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Post by Brandon » Thu Aug 16, 2007 2:57 pm

So, I've always enjoyed breakfast (though I skipped it for years), but since NoS, it's become my favorite meal. I have about 4 different breakfasts that I rotate through, depending on what I feel like that day or what my son asks for in the morning. I love eating breakfast with my 4.5 yo every morning, and he eats his biggest meal at breakfast, not through any prompting on our part, just naturally.

So, I'm interested in what others eat for breakfast as well, particularly if you think it's a bit odd (one of mine is).

Here are my standards:

Cereal w/ Fruit
Kashi GoLean (high fiber and soy protein, low sugar only from unrefined sources) with organic 2% milk. I like to cut up fruit and put it in this (peaches (local GA) are the best, bananas or strawberries will do), but if I don't cut something up, I usually have a piece of fruit on the side. I don't skimp on cereal portions. I probably have ~1.5 cups in a big bowl.

Peanut butter sandwich with fruit
All natural PB (nothing but peanuts and salt) usually with ~2 tbsp honey on 100% whole wheat bread. I usually have a piece or two of fruit (apple, pear, peach, pluot, banana, cherries). I sometimes have a homemade fruit and yogurt smoothie in place of fruit, or in place of one piece of fruit.

Grits w/ fish
Quick (not instant) grits cooked with a little garlic powder (usually cooked on the weekend and reheated in the microwave to save time) mixed with canned salmon or tuna. This morning I had the tuna with cheddar and Sriarcha hot sauce (VERY YUMMY!). I have a large serving of this (~1.5 cups altogether) which usually includes 3-6oz of the fish. Sometimes I'll have a small piece of fruit too, though I'm usually too full. My cats love these days as they always get a few nibbles of the fish. They come running when they smell it.

Veggie sausage with fruit
Morningstar farms veggie link sausage (4-5 links) and usually 2 fruits with this one. I'll usually drink milk on these days as well, or maybe have a homemade fruit smoothie to go with it.

Very occaisionally, I'll have a fried egg (cage free) sandwich (over easy with cheese and real mayonaise on 100%WW bread) with fruit, but this usually takes too long for weekday mornings.

So, what do other folks have for breakfast?

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Post by Sinnie » Fri Aug 17, 2007 8:51 am

Oh they all sound so good - you've inspired me! Let's see, I usually do something of the following, although I do tend to change it up often.

1) Toast (any kind of bread, with butter), eggs (1 or 2, fried in maybe a tbsp of olive oil) and fruit (1 piece), sometimes with a glass of skim milk

2) Oatmeal - a big bowl, made with milk, and a big glob of natural peanut butter mixed in

3) A homemade muffin (bran, blueberry, apple etc) with coffee...sooo good. Usually pair it with some butter and cream in the coffee.

4) French toast (my version is a couple slices of bread dipped in egg, cooked in butter, sprinkled with cinnamon and drizzled with natural maple syrup)

Those are pretty standard. Now I can't wait until breakfast and I can't sleep, it's only 4:55am here!

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Post by wosnes » Fri Aug 17, 2007 9:56 am

They all sound good and I'm NOT a breakfast person -- unless I'm away from home.

My usual is either toast with fresh fruit, oatmeal with fresh fruit or a smoothie instead of the fresh fruit. Occasionally eggs and toast.
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Post by Hunter Gatherer » Fri Aug 17, 2007 12:45 pm

You are making me jealous of your virtuous breakfast!

Smoothie and toast with peanutbutter or jam or clotted cream or butter

Fruit and leftovers (anything from a sandwich made from hummus and turkey cutlet to pizza rolls left sitting out all night)


Oatmeal with applesauce as part of the moistening agent

Nuts and fruit and toast

Probably some other stuff I've forgotten....
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Post by reinhard » Fri Aug 17, 2007 1:34 pm

I'm not quite sure why, but breakfast seems to be the meal that gives people the most headaches.

Here are some previous discussions with breakfast ideas:

Breakfast in general:

Breakfast protein:

And here's one on Intelligent Dietary Defaults (with the usual, appropriately disproportionate focus on breakfast):

My breakfast defaults are essentially the same, still:
I most often have a piece of toasted mestemacher black bread with cheese. French Raclette is very nice. Also good with it are cashews and a little bit of something green.

Another common one for me is cereal, whole milk, and a lot of fresh fruit cut in.

With a little bit of spin, dinner leftovers (which you should have more of now that you're doing no seconds) can make good breakfasts too.

My breakfasts aren't huge, but I never skip them.
A well stocked fresh "fruit shrine" conspicuously in view. Buy fruit in season and it tends to be both cheaper and better. Squeeze your own citrus juice into fancy wine glass to make the paltry amount that comes out seem like something special. Unrefrigerated tastes much better.
The only 'update' I have is that I tend to cut my granola (a little too sweet) with at least 50% sugarless 'Ezekial 4:9' (essentially grapenuts with Divine Mandate). Plus fresh fruit of course. The key to keeping the proportions right without resorting to measuring is to pour the sugarless stuff (and fruit) first. Whatever you pour first you'll pour more of, since you're hungry and it doesn't look like much. Then when you pour the sweet stuff on top, it looks like a big pile already, and you'll think "woah, better stop."


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Post by rose » Fri Aug 17, 2007 1:37 pm

My breakfast is usually pretty unimaginative... I like routine in the morning, it sets the mood for the day. I usually have plain yogurt, fruit, herbal tea and bread. No added sugar nor sweeteners.
My other meals are less "virtuous" (I do eat butter and cream, and sweetened yogurt, and the one cup of hot chocolate). But I find having a set breakfast menu really helps assert my intentions for the day.

(BTW I gave up having cookies for breakfast on S days... it sets the wrong mood for the day and I end up grazing on sweets all day long. I can maintain with that, but right now I want to lose weight. So I am back to the planned afternoon treat on S days.)

Before noS, my breakfasts were a lot less nutritious and a lot more greasy. Think forgetting to eat and buying a chocolate croissant or three on the way to work...

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Post by Brandon » Fri Aug 17, 2007 2:22 pm

Thanks for pointing out those old threads Reinhard. Someone mentioned whole grain toast with hummus and tomato, and that sounds fantastic. I love hummus, but my wife doesn't like it, so it never makes it into a dinner. It used to be one of the things I'd snack on after dinner, but now that I'm NoSing, I haven't had it in a while. That sounds like a great idea to be added into my list of standards. Someone else mentioned quiche, which also sounded great. That just takes a little weekend preparation I guess.

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Post by kccc » Mon Aug 20, 2007 7:44 pm

Current fave - Kashi Go Lean with fruit or juice, sometimes a small scoop of trail mix thrown on top if I'm out of fresh fruit.

Other regulars:
- WW toast w/PB and a drizzle of honey, fruit
- Scrambled egg sandwich (childhood comfort food)
- Muesli (Real oatmeal with milk, maybe raisins, cinnamon or vanilla, put in fridge the night before. By morning the oatmeal is soft. Can be eaten cold or heated, other fruit can be added in the morning.)
- Multigrain bagel with melted cheese on top. Or cream cheese. And... fruit!

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Post by Brandon » Mon Aug 20, 2007 7:57 pm

KCCC wrote:Current fave - Kashi Go Lean with fruit or juice, sometimes a small scoop of trail mix thrown on top if I'm out of fresh fruit.
It really is a good cereal, isn't it?
KCCC wrote:- Muesli (Real oatmeal with milk, maybe raisins, cinnamon or vanilla, put in fridge the night before. By morning the oatmeal is soft. Can be eaten cold or heated, other fruit can be added in the morning.)
That sounds pretty good. I'll have to try that some time. When you say real oatmeal, I suppose you mean old fashioned non-instant stuff?

Yours overall sound pretty similar to mine. Yum. :)

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Post by NoelFigart » Tue Aug 21, 2007 1:16 am


REAL Oatmeal with dried fruit and nuts and some half-n-half is a favorite breakfast. I don't mean that instant crap that tastes like wallpaper paste. I mean real, rough-cut rolled oats. Much different and a far better flavor.

Quinoa with salt and butter is another fave, but I don't have it as often, as it takes longer to make.

Sometimes I'll boil up some eggs the night before and have eggs, toast and fruit.

If I'm really lazy and have leftovers from making lunches, onigiri. (Molded rice balls with something tangy and savory in the middle). Don't laugh. It's a good breakfast!

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Post by florafloraflora » Tue Aug 21, 2007 3:20 am

My breakfast staples, in rough order of popularity:

hardboiled eggs and/or
yogurt with a bit of honey and/or
a smoothie of strawberry yogurt, blueberries, and a bit of protein powder and/or
Kashi Go Lean topped with a bit of pecan granola and milk and/or
hot oatmeal topped with peanut butter and/or raisins and/or nuts and/or
toast with butter or spreadable cheese on it and/or
soysage and/or
cheese grits (a special indulgence I don't give in to very often).

Usually I pick one or two items from this list and then add some fruit. There is almost always fruit, whatever's in season. Right now it's peaches and pears. In cold weather I usually have some kind of tea as well.
Last edited by florafloraflora on Tue Aug 21, 2007 2:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Blondie » Tue Aug 21, 2007 2:10 pm

Mmmm, that hummus and tomato on whole grain toast post was me, back in the day. I gotta do that more often (for lunch, too). These days I'm oatmeal with a banana or peach or berries.

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Post by xJocelynx87 » Tue Aug 21, 2007 4:23 pm

My breakfasts often depend on whether I'm at college or home for vacation, anywyay here they are.

Scrambled eggs w/cheese on whole grain english muffin
Oatmeal with peanut butter mixed in and a liiiiittle bit of sugar on top
Kashi go lean crunch w/skim milk and a sliced banana
Clif Bar & a banana (on the go)
Whole grain english muffin spread with peanut butter & glass of skim milk
Vanilla yogurt & a banana

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Post by tangotime » Fri Aug 24, 2007 2:05 pm

I like:

-1/2 a large sesame bagel with peanut butter and an orange.
-Cereal with milk and fruit
-Eggs really fill me up!

I also have a bread machine and there is nothing like waking up to the smell of freshly baked bread. I have one slice with butter and either yogurt or fruit (or a little of both)
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Post by Brandon » Fri Aug 24, 2007 7:43 pm

Blondie wrote:Mmmm, that hummus and tomato on whole grain toast post was me, back in the day. I gotta do that more often (for lunch, too). These days I'm oatmeal with a banana or peach or berries.
I've done the hummus and toast twice this week Blondie. Thanks for the great idea. No tomoato though (none on hand); one day was sliced cucumber with it and the other was a pluot to go with it.

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Post by senanbar » Tue Aug 28, 2007 2:18 pm

I have a smoothie every morning made of yogurt, frozen berries, protein powder, probiotic powder, and a little bit of vanilla extract. Tastes great, filling and I always know what I am having.

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Post by Who Me? » Mon May 09, 2011 5:52 pm

This all sounds very tasty!

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Post by SkyKitty » Wed May 11, 2011 5:50 am

2 slices toast with butter and jam for me and a yogurt. If I'm not working I have a grapefruit too but if I am then I don't have time. But even though I have the same thing most mornings, I still enjoy it every day. Bit of variety doesn't hurt though, have 2 sausages in the fridge so it's a sausage sarnie tomorrow, looking forward to it already.
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Post by Hoeka » Wed May 11, 2011 7:30 am

I don't like "breakfast foods". I sometimes have soup for breakfast, just so I could say that I've had that "most important meal of the day".

Generally, breakfast is something on toast. Today it was a omelette with feta & garlic chives, and a naartjie. (Citrus fruit is one of the few things I like about winter.)

Brandon, the quiche idea sounds good - my current favourite quiche is a courgette mint & feta one, which is seriously delicious.

Should start making smooothies again.
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Post by Too solid flesh » Wed May 11, 2011 1:39 pm

Hoeka wrote:my current favourite quiche is a courgette mint & feta one.
It sounds delicious. I found a recipe online ... nt-quiche/

but please could somebody provide illumination as to how a "round of feta" translates into weight in grammes or ounces? Thank you very much.
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Post by Hoeka » Wed May 11, 2011 2:06 pm

Too Solid, that's the recipe I used!

Not sure how much an actual round weighs, but the tub I have is 500 g net, 200 g drained; there are 3 rounds in a tub - so about 65 g each. (You may have to convert.)

Just a warning: I used probably 400 g courgettes, and even so, it was quite substantial. Perhaps grate 4-5, mix with the other ingredients and only then add more if necessary. The last time I made it, I also increased the mint. I'm no good at sticking to recipes - I twiddle & tweak. This is quite a forgiving dish, which suits my cooking style.
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Post by Who Me? » Wed May 11, 2011 2:24 pm


I just looked this up, and it's a South African citrus, loose skinned and small like a mandarin orange. We planted a mandarine tree last year, and have a small crop at the moment. I'm looking forward to when this little tree matures.

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Post by Thalia » Wed May 11, 2011 3:58 pm

My weekday breakfasts are very unimaginative, because I don't like to get up earlier than I absolutely need to!
  • Some kind of self-righteous hippie cereal with bogus health claims on the box (currently it's Flax Plus, sometimes it's Heritage Bites), fresh fruit, and 2% milk. Small glass of o.j.
On weekends my husband makes yummy breakfasts.
  • French toast
    Buttermilk pancakes
    Oatmeal with fresh fruit or raisins
    Scrambled eggs with feta cheese, toast on the side

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Post by Too solid flesh » Wed May 11, 2011 9:06 pm

Thank you very much for the recipe clarifications, Hoeka. That is really helpful.
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Post by oolala53 » Wed May 11, 2011 10:48 pm

When I lived in Iran, my Iranian boyfriend gave me the impression that people didn't eat until later in the morning, but typical fare was fresh baked flatbread from a local bakery, feta cheese, tomato slices, and cucumber. And always hot tea. The hummus breakfast reminded me of this.

I have either
2/3 Trader Joe's high fiber cereal mixed with 1/3 Fiber One, protein powder and milk. maybe fruit.
some kind of dense or high fiber bread with cottage cheese and jam or cottage cheese and Trader Joe's bruschetta
slow-cooked oatmeal or oat groats with yeast powder, Parmesan, and cottage cheese or egg whites
eggs and veggies, usually greens

I add flax meal, walnuts, olives, avocado, nut butter or oil as desired, depending on the meal
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Post by Strawberry Roan » Fri May 13, 2011 8:12 pm

If I take breakfast to work, it might be a boiled egg, a cheese stick and a piece of fruit like an orange or something - or flavored yogurt with a handful of Kashi Go Lean cereal or a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on toasted bread or a bagel (raisin cinnamon or blueberry) All with hot lemon water or green tea.

At home if I am making the hubby a "big" breakfast, I might eat a couple of pancakes with sugar free syrup or natural jam on it, or scrambled eggs and whole wheat toast or an omelet with red/green/yellow pepper strips and onions that have been sauteed first and caramelized. Topped with cheese and salsa of course. Or rough cut oatmeal with flaxseed, raisins and cinnamon.

Any of the above have also served as lunch and/or supper as I often don't eat breakfast at all - shhh, don't tell the breakfast police. :D

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Post by hecarte » Tue May 17, 2011 5:35 pm

I thought I was being really healthy by having Weetabix for breakfast with a chopped banana. But then I read on a different thread about the sugar content in cereal so I had a look on the box. Sugar is the second ingredient on the list!!!!!!

I eat porridge every day in the winter with brown sugar and raisins, maybe a little bit of cinnamon too. I have to eat a fairly low fibre diet so I prefer oats for breakfast rather than wheat based cereals.

I made my own granola once so I think I'm going to start doing that again. I also like cinnamon and raisin bagel with butter or toast. I sometimes have yoghurt, always have black coffee.

On a weekend I like pancakes with blueberries and maple syrup or croissants/pain au chocolat.

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Post by Who Me? » Thu May 19, 2011 2:29 pm

I think wheatabix is pretty low sugar. How many ingredients are there? ... _facts.htm

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Post by hecarte » Fri May 20, 2011 12:28 pm

Just had a look on the website and it says there is 4.4g per 100g of 'sugars' in the Asda ownbrand 'wheat bisks'. I don't know if that means actual sugar? The labels can be really misleading.

I have been enjoying a zero fat yoghurt and a cinnamon bagel for breakfast recently. I have the yoghurt really early, walk a couple of miles with the dogs, then have my bagel :-)

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Post by Over43 » Fri May 20, 2011 12:47 pm

Whe I was in Turkey breakfast was a flat bread, tomatoes, cucmbers cheese and melon. I kond of miss that.
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