
No Snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Except on Days that start with S. Too simple for you? Simple is why it works. Look here for questions, introductions, support, success stories.

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Post by karinatwork » Mon Apr 16, 2007 5:25 pm

I think I have a confession to make.

I have decided that in the next 6 weeks, I want to incorporate some aspects of WW back into my diet. I want to be aware of what I am eating in those three meals a day, and I want to make sure I am not going overboard on the weekend. So that's the sad truth: I will have to go back to counting.. :(

I am sorry for being weak, but I think I need some control at least until I'll leave. No-S will be the best way to go in the future, but right now, if I don't do something else, I'll die!!! I need to get this tension off my shoulders and feel like I am doing the best I can - I slacked off for too long.

In the last three weeks I realized something important: The only way for me to stick to ANY diet is to be allowed to cheat at regular intervals (on the weekend, for example). For 2 years I tried to go back on track with WW, and I failed miserably... I think the longest stretch of "being good" was 5 days. With No-S I've been good for 3 weeks now!!! That's a record. So I was thinking why it was so much easier, ALTHOUGH I was not eating ANY chocolate at all during the week, and the simple answer was because I was allowed TO INDULGE on the weekend.

So now I'll be counting. I hope this is not a deal-breaker for anyone here. I appreciate your company and your opinions and your guidance, and I hope I won't get kicked out of here ... :(
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Post by florafloraflora » Mon Apr 16, 2007 6:07 pm

I think that a firm No-S habit, like most other new habits, is easiest to cement when you don't have a lot of other stresses or demands on your time. Right now, when you are worried about your trip, may not be the best time for you to try and get a new habit down.

That said, I do think No-S is just the right structure to help change eating habits (by which I mostly mean eating less) safely and naturally, without feelings of deprivation or frustration. It takes a leap of faith though, and I don't blame you for not wanting to take that leap right now. Here's hoping that after you get back from your trip you'll have the free time and peace & quiet you need to get into the straight No-S habit.

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Post by karinatwork » Mon Apr 16, 2007 6:22 pm

Oh, you bet I'll be back to 'regular' No-S the day I get to Germany (or as soon as the big, sad "Oh Karin, you were doing so well, why did you let yourself go AGAIN???" is behind me).

My mother's food is excellent, and so is the German bread, and I will be so glad that I can eat all these things and still be eating sensibly without having to run to the nearest computer at all times and trying to figure out the calories of that impossibly to find item... I won't be able to join in my family's normal "4 PM coffee and cake ritual", but that's what weekends are for.

Peace of mind, that's what the counting is right now. That's all. :)
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Post by Bee » Mon Apr 16, 2007 10:06 pm

I say, do what you gotta do. I think the idea is that the problem with diets like WW is that they're hard to sustain and when people stop doing them they generally gain the weight right back. Well, if you come back to No-S AFTER you do WW, you will be going back into building sustainable eating habits that should keep you from gaining it back! Maybe your rate of weight loss will slow down but that is not necessarily a bad thing. I would just say try to prepare yourself for a leveling off of the weight loss downslope after you go off of WW and remember that you're going for slow, sustainable habit-forming, lifestyle changing weight loss and not diet-type weight loss so that you don't get frusturated.

I don't know that much about how WW works, but it seems to me like you could still work on building your No-S habits (no sweets, no snacks, no seconds, etc) while doing WW, no?

Maybe others will have a different logic, but that's my view. Whatever you do, keep No-S in mind and keep on posting and come back soon!!!!

And good luck dealing with your family... it sounds like it could be hard but try to let it roll off of you. You know inside that you're working hard and doing great things for YOURSELF and these things just take time but the process is already UNDER WAY even if they can't see it. Keep on No-Sing and think long term--5 years down the road when your family sees you in all of your hotness and wonders how you've maintained it for so long!
Last edited by Bee on Mon Apr 16, 2007 10:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by karinatwork » Mon Apr 16, 2007 10:15 pm

Thank you for your input!

Those are my plans, yes. I'd like to lose some weight quickly to give me a good start and then establish myself in the "comfort" of No-S where I will continue to lose weight, even if it's only at a rate of 1 lb a month - as long as it goes down.

And today for my first day back on counting points, I've done well already. I had no snacks, no seconds, no sweets. The only difference is that I weighed and measured my food and made sure I didn't go over points (which is DAMN HARD because it's not much they let you eat... but now that I have a plan and a goal, I might just be able to stick with it).

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Post by joasia » Mon Apr 16, 2007 10:45 pm

I really really feel your pain. I don't know if I can help, because I am in a similar situation. I was born here, but my whole family is from Poland. I have avoided going back and visiting because I know how fashion and weight conscious they all are. What really drives me crazy is they all eat full fat meals and never exercise. I sent my husband alone at Christmas, because I did not want his family to see how much weight I had gained. Heck, they made comments about my weight 7 years ago when we got married and I weighed a lot less then! It is really hard because I want to visit my grandmother before she passes away. So I understand your reasoning for looking to WW. I tried it once. It was fast and effective. I lost 50 pounds and gained 70. WW works but it is very hard to stick to. I myself am flirting with it due to health problems. I wish I could be of more service. My thoughts are with you.

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Post by joasia » Mon Apr 16, 2007 11:01 pm

P.S. My only idea: Do weight watchers everyday and on the days you can't measure your food (because you are eating out or whatever) Then do Nos. Also, about the cheat days. When I did WW, I could never stay on it all the time. I would take about two days a week off. The weight still came off, just a little slower.
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Post by cvmom » Tue Apr 17, 2007 1:51 am

Hi Karin.

You don't have to apologize! I think its great that you have voiced your struggles. For what it's worth, traveling always makes my eating habits risky. (Getting up early, lousy plane food, mini bars, etc.) Just try to be kind to yourself.

As a former WW, I found it a lot easier to keep a food journal when I started No S. Maybe it was just that old habit, but at least I could see all that I was eating.

Good luck. Dru

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Going back to WW

Post by mimi » Tue Apr 17, 2007 11:54 am

Hi Karin!
I'm very new to Nos - but very familiar with WW. Every time they came out with a "new" program, I rejoined. I got down to my goal weight twice out of all those times, but always to regain the lost weight. The most recent try with WW was almost two years ago. I came to the realization that I learned many BAD habits by going to weekly meetings. I would sit and listen to chatter before meetings and discussions during meetings. I heard countless ways how members "cheated" and then got back on program. I heard some real interesting schemes over time, but the worst part of it all is that I found myself doing them! Well, if they worked for so-and-so and they still lost weight, I could cheat like that also. For instance, one member came each week and weighed in after going almost foodless (is there such a word?!) all day. Then she slipped over to the nearest Burger King where she bought her heart's desire (a lot!) and ate it. Then she returned in time for the meeting, sometimes finishing her meal. She did this every week! (I never indulged in that one!) It hit me hard one day - this isn't really a lifelong way of eating - it's more like playing a game and finding ways around the rules. In short, I stopped going. I needed something better - something that could help me end a lifelong battle with obsessing over what I ate and what I didn't. I just completed my first day of noessing ( I really am a newbie, and maybe have no right to talk - but, for the first time in years I feel liberated. Before starting, I read many, many, posts here - and I'm beginning to see what everyone has been saying. There is a peace that comes with noessing. I think that's the key, Karin. You need to find and do whatever you need to do to bring peace into your life. I truly hope this is it for you. Best wishes to you!
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Post by reinhard » Tue Apr 17, 2007 3:04 pm

Viel Glück! Hope to see you back here soon.

My mostly very thin and fit family in Germany doesn't "exercise" either. They walk. They garden. They play soccer. They eat rich food -- 4 meals a day. It's not quite no-s, but it adds up to a lot less than the guilty permasnacking most Americans indulge in.


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Post by karinatwork » Tue Apr 17, 2007 4:35 pm

Vielen Dank!

Well, I'm not leaving, I'll stay right here (virtually speaking, on this board) as I am not turning my back on No-S. I'm still trying hard to only have three meals a day, which is getting difficult since those meals are so much smaller now. I think today I might have to allow myself a snack of fresh fruit in between meals *hangs head in shame*. :)
Started on March 29, 2007 with 237 lbs.
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