Little break from EDS posts

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Little break from EDS posts

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun May 08, 2005 1:52 pm

Hi Guys! Rein, that comment about not letting my "day job" interfere with posting was very cute! :wink:
NoS and SG posting had been such a mainstay for me this year. And I even got the "machine gun poster" award for 2004! LOL... So yeah, it was like a day job for me, to some extent (just without money!) Now *I'm* the one having to "catch up on all of you guys!"
The job is going wonderfully for me. I did about 6 full massages this week and expect the pace to pick up considerably. Wow I will have my *hands* full! LOL... nyuk nyuk, corny I know!

We moved our furniture into the cottage yesterday and today is, laundry, toiletries, stereo, kitchen supplies, etc... day..
Just wanted to give a little shout out while I have a five minute break.
Personally, Reinhard, as for the SG making it "big time", I really love that it's a home based exercise and not a huge trendy thing that everyone does in classes...It is more fun to be in an elite "underground" movement of geeky, Lord of the Rings, domestic Samurai, Vampire slaying, SG "cultists"! LOL... But I will definitely bring it in to show the personal trainers one day, just to see their reaction! :lol:
Love and Peace,
And Happy Mommies Day
8) Grateful Deb

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Post by reinhard » Tue May 10, 2005 1:43 pm

Looking forward to hearing from you in your next five minute break! Hope you're able to keep up your good habits with your new, busier life.

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I have 8 minutes...

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed May 11, 2005 3:04 pm

Hi Reinhard! I missed you and posting sooo badly yesterday! :lol:
My shift starts at 11 today, still don't have my comp at the new place, but tomorrow I will bring it over and have (gag) dialup service till next week when the dsl goes back on...
I lost 3 pounds since I started here, and I think it's because NoS is 80 percent still in place and I have been swimming 4 days a week, avg so far, for about 1/2 hour each time!
Have my sledge in my car now and will be showing it off pretty soon! LOL..
Have a great day! It seems that swimming is becoming one of my new "defaults".. Once our apartment is fully settled in, I will be planning meals ahead and doing lots of prep work to make sure we are honkydory with NoS at home... Richard is on cloud nine as he is able to play ball with kids of various ages at the park behind our cottage.. It's so close that I can even hear his conversations through our bedroom window, so I can prepare dinner and do boring mommy stuff, while he is playin with "the guys!"... Last night he played in the park for about 3 hours!
I am thrilled about this aspect of our relocation... he deserves to have fun!
Well here I go. Off to massage the masses!


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Post by Ariel King » Wed May 11, 2005 6:53 pm

Nice to hear from you Deb! So glad things are going well for you.

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Post by Marsha » Thu May 12, 2005 12:04 pm

Hi Deb. Sounds like alot of changes and they all sound good.


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Thanks! On Ludditing and Curfews for our own good! LOL...

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu May 12, 2005 2:20 pm

Thanks Ariel and Marsha!
By the end of the month my home situation should be fairly settled down.
It's going great so far...
Yes "Lee", hee hee, it is a lot of change fast...
Seems like that is the way I always experience change..
All at once, everything together...
It's wacky, but so am I... LOL...
Hope you are doing well too!
How's golfing?
Oh, Reinhard, I think I can handle the weekend without you (sob sob whimper whimper) but if I were you, which I'm not, I would be going on the computer on the weekend, for fun and stuff, and probably, again, for me not you, want to limit weeknight emailing because it really throws your body a curve if you stay up for that extra hour, when you really need the sleep to have a good day...
Case in point, last night I finally hooked up the dialup connection here (yeesh how painfully slow!) and I was up till 11! Before the computer was in our place, we were going to sleep at 9 or 9:30... Sounds boring eh? But in reality, I think I'd rather get that sleep... So I am now instituting a "Cinderella Curfew", credit to Chris, I think? And I will be a weekday luddite...Computer goes off at 9:15 max.... Except on the weekend, because I am not going to be a weekend Ludditer...
You will see if I am cheating this system if you notice my post time says 9:16! LOL...
Staying up late, procrastinating on "shutting down" the mental "computer" is not conducive to a good following day...
What do you think about that? 8)

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Post by Marsha » Fri May 13, 2005 3:50 pm

Hi Deb, I haven't hit balls at all. I think my husband bought me the clubs too soon. He though I was a natural. I have been working long hours and haven't taken too much time off but busy is good. I need to do that luddite thing for work. :). I should change my username to Marsha Lee but it doesn't look like I can.

Have a good weekend.

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Post by Chris » Fri May 20, 2005 8:44 pm

Cinderella's electric curfew returns! Wow - I'm famous!

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Post by reinhard » Tue May 24, 2005 2:02 pm

Chris -- now you're twice as famous. Since I put up a weekend luddite page and they're similar systems, I added a link to your original post:

I love the ads...

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue May 24, 2005 2:17 pm

Reinhard and Chris are my official fairy Godfathers! LOL....
Yes those ads are pretty funny, Rein :lol:
Before, those, there were all these ads for premium dog food and daily prayer/meditations...
I guess it's because God is Dog backwards...

Here's more evidence for the curfew...
My comp is messed up now, and guess what time my body felt like going to sleep last night?
9 pm... Sound boring, yes...
Sound nerdy, yes....
Uneventful, yes....

But that is what time I feel like going to sleep when I don't have the internet calling my name, and keeping me "wired"...
Wow. I actually got 10 hours of sleep last night.
Good for the body, even though it's boring.
Have fun in the Highlands Chris! How's yer Mum these days? I'm remembering some trip you made last year when she was ill. Hope all's well!
PS... Do you wear a kilt when you do Shovelglove? :P
Peace and Love,

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Jul 28, 2005 3:27 pm

Hey Folks!
I need to start limiting my time in front of the computer... The little naggy voice in the back of my mind is saying to pay attention to other things like work, bills, exercise... You get the picture!
So I know you are all used to me posting like a maniac all the time, heh heh, but I think I need to limit this, at least, during the workday...
If I put as much effort into myself and my business, as I do into chit chattin' and shooting the NOS breeze, who knows? Also, before you know it, the Summer will be waning and (Uch!) you know what season will be approaching... I want to make a little more effort to be more active and less sedentary... So, here's my monthly goal... I will check posts in the morning (cause that just goes well with my coffee)... But I'll only post in the evening... I'm a big creature of habit, and this is just becoming a time consuming habit (although of course fun! ) but I'm not happy about being so sedentary and passive about my career... (Funny how going back to all commissions wakes up that drive to succeed!)
If I were being paid to do this, at least, I'd feel less guilty about being on so much! LOL... But like I said..the little red flag up in my amygdala (sp?) or my Intuition, is telling me, "Get moving Deb... This is blocking your success..."
I have to heed that voice...
It wouldn't hurt to go to the pool and swim once in a while either...
I feel like a lard ass today! LOL....
Well off to Yoga, and just wanted you all to know not to freak out if I'm less "Postal"! :wink:
Have a fantastic day...
Love and Peace,
8) Deb

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