not really new, but starting again

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not really new, but starting again

Post by jaob » Thu Jan 11, 2007 4:11 pm

Hi all! I was here about a year ago, because this WOE sounded so reasonable and healthy. But the "I need to take this weight off NOW" demon :twisted: took over my head and I tried all the "get this weight off NOW" diets there are. So in the past year I have managed to gain 20 MORE lbs. due to my impatience. I come slinking back here and pray for patience; yes, patience even more than making good food choices. But, of course, I do have a few questions:

Do you consider coffee w/ 2 T 1/2 & 1/2 a snack? I usually drink a couple of these before I eat breakfast.

I LOVE red wine. Is this an S? Unbelievably, it usually doesn't hinder my ability to make good food choices, but I am sure the calories involved don't help me any!

Anyway, here I am. Pray for patience for me!! Thanks, Jenny
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Post by kccc » Thu Jan 11, 2007 7:31 pm

Red wine is okay as long as it's a reasonable amount. I usually have a glass of wine most evenings (though I like white more). :)

As for coffee... to me that's a gray area. I don't count my morning cup (up to 2) but don't allow more. (Mine is Cafe au Lait made with 1/2 cup milk plus sugar.)

I guess that depends on the "Do YOU think it's a problem?" guideline. Will be interested to see what others say.

And welcome! :)

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Post by david » Thu Jan 11, 2007 8:49 pm

Read the No-S diet page:

the answers are there.

Good Luck!


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Post by JustAnnie » Fri Jan 12, 2007 4:05 am

I've learned, the hard way, that if you start a diet that makes you miserable or is very high maintenance (like journaling) that it's not going to become a way of life and you aren't going to stick with it. I'm new here but eating No-S so far hasn't been a strain. I think I can live with this. I might not become model thin, but I know I'll be healthier.

Good luck with this attempt!!
Just Annie

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Post by jaob » Fri Jan 12, 2007 2:29 pm

Thanks KCC, David and Annie for the welcome and words of advice. I am sorry I sounded so down in my first post, but I thought about where I would be today had I just stuck to No S for the last year instead of the muddling through so many other diets only to gain more weight to lose! I will take the past year (as well as the past 20 years of weight concerns) as a learning experience and make this WOE my lifetime health goal! :D As you said KCCC, I will have to decide if the coffee (really the 1/2 & 1/2) and wine are something to be eliminated during my N days.

Greatest of N days to you all!
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Post by reinhard » Fri Jan 12, 2007 3:48 pm


Welcome back!

You put your finger on what is most necessary: patience.

This diet isn't hard, in terms of strenuous effort or deprivation. But it is hard in that in demands that you give it time and restrain yourself from jumping after the next quick fix or "improving" it with extra restrictions that just wind up overburdening you.

I drink a glass or two of wine or beer almost every day. I drink my coffee black, but I don't really think a bit of milk and sugar is going to make much of a difference -- so relax and enjoy. People drank wine and coffee for generations without getting fat. The obvious problems -- 10+ teaspoon a can sugar soda, monster multicourse meals, permasnacking -- are hard enough without looking for more hiding under the bed.

Best wishes for a patient and successful 2007, and looking forward to hearing more from you,


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Post by kccc » Fri Jan 12, 2007 3:49 pm

Remember, this is a WAY OF EATING. Don't let it make you too miserable, or you won't do it.

My personal call would be wine is okay, one cup of coffee WITH breakfast is definitely okay. The only thing I'd consider iffy is coffee outside a meal. YMMV.

DO read the No-S pages and listen to the podcasts. They help with decision-making a LOT. (And help change your thinking.)

Best wishes. :)

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