Mimi's Daily Check In

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Mimi's Daily Check In

Post by mimi » Tue Apr 17, 2007 3:09 pm

Yesterday was my first day no essing. I think that I did very well. I'm not going to list everything that I ate but I will admit that the only time that I had trouble was after dinner - for some reason that is the worst time of the day for me. I think it is stress eating. But, I made it! And I felt so good waking up this morning knowing that I hadn't pigged out the entire night before. That's a good feeling!
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Post by mimi » Wed Apr 18, 2007 12:22 pm

Day 2: SUCCESS!!!!!!! (How do I make this green?)
B: cereal with fruit
L: turkey & ham sandwich, whole wheat crisps, grapes
D: grilled chicken, baked sweet potato, green beans & tomatoes
1/2 banana w/ peanut butter

Today (day 3) is what's worrying me! Salad bar day at school with plenty of deserts - and after school a Tastefully Simple TASTING party. I'll need help![/u]
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Post by reinhard » Wed Apr 18, 2007 9:04 pm

Hi mimi,

Congratulations on your good start.

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Post by mimi » Thu Apr 19, 2007 4:33 pm

Thanks, Reinhard! Let's see what I can do!

Day 3: S Day! I decided that this was the easiest way to handle my eating dilemmas. I had two cookies on my plate at lunch with the salad, and at the tasting party I enjoyed only one small taste of each item offered. Dinner was normal; no in-between snacks. I feel very good and I was at peace with my decision to make this an es day. In former days, like just last week, I would have beat myself up and then eaten everything in sight. I am in love with No S!
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Post by mimi » Fri Apr 20, 2007 10:05 am

Day 4: Success!! No comments - except that evenings are getting easier! If it takes 21 days on habit to really create a habit, then I'm on my way! Yipee!!
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Post by mimi » Mon Apr 23, 2007 11:58 am

Day 5: Success! Days 6 & 7: S Days! Nice! I can't believe I've already completed a full week of No Essing! The days have flown by. Now back to N days! I'm going to begin walking this evening. I don't think I can call myself an urban ranger, however - I'll have to be a ranger in the "sticks!"
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Post by mimi » Tue Apr 24, 2007 12:04 pm

Day 8: Success! Walked for 40 minutes last evening - included heart pumping uphills!
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Post by mimi » Wed Apr 25, 2007 11:42 am

Day 9: Success!! Good eating, 30 minutes at Curves. As Reinhard would say, "No funny stuff!"
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Post by mimi » Thu Apr 26, 2007 11:52 am

Day 10: Success! I'm halfway through the first 21 days! I have decided not to weigh myself until I reach that point. I tend to get caught up in the number on the scale if I do otherwise. I really love No S!
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Post by mimi » Fri Apr 27, 2007 12:04 pm

Day 11: Success!! I'm beginning to see what everyone else has been saying! It really is getting easier!
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Post by mimi » Sat Apr 28, 2007 11:08 am

Day 12: Success! Good eating - I've noticed that my mealtime appetite seems to be diminishing, and I'm really full when finished. That's great! The urge to eat at night is pretty much gone - hallelulah! I walked last evening after supper for 40 minutes - two big heartpounding uphills included in that workout. We've got three birthdays this weekend that we're celebrating on Sunday - fortunately there's only one cake involved! I'm looking forward to enjoying a piece - and a guiltfree piece!
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Post by mimi » Sat Apr 28, 2007 11:43 pm

Day 13: Success! Went to Curves this morning and did the 30 minute workout. Good eating all day. Had a berry sundae at Costco today - but that was the only sweet. Just finished 40 minutes of walking (inlcuding those gruesome uphills) through the neighborhood. I really am noticing, particularly yesterday and today that I am getting full sooner at mealtimes than I used to. But that's a good thing!
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Post by pangelsue » Sun Apr 29, 2007 1:54 pm

Congratulations. You are doing a great job. Keep up the good work. Thanks for posting your good ideas and support on the boards too.
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Post by mimi » Mon Apr 30, 2007 11:58 am

Thanks Pangelsue! I appreciate your kind words and encouragement!
Day 14: Success! Good eating - no funny stuff! Had the birthday cake and a little bit of ice-cream and enjoyed it! I am lloving my life these days because I am living in peace - the eating guilt and turmoil is gone for the first time ever! I can't believe how much øf my life has been consumed with beating myself up over what I ate or what I didn't eat! And to think I got myself into that mess by "going on a diet!" The worst part about it was (compared to now) I wasn't even fat. I have no idea whether or not I have lost any weight - maybe I'll weigh in another week when I have passed the 21 day mark - maybe I won't. The scales and I do not have a very good relationship. If I see a number I don't like, it does weird things in my head. Maybe I'll just keep no-essing for a while longer - another 21 days or so. I can tell by my clothes that something is changing because they fit more comfortably. And that's what matters. Getting out of "food jail" is enough for me...I really think it is!
Husband and I walked for 30 minutes last evening.
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Post by mimi » Tue May 01, 2007 11:38 am

Day 15: Success! Walked 40 minutes last evening. Under way too much pressure at school these days - state SOL testing days are quickly approaching. I pray my students perform well! Hubby asked for cake and ice-cream after dinner, and as I got it out of the fridge I felt a real strong urge to have a piece - this was the worst since I began No-essing. I asked him to cut his own piece and removed myself from the kitchen. Put on my shoes and went walking. Felt much better for doing it and VERY proud to make my big, fat, ol' green X on April 30 last night!! Other than that...no funny stuff!
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Post by paulrone » Tue May 01, 2007 5:27 pm

Good for you! Turning down ice cream will always be a challenge for me. It was my drug of choice for years.
My wife brought home donuts from the store yesterday. That's my other weakness. I noticed the big, flat box on the counter and decided I'd better not even look at it. This morning, I got my big ol' bowl of homemade granola cereal and ate it outside on the deck. I didn't miss the donuts at all.
You inspire me! I always knew I wasn't the only one on this big old ball of dirt that struggled with "normal" eating habits. Thanks for posting. You're doing great!
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Post by mimi » Tue May 01, 2007 6:51 pm

Thanks for the kind words paulone! Ice-cream has always been my all time most favorite food - next to peanut butter, that is! No, you're certainly not alone with food issues, that's for sure. And I know that mine all began with going on a diet. How sad. I've lived in "food turmoil" ever since. No-S has been the first real step towards establishing a healthy relationship with food again that I've taken. I just want to eat like a "normal" person again - and lose some weight in the process. Thanks for the encouragement, paulrone. Keep up your good work too!
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Post by mimi » Wed May 02, 2007 11:33 am

Day 16: Success!! Did 30 minutes at Curves and that was it. Came home and watched other people sweat!! (Amer. Idol/Dancing w/ the Stars) Good eating today. Between meals is certainly getting easier for me. Busy day scheduled today with no time for exercising. Have to hit it hard tomorrow!
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Post by want2bhealthy » Wed May 02, 2007 8:42 pm

mimi you are doing awesome and you are almost at the 21 day mark, way to go. you are inspiring me.
man, i have tried EVERYTHING else, this has to be my last stop.
starting fresh july 1-09
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Post by mimi » Thu May 03, 2007 11:47 am

Thanks want2bhealthy! I really feel inspired! Have you ever heard the saying "Change your thinking - change your life?" I believe that's what I'm doing for the first time in my life by living No-S !

Day 17: Success!! Good eating. No funny stuff - long day. No physical exercise - just mental, and my brain (what there is!) is very tired! This Sunday will be my 21st day, and I think I will weigh on Monday morning to see how I've done. I can already tell by my clothes that something is changing!
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Post by mimi » Fri May 04, 2007 11:43 am

Day 18: SUCCESS!! Good eating - 30 minutes at Curves. Going camping this weekend - yea, I can eat a s'more! Going to weigh in on Monday morning!
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Post by mimi » Fri May 04, 2007 11:57 pm

Day 19: SUCCESS!! Good eating. Walked the 40 minute neighborhood circuit - uphills and all - after dinner this evening. It felt good to get out and get some fresh air!
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Post by mimi » Mon May 07, 2007 11:32 am

Days 20 & 21 (S days): SUCCESS!! Didn't get to go camping due to rain Saturday - had to make my S'more in the microwave! We did go cook out yesterday and ride 4-wheelers. My S'more was much better made over a campfire!
Today being Monday, the end of my first 21 days of No-Essing, I weighed this morning and found myself down 3 pounds!! Woo-Hoo! I'm so excited! This really has been painless, and something I know I can keep up. I'm setting my initial goal to lose 20 pounds. If I continue to lose at a rate of 1 lb. per week, I should meet that goal at the end of the summer. At that point I'll reevaluate to see if I want to lose more...depends on how I look and feel. I want a weight that I can sustain! I don't recall reading anything about maintaining your weight loss. What do you do - add another S day each week???
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Post by paulrone » Mon May 07, 2007 1:27 pm

Way to go, mimi!
You've hit the 21 day mark. That means you've established a new habit of nonobsessive, healthy eating. Pat yourself on the back and take a bow!

You mentioned maintaining your weight later on. I think it's safe to assume that you won't have to worry about that so much. If you keep eating properly, your body will find that perfect balance based on the amount of food you take in every day. Think of it this way: most people who maintain a healthy weight and trim body don't really worry about it. They have learned to listen internally and they know instinctively when they've had enough food. I would guess that by the end of summer you'll be one of these people as well.

Once again, way to go!
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Post by mimi » Tue May 08, 2007 11:35 am

Day 1 (round 2): SUCCESS!! Thanks for the kind encouragement paulrone! I hope you're right! Good eating - 40 minutes of walking after supper. VERY stressfull week beginning Tuesday - state testing begins and follows a two-week window. My students take the reading test on Thursday and Friday (pray, pray, pray!). Thankfully I have something additional to take my mind away from testing! My daughter is expecting her first baby (little girl) in August and I am in the process of planning her baby shower for June 3. This is so much fun - so much better than worrying myself sick (and taking the risk of turning to "comfort" foods) with testing. Thinking pink - so I don't sink!!!!
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Post by mimi » Wed May 09, 2007 1:18 pm

Day 2 (Round 2): SUCCESS!! No exercise - will have to wait until Thursday! Good eating!
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Post by mimi » Thu May 10, 2007 11:55 am

Day 3 (Round 2): Success!! Am holding my own under the stress of testing - and surprisingly it hasn't been that hard! In the not too distant past, I would have caved and eaten out of control! Yea me! Will go to Curves tonight for exercise.
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Post by mimi » Fri May 11, 2007 3:33 pm

Day 4 (Round 2): SUCCESS! Exercised at Curves for 30 minutes. Good eating.
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Post by mimi » Sat May 12, 2007 6:11 pm

Day 5 (Round 2): SUCCESS! Good eating! Walked 40 minutes. My testing is over!! Woo Hoo! Going to a mother-daughter banquet tomorrow night and a Mother's Day cookout at my daughter and son-in-law's on Sunday. My two boys will be there too.
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Post by mimi » Mon May 14, 2007 11:57 am

Days 6 & 7 (Round 2) S-Days! Successful and nice to have especially with Mother's Day in there! Had a wonderful bar-b-que with the kids and their spouses. Didn't go crazy with the eating, not even with the cake! My daughter and her husband know how much I love Costco cakes and had one for me. I ate two pieces - one in the afternoon and one last evening - and boy did they ever taste sweet! They sent the remainder of the cake home with me and I promptly cut it into two family-sized slabs, wrapped them, and stuck them in the freezer. Now we'll have cake when they come to dinner at my house in the upcoming weekends! I am really starting to feel in control of my eating for the first time in a long time.
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Post by paulrone » Mon May 14, 2007 2:24 pm

Good job, mimi. Don't you love the feeling of being in control of something so personal?
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Post by mimi » Tue May 15, 2007 12:08 pm

Day 8 (Round 2): SUCCESS!
You bet, paulrone! I love the feeling of control that NoS gives me, mostly because no one else can do it - no one but me. In the past, I've let myself down so many times - usually daily. I'd begin a new "diet" or "eating plan" each day. It was so frustrating. All the while I was slowly gaining more weight and along the way became obsessed with what I was eating (or not eating) and the scales. No S is truly liberating - I love it!!!
Good eating and 40 minutes of walking.
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Post by mimi » Wed May 16, 2007 2:54 pm

Day 9 (Round 2): SUCCESS! Good eating - even ate dinner out last night- left some spaghetti on my plate and no dessert! Is this me?! No time for exercise, but will make up for it on Thursday!
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Post by mimi » Thu May 17, 2007 11:57 am

Day 10 (Round 2): SUCCESS! I noticed that I was very hungry all day today - stomach growlling loudly way before lunch and dinner! Had some milk before bedtime and that helped me get through.
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Post by mimi » Fri May 18, 2007 11:54 am

Day 11 (Round 2): Success! Good eating, 30 minutes at Curves, 40 minutes walking after dinner. I really do love No S!
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Post by mimi » Sat May 19, 2007 6:58 pm

Day 12 (Round 2): Success! It's Friday, end of testing, and I'm exhausted! Ordered Chinese food for dinner, filled my plate and put the remainder in the refrigerator for tomorrow. No exercise - it rained all day. Good eating today and looking forward to the S days:)
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Post by mimi » Mon May 21, 2007 11:54 am

Days 13 & 14 (Round 2): S Days! Success and enjoyable. Saturday hit Curves in the morning and walked 40 minutes in the evening. Enjoyed one or two esses - good day overall. Sunday was another story! Although I didn't go way overboard with the esses, I definitely had more than I have had up until this point. I told myself it was okay, it was an S day. Hubby and I walked 40 minutes last evening. It's more enjoyable when someone walks with you! The time definitey goes by faster! Today I'm back on track with No S. The real test will come this afternoon at our faculty meeting. They're serving ice-cream, my all time favorite food. I'll have to sit there and slobber while all my colleagues fill their faces with ice-cream. Maybe I'll just sit there and vizualize them growing fatter - that's evil isn't it, but it might help! Think about me! Reminding myself that in another week I'll be at 21 days and will weigh again should be enough to keep me on track.
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Post by paulrone » Mon May 21, 2007 1:32 pm

Ice cream is my drug of choice, too. I think you've got things well in control, though. You should be able to resist. One more week!
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Post by mimi » Tue May 22, 2007 11:48 am

Day 15 (Round 2): SUCCESS! SUCCESS! Yeah, paulrone, I was able to resist! And it wasn't all that hard. I was sitting next to one of our guidance couselors who is severly diabetic. He declared that he wasn't going to have any ice-dream - he was going to be good, as hard as it was. So I told him that I would make it easier by not having any either! We both left the meeting feeling really good about ourselves! Yup! One more week until weigh-in #2. I'm hoping to discover 1 or 2 more pounds gone! No exercise. We're having revival at church this week so I won't be walking or "Curving" until Thursday! I did have good eating though!
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Post by paulrone » Tue May 22, 2007 2:13 pm

Good for you, mimi. I know it makes it easier when you're not the only one in the room resisting temptation.

Revival week, huh? Maybe you won't get any physical exercise, but think how much stronger your spiritual self is going to be after this week.
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Post by mimi » Wed May 23, 2007 12:04 pm

Day 16 (Round 2): SUCCESS! Good eating - no exercise (physical, anyway!) Spiritually stronger paulrone? You bet! My toes are a little sore, though, from getting them "stepped on!" Ouch! But now I have the time to dwell and think on these things rather than my stomach and what goes into it! I also need to remember what Paul (the apostle) said: "I am what I am by the grace of God." I need to be thankful for what I am, including all my imperfections.
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Post by mimi » Thu May 24, 2007 11:46 am

Day 17 (Round 2): Success! Good eating, no exercise - Thursday I'll hit both Curves and the streets and hills of my little ol' home town in the heart of the beautiful Shenandoah Valley!
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Post by mimi » Fri May 25, 2007 12:00 pm

Day 18 (Round 2): Success! Well...I only made it to Curves last night - no walking! Intentions were good, but it just didn't happen. I'll walk this evening. We will most likely go camping this holiday weekend. Sunday will be my 21st day of my second round and normally I would weigh on Monday morning. I'm NOT toting bathroom scales with me, so I'll wait until Tuesday to see the news. I'm hoping for a loss of another pound or two, we'll see! And Reinhard - I'll see you on Mt. Olympus next Friday, Lord willing! I will have completed one full month on habit! Yay!!
Thanks so much to everyone on the board for all of your posts and encouragement! You all have kept me motivated, on habit, and most of all, happy! Love to you all - enjoy your holiday S weekend! See you next week!
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Post by mimi » Sat May 26, 2007 12:22 pm

Day 19 (Round2): Success! Have time for a quick post. Good eating and walked 30 minutes. Was extremely tired last evening for some reason - the ending of a school year is very stressful, I guess. Anyway, came close to snacking several times. Not hungry, just reacting to emotions and being tired. Each time I went into the kitchen and saw my predominantly green calendar on the side of the refrigerator, I couldn't do it! So glad I've been habit tracking on that calendar! Whew! Feel rested this morning and should have a relaxing weekend.
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Post by mimi » Tue May 29, 2007 3:27 pm

Days 20. 21 (Round 2) and Day 1 (Round 3): S Days - successful!
Back from the weekend and weighed in this morning - one more pound gone - yippee!!!!
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Post by mimi » Wed May 30, 2007 1:22 pm

Day 2 (Round 3): Success! Good eating, in spite of a very upsetting evening, and 30 minutes at Curves.I never ate any supper at all - in the past, under similar circumstances, I would have eaten everything not glued down. All I'm going to say is sister-in-laws, who needs them - especially when they're psycho!
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Post by mimi » Fri Jun 01, 2007 7:33 pm

Wed., Thursday - Days 3 & 4 (R.3) - Success! Good eating, but no exercise. Well, I'll amend that - moving classrooms is exercise! I didn't get my computers up and running until today and haven't had time to check in at home - life is hectic, but next Friday we're done (at least until summer school starts!)
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Post by mimi » Sat Jun 02, 2007 12:16 pm

Friday, day 5 (r3): Success! Good eating, still no formal exercise - life is very hectic and will be for at least another week. Added to this already hectic life, I'm having my daughter's baby shower this Sunday afternoon! I'm so excited about this baby (a little girl)! I spent the evening working on centerpieces - busy hands - can't snack!!! Saturday will be spent making the favors, last minute shopping, picking up the cake, etc. At least I'm not having it at my house, so I don't have to clean!!! By next weekend life will settle down and I can get back into an exercising routine walking and working out at Curves. In the meantime, I'm just concentrating on keeping my N days and staying on habit! Sometimes we just have to do what we can do to get us through rough times!!!
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Post by mimi » Mon Jun 04, 2007 1:25 pm

Saturday & Sunday - days 6 & 7 (r3): S days - success! good eating - no exercise except running around with last minute preparations on Saturday and then setting up for the actual shower on Sunday - with the rain pouring down (we were indoors)! But what a wonderful time we had! The outpouring of kindness and generosity from everyone in the way of gifts was overwhelming! This little girl will lack for nothing! And she will be the best dressed little thing around for miles! :) Back to N days today - I have a headache today from stress, I know. I just need to relax. My daughter and I are going to meet at Curves this afternoon and work out - we will both need it!
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Post by mimi » Tue Jun 05, 2007 11:58 am

Monday - day 8 (r3): SUCCESS! Good eating and 30 minutes at Curves.
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Post by mimi » Wed Jun 06, 2007 3:37 pm

Tuesday- day 9 (r3): Success! Good eating, 30 minutes at Curves. I'm making tomorrow an S day - lots of things going on and it will make my life much easier. This is only the second time since I've began that I've taken a special day other than weekends. It's so nice not to have to feel guilty - or that I've blown my diet. I love it!
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Post by mimi » Thu Jun 07, 2007 4:27 pm

Wednesday - day 10 (r3): S day
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Post by mimi » Mon Jun 11, 2007 10:13 am

Thursday - Sunday, Days 11-14 (r3): Successful with eating - not successful with exercising! It's been very busy and I've been exhausted the last few days, but school's out now and I need to get back in the routine of regular exercise! Summer school doesn't start for another week! Get with it Mimi!
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Post by mimi » Tue Jun 12, 2007 12:09 pm

Monday, day 15 (r3): Success with eating - again, not with exercise! Did go with my daughter to pack her classroom - all the lifting and moving that she can't do - I guess that counts as a form of exercise! It wore me out by the end of the day, so it must have burned some calories! We went for 3D ultasound pictures of our little girl after that and it was so awesome! Her husband let me take his place since he went the last time. She's a cutie with little fat cheeks already! Nine more weeks to meet her in person and I can't wait! Birth is such a miracle. I also decided to take some piano lessons this summer and upgrade my playing. My first lesson is tomorrow. The extra practicing will help to keep my hands busy in case they want to reach for food! I'm looking forward to it! I'm going to Curves this afternoon! Atta girl, Mimi!
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Post by mimi » Wed Jun 13, 2007 11:11 am

Tuesday - Success! Good eating - actually had time to make a meatloaf and bake it and it was good! Went to Curves for a workout and then walked for 45 minutes after dinner. Maybe I'm on my way to getting back on track with exercising!
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Post by mimi » Thu Jun 14, 2007 10:17 pm

Wednesday- success with eating and exercising. Curves for 30 minutes and walked for 30 minutes.
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Post by mimi » Fri Jun 15, 2007 12:55 pm

Thursday - Success, although this was a "special" day! I did not act like an idiot, however, and even managed a 30 minute workout at Curves.
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Post by mimi » Mon Jun 18, 2007 9:18 am

Friday - good eating - UR 45 minutes after dinner
Saturday - S day! Good eating. Went to an afternoon wedding. They had two wedding cakes, so I sampled a small piece of each. Curves 30 minutes
Sunday - S day! Went out to eat for Father's Day with all the kids and their families and had a nice time! Was a little nervous because we went to an "all you can eat" buffet. I usually eat far too much dessert, my downfall, but I didn't act like an idiot this time. No S is certainly changing my life.
Walked for 45 minutes.
Monday morning - weigh-in day! Can't believe another 21 days has gone by! Loss: 1.5 pounds! Yay!
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Post by Charis » Mon Jun 18, 2007 2:01 pm

Congratulations on hanging in there for another 21 days and losing weight.

Sounds like you did great at the buffet.

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Post by mimi » Tue Jun 19, 2007 10:42 pm

Thanks Charis! I am pretty happy with myself - for the continued weight loss and the buffet!!
Monday - good eating and 30 minutes at Curves.
Tuesday - good eating - no exercise.
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Post by mimi » Thu Jun 21, 2007 10:58 am

Wednesday - BAD day at summer school! Made me want to come home and EAT! Instead, I knew I had a piano lesson at 4:30 so I practised. After about 45 minutes I had forgotten about eating and the urge passed. Thank goodness! So my eating was good today, but no exercise. On Wednesdays I should get up earlier and get in some exercise before all the madness begins! Good idea Mimi - try it next week!
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Post by overly beige » Fri Jun 22, 2007 7:40 am

what is your exercise goal? Are you trying to exercise daily? I am trying to set a goal for myself, but I want to give it some thought first. I am curious about what other people here are doing or trying to do and how they reached that decision.
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Post by mimi » Fri Jun 22, 2007 1:48 pm

OB - I am trying to do Curves 3 times a week since I am a member and walk 30-45 minutes on the other three (I'm giving myself Sunday off, so it is a REAL S day!!). Some weeks I accompish that and others I don't. Some weeks I can only get to Curves (incentive - it costs me money, so I really make an effort!!) Having some sort of a plan helps me to get it done! Thanks for asking!
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Post by mimi » Fri Jun 22, 2007 2:48 pm

Thursday - good eating, no exercise, lo-o-ong day. Summer school, then my husband and I had to take his aging/ailing mother for a doctor's appontment (it takes both of us to get her there and in to see the doctor), eat, then do her grocery shopping and get things back to her house and put away for her. But, I wouldn't have it any other way.
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Post by mimi » Mon Jun 25, 2007 1:45 pm

Friday - good eating, no exercise
Saturday - Sunday - S days! 40 minutes at Curves on Saturday and 45 minutes of walking on Sunday. Ate too many sweets on Sunday - especially had the munchies on Sunday evening - stress. I think. Will be better on Monday - glad the S days are over!
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Post by mimi » Thu Jun 28, 2007 12:25 am

Monday - good eating all day, but I knew I was going to a baby shower at church that night for my daughter and I ate a piece of cake. I guess that was really a failure, wasn't it? I really didn't consider it a failure, I considered it a part of life - and one of those very special occasions that come up from time to time. I did exercise at Curves Monday afternoon.
Tuesday - good eating - exercised at Curves.
Wednesday - good eating - no exercise except I ran after my two little grandkids all afternoon. I'm whipped this evening!!! They don't sit still for two seconds!
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Post by mimi » Tue Jul 03, 2007 5:43 pm

Whew! Have been a little off track here lately with posting! Thank goodness I have my tracking calender on the refrigerator (can't get the Habitcal to work for me. I suspect that is has something to do with the fact that my computer is a Mac- all of them at school are Macs as well, although I haven't tried there yet) Anyway, back to catching up...
Thursday - took an unofficial S day for an all day business meeting/luncheon
Friday - S day for me, but it was a sick day - and boy, was I sick!
Saturday - S day (sick day, still!)
Sunday - S day - a real S day! I was feeling much better! I decided to weigh on the first of each month from now on because I can't keep track of 21-day rounds anymore and I think my habits are becoming automatic to a degree. Anyway, the scale said that I was down 4 more pounds, making a total of 9.5 since I started in April. I don't have the words to describe how thrilled I am.
Monday - good eating. 45 minutes of walking. Feel pretty much back to normal now!
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Post by mimi » Sat Jul 07, 2007 4:29 pm

Tuesday - Success!
Wednesday - Holiday - S Day! Had a great day!
Thursday - Success!
Friday - Success! 30 minutes at Curves
Saturday - S Day! 30 minutes at Curves
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Post by mimi » Mon Jul 09, 2007 10:13 pm

Sunday - S Day!
Monday - good eating, 30 minutes at Curves, 40 minutes walking
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Post by mimi » Wed Jul 11, 2007 1:15 am

Tuesday - success! 40 minutes walking
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Post by mimi » Wed Jul 11, 2007 9:45 pm

Wednesday, 7/11 - Success! No exercise! My daughter took me and three other friends out to lunch today after her doctors appointment. Had a wonderful time at Panera's. The doctor told her the baby measures larger than she should be at this time and even though they didn't change her due date, by her measures she could be born two weeks earlier! This would be wonderful except I will be away on vacation then! We leave for the West Coast on the 20th and will not return until the 31st. Maybe I need to stay home! There is no way I'm going to miss this baby's birth!
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Post by mimi » Fri Jul 13, 2007 12:41 am

Thursday, 7/12 - Success! No exercise though.
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Post by mimi » Mon Jul 16, 2007 10:49 am

Friday, 7/13 - Success and last day of summer school! Yay! 35 minutes of walking
Saturday, 7/14 - S Day! 30 minutes at Curves
Sunday, 7/15 - S day!
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Post by mimi » Fri Jul 20, 2007 2:23 am

Monday, 7/16 - Success, 30 minutes at Curves
Tuesday, 7 /17 - Failure, 30 minutes Curves, 30 minutes of walking
Wednesday, 718 - Success, 30 minutes at Curves
Thurday, 7/19 - Success, no exercise
I won't be posting for awhile because we will be away on vacation. We fly out tomorrow to Seattle to see some of the sights, National Parks, etc. in Washington, Oregon, and California. We plan to do lots of hiking and drive down the scenic coast of California. We'll end up in San Francisco. I'm excited! The only thing I'm worried about is that my daughter will go into labor while I'm gone. Her due date is not until August 11, but the baby is measuring two weeks larger. Keep your fingers crossed ya'll. I will be one VERY upset grandma if I miss this birth!
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Post by mimi » Wed Aug 08, 2007 3:20 pm

After 3 weeks of not following No S, I made up my mind that vacation is OVER and today is the day to begin again. So far, so good! I went to Curves first thing this morning for a 30 minute workout. I think getting back on the message board and checking in sort of seals the deal for me, we'll see!
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Post by mimi » Sat Sep 08, 2007 10:28 am

Sigh...one month later and almost all my weight lost has been gained back. I did not get back on track with NoS, obviously, as I had hoped following our vacation. There has been just too much "other stuff" going on. Two beautiful little grandchildren came into my life in the past month and I spent a week staying with each - my daughter and my son - helping out. That part of my life is wonderful. But, I am so disgusted with myself and my lack of control with eating and snacking. Anyway, I need to get positive about all of this. I made a decision yesterday to get back on track. I wrote NoS in giant letters on my kitchen calendar and on an index card which I carried with me. I had a very successful day - up until late evening. I did eat one Kashi cookie with a cup of coffee - but stopped at that. I told myself that easing back into NoS was better than not getting back at all.
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Post by mimi » Tue Sep 11, 2007 11:54 am

Saturday - RED - idiotic S day
Sunday - S day - good choices
Monday - RED I'm floundering. What a mess my "eating" life has become - the more I try to concentrate on it, the worse it becomes.
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Post by mimi » Thu Sep 13, 2007 1:46 pm

Okay...I have to keep this honest here...I've had slip-ups every day this week, usually in the evenings, so they're red. Tonight I'm going either to Curves or out walking to help prevent this from happening again.
Tues. - RED
Wed. - RED
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Post by mimi » Fri Sep 14, 2007 12:04 pm

Thursday - GREEN!!! SUCCESS FINALLY!!! Thank you, Lord, for helping me. I can't do it alone. Went to Curves and exercised for 30 minutes. One day at a time.
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Post by mimi » Sat Sep 15, 2007 12:37 pm

Friday - SUCCESS again! It's so encouraging to see those green X's on my refrigerator calendar again!
Last edited by mimi on Mon Sep 17, 2007 2:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by mimi » Mon Sep 17, 2007 2:21 pm

Saturday - Sunday - S Days - Saturday was good and I was only a little bit of an idiot on Suday. I did walk for 45 minutes on Sunday also.
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Post by mimi » Thu Dec 06, 2007 6:02 pm

12/6/07 - I'm going to slip back into the boards very quietly without any announcements...I am mostlly ashamed of myself for getting so out of control... I have not been paying attention to what I eat (although I have continued to exercise!) and have been eating very badly in the evenings. I have gained back every ounce of the weight I lost over the course of last spring and summer, plus 2 pounds...sigh!
Last Saturday I decided that I was going to give NoS yet another try. And I started on an S day! It is the ONLY way of eating (living) that has worked for me in terms of losing weight, and I know it's healthy. And somewhere in the back of my mind I remember hearing Reinhard say that it takes most people more than one go at it before they truly experience success. As discouraged as I feel, that is encouraging. I know I am much too hard on myself - I always have been - I don't expect perfection from others, but I want perfection from myself...why is that? Big sigh!
Anyway, I have been having SUCCESS days all week - the evenings, though, have been very difficult. I am marking big green x's on my calendar - that is something that is very motivating to me. (I haven't been able to get the Habical to work for me no matter what I try.) Maybe it's because I use Mac's. Anyway, I'm encouraged, and taking one day at a time - that's all - one day at a time.
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Post by mimi » Fri Dec 07, 2007 2:49 pm

12/7/07 - One more day under my belt (bad choice of chichés!), but that's what I'm doing...getting through one day at a time. The evenings are difficult because I had grown accustomed to eating throughout the evening. Now I am trying to undo the bad habit and it's hard. Two more weeks and I will have reached the 21 day mark and I know it will have become easier by then - but I'm getting ahead and I promised myself I would just look at one day at a time. I exercised last evening and stuck to 3 plates through the day. Another green X on the calendar - very motivating!
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Post by mimi » Mon Dec 10, 2007 12:48 pm

12/10/07 - Friday was successful and Saturday and Sunday S days were good. I really didn't have any special treats except for a taste of some cranberry almond bark that I made last night for a "potluck" church Christmas dinner tonight - now there I may have a problem. I could make today an S day and make it easy on myself, or I can eat a salad before going and then stay away from the goodies table. Regardless of which way I decide, I know that I need to have a plan in place before I get there.
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Post by mimi » Tue Dec 11, 2007 1:17 pm

12/11/07 - decided to go with S day last night - not the total day, just for the Christmas dinner - and that was the best decision. I was also busy helping my daughter with our little baby and that helped to keep me from perusing the dessert table. I feel like I ate more that comfortably full, even though it was only one plate. That's okay - back to N day today! I will try to make it to Curves tonight for a 30 minute workout.
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Post by mimi » Wed Dec 12, 2007 2:57 pm

12/12/07 - had a "green" day - no exercise, though - won't get to until Thursday evening.
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Post by mimi » Thu Dec 13, 2007 1:04 pm

Wednesday - Success! Spent the evening with daughter and little granddaughter - she's such a cutie! Our husbands were out, so it was just a girl's night! What fun! No exercise, but great fun!
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Post by Jammin' Jan » Thu Dec 13, 2007 11:14 pm

I like your signature phrase. It's an important thing to remember.

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Post by mimi » Mon Dec 17, 2007 4:16 pm

Yes, it is Jan - I tell my students this all the time! And for adults - it's never too late to go after your dreams! I had a succcessful Friday - took a personal day to finish some Christmas shopping, get a Christmas tree and spend time with hubby. We took our little grandson with us and he ended up spending the weekend. His new hero is Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer - I think he watched the DVD at least 5 times over the course of the weekend!
Saturday - S Day!
Sunday - S Day!
Will try to work on exercise this week - didn't do very well in that department last week - too hectic!
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Post by mimi » Tue Dec 18, 2007 3:41 pm

Monday - Success! I also found the time to do a 30 minute workout at Curves and half of my Christmas cards. All in all I had a very successful day! Here's a very cute little holiday website (and it uses my most favorite Christmas song) - take a look at it if you get a chance!

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Post by mimi » Wed Dec 19, 2007 2:37 pm

Tuesday - Successful NoS day! The boards have really been encouraging for me this week. No exercise - had candlelight service at church this evening. Tomorrow will be a sticky day for me - Teachers' Book Club breakfast in the morning before school and a reception with our new superintendent after school. I can handle the breakfast because there is always real food along with the donuts and coffee cakes. The reception, I don't know. I think I'll make it my evening meal and then go shopping afterwards! I'll drink milk before going to bed if I find I'm really hungry. I've discovered that if I strategize ahead of time and formulate a plan, then I will be all right. I so much want NoS to be my permanent way of life from now on - just like KCCC, Rose, Deb, Reinhard and others. Compulsive eating is such a wicked backlash of dieting, and NoS is the only way for me to put it to rest and free myself from the "food" obsession. My life feels so peaceful - even now, in the midst of all the holiday commotion! Thanks, Reinhard, for such a simple, yet powerful plan!
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Post by mimi » Thu Dec 20, 2007 4:01 pm

Wednesday - Yay! SUCCESS! My plan for the day's special events worked and I was able to keep on track! I ate sensibly at the breakfast, bought a school lunch, and ate veggies, cheese and crackers, and chicken salad on croissants at the reception. I went shopping afterwards and had no trouble with hunger when I got home. I am very, very, pleased with myself!
Now today I am struggling! I am hosting a Writer's Café for my students all day - they are bringing the goodies. Of course they want me to try some. So far, I took some fudge, cookies, etc. and wrapped them up and told them I'd try them later. I really need to get the stuff off my desk! There are cookies and other goodies in every teacher's lounge in the building. Whew! I'll be glad when the holidays are over - and all these sweets disappear! I'll get through the day thinking of KCCC and everyone else who has been successful with NoS - I can do it too! I know if I eat just one peanut butter ball I will go down the "slippery slope" - so I'll leave it alone!
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Post by mimi » Fri Dec 21, 2007 2:43 pm

Thursday - made it through the day with no slip ups! I took the goodies the kids brought, told them how wonderful they looked, wrapped 'em up and took 'em home! And then into the freezer they went.
Best news is I weighed this morning - my 21st day - and discovered I have lost 5 pounds. I'm so happy! I can face the holidays now with renewed strength! My daughter and I will spend the afternoon today baking and it will be easier now knowing that I want the weight loss to continue. I won't be as tempted to "taste" as we bake!
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Post by mimi » Thu Dec 27, 2007 8:24 pm

Friday - Success - even with all the baking!
Saturday - S Day - continued baking - we didn't finish yesterday! We plan to give most of it away to family and neighbors - good thing!
Sunday - S Day
Monday - S Day (Christmas Eve)
Tuesday - S Day (Christmas Day)
Wednesday - RED - continued to eat fudge last night
Thursday - Success! Included 30 minutes of exercise too!
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Post by mimi » Tue Jan 08, 2008 3:15 pm

Have had daily successes since the new year began - it was good to get back into the routine of NoS after all the holidays. My computer at home has died, so it is more difficult for me to post. I am in the process of getting a new computer, but it might be a while! I'm still at it!!
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Post by mimi » Tue Feb 26, 2008 4:47 pm

Have had three green success days so far after many, many red days. No working computer at home has been the ruination for me in terms of NoS. I miss reading everyone's posts and updates. One breakdown in the system leads straight into another one, it seems for me. I haven't been tracking my NoS habits on my calendar either-at least until a few days ago. I have done NoS enough to know it works - if you work with it. I am my own worst enemy when it comes to food and eating habits. I will make every attempt to get to school early enough to check in on my computer there to help keep myself accountable. Until then, one day at a time.
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Post by mimi » Wed Feb 27, 2008 3:30 pm

Tuesday - GREEN!!!!!!!!!!!! Yippee-e-e-e!!
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Post by mimi » Thu Feb 28, 2008 1:41 pm

Wednesday - one more GREEN day under my belt! I feel so much better!!!!
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Post by mimi » Fri Feb 29, 2008 3:23 pm

Thursday - Green success! Drank a 25 calorie hot chocolate to get me through the "munchie" temptation last night. I read that helpful tip on the board this week. Very helpful for me - it worked and got me through the night!
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Post by mimi » Mon Mar 03, 2008 1:39 pm

Friday - SUCCESS!
Saturday and Sunday - S Days! I had a little bit of temptation to eat more that my share on Sunday - but my conscience stepped in and stopped me! I know it was due to stress. In the past week my husband's brother was hospitalized with a total body staff infection. Yesterday, we found out that they think he had several strokes as well. He can't talk and can't move his legs after bringing him out of sedation. It's bad. All the more reason to eat well, exercise, and take care of my body and my "numbers."
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Remember that good enough is... good enough.
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