Alene's Check-in

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Wed Oct 21, 2020 1:31 pm

Wednesday, October 21st, 2020

This morning I'm doing online yoga with another teacher before school, and then taking a walk. I am really looking forward to this, except the part of getting up and out so early! No time to write more now, but will later.

Exercise: 20M yoga, 20M walk
Steps: 10,779
Eating: Ugh. What the heck is going on with me? Feeling numbed out, wanting to escape. Just struggling.

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Thu Oct 22, 2020 1:24 pm

Thursday, October 22nd, 2020

Heading to work early to get some time to connect with myself in a quiet classroom. I need to find a way to "melt" this numbness I am feeling. To connect with myself and soften. I just have this feeling like I am numb and want to escape right now. My heart isn't in school right now. Doing what I need to do but I don't feel invested. Maybe the election and Covid and just all this stuff that is swirling around right now. Wanting life as it was before. The simple things we could do like go sit in a coffee shop without fear.

I am going to take Monday as a personal day and go out to spend time by myself, walk, find an outdoor area where I can sit and drink coffee, write in my journal, do some reading, do some thinking. Try to get back to me, what I want right now, what I can do to make it so. What can I actually change and what do I need to accept.

One thing I can definitely control is what I choose to put in my mouth today. Staying focused, keeping it simple.


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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by automatedeating » Thu Oct 22, 2020 2:26 pm

I LOVE your idea to take a personal day! I think that's just what the doctor ordered!
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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by Octavia » Fri Oct 23, 2020 10:13 am

alene1 wrote:
Thu Oct 22, 2020 1:24 pm
Maybe the election and Covid and just all this stuff that is swirling around right now. Wanting life as it was before. The simple things we could do like go sit in a coffee shop without fear.
This really resonates with me at the moment, Alene. Those simple freedoms we enjoyed. I’m craving a look round the jumpers in the shops, feeling the wool, enjoying the colours. And then just having coffee somewhere. But it’s all so darned inconvenient and difficult. It feels oppressive. Anyway I hope today goes well for you, and your spirits rise after your personal day. :)

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by pinkhippie » Fri Oct 23, 2020 9:27 pm

I relate to that too. I will be glad when the election is over at least. I am glad you are taking a personal day. I hope it helped!

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Thu Oct 29, 2020 2:15 pm

Thanks all. My personal day was definitely a stress-release day. I took a beautiful drive that I had never been on before, and that was very refreshing. It was just good to see some new scenery and escape from reality for a little while.

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Thu Oct 29, 2020 2:21 pm

Thursday, October 29th, 2020

I'm moving in the right direction with getting myself back to "me." I've been doing a little bit of yoga some mornings, and yesterday I rejoined a group led by the woman who I took the Breaking Up with Binge Eating program with. She is so calming and centering for me, and lends this feeling of stability to my life. Just being able to talk with her and listen to her rational, calming words regularly is really calming for me. Especially in these crazy times. That was a great decision on my part. :D

Food was pretty off the rails here and there the last week or so. Yesterday I moved back into my usual eating routine successfully, and it felt so good. It gave me that needed sense of structure and peace, and my body was very happy too! Eating like crap makes me feel like crap emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Feeling so much better today and I'm ready to make today another good one.

Work started out rough at the beginning of the week, but yesterday went very well, and I anticipate the same for today. Wishing everyone a good Thursday.

Exercise:30M walk, morning yoga
Steps: 9,200
Eating: Good day of eating
Last edited by alene1 on Sat Oct 31, 2020 2:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by automatedeating » Thu Oct 29, 2020 2:42 pm

Have a great day, Alene!
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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Sat Oct 31, 2020 2:22 pm

Thanks Auto!

Friday, October 30th, 2020

Exercise: morning yoga
Steps: 6,494
Eating: Ate well. I had cashew chicken take-out last night from a Thai restaurant.

Saturday, October 31st, 2020

Good morning and Happy Halloween! No trick-or-treaters around here I imagine. I think most of the families near us are older, or have high-schoolers. Plus you have to walk down a long driveway to get here! But we are doing something very fun today. My GS's birthday is coming up in a few days so we're going to take his presents to him and have a visit. We got him a little wooden table and chairs, and a chunky wooden animal puzzle. We also got a little drawing pad that you just use your finger on. It will be fun to see his reaction to his gifts. He loves to push chairs around, so that may be the first thing he does. lol Hard to believe he is 1 year old!

We got my storage unit cleaned out so now we have lots of boxes in the garage that I need to go through. Fun times! It will be good to get it taken care of though. We got our windows cleaned finally yesterday. They look so nice! It makes such a big difference. The only furniture we have left to get now is a recliner for the den, and our dining set. The table should come the first or second week of November. That will be so nice! Thankfully we have the island and our stools, but it will be great to have a table that we can sit at together and look out at the yard and the water. Plus I love to decorate the table with pretty place mats and a center piece that changes with the seasons. Then pictures up little by little. We need to get a few more. My husband is a minimalist so that has been a bit hard. I like things simple and tasteful but I do love my pictures and a few pretty things! How do you all deal with differences in decorating styles in your homes?

School has been going pretty well. We have conferences next week. Soooo frustrated with one family that has not been communicating well. I have bent over backwards and it's just so hard because I have no control over what they do. I'm going to have to learn to let go and worry about what I can do.

Looking forward to a nice weekend. We will probably get another take-out meal tonight. I'll get a bunless cheeseburger most likely. I have stayed off the scale for the last 3 or 4 days, and I have been mostly in a holding pattern the last several weeks. This morning I got in and was 168.6, a new low, so that was quite a nice surprise! I am hoping now with getting more regular in my yoga and mindfulness practices that the scale will begin moving down again. I feel much more myself again.

Hope everyone has a fun day, especially if you have younger kids that are doing something fun for the holiday!

Exercise: morning yoga
Steps: 5,941
Eating: Good eating day. Dinner out again, which I need to be watching. Those meals are always quite a bit bigger and richer than my home-cooked meals.
Last edited by alene1 on Sun Nov 01, 2020 4:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by automatedeating » Sat Oct 31, 2020 3:54 pm

Great update, Alene! I feel like over the past year I've gained some wonderful insights into this chapter of your life journey! I appreciate you so much.

*No, I CANNOT believe the little mister is already 1 year old, but oh yes!!! can I believe he likes to push his chairs around. :-)
*Your house is truly amazing, a haven in these times. I am so happy you are getting settled in; and my goodness having a dining room table is a huge deal in our family. We probably spend 30% of our time at this table (yes, I'm here now). It's "my office" during the day and of course we eat here; it's also where Creator does his homework. I'm having coffee right now, looking out my window at my backyard, and listening to Flowerpup chomp on her rawhide. :-)
*bunless cheeseburgers have never really "hit the spot" for me, but I do LOVE ground beef in a salad bowl. Go figure - not sure why they are that different to me?! (oh maybe it's because burgers from restaurants are generally more cooked and less .... fatty? - I never even drain the fat on my ground beef)
Soooo frustrated with one family that has not been communicating well. I have bent over backwards and it's just so hard because I have no control over what they do. I'm going to have to learn to let go and worry about what I can do.

Essentially this is what is my biggest burn-out trigger as a teacher, and I also have discussed on my thread that I just have to let it go.... so hard to do though. Helps when I stay mindful, like you are working on, and also when I read books like "The Untethered Soul" or "The Power of Now". Practicing "non-resistance".
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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Sun Nov 01, 2020 4:33 pm

Auto, I feel the same way about you! I love following your journey and interacting with you here. Ha ha, guess what he did as soon as we brought in the table? Just as I predicted! lol I'm coming to really enjoy the burger with a lettuce wrap. Messy for sure but still makes you feel more like you're eating a burger the usual way. :) I need to find my Untethered Soul. I read it many years ago and I think I would get even more out of it now. Have your read Loving What Is? That's another one I should re-listen to in my car.

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Sun Nov 01, 2020 4:35 pm

Sunday, November 1st, 2020

Yesterday ended up being a lot of fun. My GS enjoyed his table and other toys. We fed him his dinner and my son and DIL ran some errands. He was a little pumpkin. :)

Today will be a busy one with going through and sorting boxes, so grocery shopping, and fitting in a walk somewhere. Off to do my morning yoga now.

Exercise: 25M walk, morning yoga
Steps: 9,526
Eating: Great day of eating. I made some spaghetti sauce last night, light on the sauce, and and just served it with some steamed broccoli. It hit the spot! I really do love red sauce and haven't had any for a while. Really feeling back in the groove again.

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Mon Nov 02, 2020 2:20 pm

Monday, November 2nd, 2020

Here we are at Monday, once again! We had a good weekend, and I feel pretty ready to get back to work today. Yesterday I watched part of the Seahawks game, got groceries and a few things from Bed, Bath, and Beyond, and grabbed my favorite coffee from Starbucks, a nitro with sweet cream. That stuff is amazing! I figured out that to me it tastes like a less sweet version of Hagen Daaz coffee ice cream. So good. It's my weekend treat when I go shopping. :) I also went through a lot of boxes from my storage unit. I found an old diary from 1975. That was pretty funny to read! One of the entries from grade school was talking about two boys that were chasing my best friend and I at recess. That was all the rage back in the day. lol

I'm watching the Netflix show The Queen's Gambit. I think someone here may have mentioned it too. So good. I am really enjoying it, and I don't watch much TV so it takes a pretty good show to get me hooked. I've been enjoying watching an episode at night in bed on my iPad. With the time change yesterday I was ready to go to sleep at 9:00! I lasted till about 9:30. I actually did pretty well getting myself back to sleep a few times and making it till 5:00 before I needed to get up.

Tomorrow is the big day. I'm going to be glued to my TV tomorrow night. We have conferences this week, and I have an IEP today. Off to work early to get that done and get organized for the week. I hope everyone has a great day today.

Exercise: morning yoga
Steps: 5,169
Eating: Good day overall. I was more hungry, probably due to not sleeping that well and the time change. I managed to make it through with just a little extra beyond what I had planned for.
Last edited by alene1 on Tue Nov 03, 2020 2:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by pinkhippie » Mon Nov 02, 2020 8:21 pm

Hi Alene!

Are you a Seahawk fan? My brother is like... a fanatical Sea Hawks fan. I can keep up with the game just by checking his facebook feed. :D

Queens Gambit is on our list of things to watch next too!

Yes, big day tomorrow! I don't even know if I CAN watch it tomorrow, just because I don't know if we will know who the winner is. Fingers crossed that we get to find out tomorrow night!

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Tue Nov 03, 2020 2:31 pm

PH, I am a Seahawks fan. I like to watch the games but I'm not as into it as I used to be. Yes, there are some major fans out there! When I managed some gift shops we sold a lot of Seahawks stuff, and it was really fun getting in new merchandise that people liked. That was when I was the most into it!

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Tue Nov 03, 2020 2:40 pm

Tuesday, November 3rd, 2020

A very important day today. Just trying to keep my hopes tamped down and stay grounded until we know what's going to happen.

I went to the dentist after work. Have to say, it was NOT a comfortable experience. I put it off for a long time, but I know it's important so I went. I felt very uncomfortable having people that close to me without a mask. I am going to take excellent care of my teeth from home and put it off for as long as I can.

I'm getting back in the flow of doing my yoga, and it feels really good. I have these affirmations that I got many years ago from Susan Jeffers that I printed out yesterday. They have made a huge difference in my life at different times with things that I have gone through. I'm going to start using them at the end of my yoga practice again. They are extremely helpful for changing my mindset to a more positive and hopeful one. I'm excited about that!

I have my first conference today and mostly a paperwork kinda day at work. Tomorrow and Thursday I have evening conferences so I'll be getting home at 7:30 or so.

No exercise yesterday even though I was very motivated. Just ran out of time with my IEP and things. Today I will walk on my lunch I think. But, I think it's going to rain, so we'll see!! Great news on the scale. I hit a new low of 167.4. Fun!

Wishing everyone a good day. Hoping that the best thing for our country happens today. Sending love to anyone who may be feeling stressed! Myself included.


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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by pinkhippie » Tue Nov 03, 2020 4:07 pm

Alene, yes those Seahawks get some serious fans!

I am avoiding news all day today. I just can't take it. The affirmations sound like a wonderful thing to incorporate into your yoga practice. I am a big believer in the power of affirmations.

Sending love back to you. I hope you have a happy and peaceful day.

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by automatedeating » Thu Nov 05, 2020 11:55 pm

Seahawk fan here! :-)
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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Sat Nov 07, 2020 3:57 pm

Saturday, November 7th, 2020

Still in a state of flux after this crazy week so far. I am so ready for some resolution and closure with the election. Hopefully soon!

It's been a rough week with my eating. Really, a rough month. Streaks of really good days interspersed with days of stress eating or numbed out eating. Mostly due to pre-election and election stress. Hoping that will very soon end! Yesterday was a good day. I think I'm moving in the right direction. I've been doing my morning yoga almost every day, and that has been really good for me.

This weekend we are going through boxes, sorting, working on going through our old house and getting rid of things, etc. I'm going to get my bookcase set up with the books I unpacked. It's like having my old friends back with me. :) We'll probably get out for a walk this weekend and also go see DH's son and partner for a visit. That's about all from here!

Exercise: none
Steps: 4,180
Eating: good day

Sunday, November 8th, 2020

Exercise: none
Steps: 6,151
Eating: good day
Last edited by alene1 on Mon Nov 09, 2020 2:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by automatedeating » Sun Nov 08, 2020 5:12 pm

I'm also hoping to get back more in my normal groove!! I intended to make 5 videos last week and I made ...... 1. :roll:

Here's to a good week!!
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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Mon Nov 09, 2020 2:24 pm

Hi Auto. Here's to a week of productivity for us!

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Mon Nov 09, 2020 2:32 pm

Monday, November 9th, 2020

Good morning, and happy Monday! What an emotional weekend it was! I was really tired as I let down from all the stress of the month, and really of the last 4 years. I am relieved and so happy with the results. Ready to move on with life, with renewed hope!!!

We had a nice weekend. We did get some work done at the other house, and we had a very nice visit with DH's son and partner. It was absolutely beautiful yesterday. The day started with a heavy frost on the grass. When I looked out it looked like it had snowed almost! It was just so beautiful. I enjoyed and savored the sun and all the colors of the leaves in the trees, as I see them falling and us moving closer to winter.

Eating has been going very well, and my weight was at 167.6 this morning. Not quite my low, but almost back. I feel a renewed focus and commitment to getting to my healthiest self, and I plan to really get to it with the exercise this week. Not so much to speed weight loss, but just to feel stronger and get back some of the muscle definition that I had. This is the longest I have gone for years and years without doing regular strength training. I'm going to ease back in with 10 minute sessions of weights and core work, and focus on walking for my cardio for now.

I'm ready to have a great week at work and finish up some of the nagging paperwork things I need to take care of. Here's to a great week for all!

Exercise: 20M walk + 12M upper body
Steps: 7,473
Eating: Good day of eating

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Tue Nov 10, 2020 2:39 pm

Tuesday, November 10th, 2020

Morning all. I got quite a bit done at work yesterday, which was my goal, so that was a good feeling. I also got an online training done that was due at the end of the month, so I can check that off. I was very happy with myself for just doing it with the exercise yesterday. It was very chilly out but I took a walk at lunch, and then did my upper body last night after dinner. That isn't a high motivation time of day for me!! After dinner I usually go into relaxation mode, but I'm so glad I got it done! It felt really good to lift weights and challenge my body again. Today will be 20M of cardio and 10M of lower body. I will have to get that done this morning because I'm going to my Mom's after work for dinner.

I'm really enjoying my morning yoga, and I reprinted my favorite affirmations that I have used over the years through many difficult times. I'm really excited to start doing those at the end of my yoga session. I did the first one yesterday.

I have lots of socializing on the agenda the next couple days! Tomorrow I'm off for the holiday so I will be taking a walk with a friend in Seattle, seeing my daughter for lunch, meeting another friend in the afternoon for a walk, and then stopping by to see my grandson and family for a little while before heading home. I truly am a social person, and not spending much time with friends at all has been really difficult for me. Taking walks is a great way to get that in, and good for the body too! I'm looking forward to feeling like an active person again. I really haven't done much, and that is just not me. I think that is a big part of my identity that has been missing these last months. I feel like I'm coming back to me as I do my yoga, connect with my body, and get active and strong again.

Hope today is a good one for everyone!


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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by pinkhippie » Tue Nov 10, 2020 7:18 pm

Alene yes I know what you mean about an emotional weekend. I and several members of my family felt the same way. Big relief!

Sounds like you are in a great groove with your yoga! That is a wonderful feeling to really feel like you are coming back to yourself and who you are. I hope you enjoy your social times coming up!

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by lpearlmom » Wed Nov 11, 2020 8:06 pm

Hi Alene, I’m so happy to hear you are reconnecting with yoga and generally feeling good. I’m right there with you about letting go of 4 years of stress. When I saw that we were winning PA, I just starting crying because I knew we had it in the bag. I think this is the first time I’ve slept well in 4 years.

Anyway, enjoy your time with socializing to the next couple of days!
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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Mon Nov 16, 2020 2:39 pm

PH, thanks! I'm so glad that I'm finally getting back to my routines and self care that are so very important to my healthy and happiness.

Linda, yes it was a great relief. Now just to get to January 20th!! :)

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Mon Nov 16, 2020 2:43 pm

Monday, November 16th, 2020

Good morning all! Busy weekend here with some nice visiting with my daughter and SIL and also got some work done at the old house going through things. I have one more trip left of sorting, and then will just need to decide which goes to the dump, and which is donated of what is left. It will be a great relief to get that done! My goal this week is to spend time each day after work working on things. Often I feel "done" with the productive part of the day after work. But, with busy weekends that ain't gonna cut it! lol I'm ready to get this job done so we can truly relax and just enjoy the house, and get back to the things we love, like hiking and walks.

Going to get to it this morning and make the morning count. Hope everyone has a great Monday!
Last edited by alene1 on Mon Nov 23, 2020 2:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by automatedeating » Mon Nov 16, 2020 8:16 pm

Hope you have a good day, Alene, our last sort of free one before lockdown 2.0!
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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by Jen1974 » Tue Nov 17, 2020 3:32 pm

I sometimes feel I deserve to be “done” in the evenings too, but feel so much better when I accomplish a few things!!

I hope you get your project wrapped up. I’ve really wanted to simplify & get rid of things too but always manage to put it off!!

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by pinkhippie » Tue Nov 17, 2020 5:23 pm

Good job with getting stuff done! I have really been struggling with motivation lately. I hope you had a great start to your week!

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Mon Nov 23, 2020 2:44 pm

Thanks all. I've made a good amount of progress. One step at a time!

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Mon Nov 23, 2020 3:00 pm

Monday, November 23rd, 2020

Hello and happy Monday! Yay for a short week of work and some fun to look forward to. Things have been going well. We've been working on clearing out the other house, and I have made a lot of progress going through all of my boxes that I have had in storage for a long time. It feels so good to finally be finding homes for things for the long run. Since my divorce in 2012 I haven't had a big enough place for all my things. So it feels really good to put everything away, and have everything with me again. Cookbooks that I have used over the years, bake ware that has a lot of good memories attached to it from all the things I used to cook for the kids when they were little, for holidays, etc. Picture albums from when my kids were little, and of course all of my books! It feels like all of the parts of me from different parts of my life are all back home again. It's kind of strange, but it makes me feel more like me, more complete somehow. I just know that it's making me happy! :) We need to bring in another bookcase or two from the garage for all the books I've unearthed, and the games too.

Eating has been going well. I am finding my sweet spot with the amount and composition of meals to keep me full and satisfied, and it's making all the difference. I can just feel that my body has relaxed and released that tension I was carrying when I didn't feel satisfied between meals or snacks. I was doing a lot of stress/numbed out eating due to feeling hunger and stress together. That just isn't a good combination. So that has made me feel very happy! I've started doing my workout dvd's again, and some YouTube ones as well. It feels really good. It will take me a while to get back to feeling as fit and toned as I was before the move.

Time to get ready for work and get going on the day. Yay for a short work week!

Weight: 166.6
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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by Jen1974 » Mon Nov 23, 2020 4:38 pm

Alene: I love reading about your new house & “watching” you turn it into your home! It sounds so amazing. I’ve noticed lately too connecting with the younger me makes me feel more like myself! It sounds like things are going so great for you!!

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by automatedeating » Mon Nov 23, 2020 6:32 pm

I also have loved reading about your house building and home making! :-)
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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by pinkhippie » Tue Nov 24, 2020 3:35 am

I know just what you mean about having the bits and pieces of your life finally together and with you making you feel more "you". It sounds like you are doing so great with the eating and body movement too!

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Sat Dec 12, 2020 4:23 pm

Jen, Auto, and PH, I'm glad you're enjoying hearing about my home and watching things come together. It has been so much fun to share it here. I'm going more thinking about how I can connect with the heart of me right now. I'm not feeling a lot of joy around work, and wondering if that is something that needs to change. It's hard to know with what work is like right now. I just feel really isolated, disconnected, and going through the motions. Feeling really numbed out and I know that needs to change and will change. More on that in my post!

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Sat Dec 12, 2020 4:40 pm

Saturday, December 12th, 2020

Hey all! I have thought about posting so many times and then I run out of time or it seems like it will take me a long time to catch up and I don't. I do read here every day though. I will catch up on everyone's journals soon.

Things have been going okay. We have made progress on cleaning out the other house. I have everything out now and it's sitting in my office and in my garage at the moment. I will get a lot done on that this weekend. Then I will feel free! We went and got our tree last weekend. We went to a new tree farm and cut our tree down. It was just so much fun to be out and about doing something fun together. It has been a long road with getting the house built and working on clearing out the other house, and we haven't done much at all just us, together, making memories like we did before. We both thoroughly enjoyed it and it made us realize how much we have missed it. We still miss our coffee dates, hikes, and meals out dearly, and we will get back to those as soon as we are able. The hiking we can start doing more of once we completely finish up the other house and get the garage cleaned out. The goal is by the end of the month.

Work has been very blah. I feel very isolated and alone. My paras are doing a lot of working from home for different reasons, and I don't talk to the other teachers much at all. Their doors are closed to their rooms for the most part. I do enjoy my Zoom calls with the kids. Having kids come in to the classroom has become very stressful for me though. We are wearing our gowns, masks, and shields, and it's just not very comfortable at all. Plus with our numbers going up so much it has become very scary. I have been seeing my Mom every few weeks, and she is 81. The other day I saw the parent of one of my students that comes in at the grocery store without a mask on. She must have taken it off once she came in. That was really upsetting to me. She is sending her child into me, and she may transmit it to him through her neglect of mask wearing. It is very selfish. It pissed me off a lot. She needs to think about the big picture. Anyway, I am just really worried I will get it from one of my students and then pass it to my Mom. That makes being with the kids pretty stressful. Honestly, I would like to stay all remote until our numbers go down again. My husband's co-worker had a 102 degree fever on Wednesday night, so he got tested. So my director told me not to come into school until he gets his test results. I saw my Mom on Tuesday night also, so that is stressing me out. They do work outside, so that is much better.

My uncle was recently moved to an assisted living setting due to his Parkinson's, and he has tested positive. Very scary stuff. My co-worker's Mom just tested positive as well in her assisted living home, and I am so afraid she won't make it. It has all become much more real to me in the last few weeks. I can hardly wait for the vaccine. I know that's going to take time to make a difference, and we don't know all the possible side effects, but it is worth the risk to me. I am so ready for life to get back to as much normalcy as it can.

I am running out of time but have more to say on my big picture thoughts about work, about finding some community, and my eating and exercise. I will try and get back here later today to finish. Sorry to be a bit of a downer this morning. But life is a bit of downer right now in some ways. Back in a bit.

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Mon Dec 14, 2020 2:42 pm

Monday, December 14th, 2020

Good morning! Hoping so hard that we get good news today from DH's co-worker. If not we will get tested ASAP. Other than that, all is well! We had a nice weekend. Took a few walks and worked on stuff around the house. We went to a state park in a nearby small town and took our coffee there. It was sunny on Saturday so that was wonderful.

This week I'll be finishing up my Christmas prep. I need to wrap my presents, do my Christmas cards, and get a few more stocking stuffers. Work-wise, I don't know if I'll be working from home or school yet. From home today for sure, but we'll see about the rest of the week.

I'm making good progress on getting all my stuff put away from the other house. What is left is here in my office with me, taking up a good chunk of the floor space. lol But it feels really good to be on the last leg of that journey. Then we need to get the garage organized. We got some shelving, so we can put a lot of bins on those. DH is having a nice, big shed built starting next week, and he is very excited about that! Then he can clear out a lot of the stuff in the garage. We got a nice pellet grill and he got that put together last night. We will try it out tonight probably with some nice steaks.

We have had so much fun getting the house decorated for Christmas. We have our tree up and the house decorated, and lots of lights outside. It is really making this month so much happier and more festive for us. I am loving sitting on the couch at night under my cozy blanket, sipping some hot chocolate and looking at the tree and the lights outside. I got a new Nora Roberts book that is based in Ireland. My favorite place. :) It's just some fluff reading, but I enjoy her writing. The characters are in some of the places that I went when I went to Ireland, so it's bringing up some good memories. I can hardly wait to be able to travel again!

Eating has been going very well overall. I've had my off days for sure, which has kept my weight about the same, but on my good days I have found such a sweet spot with the amount of protein, fats and carbs that make my body hum along very happily, keeping me full and satisfied and my blood sugar steady. I have been having this weird issue with my lips. They have been strangely chapped and red, and they just burn and get really inflamed sometimes. I have wondered if it could be the large amount of soy that I have been eating, so I have switched that up and changed the foods I'm eating, which has been really great. We shall see if it makes a difference with my lips. I have an appointment with a dermatologist next month. It is very annoying though, and gets worse when I eat. Especially spicy or salty things.

I've gotten back into my workouts again. I've been doing some strength training, some walking, and some cardio. Loving it! I'm very regular about my morning yoga practice too. It feels like I'm getting into a really good groove.

Only 4 1/2 more days till winter break! I am looking so forward to it. I plan on doing a lot of walks, some hikes, and seeing some friends and family outdoors. I'm going to be doing more thinking and researching about other job possibilities too. We shall see where that goes, or if it is just a temporary dissatisfaction.

Better get to it now. Hope everyone has a wonderful day.

Weight: 167.2

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by automatedeating » Mon Dec 14, 2020 3:10 pm

Oh, wow! I know that "wanna do a different job" feeling. Are you thinking a different school, different grade, not working with special needs, or quitting teaching altogether? I'm all ears! And, BTW, whatever comes of those thoughts, they are just part of your process and I applaud you for voicing that little thought.
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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by pinkhippie » Tue Dec 15, 2020 8:51 pm

I know what you mean about Covid becoming scarier and all around you lately. Just today my DH found out that one of the men in his very small building at work tested positive for Covid and 3 other people he hangs out with all the time in the lunchroom also went and got tested and everyone is worried. They are on the floor below but apparently, my DH often goes down and uses their bathroom. Hard not to worry for sure! I hope your DH's co worker tests negative.

I am so glad that winter break is coming for you! Do you get two weeks off or one?

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Thu Dec 31, 2020 3:50 pm

Hey all. Thanks for the visits.

PH, his co-worker tested positive so we all had to quarantine and get tested. Thankfully we were negative, but it messed up our work schedules for a while. It was actually kind of nice for me to have an excuse to work from home for a while. :) I got two weeks off, which has been awesome!

Auto, I'm thinking about birth-3. Thinking about a position where I could work with families more. Thinking about seeing what positions might be available at the two tribes that are fairly near to us. I've always thought I would enjoy working with the native population. I am also thinking about TK, which is a transitional kindergarten that doesn't involve writing IEP's. I'm thinking about what job would best use my gifts and strengths. I will continue to ponder and do some job searching to get ideas.

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Thu Dec 31, 2020 4:01 pm

Thursday, December 31st, 2020

Kind of surreal that this is the last time I'm going to type 2020!! Guys, we made it through all of this, and that is an accomplishment in and of itself. I'm thankful that this year is about behind us now, and hopeful that the new year will bring good things for all of us. Travel, time with family, feeling safe again.

We've had a good few weeks. Time with small groups of family, time to take some walks and short hikes, lots of time sitting in front of the Christmas tree and looking at all the lights we put up outside, and the lights of the other homes across the water. We have one more get together this weekend and then we will officially be done with Christmas! I've struggled with my eating with the extra treat foods around, and the Christmas candy that I bought for stockings. Sugar really is an addictive substance for me. Certain foods just call my name. Other ones not so much. I'm up about 3 pounds from my low of 166.2 for the year. I'm excited to get re-focused on my eating and get down to my goal.

I just joined Openfit, which is kind of like Beachbody where they have a variety of programs you can do. I just started the 30 day challenge of Extendbarre and I'm really loving it! They are 30 minute workouts, which is just perfect for me. I really like the instructor too.

This morning I'm getting my oil changed and getting my grocery shopping done. We're decorating some cookies and I'm making a baked mac and cheese and pecan pie for our meal tomorrow. DH got a Traeger grill and he's having fun with is new toy! He's making ribs for tomorrow's dinner.

Wishing everyone a wonderful last day of the year, and lots of hope for a great 2021. Love you all friends! Thank you for being here with me through this year, for the encouragement, and for sharing your lives in your journals.

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Sun Jan 03, 2021 4:19 pm

Sunday, January 3rd, 2021

Good morning! Well, I have to say it doesn't seem quite real that I have to go back to work tomorrow! It has been 2 1/2 weeks, and this feels like my new normal. lol We had a great time, lots of relaxation and enjoying time sitting by the tree with coffee/tea/cocoa. Today I will get myself all geared up and ready for the new week and getting back to work. I'm going to clean out my car, vacuum and clean the upholstery, take papers to get shredded, put all my addresses in my new address book I got for Christma, file my paperwork, get some groceries, and do my workout.

I am really enjoying my Openfit membership and the Xtend Barre workouts. I have 5 under my belt so far. I'll be starting their 90 day challenge on January 11th. I've been much more consistent since I started.

Yesterday I enjoyed some yummy leftovers like my homemade mac and cheese, and some cashew roca we got for Christmas. Today I am back on the straight and narrow and recommitted to my plan. I'm ready to get to my goal and start living in maintenance.

I guess that's about it for now. I hope everyone has a great Sunday!

Exercise: XB Legs 1 - my legs were shaking! :)
Steps: 7,450
Eating: Great! Right on plan.
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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by lpearlmom » Mon Jan 04, 2021 6:02 am

I know. I’m not ready for winter break to be over but so glad you enjoyed your time off. Looks like you’re doing a challenge of sorts too! Gl!
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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Mon Jan 04, 2021 2:30 pm

Linda, thanks for coming by. Here we go January!

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Mon Jan 04, 2021 2:34 pm

Monday, January 4th, 2021

Here we go, back to reality. The goal is to create a reality that I want to be in every day. Or at least most days! lol I really want to put my all into my teaching in this new year. I really lost my mojo by December. I want to feel good at the end of each day, that I have given my all and worked hard. Put my heart into it. I'm going to go in a little bit early today and get going. I dropped off all my teaching supplies yesterday so I wouldn't have to do that this morning.

I had a good workout yesterday. Those barre workouts are no joke! I'm really looking forward to getting stronger and having more definition. I have also recommitted to my eating plan and would like to hit goal at the end of March. Going through the holidays was tough. I guess the real upside is that I only gained about 3-4 pounds. It could have been worse for sure! Anyway, feeling freshly motivated and ready to focus.

Off to do my yoga and get going on my day.

Weight: 169.8
Last edited by alene1 on Mon Jan 25, 2021 2:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by automatedeating » Mon Jan 04, 2021 4:26 pm

I always feel so graceful when I do barre! It is a lovely form of exercise.
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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by pinkhippie » Mon Jan 04, 2021 5:32 pm

Those barre workouts sound great! I did ballet in my youth and I remember the barre portion of class was so intense!

I also gained about 3 pounds over break. I am ok with it, but I am looking forward to getting back to eating the way I normally do. It's nice to have that structure and it actually wasn't as fun to break that structure as I thought it would be.

Your intentions for the new year and teaching sound wonderful! What a positive way to start your day and your year. I hope you have a fabulous day!

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Mon Jan 25, 2021 2:26 pm

Good morning and happy Monday! Things have been going along pretty well. I had to step away from the barre workouts for now. The plies really got my knees, even when I was careful. I think I can incorporate a little bit of it mixed in with my other workouts. I really do enjoy it. I've gotten back into a good routine with exercise though and have been doing some Jessica Smith and Ellen Barrett along with walking. Feeling really good.

Eating has been going well overall too. Some ups and downs but overall I am in a good routine and my body feels good and satisfied.

My husband made the best pulled pork last night! He got a Traeger grill and he cooked it for about 14 hours. The outside was so yum and crunchy with just a hint of sweetness from the rub. We both dug in and were nibbling as he pulled it. So good! I was pretty stuffed after. lol

I'm really going to focus on creating a great Monday for myself. This is the day of the week that I struggle most with emotional eating. I've compiled some affirmations I put on 3x5 cards and have been reading at the beginning of each day. I feel like I have all the tools and wisdom I need to deal with life without using food, but forget about them in the moment. I think this is going to help. Finally being free from binge eating is one of the most important things I want to do in the year ahead.

Here's to a great start to the week for all of us!

Weight: 167.2

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by pinkhippie » Tue Jan 26, 2021 1:13 am

Hi Alene, nice to hear an update!

Yeah, I bet plies would be tough on the knees! I don't think I could do those right now!

That pork sounds amazingly good!

I am a huge believer in affirmations! I think that is a great idea. Let us know if you notice a difference or if it helps you.

Hope your Monday was wonderful!

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by automatedeating » Tue Jan 26, 2021 3:23 pm

Alene - interestingly, I also had an injury while doing barre! I got really into it a number of years ago and I strained my hip flexor with the leg lifts. A very painful injury actually! I've never tried it again, although I always love how graceful I feel when I do those kinds of exercises.
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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by lpearlmom » Thu Jan 28, 2021 2:33 am

Sounds like things are going well. You always have such an upbeat positive outlook. I haven’t done barre but ive been doing Pilates and really enjoying it. GL with tackling the binge eating. It’s such an unpleasant thing to experience.
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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Thu Feb 18, 2021 2:04 pm

Thanks for the visits all. Sorry to be so spotty on visiting and posting. My mornings always seem to fill up with other things and that's the only time I really get on my actual computer. I don't like to post on my phone. :)

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Thu Feb 18, 2021 2:21 pm

Thursday, February 18th, 2021

Is it spring yet??? I enjoyed the recent snow, but not being stuck at home. I'm really quite the busy bee, and like to get out every day for a little while. Lots has been going on of late. We are getting ready to have our preschoolers come back on Monday. I've had some of them coming in a few hours a day, but I will have my class of 8 in the afternoon, and a remote learning class in the morning. Today and tomorrow will be all about getting the classroom ready for them to return, and getting next week planned and prepped for that. We also need to get the weekly packets ready for the remote learners. It's going to be busy, but I'm looking forward to the change once we get in the flow.

My teaching assistant situation has been hard. They have been alternately in and out due to Covid and other life circumstance. We have never been able to get into a flow and feeling like a team. I have a new TA starting today, and she will be with me the rest of the school year. One of my students is from a Spanish-speaking family and she will help with her and translating and communicating with the family. I hope the three of us can get more of a team feeling going. I have just felt pretty alone at school with all of us having to be apart, even for our teacher meetings. We do pop into each other's rooms here and there, but it's still so different.

I decided to be done with the structured eating program that I was doing with prepared food. I just didn't feel good eating so much soy, artificial sweeteners, and packaged food. I am in somewhat of a new routine, but don't feel strongly solid yet. I've been maintaining my weight within a few pounds so far. I would like to get down to 160 and then see where I am and how I feel. Honestly, I do feel good where I am. I feel fit and healthy and feel good in my clothes. But some of my pants would fit much more nicely at 160 than they do now. I've been exercising regularly and that has been going well. I am in a bit of a funk with my workout choices though. Kind of tired of the same old. There's another app-based fitness program that has a wide variety of classes. I may give that a go.

Overall I guess I don't feel great at the moment. I'm in a bit of a funk I guess. But the great thing is that emotions are so changeable that all it would take is a good day or two and I can feel like a different person! I think with both my TA's in today and being busy getting ready for the kids to come back, my mood will shift.

Eating-wise, I'm not doing just 3 meals. With my history of binge eating it just doesn't work well for me to say no eating except for those 3 times a day. I am working to find the best pattern for me, and find the best foods to eat that fill me up and nourish me and that I also enjoy a lot. Keeping my blood sugar steady is super key for me to feel good both physically and emotionally. I need to eat plenty of protein and fat and keep the carbs moderated.

Anyway, I will try and post more often and get myself back in the flow. I know this blah feeling will pass soon. Weight was 167.8 a couple days ago. I'm not going to weigh for a few days. Hope everyone has a good day, and me too! :)
Last edited by alene1 on Mon Feb 22, 2021 3:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by pinkhippie » Thu Feb 18, 2021 6:11 pm

Hi Alene!

Its nice to see you pop in. I think a lot of us have been kind of struggling with the funk lately. I am not sure why. I am experimenting with eating more often in a structured way as well. I think it kind of sparks that fear of deprivation and throws me off the rails with emotional eating when I have to tell myself no so often as well. I am also working on blood sugar stability. Fingers crossed that we both figure out our pattern!

I hope your TA works out for you and that you can achieve that team feeling. I love that feeling of teaching as a team, and I can imagine how tough it would be to have that right now and remotely. I hope you have a good day and a good weekend!

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by automatedeating » Sat Feb 20, 2021 4:18 pm

Hi Alene! So nice to hear from you but sorry about the funk! Hey at least today looks sort of a tiny bit of blue sky? I looked out the window and my eyes hurt because I wasn't used to seeing any color in the sky! :lol:
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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Mon Feb 22, 2021 3:00 pm

PH, I am hoping that the spring will help us all move out of the funk and start feeling better. Just seeing the sunshine and being able to be outside more I think will help so much! Yes, I hope we can both find that sweet spot with our food pattern and composition. I think I'm getting pretty close! Thank you for coming by.

Auto, yes it was a nice day with blue sky. So nice to see! There is an end in sight. I think this is the most that I have ever looked forward to spring!!

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Mon Feb 22, 2021 3:08 pm

Monday, February 22nd, 2021

Good morning all! Here we go, Monday! I will have my first class with my 8 students this afternoon. I'm excited about it. It will be fun to see them all. Trying to keep them all apart will be a challenge! We will just do the best that we can.

Today I'm starting a 30 day challenge. The challenge has 3 parts. It's 30 minutes of daily exercise, following my food plan, and reading from a new book I just ordered on rewiring your brain to change your relationship with food, and writing about it briefly each morning.

I just joined Beachbody On Demand, and I think it's going to be great. I've done a lot of their workouts and really like them. I'm going to start out with 21 Day Fix.

I have a challenging day to start. It's a Monday, which is always challenging! I woke up quite early and I'm tired. I have a training from 4:15 - 7:15 tonight. I have to figure out how to fit in dinner and my workout before I get too tired. :D I'm not a night person. Maybe I'll have a cup of black tea for a little lift.

We had a really fun day yesterday. Two of my kids/spouses and my grandson came over for bbq ribs. Yummy dinner followed by my homemade brownies. We had so much fun playing with my GS.

Back to it today! Time for my yoga and then getting into work to get ready for a busy day!

30M of exercise: Total Body Cardio Fix
Food plan: Did well. The work stress hit me but I was able to stick to my guidelines. A bit more food than I had planned.
Reading & Writing: done

Weight: 169.8
Last edited by alene1 on Tue Feb 23, 2021 2:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by automatedeating » Mon Feb 22, 2021 5:09 pm

Have fun with your 30-day challenge!
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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by pinkhippie » Mon Feb 22, 2021 8:44 pm

Hi Alene!

Wow busy day! Good luck with your class and your 30-day challenge! Sounds like you have been being productive!

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by lpearlmom » Tue Feb 23, 2021 2:42 pm

Hope all goes well with your class. I bet it’ll be nice to get back in there.
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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Tue Feb 23, 2021 2:58 pm

Thanks all. Day 1 done and behind me. First day with kids - oh boy!!!

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Tue Feb 23, 2021 3:03 pm

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2021

Hey all. Yesterday was busy and stressful. It was great to see the kids, but I have to say, it is really hard to manage keeping distance between them. Especially during free choice time when they want to move out and play with each other and all the different things. So, so hard. They aren't supposed to touch the same materials. We will do some brainstorming and try to figure out better ways to manage things. Buses were late and trying to get the routine down. But we made it through. It's going to take some time to get into a good routine. Today is my Zoom class with my remote kids in the morning. Hopefully the afternoon will go a little smoother.

I'm going to try and lighten things up a little. I feel like I've been eating too many heavy foods. The fats and proteins satisfy me, and too many carbs make me hungry. Just trying to find the balance so I don't end up eating too calorically densely.

Okay, gonna get to it. Have a good Tuesday.

Weight: 170
Last edited by alene1 on Tue Mar 02, 2021 2:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by automatedeating » Tue Feb 23, 2021 5:28 pm

Oh, Alene. Hugs. You will need supernatural strength to teach like this. My heart and my hugs go your way.
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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by pinkhippie » Wed Feb 24, 2021 5:20 pm

Alene, that just sounds exhausting! Classroom management is tough enough during normal times, but having to keep the kiddos apart and not touching the same stuff? I hope you and your team can come up with some good ideas. It sounds so hard!

I hope you are having a good Wednesday!

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by pinkhippie » Wed Feb 24, 2021 5:21 pm

Alene, that just sounds exhausting! Classroom management is tough enough during normal times, but having to keep the kiddos apart and not touching the same stuff? It sounds so hard! I am glad you have people to brainstorm with to get ideas though, hopefully, you and your team will figure out some good strategies.

I hope you are having a good Wednesday!

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by alene1 » Tue Mar 02, 2021 3:07 pm

Thanks for the virtual hugs PH and Auto. We are doing better and getting into the flow now. It's still challenging, but there is only so much that you can do with kids this little to keep them apart. I'm still trying to get in my flow with managing doing remote learning in the morning and in-person in the afternoon. I've going to start doing the screenings for new students mid-March too since I have more time in the mornings. It will be good to add that to my repertoire, but still a little bit of stress and learning curve. I have my observation Thursday via Zoom. I always get stressed for those, but it always seems to go quite well. Just the idea of being evaluated! I don't like it. 8)

Things are going well with my challenge. I'm not hitting every day perfectly, but the idea of the challenge and the time line is motivating for me. I'm loving my new Beachbody program called Muscle Burns Fat. I really like strength training! There is also some HIIT cardio in there too. I love the trainer, which is part of it. She's super motivating and super fit. Very down to earth though. I am just loving having Beach Body on Demand. So many great workouts to choose from!

I'm going to visit my mom and sister tonight for dinner and a visit. I always look really forward to sitting and visiting with them and drinking wine. My husband doesn't drink, so it's fun to get together with them and enjoy some wine. I always spend the night and get up with the chickens to beat the traffic and get home in time to get ready for work. I stop at Starbucks and get a yummy dark roast coffee and sip it on the way home. I like the whole routine. :) It always makes the work day go better when I know I have something fun to look forward to after!

I've been incorporating a lot more fruits and some veggies this week. I am moving away from eating so many calorically dense foods. I always thought that I had to keep things pretty low carb to keep my appetite and cravings in check, but I'm really finding that's not true! I am actually finding I am more in tune with hunger and satiety. At dinner time when I incorporate some sweet potato or other starch I am hitting that point where my body just says, "enough," pretty loudly. I like it!! I've been loving having apples and sumo oranges, and a smoothie with banana, collagen, almond milk, and a little raw sugar before my workouts. I like making things from scratch like that instead of doing protein shakes.

Anyway, I had better get to it and get ready for work. I hope everyone has a great Tuesday!

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by pinkhippie » Wed Mar 03, 2021 6:57 pm

Glad you are figuring things out! Good luck with your evaluation! I don't like getting evaluated either... have been as a preschool teacher before.

Sounds like a great routine you have visiting your mom and sister! That is so nice that you can do that.

Good for you with the exercise! I am glad you are discovering that you can eat and enjoy carbs and feel good and satiated!

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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by lpearlmom » Wed Mar 03, 2021 11:17 pm

Great job with the workouts! It feels so good to get in a good groove. Your sleepovers sound perfect!
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Re: Alene's Check-in

Post by automatedeating » Fri Mar 05, 2021 1:26 am

Alene - those little Clementine or Sumo oranges are seriously one of my favorite foods!
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