraut

I am so excited about my new ground beef! As part of my 30-day reset, I ordered 10 pounds of this ground beef that has beef heart, kidney, liver, and spleen mixed in. It's small enough quantities that it's not supposed to taste too terribly gamey. I'm eager to increase my nutrition with these! It's like taking a power vitamin. :-) The company I ordered from is called Nose to Tail, and they use what's called "regenerative" agriculture, in which grass-fed ruminant actually help sequester carbon in the soil, the way things would have worked for eons before factory farming. These regenerative farms are actually CARBON NEGATIVE!! So cool. I love supporting them and at the same time, improving my own health. If you'd like to know more about regenerative agriculture, there is a book called Sacred Cow out; and a movie of the same title coming soon. I recently saw a Tshirt that said, "It's not the cow. It's the how". That sounds like a perfect shirt for me. :-)

You know, I haven't had a cold since 2017. I've had a couple times where I've had that "feel like I'm getting sick" but then it just goes away before any cold symptoms appear. For my childhood and adult years, I've typically had 3 colds a year (I know this because I live my life in "quarters" as a teacher and I seemed to always get a cold mid-quarter!). My sister has teased me about my "weak" immune system. Well, I'm here to say that I think 3 years of no cold is long enough to now pronounce that I believe something about my dietary changes is what has made the difference. Most likely limiting my grains, but I suppose it could be something else, too, like keeping my blood sugar more steady. It could also be increasing my protein, and specifically, animal protein like yogurt and red meat. I think adding these nutritious animal foods to my diet has shored up my vitamin status and overall immune system responses.

I feel great this morning. The flooring and baseboards are essentially complete, but tomorrow the handyman is returning to change the trim around the front door and on the windowsills so everything matches. I think I might also switch out the entry way bifold doors to white. Everything looks so lovely already, though! I think this is what my hubby and I needed to do to feel more content hunkering down in our modest home for awhile and not being so antsy to move. Looking for houses has been really useful for us to see how grateful we are for the community we live in, our fenced in yard (despite it being small, we now realize that we have more privacy in our backyard than many neighborhoods in town), and of course we love our neighborhood sidewalks and access to short woody trails. Gratitude is a really wonderful thing for mental health. (Soprano, I think this was your gut-feeling advice for us all along....). Actually, we are still getting prequalified for a loan just on the off chance a great deal comes along. At this point, we have really really really narrowed down what we'd actually be willing to move for. And our list is picky, so there likely won't be much, but if it shows up, then we might go for it.

So I'm heading out to Home Depot in a moment to buy a bunch more stuff for our handyman to use tomorrow. He has fixed some niggling things (wiggly paper towel holder, anyone?!) LOL. It's like Christmas and his rates are SO reasonable.

I lifted heavy weights 3X this week, and I intend to keep this up throughout my sabbatical (which means until March). I'll reassess at that point according to my schedule.

OK, off to Lowe's!
Good work on the FBG, remodeling, and lifting heavy weights. I'm envious of your smaller fenced in yard. Our larger yard is less than ideal since I'm retired, and I'm not much of a gardener. If my John Deere tractor ever needs replaced, I may weigh the option of having someone else cut it. I bought it from an older neighbor when he stopped doing his own lawn.
(edit) I commented to my wife years ago, that I hadn't had a cold in a few years, and then we had grandkids, haha.
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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by Soprano » Sun Sep 27, 2020 6:18 am

Just catching up on your posts, great to read how well you are doing and you sound so positive.

I too noticed a lack of colds this last couple of years and have wondered the same re eating less carbs.

Life is pretty bad at the moment but I'll update in my thread.

Take care

Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.

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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by automatedeating » Sun Sep 27, 2020 3:26 pm

Oh, so sorry to hear this Soprano. :-( I will check your thread to find out what's going on.

Thanks for stopping by, Whos! I shouldn't tell you this, but it only takes 10 minutes to mow my yard. :-)

Sunday!, September 27

FBG: 83mg/dL (do you see this? see this? see this?) blessed lovely numbers I've had for 2 straight weeks!
Ketones: 1.8mmol

Yesterday I ate 110g of protein. Holy cow! And I felt/feel great! I really think this is a game-changer for me. I seriously don't know if I can keep this up, but I will at least really work at it for the rest of this month.

Here's a great article that I just read about the current dietary guidelines concerning saturated fat. It's so well-written! Some science review articles are a plod, but this one was like reading an enjoyable book. :-) Saturated Fats and Health: A Reassessment and Proposal for Food-Based Recommendations

B: coffee w/collagen protein & MCT oil, leftover ground beef w/organ meats, avocado, sauerkraut
L: more of the leftover ground beef, kraut/avocado. - I simply couldn't finish it all! Like folks - don't just try to "include" protein with your meals - like make the meal mostly protein! Good luck eating it all, haha!
D: giant salad w/rib eye steak!

I'm all registered for my weight-lifting at the gym tomorrow. It's a major pain to have to reserve, but I sure like having the whole weight room to myself, haha! A silver lining.
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
3/18-25.6; 8/18-24.5; 10/18-23.8;
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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by pinkhippie » Sun Sep 27, 2020 6:59 pm

So interesting to hear about your special ground beef auto!

Also... yeah... like an enjoyable book, not a plod at all. :D Maybe for a biology professor! I really had a bit of hard time understanding what I was reading. Is the basic idea that whole fat milk, unprocessed meats and dark chocolate a good source of Saturated fat for humans that won't lead to diabetes?

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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by automatedeating » Sun Sep 27, 2020 8:55 pm

LOL Pinkie, sorry.... I do that sometimes (on accident, I promise!) I had my MIL listen to a podcast that I thought was super down-to-earth and very accessible, and she was like "was that lady speaking English?" I always feel bad when that happens, sorry.

But to answer your question, the take-home from this review article is that saturated fat from real foods in people's diets (from red meat, dairy, etc) has been unfairly demonized and is NOT associated with increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, or stroke. Indeed, in some studies it is shown to lower risk of all these diseases. In my opinion, the science has been stacking this way for decades, but nutritional guidelines are VERY slow to change. Kind of like how information in textbooks is classically described as being out of date. Embrace whole foods, regardless of their saturated fat content. I would also include in the take-home of this article that high refined carbohydrate in the diet is actually more associated with cardiovascular disease and diabetes than high saturated fat has ever been thought to be.
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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by Dandelion » Sun Sep 27, 2020 9:52 pm

I'm behind, of course, but I just saw your comment above about nose-to-tail. I learned about them from Sapien - can't recall the podcast right now. But I like his podcast because it's not all 'my way or nothin' . I was very into Weston A Price for many years - which is something he mentions very often as well.
'I do think the way to a full and healthy life is to adopt the sensible system of small helpings, no seconds, no snacking, and a little bit of everything. Above all, have a good time.' Julia Child

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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by Whosonfirst » Mon Sep 28, 2020 12:35 am

automatedeating wrote:
Sun Sep 27, 2020 3:26 pm

Thanks for stopping by, Whos! I shouldn't tell you this, but it only takes 10 minutes to mow my yard. :-)

Sunday!, September 27

FBG: 83mg/dL (do you see this? see this? see this?) blessed lovely numbers I've had for 2 straight weeks!
Ketones: 1.8mmol

Yesterday I ate 110g of protein. Holy cow! And I felt/feel great! I really think this is a game-changer for me. I seriously don't know if I can keep this up, but I will at least really work at it for the rest of this month.

Here's a great article that I just read about the current dietary guidelines concerning saturated fat. It's so well-written! Some science review articles are a plod, but this one was like reading an enjoyable book. :-) Saturated Fats and Health: A Reassessment and Proposal for Food-Based Recommendations

B: coffee w/collagen protein & MCT oil, leftover ground beef w/organ meats, avocado, sauerkraut
L: more of the leftover ground beef, kraut/avocado. - I simply couldn't finish it all! Like folks - don't just try to "include" protein with your meals - like make the meal mostly protein! Good luck eating it all, haha!
D: (will be) giant salad w/protein.... still need to decide which protein.

I'm all registered for my weight-lifting at the gym tomorrow. It's a major pain to have to reserve, but I sure like having the whole weight room to myself, haha! A silver lining.
but it only takes 10 minutes to mow my yard. :-)

I used to like you. Seriously, 110g of protein? I wish I could still eat that much. Have fun in the weight room, mine is in the garage.
Current weight(9/2020)-212 lbs.
Goal Weight- 205 lbs.
NoS Goal: >= 80% Success days

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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by pinkhippie » Mon Sep 28, 2020 3:58 pm

No worries auto! It's great to have you as a source for dense nutrition articles, I appreciate you summarizing the article for me.

That does sound really interesting and good to know. We made the switch to whole milk but still are working on the processed meats thing. Refined carbs are still an issue too.

I am so glad to hear that your new way of eating is making you feel so good and giving you beautiful blood sugars! That is awesome!

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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by automatedeating » Mon Sep 28, 2020 4:13 pm

Monday, September 28


B: coffee w/collagen proteins, MCT oil, leftover steak!
L: sauerkraut + steak + avocado
D: salad + just a few last leftover bites of the steak

Felt GREAT lifting weights this morning! I get in and out of there in about 20 minutes. I do 3 sets of a squat type, deadlift type, and back-type. In between I do mobility work, jumps, and range of motion work. All of course while listening to a good science podcast This morning's was Robb Wolf on HVMN:
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by automatedeating » Tue Sep 29, 2020 2:41 pm

Tuesday, September 29

Weight: 126.4
FBG: 87mg/dL
Ketones: 1.4mmol

B: coffee w/cream, collagen proteins & MCT oil, 3 SARDINES!!! (first time in my ENTIRE life to eat them), 1 egg
L: broccoli, basil garlic sauerkraut, and ground beef w/organ meats mixed in
*prelunch BG: 94mg/dL; ketones 1.8
*2 hours postprandial BG: 109mg/dL; ketones 1.1
*3 hours postprandial BG: 97mg/dL; ketones 1.6
D: not hungry. at all. all this protein is extremely satiating.

I'll be walking for an hour w/Flowerpup while my car gets its oil changed. I also practiced some front rolls this morning.
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
3/18-25.6; 8/18-24.5; 10/18-23.8;
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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by automatedeating » Wed Sep 30, 2020 1:50 pm

Wednesday, September 30

Weight: 125.4lbs
FBG: 88mg/dL
ketones: 1.0mmol

B: coffee w/collagen proteins, MCT, and cream (so how long did I last without cream? I've got to say - I don't have any trouble tolerating dairy; indeed it makes me feel GOOD)
after coffee and workout - glucose 98; ketones 1.8
L: salmon, cauliflower, and basil garlic sauerkraut
4 hours post-lunch - glucose 90mg/dL; ketones 2.4mmol
D: ground beef, cauliflower, avocado

Today is "lift heavy weights" day. :-) And then my Vitamin movements (these are things like jumps, spins, crawling, tumbling etc. - kind of gymnasticy) in between sets.

I'm 2 weeks into the reset. I've already brought cream back (but not yogurt), and I haven't given up alcohol yet. I think I'll finally start today and carry through the next 2 weeks. I would say my biggest changes are increasing protein and increasing heavy weight-lifting. Well, and removing yogurt. I haven't gone this long without yogurt in over 2 years.
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
3/18-25.6; 8/18-24.5; 10/18-23.8;
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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by pinkhippie » Wed Sep 30, 2020 11:21 pm

Hi auto!

So, I think of yogurt as a dairy. But it sounds like you are saying you feel really good with cream and milk but not yogurt?

Looks and sounds like this reset has been really good for you!

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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by automatedeating » Thu Oct 01, 2020 2:25 am

Pinkie - Yogurt is most definitely dairy. :-) I feel AMAZING with yogurt! I THRIVE on yogurt! I was just trying an experiment for 1 month to keep dairy out. I've never tried it before. I'm sure I'll bring yogurt back, but I'm considering finding ways to put yogurt on meat for lunch. LOL!
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
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3/18-25.6; 8/18-24.5; 10/18-23.8;
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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by alene1 » Thu Oct 01, 2020 1:39 pm

I'm enjoying reading about your experiment. It sounds like the protein is really working for your body. I'm so pleased for you that your FBG number has been so great! What kind of lifting program are you doing? You've been a busy bee the last few months with all your outdoor projects. Sounds like things are looking great there!

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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by automatedeating » Thu Oct 01, 2020 5:33 pm

Thank you Alene! I have been a busy bee!! I have really found a sense of well-being by working around my home. It feels so satisfying, and when I can switch back and forth between brainwork and physical labor, I am most content!

The lifting is very traditional - some sort of deadlift/good morning; some sort of squat; some sort of back/chest work. 3 sets of 5 - as heavy as I can. In between sets I do mobility work.

Thursday, October 1st!!

FBG: 87mg/dL
ketones: 1.6

B: coffee w/cream, collagen protein, MCT oil
L: chicken broth, salmon, avocado, walnuts
D: date night! I got a steak salad w/mushrooms, avocado. Then had some 95% dark chocolate.
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
3/18-25.6; 8/18-24.5; 10/18-23.8;
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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by pinkhippie » Fri Oct 02, 2020 12:48 am

Oh Ok! Got it. Yogurt can be a great sour cream substitute...I have put it on ground beef before. :)

Glad you have found such a nice balance of brainwork and physical labor!

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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by automatedeating » Fri Oct 02, 2020 2:49 pm

:P Hey good idea Pinkie! Yogurt on my ground beef would be an excellent lunch for me, providing me a large dose of meaty nutrition while still providing the probiotics and calcium (which I am particular about trying to get a lot of).

Friday, October 2


This morning I tried to take Creator to get his blood drawn but the line was too long so we will try again next week. I'm getting his Vitamin D tested and his A1C. Vitamin D just because I want a baseline for him; and A1C because I have tested his blood sugar a few times and found some abnormally high as well as abnormally low numbers. I suspect he may have inherited my reactive hypoglycemia.

B: coffee w/cream, collagen proteins & MCT oil
L: lamb shank and sauerkraut
D: another lamb shank and avocado, 3 sardines

Weights this morning!
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
3/18-25.6; 8/18-24.5; 10/18-23.8;
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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by Octavia » Sat Oct 03, 2020 10:02 am

Amazing work, auto! Great to hear that the high protein eating style is getting such positive results. It’s a good reminder to me to make more effort in this respect, because although I love these sorts of foods, I often end up defaulting to more carby options. Must try harder! :)

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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by automatedeating » Sat Oct 03, 2020 7:29 pm

Octavia - I will admit that I have to sometimes force myself to pick the protein option! In all my life I've never tried on purpose to eat more. LOL!

Saturday, October 3

FBG: 74mg/dL (I think my lowest EVER in recorded history!)
Ketones: 3.7mmol (highest in recorded history, which is all of 2 weeks, lol)

B: coffee w/cream and collagen proteins, MCT oil, lamb shank
L: salad w/sardines
D: Just. Not. Hungry. Really. I'm trying to eat more! But a lamb shank and a can of sardines really just fills me up completely.

I swung by the track this morning after running an errand and did some sprints! It's crazy how running all out for 70 yards requires supreme balance or something. I almost feel like I'm going to crash. It must be good exercise for my brain-muscle communication. I'm going to keep doing this on Tuesday/Thursday mornings after dropping the kids at school. MWF I'll continue lifting heavy weights. The missing piece of my movement pattern is getting back into my dog walks. Various things have thrown that part of my routine off. Simple things too, like needing a different outfit for the cooling weather. Definitely house projects have been a big part of the derailment, as well. Anyway, the dogs are deserving of more exercise so this is a big thing I want to bring back to my days.

Tomorrow I turn 44.
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
3/18-25.6; 8/18-24.5; 10/18-23.8;
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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by automatedeating » Sun Oct 04, 2020 5:17 pm

Happy Birthday to Me! :-)


B: coffee w/cream, collagen proteins, MCT oil, bacon, lamb shank
L: lamb shank and avocado
D: steak and dark chocolate

The plan is to watch the Seahawks game, then go roller skating (the skate rink opened just 2 days ago after being closed for 6 months. They are required to have only 25% capacity.) Then we will swing by the grocery store and get ingredients for my low-carb dessert choice - I have 3 ideas. The boys will pick out little gourmet cupcakes.
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
3/18-25.6; 8/18-24.5; 10/18-23.8;
3/19-22.1; 10/19-21.8
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Re: automated eating tracker

Post by lpearlmom » Sun Oct 04, 2020 9:21 pm

Sounds like a fun day! All those desserts sound super yummy—enjoy!
:twisted: SW: 210 lbs
CW: 172

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