WHERE Do You Eat Your Meals?

No Snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Except on Days that start with S. Too simple for you? Simple is why it works. Look here for questions, introductions, support, success stories.

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WHERE Do You Eat Your Meals?

Post by JustAnnie » Mon Jan 15, 2007 3:49 am

My mind just made a previously unthought of connection......when I am No-Sing I eat all of my food at a table, sitting in a chair, with my feet on the floor. All of my snacks and mindless eating are done away from a table, usually in front of the tv, at the computer or running around doing other things. I can almost bet that if I'm eating during NO-S days and I'm not sitting at a table that I will have blown the system for that day.

Does anyone else find this true?
Just Annie

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Post by pangelsue » Mon Jan 15, 2007 12:31 pm

I rarely eat at a table even though I probably should. We almost always eat supper in front of the TV, breakfast is eaten on the fly and lunch is at my desk. Wow, I just realized how nasty all that sounded. Snacks usually happen for emotional reasons. Unavoidable stress at work is the largest offender. Boredom/laziness at home is the main other one. I could make myself do something and it might even be fun but instead I eat. I don't like this picture and am working on changing it. The only one I won't change is eating in front of the TV. Our table and chairs are not at all comfortable. When I get home and make supper I have usually been constamtly busy since 6:00 AM and it is now 13-14 hours later. I want to be comfortable so I opt for a comfortable chair and a TV tray.
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Post by benjishi » Mon Jan 15, 2007 6:06 pm

I don't have a kitchen table... usually I eat sitting on the edge of a bed. Or in my car. Or at my moms house (ugh, secondsville to the max).

hey pangelsue, what kind of work do you do where you can't control what snacks you have around you?

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Post by Sinnie » Mon Jan 15, 2007 6:30 pm

I think I have to agree with you on that, Annie. I have found my successful days on NO S included putting all my food on the plate (rather than eat this and that all during one time period which I would consider lunch) and sitting down at the table. When I don't do these things I find I'm more likely to fail. However, I may be able to get away with eating in front the tv, although I find I can't pay attention to my food then.

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Post by reinhard » Tue Jan 16, 2007 10:59 am


It certainly is a help to eat at the table. I don't know if it's 100% necessary, but if you can do this, why not? It's a powerful, ritual association that builds the habit and raises the bar for eating anywhere else, and it's just kind of nice, especially if you're sitting down with family and friends. If all your legitimate eating is at the table, eating illegitimately anywhere else will seem more obviously wrong and you'll be less likely to do it.

I eat almost all my breakfasts and dinners with my family at the table. But my lunches are suboptimal in this regard (though they're optimal in other regards, more on that soon), I usually eat a bowl of oatmeal at my desk in front of my computer. The hurried, solitary lunch is a trade off, so I have time to use my lunch break for urban ranger.


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