Iregirl's Daily Check-in

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Iregirl's Daily Check-in

Post by Iregirl » Thu Nov 23, 2006 9:39 pm

I'm checking in early since I'll be out tonight and might not have a chance to come back in later. I'm doing No S slightly differently in that my S days fall on Thursdays and Fridays. I work from home and my partner's days off fall during the week, so it's easier to do it that way.

I'm behaving well today, though, since it's my first official day on the No S diet. Banana and cereal for breakfast, steak and potatoes for lunch, and tonight I'll be ordering food in with friends at their place. It'll probably be sushi night, so at least it'll be nice and healthy. I'll probably have a Coke since it is officially an S day, but that'll be it for indulgence.

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Post by British Chap » Fri Nov 24, 2006 5:50 am

Welcome! :D

I'm a newbie here too - but I'm looking forward to reading how you do.

Good luck and take it a day at a time.


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Post by Iregirl » Fri Nov 24, 2006 5:02 pm

Yesterday was a success. I did have that one Coke, which made it a pretty mild S day, but it was all I needed. I'm going to make today an S day too, since I think if I didn't I find the stretch until next Thursday harder to take. I'm not going to go crazy today, either. I'll probably just have a banana and a couple of chocolates during the time when I'd want a mid-afternoon snack, maybe.
Last edited by Iregirl on Sun Nov 26, 2006 5:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Iregirl » Sun Nov 26, 2006 5:07 pm

Yesterday was a success! The day went as planned. I ended up over at our friends' place again last night and we ordered in pizza. I got a personal size panzerotti and only ate half. The other half is waiting for me for lunch today.

Also, I asked my fiance to not bring me sugary treats home so he asked me to put together a list of non-sugary treats he could get me. I'll have to put some thought into that! :D

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Post by Iregirl » Mon Nov 27, 2006 2:44 am

Today was a success. I had leftover pasta for breakfast, half a panzerotti for lunch, and a very lazy peanut butter sandwich for dinner. Not the most nutritional day, but tomorrow is grocery day so I have a bit of an excuse. :wink:

My treat list is rather short right now. I've only got things like honeydew melon, pomegranate and fresh pineapple on there so far. That's actually fine with me as 'treats' aren't something that really fit into the No S way of eating. If it's healthy and delicious, it can be worked into a meal and not seen as an indulgence. S days are for 'real' treats, I suppose, and I don't want to have them in the house except as one-time only things on those days.

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Post by benjishi » Mon Nov 27, 2006 4:19 pm

Tell him he can get you ice cream on S-days to celebrate your progress :)

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Post by Iregirl » Tue Nov 28, 2006 2:35 pm

Yesterday was a roaring SUCCESS! I was so happy. We were at our friends' place again last night (we go see them a lot; they're like family) and I was so nervous that I'd cave into temptation and have a Coke. Coca Cola is a weakness of mine and I'm making sure never to have any here at home. Last night I didn't even consider having a Coke while we were out, though, and stuck with water. It was fine and it felt awesome to control my impulses.

benjishi, my fiance likes to bring me home little treats to surprise me every now and again when I'm not expecting it. So, yeah, he could get me sugary stuff on S days, but he'd still like to be able to do little things for me on non-S days, too. He loves the idea of fresh, delicious fruit that we can enjoy together with dinner. I told him about it last night and he thought it was a great idea.

Besides, I think I'd like to be in control of the S day indulgences, honestly. It would be easy to go overboard and justify it to myself as, "Well, he did buy it for me. I guess it can't hurt to eat it!"

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Post by Iregirl » Wed Nov 29, 2006 6:16 am

I'm going to bed in just a few minutes, but needed to stop in quick and report that today was also a success. I ate really well and even though I had a bad moment at dinner tonight when we went to Subway for subs and I really, REALLY craved a Coca Cola I didn't succumb to temptation and got a bottle of water instead. And that water? Was delicious.

I also walked my feet nearly to the bone. We went to a giant craft and art show called the One Of A Kind show here in Toronto and I walked and walked and walked and walked. My feet are absolutely killing me, but it feels great. :D

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Post by Iregirl » Thu Nov 30, 2006 4:45 am

My last successful N day before my S days! Today went really well and even though I had a few cravings I was able to remind myself of what I'd be giving up if I succumbed to them.

Thursday and Friday are my S days, so I'm going to enjoy myself without overdoing it tomorrow. I have a very important job interview on Friday morning and I don't want to feel all logey and oversugared for it. My biggest plan for tomorrow is to eat a bread pudding at the mall when I go shopping for a shirt for my interview. I'll be at our friends' place tomorrow night to watch Survivor and will probably have a Coke, and that'll be it for sugary stuff.

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Post by Iregirl » Thu Nov 30, 2006 2:44 pm

OK. I want to be very careful today. I feel really good after my successful first five days, and it would be easy to go crazy today and tomorrow. I listed out the two 'major' indulgences I have planned for today in my entry last night. I'm going to avoid having seconds since that isn't usually an issue for me anyhow and if I do it just because it's an S day that would be pointless.

I haven't told my fiance or any of my friends that I'm doing No S. It's so easy to practice this WOE that nobody ever notices, and I don't want it to turn into something I'm self-conscious about. That's happened to me before with other diets, and my fiance gets very anxious for me, which doesn't help either of us, really. No S just looks like normal eating because it IS normal eating. So simple.

I'll be back later with more thoughts, I'm sure. I want to write in my daily check-in even on S days because it helps me keep my focus.

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Post by Iregirl » Fri Dec 01, 2006 7:33 pm

Yesterday did end up being a very mild S day. I didn't go crazy overboard with treats, and only ate three small meals. Today I'm not planning to indulge wildly either. I was at an art show earlier and had a muffin and soda, and I'm going out for dinner with my fiance tonight. That'll be it for indulgences, other than a couple of pecan chews in an hour or two.

My job interview went really well this morning! I have a good feeling about it, and if I get this job I'll be getting plenty of exercise. It's a position as an animal care attendant at an animal hospital. Very exciting for me, as I've always wanted to do work like this. I'll be walking dogs, assisting in exams and surgerys, assisting in x-rays and various other things. If I get it I'll be very happy!

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Post by Iregirl » Sat Dec 02, 2006 5:50 pm

Yesterday ended up being a very, very long and tiring day for me. I slept in a nice amount this morning and I'm going to be a tiny bit lazy this afternoon, it being Saturday and me being home alone. My fiance and I are going back to the art show for the last time tonight where I'll once again do plenty of walking.

I'm back on my N days now and am trying to stick to coming to the No S forum soon after I get online every day. I need to make it just as much a habit as the rest of it, because it really does help to keep me focused and reminded of why I'm doing this.

I have a second interview at the animal hospital on Tuesday, which means that they're seriously considering me for the job. It's what's called a working interview, so I have to go prepared to work hard. Getting this job will be so good for me physically, so I'm very excited about it.

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Post by British Chap » Sat Dec 02, 2006 7:34 pm

Congratulations on the second interview! :D

Imagine having a job with built-in Urban Ranger functionality. Cool!

Good luck and let us know how you do. Keep sticking to NoS's though - all those overweight animals with complications are going to need a great role model. You can talk them through the routine whilst you're walking them: No Doggie treats, No Bones and No scraps from the table except on days beginning with S. :lol:


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Post by Iregirl » Sun Dec 03, 2006 6:17 pm

Oh, Gareth. Thanks for your words of encouragement and wisdom, but unfortunately I have to count Saturday as a failure. I bought a muffin on my way to meet my fiance at the subway station because I wasn't sure when we'd end up eating a meal and I was STARVING at that point. I was the victim of my own poor meal planning and I paid for it.

It wasn't the worst failure in the world, but I want to be as scrupulous as I can be about reporting my failures along with my successes here.

Today is a fresh new day, of course, and I'm back on track. I have my meals planned out for today and I'm positive I'll do well.

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Post by Iregirl » Mon Dec 04, 2006 5:24 pm

Sunday was definitely a success, thankfully! My meals went as planned and there was no snacking or anything else unplanned. We had a beautiful pomegranate with dinner. I love to eat pomegranates during their season and so am making sure to incorporate them into meals.

I'll be out walking a lot today. I have to do some shopping for new shoes for my working interview tomorrow and instead of taking the bus from the subway station I'm going to walk to the store and back. That'll get in some good Urban Ranger-ing. These new shoes will also be good for my Urban Ranger action, actually, since I'm getting some running shoes with great support.

I'm starting to see a difference already in how my pants fit. I'm very, very pleased about that since my current pairs of pants are getting kind of old and I have a couple of pairs in the next size down that I want to start wearing again.

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Post by Iregirl » Tue Dec 05, 2006 11:41 am

Monday was a success. When I was out shopping I was tempted to get McDonald's for supper because I was hungry and it was right there, but I waited until I got home and had something more sensible. It's funny how something can look SO GOOD when you're hungry, and after you've eaten something else you're just as satisfied and happy that you didn't eat it. I mean, I could have sworn that I might just die if I didn't get a quarter pounder, but here I am, still kicking.

I have to leave in about an hour for my second interview at the animal hospital. I think I'm prepared. I'm going to buy my breakfast on the way there since we're low on groceries and the thought of a peanut butter sandwich just doesn't do it for me today. I'll get a bagel with cream cheese and a tea, and that'll hold me until lunch.

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Post by Iregirl » Wed Dec 06, 2006 12:50 pm

Tuesday was a success. Last night my fiance really just wanted to go to Harvey's for burgers, so I said yes, figuring one burger couldn't hurt too much. I realized when I got there that I could have a grilled chicken sandwich and an apple juice and my meal was actually relatively healthy! No fries or onion rings, of course.

I also got lots of exercise yesterday and did lots of walking, so it was a good day for burning calories. I made up for that by having cheese toast this morning, of course, but I'll be doing some Urban Ranging this evening with my fiance. 8)

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Post by reinhard » Thu Dec 07, 2006 2:34 am


Congratulations on your string of successes! And I think your scrupulousness will pay off... you seem to have handled that one little failure in a very mature and honest and non-self destructive way. Failures like that, when you respond to them as well as you did, can actually be a positive, motivating force. Avoiding them (especially because you now you'll have to post them) becomes a bit of a game, fun, almost.

I'm finding the check-in forum to be surprisingly helpful to me, personally. I started out doing it just to set an example, but I don't think I'd be able to balance as many systems as I am right now as well as I am right now without it.

Hope the interview went well!


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Post by Iregirl » Thu Dec 07, 2006 4:46 pm

Reinhard, thanks for the encouragement and kudos! You're definitely right about the accountability aspect and what it does to our thought processes! I found that the muffin failure didn't upset me terribly because it wasn't like I ate a whole box of chocolates or a tub of ice cream. It wasn't the No S way, but it also wasn't the end of the world and I can't imagine letting a muffin get me off track for good!

Wednesday was a success, too, and now I'm on my S days. Last Thursday (my first S day since starting No S) I was craving sugar horribly. Today I'm not! My body seems to be getting used to the reduced amount of sugar I'm feeding it. I'm still going to indulge a couple of times today and tomorrow, of course, but I'm not going to go crazy or anything. I believe strongly that if I don't take advantage of my S days (within reason) that I'll be more tempted to stray on my N days.

We're going to our friends' place tonight and I'll have a Coke, of course. Beyond that, I'm not sure I'll be eating much sugary stuff, but I might have a snack of fruit or two. My fiance's grandmother just sent us a huge box of oranges and grapefruit.

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Post by Iregirl » Sat Dec 09, 2006 8:41 pm

My S days were fun. I didn't go crazy or anything, but it's amazing how sugar affects mood! I tend to get a lot more depressed and funky-feeling after having sugar for a couple of days. So now I'm recovering and looking foward to the clear-headedness I get from cutting out caffeine and sugar from my diet!

I think my biggest indulgence was having two Cokes last night. The caffeine certainly made me more jittery. I didn't indulge in seconds at all since I rarely ever do anyhow. We had a cheap Chinese food feast with some friends on Thursday and I did fill my plate pretty full, but that was more than enough for me and I certainly didn't need anything else afterward. Dinner last night was tacos (as a treat for my fiance who loves them but I hate the bother of making them). I only had two, which fit on my plate with lots of room to spare. So it seems that S days are mostly about fulfilling my sugar desires after five days of controlling them.

See, for me the least egregious S is seconds. Snacking also isn't much of an issue for me, so I'd have to say that my most difficult S to overcome is sugar. I do crave sugary things from time to time.

In cutting out sugars, of course, I've found that makes snacks even less of an issue for me. Snacks tend to be sugary and fatty by definition, so my achilles heel could be seen as a blessing in disguise when looked at this way. I thought I'd be craving salty, savoury snacks too but since meals tend to satisfy those kind of hungers it's not an issue at all.

No S really does have all these little unexpected realizations for me. It's fun!

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Post by mrs.cummings » Sun Dec 10, 2006 4:56 pm

It's interesting how it seems each of us have one S that is harder than the others. Sugar and seconds aren't too hard for me, but snacks are. I've always thought "what's the harm of having a banana? it's good for me.", etc. until I've eaten WAY to many "good for me" calories.

Congratulations on your S day successes!


PS The difference between Toronto and TX must be how hard it is to make tacos, because tacos and fajitas are my easy dinners that I would make every day except that my husband requires more variety. :D

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Post by Iregirl » Sun Dec 10, 2006 5:18 pm

Jesslyn, I am not the most enthusiastic cook at any time, so the bother of cutting up all the ingredients for tacos makes me grumble. I'm such a baby. :)

Yesterday was a success. We had leftover tacos for dinner last night (and they're so much more fun when all the hard work has already been done :twisted: ). Right now we have a box of President's Choice shortbread cookies in the cupboard and I wish we didn't. I think they're going to tempt me between now and dinner. I won't cave in, but I do wish that my fiance had taken the rest to work with him. He can eat anything and not gain a pound.

I'm making tortiere with broccoli on the side tonight. Now that the weather's getting so much colder here I'm more in the mood for heavier comfort foods so I've been making some of Chuck's (my fiance's) favourites, like this and the tacos. He LOVES tortiere. All I have to do is cut up the broccoli, since we buy a ready-made pie and I just have to stick it in the oven. See? Lazy cook!

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Post by Iregirl » Sun Dec 10, 2006 11:14 pm

OK, I'm having a hard day today. I'm on track but it's been a difficult one for me and I'm very much looking forward to dinner at seven. I've been wanting to snack on sugary things all afternoon now, and those shortbread cookies aren't helping one bit. They're either going in Chuck's stomach tonight or with him to work tomorrow. There are only six left, and he can eat that in one sitting.

I've been reading the No S site to keep myself focused, and checking back here to see if there's anything new. Come on, people! Post for me! :wink:

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Post by British Chap » Mon Dec 11, 2006 5:54 am

Come on Iregirl - start counting the days - how close are you to 21 days now?

Be strong, be focussed and set yourself that short term challenge. It's the season of goodwill to all men....and the seaon of lard too, so take it one day at a time. Just think of all of the artery-clogging fat in those cookies - I'm sure you want something much tastier.

How did the second interview go by the way?


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Post by Iregirl » Mon Dec 11, 2006 2:38 pm

Sunday was a success! It was a harder day than usual for me, but I didn't break down and snack on unhealthy foods all over the place.

Gareth, my second interview went well but I haven't heard back from them yet. I was supposed to hear on friday but the hospital manager was home sick instead so she'll be making calls today.

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Post by mrs.cummings » Mon Dec 11, 2006 5:54 pm

Iregirl wrote:Jesslyn, I am not the most enthusiastic cook at any time, so the bother of cutting up all the ingredients for tacos makes me grumble. I'm such a baby. :)
Ah, see I must be an even lazier cook than you because I buy already chopped veggies. :) I buy already made Pico De Gallo, already made guacamole, shredded cheese, sometimes sour cream, tortillas, and ground beef. All I have to do is add the spices and cook the ground beef. :) Sometimes I also fry up some (already cut) red and green peppers and onions. I buy the frozen ones so it's not so expensive and I can use only as much as I need.

Mmm... I think we're gonna have tacos tonight!

(PS Congrats on your hard-earned successes!!)

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Post by Iregirl » Mon Dec 11, 2006 10:24 pm

Jesslyn, that could be the answer to my taco dilemma! Although Chuck tends not to buy that stuff when he's the one doing the shopping, and I usually get him to pick up the shopping on his way home from work. Last night's tortiere and broccoli was supposed to be a simple meal, but he also picked up carrots, mushrooms, and cauliflower, turning it into a four-pot, one frying pan extravaganza!

I didn't get the animal hospital job. I ended up calling them again today at three-thirty, since the manager leaves at four. It was pretty evident from our conversation that she hadn't even been intending to call me to let me know, which I find disappointing. Oh, well. I'll find something else, eventually.

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Post by mrs.cummings » Tue Dec 12, 2006 1:47 am

I'm so sorry to hear that you didn't get the job. :( But you're right, you will find something else.

Here's my easy taco solution, maybe it will help you.
We buy a package of tortillas when we are low and freeze them (this works best if you take them out of the package, pull them apart, stack them back up, and put them back in the package before freezing so they don't turn into one huge clump of uselessness). We also buy huge bags of superfinely shredded cheese when its on sale and freeze it. And, we buy the "fajita veg" in the frozen aisle (basically sliced green and red peppers and onions).

Then when it comes time for tacos, like tonight:
I just defrost a lb of beef (of course we freeze that too :)), brown it, and add a can of Rotel (tomatoes and green chilies) and some spices (pepper, salt, garlic powder, and chili powder).
In another pan I fry up the frozen "fajita veg". Throw a few tortillas in the microwave and get the fixin's out (cheese, guac if we have it, salsa, sour cream if we have it, etc). And I'm done. (If you put the cheese under the meat, you don't have to defrost it at all, the hot meat melts it.) Tonight we even had lettuce on our tacos because we had some ready to go in our garden.

My hubbie is just the opposite of me (and apparently you). He's the anti-lazy chef. The salsa we have is what he canned from tomatoes and such from our garden this summer. He would make everything from scratch/fresh if he did it, but then he wouldn't have time to go to work, which is why I do most of the cooking. :)

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Post by Iregirl » Tue Dec 12, 2006 4:56 am

Today would have been a very successful N day except that when we got to our friends' house tonight they'd put together a kind of surprise party to cheer me up over not getting the job. So, I made it an S day since I really did need the cheering up! I'm not sure how totally comfortable I am with unplanned S days, since they can push one onto that slippery slope of making every small thing an S-worthy event, but since it's not like I just threw caution to the wind and indulged when there wasn't any reason to I'm not going to be hard on myself about this.

I'm glad to say that I didn't go overboard or anything. If I'd held off on an extra slice of pizza and some fudge I actually could have kept it an N day, so all in all I feel good about how it went.

I don't plan to mess around with my set S days. Meaning; I'm not going to skip one of my weekly S days because I had one today. I'd just end up frustrated if I did that.

Jesslyn, our SO's seem to have similar views on cooking. Except that Chuck doesn't really cook except for his special homemade macaroni and cheese. That's pretty good.

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Post by mrs.cummings » Tue Dec 12, 2006 7:47 pm

Dave cooks alot on the weekends.

For a potluck this friday I am making the easiest pie in the world (melt chocolate, add it to whip cream, put in a premade cookie pie crust). This is my idea of cooking. Dave on the other hand immediately thought, "I should make individual salmon/cream cheese bitelets on roast potatoes." He's such a gourmande...

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Post by Iregirl » Wed Dec 13, 2006 2:45 pm

Tuesday was a success. I had a particularly stronge urge to snack once I was in bed last night, though! I was trying to relax and drift off and instead my mind was drifting to the refrigerator. I just ignored it as best I could and it went away. Eventually. :)

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Post by pangelsue » Thu Dec 14, 2006 5:26 am

You are doing really well. I have been reading your posts all along and I am impressed with your drive and devotion to the plan. Sorry about the job but all things happen for a reason. There'll be a better one out there soon.
A lot of growing up happens between "it fell" and "I dropped it."

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Post by Iregirl » Thu Dec 14, 2006 12:15 pm

Thanks, pangelsue! I'm very determined to make this work for me this time around. It's funny; over the last couple of years every time I've thought to myself, "Oh, I need to lose weight and get fit," it's been with the knowledge that I don't have any excuses. I knew about No S and only needed to reach the point where I want it badly enough for myself. And here I am.

Wednesday was a success. My S days start today and it's also Chuck's birthday, so the timing is perfect! We're going to our friends' place tonight for sushi and cake and likely other varied treats. I'll be reserved, though. I'm still trying to avoid the S Day free-for-all I know I could throw myself into if I'm not careful. These same friends are also having a big latke fry on Saturday night but I think I'll be all right for that. Latkes are not my favourite things in the world, so one plate should do me just fine.

Oh, and I started a medication yesterday that I'll be on long-term that doesn't allow me to have caffeine, so Coca Cola is no longer an issue for me either! That's a good thing. 8)

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Post by Iregirl » Thu Dec 14, 2006 9:48 pm

I just wanted to pop in and post something that struck me as kind of funny. I have half of an organic President's Choice Raisins and Hazelnuts chocolate bar sitting here. I've found myself glancing at it from time to time and automatically saying, "Not now, but later," to myself! I mean, it's here specifically because today is an S day and I've been saving it for this so there's no reason to deny myself a square or two when I feel like it.

Does this mean I'm really developing the habit? If so, it feels great!

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Post by hexagon » Fri Dec 15, 2006 1:19 am


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Post by mrs.cummings » Fri Dec 15, 2006 9:29 pm

Awesome job, iregirl!

I'm certainly not there yet. I'm doing all I can to make it through today with the thought that it'll be okay because tomorrow I can eat whatever. Tomorrow my refrain the whole day through will be "Don't Be An Idiot!!" :)

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Post by Iregirl » Fri Dec 15, 2006 11:37 pm

Hang in there, Jesslyn! It's funny how some days can fly by and seem almost effortless, and others are just consumed with thoughts of food. I'm expecting the next couple of weeks to be a bit rough (PMS creeping up), so I'll probably be making some desperate posts here during that time.

My S days are drawing to a close. I don't know what we're doing for dinner, but I'll probably get Chuck to pick up a pomegranate for a snack tonight to end my S days off. I'm not terribly hungry because this medication is messing with me a bit and making me feel a bit nauseated, but I'm still managing to eat enough (of course). I made a delicious spaghetti sauce on Wednesday, so I've been having pasta once a day for three days now. Easy, tasty and filling. Maybe we should have a salad for dinner tonight after three days of heavy food, huh?

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Post by mrs.cummings » Sat Dec 16, 2006 6:15 pm

iregirl, you are such an inspiration for food choices. First the tacos and now spaghetti. I'm going to have spaghetti tonight from one of our fave restaurants (that has been planned for some time now), but I like my sauce better. Now that you mentioned it I think I'll have to make up a batch of it and use it over the next couple of weeks. :)

It's so much easier to decide what to have for dinner when you're around. Thanks!!

Also, ditto on the PMS. I think that's got a lot to do with my food cravings right now. I just seem to want food all the time and actually feel hungry. It's even effecting me while I sleep. I don't think it's to the point of being unhealthy and I know that I'm getting proper nutrition/calories so... I'll see if I can ride it out.

Keep up the string of successes!!

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Post by Iregirl » Sun Dec 17, 2006 8:59 pm

Saturday was a success. The latke party turned out to be a non-issue regarding the latkes because it turns out the type the host made were the kind I'm not as crazy about. I like them, but not enough to eat seconds, so it worked out just fine. There was a moment later in the evening when shortbread cookies were being passed around, but it wasn't as tough as it could have been and I made it through.

Jesslyn, enjoy the spaghetti! I enjoyed ours so much I'm debating making more this week. I probably won't, though, since eating so much pasta for two weeks might be a bit much. I'm making pancakes and bacon tonight since Chuck looooooves them. I have some awesome President's Choice jam I'll be eating on mine instead of syrup.

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Post by Iregirl » Mon Dec 18, 2006 11:32 am

Sunday was a success. I did make pancakes last night and they turned out very yummy. Chuck is allergic to eggs so I substitute bananas for the eggs. Mmmmmm.

I'll reach 21 days on Friday! I've been doing No S for longer than that, but my setback with the muffin reset my days at the beginning of the month. I have to say that the time is flying by, though! I'm secretly kind of glad that the last two days of my 21 days are my S days, since that'll make it harder to mess up. :twisted:

I was checking myself out in the mirror this morning, too. I don't weigh myself and I've been trying not to spend a lot of time dwelling on how my clothes are fitting and whatnot, but figured it was time to give myself a once-over and see how I'm doing. And I can see a difference! It's not just my imagination. One pair of pants that I own are literally falling off of me (although they were a bit big for me to begin with, but not in real danger of falling off until now). I won't go into major details, but suffice it to say that I can see a difference in some 'problem' areas and it feels great.

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Post by zoolina » Mon Dec 18, 2006 3:17 pm

Way to go, Iregirl!

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Post by Iregirl » Tue Dec 19, 2006 10:16 am

Thanks, zoolina! I'm feeling really good about how things are going with No S.

Monday was a success. I'm eating at kind of odd times because my sleep schedule is all messed up right now with this new medication, but I'm making sure to eat the right number of meals and eat sensibly during them.

Now that I'm coming up on the end of my 21 days, I've been thinking about what made getting through them possible. Let's see:

- not skipping any S days. I only had one extra S day in there, but I think that not skipping a scheduled S day as a result was a good choice for me.

- not worrying about portion sizes too much right now. I'm not going overboard, but also not giving myself a difficult time about making sure I'm satisfied at each meal. I can focus on that later, when the initial and most important habits are ingrained.

- drinking lots and lots of water! No, it's not food, but it helps when I'm hungry and it keeps me hydrated.

- trying not to see No S as strictly a diet. What's kept me overweight for so long hasn't been simply overeating; it's been my poor habits and inability to focus on problem eating habits and overcome them. Too much sugar was my Achilles heel, and No S safeguards it well.

- the No S forums! Having this place to come to every day has been incredibly helpful! I don't know if I would have been as staunch in my quest so far if it wasn't for the support and humour here. Thanks, everyone!

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Post by Iregirl » Wed Dec 20, 2006 2:32 pm

Tuesday was a success. I just have to get through today and my S days on Thursday and Friday and I'll have completed my 21 days.

I haven't been focusing much on the 21 day thing throughout. I've just been trying to take it one day at a time. After the 21 days is complete I'm just going to carry on as usual and if I slip up at any point I'm not going to restart my 21 days. I guess I just see it as a rite of passage or something in developing the habit.

I bought a new pair of pants this morning in the next size down, which felt pretty awesome. I just got a cheap pair of jeans since I'm intending to go down quite a few sizes and don't want to splash out a lot of money on expensive jeans each time. Besides, I can't afford to do that anyhow!

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Post by mrs.cummings » Wed Dec 20, 2006 7:59 pm

Congratulations on the new pants!! I found a pair of jeans in my closet that had been too small, but now they fit!

I think you are exactly right about the things that help us with NO S. I'm doing the same things, even with portion control. I'll work on getting better once I've got the first habit of just eating 3 times a day. :)

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Post by Iregirl » Sat Dec 23, 2006 9:39 pm

I haven't posted in a few days, but Wednesday was a success. Then Thursday and Friday were S days. Today has been fine so far, but it's nowhere near over yet so I'm not making any claims yet! :D

I finally got all my Christmas shopping finished this morning, and I'll spend tomorrow wrapping and packing to leave town. We're going away for five days and I probably won't have much opportunity to visit the No S boards, if at all.

My eating plan is to have S days on the 25th, 26th and 27th. That leads right into my normal S days on the 28th and 29th, so it's five S days in total. We're attending Christmas dinners on the 25th and 26th, and a fondue party on the 27th.

My intention is to not be an idiot! That's a lot of S days right there, so I'm going to remind myself throughout that it's not license to go crazy and eat everything in sight all day long. Also, I want to be careful not to lose my habits (since I just completed my 21 days) so I'm going to stick with one plate at each meal still, which isn't that hard for me. Denying myself sweets will just set me up for failure so I'm not even going to pretend that's a possibility.

Have a great holiday, everyone!

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Post by zoolina » Sun Dec 24, 2006 6:30 am


I also have a massive holiday planned. three days at the in-laws and then, a few days later a week vacation. I'm not so worried about the holiday festivities-- definitely S, but am a bit worried/wondering about what I should do on the vacation.

Good job getting thorough the 21 days! I'm still on day 8, 8 weeks in!!


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Post by Iregirl » Wed Jan 03, 2007 11:40 pm

Well, I haven't disappeared! I'm still around, just have been busy lately and doing a lot of job-hunting this week. I have an interview tomorrow, thankfully.

I didn't go crazy over the holidays. Whenever I ate a meal I kept it to one plate with no seconds. I did indulge a bit more in sweets than I should have, but don't feel like I was an idiot about it, either.

I decided to ease my way back into No S a bit this week since I'd had a week off. I'm starting with no sweets and no seconds, but allowing myself a few snacks. I'm keeping them healthy; mostly fruit and some green olives here and there. Next week I'll return to strict No Essing fully.

The holidays were great and it was awesome to see the friends and family that I don't normally get to. I feel refreshed for the new year!

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Post by Iregirl » Wed Jan 17, 2007 1:50 pm

I'm still No Essing! I'm back on strict rules and have changed my S days to Saturday and Sunday since my fiance's work schedule has changed. It seems that the habit that took the hardest hit over the holidays was my reading and posting habit, unfortunately. Life has still been kind of crazy but I'm doing well otherwise!

I'll try to get back into the habit of coming here first thing every day. It really helps a lot.

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