Dealing With Vacation Trips?

No Snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Except on Days that start with S. Too simple for you? Simple is why it works. Look here for questions, introductions, support, success stories.

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Dealing With Vacation Trips?

Post by JustAnnie » Wed Mar 07, 2007 9:41 pm

Vacation season is upon us. 8) Some of the northeners have already taken or are soon going to be taking spring trips. We will probably be taking a trip in a few weeks with another couple. Right now I have really rigid meal times and, for us, vacationing always means eating tons of good food whenever we feel like it. My question is:

Are you able to stay to No "S" on vacation? Do you set aside a couple of days to be "S" days or do you run your regular "S" weekend schedule? I'm trying to work on my strategies ahead of time and all suggestions will be appreciated.
Just Annie

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Post by silverfish » Wed Mar 07, 2007 10:02 pm

It depends how long the vacation is! If it's only a few days, I could make the decision to make them S-days. For a really long vacation, I'd stick to the schedule. For a vacation which involved family visits, I'd eat sweets if they were served as part of a meal, but not otherwise.

I'm going to New York in October and that's what I'm planning to do - keep to the schedule unless a family member/host serves something that wouldn't otherwise be on it, or unless it is something that qualifies as sight-seeing more than eating :)

Basically my S-day guide of only eating to keep body and soul together, or because it is really-really nice/unusual, and not just because the food happens to be there!

But I realise that degree of flexibility could be problematic.

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Post by reinhard » Thu Mar 08, 2007 12:54 am

Vacation days can go either way -- but it's important to decide one way or the other and not just let it be a guilty mishmash.

Valid reasons to make an S day a vacation day are 1) you have very few of them 2) your vacation involves travel to some place where there are culinary delights it would be a real shame not to sample 3) your vacation involves visiting family who insist on stuffing you.

I try to limit myself to around 2 non-weekend S-days a calendar month (vacation and holidays). If it's that or less, I don't worry too much. If I'm taking a full week or more of vacation (all too rare, alas) then I'll a day or two to take as vacation S days and count the rest as N-days.

Whatever happens, a vacation day is never a "failure." That's way too depressing for what's supposed to be a fun time. Worst case scenario you have an embarrassing number of S-days. Resolve to report them here or to mark them in your calendar and fear of that embarrassment might be enough to keep you in line.


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Post by zoolina » Fri Mar 09, 2007 7:59 am

I live in Europe and have about 8 weeks of vacation a year. So far, three weeks of No-S vacation.

My vacation guidelines have been: no sweets on S days, but snacks are ok (seconds have never been a problem for me, so I don't really worry one way or another on vacation.) On active vacations, like a ski trip, I tend to eat constantly but have never gained weight because of all the exercise. On less active vacations, like the last one at home, I tried to stick to the No-S guidelines...

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Dealing With Vacation Trips?

Post by Too solid flesh » Fri Mar 09, 2007 11:24 am

I make all my vacation days S days, with mixed results. On a beach holiday with lots of swimming, I can eat what I like and not gain weight. On a trip to Paris, despite walking MILES between art galleries, museums and gothic churches, I gained weight (crepes, croissants and Berthillon ice cream).

For me, it's worth the possibility of a temporary gain in order to take the pressure off and make No S something I can live with permanently.

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