How to enjoy S days?

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How to enjoy S days?

Post by xJocelynx87 » Thu Aug 16, 2007 11:59 pm

Hello everyone---
I'm Jocelyn, I'm a soon-to-be 20 year old that has always been slightly overweight except for a brief bout of anorexia last year. I'm now recovered, slightly overweight due to binging, and trying to establish new healthy habits. This is my first week on the S-Diet, and I think the concept is amazingly simple. My problem? I am so used to dieting, that I'm not sure how much I'll 'let myself go' on S-days. I know that eating whatever you want on S days makes it easier to stick to the plan on N days, but I guess I'm just scared. Any and all input is welcome. Nice to meet everyone!

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Post by katie1980 » Fri Aug 17, 2007 12:33 am

Hi there!
I've now been doing this a whole week, and I just found it was nice last weekend not to have to think too hard about what I put in my mouth. This week has been a little hard, because I've "zoned out" a couple of times, but each time I managed to stop the rot just in time! I've had successes each day.
One thing that a lot of people here seem to do, is plan a specific treat for each S day - either a cake/ pastry, icecream, chocolate, whatever. Then they have something really great to look forward to and they can really savour it. Maybe that would be a good idea for you?
I'm just trying not to think too hard on S days, for the minute, and see how it goes. N days, I try to concentrate so I don't slip up, because it's so easy to "come to" once you've broken the rules!
Good luck with No S :)

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Post by Hunter Gatherer » Fri Aug 17, 2007 12:58 pm

Yes, planning a treat is a good idea. Make it a good one- Godiva Ice Cream or an expensive pastry, although "good" is subjective here.... nostalgia is tasty too- get something completely chem-tacular like those coconut covered snowballs, something that makes your body cry out "stop trying to preserve meeeee!", or some kid-candy, or maybe that strawberry milk they sell.

Even if you do go a little crazy, that's okay. You will KNOW you went a little crazy (believe me your body will tell you if you don't notice on your own) and that is a valuable lesson. People grow to love N-days, and greet them with relief when the S-days are over through those kinds of experiences.

Remember- you can only do so much damage in two days, especially if you are being aware of your actions. You CANNOT fail on an S-day by eating (even if you eat a little bit crazily). You can only fail by NOT giving yourself some leeway and building up resentment that will come back and cause you to fail during an N-day.

Hope that helps!
"You've been reading about arctic explorers," I accused him. "If a man's starving he'll eat anything, but when he's just ordinarily hungry he doesn't want to clutter up his stomach with a lot of candy."
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Post by reinhard » Fri Aug 17, 2007 1:42 pm

Welcome, Jocelyn!

1. actively treat yourself to something nice on S-days
2. otherwise basically stick to meals
3. don't sweat it if you don't quite manage to pull off #2, especially in the beginning.

N-days are the important thing. Focus on that. The only thing you should be concerned about on S-days is to enjoy them. Big picture that enjoyment will keep them more moderate (because your appetite will feel appreciated and not resentful) and give you the strength to slog through N-days -- and hey, it's enjoyment.

Be very, very careful given your trouble with anorexia. Remember, no more than 3 meals a day, but no less. No compensating for excesses one day with deprivations the next. I would certainly discuss this with your doctor before proceeding.

Best wishes,


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Post by xJocelynx87 » Fri Aug 17, 2007 3:05 pm

Thanks for the replies everyone! It sounds to me like S-Days are more about planning and enjoying something you really want, as opposed to just eating whatever is available.

Reinhard - No need for concern, I am completely recovered. The condition was caused by depression and stress, and lasted a very short amount of time. However, it caused me to swing in the complete opposite direction of OVEREATING, so no worries about me not getting my 3 meals per day. I love food and look forward to them. :D

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Post by wosnes » Sat Aug 18, 2007 11:30 am

It sounds to me like S-Days are more about planning and enjoying something you really want, as opposed to just eating whatever is available.
I think initially S days are more just eating whatever is available without too much thought and then become more about planning and enjoying something you really want, or just realizing that you don't have to be as careful. You can be a little more spontaneous about your food choices.
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